Item D07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 19, 2006 Division: Employee Services Division Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Safety Staff Contact Person: Priscilla London AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of changes and additions to the Monroe County Safety Policies and Procedures Manual. ITEM BACKGROUND: The safety policies are a means to reduce or eliminate unsafe conditions or practices where losses may occur and provide a safe and healthy environment for county employees. The manual is updated from time to time to reflect applicable safety issues. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The Monroe County BaCC adopted the original Monroe County Safety Policies and Procedures (MCSPP) in 1991 with revisions in 1998. In addition to county functions and agencies directly under the purview of the Board, other county agencies using Monroe County Workers Comp are invited to participate in this program. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/ A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: o BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No --.X. AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty nJa DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Risk Management Teresa Aguiar, Employee Services Division DOCUMENT A TION: Included Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM Revised 2/05 The following items in the Monroe County Safety Policies and Procedures will be added, changed or removed. Additions will be represented with underlines and deletions will be represented with strikethroughs. A background of analysis of why the Safety Office recommends the change is provided prior to each item's change. Item # 1 Item # 2 Item # 3 Item # 4 Item # 5 Item # 6 Item # 7 Item # 8 Back Belt Cell Phones Driving Privileges and Child Restraint Seats Candles in the Workplace ,Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) First Aid Training Mandatory Safety Meetings Respirator Program Response of Public Employees in Disasters I tern # 1 - Back Belt: BACKGROUND: The Center for Disease Control and NIOSH (testing laboratory for OSHA) have found no proof that back belts prevent accidents and can neither recommend or deny their functionality. Therefore, the Safety Accident Review Board has rescinded their previous requirement that all employees are required to wear back belts and have made it voluntary for use. The followings changes should be made to the Safety Policies and Procedures. Section 3-11 JOB SAFETY TRAINING Q. Manual Lifting Training 5. The Safety Accident Review Board has recommended that all County employees that lift heavy objects regularly mav voluntarilv ffH:lSt..wear back support (back belt). Section 12.4 BACK INJURY PREVENTION A. Proper Lifting Procedures Lifting the wrong way is a major cause of back injury. So, when you lift, keep your back straight, and let your legs do the work. It has been determined by the Safety IAccident Review Board that County employees that lift heavy objects mav voluntarilv ffHol:St wear back support (back belts) B. Back Support and Comfort 1. 'Near back support (back belt) if lifting heavy objects. Item # 2 Cell Phones Background: Since cellular phone use is a distraction when driving a motor vehicle and Monroe County considers it a part of doing business to provide cellular phones to its employees, rules must be in place to prevent accidents caused by cellular phone use while driving a motor vehicle. Section 12.23 USE OF CELLULAR PHONES A. Drive and Talk Safelv Manv of us use car or cellular phones to stav in touch and feel more secure. However, research shows that talkinQ on a phone while drivinQ Quadruples the risk of an accident. Drivers sometimes suspend their Qood iudQment as thev focus on talkinQ. Here are some sUQQestions for safer car phoning: 1. Don't use the phone while driving unless absolutelv necessary-it can be danQerous. 2. Concentrate on drivinQ. Watch for slowdowns, sudden stops and accidents. 3. Hanq UP in heavv traffic or bad weather. Let vour communications service take messaQes, and then return calls later. 4. Use memory dialinQ, redial, speakers and other utilities to help vou focus on drivinQ carefullv. ....~~.~5:-'~'VOttfl'hone's key ~~e8ft~~"v'Ot:tf"eves"Ofrlre~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 6. Pull off the road when the conversation beQins to distract vou. 7. Never write or take notes while drivinQ. 8. Dial durinQ stops. 9. Avoid emotional or stressful conversations. Item # 3 Driving Privileges and Child Restraint Seats Background: Since we are self insured the present criterion for issuing driving privileges was copied from an insurance company that used these criteria to instate or cancel vehicle insurance over 16 years ago. Monroe County is now using the VFIS Insurance group to insure our emergency vehicles. The Safety Office is requesting we provide consistent and up to date criteria for determining issuance of driving privileges by using guidelines similar to those provided by the VFIS Insurance Group. The use of county vehicles while transporting children requires County employees comply with State laws and Federal regulations concerning child restraint during their transport. SECTION 1.10 COUNTY DRIVING PERMITS B. Qualifications for Issuance of Driver Permit 7. An employee's right to operate a vehicle on County business shall be denied or revoked at any time when they do not possess a valid State of Florida Operator's or Commercial Driver's License, and may be denied or revoked when their driver's record reflects one or more of the following conditions: a. One (1) or more "Driving Under the Influence", refusing to take intoxication test, or "Leaving the Scene of the Accident" conviction during the last three (3) years. b. T'.\'o (2) moving violations during the last 1\'I.'elve (12) months. c. Eight (8) or more points during the past t\''1enty four (24) months. d. Medical e'.'idence of alcoholism, drug abuse, or other physical impairment significantly affecting the ability to drive saf-ely. Class A Violation: An individual who has a Class A violation within the past three (3) years normally receives a license suspension from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Monroe County calls for a suspension of drivinQ privileges for anyone convicted of a Class A violation for a period of (12) months. Additionally, any of these individuals would also be required to attend an approved driver-improvement proqram. a. Driving while intoxicated or related offense b. DrivinQ under the influence of drugs c. NeQ/iqent homicide arisinQ out of the use of a motor vehicle (qross negligence) d. Operation during a period of suspension or revocation e. Usinq a motor vehicle for the commission of a felony f. AQQravated assault with a motor vehicle a. Operation a motor vehicle without owner's permission h. PermittinQ an unlicensed person to drive i. Hit and run Class B Violation: An individual who has a combination of two (2) class B moving violation convictions and/or charQeable accidents in a three (3) year period will be issued a warninQ letter from the Safety Office. Any individual who has more than (3) movinQ violation convictions or three (3) ctldl qedbleaccidenworcrnvuJmbtrratioIT.otmoreilTarrthrEre"t3tufihErtormertv~starecrcCJm/ictiolls in a (3) year period will be issued a suspension of drivinQ privileges for a period of one (1) year. In addition the individual will be required to complete an approved driver improvement prOQram. All movinQ violations not listed as Type A violations. Unusual circumstances with individual cases would be evaluated on a one-to-one basis. 13. Any County vehicle transporting an infant, toddler, or child must provide appropriate seating to comply with Florida Department of Motor Vehicle regulations for transporting children. The County shall use federallv approved child restraint car seats in the appropriate size to accommodate the child. Item # 4 Candles in the Workplace. Background: There is a trend among staff for use of candles in the office and workplace. They are used to create an atmosphere and provide and aroma. The flames from these candles can create a fire hazard, office paper setting on desk tops can not be seen in a well lit office unattended emergency candles will be replaced with flashlights or emergency lighting. Candles have been left lit and unattended in the past. SECTION 12.9, A. 4. CANDLES IN THE WORK PLACE Candles burninq in county buildinqs cannot be left unattended. Attended candles such as candles on birthday cakes are acceptable. Item # 5 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid Training Background: To replace Monroe County Administrative Instruction 8500.5 Standard First Aid (SF A) Instruction that states on July 15, 1985 Monroe County BOCCs adopted Resolution No. 205-1985 urging all County employees to undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation instruction. And the MCSPP states "It is mandatory that each person serving in a supervisory capacity be trained, qualified and certified in basic first aid." There are many positions of supervisory capacity that may be considered unnecessary to train supervisors in CPR/SF A. Also, there are some people that can not perform a medical function on another person due to personal issues with body contact. Therefore, the Safety Office is recommending it not be mandatory for all supervisors to be trained in CPR/SF A. 1.7 SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAMS A. General It is mandatory recommended that each person serving in a supervisory capacity be trained, qualified and certified in CPR and basic First Aid or scheduled for training as soon as possible. Department Heads and Supervisors will consult the Training Coordinator Human Resources Office for scheduling. Training in CPR/First Aid will be given to as many employees as possible, but due to class quota limitations, priority will be given to personnel involved in hazardous operations or specific functions where this training or the recertification of CPR is needed required. Item # 6 Mandatory Safety Meetings Background: When the Safety Program started in the late 1980's the number and frequencies off accidents were much higher and safety rules and enforcement of them were minimal. With the positive impact of a safety program of education, prevention and enforcement Monroe County has eliminated many hazards and provided safety awareness on behalf of management and employees. Staff considers the requirement of holding monthly meetings unreasonable and ineffective use of time, therefore the Safety Office would like to change the requirement of attending safety meetings for employees that are in low risk positions from monthly meetings to twice a year. A. Monthly Safety Meetings will be held monthly for departments that have positions that are considered a risk and have freQuent iniuries. All other departments experiencinq a low rate of iniuries and considered by the Safety Office as a low risk are required f-or all require employees to attend a safety meetinq twice a year and will be documented in the Division Safety Management book. Meetings should be 10 to 30 minutes' duration, consisting of, at a minimum: 1. Past accident summary with preventative measures. 2. Safety training video or training from the required Safety Training List. 3. Review of newly identified hazards. 4. A timely off-the-job safety topic. 5. A discussion period. Item # 7 Respirator Program Monroe County Respirator Program (previously Administrative Instruction 8603.1, Monroe County Respirator Program) should replace section 12.17 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). Section C & D: C. Respirators Respirators are designed to filter the air you breathe. Various types of respirators are provided for your protection. These are filter type respirators for employees working in dusty areas or handling dust producing materials. They are also required when engaged in paint spray operations. P'. respirator is not a substitute for a gas mask or self contained breathing apparatus. Check with your foreman for more specific inf-ormation. D. Air Breathing Equipment 1. Self contained air breathing equipment, with the air contained in cylinders as part of the equipment, is used for rescue work or short term work in excessively contaminated atmospheres. 2. Air line breathing equipment with the air source obtained from a shop air system or compressor is used for long term work in contaminated air atmospheres, and in areas where it is impossible to use self contained air breathing equipment because of space limitations. 3. ,6.11 personnel required to 'Near air breathing equipment must be trained in its proper use. Air breathing equipment must be inspected in accordance 'Nith manufacturers recommendation. . . ... . -Vron'fpCrerYa1f\AliTr5eaccorrrpnsn:e:aon~a1req~aipmemfOITl1ct1ooErQefoct1Ve~~-~'~.~.~~~~.~.~~~~~_. MONROE COUNTY RESPIRATOR PROORAM 1. POLICY It is the policy of Monroe County to protect its employees from hazardous atmospheres throuQh a comprehensive program of recoQnition: evaluation: enQineerinQ, administrative and work practice controls: and personal protective equipment, includinQ respirators. To the qreatest extent feasible, hazard elimination and enqineerinQ and work practice controls shall be employed to control employee exposure to within allowable exposure limits. However, where these measures are not feasible or fully effective or are under development, Monroe County shall provide appropriate respirators to affected employees under this proQram. Monroe County is committed to full compliance with applicable federal and state reQulations pertaininQ to employee respiratory protection. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this proQram is to protect the health of Monroe County employees who may be exposed to hazardous atmospheres in the conduct of their work and to provide appropriate protection from these hazards, without creating new hazards. This prOQram sets forth the County's practices for respirator use, provides information and guidance on the proper selection, use, and care of respirators, and contains requirements for establishinQ and maintaininQ a respirator proQram. 3. SCOPE This proqram applies to all Monroe County employees who need to wear a respirator to perform assiQned duties. Examples of chemicals or operations that pose potential respiratory hazards and involve respirator use are: · Asbestos - Facilities Maintenance · Dust - Facilities Maintenance · Spray Paint Operations - Fleet Manaaement · Immediate DanQer to Life and Health (/DLH) - Fire Rescue Airborne/Bloodborne PathoQens - Fire Rescue · Herbicides - Roads & Bridaes, Airport Maintenance Household Waste (Hazardous Material) - Solid Waste · Dust and Debris Removal - Roads and Bridaes 4. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES General Manaaer - Emplovee Services Director . Supports the Respiratory Protection ProQram and assigns a Respirator Administrator with responsibility and resources to administer the proqram. Respirator Administrator - Safety Administrator . Has overall responsibility for the Monroe County Respiratory Protection ProQram, includinQ monitorinQ respiratory hazards, and conductinQ proQram evaluations . Has knowledQe about respiratory protection and maintains an awareness of current reQulatory requirements and Qood practices . Approves Respiratory Protection ProQrams for each operation that involves use of respirators . Approves traininq prOQrams for employees . Approves fit test procedures for employees . Approves respirator makes and models for Monroe County use. . Performs employee exposure monitorinq upon initial work in a potentially hazardous atmosphere and whenever work conditions chanqe that may affect employee exposure . Performs employee exposure monitorinq in accordance with Federal and State OSHA requlations . Uses qenerally accepted samplinq techniques and analytical methods, includinq Qenerally accepted Quality assurance and control measures . Reports all findinqs to the supervisor within five days of receipt of analytical results from the laboratory, at a minimum . Upon request, performs surveys and makes recommendations for hazard control. Respirator T echnicians/Supervisor . Complete initial respirator traininq, refresher traininq and maintain records. In addition, complete any recommended respirator manufacturer traininq prior to servicinq respirators and their components . Perform and document semi-annual inspections of each air purifyinq respirator and monthly inspections of each supplied air respirator issued by the employer or maintained in its inventory . Ensure that compressed breathinq air cylinders are hydrostatically tested on schedule . Remove from service and taqout any defective respirators or parts . Perform maintenance and repairs of respiratory protection equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions . Maintain an inventory of respirators and associated parts and equipment in a clean, secure area . Issue respirators when so directed in writinq, inspectinq to confirm that the respirator or equipment is of the type specified in the respirator plan or proqram . Issue spectacle kits to employees who require corrective lenses with their respirators . Perform tests for compressed air Quality and inspect breathinq air compressors periodically. Supervisors . Initiate and approve a written Respiratory Protection Proqram for each operation that involves respirator use . Complete the initial and respirator refresher traininQ of the type attended by employees under their supervision . Initiate safety briefinQs on respiratory protection issues at the start of each new proiect or task that involves respiratory hazards for affected employees under their supervision . Ensure that any use of respirators by employees under their supervision is in accordance with this proqram and a written Respiratory Protection Program and Worksite-Specific Respiratory Protection Plan that has ~~oeena~pp~roved by ffie"SUpervTsorana1neHe~sPii'aroTAammTSffafor, or deslQnee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~-~~~ .. . Record any complaints related to respirator usaqe, act promptly to investiqate the complaints, correct any hazards, and qet medical assistance, when indicated. Report first aid and medical treatment in accordance with Monroe County procedures. Report every respirator related incident to the Respirator Administrator before the end of the work shift . Ensure that their emplovees have the requisite traininQ, fit testinq, and medical clearances before authorizinq them to wear any respirators . Prohibit any emplovee with lapsed or incomplete respirator clearances to work in hazardous atmospheres. Enforce any restrictions imposed bv the occupational physician on individual emplovees, includinq the need for corrective lenses . Phvsicallv check each respirator prior to its assiQnment to their emplovees to be sure that it is of the type specified in the written plan . Inform each affected emplovee of the results of exposure monitorinQ within one day of receivinQ such results and assure inclusion of all exposure reports in the County's recordkeepinQ system . Monitor emplovee compliance with the respirator proqram requirements. Emplovees . Use respiratory protection in accordance with the instructions and training provide . Immediatelv report any defects in the respiratory protection equipment and whenever there is a respirator malfunction, immediatelv evacuate to a safe area and report the malfunction . Promptlv report to the supervisor any symptoms of illness that may be related to respirator usage or exposure to hazardous atmospheres . Report any health concerns related to respirator use or chanQes in health status to the occupational physician . Wash their assiQned reusable respirators at the end of each work shift when used and disinfect assiQned respirators at least weeklv . Store respirators in accordance with instructions received . Observe any restrictions placed on work activities bv the occupational physician . Be clean shaven in all facial areas that seal to the respirator facepiece . Allow no headpieces, Band-Aids or other items beneath a respirator seal or head-strap assemblv . Inspect the respirator immediatelv before each use, in accordance with traininQ provided . Perform a user seal, neQative and positive respirator fit check each time a respirator is donned in accordance with traininQ provided. 5. PERMISSIBLE PRACTICE Anv respirator worn bv a Monroe County emplovee on the iob shall be issued bv Monroe County under this prOQram. Respirators shall be issued by Monroe County and worn bv exposed emplovees whenever airborne contamination levels are not otherwise reduced to within the allowable limits. mmm ~m.A written Respiratory Protection ProQram and Worksite-Specific Resl2iratoryProtection Plan shall be,Qrepared and approved bv the Supervisor and the Respirator Administrator prior to any emplovee respirator use, includinQ voluntary usaQe or emerQencv use. This plan shall identify the location and tasks, identify and Quantitative the air contaminants or oxvqen deficiency, specify the appropriate respirator, and specify any limitations, such as air monitorinQ, respirator cartridqe chanQeout frequency, etc. Each operation involvinQ respirator use must have a signed and approved written plan (Enclosure 2). Upon an emplovee's request. an appropriate respirator shall be issued for voluntary use when exposure to contaminant levels is at or above 50 percent of allowable limits, but within allowable limits, or when exposed to nuisance dusts, molds, pollen, etc. Reasonable efforts should be made to reduce such exposures. ReQardless of exposure level. emplovees who are exposed to any recoQnized carcinoQen, mutaQen or teratoQen in the performance of their work assiQnments may request and receive an appropriate respirator for voluntary use and in addition, affected emplovees alreadv assiQned a respirator may request a respirator that provides a hiQher protection factor than the one provided bv Monroe County for that work. The Monroe County Hazardous Material EmerQencv Response Plan required for chemical spills or releases, fire response, pathoQen exposures, etc. shall include a Respiratory Protection ProQram and Worksite-Specific Respiratory Protection Plan whenever there is a reasonable potential for a respiratory hazard. The plan includes Monroe County's Fire Rescue, Public Works and Solid Waste response. At no time, however brief/v, shall a Monroe County employee be exposed to contaminant levels that are more than three times the allowable a-hour time-weiQhted averaQe limits without respiratory protection. No emplovee may work alone while wearinQ a respirator. Each respirator wearer shall have at least one emplovee assiQned responsibilitv to perform periodic status checks throuQhout the duration of respirator use. When SCBAs are worn, at least one standby person, located outside of the hazardous atmosphere and equipped with an SCBA. shall be in constant attendance, ready to provide immediate assistance and to call for emerQencv help, if needed. 6. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM AND WORKSITE-SPECIFIC RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PLAN Each operation that involves respirator use shall have a written Respiratory Protection ProQram and Worksite- Specific Respiratory Protection Plan that is approved and siQned bv the Supervisor and Respirator Administrator. This plan, which may be a part of a iob hazard analvsis, site safety plan, confined space entry permit or other document. shall contain an identification of the atmospheric hazard(s) and the respective measured or expected concentration(s) at each location or operation, the respective allowable concentration limits. the type of respirator(s) approved, monitoring requirements, emerQencv response procedures, and limitations, such as the frequency of respirator cartridQe chanQe-out. This document shall be updated annuallv and more frequently if conditions chanqe. This document shall be available at the iob location and shall be maintained for 30 years as an exposure record. 7. RECOGNITION AND EVALUATION OF AIRBORNE CONTAMINANTS A hazard assessment shall be initiallv performed in each workplace bv the Supervisor or Respirator Administrator. Where the presence or potential presence of airborne contaminants is recoqnized or suspected the Respirator Administrator or other appointed evaluator shall oerform evaluations to determine if allowable limits are exceeded or potentiallv exceeded. The results of the hazard assessment shall be communicated to the General Manaqer and affected supervisors and employees. F"or workplaces in which th~ hC!zard ~~se~~s~ment P~~~~~<::~~_~~_~!l~~~g~~~~L__~ potential exposures, Supervisors shall monitor the workplace and request a hazard assessment whenever materials or processes chanqe. Whenever the hazard assessment identifies potential exposures to hazardous atmospheres, an annual reassessment shall be performed, unless a more frequent assessment is required by OSHA. In addition, the Supervisor is responsible for requesting a reassessment by the Respirator Administrator whenever materials or processes chanqe. 8. EVALUATION OF AIRBORNE CONTAMINANT CONTROLS When hazardous atmospheres are recoqnized, elimination of the hazardous material or feasible enqineerinq and work practice controls shall be instituted to reduce contaminant levels to within allowable limits. If such measures are not completely successful or if the condition is temporary, personal protective equipment, includinq respiratory protection shall be selected and worn. The Respirator Administrator shall reassess the workplace when controls are instituted to measure their effectiveness in reducinq employee exposure to hazardous atmospheres. 9. SELECTION AND ISSUANCE OF RESPIRATORS Selection of the appropriate respirator shall be documented in the written Worksite-Specific Respiratory Protection Plan. If the atmosphere is uncharacterized, it must be assumed to be IDLH and a positive pressure SCBA or combination supplied-air respirator with SCBA must be worn. Respirator selection shall comply with OSHA requirements for specific substances, such as asbestos, lead, etc. At a minimum, the assiqned protection factor of the selectee's respirator shall equal or exceed the hazard ratio. All respirators used by Monroe County employees shall be approved by NIOSH. No components shall be substituted, unless they are listed in the approval by NIOSH. Any chanqe or modification to a respirator may void the respirator approval and may adversely affect its performance. Any restrictions or limitations recommended for a particular respirator by the respirator manufacturer shall be observed. The Supervisor shall inspect each respirator or component prior to issuance and shall assure that the respirator assembly is complete, sanitary and in qood working order upon issuance. Atmosphere-supplyinq respirators shall be returned to the Supervisor at least monthly for periodic inspection and air purifyino respirators shall be returned for periodic inspection at least semi-annually. A IOQ shall be maintained of these periodic inspections. The Supervisor is responsible to ensure that each respirator user under the Supervisor's supervision is currently approved for respirator use. includinq medical. fit testinq and traininq certifications. Employees with expired certifications shall not be permitted to work in hazardous atmospheres or to voluntarily wear a respirator until their lapsed requirements are updated. Each respirator must be inspected by its wearer immediately prior to each use, according to instructions provided in . . .. ...... ...~ttrErresotrator traininq. Anv de r~cls"shC:l1I be I eportedio'ttre"StnrervisoriJefore''6ntrvirrtlJahazardous at" losphere. A user seal check shall be performed by the wearer immediately prior to enterinq the hazardous atmosphere. Monroe County will provide an appropriate spectacle kit to each respirator wearer who requires corrective lenses and will pay for prescription safety lenses for the kit initially and as needed. Contact lenses shall be permitted if the employee's ophthalmoloQist or optometrist authorizes their use by the employee in hazardous atmospheres with neQative pressure and positive pressure respirators in a written communication to Monroe County Employees who are issued a respirator are responsible for its maintenance, daily inspection and storaQe while the unit is in their control. 10. FIT TESTING Each respirator wearer shall be fit tested, usinQ protocols approved by the Respirator Administrator. Frequent testinQ shall be performed if required by OSHA reQulations for specific substances or if the wearer's facial contours chanQe, such as by weiQht Qain or loss, facial surQery, etc. On the occasion of each fit test. employees may choose their respirator from an array of facepieces from different manufacturers and sizes approved by the Respirator Administrator. Fit test certifications shall be prepared and siQned by the person performinQ the fit test and must name the tested employee: the make, model and size of respirator fit tested: and the result of the fit test. A COpy shall be provided to the Supervisor. Monroe County required fit tests, includinQ reasonable employee time and travel costs, shall be paid for by Monroe County. A medical evaluation as described in # 11 must be performed before an employee is fit tested. 11. MEDICAL APPROVAL FOR RESPIRATOR USE Each respirator wearer shall be approved for respirator use by the County's desiqnated physician before the employee is required to wear a respirator (includinQ before beinq fit tested), The physician shall be provided a COpy of the employee's duties, respirator types to be worn, and air contaminants, as well as any applicable OSHA standards Qoverninq the medical evaluation, such as the Respiratory Protection standard and applicable substance-specific standards in addition to the Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire to be completed by the employee beinQ examined. The questionnaire shall be filled out by the employee confidentiallv durinq the employee's normal workinq hours or at a time and place convenient to the employee - preferablv in the Human Resource office location nearest to the employee's worksite location. The physician's approval shall be a written certification that lists the respirator types approved for use by the individual (i.e., neQative pressure air purifvinQ, powered air purifvinQ, pressure demand SCBA) and any restrictions on the emplovee's use of respiratory protection, includinQ the need for corrective lenses. The physician's certification shall not disclose any confidential medical information, but shall clearly list or describe any restrictions to be observed. Medical evaluations shall be performed by the County's desiqnated physician and the cost of the respirator medical evaluation shall be budQeted and paid bv employee's department includinQ reasonable time and travel expenses of the employee. Payment for special medical diagnostic procedures needed to assess the ability of an employee to safely wear a respirator shall be approved in advance bv the Respirator ProQram General ManaQer. No medical treatment costs shall be paid bv the employee under this proqram. Medical records created under this proQram shall be handled in accordance with requirements for confidentialitv, employee access and retention. If it is found that an emplovee is not phvsically able to wear a respirator, arranQements must be made by .. .. .... . ........ '"lI"fEn3PP1Tc2jb1eSUj::rerv1S6raJlCtmpartnrem1iea(:n~:rtTaVE:nht:dutte'S~aS'srrctatedwttl1crrespiratorbe-~'~~~~ performed bv another qualified employee within the department. 12. TRAINING Each respirator wearer, supervisor of a respirator wearer, respirator technician and Administrator must be trained and updated as needed. Upon successful completion of respirator traininQ, the instructor shall siQn a certification that names the emplovee trained, the tvpe(s) of respirator and the traininQ date. A COpy shall be provided to the supervisor. A record shall be maintained of the traininq topics covered. Monroe County approved respirator traininq shall be conducted bv or paid for bv Monroe County includinQ the emplovee's reasonable time and travel to participate in such traininq. 13. DEFINITIONS Air purifying respirator (APR) - a type of respirator that removes specific contaminants from air bv use of filters, cartridqes or canisters bv passinq ambient air throuQh the air-purifvinQ element. APRs do not supplv OXVQen. Allowable limit - the maximum concentration of a substance in air that is permitted bv reQulation or voluntary standards to protect emplovee health. These concentrations may be expressed in terms of an 8-hour time-weiqhted averaQe, a 15-minute short-term averaQe or as an instantaneous upper ceilinQ limit. An example is the OSHA permissible exposure limits (PEL). Assigned protection factor - the level of respiratory protection expected to be provided bv a qiven class of respirators to a properlv fitted and trained user. This factor is assiQned bv OSHA in substance specific standards and bv ANSI in the voluntary national standard, Z88.2. Atmosphere-supplving respirator - a type of respirator that supplies the user with breathinq air from a source independent of the ambient atmosphere, and includes supplied-air respirators (SARs) and self-contained breathinq apparatus (SCBA) units. Canister or cartridge - a container with a filter, sorbent or catalvst, or combination of these items, which removes specific contaminants from the air passed throuQh the container. Demand respirator - an atmosphere-supplvinQ respirator that admits breathinQ air to the facepiece onlv when a neQative pressure is created inside the face piece bv inhalation. Dust mask - see filterinq facepiece. Emergencv situation - any occurrence such as, but not limited to, equipment failure, rupture of containers, or failure of control equipment that may or does result in an uncontrolled siQnificant release of an airborne contaminant. Emplovee exposure - exposure to a concentration of an airborne contaminant that would occur if the emplovee were not usinq respiratory protection. End-of-service-Iife indicator (ESLI) - a system that warns the respirator user of the approach of the end of adequate respiratory protection, for example, that the sorbent is approachinQ saturation or is no lonqer effective. Escape-onlv respirator - a respirator intended to be used onlv for emerqencv exit. Filter or air-purifyinq element - a component used in respirators to remove solid or liquid aerosols from the inspired air. Filtering facepiece (Dust mask) - a neQative pressure particulate respirator with a filter as an inteqral part of the facepiece or with the entire face piece composed of the filterinq medium. Fit factor - a Quantitative estimate of the fit of a particular respirator to a specific individual. and tvpicallv estimates the ratio of the concentration of a substance in ambient air to its concentration inside the respirator when worn. Fit test - use of a protocol to Qualitativelv or Quantitativelv evaluate the fit of a respirator on an individual. Hazardous atmospheres - an atmosphere that contains a contaminant(s) in excess of the allowable limit or contains less than 19.5 percent oxvqen. Hazard ratio - a number calculated bv dividinq the actual air contaminant concentration bv the allowable limit. Immediatelv danqerous to life and health (IDLH) - an atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life would cause irreversible adverse health effect, or would impair an individual's abilitv to escape from a danqerous atmosphere. Loose-fitting facepiece - a respiratory inlet coverinQ that is desiqned to form a partial seal with the face. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) - a Federal institute responsible for conductinq research and makinq recommendations for the prevention of work-related illnesses and iniuries. It tests and issues approvals for respirators. Negative pressure respirator (tiqht fittinq) - a respirator in which the air pressure inside the facepiece is neqative durinq inhalation with respect to the ambient air pressure outside the respirator. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - the Federal or state aqencv with authority to issue and enforce workplace health and safety reQulations. Oxygen deficient atmosphere - an atmosphere with oxvqen content below 19.5 percent bv volume. Physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP) - an individual whose leQallv permitted scope of practice (Le., license, reqistration or certification) allows him or her to independentlv provide or be deleQated the responsibilitv to provide some or all of the health care services required bv this respirator proqram. Positive pressure respirator - a respirator in which the pressure inside the respiratory inlet coverinq exceeds the ambient air pressure outside the respirator. Powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) - an air-purifvinQ respirator that uses a blower to force the ambient air throuqh air-puritvinq elements to the inlet coverinq. Pressure demand respirator - a positive pressure atmosphere-supplvinq respirator that admits breathinq air to the facepiece when the positive pressure is reduced inside the facepiece bv inhalation. Protection factor - a ratio calculated bv dividinq the air contaminant concentration outside a respirator bv the concentration inside the respirator. This is measured in a Quantitative fit test. Qualitative fit test (QLFT) - a pass/fail fit test to assess the adequacy of respirator fit that relies on the individual's response to the test aqent. Quantitative fit test (QNFT) - an assessment of the adequacy of respirator fit bv numericallv measurinQ the amount of leakaqe into the respirator. Respiratory inlet covering - that portion of a respirator that forms the protective barrier between the user's respiratory tract and an air-purifvinq device or breathinq air source or both. It may be a facepiece, helmet, hood, suit or a mouthpiece respirator with nose clamp. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) - an atmosphere-supplvinQ respirator for which the breathinq air source is desiQned to be carried bv the user. Service life - the period of time that a respirator, filter or sorbent or other respiratory equipment provides adequate protection to the wearer. Supplied-air respirator (SAR) or airline respirator - an atmosphere-supplvinq respirator for which the source of breathinq air is not desiQned to be carried bv the user. Tight-fitting facepiece - a respiratory inlet coverinQ that forms a seal with the face. User seal check - an action conducted bv the respirator user to determine if the respirator is properlv seated to the face. Item # 8 Response of Public Employees in Disasters Background: As a requirement by the National Incident Management System there should be a reference to Worker Safety and Health in the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan for Monroe County. After discussing this with Emergency Management Director we agreed this should be placed in the Safety Policies and Procedures and used as an Annex of the plan 12.23 Disaster Response All emplovees of Monroe County are aQents of the Government and may have a role durinq an emerqenCV event especiallv a hurricane. All responses to emerQencies shall complv with quidelines set UP for emplovee safety in their desiQnated work related field. 1. If an emplovee is assiqned to a task before, durinq or after a hurricane their supervisor must qive them an opportunity to provide a safe place for their familv, property and other emerQencv obliqations. 2. No official representative of Monroe County has been given authority to direct public emplovees in to situations qreater than the standard. 3. RespondinQ to an emerqencv or disaster may provide hazards not normallv encountered. Emplovees should be briefed on proiected hazards and evasive action to be taken. 4. When respondinq to emerqencies emplovees are required to report unsafe conditions to their supervisor so other emerqencv responders or members of the public may take appropriate action.