Item D10
MEe;TING DATE: 4.fiL1l06
srr-,FF CONTACT PERSON: Peler Horton
AGENCh!\, rrEf~1"~vciRDiNG: Approval Ofian'dsc'a~~'!'nair~ter;anca extan$j'~;';i";ig(~e':Ti0nt with Garder;s.';~)(Eaei)-i for
taridscape Maintenance Services ai the Key \Ii/est IrJernaJk)jlal Aif:J(Hi,
rr"t"fX"SAC"f('GROUND: The"c'ut(e~')(a~i'l'u~rnar:t expkes lJi!:Ci1":i'~y':)(jij"6'."Ti1e contract ha's"a"i:;'ro~:fsioil-for a one year
option to renew, Wh;01 tl"1!~ pt~f1[i~S wish to ~x.erc;jsa.
PRE'.iious RELEVNdiiOC(;ACT;6~J: Appwval oTcur'e',i'['a::il:eeri1ent, 7/20/05,
CONTRACTfAGREEiiiif'Nf'"ijf1AHGES: Extends'"exiii;:;3'iio;l'd~je't;;3/16f(j7, ano adjusis'";';oinpUrlsation for th~'c;;';i[;aCtCr,
not to exoeed $113A?4,72 per year, Adds :teo'l ~~5, p(lrt~lini!1g to Airport Secudty,
STAFF R8.";"(:JI.~~A"f.N6ATI6FT: Approval
TOTAL. COST': $11f3,474,7.2 per 'y'$ar
COST TO AIRPORT: $118,474,72
SOURCE OF FUNDS: Operating BUdget
APPROVED BY: Co~;oty A!t{)jney X
OM8IPllrcn;"~W1\1 X Risk Management X
r'/~J- ~+,
....................--. ._..n..............
Peter J. Herter.
I~(;boed X
Not RequI'ed
..............................--.------~~---~.. ....................................h......................__.".__,,_~_,,~_._....... no............................... ........__"___~_~_.........m.
Contract ~1'/!th: Gardens of Eden
Eff",ctive Date- 3117106
Expiration Date; ,Vi6JO?
CO;'ttrBcl" Purpose/Description; L~~ndscape t'?1aintenar,co Extt':nston AgreerThS'nt
Contract M8_na9~~f';
8evet.te fvioote
/J:.; of'
Airports - Stop if. 5
(Department' Stop)
" 8()- '"'" , " (' '<-'6
L,~~r . ~~~c:~ 02~~~~l!19 on: ....~~:~.:~~.~!..~...m._._'_w_~,,~~._
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................... ...............m__...~_'_.___w.wmm. ......._ _ ............................ ___........ "._._
i Total Dollar VahlB of Contract $118.474.72
I 8W:igeted? Vi""
! Grant: No
County r';l1atch~ NDne
Current YeF.Jf Portion: ~. $79.000.DO
Account Cedes. 404.tl300 1..530-340
! '""'Il'm"t"'" C'~go;I"(' (<"','~"c" ').<a :::")1".
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Dal.:) jg
Yes N(}
Date Qui
Risk fvh:Ui8gerne:n!
(,\~p if~'IT>"~~I"l'
".....Vl.D.~ ,,1,.,.,: :';;1_..;-, 9
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Airports Dlrector
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County Attorrley
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THIS LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EXTENSION a~,'Teement is entered imo by and
between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the Stme of Florida, hereafter "Owner" o[
"C(Junty~, and GAF...DENS OF EDEN, hereafter "Contractor".
WHEREAS, on the 17th day of March, 1004, the parties entered into a Landscape
Maintenance Agreement at Key \Vest International AirpOlt, hereafter original agreement, c.opy of
which is attached to titis extension ab'feement and made a part of it; and
\iVHEREAS, the original agreement term ended on M.arcn 16,2005 and the parties entered
hl'1 ;m extt.'"!lsion agreement. for i1l1 additional year, a CDpy oft,'bich is attached; and
WHEREAS, the term of the extension agreement began on March 17,2005 and e.xpires on
Marc.h 16, 200<i but the parties desire to extend the original agreement an additional 1 year: and
WHEREAS, the maintenance agrt.'cment has been mutually beneficial to both parties; now,
fN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises ami covenants set H)!th below, the parties
agree as fbllows:
], Paragraph 4 of the original agreement is amended to read:
4. Term. This Agreement is for a term of One (1) year, commencing on March
17, 2006 and expiring on March 16, 2007 with an option to rene'\'i t'(lr One (1)
additional veal' exercisable at the dist;retion of the Count\'"
. 0
2. Paragraph 2b ofthe original agn"Cment is amended to read:
21'>. TJw total compensation to be paid the Contractor during the term of this
extension a,greemem shatl not exceed $118,474.72 during the term of this
J The following paragl-aphis appended to the Landscape Maintenance Extension
Agreement and incorporatcd into the original agreement as paragraph 35.
35, Airp(lrt SeeuritJ'o
.a. Gencral. The fedcml Transponation Security Administration is the federal
agency primarily responsible for overseeing the security measures utilizt.'d by
the airport owner pursuant to the relevant provisions of Chapter 49, United
States Code, and regulations adopted lmder the authority of tbe Code,
including hut not linuterl to 49 CFR I 540, t~t seq, Violations of the statutes or
re!:,'l1/ations may result in severe c.ivij monetary penalties being assessed
against the airport operator. 1t is the intent of the ai.rport operator that the
burdens and c()n.~e.qlle!1CeS of any security violations imposed upon the
airport operator as a result of actions by an airport tenant or the airpoTt
tellllnt's empluyees, agents, illvlt.ees, or licensees shall be borne by the airport
b. Aiq)(u.t Tenant Hefined. An airport tenant means any person, emity,
organ.iz.atkllJ, partnership, corporatioll, or other legal association that has an
agreement with the alrport operator to conduct business on airport property.
The term also includes an airport tenant as defiut,d in 49 CFR 1540S Each
signatory to this Agreement, other than the airport operator, is an airport
e. Airport Opera to!' llennw. As used in t.his .A,.Iifl.'ement, airport operatof
means Monroe County, Florida. its elected and appointed otlkcrs, and lts
d, AirJHu1 Property Defim':d. Airport property shall mean the property
owned or leased hy, Of being 1a'.>II1I11y used by, the airport op{~a1Dr for civil
aviation alld airport-relat.ed purposes. For purposes of this Agreement, airport
property ifi the pwperty generally referred to a.~ the Key '\-Vest Airport, the
Marathon Ai/-porl, or both as may be set .fbnh in this Agreement
e. htl1pectl()I! Authority. nIt'! aiq~nrt tenant agrees to allow Transportation
Sec~JrJty Administration (TSA) authorized personnel, at any time or a.llY
place, to make illspectiollS (1'1' tests, induding copying r~()rds, to determine
comptiiUlce of the airport. operator or airport tenant with the applicable
security requirements of Chapter 49, United States Code, and 49 CFR j 54U,
et seq.
f, Airport Security Program. The airport tenant agrees to bec(ml{~ familiar,
to tbe ex,ent permitted by the airport operator, with the AirpoJ't S{~llrity
Program promulgated by the airpOll operator and approved by TSA, linG also
agrees to conform its' operations and busin<-'$s activities to the requirements
of the Airport Security l"rogram.
g, Tenllllt fkclu'it,y Program. lfpennitted under TSA regulations, the uirpOf!
tenant may voluntarily undertake to maintain un Airport Tenant Se(\urit.y
Program as refmnoQ to ill 49 eFR 1542.1 B. If the airjJort tenant volontaril;'
promulgates all Airport Tenallt Security Program that is approved by TSA
sl.ll:h program, as may be amended and approved from time to ("1m"" shaH be
automatically Incorporated into this Agreement
h. B~-lI:cll of Agreement Should TSA determine that the all-port tenant or
une or more of the airpOrt tenant's employees, agents, invitees, or liClll1sees
has committed an act or omitted to act as required, and such uet or omission
is a violation which results in TSA imposing a civil pellalty against the
[1irpon operator in llc.coroance witb TSA's Enforcement Sanction Guidance
PoHc)\ such determination and imposition of li civil penalty by TSA shan be
considered a significant bnlllCh ofthis Agreement.
(l). Mininuun Violation. If the violation is tht~ first or second violation
attributed to the airport tenant and is a civil penalty "minimum violation" as
provided for in TSA's Enforcement SllIKtion Guidance Policy, the airpm"i
tenant may cure the breach by paying to the airport operator the total costs
incufH,d by the airport operator, including any fines or penalties imposed, in
investigating, defending, rnitigating, compromising, or taking of remedial
measures as may be agreed to by TSA, to include but not be limited to
reasonable attorney's fees and COStS inc.urred in the investigation, defense,
compromising, mitigation. or taking of remedial action 1lleasun~s. if the
violation is a third violatioll, or there are mU!lipk~ viokuions in excess <'If tllm
violations, that is or are a civil penalty "minimum violation'~', tile airport
tt~na.nt shalt pay to the airport operator the total t:osts incmred b;i<' the airporl
op,~rator, including any tines or pella1tie~ imp(ISt~d. in investigating,
ddending, compromising, mitigating, OJ laking of remt-,'did measures as may
h,~ llgn.'Cd to by TSA. to indmh1 but nO( he limill.'{llo reasonable attomey's
fees and co~ts incurred in the investigation, def~nse, compromising,
midgl1tioll, or taking of refm~diai action meatlures; ami., further, the airport
operator shall have the right to unIlaterally cancel this }\gJeement, such
canceUation to be ef1:ective thirty calendar days after receipt by the airport
tenant of \.,.ritten notice of cancellation of this Agreement by ,he airport
(2). Mmler11tt' VIolation. If the violation is the 11rst or second violation
attrlbutl.>O to the airport tenant and is a ,~i\i'il penalty "moderate violation" as
pr<.wided for in TSA's Enli:m:.t'IlH:ml Sanction Guidal1{:,~ Policy, the airport
tellant may cure the breach by payi11g to the airport operator the total eos!s
incU1Ted hy tlle airpon operawr. including any fmes OJ' pwwltks imposed, in
invt~s,igating, defmding, compromising, mitigating, or tliking of remedial
measures as mf.y be agreed by T5A, to include hut not be limited to
reasonable att(J1'lK~Y' s ftX's an.d costs incurred in the investigation.. ddcnse,
compromising, mitig,lllon, m laking of rerne-dialH'.i.ioll measures; a.nd,
firnher, the airpon tenant may cause an of airpolt tenant's. employees
involved in the ailport (t~la.nt'~ busil1\~sS opt~rntions on the airport property to
undergo such security training iiS may be by the airport operator.
l11e total c.ost of the training ~hil'lt be paid fbr by the airport tenant. If the
violation is a third violation, or there are multiple violations In excess of two
violations, that is or are a civil penalty "modemte viQlation", the airport
tenant s.hall pay to the airport openlwr the total costs incurred by the airport
operator, inclnding any .Hfl'~S or pe.m~lties imposed, in investigating,
defending, compromising, fl1ltigating, or taking of remedial measures as may
be agreed to 'by TSA. to indude but not be limit\".tl to reasonable a!tomev's
fees and costs incurred ill (he investigation, defense, compromisl;lg,
mitigation, or t<tking of remedial a~i.ion (JJea~ures, and, further. the airpt;;
operator shall have the right to unilaterally oancel this Agreement., lIDell
cancellation to be effective thixty calendar days after receipt hy !h~, airport
tenant of wrfLi.~'fl notke of carK:eLlation of this Agreement by the airport
(3). Mllximum Viola1ion. [f the vi,)!ation is th,~ first violation
attributed to the airport tenant linG is a civil penalty "maximum violation" as
provided for in TSA's Enfor,~mel1t Sanction Gtlidanc.c Policy, the llirpOlt
tenant may cure the breach by payiug to the airport op\-"l"lltor the total costs
inwrred by the airpurt opemtOl; indllding any fines and penalties imj)<>sed, in
investigating, defendit\g, compromising, mitigating, or taking of remedial
measures as may he agreed to by TSA, to include but not be limited to
reaaonable attomey"s fees and costs incllrred in the inwstigatioJl, dej\~ll$e,
compromising, mitigation, or taking of remedial action measures; and,
further, the airport tenant may cause Ill! of airport tenant's employees
involved in the airport ten.ant's business opemtions on the airpon pmperty to
undergo sw::h security training as may be fI..'quircd by the airport operator.
The total cost of the training shall h,' paid for by the airport tenant. rf the
violation is a second violation, or there arc multiple violation a, that is or are a
civil penalty '"maximum violation", the airport wnant shall pay to the airport
operator the total c.osts irl\::uned by the airport operator, including any fines or
penalties imflOsed, in inve,stigathw~ defending, compromising. mitigating, or
taking of remedial me.!l$ures as may be agreed to by 1'8/\, to include hut uot
be limited to reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in the
investigation, defense, compromising, mitigation, or takin.g of remedial
action measures; and, further, the airpon operator shall have the right to
unilaterally cancel this Agreement, such cancellation to be effective thirty
calendar days after receipt by the airport tenant of written notice of
cancelll'1.tion ofthh Agreement by the airport operator.
(4). Mitigation ",(:Breath. TSA has a policy of forgoing civil pe1ll\lty actions
when the airport operator detects violations, promptly discloses the violations
to TSA., and takes prompt con'ective actiol1 to ensure that the same or similar
violations do not recur. This policy is known as the TSA Voluntary'
Disclosure Program :Policy, and is designed to encourage compliance \vith
TiS.A regulations, foster secure practices, and encourage the devdopment of
htema.l evaluation program.!>. 'ne airport tenant agrees that upon detecting a
violation the airport tenant will immediately report it to the airport operat",.
Should the TSA ultimale!y determille tl1at the violatk)l1 was committed try the
airport tenant, or !In employee, agent, invitee, or licensee of the airport te;lant,
hut the violation should llmtlt in lhe issuance of il letter of wrrection in lieu
of a penalty, then the airport tenant shall reimhurse the ilirport operator
the total costs incurred hy the airport operator in investigating, defending,
mitigating, or taking of remedial measures as may be agreed to by TSA, to
include but not be limited to reasonable attorney's tees and costs incurred in
tht~ investigation, defense, mitigation, or taking "of remedial actiOl1ITlWlsures.
A violation resulting in the issuance of a letter of correction shall not be
considered to be a breach of this Agreement by the airport tenant
(5). Survival of Suo-Sectioll. This sub-section h shall survive the
cancellation or termination of this Agreement. and shall be in full force and
eUecL . .
i. RoM Hllnnl~$s: l.lldemlljfi(;lltion; Defense; Release; Survival.
Notwithstilnding any minimum insurance requirements prescribed elsewhere
;1\ this AgTeement, the airport tenant agT~'" to bold barmless, indemnify,
defend and release the airport operator, and the airport operator's elected and
appointed officers and employees, from any claims, actions, causes of action,
litigatkm, administrative proceedings, appellate proceedings, or other
proceedings relating to any and all types of injury, including dllllth, Joss,
damage, fines, penalties, or business interruption of any 11ature whatsoever,
of or to any person or property ill con.necti;1l1 with the use of the airport
property under this Agreement, regardles.<; of causation ana including
criminal acts of third parties; aJld especially including any and all fines,
penalties, out of po(:ket fv"Xp{ll\SeS, attomey' $ fees and costs, and costs of
rerUl~iation or additional security measures required to be implemented by
any govemmentalagcncy (including but not limited to the Federal Aviation
Administratkll1 and thl~ T.ransportation Security Administration) resulting
from a violation of any If<Ao:::ra! law or federal regulation. This sub-so:::ction
.hall sUfvivll the Ca,llcellatlon Of termination of this Agreement.
4. Except 1.1$ set forth ill pa.ragraphs one, twO and three ofthi5 Landscape Maimenane{~
Extension Agreemenf< in all other .respects, the terms and conditions of the orJgil1al agreement
remain in fhll force Mid dfec.t.
IN W1TNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have set their hands !lnd seals the day and year
first above written
By _.__.____.......... _...............__............ .........
Deputy Clerk
~ A~?
j ..'
/ '4-;;:;;:;-# --<,>"'......' ------.-.....
...H.;:~(~~llt2 .
/.;.!..... 'H'. . t. LLO
~ . \fi?es
This docu ...~nt was 'p~~rqI >>!ad a'p'prov~ as to form by:
~ vU 1IIIlf..&Ii-~4~
. eOro J. Merc~),< Es .~._..<-_..--.. -
Assistant C~ . Hurney
Fl(}tida'13~r N{l.~ 0084056
P.O. Box 1026
Ji''''"j ',. C<.:'" ..:(>:. ,
Bv /...~e it .' 'u' ",' ,
;. __~_~'.j;._":.._~.~_:.'...:..':-:::..:~~C{.~{: t".~ ...:t~"... .._
Title y j~.~~ ....;~ ~d ,_";"
..-........... .........."'.........(./...... .......
Key West, FL 33041-1026
(305) 292~3470
THIS LANDSCAPE :&1ATfNTENANCE .EXfk'NSJON agreement is enten.\tl Into by and
between M:01ltuc County, a political sub<.1ivision of the State of Florida, hereafter "Owner" or
"County", and GARDENS OF EDEN, hereafter "Colttl'acrof'.
'WHEREAS, Oll the 17th day of MatCh, 2004, the parries entered into a l.Amdsc.'lpe
MaUltenance Agreement at Key West Imemational Aitport, hereafter original agn.>ement. A wpy of
the original agn:-ement is attached to this exten..~ion ll~nt and made II part of it; and
WHEREAS, the original agreement term ended on March j 6, 2005 but the parties desire to
extend the origiMl agn'emellt an additional 1 year; now, therefore.,
IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and oovenams set forth below, the partil!s
agree as follows'
1. Paragrapb 4 "nile original agreement is lUl'Jencled to fe~: .
<I. T Cl1l1. Tnis Agreement is fur 11 ten:t1 of One (1) yeW", co=encing on Marcil.
11, 2{}()S and expiring on Mllrcl116, 2006 with an option to fenCl'.' for One {II
additional year exercisable at t.lte discretkm of the CCl.ltl1:y..
!'amgraph 20 of the original ~ent is amertded to read:
2h The totaJ cOlllpe.t'ISlltion to be paid the Contractor during the term of thi.
exten~ion agreernt~l'lt shall not l:Xceea $115,024.00 during the term of this
:3 The following pa",..graph ill appended to the Landscape I\iaintenanGe Extension
/>,.greemcm i:lnd inc0rp~}rmed i.lltO the original agreement as pal"llgtaph 35.
35. Ail'pGrt Settltxty,
a. Gf:~cnd. The federal Tnmspomtion Security AdministratiOfl is the federal
agency primarily responsible fUl ;.wmeeillg the security measures utilized by
the airport o~vnet pursuant to d:t relevant proll.isiol1.~ of ChaptCl' 49, United
States Code, and reguIatioml adapted under the authority of the Code,
including but not ilmi.ted to 49 em 1540, et llt.'<j. Violations oftbe statutes or
regulations. may fC5tllt m severe I,.."ivil monetlUy penalties being assessed
against. the airport opcmtor. It is the intent of the airport operamr that the
burdens and consequences of allY security violations impi)sed upon the
airpol"toperaror as a result of actions by an airport tenant or the airport
tenant's employees, agems, invitoos, odicensees shall be borne by the airport
teilllllt. .
b. Ait'p{lt't Tenant Defmed. An airport tenant means any person, emity,
organization., partnership, corporation, or other legal association that has an
agreement with the aitpon: upenlior to conduct bus.iues$ all airport property.
The term also i.ncludes an airport tenant as defined in 49 em J540.5. Each
signatory t() this Agreement, other than the airport operator, is an airport
t. Airport Operirtor Defined. As used in this Agreement, airport operator
means Monroe County, Florida, its elected and appointed officw:'5, and its
d. Airport Property Defined. Airport property shall mean the property
owned or lea.."ed by, or being lawfully used by, the airport operator for civil
aviation and airport-related PUJ1X!ses. For purposes oftlris Agreement, airport
property is the property generally referred to as. the Key West Airport, the
Marathon Airport, or both as may be set forth in this Agreement
eo llispeeoon Authority. The airport tenant agrees to allow Transportation
Se\.'Urity ,b,.dminhb <Irion (TSA) authorized personnel, at lU1y time or any
place, to make inspections or tests,. induding copying records, to determine
compliance of the airport opermof or airport remwt with the applicable
m.,"Curity requlrem011ts ofCbapter 49, United States Code, and 49 CFR 1540,
ct seq.
f. Airport Security Progn1w. The airport tenant agrees to become familiar,
to the e:>:te.t1t pem1irted by the airport operator, with the Airport Security
Program promulgated by the a.irport operator and approved by TSA, and also
agrees to confonn its' operations and business activities to the requirements
of the Airport Se;.'\l.'ity Program.
g. Tenant Security Progmm. Ifpermirted under TSA regulations, the3irport
tenant may voluntarily undertake to maintain an Airport Tenant Security
Progratl:lllS referred to in 49 CFR 1542.113. Ifthe ai.rport tenant voh.lnt.arily
promulgates an Airp?rt Tenant Sm;unry Program tlmt is approved by ISA,
such .progrnrn, as alaY be amended and approved from time to time, shall bt.~
automatically incorporated into this Agreement.
b. :Breach of Agreement. Should TSA dete.lnune that the airport tenant or
ol1e or more of the mrtiort tenant's employees, agents, invitee.~. or licens{o,)$
has (;omroirted an azt 0r omitted to act as required, and such act or omission
is a violation which results in TSA imposing a ci'll"il penalty asamst the
airport operator in accordance with TSA's Enforcement Sau,:tiOll Guidance
Policy, such detef1l'.Jnlltionand h:npositioll of a civil penalty by TSA shall be
considered a significant breach oftms Agreement.
(1). Minimml"l Violation. If the violation is the first Qr second violation
altributed to the airport tenant and is a civil penalty "minimum violation" as
provided for i.n TSA's Enfon;emem 'Sanction Guidance Policy, the airport
tenant may t.we the breach by paying to the airport opt'lrntQr the total costs
incurred by tbe airport oper-Mor, induding any fiues or penaltil:s impollerl, in
investigating, defenuin&. mitigating, compromising, or taking of remedial
measures as may be agreed to by TSA, to include but not be limited to
reasonahle attorney's fees aM costs incurred in the investigation, defense:,
compromising, mitigation, or takiIl8 of remedial action measures. If the
vlQlluion is a third violation, or there are multiple violatiollil in ex.cess of two
violatiotls" that is or are 8 civil penalty "minimum violati,1n", the airport
tenant shall pay to the airport operator thetota! com Incurred by the airport
operator, including llfiY fine\'! or penalties imposed, in in\>cstigarmg;
detending, compromisi1lg, mitigating, or talm.g ~f remedial meas'llreS as may
be aJrreed to 1.w TSA, to include but not be bm.ttoo to reasonable attornev's
fees ~ and costs incurred in the investigatilln, defense, compromising,
mitigation, or taking of remedial action l1'leasures; and, further, the airport
operator shall have the right to unilat.enllly cancel this Agreement, such
cam:ellatiol1 to be effective thirty calendar days after receipt by the airpOrt
tenant of written notice of caneellation of this Agreement by the airport
(2j. Moderate V.lclanon. If the violation is the firSt or second violation
attributed to the airport tenll.I1t and is a civil penalty ~moderate violation" as
provided for in TSA' s Enfuro::ment Sam::tiQu Guidance Policy, the airport
tenant m.ay cure the breacb by paying to the airport operator the total costs
incurred by the airport operator, including any fines or penalties imposed, in
invesrigating, defending, compromising, .mitigating, or talcing of remedial
measure, 11$ may be agreed to by TSA, to include but not be lil1'lited to
reasonabb aJ.tOJ'lli..)I'S fees and costs inClined in the investigation, defense,
compmmising, mitigation, or taking of remedial action measr.J.1'es; and,
funner, the airport tenll.I1t may cause all of airport tenant's employees
involved in the airport tenant's business operations 011 the airport property to
undergo such security training as may be ~ed by the airport operato!'
The tot1\! cost of the training shall be paid for by the airport tenant, If the
vioiation is a third violation, Of there are multiple violations in excess of two
vioiations, that is Of are a civil penalty "moderllte violation", the airport
terw1! shal1 pay to the alrPoit operator the total costs incurred by the airPort
opel}lwr, including any .fines Of pt"llalties imposed, in investigating,
defending, compromising, mitigating, or tiling of remedial measures as may
be agreoo to by TSA, to include but not be funited to reasonable attomev'~
fees and costs incurred in the investigation, defense, oomprnrnisi~g,
mitigation, or taking of remedial action measures; and, further, the cimon
operat,,,, ;;imE have the right to unilaterally cancel tl:ris Agreemel,t, Such
amcelJatiol1 to 00 effective thirty calendar days after re:eipt by the airport
te!'.ani of 'Written !lotil::e of cancellation crf this Agreement by the airport
opermor. ,
(3), J'\.fuxiWUln Violation. If the violation is the first violation
anribuioo to the airport temutt and is a dvil penalty "maximum violation'" as
provided for in !SA's Enfurcemen1 .sanction Guidance Policy, the airport
tenant may ~W'e tbe b.reach by pllyinS to the airport Opel'll:tOl' the toUl.l costs
incurred by the airport OpenltOf, including llfiY fines and penalties imposed, in
investigating, dderuiing, compromising, mitigating, or taking of mnedlal
me.~sures. as may be agreed to by TSA, to include but not be limited to
reasollllhl e attorney's teeS and costs lm,"UITed ill the investigation, defense.
compromising, mit1gatiol1, Of taking of remedial action measures; and,
further, the airport tenant may cause illl of airport tenant's employees
involved in the airport tenant's business opet'.drions on the airport property to
undergo such security training as may be required hy the airport operator.
The total cost of the tmll1ing shaH be paid fOf by the airport tenant. 1f the
violation is a second violation, or there are multiple violations, that is or arc a
civil penalty "UlJlXltnurn violatiOl1 "', the airport te.mll'lt shall pay to the airpOrt
operator the total costs incurred by the airport operator, including any fines or
penalties imposed. in investigating, defending, compromising, mitigating, or
ulkiog of remediill measures as may be agreed to by TSA, to include but oot
be limited to reasonable attomey's fees and costs incurred in the
inve~,..tigation, defense, compromising, mitigation, or taking of remedial
action measures; and, further, the airport operator shall have the right to
unilatenilly cancel this Agreement, such cance1!ation to be effective thirty
cmendar days a.tler rt.~ipt by the airport tenant of written notice of
cancellation of this Agreement by the airport operator,
(4). .I\:fitigatlt'ln ofBreacll. rSA has a policy offorgoing civil penalty ll.l.iiQllS
wher, the airport operator detects violations, promptly discloses !:hI' 'violations
to TSA, and takes prompt corrective action to ensure that the ilawe or similar
violations do not recur, This policy is known as the TSA Volunta,ry
Disclosure Progrnm Policy, and is designed to encourage cornpllant'e with
TSA re~lmions, foster secure prnctices, and encourage the development of
internal evaluation pmf,'!IUIls. The airport tenant agrees that upon detecting a
violation the airport tenant will immediately report it to the airport operator.
Should the TSA Ultimately determine that ille violmion was committed bv the
airport tenant, or an employee, agent, invitee, or licensee of the airport t~ant,
but the violation should result in the issuance of a lener of correction in lieu
of a civil penalty, then the airport tenant sl1ail reimburse the airport operator
the tonll costs incurred by the airport operator in investigating, defending,
mitigating. or taking of remedial measures lIS may be agreed to by TSA., to
include but not be limited to ress(}nabie attorney's fees and costs incurred in
the iilvestigation, defense, mitigation, or taking of remedia1llction measures.
A violation resulting in the issuance of a letter of correction shall !lOt be
considered to be a breach of this Agreement by the airport tenant
(5).B!$rdvaJ of Sun-Section. This sub-st..'t.1:ion b sleIl !1'1rvlve the
cancelLation or termination of this Agreement, and shall be in full force and
i. Hold ' flarmle5s; Indemnification; Defense; Release; Sun'ivlll
Nonvithstanding any minimum insurance requirements prescribed elsewhere
in this Agreement, the airport tenant agrees to hold harmless, indemnity,
defend and rek'.ase the airport operator. and the airport Operator's elected and
appointed officers and employees, from any claims, actions, causes of action,
litigation, administrative proceedings, appellate proceedings, or othe.
proceedings relating to any and all types of injwj', including death, Joss.
da:rn.age, tines.. pen.alties, or hUlliness interruption of MY nature whatsoever,
of 01' to any person or property in connection with the use of the airport
property under this Agreement. regardless of causation and including
Criminal acts of third plll'ties; and especially including any and all fUles,
penalties, out of pocket ~.'pemes, attorney's fees and costs, and costs of
remediation or additional security measures required to be implemented by
any governmental agency (including hut not limited to the .Ft->oem! Aviation
Administration and the Transportation Security Administration) resulting
from a violation 6f any federal law or federal regulation. This su!rsecrion
shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement.
4. Except as set forth in paragraphs one. two and three of this Landscape Maintenance
&.1:ensioo Agr{''ement, in all other respects, the terms and conditions of the original agreement
.remain In full force and effect..
,-,'.~,.:::,':;'~"~'::,;. ~ ,
,.'>::S;;;"~: 'ff':?~~V'~'NESS WHEREOF, the parries hereto have set their hands alld seals the day and year
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Pedro J, M~:cado, Esq. ~/
Assistant ColJ1ity A,Itomey
Florida Bar No.: 0084050
P.O. .Box 1026
Key West, FL 33041-1026
(05) 292..1470
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THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered mto the ," day of +-!j/ . "'',,-:1 I, 2004, by iJnd
bet't..een MONROE CaUNTt', Florida, (hereinafter called ~Ownerff ar neounty") and GARDENS OF
eDEN (hereinafter called ~Contrnctor").
The parties hereto, for the considerotion hereinafter set farth, mutually agre~ as follows:
1. St:ope of wurk. The work to be performed 15 landscaping Services at Key West
!nternational Airport (KWIA). The Contractor shall fu:niSh all iabor, materials, equipment,
machinery, toois, apparatus, and transportation and perrorm all of the work described In the
Specification ent!t!ed: Landscaping Services Spec!flcatlons and cor~tractor's bid dated November 12,
2003, attillched hereto as Exhibit A ann inrorporated as part 0; thiS contract document, or as
directed by the Airport Director,
2. Ccmtl'act sum. The Owner shall pay to the Contractur for the performance of the
Comract, as follows;
ft., The Owner shaH pay the Contractor fur the performance.of said service on a weekly
arreers basts. The Contractor shall invoice the Owner weekl'i ftJr the landscape maintsnance
performed under .he Contract Documents contained herein.
5, The total compensation tc be paid the Contractor during the term of the ContraCt shal!
no. ~xce"" "''''''"'' e6lhDO " 'fi......
" ,,", -'-' "'_-:"'" ... aurmg the ,1<0>, year.
C. Ccmpensation tc the Contractor shall be calcutated, bWed, and paid on the basis of
$2:: < 00 per hour per pemon performing $ervices~
3. Contractor's acceptam:e of conditions.
A. The Contractor hereby agrees that the site has oeen carefully examined and
investigated to fully satisfy Contractor ttlat the bid is correct and contains no errors, and that
Contractor assumes full responslbJllty ttlerefor. The provisions of thls l.'-entact shall control any
inconsistent provisions ctll1tainsd in the specifications- All Speciflcatiol"'s have been read and
cari::fuily considered by the (!ontracror, and Contractor understands the same and a9rees to their
sufficiency for ttle work to be done. Under no cireumstances, a:mdltlons, or situations shall this
Contract be more strongly construed against ttle Owner than against the Contractor.
. B. Any ambiguity or uncertainty in the Spedfll:::atlons sh,,!! bl." interpreted and col1S"..rued
tJy the Owner, ,,me Owner's decision shail be final and binding upon all parties.
c. The passing, approval, andiar acceptance of any part of the work or material by the
Owner shall not operate as a waiver by the Owner of smct compliance with the terms of thiS
:ontract,. and Specifications covering said work, Failure on ~e part of the Contractor, Immediately
i:lfter NotIce to correct workmanship shafl entitle the Owner, If it sees fit, to correct the same and
recover the reasonable cost of such correctiol1 from ttle Contractor, Ccntractor is who .shall in any
:vent Hable to the Owner for all damage, loss, and expense caused to the Owner by reason of the
~ol1tractor's breach of this Contrect and/of Com:ractor's f<!ilure to comply strictly with this Contract
~nd with the Specifications, ' .
. 4., Te,:1'n of contract/renewal. This contred shall be for a period of 00(\ (1) year,
~:mmel1cmg on "he date first above written, with two one year opoons exercisable at the discretion
:If tn'. rA'm....'
"" ......""""d;"'l~
_" ~<I".l.l:M ~ll~~~$U~;:;S;'>>. ~l~"'" --"~.-.- , ,
C Jrlty from any and all daim(s) and demand(s) that may be maoe ~galnst the County from any
act or omission of the Contractor arising out of his dutIes and obligations under this Contracc,
exdwding any daims or demands predicated solely on act(s) or omlsslon(s) of the County.
5, Independent Contractor. At aU times and for all purposes under this agreement the
Contractor lS an independent contractor and not an employee of the Monroe County Board of County
CommiSSIOners (SOCC), 1\10 statement contained In thIS agreement shall he o:mstrued so as to find
the Contractor or any of hls/har employees, ronJ:ractl)rs, servants, or agents to be employees of the
t<<1onroe County Soard of County Commissioners,
1. Assignment/Sub.;onmd:. The Contractor shall not assign or subcontract this
agreement, except in writing and with the prior writ:tm1 approval of the BOCC, for which approvai
shall be; subject to sw:h conditions and provisions as the Board mllY deem necessary, This
agreement shall be incorporated by reference into any assignment or subcontract and any assignee
or subcontractor shall mmpiy with all of the provisions of this agreement. Unless expressly provided
for therein, such approvai shall In no manner or event be deemed to impose any ohllgatlon upon !:he
Board in addition to the tClti'll agreed-upon price of the services of the Contractl)r.
S. Compliance With In providing all sarvlces pursuant to this agreement, the
Contractor shall abide by all statues, ordinances, roles and regulations pertaining to, or regulating
the provisions of, such services, Including those nOW In effect and herei!1afl:er adopted. Any violation
of s&id statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations shall constitute a material breach of this
a>;,^<:sment and shall entitle the 80ard to terminate this rontract immediately upon delivery of
written notice of rermlnation to the Contractor. The Contractor shall possess proper licenses to
perform work in accoroi'lnce with these spedflcations throughout the term of this contract,
9. Insurance. Prior to execution of this agreement, the Contrnctor shaH furnish the
Owner Certfflcates of Insurance indicating the minimum roverage ilmltatlons as indicated on the
attached !Exhibit B whleh is attached hereto and incorporeted as part of this contract document.
10. Funding availabmty. Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere In this contract,
if funds ror KW!A services are partially reduced by the BaCC or cannot be obtained or cannot be
continued at level sufficient to allow fur the purchase of the services/goods .specified herein, this
contract may then be terminated immedJately at the option of the aocc by written notice of
termination delivered in 'Carson or by mail to the Contractor, Tha SOCC shell not be obligated to pay
for any serviCes provided b'>/ the Contractor after l:I1e Contractor has received written notice of
. 2.,1.. Professiunal Respcl'Isibmty. The Contractor warrants that It is authol'iz;ed by law to
engElt1i ill the performance of the actlvltles em::ompi!ssed by the project herein described. The
CO;itra:t.:lr shall at ail times exercise independent, professional judgment and Shall assume
prof~sstonaj responsibWty for the services to be proVided. Continued funding by the Soard Is
~ntmgent upon retention of appropriate local, state, and/or federal certlflcation lind/or licensure of
. 12. Nutice retfuirement. Any notice required or permitted under this contract shall be in
wr:tlng and hand deHvered or mailed, postage prepaid, to the other party by certJfied. mail, return
receIpt requested, to the follOWing; .
Gardens of Eden
92 Bay Drive
Kay West, FL 33040
Peter Horton
KWIA AIrport: Director
3491 S. Kcoseve!t Blvd
,;ey West, FL 33G40 .
.~~, ~anceHat1o.n.. The Count)? (nay ::zncei tnm CCf1t:ri.:1cr Hj:): ,~use \ovith seven (7) dsv~
- . f1otic~ to the Contracror. Cau~e zi1zJi constitute il breach of the ob 19at:ons of the Contractor tc
..; . perform the services enumerated as the contractor's obligations under thiS contract. EJther of the
parties hereto may cancel this contract without cause by glVlng the other part)' sixty (60) days
written notica of its intention to do so.
14. Recom5, Contractor shail maintain all books, .~rd$, and documents directly
pertinent to performance under this Agreement in accordance wIth generally accepted accounting
principles consJstently applied. Each party ill thJs Agreement or their authortzed representatives
shall have reasonable and timelv access .to such records of each other party to this Agreement for
public recrm:is purposes during the term of the Agreement and for four years following the
termination of tllis Agreemj\\nt.
15. Governing .!.aw, Venue, Interpl"etatlon, CClsts, ~nd Fee:
A. This Agreement shaH be governed by and col"lSttuea In acro~ance with the laws of the
State of HOrida applicable to contracts made and to be performedentlrely In the State.
e. In the event that an\' cause of <Jetton or administrative proceeding is inStlmted for the
enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, !:he County and Contractor agree that venue wifl1ie
in the apprOPriate court or before the appro priam adminlstratlve body In Mon~oe Col.lnty, Florida,
C. The County and Contractor agree that, in the event of coryfllcting Interpretations of the
~erms or a term of this Agreement by or between any of them the Issue shaH be submitted tc
mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal proceeding.
15. Severabillty. If any term, covenant, condftlon or proVision of this Agreement (or the
application thereof to cll'C1.lmstance or person) shall be declared iovallo or unenforceable to any
extent by a court of Competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, o:mdltlons and
proviSions of this Agreement, shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining term, covenant,
condltlon and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shalf be enforceable to the fullest extent
permitted by law. unless the enforcement of the remaining terms, covenants, comijjjons and
proviSions of this Agreement would prevent tile accomplishment of the original intent of this
Agreement The County !lnd Contractor agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken
provision with a valid proviSion that comes as dose as pOSSible to the intent of the stricken
. ^
17. Attorney's Fe"es and Com. The County and Contractor agree that in the event any
cause of action or administrative proceeding is initiated or dafended by a!ther party raiative to the
enforcement or interpretation of this Agreament, the prevalllng party shall he entitled to reasonable
attorney's fees, court ctlSt$, Investiaative, and otltwof-oocket expenses, as an award aoaJnst the 11011-
pravailing party, and shall include attorney's ~~, t:tll.Jrts costs, Investigative, aocr aut-of-pocket
expenses in appe!fate proceedings, Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to this
Agreement shaH be in acron:f<ince with the Flonda Rules of Ci'll! Procedure and usual and customary
procedures requited by the Ql'C1.llt court of Monroe County.
1S. Binding Effect. The terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement
shall bind and .inure to !:he. benefit of the County ana Contractor and their respective legal
representatives, successors, ana assIgns, . ,
. 19. Authority. each party represents and wfirrants to the other that the execution,
delivery and performanca of this Agreement have been duly authorlzed by all necessary County and
corporate action, as required by law,
. 20. Adj~dh::ation of Disputes or Disagreements. County and Contractor agree that all
;lSPl.ltes and dIsagreeml.'!nts shaH be attempted to he resolved by meet and confer sessions between
,epres~ntatlVes of each of the parties. If no resolution CliIn be agreed upon within 30 days after the .
,..." ,,,,.......... ....,,"" ;"''Wll,t:::i :~:;::~~mJn. ene Issue or lSSUe5 5iniH~ oe atscussec a~ a puolic rneettng of the 603,:'(
of .:;o":)m:y COlT1r11lssioners. If the issue or iSSues are stlll not resolved to the satisfaction of th"
,- ,parties, then any party shall neve the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by thi~
Agreement or by Florida law.
21. NOl'ldiscrlminatlrm. '
A. CountY and Contractor agree thst there wi!! be no, discrimination against any person,
and it is expresSly understooo that upon a determinat.1on by a court of competent jurisdiction thet
discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates withOut any further action on
the pert of any party, effective the date :of the tXlurt order. Cotll'lty or Contrector agree to comply
with af! Federal end Florida statutes, and all local ordlmmces, as appUcabie, relating to
e. These inducte but am not limited to: -
1) Title VI af the Clvll Rlghts Act of 1964 (PL 813-35"2) which prohIbIts dlsClimll1a!:lon 011 the
basiS of race, color or national orioin. 1) Title IX of the EclucatlonAmenoment of 1972, as amended
(2D use $S. 1681-1683, and 16IiS-1585), which prohibits dlsalminatlon on the basis of sex. 3)
Section 504 of the RehablHtatlon Act of 1973, as amended (20 use s. 794), whlcll prohibits
discrimination 011 me basis of ham;l\cap&. 4) 'The Age Olsalmlnatlon Act of 19751 as amended (42
use 55. 5101-(107) which prohibits dlscr!mlnatlon on the basIS of age. 5} The Orug Abuse Office
and Treatment Act of 1972 (PL 92-255), as amended, relating to ncndiscrll!linatiol'l on the basis of
drug abuse, 51 The Ccmorehensive Alenhol Abuse and AlcOholism> Prevention, Treatment and
RehablJltatlon Act of 1970 (ilL 91-o16l. as amended, ,relating to nondiscrimination on tl1e basis of
alcohol abuse or alcoholism. 7) The PuOilc: Health Se;vll;;e Act of 1912, SS. 523 and 527 (42 use ss,
590dd-,3 and 290ee-3), as amended, rniatlng ro ~dentlallW of alcohol and drug abuse patent
records. 8) Title I,/ID or the ChIli Rights Act at 1958 (42 use $, at seq.), as amended, relating to
nondisaiminatkm in the sale, rental or flnandnlll of housing. 9} The Americans with Dlsablllties Act
of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Note), as may be amended from time to time, relating to nondiscriminatiofl
on the basis of dlsi:JbHity. 10} Any other nondiscrimination provisions in any Federal or state stawtes
which may apply tv the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Agreement.
22. Cooperation. In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted
against either party relating to the formation, execution, perforrntll1ce, or breacll of this Agreement,
County ana Contractor agree to ptlrtlclpate, to the extent required by tl1e other party, In aif
proceedings, hearings, processes, meetings, and other activities related to the sul;lstanc!': cf this
Agreement or provision of the services under this Agreement. County and Contractor spp.d1caJly ,
agree that no party to thJs Agreement shall be required to enter into any arbitration proceedings
related to this Agreement.
u. Covenant or No Interest. County and Contractor covenant that neither presentlY
has ~n,' Interest, and shali not acquire any interest, which would amfllct In any manner or de-gme
With Its performance under this Agreement, and thaI: only mterest of ead1 Is to perform and receive
benefits as recited in this Agreement. ..
. 24. Code of EthIClil. County agrees that oi'fit::ers and employees of the County recognize
and wl!! be required to comply with the stl!lndarcls (If conduct for pul:lllc offlcars and emplovees as
delineated in Section 112.:.n.3, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited txl, solldtatlon or
acceptanc!;\ of gifts; doing busin~!is with one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public
position, conflicting employment or contracttla! re!at.1onshlp; and disclosure or use of certain
Information.' .
25. No Solleftllltiol1!payment, TIle County and Contractor warrant that, in respect fO
i~ejf~ it has ne~th!lr employed nor retained any alffiP'JI1V or pernon, other than a bona fide emPloy~e
l'iorKmg solely .or it, to soHcit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any
person, company, Corporation, individual, or flrm, other than a bona fide employee working solelv
"or It, any fee, commission, percentage; gil't, or other consldel1ltlol1 contingent upon or resuitino
-"'.- ~~>"..~..... "", ""-'" ."-
1tfactcr agt~es that the County shaH have tn~ H\t~H ~w ---:... ... ~
i, >\It its distretion, to offset from iTlCll'lle5 owed, or othelWlse recover, the full amount or such fee.
nmisskm, percentage, gift, or consideration.
4fl. Public Access. 'The CauntY and Cont:rectl:ir shaH allow and permit reasonable aet.:l:ss
am) inspection of, aU oOl::'.Jments, papers, letters or ~er ma~erlal$ in its Possession or under its
1tro! subject to the proviSions of Chapter 119, Fltlf'lctl'.l Statutes, and made or received by thi'i
unty and Contractor in conjunction with this A9re:ment;. ~nd the County shall have the right tc
Haters!!y ame;ei this Agreement UpOf'> violation oftrlls provlSlOrl by Cootractar,
21. Non~Waiver of Immunity. The provisions of Sec. 286.28, Florida Statutes, the
rtidpation of the County anct the Ccl1t:racror In ,this Agreement and the acqUisition of any
mmeroai HabUIt)' insurance coverage, se!f#jnsl.m:mce coverage, or local government liability
5urence pool coverage shaH flot be deemed a waiver of immunity ttl the extent of Haemt.)'
vernge, 1101' shal! any CClntract entered into by the County be req\J!red to contain any provision for
~. Prlvlieses and Immunities. Ai! of the pri~i!eges and immunities from lJabiHt</.
,emptions from lat'VS, ordim:mces, and roles and pemllons and relief, dlsablllty, workers
lmpl.msation, and other benefits whld1 apply to the actlvity of officers, agents, or employees of an~
Jolh:: agents or employees of the County, when performing their respecl:lve functions under thi:
greement within the t'llmtoril>l limtts of the County $hall apply to the seme de9ree and extent t(
le perrormam:e of such fum::oom, and duties of such offlcen;, i!lgents, volunteers, or employe",!
i.ltside the temtoriall1mH:s of the County,
29. Legal Obflgatlons and Responsil:IiUties. NOf1#!)elegatlon of Constitutional 0
tatutory Duties. This Agreement is not imendea W, nor shall it be construed as, relieving an
artieipat/ltg entIty from any obligation or responsihillty imposed upon the entity by law except t
:'Ie extei"lt of actuai and timely performance thereaf oy any participating entity, In which case th
'erformllnca may. be offered in satisfaction of the obligatJ::m or responSlblllty, Further, th'
\greement is not 111tem:le\1 to, nor shaH It be CClnstrUed os, l'llJtl'lori:ting the delegation of to
:or.stitutionel or statutory duties of the County, except to the alttllnt permitted by the Florie
:onstltution, st<lte statute, and case IllW,
30. N@n~Re.liam:e by NonMParties, No pellron or entity shall be entitled to rely upon ti'
:erms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third.part'r' daim ;
mtltlement: to or benefit of any sarv!ee or progl'1Jm contemplated hereunder, and the County and tl
:.ontractor agree that neither the County nor the Contractor or any agent, offialr, or empioy",!')
arther snail have the authority to irnorm, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any partkular indM:ll.:
::If group of IndMduals, entity or er,titles, have entJtlilm~mtl; or benefits under thl~ Agreeme
separate and. apart, inferior. to, tir superior to the community In general or ror the purpos
contemplated If! this Agreement.
31. Attestations. Contracmr agrees to ~ecute such aOC'Jments as the County m
reasonably require, w include l'.l Public Entity Crime Statement, an ethic;; Statement, and a Dru
Free Workplae;e Statement.
~. 34L No Persona! Uabillty. No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deem
.0 De a. ccvenliint or 8grelilment of any member, officer, agent or employee of Monroe County in
~r her tnd:vll:lual capacity, and no member, officer, agent or em~joyee of Monroe CoUl1ty shall
<l~ble parsvnaHy on thiS Agreement or be subject to any pernonal ilatailty or ac:countablHtv by rea'
or the j;!)(€C\!tJon of this Agreement.' , .
t'b:eml!:lon in e~untf!rparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number
each of which shal! 4a regarded as an original, aH of which taken together $1
~l' 'Srlwte one ano tlie same instrument and any of the parties hereto may eXecute this l,greeme,
Dr singmg any such CCllll'1terpart.
34. Section Headings< Section headings have been Inserted in this Agreement as
matter of convel1ienc~ of reference oniy, and it Js agreed that such section headings are not a part c
this Agreement and wHl not be iJsed in the interpretation of any Provision of this Agreement.
1'1r-Si.:;~~~~~~S WHEREOF, the palt;es hereto have set their hands and seals the day llnd yea
'~~", '.I"Z..r--....:'"~~:"V.~,
($EAL,"0., -; l~ d
2Ai 1~~;~3.~.~Y..~ KCLHAGE, CLERK
1 ,',...,.~,"'-'-'" ~~,;;~ ;'l'l
....:~.'~l) ,~ / L,
,{J, BY;,,:\,<,:-',,~~~~;:l::~~c;"'t:"\./~~..~'"
'. "-"Deputy Clerk
, M r/Chairperson
rl."-. ..>~
,.(....... ..' '-~-1)<:
1 ; , ___ ,. ,. ....... .~/ _
-'~,~........(;'.............,.,," y:..>:...~~;.
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y,""...."^'-" ~....' "".,~~"..r..~.
11' Dn've
\1./ est, FL 33D40
(30S} 745.3577 ph/fax" (305) 304-7855 ceil
:iid/Key West International Airport
S. Roosevelt Bivd.
Nest. Fl. 33040
November i 2. 20,
horn It May Concern:
1e first tak~ this opportunity to thank you for the pri~Hege o.f bidding for your
~ct for the property maintenanCE at Key West InternatIonal A!rport. Gardens or
",\,'ould be more than happy to acc:ommodate any and all of your needs per you
-act as folkn,..,s for::
The Terminal An:ia
Tbe ARFF Building
The Parking Lots
The Access Roads
The Rl.wwaylTa::dvJay/Aircraft Ramp Areas
- .
'oHowing as cles.cribecl would apph' to the above-menticln>!d areas with man-hol
inted and executed according to suson cOfll:fh:kms and maintenance need.
oximateiy 40 man-haul's per week, 5 days per week, 1NOllid be an average for th
eason, With a nigher, varying amount of man.hours required to maintain prune
ed~ic:atiol:ls in the rainy season. Total contract amou~t wil! be billed by Gard!1!r
an U'l weekly matt~hours and paid weekly by EYW as bdled.
:inal An~a. ARr:f Bui1dinQ, P~ridna !..~t Areu
Pick up trash &1 debris throughout all parkin~ .lot areas on a daih' basis.
Empty refuse containers as required. .
Mow and trim all grass areas as needed.
Watf;\ potted plants as required. .
Fe!1lhze. plants, pots, shrubs, and grass as ne:ded:. . .
I nm plum trees to asstlre that fronds do not trlterrere WIth traffic.
~~im & shape shrubberv as needed.
, "'~ ~ 1 'lc_ {ll'. ~~._-,..
West, FL 33D40
.....' ..;,.,..' ~~)/ :.;;.
\3(5) 745'3677 ph/fal( ~ (;SOSl 304+7855 eel!
5$ Roads
Pick up trash & debris along the roadside daHy,
Trim palm trees to insure that fronds do not interfere with traffic.
Trim &I shape shrubbery. .
Mow and trim all grass areas as needed.
Af;:er mowing & trimming, remove aU debri~ &: blow area dean.
Tnm trees ror safety prior to the start of hUFru:ane season.
Nay & Taxiwa~ Areas
As needed: Mow &I trim grass areas between aircraft parking ramps and taxi
to assure that all taxiway lights are dear of grass an~ are visible.
As neet::had: Mow &I trim grass areas l:u:WietH'l t~: ta::m'lay and the runway to
assure that all lights are dear of grass & are VISible.
i!rnment Road/Bunk-g.! Ar~a & Fe!'!!::!:! f!er1rnetat
Mow &I trim Bunker aro, rence perimeter, and on Airport property along
Government Road as needed.
Dlle!,-~ Er;ruiDmeot
. Gardens of Eden will provide their own supplies, eqfJipm~rlt IS! materials,
Iram:e fteauireme!'!t:~
$100.000 Workman's Compensation
,i3OCWOO Genera! l!abiiitv
$100.0GO Vehicle UablHtv
~_. "< " ')"'Y "I
<"."a.ra.en.s 01 l:.!1el1
92 Bay Drive
Key '}Vest, FL .33!J40
(305) 745-3577 p~!~'~ (305) 304-7855 cell
,Emofovees & .subcontractors
p All employees of Gardens of Eden win nerve & pass an airpon: hackground
Investigation, including a FBI fingerprint uaminati.cll'1. There will be flO 5mploye~
of Gardens of Eden working on EYW property who IS not of legal immigiatiol'l
status with the proper documentation 1'.0 prove this. .
:ol1tract Term
i"" This COntract between Gardens of Eden &1 KeF' West Jlltematicmal Airport wm be
for one year, \vith (3) three one yaar options to renew upon manual agreement.
lease ,let me take this opportunity to say that it has tr~ly been our pleasure working
t &I WIth everyone here at EYW. We have truly apprecIated the opportunity to serve
::JU through the years. We look rornard to corn:inuing to serve you with our high
:andards af prOperty malntemmce for many more years to come.
)lol.lsnoulcl have all\' problems or questicms at an, please feel free to call me at any
, tha above captioned numbers and j wUl be happv to assist you in any way that! can.
1 c:e rely,
/ )
! ." /" "':'r
.".......;.;,,~..:'i:..... ,,' , .1-"
A -': ",""~-t.......J,",.o-..,v,:,, ..-:--'~,:,..: ...
....\....,..- .....l'. 'f~
~, 'v, """.........,,~
sir~!: Bona
~ciel1S of Eden
G.ardens of Eden
92 Bay Drive
Kev West, FL :53040
C~OS} 745.3577 ph/fax" (30S~ 304-7855 ceil
Total Proposed Cost For Annual Maintenance Contract at EYW:
4,480 ol's. @ 25,00 per hr. ..........................,..........,..,.......$112,OOO.OC
Proposal Jlccepted as is.
- 1Ye W(luld Jike to amend pruposa!.
mawrials ml:ntinnl:lI in the AVOW Pl"Op01l.lil al"!! to he im:lutltd in ront~.Ict.
:' C:t!l'll cO,~s are c:tPI'e.<;s1J" nllted and a~ti UpOll b~' 'ugrllIliml of this Clllttr.lct h:' Mr rh'st inrcnlatillllal Airport.
ase l1~lld an:' '-lllllmUll1!!llt In thi.t prollosal Oil Sl:'flllr.tte sheet tG.oo aPlll'l"lH:od !l~' G>lrden.~ llrrdl:ll.
:!.W Sllm. J:fIp~' f,n< Yllur n:CflnlS. << !mUm (lril!illlll si~ fll'llpllSlll m Garllens of Eden.
~:;::;l, f, r '\::;s ~+-
:ty of p2l"jury, cieJ:l~e and ~ ~
1) ! :D~; f' ' the bidciii:!" ml
~mroi fr1F'tim prejlf.l:'t ~cribmi asid~
,K?l/ J:u~,j- -r::::",iJ't. ~ar:f; :
i) "'" I'rI".dI1llls !tilI~ _...fivOt! Gt~ WllItout colluslan,
.-..., ~ ...~i'ol'_FI'....f...... ic:l1ltJl CIIlllpo<llllott, III;
tll'3' ~ to wcll pMell$' wffb aflf (~~ ~ gr wffi't emy Cmnpeiitwl'.
3) Urn~~ ~iD ~red by Ulw* titepricr.s which h:m b~ quated in this hil
D2$l'l koowingiy dhtcll:lss:cl bY the bi~ _ \11111 rwt knmvingiy 1m disclosed b).' 'fu~ bid
:lid openins. cli!" inclk~ry. m rmy ~ bidciu or tl:l1'Jffi ~r: ~
41 1\10 W :.iliopt 1m .... """"'... will --Iry fha bitldor'lo ...... <ll1Y om.r I
'i1tet':d1ip or c::lrjJOrmltll'l to _:nit, loW _ to submit, ~ bid felr the ~:sF rstl'i:t
~~Hi~ ,,'
~l'.~~~~ .
;jUNTY OF M Dh roe. '
!ll ""'$1<11_ ~ ill ilUllal'ffdo'llt "'" -... _,ond.. wll
~'lbm; _CoollIy.....lljlIlIl- IItl1i1 "i -"...- ~ ill ill!!
~ ....uh'.....ij, lcr~id projed'. 4f9'tj/J>> . ", .
,A"lCai' ACll';d;,., ~ f) f Ju,iJ ~
(S"~qf mdd~)
:r l t II 'i f 03
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3!SONAI.!.Y ~ Be'aleAlE. _~....lly,
. :p ~~ l~e.e. 00"0.. . ....,Jl.dil'"!~....... by..., lr=
_duol~ llfflxod h!$/lulr ~1II->l==~ - CI!l ilUll
.t~~""i" ~~l'L ~m~
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'<"'tli;.lt~:li1"\'t'r'~~~'~.... ...;';,;. ............... ..v.
>_, '.... lflCOI.\WS':lt\,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'lde."'Signet:i wlu:wr in ~~ with ~ Shdate 251.081 iuweby l2'tifte.s '!'hat:
(..;- -If reV ~ ~1'5 1 /) F ErDE,N,
- <<' \ ,1$ '.~of~}
,lisb c ~ rmffying empmy. .. 1M ~ ~ dis'm1:lr.d
mng. ~. or 1D af " ~ ~ , ~ in 1he wcrkp~
form ampWyalt am-the ~m'$ of ~.. in_ ~ 'the ~s pDiil'.:'
~ l% ~'f'ru _"'=, my ~ dms. ~I ~1i'aHlm, a efl'.pic
~ pl~. and itm ~~ iMt _ bit h1~ ~ emp~ for ~ at
i'le ~ employu qaged in providing 1M. ~~dma al" ~1'=~'W21 sn~ that
'bid a =P'Y of~~ sp~m: ind'vdion (1).
, 'the ~"t~i!:ment splt.,.rfled in S1,lo.oredim (1). netify - ~i~ timt, as l% ama.mcl
ng 1m the. ~l~m~clffl~ m'" IooJolnh ~~ ~'tMt areumir bid. tha empitrya m1i abld
ems of tbllt~ aM mil ~~1'fry 1M ~ amvicffcn of. rsr pIe.a tf. guilt
c.om4U~ W, fJlt{ Yioftdi= tJf ~ . (,'A'Ir= Stmmr;4) ar of tmy alhi..:
~ !cw flf ~ United SiQJ~ al" any stmf~ fwf' g:,viciatfen a~!';'lj" in 'the wcrimia:.
1Mn fMl (5)'~after~ emwid1M. .
~ asm.."1i1m 1m. ~ ~ir;e 'the.~U~r~ ~Im in tt drug abmm ammc
-i f _l...~..! ii'I
ml (I Ien FfI9! ~i! if = Is ~ in tM~'f""'l-S 1..uhlliWfU y. or m~t t;ntpfwe who j
........J .
~~~ w . .
M* ~ pod mth dfort < m c#nl~ N ~ I.t ~frBa wcrkp_ tnrl
n'lMimiQn aF 'this &..""lilm,
. .
ZIl: ~~~ autbm'i~ 'W _ 'the. SMim_: I ~'m'y tMt "lim firm c:tmlpiie:s fully wffi1
~~r~~ ~ ;r{(f?~' <.
~ a~~~
,,~ _ 7/ - /g- '" o...s
bau -.
SWORN ~ I A 1 :;::;......+ .. . ...m___
~ i ' :~
~ LR=','-,( ~ - -" lNu:>{(tItis tiwr he.Itt has net e.mpioyed,
~ Or' ~= ~ fm hWiU b~ r.myformrt' CDumyofflcer Of"tmpicyu in
ionn of Sectfon ,qf ~'Nc. m-S?O Of" M'f Ccumy c:ffiw cr =p!oya in vi=1at!
iet:HM S of Or'dUw= No. w..mltl ror ~.~ Of" viokrliM of 'this ~ 'the O=rty m
l'S ~cm; ~ this 1;;..llIii'(l'k.l'~ ~Tri'ya ~ -, in its dtscn~fflm. declw
Nffl'O".l;;J' Ol" ~~m=, m' ~~e, ~ftill~t:tf any,. -
~~~e. Ft, fft' =ns1dmrli~n pmd nt TM ~ CounTy offi~ or =playa. '.
, J ~";.-:>J ~~.... ~ -
tJ~; ~/'~ (si~): """,
rif'i' '~ ' ::?"
(V . /1-/8 -C53
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$T A i'E OF ..... i="l Clf"" d cu
:OlJNnr OF H 'lJ i'}l....O e.
:s:r.~:JNAU.Y A?:'--EAl<E> BEFORE }.\E. the ~gn~d atl'thcmy:
.. ~.. '
~~e .8rmtfft-
~;,...) .
~ .
a, affm-fim bclne 5'Om by me, ~
~ (~af indM.signing) in;m~ pnm=~:m this
N O'Y~ ber .20 Q5.' ::
I 'Z-+h clay oi
NOT Ai(Y ptJsrrc
lAy =mm.issicn ~il"gs:
. . ...,."., t8'JW1a Pmil.\.
. , ^ jtfal""~'WUilm3
J; .-. Sl'I'fl'l!l\I:l):I,lllllf&-
'1'~~M\ ~_.I"_U" t7"
~"1"'~W ~TI'111~wim.bas b=ttl~ M=~ ~iis:t~a~___~,.
. '.. ........i~ , .._.~..... _
=:tnv~m"""mt ~~ahid onat""'/'IIQ'tta~any ...........~~~~to a~~. :.
~ . -.... '..e..._ ~ j' . . -.1>"
=~abidonao."'llrlCtwiihapub1W~.w.-w.ll'i~l~ I") "~ar~afa~~~
~~ :!U,ytm~l:l;,'tUl_mimescf=.!'''l'.....L.Yt:D~~m.tty_be ~~ t
pM '\I! rtl:~as aC!'l'mlfo!t........ mI'l'm~ S'l:dw> k/.I,~"j"'l m:'~'U.""~1t1:tdc:ra.llll."'I="tt'With.-...,.".,;.~.
. ---........... --::'.l"' ......;,L.. -tI'_ ~_.. -J .ro-lIC
~.Y~!lJS,viti:um:y~~ m~~l b w.~""'~8lW:IUm~
mS~m.Ol1p.tixrCAT.EOORY'J."WO .D'ap"lIirld oO'6~'''1Ibs_iWt_~~ I
the~'~k" .
Priono the C~~ of work gov~ bi'UUs'com:rn.ct. the CoI1'tt2ctor sh21l obtain
Genml Liability Insurance. Coverage sJ:mJ1 be rt'I"hTNtmed. throughout the life of the contract mi
include. lIS a miDhnntl'l.
.. Premises Operations
.. Prodn.cts a.nd COn:lpleted Operations
.. Blanket ~Liabilitj'
.. ?crsana!!v,jmy !Jal.:illity
.. Expanded D~ of Property D~e
. 'The t1lh-\il'l'mm l:ln:rits a;:cepmble shall be:
5300.000 CowmmrlSing.le Limit (C51)
If spfu limits ate providerl. the mm;r\'lHU'l fucits acc:prnble sbaJl be:
S100,000 per Person
$300.000 per OCt~e
;$ .50,000 Property Damage
An O~e Fonn policy is~:fer.reli Ifooverage is provided on a ems Made poJiC"j its
provisions should inclUde co\~ fur daiins iil:d on or after the effeerive date of this co~.u:t,
In llIidltiOll. the period for which claims .nav be reported shouId extend for a of twelve
(12) moD followi:ng the w::~e OTwark by the County,
~ 1yio~e County Beam: ofCoumy Co~o:<linnm _ be 1'ml'l"!t':!:'! as Addirionai Insured on all
poliCJes issued to. satis1Y the aboVe,!iX!!t
JU70Q ~
lli;cognizing that the work governed by this CO~ ~9~ ~ use ofvehicies, the Contrnctor,
pnorro the corr.mencem..'"ttt of work. s.hal.1 obtain Vehimc LllWtUt:y lllS'..l!allce. Cov~e shall be
:nainttined throughout 6e iife oithe contract a;ud Include, as a miTIImUlrM liability covmge fur:
.. Owned, Non-Ov.ued, and Hired Vehicles
..,..."".:..... > '" "'.'. t .. .'"
.l.l.e m1l1.m:'lUll:llm'lll:.S llCcep!.ilble :.nall be:
S100,OlJO Combined Singie Limit (CSL)
If split limits are pro,'ided, the minimum limits acceptable shsll be;
1: SO,OOO per Person
$100,000 ner Occ-..rrrence
$ 2.5,000 Property Da.'U~e
Tn:; ~fo~e Cotmty Board ofCow.ty Cornmi~~nm s.ball be named as I:lsu:-ed on all
poliCles lSS'Ued to}' the above fequl.""e!!'.ents.
Admj~ f .
#410;0.5 =lltl
Prior to the CO.lTI!'l1encemt:rrt of work governed bythls contract, the Contractor shall obtafu
Workers' Compensation Imurance with lil:J:rits suffil;ient to respond to Florida Statute 440.
In addition, the Contractor cilcll obt?lv F1:l'lployed IJablliry lrls'J.,'ance v.ith limits of not less t!l:n>.:
5100,000 Bodily Injury by A.ccident . ..
$500,000 Bodily InjUI"j by Dise2se, polley ~
$100,000 Bodily htiury by Disease, each employee
Covcmge shall be wriutaberl throughout the entire term of the com:ra.ct,
Coverage _ he provided by a companY or comp~..s aut.~orized to trmsact busi.'1ess in the
state ofF1orida. 0
!f the Contractor lw been approved by the Borida's Depal'Went oftat..or, ;),S an authorized self-
~, the County sba11 recogrrizt: and honor the COllmmtor's st:I.t1.lS. 'The Con:tractar:may be
teq1.l1."'ed to submh a Letter of Amhorization issued by the Dep:m:meDt ofl.abor and a Cenific:l!e
ofInst4"mlee, providing detaIls on the COl'J!tllctors E.."(l:CSS L'1SU!"...!lce Program.
If th~ S~:m:traetol" pa.."ticipates in a self.irl;S',J.!"atlce ~ a C~cme o~lnsurance \~ be required.
In aamtton, the Contractor may Ce teaw.rea to l>'Ub::ntt llf'a.ated r.mmcial statements trom the fund
upon request from the County: .
Arlmlllistrorion ~0I'l
lhe p.'U1J.e:t:5, !.r..o:
.432 lWtnne,,"y On"",
;ey West n. 330Hl
?h""''': 305-294-%77
j ;t~S~~~......Pro9'!~!sive co:mmer'cia..lJ?..;.Y.
j :t~GW~f-* ~t
i :NWR~:s G:
! :N:st;P,ilH:~: __
r:'~~~l;~""-""" ---..-..-................"................
"D9Jl$ir~~ Bcna
Garcl.$us Of' ~dert ~f the Pl Kays
92 1\;!tv Dd.v..
Key west FL 33040
nm ~)Oi..::Cles Of 1~L$UAA.'<Cc:. t.:Sr~D e~:.ow M;'''.\'~: Ulil;N :$:1i:J!H.~ :0 on!;; 1~4..~'-i;:(Etl N.ilI.M$:i: AaO'./f. fOP. tN&;: j>Ol.::CV pf.R:OD iNO:CA!'tf.D. Non"".1T>1~rANmi'J~
AW( Rf.;;~l;lR$Mi:W. r~:llI.s.l m~ ;~C)i'~!~l1'lQ:'II :::.~ ;,vI)' ::::C.">:RAG':." t:,~ Q'fj~~?'t t!C-C~.t<:~/<r:' ~~'r!H RESPi:C1 'm w?-ilCH rHlS cerf:~iCP;1"E MAr is 1$$~O Cfl:
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