Item D12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS!ONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEET~NG D,A,TE: 4!'l9/U8 DIVISION COUNTY ADMiNISTRATOR BULK ITEM YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS STAFf' CONTACT PERSON: Pete!. Horton ___~._......................__mmu~.~' .".............................. ___..Won......................... AGENDA !TEt~1' ,jJoR:L-)'}r::.iG: App!'oVB.l of ,;Bf'!HoriEI! Sefvk~e5 Renewal Agreoment ".Ath ...!ud:l Bobick~ (Ace BU;lding r,,1ainf.enance. GFAS) rC( sel'vices at t~le Kf;'Y vV~$t jnt.e(n;3tjon~;1 Airport. !TE~;lBA6f~;G.fi{5uNIi- Current 3gi.e(~r.rjef..;t'e:~plres 4f2DIOf>. .Ptirties';':isri't;:; exer(;tie the opit~;~i..to..r.0.;.;.e:;..' fOf an ;3ddltional year. P'REV:OUS REt:'2\ii';N"ii36d::'l,CTION: -'Approv;;io(orlflinal agreem-e;,;r:'4!ij',i2004~ CONTRAC1:;A6iiiEE~XEi:jT CHANGES;..E;<:i;:;i1d$ expiration dat;;t().~i!2'i:i!o:;::~li'ld edj(J$t$'coiT;pen5a'lioii"lo~fi'"ii2:{84.o7 pel' y*.ar. _~"''''''''''.......,......._ "._.m'___............................,.._ STAPF RECOMMENDIHION: Approvai TOTAL COST: 5172.184.07 8UDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT $.,;'2,18407 COST TO PFC; Non', COST TO COUNTY; None SOURCE OF i'UNDS: Airport Operating BUdget REVENUE PROi)UCI'~G: No AMOUNT PER MONTH !YEAR APPROVE!) gy: Counly Altom.))! X OMBfPun::t~osln9 X RisK M"na<gemBnt X AIRPORT DIPECTOR APPROVAL ~--"""~~\ / A~t-- +-,!" \wj, \ "w............................._._____._............... Pel6" J. Horjon DOCUMENTATiON: Inciudec X N()t. ReqUIred AGENDA ITEM "# DISPOSlTION: foev AP8 MONROE COUNTY SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .~~_~,_".......... .........._,,,,,,,,,,.. ............_..___....... ................__~_.__"m......... ........_~_w... . i I ! Contrer;t \vhh: ...!udy Bobjc~. , CONTRACT SUMMAR',-' Ce,ntract :# UUl ! Effective Oate: 4/21/06 Expiration {)ate: 4/20107 j Contracl Purpo.seiDescnption: I I ! Contract Manager: Janitorial Services Rem,wal Agreernenl 8,wmte Moore {nanle) #5195 (ExLl Airports. Slop '# 5 (Department! StoP) : f2L~9.;:.0 n:.~~ttrl9(!Y 41'19106 . . . .....~~1_:)nd~_~!!!.~~~~.~~.~~..m:!!4/Ce __ CONTRACT COSTS I ! Totai Dollar Value d Contract: $172.184.07 . BudtWlad? 'les Grant: No County Match: None Curren! Y,~ar Portion: .- $86,092.00 !\cc.ount Codes: 404.63001..5.30.340 I Estimated Ofl(winc Costs: I. {not ;"j(;liJ{~a:d ir: doj;~ir y;;tiw.e 300'iS) l..;.....:;....____m................._____m..................._________.. ADDITIONAL COSTS For: ...........mmm_.".__~.___...j~~:.F!~:~!1ten;~fl?~,~,~.~~!!i.~~..J~~~jt(,r~HI: s~~~~~~~.:.~~9.J. CONTRACT HEVif.\N .-.---....1 Dale In Cf)anc;es Ni';,~d;;d V.es No Reviewer Date Out Airports Dimclor .J_II ...k-' {--;...-r \".J: !: .......... ...............L '/ ' PkllE'v" Horton ....~ \ ~ 1 ~ ;...L:ci..j;.,t....{..::~"J:...,......... .:~~~).~l /(:,./:;>(.. /tml'i~k ~~ ~ ~I >"c. .h,&?Jf .' . '':~dk&.~ :-,5 (j.'f.jJ(Jr}", ~. - /:1 for O~__...." .. County AHome\' . ''', _J........! () . / .... Y Q.d:..o .i....,AL&. C4 d 0 ...?..i...9...::b.- Comments...... (:./\~~,"C;iJ~~. j,'ii"'c1:;;;:;'L:!<(;. /,.... ~. .;(J;Joty Att~lfney ~;.!i :", ~ eX , ....U_...__............:~...../?iE[[ c ..f$..~!:i::~, / .:: v,,'.;. .~..1..::~.~:1.~~.::e;~~~..~{In...~ ,'="!ifL..ill"" ( ) t'f:C; 3..,4:./ 0 (". Risk Maoagernenl EU O.~.{B./Pu~'oh""ing ,:..) !L:~:?j tA:~:: (".ff ) 3.._/ ~ !...P.Q ) JANITORIAL SERVICES RENEW At AGREI':MENT THIS JANrrORlAL SERVICES RENEWAL agreement is entenxi into by and between Monroe COUllty, \l political subdivision ofthe State ofFJorida, herl.'-after "Owner" or ''County'', and JUDY BOmCR, hereafter "Contractor". . \VBEREAS, on the 21st day of April, 2004, the parties 'mtt~ed into II Contract For Janitorial St~rvices at Key West Ini(~laliona1 Airport, hen~fter original agreement, copy of which is attached to this renewal agreement and made a part of it; and WHEREAS, the original agreement t~'fl.n ended on April 20, 2005 and the parties entered into a rene'Nal agreement tor an additiol13-1 Yf'ar, a copy of Vi hid I is attached; and \VHERBAS, the term of tht~ rene\val agrt'ClllenJ. hegan on April 2 J, 2005 and expires OJ1 April 20, :W(~S but tlle pal1ies desire to renew the original agreement an addiiiona.l 1 year. and WHEREAS, the Janitorial Services Agrccment has been mUlually beneficial to bod1 parties; now, therefore, IN CONSIDER.ATION of the mutl.lllI promises and covenants set forth bekl'w. the panies agree im .klkrws. 1 Paragraph 2 of the original agreement. is amended to read: 1. Omtr.let Sum.. The County shall pay to th.l~ Contraclor ibI the faithful performance of said service on a per montb in arrears basis in each of twelve 02j months. The Cormactor shall invoice KWIA monthly for janitorial services pertormed under tbe Specitications contained herein. The Contract amou.nt shaH be One Hundred Sevent.y-Two Thousand, One H.un{]red Eightv,. FOl1f Dollars and Si';YWl cents ($172,184.07) ... . 2. Paragmpb 4 of the Oliginal agreement is amended to read: 4. l' enn $f Contract/RenewaI. a) Trus contract shall be for a period of one year commencing on April 2J, 2006 and tenninatbg on April 20,2007. b) Upon completion of the term of this renewal period. rhe parties shall have the optiorl to renew for two additional one year periods. The contract" amount agreed t(l herein may be adjusted annually, on the rent~wal daw of each year, by a percentage el'IIW to the percentage .increast~ in the CPI for urban consumers tor the preceding calendar Y~~llr. c) Should additional service be required a.t KWIA on a pellnanenr basis, the additional sp~x:itk tasks, and rosts (br these tasks, will be mutua!Jv agreed upon in writiJ1g, llnd appwvtxl by dle Airport Manager and by th~ contTa.~ior. 3 The follo.wing paragraph is appended to the Janitorial Services Renewal Agreemenl and incmporated inb t.he original agreement M paragraph 14. 14 Airpol1 Security., a. Geller,ll. The federal Trans!lnrtation S.:rurity A.dministration is the federal agency primarily responsihte {or overseeing the security meMures utilized by (he fiirport owner 'p\lrSUi.lnt to the rekvllflt provisions of Chapter 49, United States Code, and re.gulatiol1s adopted under the amhority of th\~ Code, including hut not limited to 49 CrR 1540, et seq, Violations of th,j statutes or reguhuions may result in Sf)Vere civil monetary penalties heing assessed against the airport op\jfatnr. h is th\~ intent of the airport operator that the hmdens and consctlmjl1ces of any 8eC\I1'ity violations imposed upon the airport Op\jnltor as ii result of i.lr;tiOllS by an airport tenant or the airporl tenant's employees, agents, iflvit{~es" or lice!l5<.'es shall be home by tbe ai.rport tenant. b. Airp!lrt Tenant IkOned. An airport tenant means ally !terSOTl, entity., organization, partnership, corporation, or other legal association thiit has an agreement with the airport operator to C(Jnduct husiness on airport property, The term also includes an airpor! tenant as defined in 49 CFR j 540.5. Each signatmy to this A.greement, other than tbe airport operator, is an airport tenant. c. Ail'l:Joli Ol'l.'rllf.or Defined. As used in this Agreement, airport operator means !\i.onToe County, Florida, its de<.ied and appointed officers, and its employees. d. Airport PI'Upt.rty Oefinll'd, Airport property shall mean the property owned or 1eas,,'ii by, or heing lawfully used by, the airport operator 1.'01' civil aviation and airport-related purposes. For purposes of this Agreem<,jrlt, airport. property is tr..e propc,fty generally referred to :is the Key West Airport. the Marathon Airport, or bNl1 as mav be $t~ tbrth in this Agreement ,':. lnsprctj,.lll Autllol'jt}'. The airpNt tena.t1t agrees to allow Transportation Security Administration (TSA) al1t!lorized personnel, at any time or any jlll.lce" to make !nspe<.,'tions or tests, including ('~oJlying recortls. 1'0 determine compliance of the aiij:l{Jrt uperator or airport terlflllt. with tl1,j app!icllbl<.j security reql.lil1~m(:nts of Chapter 49. Uniled Swtes Code, alld 49 CFR j 540, er Sl.':(j, l~ Airpol't Seeurity Program. The airport wnal1t agrees to become t\\mi1iuT, to the exttmt permitted by the airport operator. with the i\irpoft Security Program pl\}mulgated hy the airport operator and approved by TSA, and also agrees to lXJu1()rm its' operations and business activities to the requirements of the Airport Secmity ProgJa.m, g, Tenant Se<:nrlt)' Pn.)grnm. lfpermitt;xj under TSA regulations, tlwairport tenant lllay voll.lJ1tarily undertake to maintain an Airport Tenant Security Pmgra.t11 as re.tbn~d to in 49 CFR 1542.Ll3. If the airport tenant vululltmil}' promulgates an Airport Tenant S{'curity .Program that is approved by TSA., su,;h pmgram, aB may be amende,d and approved from time 1'(; time, shal! be aummatkally incorporated into tIllS Agreement, b, Br.illcb of Agl1.~etl1ent. Should TSA. determine that the airport tellam or nile or more ()f tne airport te!llmf s employees, a.gents, invitee>, or !iceu5t.'es has ,:ommitt\m all il(:t or omitted t,;) ael as required, and such act Of ornissi011 is ~. violation which results ill TSA imposing a civil penalty agnin5t the ~irpnn open\tor ill J.l,.(;ordllnce w1th TSA's Enftm:emel1t Sunction Guidal'lc<, Policy, $\leh det~nnination and hl1position of a civil penalty by TSA shaH be cOllsi~lc1'ed a signH1c.al1t breach ,)Hilis Agreement. (l}.MilliIllUll1 Violl!ti()ll. lf dw violation is the first "r second Iilolaikm lIitdbu/e.a to the a.!1}lOlt tmla111 and is it dvil penalty "minimum violation" as plovided fOl in TSA'~, :Eutbn:cment S311e/ion Guidaw;;e Policy, the airport ierumt. may cure L'le breach by paying to the airpm\ opemlor the IOtal CO~lS illcuned by the idqtOfl operat~'r, including ~IlY fines or penalties imposed. in investigatit!g, defendil1g,mitigating, compromising, or taking of remedial measures a5 may be agrel.A to by 1'3A, to indude blXl l1nt be limited to fea-,>onable aitomey':; t$es and c051s incurred ill the investigmion, defense, COl1lJllol1lising, mitigation, (Ir taking of n':1U,~dial artion meam.lre5. If ill<.:: violation is it third violation, or there are multiple violations in excess {)f two vlolatimls. that is or am a civil penalty "minimum violation", tl11: llirpon temmt shaH puy to the airpol1 operatN the t(}tal C(lSts incurred by the airport operator, including any fines or penalties imposed, in investigating. defending, compr(}mising, mitigating" or taking of rem,'<iial measures as may be agreed t(} by 1'S1\, to include O\lt not be !huited t{} reasonahle attorne)' s fees and costs iJ1clJned in the investigation, defense, c,}mpromising, rYlitig11.tior~ or taking of remedial action measures; llnd, fljrther, th~ aifpon operator shall. have the ri.ll;ht to unihterally cancel this Agreem,mt, S\lch ,:$mleHation to he effective thirty calendar dnys atler re<;;cipt by the <lirp,)l'! tenant of written notice of canccllatbn of this Agreement by th\~ airport operator (2). M(Mj~~i'lltt' Vlt>futillu, If the violati,lll I, ill" first or second VlOliitKJtl attributed to the "Irpmt wnant and is a civil penalLy "moderate violtttlon" as provided for ill 1'$A's Enforcement San<:tliJll Guidance P'.1li0r the airport tenant may cun, the breach by paying t,> the airport operator the total costs incurred by the airport operator, induding any fines 0; penalties imposed. il1 inv,jstigati.llg, deti:\l1ding, comp.n.llnLsing, mitigating, Qf taking of renledia! meas<lf!.~S as may be agreed to by TSA to include but not he, limited to reasonable ll!'l.omey's fees and costs incmrea in the investigatioll, defense, compromising, mitlgation, or taking of ,emedial action measures, and. further, the airpon tenant muy cause all of drport t{~nallt'}; employee, involved in the airport tenant's business op,':fatlons onl.ne airport property to undergo SHch s,~cm'ity training lIS may be required by the airport operator. The IOtal COBt of 1.h., training shall he paid for by the airport tenam, .if the vlohtkn is a third violation, or there Sle multipk violations in excess of two violations, that is or are a civil pl.',nallY "moderate viola\iQU", ill<' airport tenant stt1'Jl pay to the airport operaror the tota.1 cOSts incurred b)1 the airport operator, induding uny [jne~ or penalties imposed, in inve~tigating< defcnding., compromising, mitigating, or ta.~ing of remedial meawre~ as may be aitr<~d to hy TSA, \0 indmk hut not be limi1etllo reasonable iittorney"s fees and cOlifs in<:UJT(~d in t.he investigation, defense, wmprOll1lsing, mitigation, 01' takiJlg of rernedilll acdon m<laSure:;; and, furth{,"f, tll.' airport operator shaH have the righl to unilaterally cancel this A!:\Teement, such ,~antellalbn lr! be d'f'lctiv(~ ,hifty cllJenclllr days after receipt by the airport tenal11 ofwri.ttcn Jl()tice of tallteUation of this Agrel)JrWllt hy the aJl'j)ort operator, (3). MlillinmmViolllfirJtl, .11' the viobti(1) is tbe firsl violation a1H'iputed to the airport tenam and is a ei"il penlllty "maximum viOlation" as !lmvided .bI in TSA'<, EnfOfcem~nl Sancti<ln Guidance ~'(jlil:y. Ill"., airpor! tenant may cure the brC,lch by paying ((", tl;,~ airpol"t operator the total cost> incurred by the airport opcnltol~ illCiuding allY Hues and penalties impos';l,L in invcstigatiJl.!l. defending, compromising, mitigating, or laking of remedial measures ll~ m:;y be agreed to by TSA, to include but not be limitl..'l"l In rea:\C\l1ab1e i'ltl"omey's fee5 and costs incurred in th~ investigation.. defense, compwmi.sing, rniligatiof'^, or iaking of mmedia! action meil~(IreS; and., further, the uirp'.l!'l Wnarlt may cause aU of airport tcn<lJlf s employees involved IJl the ai.lJlort tenant'!; bU5ine~s operations on the airp<lrl pwpelty tt.> tmdergo such security training as may be req\llrOO by the airport opernl"or. The total C0st (11' tiw training shall be paid ibr by th" airport tenant. If ttW violat1(1) is lie ~ewnd violation, or thef(~ are multiple vio!l.tio1l5, illa! is or lire a civil penalty "maxil1lurn vlohtion", lhe airport. tenant sha.ll pay to the airport ,lperWJl' the total <<ists in~,Jrred by the airporl operator, including any fines or penalties ir:nposed~ in inve:.:;tigat.ing.. defcndJng~ oornprolnising, rnitiga6ng.. or takil'.g tlf remedial measures as (!lay be Ilgr~,oo 10 hy TSli, 10 include hut nd be limh~>d l() rmlsnnable l;!tonwy's fees and <:051S incur roo i.1l the in.',,lcstigatio.n:. ~J~~fensc~ ~;ompro1n)sing> mitii:.atlot1, or ta.king ()f n.nncdiai actioJ\ nl\,awrc!O; and, fl.irther, th(~ airport '.'perntO! shall haw the right to unilatcrs,Hy cantel thi.s. Agreem~nt~ such {;;.an(;'f.~lla1km to be e:ff~ctive -thirty clli'~lldar days after rc<xllpt by the airport tenant of writt(~. lwtke of callcdlatkm oftlJis A8re~,meJ)t hy the ilirpo!1 operator. {{I. Mitigation of Bl'lCnell, TSA has a policy of forgoing civil penally actions lvhell till' airport operat(lr detects violations, promptly disclose;; ihe Vi(llatkms lo TSA. and tllk"s pWlllpt com~ctiw ildio1) to lCn~Ure that t.he &lme or simHar violations do n<l! re-<.;uf, This polky is knoWll liS the TSA Voluntary Discbsll1'e Program Policy, and is designed to (ll'JWllfllge c<')mpba.t1e(' \~ith TSA reg1.1lat.iOll$, jost,~r S(~tir~ practices, and ent'Ourilge the developm.ent of internal evalumic>l1 IYiograml<. Th(' airport ten<U1t 'Ii,\roos ihm upon detecting /1 violati<m tlw liirporT tenant will immediately n:p<Jrt it to the airpol1. oJleratnr. Sh()"'lld lite TS A ultimately ct('tennine that lh(~ delatioll ,va:; _x.l1lmitted b\" th!i airport tenant, (\t' an employe.:" ilgel1l, invitee, or licensee of the airpOrT tc~WJ:lt, i:n.l tht~ violmioJl should l'eStlll. in the lssuanr,e of a letter of C<J1TeCl.lOn in lieu of a ,:ivi1 penalty, th!irJ the airport tl~Mnt shall reimbllrse the airp(ll'l opera1<J" the t01al C',lS1S inculred by (he airport operator in investig;~,ing, ,:kfentling, mitigating. Or taking of rem,,~diaj measures il~ may he agreed to by TSA. to include but not be limited to n~atl0nMle attorney's fees and ({Jst~ incurred in the inve&'tigation, dett.'nlle, mitigation, or taking of remedial action measures. A lIiolation resulting in the i~smm<.:e of a letter of correction shall not be ,x.l1\siden~d to be a breach ot'this Agreement by the airport tenant.. (5). 81il:~'ival uf SIIb-Seetion. This sub..section h shall survive the c<1Jl\:dlatkm or terminmion of this Agn~ment. and shaH be in full force and effect i. Jhdd Ib:rmless; Indemnification; Dl~rellse; Release; Survival. Not1ov1thstanding any minimum inwnmce re<luirements p.re~cribed elsewhere in this Agreement, the ai.rpmt leo.nant agrees to hold harmles~, ind,>ml1ify, de1bnd and release the aiql0rt operator, and the airport operator':\ eleded and appointed officers and employees, thJn1 any claims, actions.. caU~€J~ of a.(~tion, litigation, administrative proceedings, appellate proceedings, or other proceedings rdating to any and all types of injury, including death, loss, damage, Hne~ penaltiCll, or business interruption of itny Jlatur('; whatsoever, ,)f or to My perSi.lll or property in connection with the use of the airport propeny under t.his Agreement., regardless of causation and including criminul ae!s of 1hird parties; and i'specially inclUding an)' and all tines, penalties, out of pocket expenses, attorney' $ fees and costs, and custs of remediation oj' additional security measun% required to be in1pie.menwd by any govefJ1mental agency (induding but not limittxl to the Federal Avistion Administration and the Transportat.ion Security Administration) resulling frum a violation of any federal law or f(~deral regulation This sulH,ecllon shaH ~urvive the t;ancellation or temlination of this Agreement. 4. Except aB set !il1th in paragraphs on~~> two Imd three of this Janitorial Services Renew'll1 Agreement, m all other l'e-sp{."cts, the terms and conditions of the original agHx~ment n>main ill full force and effect. fj',' 'NIT NESS \VHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hi'.nM and seaL< th,~ dayane year first above written. (::;LAL) . CO:rvfMJSSlONERS ATTEST; Di\NNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY OF MONROE COtJNTY, FLORIDA B'p .1......................................__....__. Deputy Clerk By. Mayor/Chairperson...... CONTRACTOR ./~-:. /.... , .1 h /~'~ I!: q {, ,..t1i.:tu.:?.....e::g~:.:.~i......:jI........ "y1/il,:\..:~[~ ("" "'... r, .. ;::'~ ...............,..t~..:;:'::':.;::.~;.__~.,~- :.......n J. .t...{:i _'m Witnesses Bv ,I .._. ("''''''"\ '.-', -). I. /,./'; j~~; 1 . .4, .f,t"Ao . ..~.~/ft,."l-.t.',r;" . !~ '. #;:'t' 1.<(._-(,.'\;,. 'f :l.._,-, "....___........._ iJXJDY BOBICK . , v 'flds doc,~nt was prepared and approved as to form by: ~ /# ,~ //;/ v1/V~~^<:oI'-/ ed:ro J. Mercat ,Esq. - AsS:istaI~t~ Attorney ,f~Bar .lito.: 0084050 /',/ P.O, Box 1026 :.... Key West, FL 33041-1026 (305) 2'12-3470 ~ JA,MTORIAL SER.VICES RENEWAL AGREEME1\'T Tm!> JANITOmAL SERVICES RENEWAL agreement is entered into by and between Monroe C.onl1tj', II political subdivision (lfthe Stare of Florida, hereafter "Owner" or "County". and JUDY BOBICK, hereafter "Conr.raetor";' W1IEREAS, 00 the 21st day of April, 2004, the parties entered imo a Contract For JanitOlial Services at Key West lntermltloUll1 .AifpQtt, ltereafter original agreement A copy of th~ Griginal agreement is attached to this renewal ~_ and made a part ont; and WHEREAS, the original agreement teml ended on April ZO, ZOOS but the panies desire to renew the originalllgt't<f:l1,crtt 1111 addiiional1 year; now, therefore, . IN CONSIDERATION of the nmwal promL~es and covenants set forth below, the panies agree as follows: !. .Plmlgtaph 2 ufthe original agreement is amended to read: 2. Contrllet Sunt. The County shall pay to the Cuutractor to: the faith."'uJ performance of said service 00 a per month in lllTeafS basis in ea;.:h of tv/dve (12) months. The C~:r shall In'voice KWIA m(lnthly for janit(1n,"1 services performed !.lIlder the SpecifiOlUiollS contained herdn The CNHTa,:t an1mmt s1ll!11 he One Hundred Slxty"'Seven Thousand, One Hundred Sixty- nine DoUm and:oo ~ ($167,169.(lO) . Z. Parngraph 4 (lfthe Qriginilagreement is amended to read: 4. Term ofCol1tnn:t!:IWlewaL ?\ Thb< C01'ltract shan be fur a period of urw year ,:o:':;~:-ncinr on April '1 """,,,, , .'. '...." A ~..::, 2" .,.,,,,,, '." ,,;;"\TV;.) anu it.ern:u.na:~ on. r~.s.u v~ ,~vvu. bj Upon OOtnpletioo of the term of this renewal period, tlli~ panies slnil) MVtl the option to flmeW fur two additional one year periods, The contract amOUllt IlgnlCd to hercin may he adjusted annually, on tbe renewal date of each year, by a p~ ~ual to the percentage increase i11 the CPJ for urban oo!t~umers for the preceding calendar year. c) Should addil:ional service he required at KWIA on a permanem basis, the additinnal specific task1l, and costs fOJ these Ulsks, will be mutually agreed up~m in 'Wl'iting, and approved by the Airport l\fanager and by the conrmctor. 3 Th~' following paragraph is appended to tire Janitorial Services Rell~wal Agreem~.nl and l.nCOf!X1T;rtoo inw the original agreement lIS paragraph] 4. 14, Airpllrt Security. a. Genem The federal Tl"lll:lSportatio!l Security Administration is the fedenl agency pril1lllrily respo.nsible for overseeing the security measures mi iized o. the ai1"port owner plIDltlllltt to the relevam provisions of Chapter 49, Lil'Jwd States Code, and regulations adopted under the authority of tht, Code, indudi!l~' but not limited to 49 CPR 1540, et seq. Violations of the statutes or reaulatk:ns may result in severe civil monei:ary penalties being assessed ag~llst the airport operator. It is the intent of the airport Operator that the burdens and consequences of any security violations imposed upon the airport operllWr as a result of actions . by an airport tenant or the airport tenant's t'mployees, agents, iuvitees, or hcetlsee.~ slml! be borne by the airport tenant. b. Airport Tenant Defmed. All airport tenant meam any person, entity, organization, pannership, corporation, or other legal association tllat has an agreement with the airport operator to conduct hushles.~ on airport property. Th: term also includes an airport tenant as defined in 49 ern ; ;;405 Eath signetoD to t.!>i.~ Agreement, other than the airport OPl,"ra'tX, is an airport tenMt t. Airport Operator .Defined. As used in this ~greement, airpon opermor means Monroe County, Florida, its elected Md appointed onken, !illcl its employees. d. Airpurt Property ,[}efint~. Airport property shall mean the property mvned or leasl.>Q by, or being lawfully used by, the airport operator for civil aviztitln and ili.tport..relatecl purposes. For purposes of this Agreement, atmolt property is the property generally referred tt> as the Key West Airport,' i.lR~ Marathon Airport, Of both as may be set forth ill this Agreement t. InspectioD Authority. The airport lemmt agrees to allow Transportation Security Arlministration (TSA) authorized personnel, at any time ur anv place, to make inspections or tests, including copying records, to determine ttlmpliance of the airport operator Or airpDrt tenant ""1th th~ applkible SCClJ::ity f,~tjuirt:rnents of Chapter 49, United States Code, an:1 49 i~FR ):':'4;), et seq. r. AirJil'I'I't Sewril)' Progrnm. The airport tenant agrees to hecome familiar, to the extent permitted by the airport operator, 'with the Airport Security Program promulgated by the airport operator and approved by TSA, and alsO .agrees to wnform its' operations and business activities to the requirements onile Airport Security.Pm1,"ffitn. g. Tenant Security l'rog:null. If permitted under TSA. regul.arJofu, the airport tellllllt tl1.l!y voluntarily underta.~e to maintain an Airport T enil1Jt Secur1tv Progrnm as reft.'IToo to in 49 CFR 1542.113. If the airport tenam voluntarily promulgates an Airport Tenanr Security ProgT'.ill1.that is approl'etl by TSA, such program, as may be amended and approve..i ITom time to time, sh.all be automatically incorporated into this Agreement. h. Breach of Agreement. Should TSA determine that the airport temmt or one or more of tile airport tenant'z employees, agents, invitees, or licensees has committed ll.'1 act or omitted to act as required, and such ,(<;1 or omission is a violation which results in TSA imposing a civil penalty against the airport nperat.or in llCCOrdance ~ith ~~A's FJ'.f~r~el11ent Sanction Guidance Policy, such deterwroooioo and smposltlon of a em! penalty by TSA shall be considered a significant breacl1 of this Agn:ement. (1). M.......~'D y_timL If tire ,,-iolation is the first or second violation atll lOuted to t!Mi airport tel1Jl1tt and 1s a civlI penalty "minimum violation" as provided for in TSA'll Enforcement Sanction GuidatlCe Policy, the airport tenllIlt may cure- the brelIcll by paying to the airport operator the tmal costs inCUl'tOO by the aixport operatm', including any fines or penalties imposed, ill investigating, deft.mding, mitigating, comp~sil1g, or taking of remedial mCll.SUfes IIIJ may be agreed to by TSA, to mclude but not be limited te, l"€'l\$Ol1able attorney's ~ and costs incurred in the investigation, clef<;;l::'e, COtnpTOlllisillg, 'mitigatklli, or taking of remedial action measure;;. If ;.ae violation is a third violatioo, or there Me multiple violations in excess (1f two violations, that is or are a civil penalty "minimum violation", the airport tenant shlll! pay w the alrpurt operator the total costs incurred hy tue airpon opemWr, including any fines or penalties imposed, in ulve.l{tigating, defendin.g, compromising, mitigating, or t~n~ ~f remedial measures as may he agreed to by TSA, to include hut not ne lim.ned to rea.'lOnabk: attofJ1ey's fees and oosts inl::umld in the investigation, defense, compromising, mitigation, or taking of remedial action measures; and, fu..'iller, the ai, cKJrt openttor shall have the right to unilaterally (;ancel this Agreement, ;'lch cancellatiotl to be effective thirty calendar days after receip1 by the airport teoam of writteo nonce of canceflatiol1 of this Agreement by the a.irpof! operator. (2). Moderate Vioianon. If the violation is the ti.rm or second violation attributed to the airpurt tenant and is II civil penalty "moderate violation" as provided fur in TSA'$ Enfun:emetlt Sanction Guidance Poticy, the a;rpol'! tenant may ;;um tite breach by paying to tbe airport operator the to;;,; C;JC,w inCl.ln'ed by the llirport apermor, including any fines or penalties imposed, iJ1 inYe~ defending, compromising, mitigating, or taking of remedial measure.~ lI.~ may he ~- to by TSA, to include but not he limited to .reasonable attorney's fees and oosts incurred in the investigation, defense, compromising, mitigatWll, or taking of remedial action measures; and, .furtl:lc:r, the ciIport ~>tt may CID.lse all of llirpolt tenant' 5 employees involved in the airport ~'s bosiness operations on the airport pmperrv to und~() such seeu.rity training as may be required !:r<; the airpOlt operator The total 'Cost of the training sJWI be paid for by the airport tenant. If t.he violation is a third violation, or there arc multiple violations in exces~ of two violations, that is or are a civ.iJ penalty "moderate violation", the airport tenant shall pay to the airport operator the total co~ts incurred by the airport operntur, including any fines or penalties imposed, in investigating., deferuiing, compromising, mitigating, or taking of remedial measures as may be agreed to by TSA, to include but not he urllited to reason.ahie attomey's tees and costs inCll1'fetl in the inw:stigatioo, defense, compromis;;lg, mitigation, or taking of remedial action measure.s, and, further, the almort operator shall have the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement. ;uch cancellation to be effective thirty Cal~lldar da~s after receipt by the airpol'l tenant of writter. notice of canceJlatll)u of this Agreement by the airport operator. (3). M:arimum ViolAtion. If the violation is the firm violation attributed to the.airport tenant and is a civil penalt}' "maximum violation" as provided for in TSA's Enfurcemt\llt Sallction Guidance Policy, the airport tenant may cure the breach by paying to the airpOrt operator the iotal costs ifiCum:d hy the airport operator, including any fines and penalties imposed, in investigating, defending, compromising, mitigating, or taking of remedial measures as may be agreed to by TSA, to include but not be limited to reasonable attorney's fees and coats incurred in the investigation, defense. compromising. mitiga'io.l1, or taking of remedial actiOll measures; and, further, the airport te.'1.;U1l may cause all of airport tenant's employees involved in the airport tenant's busilless operations on the airport property to undllXgo such security trninirlg as may be requin..>cl by the airport operator. The total cost of the training shall be paid for by the airport tenant. If the violation is a second ....iolation, or there are multiple violations., that is or are a civil penalty "ma:<cimum violation", the airport tenant shall pay to the airport operator the total costs im:::urred hy the ail'Port operator, including any fines or penalties imposed, in investigating. defending, compromising, mitigating, or taking of remedial measures as may be agreed to by TSA, to include but not be limited to reasonable zrto111ey's fees and costs incurred in the investigation, defense, compromising, witigadon, or taking of remedial action measures; and, further, the airport operator shall have the rigln to unibtel'aUy cancel this Agreement, such cancellation to be effective - thirty calendar days after receipt by the airport tenant of 'vr1tten notice ;r cancel1ation of tms Agreement by the airport operator. (4). Mitigation ufBreaeb. TSA 1\('9 a policy oftbrgoing civil penaltyactiolJs when the airport C'pere~,,'r ac;.ects vidations, promptly discloses the vioiations to TSA., and takes prmnpt corrective action to ensure that the sarne or simiiar violations do not recur. This polk')' is blOwn as the TSA Voluntary Disclosure Program Policy, and is designed to encourage compliance \'lith TSA regulations, foster secure practices, and enCQurage the development of internal evaluation programs. The airport tenant I.lgroo.s that upon detecting a violation the .airp<lrt tenant ,'!ill immediatdy report it to the airport operator. Should theTSA ultimateiy dm"ulLine that the Violation was cOmmitted bv the airport tenant, or an employee, agent, invitee, Of licensee of the .airport te~l1lllL but the violation should result in the issuance of a kIter of correCJ:ion in jieu of a civil penalty, then the airport tenant shall reimburse the airpOrt operator the total costS incurred by the airport operator in investigating, defending. mitigating, or taking of remedial measures as may be agreed to by TSA., to im;lude but not be limited to reasonable attorney's fees and costs lncufTl..'d in the invest.ig.atiorl, defem:le, miilgation, or Ullcing of remedial action measures, A violation resuiting in the issuamx of a letlt'T of correction shall not considered to be a breach of thi.s Agreement by the airport tenant (5). Sunri~al o( Sub-Section. This sub-section h shall survive th, cancellation or term.inlWoo of this Agreement, and shall be in full force anI. et'fect .i. Hmd Blitmllells; Indemnification; Defense; Release; Survival NOtV.'itbsttmdinj any minimum insurance requirements pT~sc!ibed elsewhen in this Agr=.nent, the airport tenallt agIlleS to, .hold harmless, indemnify defend and release the llirpott opemO!, and the atrport operator's cJected anI. appointed officers and employees, from any claims, actions, causes of action .litigatioll, administrative proceedings, appellate proceedings. or cotbel proceedings relating to any _ all types of injl.llJ', including death, loss. &a1'n!'t~, fines, pemill:iei" or business interruption of any nature whatsoever. of or to any perron or pro~ in conneclkm \\>1th the use of the airpori property under this Agr&.w:ent, regardless of causation and including criminal acts of third parties; and etpe(,ially induding any and all flnes, pmaitiei" out of ~ ~ei" attlmley' s fee.~ and costs, and IXlsts of remediation or additional security measures required to be irap!emente4 bv any governmental agem:y (including but not limIted to the Fcderal A viatio;l Administ.l::l!tion and the Tmnsportation Security Administration) resulting frmn a violation of any fuderal la.w ar federal regulation. This sub-section shall survive the cancellation Of termination of this A.greemem. 4, Except as set forth in paragraphs Olle, ty,'{) and three of this Janimrial Services Renewal Agreement, in all otlJer ~s, the tIIDm\ and conditions of the original agn~mem remain in MIJQrce and effect. :;, '~.:~~~~~:~1'.:~~~~:. :.--__ . . . <}'<;JNVvTrNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands ana seals the day and vear first li.bOv.E V;.rtfuin . ""~,S:~ \ \~5.<~:, '7}! ?:' , (SEAL}}., /'.' COl\1M:Ej'srUNERS A,.'I'TES1: DANj\f'{ L KOLHAGE, CLERK '~,..:..:..:........ ..' ./-7 tl / /;/"1 i/ By \. '1~..." ~.j.,"'-"M"V.?f,.j - Depu(Y"Cierk - ~ C-<" ;#./"" :/" j .. ' .>,1 ....~,.t:...,L<'..... - .~A. ;,4-,. ~... ~__.. , ~... ~ .....-..,...... /,} ~.. ( ..... -....... ~..:..,.. ,r--""-"""?f"--" I L.' {.-:; ,. ,&,",-< "ok! .............f...~:::.....~...~l:~..J..... \..: L '\".:, ~ , \Vitnesses i ,,,-- BOARD OF COUNTY OF MONROE COtJNTI', FLORIDA B <<)# ?J7. ~P..i.j y ----......... .-..~.. MayorlChairpersno-."--' COJ\1TRACTOR (\ 'j (1,1 " "Wi,!,! " . "-- I ,II!, /\ 0. i':,1, ..' "Y _._~..JJ l..{!.i..L _ ' f...:'::::.",,-- Jtr;lJlY'BOBICK Ii r--", This d6CUnlellt l\'W; pre~r.i')d and approved~s to form by: i:J// ~1 ,/~-;~1/! ><./ / "C'l."t.,,'J ,/ / 1/ L..e:~~ ~ Pedro 1. Merca , Esq:-."." __./ ,y" Assistant County Attorney Florida Bar No,; 0084050 P.O. Box 1026 Key West~ F.L 33041-1026 (305) 292~3470 C:ONTR.Q5i,,;i ~ r'U'r~ ",,-.v-..~ --. KWIA ~ -...-./ THIS CONTAACT made and entereii ioW this 21'" day of April, 2004, by ilnd between BOi.'Jrd :If COlJnty Comrrdssioners' of Monroe County (County) and JUDY sOmeK (Contractor). The parties hereto, tor the Gensiaeratlons herein set forth, mutually agree as follows: 1. Scope of \1\10$ The eontrad:or shaH provide janitorial services at the Key West !nternatlonai Airport, im;ludlng aU lla~ry equipment required in ..t~e performance {)t same, and perrol'Tl1 all of the work described in th$ SpedflcatlOl'lS Option! (Exhll::nt A), and his Bid (exhibit A-l) attaciled her!lw and incorporateti as part of this dowment. The Contractor shaH Insure ail exterior doors are locked upon theJr departure attar business hours. 2. Contrad: Sum. The County shall pay to the Contrector for the faithful performance of said service on a per month In arrears ~ in eacil of twelve (12) mo~ths> The Contractor shaH ltwolce KW!A monthly for janitorial sef'.lk;es performeC under the $pec!ncatlons amtalned herein, The Contract amount shall be as stated by the ~ctor's propO"ill! as fo\fows: One Hundred SiXty. two Thousa.,d, -n-::mt1 Handred DoHers and rro cents ($162,300.00j, 3, Contrad:l:lr'5 A~ptllince of Corullt!ons. a) The Contractl:lr hereby agrees that: he has carefully exam.ined thl:l sites and has madf investigations to fully satl$l'y himself that sud'l slbl:S art! cormct: and SUItable ones for this work an' he assumes fult responslbmty therefore. ille provisions of the Contract shall control any inconslsten provisions contained in the Spedflcatlol'lS. All spedfical:lOl'lS have been read and OlrefuHy consider!:!( by the Contractor, who understands the same and atjre!$ to their sufficiency for the work to b! done, under no circumstances, Gendltlons, (lr situations shall this Contract be more strongl' construed against the County than against the Contractor (and his surety, if applicable). b) Any ambiguity or uncertainty In the Specifications shal! be interpreted and c:onst.rvej by the Airport f>1anager, and his decision shaH be final and binding upon ali parties. t:) The passing, approval, and/or a~ptam:e of any part of the work or material by tl1 County shall not operate as a waiver by the County of strict comptlance with tlw terms of to! Contract, and SpeclfiOltlOns covering said work. Failure 01'1 the part of the Contractor, immediatel after Notice to correet workmanship shall entltle the County, if lt sees flt, tl: c:crrect the seme an recover the re"'Oof"~b!e cost of such repiaC!lment and/or repair from tht, '::o;;,r,ar.;tor, who shall in an el/ent m. jolm:y< <'ind se~er'.a!ly liable to tl'ie County fur all damage, lof>S, and expense caused to th County by reasons of the Contractor's breach of thlS Contrect: and/or his rnHum to comply strict! and in aU things with thls Contract and with the Specifications. 4. Term of Contract/Renewal. . . a) This' Contract shall be for a period of one year commencing 011 the date first writte above end terminating one year later. b} The parties shall haW the option to ~new this agreement after the first vear. f( thni!e addltionai one year periods, The o:mtrad: amount agreed to herein may be .adjuSte annually, Qn the renewal date of each year, by a percentage equal to the percentaQ increase 1n the CPI for urban consumers fur the preceding calendar year. ~ c} Should additional service be required at KWlA on e permanent OIlSiS, the addition specific tllsks, and costs for these tasks, will be mutually agreed upon in writing, and approved t the Airport Manager and by the Contractl:lr. . 5.. INOEPi!:H'iDEfU CON"I'RAC'roR. At an times and for all purpose.s under tt1 ~g!"lMlme~t the Contractor is an Independent contractor and not an employee of the Boam of Coun ,-ommlsslt:mers for Monroe County. No statement contained In this agl'1illlment shall be construed ~ as to nnd the contractor or any of his/her employees, contractors, servants, or agents to t empioyees of the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County. 0, P,sSIGNft-1S:NOL Tn:;:; Contn~cto;' snaH no:: aSSIgn [nlS :a9n.~ernen:( except in writing an.{ with the prior writter, approvai of the Board of County ~ommiSSiOnef5 f?, Monroe County an: Contractor, which approval shaH be 51Joje~, ro such, condltltlilS ano P1'OVl.slOns as the Board am Contractor may deem necii\..o;sary, This agreement shall be m~rporateo ~y referen<:e into an] assignment and any assignee snail comply with ~l! of the provIsIons of thIS agreement UnJesl expressly provided fur therein. slIch approvai shall m no manner or event be deemed to impose ilnl obligation upon the !'loard in addition to the total agreed~upon plice of the services/goods of th, contractor. i. COMPI..IANCE WITH THE LAW. In providIng ail services/goods pursuant to thil agreement, the contractor shaH ablde by all statutes! ordinanci"'. rules and regu~ations pertaining to or roguiatlng the provisions of, sm:::h sarvices, includmg those no~' In effect and nereinaft:er adopted Any violation of said statutes ordinances, rules and regulation snail rorurtltute a material breach 0: this agreement ailt:! shell entitle the Board to terminate this contract immediately upon delivery 0' written notice of termination to the contractor. The Contractor shall pOSllilSS proper l!t:enses tt perform work in ao;;on:lanee with these specifications throughout the term of this contract. 80 INSMiV\NCE. Prklr to exeOJtlon of this agreement, the Contractor ni1ati furnish to thE County Certfficat:m; of InSUiJr1Ce for the following coverage: Workers Compensation - $500,000 Vehicle !Jabmly - $300,000 (CSl..) Genera! LiabHlty " $500,000 (CS!.) Employee Dlshonesty " .$100,000 9. INDEMNIFY AND HOW HARMl...$So Contractor agrees to indemnify ..me save County harmless from and against all claims and actlons and expenses incidental thereto, arising out of damages or claims for damages resulting from the negligence af Contractor, its agents, or employees while Contractor is deaning the A!rport fac1lltles. However, Contractc.r shaH not be !lable for any claims, actions or expensilS which arise from the negilgent or intentional acts or omissions of the County, its agents or employees. Tne extent of liability is rn 110 way limited to, reduced, or iessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement~ a) Records. Contractor shall mail'l1:a111 all books, recon:lS, and documents drrect!y pertinel'lt to performance um:ler this Agreement in accordance w.!tl1 gel"':m1ty acct;pt..,t accounting prlndpies consistentlY i.lpplleo. Each party to this Agreement or their l.'l1'.t'llorlZl!ld repr~entatives shall have reasonabk <lna timely access to such records of each other party to this Agreement for pllolle records purposes dUring the term of the Agreement and fur four yaars following the termination,Of this Agreement. If an a1Jt:!ltor employed by the County or Cierk determines that monies paid tv Contractor 1:H.lrstllmt to ttlls Agreement were spent for purposes not authorized by this Agreement, the Contractor shSll repay the monies to~ether with interest caiculated pursuant to Set:. .55.03, FS, l'lJnnlt1g from the date the monlilS were paid to Contractor. b) Governing law, Venue, Interpretation, Com, and Fees: Thts Agreement shaH be governed by and construed in ao::oroanC<! with the laws of the State of Floride appllcable to contracts made and to be perform!!d entirety In the State. In the event that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is lnstltuted for the enforcement or Interpretation of this Agroement, the County and Contractor agree that venue wm lie In l:t'te appropriate court or befure the, approp'riate admini~tlve body In Monroe County, Florida. The County and Contractor agroe that, in the event ?f conl'httlng interprotatlol1S of the terms or a term of this Agreement by or between ilny of them the Issue snal! be suhmltted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative 0, leQal proceeding. - ,. c) Severability, If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement (or the apPlicatIOn thereof to any circumstance or person) shaH be declared invalid or unenl'oft:eeble to any !!xtent by a <::gun of competent .Jurisdiction, the rem?lning terms, covenants, conditions end prOVISions of this Agrellment, ,shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining term, covenant. on(at~()n and proviSIon or trns p;<gr~e8u~U'" ~H""" ..-.. , 'errriltted by law unless the enfon::ament of the remall1tng terms, covenant:!.;, cem:JJti,lns an lrovislons of thIs Agreement would pnw~nt the at:compllshment or the original intent of th >.greement. The County and Contractor agree ro reform the ~greement to replace any strick" lfOvlSion WIth a valld provision that comes as close as possIble to the intent of the strlCK€ lrovislon. d) Attorney's Riles and CoSts. 1'l'W County and Contractor agree that in the event aT :ause of action or administrative proceeding Is Initiated or defended by any party relative to tt anfort;ement or Interpretation of this Agreement. the prevaHlng party shall be entitled to reasonab ~ttorney's fees, court ~, If\Vestlgativ~, and out-ot-pocket expenses, as an award against the no; :ll'evamng party, and .shall include attOrney's feeS, courts costS, investigative, and out-or-pock ilXpenses In appcilabe: proceedings. M~latiol"l proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to t1" ~reement shall be in ao::oroal'lce with the Florida Rules of Civil procedure and usual and C\Jstcma >lrocedures required by the clro.llt court of Monroe County. e) t)lnding Effect. The tem'lS, covenants, amdltlons, and provision~ ~jf ;:his "\9n~emti! shall bind and Inure to the j:~em:'Jfit of the County and Contractor and thd; respective le~ representatives, SUa:essOf$, aod alisigm;. i F~ 91-155)1 as arnendedl' relating to nondiscrimination on the. bams of onJg abuse,: 6) Thi Compreh~nsive Alcohol Abuse and AiCohoiism Prevention, Treatment ana RenabilitatKw; Act of 197! (ilL 91-616j, as amended, reiating to nondi,crlmlnation on ~e basi:. of alcohol abuse or alcoholism 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, $. 523 and 527 (42 US\.. 55, 690dd.3 and 290ee-3), a~ amended, relatinq tp confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse ,Patent records; 8) iltle vm of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 use s. et seQ.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination In the sale rental orflnandng of housing; 9} ille Americans with DJsabiHtiel?Act of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Note) IlS maybe amended from time to time, relating to m:.ll'lcllscrlminlltJon on the basis of disability; 10) Any ohr nondiscrlmlnation provisions In any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, tilis Agraement, " k) Covenant of No Interest. County and Contractor covenant that neither presently ha~ any intemst, and. shall not acquire any intemst, whld1 would a:ll'lt1!ct In any manner or degree witt its perfurmlulOli under this Agreement, and that only interest of eaen' is to perform and receiVE beneffis as reclted in this Ag~ment I} Code of Ethics, County agrees that officers and employees of the C-::unty recognize and will be required to comply wlt!1 the standardS af conduct for public officers and ",mployees ll$ delineated in Section 112.31J, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not llmited to, soHcitatlon or acceptall~ of gifts; dolng buslnl\'$S 'with one's agency; unauthorized eompensatlon; misuse of public position, a:mfild:!ng employment or contac:tuel relationship; and dlsclosum or use of cer..aln Information, " m} I\lo SolldtatlonjPayment. The County and Contractor warrant that, In respect to ttself, it has nelllier employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for It, to solidt or secure this Agreement and that !t has not paid or agreed ro vav any person, company, eol'poration, individual, or firm, otoaf than a bona flde employ~e working solely for It, any fee, commission, percentage. gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award Of making of this AQreement. for the breach or vio/adon of the provision, the Contractor agrees that the County .shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liabilitY and, at its discretion, to offuet from monies owed, or otherwise mcover, the full amount of SuCh fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideratkm. n} Publ!t:: Accl:!S$. The County and Contrectof shall allow and permit reasonable access to, and inspection !:If, all documents, papers, letters or other materials In its possession ,r 'maar its "Ontrul subject to the proVisions <:of Chapter 119,. f'lorida Statutes, and made or re~'~iv')(i by the County ami Contractor in conjum.i..km with thls Agl11iement; and th1i1 County shaft have the right to unilaterally cancel this Agrnement upon violation of this provision by Contractor. . " o} Non-Walvar of immunity. Notwithstanding he provisions of Sel;, 286.28, Florida Statutes, the partidplltiQn of the County llnd the Contrector In thls Agreement and the acqulslt:Jon of ~ny commel"dal !lability Insurance coverage, sgll'~lnsu~nce co~erage, or local government liabllJty tnsurance pool coverage shall not be deemed II waIVer of Immunity to the ment of HabWty coverage, nor shall any a:mtrect entered Into by the County be required to coordin any provision for waiver, ~) Privileges and Immunities. All of the privl!eges and Immunities; from lJablllty, exemptions from laws, on::!lnam::es, llnd nliel? and pensions and rellef, disability, workers' comrensation, and other beneflts which appiy ro the activity of offkers, agents, or emp!oyee..<; of any plloh!; agents or employees of the County, when perforrl1Ing their respective functions under this Agreement w!thln the mmtoriall!mlts of the County shal,Lapply to the same degr!'!e and extent to tne performance of suen functlons and duties of such officers, agents, volunteers, or emplov.;:~ outside the territorial limits of the County, . ,q) Legal Obllgations and ResponslblHtles: Non~Delegation of Constitutional Of Statutory Dut!es, This Agrnement is /lot Intended to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any particlpatln(l . entity !'rom any obligation Of responsibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of z;:-;u,,, anG timely performance thereof by ilny partlclpatlng. e,r~my, :: \lVmCii cas" :;11:; p~rforrnilnc," may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation Of resPOl1S1blllty. rurtner, this Agreem\ll'lt is not mtendeo to, nor shall It be construed as, autl1o!izing the delegation of the constitutional or statutorv dutl\$ of the County, except to the extent Permitted by the Florida constlWtion, state statute, and case law, . r) l\lol'l~Reliance by Non-Partles. No person or entity shall be ent!tied to rely upon the terms, or any or them, of this Agreement to enfun:e Qf attempt ttl enforce any third-party. dl1llm or entitlement to or benefit of any Sllrvlceor progrom contemplated hereunder, and the County and the Contractor agree that neither the Count',' !'lor the Contractor o.r any agent, offk:er, or employee of either :Shall have the authority ttl inform, col.lrlsel, or otherwise mdlcate that any particular individual or group of individuals, <a!'ltlty Qr entities, have entitlements, or benefits under this Agreement separate and ilgal't, inrel'ior tn, or ~uperlor tn the commumty in general or for the purposes contemplated In this Agreement. .. $) Attestatlo1lSo Contractor agrees it! ll!Xecute such dtlcu~ents as the County may rMl$onably rnqulre, to include l'l Public entity Clime Statement, an EttllCS Statement, and a ))'.<J' Free Workplace Statement. . . . 11. PROFi!SSXONAL m:sPO~' The Contractor warrants that it Is authorized by law to engage In tile performanca of the activities enoompl!SSed by the project herein descrJbed subject to the terms ami conditions set forth, The provider shall at ail times exert:ise Independent; professional judgment and shaH assume professional respo!'lslblllty for the servlC"..s ttl be provided. Continued funding by the Board w contingent upon retention of appropriate lQcal, state, and/or federal certlficatlon and/or licenser of contractor. 11. NOnCe ReQUIREMENT. MY notice required or permitted under this a9~ment shail be in writing and hand delivered or mailed, postage prepaid, to the other party by certified mall, returned receipt requ\$ted, to the following: FOR COUNTY Airport Director Key West International Airport 3491 S. Roosevelt Blvd. Key West, FL 33040 FOR CONT'RAaOR Judy 80bick 1200 ZOlll Terrace Key West, FL 33040 13. CANCIeJ.J..A.nON. .' a) The County may cancel this . contract: for cause with seven days notice to the contractor., Cause shalt et:mstltlJta a breach of the obligationso! the Contractor to perform the serv!ces enumerated as the Contractors obligations under this contract. b) Except for the County's termination because of non-approprlation In 11, either of the parties hereto may cancel this agreement without cause .by giving the other party thirty days written notice of its intention to do so. ,'. ,': . <it!.~SS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Contract on the day and date fim'al:xr~t"~n.. ' , ... .,~ ,'". " -'. ~-' ,........ ~<>;.~'~.. .' (sEAt. \ P~"'" ~1 - :J'l~"'" ~ :J ;,.,~ AII~i.~;:iiJA~IL KOl.HAGE, CLERK "-"It:.':"'~("~ it }~.1~~.*';r.~ ' /j~;:d , B\Y.. .' '-.",.. ,. /Oeputy Clerk By SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~7)<:? -~11i'~t;'C!;:i"'.....,aQ '. Mayor Pro Tem WlTNESS5 CONiP.A() ... By 'fi~~/ lUDY BOB~!< - D~~O~~\ , y ~ /J{~~ jairKWIAllObldi: ." ~'pam'fri, _WOt.PE Cl'!Jl1t-~1,;tw~3f1lal )\11'QF.;;ey O.l~ .$. /'..' /7, r .,.- - - ~ - . -, , ~N Si,\\.~~OP;O!NAN~ l\tq. t!)'~~Q MMi~ C!.':lUmY. R ORmA. SimCS ClAUSE : ~ :;r!flv /3; fb.d 'Qf!'Jlr AaL.~}l~tnm:hWltllasmltllmplOYee, llttalMd or ~ Mt:1 ad: 00 ~ tlelIilf any former County offICer Of employee in \/imatloo of ~oo 2 or Onli~ No. :W--19tro or an,! Col.ulty ufflter or emplGyee in vioJatloo of ~ :3 of On:limm($ No. 10..1900. for tll'UG'h Of violation of this provisilm tM Oninty may, In Us ~etit:lH. b\lm~_ ti1IS ~d: wtt:ncut Jtatltltty am:! may~, in Its ~M. ~ fl'l:lm tne.::.1:l~ or purdtua prlO\\, Of otherwISe ~, the full lImooflt!:ll'!mY _, mmmcn, pe.~~, ~ or ~ paid ro tlte fo'rmer Coollty nfflcerl,'\l'empl~ ,,-, /1 /? J / l~ '( '~re) Date:__ ~I ,~St ______ I STATE OF rib.e..r~~ COUNTY OF ,1;1 ti AJY7J€!. ?EF"SONAllY APPEAlUID BEFORE ME, the ulUlersigned autnol1tY, . \.Jud'll eit> ~ who, after first being ;;worn by me, afli",fffi 11lsJ!W! signewre (name of individual signing) in tOO spare provided abcyi,O on tl1Js 1~/W~daY of l!ihrf:!.'<4.,'y:, ZcJoV, . (q;.~,d~, ~ \.< NOTARY PlJEU:C My commission &XDff$: 'Q) SllOO'll.lilillM""'~ f'i ,. Ul'Ct'ilI&$SOIU ~ Sli99 jf ~~7,~ ':, ~rWlll~~~ . ppl!ll Ie _r'H"l'V t:n!ME 5TATPMEN! ~A ~ or amilam who tl<i$ ~ placed on t:ne eol'lv!~ vendor liSt f\)\IOWln9 a aIDV!ctiOf\ tv!' ~u* anl:tti mmt. may not $Momlt a bid on '" c;ontraGt t(t j:lro~iOO any ~ i.)r su>iiCi$ to a pubIIc~, may net submit j!f l;)\d on a cont:fSd: with a publIC efrtjt'f for the co~ f:Ir ~r ~ 1lI putl:;: l:lUlIOlUl.' af -putllC: w~ may not sul:lmt: bids or. leasas of teill fjf""""lW ttJ public ~, may net be ~rt1ed or perlttl'm won< as. c::cntrad:Ol', -, -, ...---.-""" ...--,"''''' "" Ulinsac:t ~u'" Wltt\ any publiC ~ m ___ of the ttl~ liIfI'lOloll'lt provided In SedJcn W.o17 , fur CA-rr:.saORY nVO fur a period of 36 monthS from the dam of being pIilcm.i on the: ClOIWIO:e:d vendor Il$t'. · , , .; _ J 1I..(k L t1~ II!c,l , (J~ I.;fl {(}1 1 o.<'/'y 1% rA ~ I , DRUG FiRm; WORKP!.AC! FORM that: ?'IlAu_ W...,,~ 1. P'UbllStl I! ~_ ~ CllJtpk!, r tMt: tile unlawful mariufactUre, dlstlitltltion ~ng, ~*-'.;m, or I.lse of a ~ su~ is j:ltOl1lb1ted in tlle wo~ace llnd ~ng ttui\ ill:OOl'$ mat:. will be ~.- en'I~ tor viOlatlOUl> of sum prohlbltlOn. . . 2. 1nfu~m erw:.lluyees about the Gkil~ at ~ abl.l.$2 in tne W!.ln:plu:e, the busm*~'s pollcv of malnrnlrung a dmg-frtle ~ any a\mlli"hI~ Mlg w~ing, rehabllltzopr., arn1 emplnyee _~ p'09...til$, and ti'l!! ~itie> ttat mlrY tre l~~ u~ emplr>)'e!!lS for drug abuse vicm~ ~ 3. Give ~d'l employu engaged in ;;'.,mi:llng ~e O,m':!mlctlties or Ctlr:L",'"'"';a\ ~:m;::-.m are under!:lld a CO!),\/, of tile ~t ~ed In w~on (1). 4. In rtte ~t ~i'ioo In 1>>ll'- ~ (1)t nlrtlfy tlw employ~ tMt, as a ct:lilOl!:lOl'l of working 00 the rommooJt1es or ;:::cntra~ sewice.s tilat are IMu:ler bid, the emDlovee wm abide !:Iy the ~ of tlw stA~ and wlil notffy the employer of ilny conviction cf, or plea of guilty or nolo c.cnUll"ldere t:c, any vJolatlOn of Chapter ass (FlorIda Statutes, or of any t:n~=lloo 5U~nC2 law of me un_ S~ or any. stare, ror II viOlation oo::uml'l9 In the WOi'Y.$llace no law than five !S) daYS after SAId'! GtlnVla:ltln. S. Impose a alil'lctloo Ol'h w require the ~ry ;;artlajl1ilpo,'1 1;'; a drug abUie aSSi~nCll cr rehabilitation procrnm ffsudi ts avaU~te in the err~~'tlee~$ =rnmfJn~,'( or anv ~~~~~,.~~, w ~ ' 7 _"~._........!l...."" who lit so ct:ltwlmltl. . ~. Meke i) ~r::::a felth $~ W o:mtlnue to meint2!n II emg-,Ti;',; \'t:)"b.:'lact th:'ll~~l'> Implementation of this section. , . As the' pemm auttlariZed t'I.:l sign the ~, ! certIfy that thIS firm comnlie:s full", wit!', tile aoove reqUIrements. . ~ ~W:F- )-, !! )jL ( Wate , - .' .' r. G& ~ v- the.of 1 I I . ~Agto!aWCft my ~ am3 ~ ~lW of'Per.i snd IfallvtMt; 1) :1 .vi tOO b!fifjar ~ tt4~~",;i fur~ied:~as fcl.!aWSl ~ (J ,~ ~ ~ flJiltr - 1<iL4t1 ~~J 810{ 2) ..~ Irl> ~ ~ b..~am~ .tm~tty witl\allU',' ~. lmf~wn....~l/!fIf'iI!B' ..>tM"-P'WIlI'- Lvi~d;ing ecmJl.tI~n.._tD any'.- ~~tD ~ ~ with .ny~iIid_ or w!tlt . ~~il'''~ . 3) Uitflltn ~ ~JW ~wt' 1OO~wbId1 have bIIIM ~tOO III Ws bid have m:rt:~ km\wingtr ~I elf!ly the b~ llIM win net krlowtl'lt;fy 1m ~ bVtt4 bl~~f'f prlcf'tI:t bid ~tl,. d~ cr ~~ 00 iilny Qtn~ bl~ CI'l"tD liIflY m!n~Ml'1ll1nd 4} No ~ hH ~ ~ MWW be made by tile btdtkwto induce any ~lll.Ul_, ~iddpOT ~"""...dkm tD ~ 01" IOOttosutlmtt. III bid for m pu~ of ~1Itt,I CQfflpetm4ft~ . 5} TM 'lfl"'~ ~_ In ~affimmt ..reiNe..nd c:o"~ lim(\ flUlde wltn full kncw~ that Monroe COWltV reUs ~n the mutl of tile statamern:1l contained In ~ affldlllvtt: In ii1ward~ oon~ fur Gala pro;ea. . 57'ATE OF ffll"..tptt_ COtlr-"nOF J)?ti!Jt/X C)~y~ tSIC:lnatl.l1'e <if Bidder': m__ 1/- / /' t., ! I ,I Ot/ oAlIft . .' . I"~ F~~Y UP~ ~C~~. the u~1'IflI4 autfHlil'IW, \ i.:.d -""j L . V ':Y ,Ci)r.;, ~ _ ~ ~ rim tmil'lg SlI'.'l:Im b'/ me., {mime of in:dividl.ts! signing) afflJ(eU IUs/Mr llIignature in the spRee pmvide<l ahou" en tnilil ...- //4. QVcf . /::ebrUCv"'t' ZoC)~. ~ ' ~'I\ J,j, ~1LcA. at2~-' ~ :.;~~ ~rma:: v NOTARV PU!SUC: ~, ~..,..;,.,-~..; _0 ",,~;;Z.AA\,<R I ~l'f coW.i1SstCl'l Ii ~c .$lIlt II ~;P:.es~~j>~ .,..oo\,""...."-~d , Key W!!'Sl illW'meUerlilll Air.{)!,( DisactVlll'!regea SllSM5 Enten:'l1lW iOB:::; Office c: Srrmii SlJ5111eSS . ~\cpmeflt~"!i~$ r. Febuary 4.2004 " ACE Budding Mail'1tel'lance Key West Monroe COUl'lty, Florida, 33040 ' RE.: Disadvantaged Busin!;:.i\f) E;:wrprlsSle Cerl:fficatlon Status 'Deir Judy Bobick, , Please be ac:htised iliat ACE Buildil'l~'l Maiml'lance has been temporality certified as a Pls..ovafrtagea Business Entemrie ~mg further revieW by our Cot'lstlltlilrrts Flease be advised that this t.empomry m:lE csrtiflcatian will expire thirty (30) days from the date m this letter: and that ACE Sui!clirlg Maimenaf'lOO will be counted as a DeE on aU Key ~ Intamational ~ (KWlA) federally funded projactt; during the next thirty day p.mad.,. . Upon rrtCi:1:p! of nclffi:::aton from our Comcltam, ! 'mil reac::he$ the 'four film's ~rtfftcstiOI'l appi!c::aaoll and infol'lTl you of the Key ~st f~! Airport's decision v.'ithir. Thirty {SO} days. < Ifyol.l have, any questions rt\q21i.iil'lg the OtJ~ .program of the Airport please call l~'t . at (305) 296-8000. . '2; , " , '. J.o\..l>U'!O~SV1as SPE~c.i.nON . ~O-*l ." 1'0 pmridt: :..ttir~ I~ llt th= Mr Wtst~......,tl!cir?tlrt.bem:d 1:: 3491 South 1I.oos~ek ~ Key Wtst. EL 33040. Fa: lli1 nubfu:'" i::,4n~ ~ ~ m""j" :ill: ~=-"'I:d :a= o:m.e .&::pel::,:md the ~ ~ = :cirl~A.1'.o. OOllli'!'l"lL :&e'priom; ~ Qtt ~ and Qffil:= ~ ~f'$ 0= = It.'''IlaS, .-\i:port Gift moo and .L C -... ~...:;-"". ~ .", ~ ~ ~ . ~!:. 7= Fiye:~"""..r~, Warlt ~~t ot tWO CX$l:ltlt::: ~ OI r=p::>1'l<"'''''Y; ~JJar ~::W ~~:=:md &la:"""';"''''"''~1'l~ ' }J1 =-?loyl:\l!S Qt sub,"","""~ of = Cw--~ ~t p3:$$ a:ll. mport :ell.~ ~=riO:l .. _ =~,. ~"'--1t._e . '<8Jl' _'L" l:!le:Ptl'flg ll. 1:'=. ~......cint ~r.~ri~ (S=: a--' ~";li'~"""rn'\j " ~ 1::l: "'.....~':V,.".".. of me CMt:tl~. _ rl.t.lt =ellS of Use ~ Sl'.lIt"e ~ h:m: :u::cl posses ~u:d m~o.ll. towtll:km:ill: n~s~~br_~"""ll"~ofthe 'Ucit::dSl::Wlt. r.;;"~ of ~J pmcm ttI have :u::cl pCMlllt~ sm:h do\""i..~'i~M h a .na.~1l:1 ~"" of me ~:u::cl-will ~ ~ ~ W ~.!1te = ~,' ...~ _ ~ 'I'i= m'IlS".. d..~::i.oo at ~ lntl:l ~dy of IWY of the (""'"'''''''~S ~ <<_~~ by = ~=:m Of Cu111:l:lfm; and ]I~..!ll:o~r;m. ~ w~ci""t ~. ,N ~ this 00l"~l;f mil: the C'=== hlrs ,~ . ~ ~ ro..)""~:a: m~........ll~~teb = ~ ~~tl) t..., "r,l"~ ~ O::l"'l"""'''1"= QIXl!le jf~~ 1&~Jli~~I~ . W~ ~l;f,l$~,il:"'* $500.000 V== n,,~ * $30?,?oo (CSt) ~t!lIhiiilj ~ $500.000 (C'St) E$1Ip!r.y= D~ ~ $100.000" ;r.rnms .~ed fu= ::llmt be ~~ and rttl::trftd to = i:itU: Non.ccli:ol~"1:l }~ Dn:g :-.~ Wo.tk~SwmnS~""""!!n(':' O~ceNo..I0*1990.~~rity ~ S""""""~ !'!lllC~wmhe= ooeyw; m tl:1e~1.1ll~=W::=o~y=p=lh,. . t 1t is .e:.p==d dill! the ~"VIill be = ~ ~uh""""t:, -. ma~ the ~= .il~ll ~~~_d~=""";d$Jl~~w~l..rethl::U.ce~ " ornON..! Scope oi llmkes fur ~ jwWxW was:kmaIl consist oX: , , Dally hmfht. '. ~:md ch::m.ll.!l. clzls doors wi! ~ ~~.ll.!l. ci:: ci:lp,(iii('l"mg-Vl::ltt. - . Chetk = ~ 1'" and Zd.n ficQl' hzthrooms It.llwt ~ "" ...: 3~im'~ Cl= ,ai2~. u::bm, ~ ~,=i=.ove cll:m:h w.d c_~ frrn:n the i:wh.."'Oom.. . ':=~pty1tJd~ IS ne:es~"'T~ an ~,h =s (1$t~1d ilOo:) ::k'trll~.l!nves,ii1 ~h t~~e&ztd't'" tt) ~ ~ ~ .. . me {'t<r~!?m.e. ' CheekzttQ. ~ aJ1AL~!m:'#.a.A~;~~L~~~~~Y~ . 'Th::B~ cfc.:m:m:n., =ill~ ~_ th:INro:i:=lW~ S~ce t-;.,~1 =Ot"l:mcl .q._ .' '" ,... ~~. ._ ...1;,:..;.. ~ , . _ 6 .. ~U,~l1r ~.l~~ mC~=.2lt~~ettl<,I'!f.l~Y )/)'~ l"'tQ'f''<::'!'51rt;:., F~ ~~~,perio~wd o=~~ rl:te.~,.~1l;mi1~;"W'. , , ~,~~m.op &= (1"~2'"lfh=~ ~;".!b-~. , Sp!:it~ tWm~Z! ~:%%f' 'Wi ,.; , -'_ .._..1' '-- tti/tlo,,,, . C lpe Cl:l;zmt ~ rl'1p~IIl"e.kr~ ro",,';"I!ea.w.> ~ ""'............ ~ .:l.2::tl.-,'P::U Daily o~,tl,d~, l!!=rt . :.....__ "'-- ,." =' ~ .' II ' ~ . ~ ~ ~:Lt the ?J:S. ~!tl ro ~ ;d<~~t' ~ ~ ~~ Cl12, pi~' ~ ~ ~ ?= ~ and =hs, wipe afi'b~...J,~ mciih~, ""r::zys, =.."'W:I.lh, pZli:ing lOlli, lWl:l =me llll tl:ash ttl the dump=' . . S~ =- ~ _ cle:an. !he tlep~ ~ ~ holding Lou, =i =OVl: :ill ~ blltll.e....~--..9p::u. . " . How:s to he~ , ~~: m...-oug!:. S\m.clav 10: a.m. 6: n,m. (8 ~ pC' day) .56 hou::s pe::week) . . .Mrn::d.:l.y th...-oug1:; SlJ.llcl:ty 1;On pJ:!:. to ~ (iZ ~ pC' &y) 54 hol2S pet' W1l"..k). OPTI01'M ~ of semees for fino: M!li",,~.."""t::e ~ ~ist oi: N~cly ;:curine. $11!l~ m>",~ $~l'!m1~. ~m. m 4;t1 ~.m, (7 h~ P!!! !"l~t) .t9 bell::":? ~ we"'J; ""..1._,,_ _.!.. -".1....O.'...l... . 'l.,.:lA;"'~ ~ """"",",n=tl:m~p=Q.i.cals.$:ld~~tll. <= ..........,.,,,. ;..;~. ~ ~ ~ ' . , S1Xi:,p llnd >= all r~M1llol.l: ~ $,1: lJ:#St om::e ~ t:Wt;\ ~ . '. Mop mdbuE1=- ;...,,! noo::~~. Spot cl""f' ~ 1:l~ ~ omcl Ql:tk me depl1.......:te lo~:mci ~W1- = d"b~~ d:Wy ~ 1l:ld Sb~::KIO c:l..'1:letJ..~ of the cl...'"?~ ~ev=rtwO w~. . . """-_ .'.' _" ;..",1 .,..1. __fl. . ., . .. ;.= =...."'" 0; ll.ll !ll= E::= the m=. n:r'" ~ w~ ma:: w:iI$l1 :::= tront ""ewai.k "1i1y. .~ , "" ~ t' EXHIBIT A - ~ BID c.' Mo~ Qmm.)' Pnrchlitmt'lg Office 1100 Simtmto.u S~ Room 2..213 Key W~'F1orlda33040 REF: J~ Bid: APK42..324-2004ILC KeyWest~oMlAhp01't .' In re~ tn the above bid: .. . . omON 1.. $ 13,525.00 A MONrn! $162;00..00 A YEAR ornON2.. $ u~o.oo A f;tfOj\ITH/ 13.:h650.00A YEAR ndosed is a~ of my DISADVANTAGED BUS1NBSS BN!ER.PRlSB: ERTIFICA:r.E.NON COLLUSION AFEDA VITi' DRUG FREE WORK ..ACE PORM, EWORN STATBME:NT..ORDINANCENO. 10..1990, , LJC ENlll'Y CRIME STATBME:NT. Bomcx,. O'W1\1ER :E BU1LDlNG MAINT.ENAi'lCE )() 20IHTERRAC! Y \VEST, FLORIDA 33Q.W . 294-6.206 OR 3Q4.. 7636 f / ~ PO f\ey V\fest un:i.emSOI1~; ,Nl,~rp':':1r~ ~,.n;n.#.w:'''''''''~'''.';;.' , . "'""""''''''_..... ......-..N oertltl'!$ . ~,,,.r",,~vl\oi~n~...;,.;$~~ lo..-,,,.~~~<<;M' ~ , - Mdluary 4, 2004 . . ACE SuJh:iing M~mmCl!l l<ey Wet ~ County, Florida, 33040 . re: Oisad~sd Bl.lSrn!.'.!S5 Enwrpn.';;ss esrf.ffil::atltlTl S~ ~i Juai Bobick. ?leae be mMsed that ACE Building'M_l'lar.e.e i1D ~ ~mpcrarlly certified as z ~!lId BUSfnt!5 Enterprise ~a.'l'lg ft.lrlher ~ broW' CQflSultam ?!lmu be ~ that this tamp~ om: ~::atioo \WI ~ife tdrty (30) ~ from ii1e dam at thls lRr: and that ACE aulldmg Mairttenlmee 1M'll be eo~ as l! OEE an 8lf Key ~ l~ol"!aJ A~ (K\NJA) fademllj' fttMa:l projeCl:s during frle nl!lXt'lhlrty ~Pli!~. " Upm: !~~ of nom:~ from OW C~, ! .....m readdl!!$$ '!:he 'Your fu'm's ;l:eltir::aaon appub _ mrom'l yoo of tt'.e ~ W!!l$t hl~llailona! A..1.pm de~lOfl within Thirty (30) days, . if you ha'li'lll, any questions r~':ltnmjinf! me nEE program of the Airport please cail me at '~m5\ ..,~ ~ ,. tI \ ; ~099. . a tlZme'Fair! . / """......_~............_...~............." ! I COVERAGES Ac~ DnildinQ Maint~nan~~ 121.')\) 20th Tel:':raot~ Key West F~ ~3040 .....--.- CERTIFICATE OF UABIUT'r,' INSURANC_~__.. Ac;~r:.ll' M~~:M!:;;:~ THiS CERTiFICATE IS ISSUEtl All A MAn'ER OF iNl'ORMA'l1ml , ONt Y AND CONFERS NO RiGHTS IJPON HiE: C~'llTiFICATE 1110jj)ER. THill Cl!R1'IFiCATE DOES NOT AMENO, EXTEND 0.. _..!.~.L.T.!,R THE COV!::~A.:G..E Al'f-OROEO a.XTHE POLICIES ,S~..Lg.\'I',"_" I . .11~Sl!R~~I:l~ofl~R.l).Il<~~f)~E~~~~......;tl~C II __.. ! IN$VRH?A: ..... ~'-~:~~Q~.]:.E:<~E.~.~_~.?e :':~~~::;~...... mmm.......___ ..mm..........m..:::::~::.F...--=:-:.m_' }.:umm.........__~~M_.___m........ . .._...........____we.'.. ..m_...............-:--................ i ;::~:~: :: ......_._-~-~ .m..................____ ..............~_......._..........._..... Inc. ACQJIlJ.. -4;.......... PR::n.H,,'Ct:~ !Key We~t Xn~urancel $46 United $t~fiatt Krny West FL 33046 Phone,30S-294..j,C% Suit.e 1 Fa",3<J5-29-l..an6 .f~~<-""" n1~ ~OL!Cl:;:$ W. 1~~Kini<>,~,'=;~, l.i,sitO f.:l'::V.)W l-!AV1: ~m:~ 1.~jmJliO 1\) :"'~ ;USURt::O :<.!AMfl) ABO'lE Hi'fl nm PDI.tJ;:'". P::BJO:;-! iNtl!CATEO, NOTwrrHS.ll"NC:1NG ArN ~.<:al;:RfMmrf, 1H-iM Q:R (;(;tm;::ION Of' AN',' CDNn~AC':'" '{)R Oni~J:C: 00l.::l..;H.r:N'f ~"'inl R.E;SP1:t:'1 YO Wj{r(~~l .tHiS Ct::::1'l;:::,C./S~ MAY B~: tS"JI)H"~ W~ ~-\.w P.;;:~'(A;N. 1H: i~~itH,.s.l'x~b~,~I=OROEV soy nm petie;i:,; m:$CF:l:SZn NER::;:N :$ .st:BJtoCT TO A!..t .f!~:;: 'tlll:UJ~). fi<<.:U3SfONS ~"\Nn t;(.;~mmDNS OF Hli:N POL:ClE;;'. .4GiOllJ:0J.,';'f U.~iT~ SHOlt/N ~AY g,.w;: :l:::::'; l~J::m'Cl::) BY Pt-.tO CL~iM,,':;:. i~~~.-_-=~:=::!~;~-;;.;~;~~;~;:~.~:;~,=]=:=::=.....-..;:o~iCy..N.~~~~~.._.._.......L~.c~~Jr~~~~rtl:!gT1;~~~*~~.r"'.=~:~~:.:::::~:~.'.'w;M.I~S._._._.".___.'m-.......-... . ; (?;!;N~~./l;!.. t::/l..SiWn' ' ! E.:.:...C~H,'Cc:;mlHiCt: : s 1000000 A X [~r,,):::~:<~.::;":~~':;~~~~: I MPGm 59 OS /05/05 OS !OG/OS [;~~~~;~;:;~~t.~~~:::~: l~TI ~:=::~::::::::::......m........m...___.____ ! L~~~~~~lA0"m;QAr~. ! ~.~.~.9.9,~Q.Q..._.__v.. ! G$.N'l ~.B(;;REB;",ni LI~J:r l,WUEZ f.EP.: : ..C'''11~X.:CY i--j .1tf~:'mL..:J w,: ! jl,IJ:OMO~K';: U~~l.;tr'l!' ; : ,'..1'1'1 ..~jT:(~ :"._..i ,\LI.,. ,';:::......IN:;;Q l,l.m:,;. : i SCHf.DVU::) ....'fH)~ , 1 ~J.x;m.y 1~';,;Ui~'r' 1 We> ;m:~;:.rt1 , ~.. h i :-iiRE(),),U'ro.')$ -.---.--+.-.-.."...... L..--J :'.1m,;,QWNEQ .~;}r(:s : HOD:r. V It.J,IVRY : {~e~ ;'WZM1; , I .....................,...l..._._____.._ . . , < i f':R.OF'ER'fY D/..lI,WK : '" i {~..~:~.::~~:...__ j <: 1.~~.i.:~_~~~::~~~~...L~. [ 2~~~~,~cX! ...::~~;~;J-~- : ::N:'Jl C~0U~f.:~.~~~m.__,,_1.!.........ym'._ ....................i.,.,,,____ T.2.~.!3JJFtCA!E HOLlllER CAIlCIiLl.ATION M"ONROEG m():nt"o~ Count}'" SQla.::t.'d of Count.y e,snunis~ipne~3 ;U,lHi Simunton $t,t.'eet ~ey We~t Ft 33040 ACORD ;!5 (iOOjl~SI @ACORr;CORPORATION 1988 rA:CQRP_ t~~~'e~ iAt.lantic i:'acii!ic:~'Key We~:t !r.o. :Box Sc;,4:B lKeY W~$t ~ 3301~-SS49 i E"bQn.~; 3:0S:~2!$:ot1-'JeS6 Jfn~; 3("S-29;r~'73eS i. .....-. ._......- ............-. ._- ....-... ll~j"t:m;o I I , i i I COVERAGE.$ r .,-- ..'.'..' . ~ ." -: ""~ f "'" ....~' ;...v;,,>....~:~::::::~::,,:d:::>. .:~~;~ ';.;;;,:~:~:~:~<:;':,~ ~,.'::.:. ~:" ':.' .:~.~.x. ':"~,., CERTIFICATE OF LIABiliTY INSURANCE Ilogij-jil I O^~;:~:~~; ..umm,-. THIS CERllf1CA,E is ISSUED AS A MATTF.I'< 0' "lfORMATION I (a.n. Y AND com.~?l',$ NO RJGtlTS llPON rKE'CERl1FK"..A:n:; HOtDF.~ THiS CERT1fK'ATE DOES NOT AMEN!), EXTENO C~ im.A\. Tf:R TF~ em/ERA':>E AffO~DED ll!.THEi.P2,lj;;ilrS llE\.OW. ..~.~232 .J........ .........0.. , . ul ! : il'J$tlRtR$ ArrOR~N.Q COVERAGE .....-.............. ......... ~.,::: :::~:~_::_:__ __..__~_~~~:.~!f~._J:~~"~~:~~~_~_.,__~O', i NAlC# . :"{~:;~:;:'~ :,: ........., J\:tdi tll U<~l:ick ,~'\b~ A~e D.uild1.x.l,q M.ai~~ ten~l.t...el$! 1200 20th 1'<n:x.";:;,, ~ W-e:llt !'X. 33::040 :::~2:f':;~: : :~.?:.iP: ':.':> : :: ;::.""~;;'::::. .. ,..............~..,.............,....................-.........._--_. : ,";': ,; ,,: .;.,~::~ :';",~..{:::- ;oJ::- :,-,.." .: _'y ',:~:: ;,'./.... ,,: :: I: ::.: '~'; ::.lG,:..::!,~~.~; ;~~;;.:~~,;.~,,,;,~::;::~-'-_..,,....,.................m"'.......-.-"l" ":;< c < <":. :,,'t :.~: 'f":':"~t ;:,' "::::f(.-J :.;, '{'i: ," : ,.:(~:~';:;.I(A::'::: M:':~ .:;.::, ::;,::".~::'.' .:~:' i ::'::~, :"::;';:::':' :'; '; :.i~_>,; ~-~ ;'.:: ",", ;,.~: ~::;:',l,. ::'l: ::: v,;::"'->:: f'<'.:;:: ..,:"',~.:.:1f;'_:r~: <:J<' ,:::_.<.l~ ! ~C:'.~,' ::'f:. <".L:':!'"':': ::.~ i<,'{ ':>:::i,:~l,i<'~ ()I~ <:";': 1.<'.: \ ;:~:::"-';'.i:-: 1':-~: ::,;~.;:,::.<:,:':: :7,: :.<:'Z':~ ':' :~', ::<:;:: :):.:~: :,", u::{:, "{":'.::U :..::;:;:C;'~':: i. :~l.::.; ~'~~~'~'.~'~ }.,:.-. 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"_.~'_(,:.,".;.D:,;.'.~ it ::x;::'.-:::' :>".; ,,~::::;~.V. ............................ ~ :$ : ,'e:.~.< "ii,;: " t~. l' ., . ,-,. . . ....,'-..,.'''. . ..__....._uf+3;::,{fh.'7!?;:::;-.......u...__m_""."-"".",F.~;~c::;~,; ,.. ..,!.:..~...._u._....__.."._, ,. . ,....,,'~:~:~~~:.::~.:......'.'.<:.....u...-~..~-- .... >~.I,.~j...L:-'~? :.., ,'-' -.... ,.- ': ,~" ..."........__...ov.___.m ".. ~., _ ;-__.._'" ,.:: :>:::.r:,,:~; <E<>.fl',':'t-:,:':"H:; ~ 11--l~~~i~~t:~~I~r~?:zE~.;~~:;::.:..........._.._.._--.-.---.i,',.. ' .-. . t ... . '''~ . "i" 1M. .;: .,..................(i:~~~:.::~;t:t;;: ...r.rrt;;l't...........u.u.u.u.l".:-~~;''...:-:.::::..;;:.~._-- I"...J....._._______.. I ;,\;f-:,h>4i' (i . ' r r::r;!,OH:"Tit':t-i t,r Q?1;r~t!;nc~s, :.OCJ<no:-.lS I "~~'~:..S:S I s:xc:,;J~~O~~S J<':''-l"t,:~.,.- ,,1'-1t.;r,.~F;-::;~:"~<WF; Sll"<:,,~;;;,l. I"l':It,....~$!~m~ ~~~~.L~m....m m................m..___.................................... C ~ -- ,~,,' H'~""~"'" C~K:TIFICAJ f: HettlER ....._....mm..._._.____. ;~ : i";,~'::,!'i':.j:::':.j : WCI~"~~>'; f;t;~);f1iN~AJ;::.:t~ ~<<l,,~ :1i~1'1.(:'>.li_KWUAl'"A:.$f'1 : .:}<;;.;:;:~:~~:;l~~;~:~~;:~:.g:.i@~.:' :~'; .'.,,' CANCELLATION H(")n:~oe: County :Soar.d of.' COllnty Cornmi$$iml;~~.t;:S1 1491. " n.OQ~(-~~.'iS'll t. :Bl'Od Key Neat ~L 330~O Mcac:CON: SH:"~:~1..::': *.~:',. f)f: 'H~l.i, A.llO:l,'~: l..~l,;';f';$~le~t: Ft~:.._;c~~~.3~~CA;.~~l~~~~~I'G+:1i -:-,"~. fOY.~W.T:OO :.\1,1':'": '~HF.**""J"'< !.nl'i ,~!.;ijIM~ :tY.iI;iU;t'( W'(;l. t:h'tl~Y'.::~ 1"t' ~~lt,; 10" _, >:;,<l.'1':$ '.,'VW~;;::~l Nonl~.: ';0 11~'bi~~KAU :iC!:PE:l'1. W\,~J;; ~r; TI*. :.t:>~, ~:JT rAf:':~;;;';::: :";{; "'~"J :'lH~U. :~f"<"l<l;, j';Q ()11.i{.i"'1%'J~'J (J~ \.:.Ni'l:trr'l {;f' :1.;>.1':' l-';:~'..~ :.W'.ll>-.ll:K€; ;ti$:.-'l=I:~t=t :;'S .r;;;;Nr~ (It:( ~::::1:i~~tJ:~*~I .. . ...._:.".'."=.u.".u,,u'.'........ 1 .' .tj ACQR,Q CORi=>OP.AT10N 1'9~~ .G,CORO ?:5 C1Ht11iOf!) ..~'--~..~~~* -~~ ._~~~ ~/""""~ ~ l\iateo.n-Ch!ultnn Surety Group . ~-= $optembel:' 15, 2[lO5 .l'vfux:ia Slavik R1$k IYianagenmnt SpedaliM Monrot> Comtty Ri.'i.\ l\fuJ'lagllmem P.O. ao:o: !()26 Key WesHL 33041 RECEIVED -'""j 1, jU~~ 1 1 ?i1m) W\r\ . c.,.. j A!RPORT~..: BE1\,L ..."",.- ]liPD:n BOEIc::r< DBA ACE 13tJILD1NG MAL"l'T.l!N'ANCB JA.\I!TORJAL 5ER\l1C1.! SOND NO. 69713292 - fIE: Dllar Mi; Slavik: Punmant tl.J my voice mai1.~gtl to you, our cllent lllIs nctiill!d OlJ.t office of your ~ill.'.st for a Cm-t1'kare d ~.c& im' the- Dishol".il$ty Bond they l\avl! In place, P.l~ note thiit l~n1ike wumnce poildes that axplnll!V<lry year, th.is bond ~ continuous and 1w b&.!n so 5L"\C€ its effective date of May 13.< 2004. Certif:katl! of l.ll3lnlln~e life !lot lMl.led an baru;ls a.nd! OJ: addltlcnal msmed are not added on, am~ the bond is strlc>..1y beh'l'oo.'1 t.h~ ou.!'l'it"j,. (Woorem Stl.."t'ty Company) and Our client's actiom>. This polky 1$ in efff!Ct and the ranewal premium ferr lD05.20C\S has been pam. Y>.my :fu.:i.1IU Jrjo.l'.\1ia!:ionis needed, pleese feel f1:ee to COJll:lct me at ($05) 662.38.52 Ct;: ~k..iard Colli..'1S. F~x No. (305) 29':Hl$16 -......-....-...----...... ... ."........-... ....-.._- ..._.........___...........mm_.~ Ti !) '. ~W0 Western Surety Company JA."llTOlU'AL SERVICE EOND Bond No. ..f?2.7.J_nn.. !n c(:inf.kh~:tZl.tit:n (:if an ~rl~.ed pt"e:m..htm~ ~~estern S'U...~t;~ GO:ft~IHU:'l.Y) a South Dakot.a cn.r-porallnu1 .h-ereby-:a~ to ,nd,,:mnif,' jud" Bobick dlm e,s..{~....Il'Uil4;;.l:!1li Ma:!'l:!temll1Y.~....m"'" -------................,..... <if ^ill.!L...Z.Q~W....~j.1.l..,.......KtL.\i~gM..... 93040... _........_............m...........,.....,......... (the 'Ohligee"), aga.."st 1Qs$ of money "r oth"" property, real or p"rsunul, b..hmging 00 any lUll! all $ubscrilmrs (the "3u(",0,.;h...") 00 its '''':n'k~s, at: in whio!. full' Suhsc.rillllr i"l.$ " peo-aniarj lnl.ereat, or fo:!' whi~h the Sut;rcl'ib.;,' ia lagally liable, whkll full' S"h~orib~r ~h"il "".t.ain as the raault af any n-aud1>.lent or dishoneat ad, M llerei"dl:i" :1efmed, Q' an Employee ~r E,nploJMs af the Ob1i~e ;.'ctin,l( aklne ~,. in eullw<i~~ with others, ,md for wllloh ~\e Ohlqee is Hable, the '>Jnotll1t ofinclemnit). en '~!l",h of $\10], E>U!JOyaM being ONE HUNDRED TIlOUSA.tiD....hl.iIi NG!100 .'_.... DOLLs'\.HS ($ $ HiO..Q.Q!hQ.lL._), THE l'Ol'..EOOlNG AGREEMENt IS StJllSEC'l'1'O mE }'OLWWlNG CONDITIONS MW UMl!ATION$: Tl1:ltM OF llONO, SECTION 1. 'l'lte ,"!:Ill ofthir, ho"d b~grn. wi"" tho 1:3 d.tiy' of May , 20 ()4_~.~, &t 12:UO u.~cl.t,'u~k :r..ight! zt$.n<.i$td ti:mll, Ai fun ttWir::si!.~ "rf th~ :Qbl~ abriVtl t<iV'$f3'l Mtd. :end$ at 12:UO' <;<do:::.1.. tdght, uandard th"11'E:\l on ili~ l!lJe:cyW!da.-m oftblt (:8..fj,:r.,~ilQt.iQn Q:filih.: oem,a in. 1U en:t.tt.aty, mflCOVl'.l1.Y l'E:!l.ror" SECTION 2. L:at:;~ 1$ r.n'V~r6d l..m,dJ3l' thil::1 bo.nd ct'Jy' (a) if $.tS>>taain~6 t."u,cu.~h ~ny aet QI" ~t:ts: ~m::m.ittnd by ttny Erapbytie <it Obh",,,. whHe thi. bQ~4 le In. I",... "" tll ou.ll E.u'.l'loy..., "",,1 (1)) if &.""....01";". tllth~ ."~i.t.t\o,, or '"Q"~! """..ll"1:lo,, <sf th.i.:sl oo1J.d it!. J'tt; ~J:!ifu$t}. as. pusv1ded it!; Se<::t1an 11~ ~ fr'.)M ii4 (<~{:;ldJatb:n Cl iet:.w.ina.t.iOl> iJ::. ite; >l')uiitety ill. any {$ther m.anI\.m'r whJf'"..h~ve-r l+h~11 &:SIt bap:p$:t:L :ugwn.-mON 01' W!dJ?l,()YrlE> SEC'TI0N 3, The w"rd F,ropl."". or e",ploY'''I, M ,..ell in tW. bond, Ihtslllm de.mOO to ""4an, r.'l'..tJvily, .". 0' mo,e Qf the .niUU!&.t ~ii'r$-Q1:W (tl~t61.pt dtr((l:tt.ou: ;,:r cillS~tI Qf 't.h$ (Jb1ig~t if a t'.n1vot':ettipn~ Wlw t.f~ l\Qt aJSf;: (fffiOO,ta: Q! em.plt'y~e* the;':'Bol1>> $IUm.t': 'Qth<<r ~A~ac:ity'} while i:tt the regula! $tlMW fJf th$ ()hll~ m th(\ ~m:ij,naX'y ('A:urSi~ llf the Ob1~~S1 bwri.n#il~ durt:lt; ,1>0 l<ltm of thiIJ Oo..d, ....<i wno", th~ ObHg.... oom'P.n$etss. hy .el...y '" "'''II''e 0iI4 .""1 tho 'ii\ht. tss Il'worn "",d dl:re., .in the rt~db:m@.oo ~1" lStU:.h 8~:tviM, for wham ':f:t prf!m.ium h8M t:metl p~id~ a.nd wh.O' ate -eng{l:gt:d. It! $1lf'..h :BIt!:rvl.t",t:: wit.hiti fU:!jy ot "". ifut1:<>a of tho Un;..,a StlltM of .luu~m.a, .r wltlsm tl>o DiJotilot of Corum.w, P\1Btt<l ro.., tho Vir"" I",,,,,d<, .r t>lsewh"e rOt &: l1mj,~ pt:doo~ bl..tt l'lClt to m8!im: bl~~(:iU) .film.nnt oonUn3.:t:s:::ml1 m'tltdta.nta, ~8igxm"$~ tt$ntt&t::tQt'*'~ ~t <oili.esr ~:n:liS Ql' S'QPf*",ntaUY8!:l <>f'~ $.am:a pr.8!,UU cll2.Nte.t6r" mAU!lUJ:.Em OR :tllSKQNES1' ACT, SECTION {, A :Fl.lAUDULEN'l' OR nW.HONES1' ACT OF AN EMFWYEE OF TIlE OELlGE:&: SP'.ALL MEAN AN ACT WlllCH IS Pl.l1<<"ISHAllU tJN'DEll. 'flffi Ci'.t'd!NAL CODE !N TIlE ,n;mSLlICTION WJ:1'llL"l' WHICH ACT OCCiJRll.ED, FOE. WHlCH SAID SMPWYEE IS 1'1lI:ED Mm CONVlC'!'FJ) Rt A COURT OF l'll.OPEll. JURISDlCTION. MEltGER. OE. CONSOUDA'rION, SECTION 5.. 1f any 'n~tn:tal P*'1'8ItBlSl :s::haU. b$ tal.$l1 lt1W ~t'3 1~tIZ l*0tVl'M of ti!& Oblige$ through mar&,er ot OOltOOlldatin:n with maue nth~r t:onoot1'l~~ tbe Ot~ gJUtU givn th:eo SUl~ty. Wli~ nafat.'$ ther$cl' nnd ~.h.el1 pay an uddiMunal p;.rem.hlm Ot3., any ixu:;.tfil$e! :t~ the! numlnu: Qi B:mpluy~ei) tOV0f~ci ;.mde: tl:ilii bf>ud ~ a f~auit tif l'3ue:h ~net"~-r 01' cw1U,;13lldatlo....\ I.;U:mr;uW pt<l U.te: ftom th~ dllU1 nf$tttm .tUMgt:3' (J'1; con.:n:loUd.atil.)!l ro ~ "mi. of Ute mU''S't!31t. 'pl~m1um. pr.-M.Qt.t NON<ACClJMl.1LA1'tON OF UAlli!J.T1/z SECTION 6.. R8!~:&t'dle:Slt ~t t.ht!' tJm\"i.h~n! 01 Y:Bal81 this; b,\n.d .$:.haU OOn:tinl.:6~ in. fil1te and th~ tru.mhet {jf pt~tltium:sr ",'}itcb 6hBJl bti peYc~ble: ,of :p,n.idl th.~ liability nf ilin Sn:t:eiy ID.ld~u' till!; hond $bJs1! nt>t b~ :t:tmtwl:1b'Y~ in- g.rn1Jt1n.U:t fr.qm Y$ar to year Of ttfJm ller1M to l''''l<ld. LIMn' OF LLUlILlTY llli"DE:!l. THIS BOND MID .i'mOR JNS(f!l.ANClk SEC'1'toN 7, WlIll ,..jl<>Ct tss los. ., 1..OM ""'''''"' by Oil Employ".. .' wh.kh 4'" "bo'g.""l. t<l $ucl:\ employ"" "" l"'>YldOOln s...ti<on 4 and ",hlt.h """Ill )>Artl}' una"" thi. ...,"" Md I'al'Uy una"" "thor h."d. ?' j>o\ioio. tuuM ~y """ '$lmty t.> th. Ob1Jgo~ "" tss ony prM.""..o. il> \nu.'..t of tho Oblilro<> ",idloormwded o:t <."':il:"ll~" "' all.".d 1:0 ~~l'it" o..d its whlcll th~ pe.riQd tn1' illaw~,*s}' ~U\ia nQt flxpimd, .'it ilia i1.uit!: a.fit .ueh lO8lu or 1oot'flA: thet~u.n<ter nxB', dh;oo'rn:rcd~ tlu~ rota} lb.hility (1-1 the Su,,,ty nnd,,, thi. h."d and \1lld"r .".h oth", 00..<1. ~1 p"Hcl~f "holl not ~~t..,d, ill the aggteg-.l<l, th. "",.unt """Iod ,,,,,oe, this h@d un salr..h.Il)SS; trt lOO:f'f2# bt tl1!:1 &t~cm~t ~51a11abli1 W t..'b;tl: Of~li~t3, t.i.nder $.t3(::h; oiJte1' oond$ or P'Q.Hdes) :(Ut liItI..1t$d by th~ lieltJU ~nd l...'.t'm.diti~al3 th~l~(s:t~ r;,: &ny' $I~3cli; 1<).$*, t.,l:!:" W~$~#lf it tJ.i$ tat.tA:t a1nm.v:rt be thEt larger. DEVUCTIBLF" SECTION ~~ rrh* :5l3l'B:t}<- UJ1:&! ~ot. i~~ Hllhl~ t3:ndtU thli'l Dtin.d Otl ~lWQ'tU:lt of any 1(J,U ~t lO8lMlt ,thl'l:H.l.gb :fruudulent or dhlhon-e6t "oto p,,-"'''''''t.ld by ....y I!:ml'k'YM .r Ob1i~..., unie.. th~ .om."n. (,f """" 1.fO o:t 1....., ..ft,,, dMuct.mg th. u.t lUl.lln~ or.n ,,,,,,,,,,,,e..,,,..nt im:Uor re",,""y, jndl!dmg ....y "".1> d.p"oit tal..o by tho ObllE""', <,hLai:tiM or "",d. L~' tho Ob1;~~ ~r tD.O D8';,':'t".~"S {"i""un. :hot,,~!, l'rlo:td" l'ay)lt~f,t by tha Surm::t of anan lMf or i.llMf, ,hall h. In o"c." d Oh1!: HUN1JRED ,"~J,;..J.JiU\ .lOf)~{101, and than f>ll sm.<ili t':>metH3 GIU:Yl hn.t in rID <%v~t fOl' m.Ol'ec,thiUl tht9 amQUn~ of imB1.ta.nc:a: t;arrum ~tl suCh ~~pl<?:)o"~ ~de't' t~It bUM. If nt13X'n th.a.:K.'t {im3 E:mp!1JY~ t:003Ui1its t.fu:g ttandulflnt ~r ,-Ut(l'Wtt:alSt act f&!$.UJting in 311Cn loss Qt: 1U.IUj~:St t~d d:llldtlt:ubl~ .aMO'Uht tohill apply w :eM.n. Ern-plo)'~ su_in~h<:ed> .~ F.",., 'a7J>.1~OOC~ ,. i: 1" ! ~ i: " j ~ ! ~ : ~ I ~ " I, I' I'! I,' . ~ ,; -~...~~~:.~:7.~;;:~.::.,:.;~~.~~~.;~~~! :. jt 1": _____1c.:__:._ . ^ :c..c.,,:c.:..:c.:..:....._..__.......... " " oi .11 II 1 ~. ; ~~l ,041 1 ~,lj ; ~ l 1'1 /:i , I i . I , . , , '1 I , I I ; I , ; I ~ : ! '1 I 1; ,. ,l d i:1 !1. !~ ! ~ Page I To: Dear Bevette. This will confirm my telephone message left on your voice mail today, We have two issue~ with Ms, Bobick, The first [s the dishonesty bond, I understand that you have a letter from the surety company confirming that the bond is in place. We will accept that. I also spoke to the surety and she wi\! advise us if in the future the bond is not continued, The second i~ the certificate of insurance on the jeep. We need an ORiGINAL CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Ms. Bobick has assured me that she has already given you an originaL Thanks, N:'lt r.<'ll'::AAI