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Item K7
UOARD OF cmnVr'i COMMISSIONERS AGKN,bA lTYM SVMMARY }4tY::liH$ D<:tt) ..m.:J.ur~LJ9~.,;D~H~,....~...lfi)Y:.. D~vii~kn:t..""...w..gt9WtJf".:~Jfm;~i.\W}RQL,w""~"W_"M H-d.k hent Y$~} N~1 ..;~ n~prJH:meHt ':'Nm.QJp.Pith.-t?AaJJ4~<t.;:nt.m.,.... . S~:ajr (~{)lrt;tCt:' P\'.r~:.nlJ.: IQft\'...&~Ufl0.t\.j:~~., -......" ~ --" AGENfH rn:M WOnnrNG~ njs\~H~:,i(~N and: a1Jf::t()V~'1j in i.f.:.vl~,;m~t a pa)-p()~~ },<!fnw <~f' {}I~,<ie~'~'um-drng (T()f.,j helwet:i) h1<nn\YJ (\;HJmy al~d th~~ Fk~6:b r}~.::pan~t~$nt (){ f.>~>tlJ.munitj Aftbini (DC ;\) n~r.~)gnb.b.g th~ JH~:nhcr oft.ffbrdabb- thvdUn.g unit aHi)(.:Mkm.:;:; ~vuHwfA,('~ tor ;;H\": in ~~gn::<~rt~,~m~ w~rh :i.kvt):if::p<~:r?;:,. .""----"""<<--<<<<<<<<---------"""""..-<<---,- ITEM HACh:GnOUNl)~ In. 1m ttJ:c~~ t(J Pfi}~-n(e::~ th'i~ Mli)rd~hk h~>H.,f<~r~g MOtK ms:i~ti:ng b. muhik,:: hnnw p2trR'5 an-d Gfht~0Nlt(.~, thrO:H~,h t"he Hnd.rl.a Kev~~., t\:1<:ntft)Y..> Co~n~y h~b in,11l.;.:iltcl th,c, ~~mtrl-dJ;~tti:t t,r' I~UWt~rn~;:s {)t{ih:Ul:nr.:t~S %M1d TUJiJ$ "~md. ~.q;u~a1i~Jtm -;,~+~kh h.sv(;, hi$t~~:ri;;:,an:.{ ~mpcded the n:~(tnzatkm: of .at:fb-nl~h,k~ <U-'1U emt:Jcyt~~: L:'<J$b~ AdJ~t~(irK~ty, th~ C\xml.y ~_i;i; n~~(}tiMinp; ~,hb d~.~t:J;Jt'~r~ tn i;:;~t~r intl.~ ~iitti;:mt3fitt 1{) (:n~~i,n\~s:~ ~rffbnjabk h{}>k~~ng. <<<<<<<-......- I'liEVlOtiS RELtvANT nocc ACTiON: jn.5.::.20Ck~ t~ral(~wsj Or~:ltH.':tN';::'~'" /:l<), 005,.2004 ixnpt~m,f~~b~"g ~l~, A.i1~:~r4:ahk ~nd l!w:p~,oY~:~t~ lk:u~M~fi -~-----_.....-- purdw.::;<e t"!)lU dt~~~'dnpH1enl: prngn~m. . {'ONTR,\CP.\GR[EMf"iT CHA-"i(ifg, NiA .,........." gfA-fir RfX:O.\t:\U:.'il)AT10NS: Approvcl to tr~n~;nrit u pn.3vs.:J$:K!d L~ujjj' <ffl.hu!.?c.:f:::ti.:mdiug h~bv~.n \to:nn.;,';{;" C.:m.H'4Y tmcl d~e Fhxk1a .D{~p:&n,nK'tJ (:f (;;)rr:,rmmity /\.ffaiJ::., ---"""""--"""",,,<'" TOTAL COST: NL\ flH){;En:o: Yc;! #~n.. Nc.,,,",,,.. COST TO CnHff.!Y: ,\i.'A SOVRCF: Of' l<TNnS:, RE\TNtT nmm.!ClNG: y,,~ 'Ntl AM,OIJNT Pf:.R MONTH '''~'w Yt<llt C-::)l.:mty AHy .,.,2i...",.,.. O!,,:tJVP~Jr(:ha~i{lg .-...,..-w. 'Rbi N-1a_nHw!menk .,... .. .~/.,/"''''.''~'"':7, ,.r.""") <~,..::.~~? " n!Vi~lON fHnrCTOR Af'tROVA&... '^;;'2~{~/~d0:^?2~~,__"w#n'n /~y [>J~pij~ ASSWr A >iT (;OU;-,TY ATTORNEY li><: /'Rl)Nt:h\ t,jO:R~AAN~, 1\CTINO G:H.~)WTH t-:.4AN.iV;.t.)&EN'r nlR.E{'~l'(if( Af'P1W\Tn :UY: bOCI)Mf:\'<T:\ nON: / kcbtk(j #, ,X.., r<il.';t R.t;,"-{~Mb~d...... tnSVOSITION"" , AerNUA lTU"l Ri.'>.;"i.$i(.x1 }Ats O~,~l~~~~~~E ,.x':'<i~,~.-~,>\j 119MP,Ql'nV"ll,lIm,W:l!Il'MlMif.!mtf-!li p~')<w't~~S!$ ...~:.t-t:<:'~( t1:S~)'y (::%t(x.t -; ~1~'r ~ T<?m ~%~~fi f.. t-k~f~:~ OW:~~?: -$. G~, ~'f..., r;;:~~':{~~ 2 ~::1)~ :::;:, R;,;2._ t::::AA:f.t.t 4 tAl.:::~~; ~..?l'$';;;3::', t~,-,:~(;.{.t ~ ("J/tbu <4 the €",ullg (lit"""'11- /~i.il' 'WAAoo:~~d St~'*'{' ~~~~: ,*~~.;:.t efl.Ju:.;..tk::,:;: lC'il~ :J~~<N}M(, .:'Iti ;KW4f...ltJi1:t) (;~t\>} ~~9t,847t~ .April 19, 2D06 Tf~ti I:-M}8<)"n~Me 'rh&d4~u~ L- (\AieH. S-(:~;reuHY .Fk-r1da ntr~{~nl'ot:nt of' C.l;)m:nx~mhy AiJa~~'~ :25.$5 Stmrotni. (yak Houh:?:.;-ard Td.bJ"m.t-i$#< FL 31.YX),.2h){~ H~.- L(~t.{~:-:f nft.rrderatawj~:r;g CI3)lY:) h.dv.f'(%::H \1.Ctm)~~ (\~twJ:Y. ~::: p-;Jlhi~~d wl:di'.(h;k;(~) of the St~tt (}fni~d,:j~t f'l~h'Jnfoo C6u~~tyj;) .lUdl1Ht: .F-torkhj~~fUJ'~:n~mJJ:1J~nmJIH:_miJJ.11ftlk~._{tht'...:nnm~nrmm(:~) {}~r $~j;.Td~tY (\)h~n' Thh 1,00 s~ts- K:tl.h the p~~ni$s' r~<:;ognitif)ll <~f lh~- sithrj@k JwdHng Q1:l~t. ant~{;;;nk~n$. th~t .t,>1Z1n:rt'~ C~:~~,n:ty n<n.l," hu.~ -~mmt~di~~t~Jy' ;zvdifthk f<)t' ri~~J~~l.tm~;xH: i<~ .::;-r ~~;'i.'.fn"M:hH_~ f()f t~s~'Mj with H>:~pfK~t -tn tJ~:f t)<~n%tfu(tk~!~ tlf p~.t~~<:;r'..,;,~L~t.:~u of.' <:dJof(lah~e b':HJ~~~ttg ~f~ i\:k~rHt~~, C<~unty- Th<~' p~~rtk~~ .rtx::~\%Hi1..i~ thM k1<l~H'-tl-$ Cuumy ha:s hlltl~*t~d dMm,ng r~f ~~(~-.;s/ hH~d. Jev)ifQpment f<;..~~ih~tkms CLDR'~/) f'!ihmX~ ,Ut~ amrmg <nhet fhit~~ pf$~~efvi~~g the <<rfbrd*d-}k~ kOU~~HB .;)1{">~J\ ~}.:i-;;,th\t: in ~r~z:::b{t h<.:)ru(;: Jw<rk:$ thH~::,,{gh0H1 the ftoThl~ _K~y~~-. Tht.~ i,nh~Hth'.>J~ inckld1l:. hm U:f~ Ht")t ~~;pt\~'1{':d t~> bt: Hmht:d to ~:cHciH pnt.ttm:i~t e::'Zt""h~.ngu a$n;~t:rH{':j:n,t{ vAlh fHoJ;:eny ~Y";'".:U"3~~ -~,::hi :h-dduf$ ;:~-f R(}(;(j...ex~mpt trR,t.de hr.:H'"tit, ~.hvd}1n,g -~.mh dtn:dopm_~nt tight$- whc-reby N'kH1J~8.::- c.~)Umy m~)' a\vard pr~rHo'n~~ of h$ ~l'(mK>c~~{dj' aVfjHabh~ -allhfdiMt: ch,:'Ic'(:-mng l~H:lit aJ1(~:;;;ad:j}r;~ to (:t%tai~ DfO(}{:llV n>;~.,"1"l-t:n vlh~) a.~r~~ \~Ath %1mlr<)~ f()untv to $atb.f*i,'l{~f",;< km!,i:!A{>:nn C<l<<:ill1tWtenW ~d'<f.'){:h:{k~g :~t~:(~ f.{) ;.fl~;rafA~je h'{}H~Ug H'M~~ it i~, c{)nt~mphted th~~' ~Hl;:"h ;~gft:"'f.:":n;f}nt~ "'~>in1. pt>:)vldt: 10::: a.mong r~l.h~' 1h}ngw_~ z)w'He:r~_Hp uf ut~dedvln~~, kn-d bv \f;.:'m-tOt C<~mt~;" Of Hs di:~si~n<;:t~ n...~(:rB~$tn!(~tiCft pr :{(4t~1)Hit~tkm ~':f :;;&W;;n%bk ." "',' .. - - . .I '.. ,- - -. . -. . Hnib m~ sH~' to (~Uf{(~:i~t $.ppJi.:;::abfe buHdirig -and $,atety c<~je $tnnJ~ta~, impo.s'~ht.'m. -rd kx~g..+tr:m det,>d rt~tri::lthm~ ndmhl~, k~ ~~~,h~ .M~d n.m;}hl'. vrk.~~~ fh~' a.mxJubie owners.h~p ~;~n:~t~ ~md aHow~bk~, r:ah~~ 1hr :a:m)rd~bk r~~:l:Haf, unh:":;:~: and d~Jht~ nf 11tst n:~j1.l:sa~ in favor or \1{:~rRt)t\ C~JtH1ty ~~r hs de$ignt:~ v/ith rt:$p~;.;t t\) ihttsr~ ,sht! $.t:$,f.:f;. A$ ttH {if p:Stnbl ~.mnpe7,.%6{m H) ?r6rH~:fts' 0w'w~rz~- :)nder ~n~~~h :1g1~;tmtntf.i-~ "it :k, <:1}n~'(~,inph.t(~d th~t 9~~ftjdpf:;H~tg OV.{Ht::J~ ~;.?W ~YJ: penni1tt<~j fu tml;:sft:t Aurfl tht u~<i'lli;s.:~t~f>H, ~;,#~~j .;~ c<-::vtain nmnb<~r of tht: (::;.jM:~ng mm:t~x r~l{~' RO(~(}"isKmpt d~"veHirlg twit 11,gh!>:) tbt p<rm}_~1Jnz"cfn~:%dkm:1:11~ ,c<Y0S1ructkm Of1hQ~.t l.u1hs: {'ln~on("'. (1)1" m_{}n~ v,~,h~.f ;:;h:~$ -~~...~t:hin "i\h:m:r.o'<.,: C'(;.t.mty-, i:ndu&l~ ~<he::: b en<::- w. ::'::HHt .mt.mkipdi~i~~ (tf 1ht. C<.xml:<~\ An :::.;;-;.;:.n~d ntnnbt:r t.~f ?vkmnw- Ctnxr:;t:l1" ~~ irml1t:4iJtdy av:ail~.bf~,,:: .RffQni~bk: dV,;''{1mag unit al.kff;;:t~k)-lt~ 1."~>t:~it3-'~;~.<:d ij:gh~f tN~: S:;}t.re-uW~~ Tb.nk.k<.H~ L, Cnht~n Ldter or UnJ~:Ntfi:ndbg A..pril i ':'( 2{}(#t.) P41~ Twc LOU '\"~;{~,M be H1:kH;;;~{t,d H) the ~{H:d~.f ;~~X.N~~h.h}n ~<h,t \x1l'Jer ~m~,h ~'1~-~m~nt~. .In ~>the:r ~.GHtamF1~tt.~.d a~f~~~n1trtb~_ n;Nt'.~~r~ ~)f rn.>y"J;;;rt~e~~, Hpon whid~ th{~r'; <$f{~ ~J()W '(~(~ ROGO'~JS:ernpt. d~':;/i~H1ng unhs w{~ukl ftg.dvi; ~t;, r.;~.reeJ number ~~sf t.h-t' -aF~x:,fttinn~ ?XC(>M111Zl:>.d und-t:r thi~- LOU, tor <:t;~~,~tru;oHon (~f n~w sif0rthbh.~ h<')~.Hi:iHg Hnif;: ~Hbjt:fJ tf'j d,t:i~cl 'ret,ttk;tjz-::n5 (){~~::~'m~t~;ltny tht< ~$.U'H~ wdure ti~ d.e~~:.docd ab:)v~ :\f:; ~:h<~: J)t~p~rtm~~nl m'<1M' (~pptt"j\\t ~uch agn:::urH~n.~... ~hh~f by i~riu:*~w_ ~$ a party tn th{}$C' agt~~,(,''f1t{~:dj >.:~r by 'W;;:')' rd j~jh~}qw~{~t adm~ni.:$.truti:v<~ nr.;jt~w: ~n.ci ~prr'i.)\:al :of tht)$;C ~grecmt,>n.ts<, a.l~ n~partmti:H' ~n'U ~1n:nJ<)(~. C~)\l,nty de~#n it ~p'pfcpd,a_w '~ha1- they d1oukt: ~B:}f~ pr<){;:i,'tlfJhtg. $.Arthl",~r in lht~h$ra.Hs:'c of ~he d~$cr~h.....,"d h0:H~~fn~ ~~h~(.~dve~, (>t:rnn~~n;.)rM~ l:h{.h' mtHtJa~ ~~nd~r5tandir:~ '~M to t.he r~Hmher: ~)f In:mwJbls~;'>f' zqdnhk. ~f;-bnj~fj,~. d\}..'-diin~ unh ~dv<:.~ukrm> th(ir K1m~nX~- (()~)nl:Y nl:"a~' ;....N-ard t~~ th\~ d.ah~ h~:rent b~'>th V<h.il - " , .. l\~speC!; t9 hnpkm:lt'<'lting. ~~"h agreements and \vit.h n!~p{'''~.~ tt:.l an.\, ndwr ;;111~)nhN<" -H:(~h penn~tti_ng; (ohM lW~r h,,~ d~)~~t; p~~r5H.a:'f:t tt:, c.xi:wittg awthorh0' 'c(f~:ltfih~e4 h N-~'~.mu)~ C.t>ilitJ"i~ (\~J:Hl~tt:ht1i~ivt: PhH end tORt Tb:.rt~bh;:. ~:h~ pmiies r::..%;;{~i:nii::;(; thd ~~~, of th~ d~t~, h~fC:{'1_( h.a,;.Hni upo-n tht: J)~~p.~rtuJ~r.~t<~ p~'i~>r f(-:kas,,,; tl) ;\:f<.,nff>t~ C<~)~~HY ibr i:mtn~4i~t~. ':"~M~ <~f '11>5 atfbrd.:abb dw'eHiug tmi* tJh:X:;H.1km~.;_ and ,sh<<.i lhu ? 1 :mgr~~htr'1y ;;;;"i~tilah;~~ lMlrW:al. a.t1htd$;Mt~ ~Hn~~t}:b::~$ that i)t,-;:al~){:: ~.vjlH:~bk ~1l thee -CHlTer~t year endln{~ lun~ JO~ '2(}(M>, ~:dt~t:h- <;dkx:<l.tk~tt~ hz"'-''t, nt)~ yotf t~~t:t$ ~*-:-V$i'~J{X1 by th<,~ C\;,u.:nt)'-. ~wd -p~~rs~.}an~: l() tnt'_ (\;Hnt.y'$ ~~shdn$ ~w1ht)f~f; tt> b<n:r~'::!..:' H)P/<:.~trd m <:ny gJ.9(~n t~mt; ~~:P {~} rive (5) 'y<:::e:,fS wrtnh nf ~t~ '7~, resuh~f _;:Hm(m.~ sflbrd~.b:~t~ d9,;'dlit~g H6~ ZH(K~~1~<)n!3~ tht f~){k~~~tlng m..unbif of 3.t!-htdt~hk: '(h'l"t.Ji.ii.~a -~Knh %.lkK':~tkm$, ~f{~: -iwm-('jj~t;t<~%y ~v3:fhll:lk llJf W:~W by '\hm.rn~ CrwHlty "in ptirz.ving 1he ~~,u:nternvh1ted ~gr~rn)~uu,: ~)~' fbr ~:aW a~ (r~herV!ii$t< pt{Nidd (mder the C)dm/s LDR", Per prk)r l)~p<l:r~m~nt ;:t.gn:~~~mt~~t l{~$ ,'~~~":aH~hh~ .h-u-m ~.~.UtfCHt Y'i1ar %1&U#; 6iJQ/06 A~;"~1~~.f,~~~k.~ty.{?~~rr~~~~Y'..k~D:~N\LEy'E;t{5)StJ~p... 1\ .......1S$ T(~~,d, lmm<~d~ah)'~-~' "'\,,:~ln~hk }hf l'twani ~T1f 'WI ' ", , < f < C,' 'I " " l" ' '''', .- .;: ..:H:~ .~Afl) t::;ta((~~,~~-11R::5 1M)- ~)~~~11$c(~~~a, rlA:;lH:ii; :~<jr t~)U\! parh~%~ W<:H~i':H1g: i"HJ.t rWH: {:~n'lh~d ~:() ;,S~~y P.~\)ftHy ~.?wn~_, ali~:t ~';:o,h ri$hts ~m!.y' h) he ~~$t.abU-:.:,htxl by fifl~li .~tgH~})'.tn(~~:'t,~,~ <.)1'tne type d.~w~dhtd ~~b<r-::-"",~ "<:'ihtJ(1': !;{Jch j~t~nl~llt.<i :jt5S ;:wtuh:Hy ::'~NX(<:r~'~'i1 hy ,\:tnnHJt' (:(~~mty.. , Jt is; ~xpn~$.:$ity rc~ogiHi:l~d ~1nJ wK1e'r~w<Kl -Ht~~1 m.: 2006 -t\;1<x1xne County iutcnri::-~- h) bring: fbnt pr{~r{~-M)h. t~f -,n.fy-il:,g ty-pt,~ ~.:h;;:?;ip}fd -t.(~ h.l:;;~~H${-:: d:.l:: p(~Hnunm~t w'8pty of an~x4rib1e 'and etn9h~y~.e hcms:{uM ~n l:h.{~ ri<vkb. K{~i~. T'n~ ~u<.>:;(<;$.~ of ~:b;.~sc "pn:~pt'!s:ti:b in ~mdkn'a~@ui tb~ iw'a.~i1lg t:d~;h in tfu:: .FkH:'M-~, _Key~ wHi iik?}~y' tri;Wt~ up:;x~ ;;1gfe.e~r~tmt h$b~{~s~n !:h.~ p~rth~:% H$;, ~o ~1 $~gl~Hic:klnt ,numb~~r of addhklmd afibrdibh:: an6/\1f ~m~~>~oy~c ;J,..>J.,d:Hng :..mit HUn:i;atltv:~,:~ (OUhU~ of thu ~m"J\H:'J pr~:;~.e-?i<%~~~ induthng: m:H'ftY';~' ibr:8srd pr(~\d~k~{t~) t(> bi~ ~xln.de hnmt3dbt~dy aV<i;:dahti;. t.hr.;}~ghoHf the :C~Jumy (.<H 13, {'~:~gkwm.\ "'<f'~~IM1y,.tC'=f'h)>.:::e-t;:d:" bftl)~$, 'This LOU do-e~~ nt:{ rt!:nen rh(~ ;nt;1<.H1ion, by thi:: pMties to (bn::;<;~';l.:.)~ '..)1 b an} 'Wl~,Y inNWt the f:~)tun~ -dk~<,.:,,:atk~n 13) h1:0Hr-(':'~;; Cow~ty and/uf hs r:u.mk~~.pa.lit.~t's of iHjclkkH~t~l an<)-{<lab.k 4w~mofj. urdt alk!~~Mkm$ .In ,w$:ronse'1(~ the t-'1id~.~ i'1.ifhI6~1>k hOU;<i.lng. d'~o_ct;~g:t: <-'tH:\(~th\%~ the Fktftd<l- Key~.~ as both the f)epanm-enr Jgd "1t~Hn:)(~ C{tmt1y m-~~gni!e A.-pfiJ '~9", 1{rUb Pagt' Thn~,$ thtt~ }.;lj;:::nrOO (; (nJnty~~; i~\lrr~~Hr. ~nb:j{~ti\'(:~: ~vhh :MiSf1e('1' tfi C<~mp '-Pl:1n .at'~d JJ)R. f.::m~md;::n~~ms m~y i:'},Jm:empble .\KkihivH.:sl ~n~)caz:;t)n:~ h.1: a~.dr~~*i th~ \)ngQi.~lt~, h>:~U~if;g <.rhi;Si, \Vitlk H<~ ~u~(:.h r:.'<g:tt:f;Xl~t,~'t \;;;'jt.h H:$.~-;tt' kl p'.:)~:q{bb t~dd{hm~mt aHQ(;U~ji~tn:.; ha~ :bt::~.m t<:.~~d~d~ th(: t\~p~nm~nr and _t<(1:o~U"<~t~ CboMy ntcnW1il'(~' that lhf.: Cmtnt)' h0p.t~~ t<~ fe~ch Stwh. $.:,'1' aCi'cZ:w1 ~UH~ thiH: thh LOU wiH m>l. in any w~y he tX:ins-tn.K~tl t~) p\;.j\~dit~~ ('})' inhib~~ '~ht': Co~,mty~~ (:lh.H1.~ in, n~l[) -regilrd~ ~t bt~io3 th~ .r)e'P~H1:meni,>~< pv%~tinn th~t aH $3Jch >.xmxinul~~g inltl~t~v~'~ by \1.0(3rY~~"; C-tJBllt)' ShOtdd h~; :and ~:;;f{-;: e;~%~~;WUii'8t~d. \Vh~~ru!;":H'e, th:;; pa.ttit~$ ht;:n~~t<.) ha'V~) ~()n:'Htl~nnofated th~:k i(gf~-HW.t;f; 'vifh thlS LOU tb, of l:h(~ ihi:e t}ys:t .~Wt ibnh _~d>t~~;.,.f, 1:~,y the: >>:n:~~-iH,g c,fths; ~)~gt;~~tun~~ ,nfthek ituth<:~~:tt.c<l H~PH~~<~:l~t;H:~v{~:1 bt.~k,:\\:'. HUARD OF COF\TY COMMI$SlONERS OF y,:lONROE COUNTY, YL ORH)!\ }~1h~31. .D-~~nny L. _K,:.')nMf~'}, C1<:'fk ...............,.-..'.. Ch~X'k .......................,.. ~1:~W{~r Chm+~.% ~~S{mHyX 't~~(j{\:-:Y ,fhn,e fLORlDA DEYARTMENT OF COMMUNI fY AiTAmS V\/hne~~.;:; ".._w,...,~..w.,w.w.,~".....",..""..~_,~"'.,~..~_.,.".~"~w_"~"^.",,",._"~",WM .Th{.Hi6~~u5l.. (::OhK~n. ~tf;H~tM)' Oat,; MO~~0li: COWNT\' A,.n;;R~V ^,^^<~l"P O\l~C AS TO-tOW' / /: /-:<1'//< ("~'1 '", ,/Y'4V' u..L"~^J0~ ,," "-' J.~, SANDERS ,"'I;1Z' ./ ,~,g.~ .ANTC<JGNTYATTOn~yl /"" / / " """~"~">"'~'," ..<0'.......,......,.,... ~,..",. .-....A ..._...._... '. ......_...'~ ._,~ ORVlI'LV,{>", NO, j)(),;'" Ztl% ,~,.w....................-.....................b~,,<<<<_ AN ORfHNANCF, !.wnm IWAR!) OF COUNTY ('OMMISSIONBkS OF MONRO!!: CQ{iiliH', n(JlUfM; PRVHI)ING FOR 1HE PU!KHASf; OF PRfWE:RTY TO BE !ll!.VBLOPEl} FOR THf.: ESTABLISHME,*r Of.' A~faRDAfn,e AND EMPj,(JYEt:: HOUSING; PROVUHNG F(H. 'tHE FFHJnlt m~"1\:LOrMENT OF StlCU HOtJSlNf;; l"fWV1>>fN(; fOt{ SEYE~AmUTY; PROVlf1lNG 'POR IU:PEAL OF INCONSISTENT PROVISIONS; PROVIDING fOR INCORNJRATlO!'i IN THE MONROE COU'tf,\{ CON), PROVWING FOR AN EFPECTlVlt tMoTE \"t'HERf:M" 11:;;, H"",ra of Coont} (;:>imnh~k,l1e.r$ of M""",()(, (\llmty, FJ,,,idl\ (tflc ~;C{?mtt<1 ha:~ ci~tcrtnhH.~~ thM. ~t, rt~(.'Xf ~::'ij.JSts rdtni~1 i\i.(m.t<H~ County lor d:h.~ pr~J<:-i:;i(}H o,f hO\H~i.ng \tffbr<I"bktfl pCqJk ofmfJUe",tu, middh, (w b%w inU'Wi;, ~llld WHERf>\S, tM COUll.ty d;)<Ji~, to have ;1 mll1l%r <!if $tratvii:i~$ ill p]l1C~ 10 lncrWll<,' tll); Cwm:/~ ~lock of "rr"rnahlc IUld l;mp!o)'~(, hUU$,'\g, Md for UKl>'V wt,(, we i1ll1ployw w self ~'mpl,w,,<i h)ll$iug (:olllmonl~ 1<;'"-11':11 M woddl>,~,e h("'M1f;: (UlJ \\'Hf:REAS" ,l!W $\I<;h maulJ,:,' is ll> pl\)vid~ f{;l' 'Ill!, ;lur.;ha&:: and J~w~I"P'nCn( 0" r,<Ulw~hlfm~"l. "r ;lfqlcny te) ".,wide $Udl ,1f:lhdabk, el1lpbyec, or w(}<kfb,,,e hOBSmjl; NOW, THERRI'ORIi::, BE ff ()RUAINE.I) BY ,HE BOAkD or COUNT\' C(JMMISSIONRRS OF MONmOE n:WN'n\ ,fLORInA, "'~ (ol10w$ 1if.s;:n{)~ 1, 'rbll C')'lmy !"rt~by "'$r.ahli$lIe$ fer the pt'P,10~'$ of illcre~smg th a v~lik1hJ\~ M.;}I;k ,~f :ttff-cwilid,tt: and m.tlplt)y-~t h(mSi,ng the :prog:rarn th::~'1.;'tjb~d h~ this <)idi~Wl:;~- (di:t "P",dl"'~;; al>d 1:k\"~lorll1>"..n1 J'r'1gwm"l s~:cnO!'i4' Uwkr the J>u<<:ltIlw .md Dov~jq:>mcfl.l Plt,*ram, the t."w:ty may !ltltvoo.~ &om !mY ,,,illil'g l<llKf'lWtkf l,rOjli1rty l<lcatoo in lJl,' County ;!!Il,llk<dn"d deMrabJe 'by tile (;(,wrty t,lt tk illture devdcpment of atrutdllb1~, or emrk1F'" h'llll,ing ill it ptiw "r "of ~,>(".'" tbml f,s% <,f il1~ appmi>d "11l1lC of mid property A~ a COI1t1itil)1l ~(' ~llCI1 ~ak tbv fmmly l1la~' vm<,,. htW un HgWt;m{mt~ n~(.~tabl~ t~f dt~ Cou,nty.< wrwrs.::by 1:tB) ~dHn}]} !tH1do\\lW or an~}thc-r ~\flt{t} Mkcuod by su<:h lamlowmr k:~S<'$ In.' 'prtlp"rty back &\}{11 the Cwmy jbr IlIc d~vd'\lm~l1t I);, 'll<:h laod')WlllOf .1r ctlter <mIll)' oJ aJ'{ordal>k 1>" "mpk'Yl;ll k)ll~i:llZ t(\ he locatl..'<I <:'11 ~uclI ~;N, r"',n;u;,"l. f<' ,,,,id $lVt<;::I1<Jnt, tl;~ lal1d $!lalll>~ /}w'Ml hy Jm" (;<"'l1t}' t;ut the lmprowme1l\~ mi'Y k bawd 10 '" pri-;..:;; "!lfity <). ,ntllvid\l1ll f".. utilu<t';OO M romuJ 1K'll$mg ,'r h:l',$chl.lkl ,nt"tc,*~ rold k~ p:r1\"ate: '~nthh~s (W indh..'i(b~lh,.as *tn~~e famHy l'mu:giq;. lik;cnptSh 1'1 addil'f.Hl 10 aHY agre~m~flt ~1lt(:ttd ,"W b~ fh~ C(lUllty r,w,k dm'elqJmont of ailol".hbk '" emploYlj" k~,~ir<>>; M de5ljrlhet! In 5e.ctio1l1 ab<:Jvc, the C.)(!r<ly m~y do,,'dt~ by fi<)fK1f,titkm pfW~.it.H'W to blP;~lH~~11 ihe, Pu:t~h~~~ and ~~'<A~:k~p:m~.11t Progn.trn h:-:nus of' this ordint,l'lw, r.ll<:.htdiil$ (I) ,)I' Ilpplicl.tlon prcx'ljW wk,dl) '" pl'l>fMlty ,)Wnljf Inn) .apply fOr C'"i'i<l,lem!ion by tb: CClmty br PUlX;I1(j~<^ ;,,1<1 ik~'dDp1l1{m1 11M~-r 111e l'''f~ha~~ !Inti j)~\',~bpl1lenl P""snwl. {ii):, ltlq:h,H","," fo, l'ro,'idmg l'eas;:",l1l:-k puNk nOlle.' dtl1t Ol,'l1<>ltM]ly It> partlJ;'pMc ~~t 1h~<; P":,,~rdt-a$(~ ~tHd n~,,'(k-:-PHt~~~t P;>B~rx.1i; Cd) the 'Criteria by wbi'.ch pJ'('~,i,,~l$ "viH h<~ }).c~<:pt~'>cl f<..r fht': ..f\1r~hz~$j~ a--::Kl n~Vt~t~)p:m{~~lt Prng:tmn; (j,:y:) mfj~t;k~rli1& of ittC{)ffiC clt'gibWty ~.hd imvJt~tm:.m~&tiQn t,"d' HmwJ t:tt~~;, nm1 pu.r~r~'t~{'; priC{ r~~,n>;ti(ln,~ f(~r ~mit$ ut Uh~ pr{)pi~tty.<, tV} tl{Hd~n-;;,~~~ fo:}' ~~:l;::~"Xi- ~tw k~1$t,~ of ~t{;:qtii:r:~a p-t{.~p.;;:,~t} Y"'(H~,~,d ,x,::,m:::nt~nr~~~~ (:.dl H~~ttk~;O~tF {~ll th~~ ;~h~il~Y {If ;;:U'< :;Jl~1ivUua{ pi~Kk~;~<::f ,;yf:it :k:;M::-t:J:l{)M h:H<<N~$i~ j';(~ s'I.Hili p'n:t1i:;~3"ty H> 1:.dl hi::';.; <x h~-t:f h~Hjf;'..~L {-q,~; ~ht:; itt!l)lNO(;_M~tk:*~ d~ .arln~l~rl;~u:~{h0n ftc~ J\){ th,:;;: {mgd13~t op-::.::ratrvn znd nl("u:::hmio:g ,t}f t~-l:d pr~::t~:(;:-:.::t;, ~_ncl (>"'lii) :H.tah ()fhr.U' pt{~V(:$;ii.Wl$ ~l&: -~./iH Krrtht~t HK pHP"'-~-1;:k~n ::>f ~rfH)J&bh;: mtd ~;xnr~-lvYN~' h{;;HmJl~~ .:.a ::J~~~ (\;;H:a1~'. Pn:)t'L')_k)::::!'~:, ~~:< _~t{:,B3:.S: t;b} ~ht<~~~~~h {v-H} ow};' 'ht ,PK~:=::c{jb(:'d in the PH.t::::hf:.:::;~~ aDa S~ll>;:: l"<:$.:;;,d:::a,.::k }s.:?.Jt:om,tm$ h;':~~.t','.cCli th~: (.'-,.>Uflty :a.t~ti. the j;'{i:lHtm t,m~ty. SECTlON .1- 1>::Jf p~qxm.:::-~ h~f~Ht: ""lri1b:{dab{~ hou~-iHg'" alro ""~~mp1;JJliff;.~ _hw;s-bg"; m1t~~ lm,~)" 'Ul~X,t: :m~Jthl~ a~ dt.,tk~~':ij w~d-Jf ti~e i:,iH'rv<:r:}~- C1~;apt~~t 9',j 0$ 1M' Mtmx~~ C-i..wnt\' C~)4:-: (sf {)diH;.H;:'~~, m ch:,:\i)tt~r' 4.5 '::t~: a:~m~m,k~~t ';)t .l:~~Y mjt>''';:<<~;G;('~ ;~:m<<H~it:# Of add'ifi':tfJ;U d<=,6trltl(bit< <~r th~pl~t~; {::f11~ \1-(:-~w~>~ 'C'(~.lB~Y' {\t.::k _SE.C-'OQN ;}~ If ~~ny- *i;,;,;;.--::k-:lt,. .sUbM:~:linB~ ,:..'t:n~,:)x::~:e, dau.t;t~ (~r p~t)vt~k~n <frthi~ ~>:d!~an:~:~ l~~ h}~_M hh;;.diJ". n3~ %'ma~~zk-!' {Jf tht% (:l"dhw~o(:'i) ~haH n~ h~~- ~ab~~~~d by :lj'~K'J11n""ahct~ty ~F;CT1Qaf.;: AU ~>rd:it0W{..:,Z:'$ OJ"' padS- of {}-njm<~.r,t:",,;,~- in (.:~~r4hl.;~f \"dth; H4~'S o,'d{6:l'K~(; ~,rt h~f-tby n::;r>:;.~uh:':d, H'< t~<~ <:<{t~:-n~ ~:1:l' -:.>.;;\)::3. {:H:a:H:;.(';l !!ij<~.flm,\':Ll,n1t; pf(wi$l~n~ :;/ lhi. "':dir.an<:<l ~luil he mdu\kd ,ud ';K~mt~d ;n (b ():Q(k- <~f'OrdiHlrtt;.X~~ \;f th~ C~>~nty of M:nnm~}v .H.uri4t~ -lIS. ~n ./~libon 0:1' ;~.m-(!'.Hdm:~~rtl. ~ht;~rt:'#:l> und if rl~X.~~'~IY< mat! bt:. ~.ppropri~!dy .r~m,:J.mb~rc-d to' ct7lofbn:n to the un:i:tbrm mtmben'ng ~~y.n{."n~ of the. (\::.d~~ . ~!tCl1t?tL!l 'Jb~$ i>rd~mmc~ -shaH fuk~ d1:ix.:t hmnt4Htt;i::J::r" np@l rCCvtpt <~fdnd*~ i;(ft~~~ fr~m tb~~ Oa1C~ ~f tb~ S-rjc.n..~i7t:::y of Sbt~) ~)f -~1H~ S;<!:it~ ,)f Fk~ri~ta t~ {hb: <~J~ir~tm}<; hil$ ~x~n :flkJ R,Ut, ,",id Off>;", f:A$SK1) ANn ,-,-HOPTEn by th;;~ B,;::-:a.td ,of c,mH~t:S f.:0:(~wnit<~.i<)nc(~ (~f::Y{)nl'(~, {\-;unty, Fl...;>xi:d{t, m a N~~il~r m<:ettBg 'Jf :%lid E(~Hd hf;M <m d1{:: IS<l} d~y of l\':.hd;n^ .lH}(}. ~~b'ivf ('~hark~~ ;"&mn:s,'" M,;.(\)".' -MaytJf t~(,) T~m t\iurt;~~f Nd$bO'" Cunm~i$.:'ii-mwr GeMg:t; t'4engent (~:omr8.-j:$:,'S~~:::~:';;;r _f.b:dd Ri->:<:, Co~nH~,i$~kmN' r.kxkt -~~1. Spd:M-r ..,. o <;? z ;t<o r~~~i '::~;:::: ...... '::<~ .~:':::: ~.:" :;.:;;: ~:~, L::: ~"'~'-'\~ .: :,'::"; ?<" {:,': Nt>.Rxl;c!;>"ll! Yw: ~ X.~1{ Yt~ (SEAL! i\.tl%t DANNY LKOLHA(jf. CkS, ;... ........'.7) /, (/ l l~ ih 1""",,,,,"1:. LJ,f.^,~p(/ . "'~'~-""ri;piiffY:~E;t'-"""" _..w.'."--.-.N.. HOARI) OF COVl\T'l COMMiSSfONi':IlS OF MONRO" COl)l'trY, fCOfUDA ,(~~ )$!:?(:{J."'':' ~'~"-'" tho '............._._....,.;_..._....."._<.._._.,.....,...,.._",....""'w._._~~ ~,1;~'''~r>>'lIdl:<e11f ~t::::><or h.'c, T~m Eu':ttJ.a:Y Ns~1~;,<3~: c/jJ~... . / i ,'"' ... t;J. :> ~ f~ :,;~ I ...~ "'" <,:.~ :'0 "$ ..','- ::ll: ;'~ 19- <^(. <~~ ::<:.S - ~~~> ....