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Item Q04
lUlARO OF COIJNTY COMMISSIONERS A(;f:NfM ITEM SliM!HARY Xh~di~\\S r)~.~?:~: {.!H1\RJ.~L..2.QQt:L f)1vi~;1(m:. C9HttLAuQnMn( t%ik h~11tY ';0, XX N'~J Sl.dTCO'll!lC( J>wwH,e.M.lV,M!tBiI.\l!i AGf:;>;OA ITEM WORmNG: APp:H.lV~d <.d' :wtde1Dtmt: ugnwrn(mt in (:5..:~de $nJbn:.;/.:':J1~(:nf hen In.Mi?:titf!X~iNfRt~:,.E;;j~f{:fUy~l~:wK~)t:;~ Ca~e No. L:--;...{n...:Z6? -----------<:, IT!::;',>! !M,Cl\:GROl"['iDj "PH.~ptny ~)):<i:j:1t'r ',<),.;:~~ ~.b;d. ibt vi{JiJll'm~ of ;\k"}~_l.t~)~~ (:.;':;.M,r,:ty C<ldt s<)n(~t)(t;) ... Yr*~t:~.i~t t~:~ b~~: d~~<U'Ni (}-f dd)d.~4 ~wd ~~u~:it~u:":':;, m~teri.al~:; t1,~3v(b)(t:) w. -Fttnur~ to .rr~~Y;Y p:t'Opj~Hy {~~:'$fY ) 'fnonth~~ .~ 90...95 -.... i:~bttn~.k)H<<.>~l l;:'dti;;:b$! 6- l6..;2 .<0 Sta,ndatd Un&Mi~ HHiMi:ng _t%:tl~tt~3rwm C~Hl~} .<\dopted. M' ;\:rdH1j~n~~Kci.t., 'rb;) vkl'bt{:d' \\:U$ nn~)d $50.00 g, J~~y ly~gim+~.ng AugjJ)i{ 23, 2{}Ol., Th~ pr0pon:)' W:jj; br(5ught h::u> '~<:w-,~.r)h~Xl(:e t.W r<~hfw~rf 2:\ 1006 Th~~ 6~w;.nw li~ri'~ t'GJ.al: ~)f.?,fHQ day:~ a~.;:'~:fuiHg to S-UX\6DG., Htcau~c "'~" " 'I" ", ",.., ", ',',1" 'I' ," ' I' " ,.,,,'1 J"-""{'" ',. "lI"','"L '''''l'' ,'" ,"","n''!' ~.}., ~...:t, ~~g~. (..' (UK ~,4)'~,~ hK. c;J~::.y \ (Jq~,H~#n .:a~.l<.}r~ .;t...at: ~ .i~"..l..', ~.tf;: onglHCl... """'.<<J:~'~ ;:mf<")::-~,< t> ,~.JCfl, .1 ,~tH} .""..,.;." j .i~.dH:r th.JYH Gay .[\1~tr~c Sm.ith to t~k. :Kdtz ami J.n. in:V<lk/"~~ <l:1t<'4: -{)ctot~r ~~(K~! hw tob<:at~ bH:(kh<x~ ~nd (h,.trnp~~kr n;.~nl,M. "fo'0 ",AohitOf <::.(m1:~~ci.ecl t.h~ (.{)unty /\H.orH<~~'/$ c;fn~{.~ H::r>,)ugh hit ;.$H(~rnt)y ur:tJ i~ ~:e~}.d.::\g :}~U~:;wk;nt c~f th~-::: ~a:}k'. SkR)~ t-h~ v'l~ihdon \~ia.'5: w.>~' tinv.;;l,y bn~~ugbl ~nio cQmphancc~. th~ Ct)UH~Y .AU(~tn~~y"~; OUk'0' ~1oe~ n~::t feci tN.&< C1M;t gh;;;ljM '01;) 5<~tHed l(Jf t'he typical kn ptfC{-;nt "-.1:f ~h~ t{yt'ru Hne~ Staff H~{.:<)mnt~:nd,atkm is to t'l>1t1~ the ca,*c .bt' fiR'f.cn. p~fr.,{wt of tb:: l,ot.j.~1 fhoo ''.vhkh i~, $:~ 5.:.9(;(}. ,,-"",""--------------------- I'IU:VIOIJS REU'VA:"<T nocc ACTION; .<<<<<<<<<----,---------_._--,""-----,--------------- N~)'~l:r~ ~-- ~ ...............--...........-........................................--------..... (:ONTRACl'fACRt:EMF,;Vr CHANGES: ~,l/A,. .i;;~.;'.:,;;.;..;;,;'i:.;.:I:;;.l.~l...,;':.~:.I.;..;-'.I.'..I;:;:N;;...............................'..........................'.........'......................................................,..........."'........."'.. >.> :II ,:''''':II~.f.' .~.3:v ..:\. : . L ,~:,.:__'!t. .ll)'~.... :t~~i" ,~~ },;ppgj>nd of ;'i;dH.em~~n{ a,~~J~;X~,~i...;~;m. ... ._-----"""""'""""-<<..,"'.,"'."...,,,,,<<<<<<.,,. TO'I'AI., COSTl.."".."',...."....."...................... mJIJGtTEDl Y&J N'c' COST TO OJt!NI'Y; StWR,u" Of Ft'NOSl iu~vn"TE PiH.HW('!,'iG; Y1" .XX.. Nn... AMOt'NT f'[,R MONTH............ Y~lr ,.0.,/' ."..'''',''1)' \.",,'" ,'''', ", ,.. '"'1''' ,.. , l. . ,~~. ~ t% :II' Y VI ~ (.uunt}',- i~dlY .,.,:;::.':<" ... Ol.:{ ,.d/~}:HKha-M:ng ....-m..... .Rl;~~. .~ira.nagf.:n;:~m1 ""',,.woW. ,,' (j, /-d UiVJSlON DUUt(" "(J' .,' : .'-' <',; , (p." . '. /'.:....."\. ,'." //#:::-"~.,... '" .', ,," ,{ R ,\prR(JVAL~,...'<~, ~,q,;!~"'~"~...M>:;:::::::,__'~"__M.~.~"" "'t.-r',~, "', "/"; al'l'{ , "1''')','''', ,",'H ,.""].,.,,, "']')""" "'I','" 6~:;;<.i.,:;~,,> .."1 ."" <.' __. t X>.? ~.",,)'t.,... * J. /'1,. ,~_,"'.~i. ...."j. nUCt.'M,I::!\i'lAH,ON: IndtJ,d(~,j ";i;::~... N<}t R~q'li,."d............., IHs!"osrflON: '. ~:~"~"~.$>:~d ;Un~ AGl~NnA ITtM iI UEFORE THE COm:ENFORCEME:\T SI'l':CIi\L MASTER OF I\10KROE COUNTY, FUJRWA The Honorable J. Jd'fasQl1 Overby. Prt'~iding MONROE Cm'NTY, FLORIDA "%t;> '; .t 'l ./~ ~>?~0 V~"" r~dtIQl1er, VS-.. (' ,,[, '"'(~ p., "1 1"" ,.-:\;.:" ~.. y~ ':',J.~ 1;.)} ....-g,_ -....""':t;}} lli\RRY F. KElTZ, Respumlelll(s) ! SETl'LEMENT AGREEt\JENT The P;:titioner Board ot'Coun!y Commissioner~; oi'\'lol1l:ne Cuunty and Harry F, Reitz, Re~p(,ll1den!($} l:Jerrhy "wee to seHk lhe ,x>(k enibreement lien imposed in the 'lhovc'ref0rrni:i:d ~'a<,c 1:>y the Sp<ed<.ll I\hst<er il~H\inSt property 0\vncd by the R<::sp<:ndent(sl as !hllows: ! . The. narties at"tre'~} to s-cnle the c(\d~~: enf~)r~'erf~ent h.en f()f , .' $15.90iUJ(l 2, The pr<>pcrry in question has (lleg:H (,kS(;riPliol1 of LOIs I &24, Block 8, Largo Gardens Suhdivi$ion, Key Lwg<.>, .~A('l11r<je ''', n'" "H' '''. '4-("Q() ^- jfj{'" {"mmty, ..{',{)I'{\,a {('d:,;f,' OV ~,;"." ..,,AX,_ ,.It!) 3. Upon uppm\:al of lhi" <\grrelTJent by the Boud of County C:i1nmiSSlODt'f:,,, lhe R,':spomkm{s) shaH rcmil :, d1\;(;li iF> the ~i~'IWlJm ~~f S 15,9IJO(l(J made j);lyabk to the Boun,1 ill" (\;unty (..orrnrH-$slt~.ncr$, 4, C~nc,t the at<>re:n~eutioncd chec-k .tJ.~ t.}em"ed~ the (\)untv \v'~l1 j~;;lH' to the R~'s?ollclent(s) ,J rck<1SC and $alist~lCl.j1)n or said tien f(w imll~ by till: Re~lml1{lent(~) in th~ Oftkii\l RC(Nds {)i' ~Anm:oe c:ou.nt.y, ~'> The County will file a copy of 1be f\~\1;'3!'e an<l ;;al' ,),KHOn m in',: ofnciat Codt~ Enforcement fiie, t.:, p)~ :'lW{'*k:-\(?~'T"\"~J ~~Hr'~ ~'h:1l~' Ri):-rf'::~:~rr::f'nL c:;K~h l)a.rtv ~h:?,re(~s to \valve Ht"f\{ and f\H claim!' 01>)1 it nmhl 11:1VI: nlhd and/or POf~l1ib} d311n<:' , . j' I "" ., '" ' '1"\' It l'l'g ,,' >l'l'''~ >""'1 ^",,", l0 rp,~,'"",",< ~ r'''i,ul\, "t he 3')(\"".':- ~,',H.,~.. .,;,.1<.,.' ,.,', ,l, l. ,Yy ...".y....,' .;~v".... . .', f.~h}.... M.,,, v:. .,.....',."' '. ", .,. ...." '. captioned .;,xk enk'fftl\!('l11 Ci'lSe, '7 Both ranks '.,<,arran: flu! they h";\ I..'C bId an opportunity 10 con~(l\t 'Nith co,JJ1sd lx'fore emering Intf' tltilJ '!\Jn~enwnL B, EwJ1lcm:rtv ~ntrt~(~$ ft) k~e'<u' its o\\:'n costs and ~;lf.t~;)nlev'<s: fe,~,k ()ther . .... ,.- ;,i " than (I'" s'"'e"if1eJ h tN<; 'l"l'CCn'cnl ..' ,,l; ,.~ .'t" ..... ...~.' ,l:, ., ~'b' ,',". " ATTEST; DANNY L KOLHAGE CT"ERK: HOARD OF COC:\TY COM.lSS10NERS OF MOKROE COUNTY n~:__m .i)(,'!1U1Y Ckrk Hy: Charlt's McCoy, i\fflYiW Da({:d.. l'I<'~ r/~' :< " F:'" (<:'-',^' ,~~,..,,~ " . .' . /1,<'/..,/., J-, /;c;:;' ,~:~ . ResnOlldt)!u ...."'..."""m""""""'.,.,...,""...~.,,...,.........,.....""..."',._... ,r l,F'l'\nkd Na(nc) j ,.,~.-1I</i , ., "', .w; " ,-"M 'J;Y:~ ~>;..~.<:i>,vr" if.. /, ~" l r'" ; AW;. (.i ;;: """' ~>~ )' "".' ""'" j I"'''' ~<O'-k (dtltc) This d(lC~r~iiil ~1lS 1},r4ia~7'''tl:~Jd llPPI'J~;~~ w form hy: /#,.~# .,.~ {(.(~:, 1.;/ ~; ?...'C.:$L.,.z:>t..t........<.,.:..,....../ '.""W~..,... ".~~..v...~'~.~'''''''''''_~~, _ --;>, PC-dn) J:?Je'l'Cllo{l, Esq. '-..-". A~'w<'11i1li COU1ity Attorney . 1:1 on d;,\ Bar No,: ODS,W5n P.O. Box j 026 Kev \Vest, FL 33041.1. 026 .. (3(5) 292.".1470