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Item Q05
BOARD Of COFNTY (XHlMISSIONERS ACt:NDA ITEM StiMMARY Meetbg Ome . ,. AI?:t:H.J.?o.ZQQ(; ,,: 1):)Y nt>J~~ol~:'_"nC:pvnh:.,.A.ttrxo1~~X.... Bu.H< He.-m: "fr.~ Ny.;:............ }4"o DepAAftJ'llejll;....,,(>4mJ,A.t.\qm~}' S,dfCOOlll';t Perwl!. H,;A?..$.hi!l\!lg;W . "WC<<<*" ~ <<~-- AGENnA IT}~M WOlUHN(;: A.pprov:~d af p~YlncHi (Q .t~~"1.b~)f,'jl <HHnUJlJ of S37.:.9J6..42 {lnvok:e through')lJ! Monmc Cormty. Oibiin & 1',,/;t:A{f.FSOn .RH' _l~rofc$:f<fo~Md le}~.aJ .~ervkt'$ ri<.nd.enr~d in th~ dQSJ 05 137) fchadng t(> the ~~~tabH:~hmtnt ~:;~f \.>,m~;WV($t~f M'::r~d,i;~~, ITfM BACKf;ROtJNU: .Nirbut's., -Gtbiin d tlkhrn.mn ha~,,:< he:eTl IH'(}'S/idh1g e:Kpe.rt: b~g:a~ $ervi~x~;:s H11hc. Ct)uu1y ffinc~ t997 tXfXID .~,. ~. ".", ;,-{' . ~:'- ~ ') j l ~-- ~~, ",' . m'\Y",N:$t. .~"''{.UU.H:';;~ (j1th/in iJ: j'dC,Y;."I;N'SO!~, ./ .l.. VYR':i< r~~w:~~~{"~~.l tu represent t.ne: t..:ouuly .~. wh~Je.~t$.- ~~aa i<.~fVe {lS a Unison bett\tl>:en fhe (\Ju.nty an.d <rtht:f hl~{>tvt::.d Hgt~ndet;. and aDthorit1{'.$ ti}vcn their kgt} .expenb~ ~~nd. ~.:q)erk,nc<~ in t:h~& Jteti am11.r'i mtit.t~7$ i~t.)n-cenrjng ~4ot:.roe Connty- gJJ;/trnm.en~.. On 8/17/0$ the HOC(; ah~{} u.ppy()v<:d ~w h3h~-rk)(::a} A.grc~:n:1~nt h~ijt\voot1 hk.l'tlfOe County ~.nd th~: F'Kl\/\ H.w ~.he ~_~reatitm {~f ~w ;;uh.ts<WY' {:ammitt{.~ $nd e~w~bl.i.;:;irment {~f~. proc(s:~ thr pnJ\fiskM:~ of wask)XJ%:'at~f ;:;~f'V~CCS 10 C-Z::l.mty H~~ident~.. On 9/0NJ. th~ BOre approv::d lit! 1nterl(l(;l,1 Agrecmoot with tile f1<.AA feWl.t'dJng (en1fll!i;wd v.o/:ast<:~w.~~t<.~r :q;Yfih~f{)Si. On W?Hj(},) tile BOer 2_ lq>pH)y(:d 11.{?,>io},HiOf} ;\~). 3(;'.1 nJtf05 to a~2bt. th~ FKi\A. ~r; nnw~(~i:t)g w~.~.J~~.t\:~lt~r ~y~t~l'H rH'!;'),~:h iy, th" Lj,'w," K,~y& Wastew~kf Dishkb in l.'nin;;OtpOfillt'<lll-kmwt Coumy 3. App-rovt'..d k':::solutioH hfJ.: 36:J-2/}05 $:ctti:ng fonh prin~ipl~& ~T~ti~{~~ h~ die f.xmrp1etk~H nf w,,~te<Nilkf !lmicets in ,mitlcNpx~t~d M{>nro~ CNmty, 4. A.pp:nJv(~d 8. t.i?a.se .Agr~~ftJ.n-H and. Fh:'il xhue:ndnwni hi .l;{,,:';1;~.M .Agtt:\?/tk'Nf w~th th(~ FKAA fcktil1g 1','1' ;:e.wlln IHmh thl' (he ;:<.ln~lr"':rhm, "q(,JJliing allJ lJr~f~thl1 therton of a wa~tewater <.wld f?tt!>U~t $:y~.h~tn, S, R~$df<dd tn~ Imerbcal Agn'''tlWtn ll{lptT1VIW by the HOCC m14/:;:O/M, ~,~ 1~ ,,: " :< <___......_ .I'Rf;Vl(Wi' RELEVANT BOCC ACTI.ON: O$i 1/hd1997 the BOeC (~ntere:d i.nto a ~itetak~t~. Agre~~rnen~: wi{h N~:~i>a;w; Chbttn.d:.~ .NirfMrS(l!( p~;t hJ provide Spt';:dg.Hzt;d. legal ~e:rv'kt~s fm:d a:s~:d~~1.tt.m;t~ to t.he CrH:.H~t~\ HlKrH j"szq~~:e~>t <}J) b(>-!J:(~. iM~Ut..~~~ and fkvUa lha.t\e'~ and WO'( I:"'.te~, Jlnd 01nt'i l"(,e,, Md lrtMkrs c.fkx:a.l gO\i"mm~tl.t lil;'W. CfmTRAi:T!AGRERMl':NT CHANGK1: Nn\ -<<<<-------------------""> STAFF RECO!\'VHENDATH1NS, Arprt'}va~ of p~)'nt-enL -"------ TOTAL COST: $,,".'H6A1 COST TO COVNTY: $':11,916.42 RE"f)';VE PIUHltCIN(;: y<,~"..... N,; AJ~pn.t)V.FD H,\(;, Cntmty /\,uy OlY.lSION J)lRECl'()R API'ROVAL: HCK\.:\ltXl.ATKlN: {}'~~.hJded tJlSPOSITlON:. H.{'.":?bt:d X.in,; i'ltiDGI':TtU; Yt, 010..._....... SOt!RCE or VlA"U)); AMOVST I'M{ M{)l'(HC........ \\~ll;- O_\:1HfPun~h.a5bg ,w.w~y~' Ri;:;.k' .l\tMW.g<:':,f:n~{j.t ,",W"'-."-' -,,^,'''''' "'/'J' .......^'" 1',';" l" /' ~... /;> ',,,.. "/: \, . ....,' ;/ i ./....'. ,,- <~ ..o;:1.;;~'" ~...., ~ ...,.c )':;/., ,'" , _ ;, .,..rv<-" ~ ';;,:;;i;~~:'(tfi,,!~N:'~ol,'N.;i~;~\l~:(iRNEy A:;"''""~'" . ^' k' ",.",1<..,,,,," Nvt Rt:qnirtd..... AGENU,." 01':\1 ,~ N, r<:11'~<J-;"s ,t (4. II-, .1, '", G"'-ll- Q, . f J ln 01., NIckerson!A ;' :) ;.:- !;; [: ~. :,; }:."( l.~"" .~.~ 0:::<Si~<Y::<:>:::~:'i:'Oi< ~,~i;0~ 't~li~1}'::%'i~~, H~{id$ ~;;::~%:;;: l.;):k:;ph::::l'.:;i: {~<~i:)::: :t:N-,,~nJ~ ~;l(r~mnht~r' 2?, 2tmS Bin thr~.mgh 1 ,I !18/2{H)5 ~.ltl;;~~l~~'t~N OSJ 051\7 Jl:dm. "N., C(;)lHn.s '~~'{i;)H:f()<~ Ctt;~_ttty ,';~'s,t"tt)t~;~:~~y J>,(), Box Hil6 Key 'W\~$t. F:L 33041A.l0::H~ :R~: F'KA,/\ IT'thrrtoc~il A,gr~~;m;)ent P:ROfES5Y)N'AL S-ERVjCES ~)gn7~~j'{hiS"""w,w'J~p'X''''''''''ij;~;ft'(...:t)u;nty iHtedotaf ugn,xem~.nt ~vhh rK}\.A.~ Rl:-:~vl~w /H~d. t~\<:h~mge ~{)trf..'$pt).tj.d~th>f: t);/hh Courtly -MtriY MVlc\y~.:::d nmkr:hl~ from Ft-';:../tf\ Phnue ::xmitirent:e \vjd~ lhd:~~trJ C{)lhH~_~ Phon~ '~:;:mJt~1~rH:.$ \><;'ith,Jirn R~y,nold~ Phon~ (::i~ntet{~:!~c(,; 'tv~th K~rry Sbdhy-; Ctm.f(;re~ce wil1~ Rcb(~:n: NaL",<jt$~, C(>ut(~rcw:t; ~dth TOtti Giblin Ph~.>ue {j{Hlfer~,nce 1"'3'hh Cr.mnty mttlfney ~uWlrdlng Sfatu.s 6f .&gn;:emeut (.mcl rHK~S~~ g<ibg tb,nN~~nl Revkw inf(ytTI~~<)1j(m rq};trdiug- FKAA otKod f.:ourn.y w~gt)t~atkHl~;, tevie'w' Aug;t'~~A ~rrwdncJt i>l~rU-emi!'n{;, r;;:;vit:w' ara.ft of nc:V{ _i_n1{~ik~~{~j ugr""I1wll'\ p'Oi'l<'.~J by (<OUH1y; l'!l('n~ 1:-:'~.nlin's:H~::{~ with Su7.....'3.nne- HmtD-n;, :P1:H.me ~<~~iGs~n~.e \,)Hh Sm:'~tllU1e Hutt(H)" ()~tI,'jnlli)5 a8.:24/2f~)S 0:8/25/2nn5 GfV2Si:hl{}S 0-8!2,6/2fJ0.5 i.1iJ<l'l';(jM l:lVA o.PA lH'A HVA HPA, BPA I)ratl f.K.t,<,A i.nt~Jk~':al ~g.((:~~fm::nt~ Pbm~e t",')r;:fi;t~nc~ \.l;.dfh C(~UI~ty A,ttofO(~Y$ {}ffk:et~~~ Flwnt' ~mrkrtn~~ .":ith Tlmy 1.bir5tou; l'h(>!lc c<~n.t\;:r::;::nt:~ \vlth 'TmYt GibHn~ COuftl\~_n<:c wHh R(!tw.,;rt Nn,tx*t:$_~ .PrKme ~<m.ic-t:~nc<~: -';ltih. C()uuty !\ttt~rHes~ C.hun:ge::) t<:~ dndl N$<~<lnti(>n; Phcn~ cor:di~r;;;:n,;;:,e- V;,;:11h Itoberl OrL PJl<m~ c(:mf(~r~ltt~ with TnU1 (HbHn;' E~r::lmngt~ ('A).rre:>:WJndt':tK'~$ vdth counry- uHornlI:Y-;_ (,hm~g~~ tt) dru.ft of n~~du1h>H; Phone 1. d~r2-9 1. 1.75 150 2.5.0 ().sn 4.25 (,,{i{) 425 ,..."") , / / .~ ;' Ll (' ~ ", i " \..",/.f.' t" /1 / J {)- .f <. , (" ) , ' -~:' l~) 'V , f i .} rm;. hn~. tU"t\ hrJ.- hf'~;. hn. hr~. G~~ .~~< 08/JO/2{l(}5 G3i~~'~ /2~X~5 09/(i.l /2,00$ (hH)2i2Hf.l:> 09/0V20H5 {t:].:'t\~/'J005 :09l05/2.{l{)j 09/0cti/2t)(}S \-:k'mr~x' C\.n.n:.tt}" 1n\,',{}k.~;# ~;;:t'm.n:rtt~n~~<~: ':;xhh .hm. R~~ynt'U~ ~J.n.d KCf0" Sb:lb',:,,~ :Ph<mf~ Cf}~d~~n;na:- -:N~th Cm,m.ty ^'l" ;^'l: <~,~.: ,. J')h "'ll"'~ ," ~).^ {;", ~.~"'^. '0 " \'1 'f~ "'l'" '~l'<-~ -:xf'" ~x~A.~.,~y", "':~...<;, "':';)'~<;:'""''<''''' .>,.<. ~",..>.<."'> 1,:";,lt'd~H:rntn,. BF.it. C{JnthH~~~.d. JHt:tti!\W1 ~>/tf:h f-rn:i.HJy .'i-:taff ~~,nci dhmmsiom, l,;Vl th }-':f(.':\f\ n~pr~~oon~.~ittVf::~s ft~;p:~td~.ng bt~~rl<~>;~d <.~~;.n:x~:m<~ :'H. BP /\ }~~ui:~t "'x~th :)u,nty fc-pn::~~~nwti,\:'(~,~;, .Ph<)nz~ C~)n1l;:fi~HCi~ '>,l..,itb. FK/~.f\ rqJf<~.~;t:nt~t:iw)~; R~\"i~v{ ~nH::rl~::,,::.u'i ;;lgn~~~~n1~~~)t. drMh; ~<,l~.::.miHg vdth C.own{)" A:\.k{~ini.:4n~.t(;r;' A.tt::.;::m.i lkmtd, of (>~l~my (\xnn;:is~~"i~)n;~m~ HJee1tug I:lPA (;('o,lltttd ~(Hlkr~"(c.,; 'L'k;>lw.<l<:. ~,x~fn:;t,nuti,0n~ ~nd n~g<~tjdtk~.il'$ \:,;'ith CO\ln1Y kirrU ~Hd repr~~~~fnt~J)Ve$ ~M,d f'R.A./'\; BPA Co'nJ<~retl<:~ witb Co~mt)' /Hh.1X!1t:y; EXi:;J'mng;;;: C(>t'f(;.sp<m.:.h)Hcr.~ with County team~ Phon<~ Cl)ntCt-etv,;e ~0Ath '['n,m (j~bH.n::. Phnn<~' ,,(mf<:n:'llf'~ Wil.b ':;l,eV( -"'!'ilk,.; ,,1>(><1(< c{~nfkrenm:~~~ vyi~ll C~)~mtj tqmit~)m~tutive~~~ T.tttVt 1 t.(~. 'D;d.bb~$:q;t.c C<'mfete:m)l':;:: can with CUtHWy tt::pfe~-:e:nu.tdvc~~, Ex.clmngc cone~p{;.mk~l1{'~ '~v.h,h County r-~prlt:'~nt:Jj;tlv~l:z;;. t:kaHi.i1g ;:lu.tnge$ to FK{\,<\ ~.k~';;l.m:lt:nt; F:n~:~nt c{;ni'tr~.;::,mx.~, \d.th (\'H:;m.y tlnund~ll tH;.hd%x~ Re'vlew' (;han.W~..~ h) inWr'k)c;.d ~~gte;tH1~:nt, -Comlm~~~' pte::a1\1.tion. 'f.Of h~)~dng b('jhrc fk~~~rd ~)f('{nmt~~ C<mlmi-fiskners: R~:v,k:~\~ <k~(:W~j<~.tit~ Ill!' addlllon'lf ~h.al1g,,;; l'i~qnh'~d:, l'h<ll1" {:.tH'dtrer~c(.~ 'vv'ith TfJ:1n (Jl.bii.n.::, Phon(~ -co:oi~-tt'.n(:c' \vhh f:)'f.$'-/t:' !vHUt;r: EXch:-*nRe .c.f.HTe$pondence v.ihh team,,' W -ChJ.nge~~ t~} dn~lrme:at~ rXcnmi~h':, ,c.<Jn:t.';;pt)nd~w~e. with C,()Ul~ty ......iUOrn.1N.-~ f>nnw.; ~:n.n.ferel'i.ce w1.111 TOHl (Hhhn~ l"h%lt~ ~x:mf~rt'::r~~;;:c$ 'S..vith (\:V,Hfty i\~torneY; J)r~tn a.H~rnmit'i:!: bDgWig~ to Hddr~.5$: j~;$t~{.$ raiM~d~ Tr~i\;'i:l tn: Key '9/~st aHd f<;:larafhon.; C0nf(:-teJ;Kf~ 'lNhh St:i:.rttw:y Cu-hcn. {)"f Dh-td'd COHiu1unk.,;1tl(H1 .<'\.fn~jnl C<)1'lnty. iMKl fJ;;..l~.l~ tc:rrks;;;:n.t'?<tl'v~~~~; 'Phr.me cm:}n:~eT}t<.~ vdth (r~unty .t1lm;n<:I~~1 advLfM18. . ~\,Jctting C~L)lm.tl' j\.d:n~ti.n.t:Rr:MUt 1~n.d f.h1~~1c.i~1 ~~dv'is~;r; A.tttrnd. Board {~f(:;'o~lnt'!:' C()nH:nh~~k)n\tt~ n:H:$f:ln;t 'rega:n:l1.l~g FK;:,\:\ inkl:hx,aL AH')Jld 1'1<.A;\ )j(>i\l'd mef::llli(; Fhf~~~e <"(~':":~'.;.'l'C<:"::'~'A :.<".....(l...-'''{;;:'-1'1~11.;.''....:-" ~,r t.". <:v ,... v....<"~.'l.;'... (.0;'....."".. ...<":+~l.."'-'" .0>. .~'l''''''''~ ,~,: N,y...... t,:argn \V~i$k\vat~d' T:'(;~;~tmeJlt Dhttk.t~ Hf:':)\. BPA. BPA IJPA t6629 Pilg.~~< 9.50 ~, 1.00 9.2.5 9./5 ''1'-25, 4..25 ll,.50 93& " " hrL b:s, hro;, hr$'. hr;'_ hr~ 1m;, hrs, Dk3 ~A~>ur(x.::, C>.:y;.;sn(y hn'(~_icdi l6629 }/i:e{:t1ng:$ \~:dh C<n.ln.ty H~pt.<~~j~~ntadv~~t p:t~p;(;r~ -L-r B(::J~d (if C~)Mnty ("ti~,nn:;:L~~;i<~n;::~t:q:, ln~t~dng 09X(}:')GOS BP.:\ Tr;:;vc}. tf~ T~l~bh>'%-;:;~~~; .Phone <:o{dt'::r$ni:~ with Kirk Zucbh; Pho-jh~ <;;In{~:le.!~t:,:U -vihh R{~h~r; SjdUi.n€_~,f; J~lv.)iw c>;~-n.kf(~r~i~<"i vthh Ri,thurd: C<Jiiin~~ Pb:m.~ i;,(~jI{b_re'Hj~~~ "~:lth K,kk .l.ut~k::b; Yb<k~t:' ~tH~&:,t::;j-rj.':;:;: with -r:on::: CHbHn; Ph(>H-(; (:(:'nD;)t<tntf: W'"ffh S~:::::ve t~Hlk:;r~ Hxd:l~m_ge (,~)tn~'::H}.:n:'H1t'::~Kt~ wh.b cJj.(-:nt; Tr.nvd to: T~d(ah:f.~$$e; .rnej~tb,g Cbtmty fi~~~1~Ki~~ll~dvi_~~)f~ cunb:r-i.;~n.{:,~ \.;';'lth County tt~~mt 09/08: 2(>{i5 HI"\ J'b.>H" (:>w,g,;";I1C{~ wnt, 111mn% Wib; Fh,)lR ('.c~~f~.~tttl(',~: ~.vhh COH.nty /\:ttofn~~r;, Pb.m.;:;- ;:.;:on.telim~:c' 'N,hh R1chiml CoHiH~; Phtw~~~ .;:.qnfjzr~,nc-~ \,dn~ SM7arm~ l:h..ttton;, ChMJg-~:.~> t;:) Big C"Ppl(j f@du6Qn~ fh;dHmg<l c.t~,ne~~ps;md"'lj,,::::~~ v~'ifh cjknt$-l~l,;,'i~>"v ff..quc,$t:ed ch.mi!~' fl"'1l1 [,KAA 09d 3/2005 HPA Pht:n.~, ~.t'>Hfi:'Xt~w:'t: \&'It:h ~tu,fk L~.HvJ)()n~ ?h:w;~~ :;;:>::m.ihf<~:m;e vdth J.<:i.Gl"lttrd' C ~:d h~hi t~.t:~~n~htlg c(>Hy~natinn v,dth 3Ml "\V;\tkhti; Dr::01,it it~8ge: Ph,unc -(;:~:~tttCt{:nc("i ~:'.tt:h Thom~~$, GibHn oqrl<!r:W\l$ BPA l1ml\ ka,,<c a9\~)m~,nt, EXd-wIig,' c<H~tt)$p(>n(k~ncc \y1:tl't ():m~1ty Ath')~T~':;;Y'::-; l)tll<.~{.":'$.; Revi:'>~,~,/ prnpo~'1u r-e*JlnHox~; Vntme c.(m.f.~rf<'cnt<~ with ThfJHHi.'3 (H hi in n-:~~Jj.rdi:ng r<roJR~t~H(>~~, kUBti dtk1ft;, N)n(~5pnndtm,(~t; \vtth C<'t~nrJ' l~rt~)IXWY; Pl~ot.~,:~ '<)nf~ren:c'~ \vlth 'rhx')n~~<b -~Ah}U UnIt Je.se uw~e:Il1l}m; ~,~Ch:lHge c~xru:)pm:HJe-n~e with Cm.m-ry }\.u0rney':~ {J,ft1(.~e:; He_y'k~~' prn-pt'tS~U W$D.h.ltk~rl; JJhi}ne (::{~nf~retK~l:' ~>{dth Tht\lU~~ OibHn reg;.Sr~nng kH~~e .Qra6,~ C{wre~~ptJtultiKi;-: with Cn;..mlY /\tk~.r::.>)t'y; f~1l01~t C{jll.l~r'~llce Tnm Willi, Phnn<l t(JHkl'<lJK1: with Rkiwrd C<;jlil1~; I"holle {:.iJnJbn~:m)(~' v~:.t~h K.itl~ 7-;:;:i)~~h; E:>;xh.:1:ng~~ t<)it("Spt~r~d.:tn'~t \-vith dk::nt.; Pht>nt, (;:i;}~tf'b-i..wice v{ith A-1ark L~rw~.tm; Tra.l~t;rnh draft of .lta~ W ~tt(>HFj;:}~ fOf FK/\}:\; .Phrm~ t~<mJ~nm;c.t' tV_tin 'L~(~11<.~,~ GihHn~_ Bxc-htU1gU. ~UIT~:z.;rHnJttl;Z~ w1\h client :lnd FKAA; Fh,)lK <'()tlfh,'nc~ with \-~ilfk, f.,;lWS{Hl <1JK) fK/t.:\ B{t()nK';~", Pb):n~ ~~onf.eft;7.ce wifh Ste-\:en .~1ilkr; Pln::tne c.ordt'ft~nce '''<.vith 'Kirk Z.~'ltd<:-h;.. Pht~nt. oYl~f~;r~uce '"s.'i{:h .Richard Co)Uu~; Phn~~~~ c<mjtre'rW't;~ \dth 1)<lXUh' KJ>thM~(~~ C(m.nn{;'Jw~ <-aU btt.N'e.tn rcp{(:'$~~nt~~'tk_tl~ (>f; .FKAi\ and COWHY; Phi)fW C{~nftH:n>.:;e w'Hl~ fbJ C~Hl,ary; 09/14/2005 lU'A 09/1 5{~~OO$ Hb\ 09/In/JOO:> up)\ F~_gl..<; j 9.75 3.25 J,75 6.25 6.25 4,75 4,75 kc,;, hts. hrs, hIS, 1'11', hl',. hr;;. .... h<,<., ,<.".... 1I,'"I<~Z,','" m:u \1'...~n:o~ C0~Hlh ~'~,~.,t~;,,,.-.;j;::. _7~. ?'b:{)n;:~ t.(;t~b-f<;:W':::~ wiih -Tt~~JnlH<~ (dbii.n~ :Pb:mt~' ,::~:~n.f(:;t~;'n~:-t' ,~\.it.h Rlch~~ru (:dh.n~; PL.nm:o' (::<;.nf~~((':l'i~>;;:: '~/it'h Ik:;},:: .R~~:I,j ~};/19/2{]{J5- H_PA R1~vi:::\s;'- :;~'V1~~~:-J :J,m,{1 -of h~(t~e; J~~,~,:.JH< c,nnf;::re:nc-~; \v'ith .Rklrurd (\~IHn~~_ Pb>u{:: ~'(::~~k:r~mc~ ,~jth \1&r1. L;x?.{s.(~n; Exchungi:, ~,{:rr:()-~r:<}Hd<.w(c<.~ viith ;:~ttnt1~t~'{ t~)r FKA.-A.~ . "" . . ,. . Ph{:m~~ i:.~o~lb:reJI(',t: ;,;:,dth ?~{H{k l..~\v~~{m~ r.<tm1ex<)U~~ ex.t:\?mgt:~~ ~~f ('.orrt::~:p{)nJ~H<::~;: v/lth (:lk~nt ~tnd repr~~~.::;'n'u.tttv~~ {}f FKi's.l\ Pb:::n~~ :~:::()n.fb't:::nc:t: xNith T(}ln \VilH~' PJi~~lW ::)Jnft;re:tt~~,~: '\v~th .f)-army' 1<>:>.n~::~ge;, Dn:d:t ;;;~)U<d1p;JllJ~~~~)~~ to dkrH cnn'Cernin.g (:,;;JmHwn:ts~ PhoH-e: (:nnfhr~f;:c~ -with Tl1{Hl'Ht~~ G1hIi"n~ .Ph~~JW t;<.rnil~r0n~e -l,vHh K.lrk Z~4~kh; Phon~~ .t{Jn.11rrent~.j vdth Ditn.ny Ko]hng~; -t'>hm1f~ C-;)UJ:t:::re-w.:::e ,,~:"ith .t\.:1Mk I,jlSv~~(;'rt~ ?li()w~~ conkle-nee' 'with J(l.rk :Z~jtd~-h; Phou-(; cnnfbrunc.~$ 'wiJh Kirk Zudch UM t.-AHrk La\:~s()n (~1); Phoni~ co~tff"...rent;;~ vf"lt:h "D~~nHY Ko11'ju.ge~ 'p'fi(m:e ~onfcnm.;te ~vhh R,;/bert -N"ttfl{>f$.. Revi~\v revb~J. je~t$e ftgrt:-.etncr:!.t; PJIDn~~ ~,mftrell(1)w'ith Kirk Zudch~ rH<m~ t"Gnfe:t.iJncx~ ....vlth }S"1:ar-k L.;.H:!.~~~{.in~ Phom:.\ C~)Jdt~r.{~}Ke: with IkJ~ ShiUinge:t'; _Phone c,ul:de:rewi.~, \vith Th{m1rt~- (Hbhn; ,P~Rme ~.mln:rem;e' with_Danny Ko~ha$i~~ Ph;Jn~ :;;:nnfcrunt>t \Vilh lhd, C;:ulury., Phvu-<:::" <;nn.i:b:n;:;.n~~~: 'v.lith Ihd (:<J:H<.~ry~ _PrHJne ::()ai':rea~c '''itn fb)mM Willi; Dr~n chan,,<::, l.G< I e~"t~H~~ Exchange ,{x~rreSpolld~ncc vdth C;'\lH\Y ,latfil:)il fKAi\ Ter,resenw1i.,.e~~; l'fw1i~ r.::,nnJt>r~nc~ with Ki.rk Z;Jdd1 Pih}nt l,~(Hlkl't~t)<:~~ -..dth HaJ C.:ln~tfV::_ F'h<)~}(~ connn'~~~~~<<; with To~n "\ViHi; D:n.~{t'"<:bang(~:s h,:: ktM~'~;', EX-lJ:h.::'tngc tCtt{~:sp~Jt~de,t~ce w'lth C~)tH1.ty ~t~3ff~;::Hd. FKAA, Y(~pn~~n.wti.9<~:"<l~ Plt<l;f:t:: C{Jl:dt-,:re-YKt~ ~vith K.irk Z~,:ek;r~" Ph:::m<;' oj.r~fcn;:~nc(~: '~:Nith Th(}'m.ft~- V./HE~ Ph()H~ i;:<)H1~.:;rt::nce with K.ltk Zll{~kh TrHVf.t to Xty \Vcst for oofwd 'mtt:titlg.~ Pll(l:t'W -c<<.n.t~:~re%KC \vith Co~mty s-taff~ Pb.O~1(: {:;.:\n.fb:r{~nc~~ vlhh (:.lJtmLy /\~km)ey;, PhOHi:! ~Q~:rf0rcn:c~ W.lth Tb.::m:w~ (HbEn~ t\,1eding v/~~.h CnQnty Att-n:r:nuy:~ prepure f{)r BOHrd m,'lt<;t.bg; ~tknd ~{x:al m.j~e1iug; im,fj-vidntd !rK~tti.rlG~ ~vhh (:tHl1mi~,sioneft: e ", PfH.m~~ ~~<rn.f~rtmt:~, v,,'ith t~nHndal aJyi.~()r.~ 09!21 /ZH'O 5 00/21i2fH),) [}~~;'23/2005 09r2:Y2QD5 ()S/26-C005 09/27/2_005 09l2R;i:2005 BFA HPA 111>;1., BFA !W;\ BFA BFA P~lf?:.;;:: ~~ 4.75 i {t ,",."..) <I,()() },.50 3,,0 (t-J5 425 j(j.?,'; h,. hr~, hn. " ,Wf:-. 1m, h::s, h:~" .:'1r5, {}g.;~ td(nrg'l{~, (\Wlrlty lUVt>itt# 16629 Ph<n:h': <:f}:~~il~r~n~~,~ ,t'dt.h "fhoHMs OHiHn;., Ph(m~ c<);:'iJl,'f~~nt~ 'vvi-th n'Hf.nd-a~ t::d,,<-i~~H~, Tn~vd V5 'Ldh:~b1~;,~;<~i~': Ph{nw (:~)'iyr:t'~~~::,{k:;j '~::.Ath rKA,A uii\HJH~Y Z;;.t~)kh.. 09/1S;~<2nn5 np...\ P.h<n)~ <::oilf<.~rtnc:;~ wit.h c.kx,k<,~~ ~dri_c::j; dr:aH. k~lkI tD s.:'1~i~~. ~ Olf):4/2fW5 BFA Ph<W1<' <:{}'!It(~ten{.:t- with C{Hmty ~t:df rt{~;;:nli.n.g H::::nt:n~:hl~(~nt~ cW'l:~~8:pt)nd:(~s~(:-:]:, t{'~ :F'K.,AA,: C:~}tre8pt)fl<k::~c~~ t() CU:i.l~,W J.'fW~fd.~ng arn;u';1drncnt. 1(}!13/2U{):~ ~ 'l /(}j, 20(~S. BPA Ph<)Hi:' (::~>n(~~lt~tK~ i.ivHt: .rh::~nl~t~ G~.h~il1; V'hnN~ ~;JnfbYm~e v~J(h .Rnbert N~bnt';);; .r~~WJl<~ '.oHf'e~\~,~,Ke w~xb ~'(:hltk ~f~:::~~:bn. Phnn(~ ~xmJkt<:::m~(~' --.:s<"ith Crmmy 'Fnghwn';, Phon~~ ~':onf"~Hm,~t~ \vit'h St<~v:{~ ~<,lHkf. BfA Ii! SJ}ITR9..th\ ff:J:fA'.5 ToMl, J:i"tS, t)gj3{VZ005 .0:&/30/2005 {J8/3~Y2.GO:t, f}LJO/.2~.lt~5 i).!t31(l005 D9X17f2,005 09l0i,lfHl5 09/07/2;J05 U9/07!2(Y}5 {j9.:27(2,{MJ5 ~)9i3C/2n{)5- 09tJGl2UH5- {)9/Jn~'200$ IV] {tJOD5 'llilRU.fJ(lj Air f~:r~, for Hrlmll\nl1~~tr(lng L{;dgiug: tbr llrhm Ann~1t)...)1tg_ Rtnu~,i C~~r Aw Rrb:n Arm.dtUng Parking f:bf Brhtn /!..-fH'H>tr()Hg tl>d.glng i\')r H-rhxr1 ..~\nnb'tn:mg: ~.....30 v. g~2.v,()5 l...{K~gJng, fo.: Htktt'i /u.tnstn::m.g l'k:nta.t CUT (tH' B:rhm AtTI'lSirnng hdidng fOr Briar< ,\r:n,tron,; G~t~Unn:t? tbr Hrh.tn Arm~~tnmg L~~(dg~-ag h>t' Brian ,,'\:nn.$trong 9.27,,:05 l..<.xJging Expe1,,'e ^ lWA T~\fVd EXPk~g~~ B:F A .,. H.t'm~~J C;~r Trav'd ExpeD~:~ n'PA.. ... Pn:rking C(JPY11Jg Ch~tfg~:~ Lmg Di"lM\,~ l'ikphon" Chr'tiW' 'J'<J1ul DisJrut$~.nH:;ut::i Hi]) lKG SUM:'>l i\R Y ."...........".....,..<-...w,w,...w...........,,,.,...,, l~.:.S~1SUtH1g~ B-d~tu p" ]'-OT/'s;L, FEES l?'UiJ hi'S ~~(r:J,OO JOfA(, f)(SHURSEMEN'l'S T{jb! bjll\l.n~$IIOW dll~ VHg<~; S O.5{) h'" 1,{fO ht~L tHO hJ$, H50 rrt~~., $J4,90f},(j{J 715-.60 1-05J7 1-63,_91, 4(J.O(J 411J{,()g 17(L60 hl9,:.7 26.GO I7.Q2 2:36.19 :5 lKRO 6-~_79 ,;oW! ~NU$ 32;04 '$j~'(}"f(;:~'4i /h:r }{SMI()() $34/10(3){) $3,0) 6.42 $:37,'11(,.42 ~u~:~~.. ;~<~:.~.H:;ON j ('j{.! :;-.:r~":f.<N~:Q..:>J:HtZ~. @::).t~$ TO:; N~m:)IW (~.~:i:Y....~M Nr~;m:":W.3l.:.:N nil~' .,(,jflr'N I)!l. ~mt 2l1ilt 't:tlLt.HHA{;<~ffi[ '.Fl.. ..~.'Z"0U ~~Rt'H;rRDNGiiRrl1N ~~ ~U~'.S~Y C~JNT!Nr:Nrt=jL .;-:.JfttlNfi8. 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Bond (~)l.m~:t.. 7he, eC'"y;l:xty w ...." d~i re~~L t.e, l,tl t:nt~ i~:;su*nc:u: of' ~_ny });.:'ilda or' oth~{r.' tndebt:'Od:n~*fJG, "" t ~ Goiij\ty' .~ "* "'in 'ii\wn :!':'::::~t<~::i.n, NG{.tN ,;,~n:d, gO&N i:l9:t:~1::~r~-t~ t;.t~ ~1;~t~r.'V';ri ;k~~ bc::nd ;~~(:;~).,n-1M~,l t;:l cap'*<:i~~y' .c:i~ 1:;<<.n:~d <::<>~~,n~~(;.l) N(Hi.t-1's d-ltt~J~j~ sh_~~_11 ~.ncludm~ by iNY:l:Y of tll:X;$i:::1<:p1.m :i:l'ind ,f;.e.t: l.1.m.ita.i:,:L~rnl t-h~~: t:<:>LlnwLnu WP;H;;~::UJ,G to;,$~~:l:; ~ !s... ,.:t~n.::n,;,1.t.::>:t:t i.t~n wil:h ~;t)unt:y f.~-!: fil:-::,I.;;a,l-i~ ;.txld j;t"t:a.ff (,~~>nc~'~_r.nJn~~ &11 1. e:9it 1 que2.<tiQn,.:t< :r-e t~t.:J.tl_g t~> t; N:i": i,;$:S\l~B~:C~ {){: the b;.;)nds_, i.rv:~1.w:ling 3:,t1view of. P:tT)fX>8~~d f:in~_n~:d.n(~r p:r.:(,")~r~-m.s ~n~ t;,{) :f~~sib:ility and for cc-mp1.ia-:nc{~ wit}'!; ,~,pp} l.ca:t.<1~1~ :,aw' arid pe:n-dlt~>] or p,'cop..:J$-$.d r.-e'vis.i.c-n.;B of t::he 1;::it'W'-r 'LX'j:<;1::~dJ-ng G,$, TX':$N:t$\U::Y :.t'~JS\.d~tJ"i~':(;:tS~ B~ At.t~ndat:.ce,> U.f)(;.;r'; X"mq\le:m:t: ~ l:tt lxny muet:i:n.g <.>f: t.he Ct:r~l~~'r...y C;':m'ffl'si,a:;lll<)H n!' ,~:n:y me-eti:ng 'Of st~.f=-~ t,he Cf/i::J~t.t-~ s fi.h&ncLis 1 adv.;l.,'SQx, \!,:r.,de,t:'Wl"it.'e:rn, rat.irt:J' -;~.g~;;:nrd~~;~ ;~l:.nd r:':t:he:r:a~ ng i~pp:roplj,a'te r~lat i 09 t:c tin.::::: 1$*1l.a.n.::::,-t;~ of l:..l~~,e, D.:-:::ndiS ~');t' <.hH~*~;~~.lt:::ation of int<-'}:t"~{).t:l::)";:< in. '(~-:~<:::--l.rtt.:>::~;;'t: i~}n th~:t:'-ewit;l"~; C, A-dv'i$t~ -$,$.i to str-;,;o,ct:uri,ng p-:n~<<~~~d~n~im, :req,jire:d ~(pp:r<:~val.* ari,Q t.il,i~~'t), $crti$4ule of ev~,nt,$ for !:.1,m<:~ly iOtRHa1S.ce, :potential (>~>Hj~,"'~::;,;i:/."","i.n9 u.:K:hJ1iqc~~~ f:u"',d (ytJ'~~::t:' l.:0~>)tl m.;!ttt(H\l~ :o~l~t ive to issuance ~;:,.r. t hfl b=,;;,ricln; t)" f:t:~rpa:t:;at.:L.o:r.: o:E a,l.l ordi:n~tnc;!:-s o;r 'to~~t~l't,S.r.:t<.~.P'S~ lnc1.udinq: *ny S1't'KH'Hlm-ent$ t.h~ret:.ct r-elatin~l t:.0; th::J. bond~,. i_t~ <>oop~1:::at:i,;::<rl with t i'~* Count:y' staff" :che County ( ,$ fJ~l~ln,~:~-:{.* t ~ldvi;~<>r.' a~:'!d, t:,he ~,:tH.tnt;y ht:,tC';r-ney; 'L pre-p*t:at.ion ,,~ any t'k'~,t{:;:;t tnde:nt'l.~r.:',~:-:-;- '.... ~- '1~t:p.-:-~eme.nt ) J:>r~gist:.:.t'ar- or' paying ~~~ffl:Ht, ~~,greem-ent ~ ~J:$t.;':t.(.)W d,e:F<r..:<,s,it: .ijnd ..~ny <~t h~:t' ~gr'1'~:mne-r:tt.$ or $i:imili~r. c.OC';lrnent$ n~~-cetJ,,%,~-:ry~ relat:m<1. <>t' irh~~J<l~m.t_al ta- t,he ix~r.id_$~; E' ^ ?-r.'epj*,r.'<~tJ.<:>:tl <)~: <~J,t pltn~dLu9~;<- <~nJ ,::>th~~,r d<x,::-~lm~:at_<l\tJ<;.>t:l; re(n:.d,~-;$d i.n c,,-:-:,ra-tect,h')_n with. validation of tn-!i tk>od~< and appear~,rM;'e: J.:"t~~ at.:t:,c):Tt'l;~YH ~~f: r.''$::c'()rd wJth t:lw: 'C<nxnt:y Att:~n-;neYi if: r'1'lq'U~!':$ttNd, &.t th-e validatLon h;:a;a::r'i3ig ~ G, Review che tr~11ac:t_i,:p--;~ cf ~1.1, P*:{J<':-(~Udj,tl:g;$l< t:;: i)t;'nrHJct:::i,~~ll '?t:H-:h th_-$ f{"~:t'G,going and indicat.e any nece~:H:~;a~'-y <.'<>r:'t'*~'t:i.l;-H~ ,~i;l:,.i<>!~; H:, ,R.t.!':"...j,~~w (?f a,ll di$closu:r$ dOcu:me:~~t~ p:.repar."~d <n: ~A~t,ho:.ciz:eecl hy ~h@ C~>unt:Yt to tb-w ~x-te-nt ;such dC"..c,unt(n~t~ dealB:~t'H~* t:b~~ bonds, ,arnc StH"f,ffiax-i~1$ l.h~ .d:;:)~.;um~lnt.3il' $~~c~j:r'.ing t-ne b<.:;:r.!:ds; ! ,- 1f t':h~~ o~lf:l': ~:::,f the bonds is :.by ,;;:'Q3~1~ic.s,v~~ bidt ~UHild.:it Ln th't:~ ?rf1.t~':'t:,:tt:Vn:: c;,:f 't:1lf.::: hid Ch::;:~lH~)e:nLg( ~i1,::H.~icift of s;(:.d,,*, ~~v'~,l.t:w,t.:~,O:fl of ~~ hi~.:t.$ $Jtd oth-e2:" d.Oo/.J:m.=UJl~:~~t:.l.cr~, ,O~ s:tct i.-em n~ce.a~,~lt,;~ r."Y to '-::,:-:l~d:u-c'C, a ~ale' of t.:-~:e' (-"'Jtl,d~ ill tnat:. m:anne,r-; ;1, .vr;';z-p~.rc_( obtitln, d$~J,-bter an1i file 2'~11 t:<V~~Ji,~:,<g pap~~zfl :nu:t::;~;:_HO:,jn:'y i3'~, c,onn:ection -wi,t:;,h t,he t..:~l~ an.d i$~H:..an:~,c~ <>f t:h-o: b~~lnd.t~1 .K, Htipel"v'isiou of t.hm p:ci,ntj,ng of th~ bond* ti.f p_~':i.rft:ed hor~da ar~ ;..:;::-11izedj,' :L A E$yi:u:w ::tll t.~:ndt:::l'wr.'j t:.t:n:g p:~~opos:ale; ~<L Provi!iicf'l of <l:;l t>~d.:.n.i~)rl i't'~ w::t"it.t:~,n fOrtri at::, th-$ Li,m:e_ t,h~~ b~;md.~~ a:'f~~ deliv~red., which opinion. $h:a.11 ccv'ar (1) t_h:e le:-gal.i,t.y ()!' t h~ bonds: and tw proce'edi:n:H~~' by "",~h.~<~h t.h~r{ ~.re is~~ued., en it' ~.pp1J..<:;,:~tbh~, ~:tl'~~ ~!'.xt;;'ltH~j,~;Xf.l, flcom sr,r:,;;:c:s:~; ,it:H~~::'<~~~ fo:t' f*d".!~K'a,l it~,Qow,e tH.::t; r;'H-r.p(%leS >~}~: ::"r~:ter.'-*,5t; p~:d.d :m,"; th~ bo:nclu, aJid CH fHJC,h othe:r is:Ul;f.;l:S t,h::tt a~':~~ :r:::\H~tofm:n':'x 1~' :t"eql:d.r.:-ed (.:::f btlnd ';:-::~un$~l;' an,d, 'x" -I-\!, Coni,\,iJ ta:t:iot,: ..<th -che County Atto~"'n'f.::.y Qo:ncm:r:t~,~,r:'~ q'l.l:-astiong, that_ may arise with Z:e~3.aTd to ,the bonds" '.rete t:~'*' t.o~' oo:nd Cotrnsel service$: ahall be d~t~:xmined. pr,io,~' tCl t:h.~ ~,utho:ri2:ation of :any bOr1ds or other ,ind-r:bt-.ednc,se, ;a,nd ahal:! b~: *_):'?~,-:*-,$$(lQ l.r;, ~ lump $Utt'~ amount e::-.r a st-~tt:ed oo11nr ~mo>'J:nt, per $,1 $' OO(~ :~,:n~~l:'-$mf.\'nt. of hond$ c'.)'nt(~~<pl~tt:'(~d t,<~, b-e :~;li:a~j;$d > In t;.1H Qv->-:w:~t: NQlN baz:< p::e<rv'i.dt1:d 1~~9'$1 s'*:.t~{."l<::~H f-o:.t' ~ c>~rrt:a:mpl~,c.ed f.i-n*ncing tha~ <.1w~- net ~;J.<:3$~ t't.>t': ,an;/ rua..son, N(Mkf~ wc'uld :n:oc :r~:C'-e.:ive t.he agreed tipO-n fH~ :fox;' B~n::v.-i<re a.::;~ b~>t:d t:;~};~J..n,a~1 but:. w-ould be l"'eimr:-t.trse;,d for cost::~ In.(;-~~:t.t:1~d ,~:i;~ :p:::::-:;:.r'Jld~.$::j ~t:l. S~~Gt..i.c:n :::< (:)-t this .A'~;tr:e:em$nt:-, ggcrJON :1, .d\dd,it::ional Sm:~:vi.t~~M~, 1'.}3&N H.9:nr:-$$ to' b~ &va,,:flabJ..e t.o pr.<YV'id~ ~,dd:itio~t~J :If';:g-al ~~~n:v::t<).~~u tc~, tb~ C-ov,nty, 1.)th~~): than bond t;:::;;":.~n.~iel. .$e,<<.....'.iG~N~ descrj,bed i!'t Set::t:,t-(>n 1. <)f th;L~; A~~f:r.:'~~~~me:Ht: ~ OD J f-'1ori,cta fj,n~n<;$;J &.nd. ~,ax i-~!i;~r:,\l-U;t~ l:t:::~d i:rttHJT j,,1)~g::H1.::~ '~,u~d MatJ:::~~t"S -t'A: l<~~~al gtlv.-$;rJ~,~..ent Ja~", s-uch ~Hjdit:-ib-nul l.-e~'~.1 ';:)$t,jt.t<~t~~ -,~~ha_'11. be pro\~ided onl'y t.tPC<r'l ~he reqw.~:st of t.h~ (~tll;.nty Atto:tne:y. 'tbe ilC-Op~, of ~~rv-i:ccs~ in which NG&N ha<s pa:tticu-L~-X" Hxpe:td,~:tl-ct) ~~ml ~::;x~~~r.'t::L~;1~J iov'o1.vsa pr-ep-ara_t-i.Ol'l of' i:::nV'iro:nment...~1 .q:rdi-.r.HlHca*( P~'(;c-es*in:g' 01: 1Ni"v"i~'o:rawen:tal pm:t:mitn~.. p:rep$xat.:-i~t'~ of agre-i:m-e,nt.g: with-_ t:.he Florida ~p:$.:r't:r:(.~nt;, ,-:;;~,f 7:ran;Sipo.l"t:at.ic..~1" ~tr'uctlt::t~:e: and i:rlple:ment,atioll of hc~w rulE: reve:::'lu.e scu.:rC.'eg~ a~d :rep}..~esen:t:ation bero-.re the GoYe-:l'nOT, C~tbi.n?~t: ~:tl.d ~tl,<'jri{Ju r.4.~g'J* l.~t~~xQ. , tJt'l_l~'$S z,,'ithe:,rr.<d:S:0 ~gr~~:,,~d: t,~ by the C<~,(lnty At:t:{)xn~~y>- t~<:;"N ~hall, b($ cCjm:r-*,n*~t~'d fv_~:' ~nj::::;h ~ikb..,t:1">B:~~l l~.J.g~l :s:~r-:.l,xc.;z$ as $,p~cial Co\u.:b*el on ~r;, :n,n':f!'1.y baa'i,,$ ~,t_ t:h~~ f~11<7#_ing rm:t'es ~ ~-aj Firm pri.:n<.:::ipals at t,he Late of $150 p.er nOH.t']: (h) F:l.rm: aB~:-l~)<':i i_ut:ma ,~t: the rat~, of $::':.:t~::..~ 'p~r no..;")u:r;, and (c) :~e!~>'ll el~:t;'k% ,~t; th~: l^&t,o t:~f $'Sf) p~n: hQti.x. In the $<;/~:r~t ~ ):'~~::~'l~e-$t. fCi'l? l:e,g~ll sel'~"';,t.ices a$ de:a<:::t<iboo in ~:.:h;t~1; sect..ic.n i~~ ax-~.t. :i.>:::-1P'::tt,~~:d too ~;-(tZ=e:ed ten f V)] heurs ,~t. attoi:n#y ~::;j,me ~ liG,xM g,h:~dl .i:~::;w$d.,iately ns~,tify t.h~!~ County At:t:,o:rney i.n writ,i:ng ~~f *\H:~h a, poseibilitV ;~nd th,~~ Wl'J.t;t;,en no!: ificit<-t:,io:t:i sh~,.1.1> wht~,m~v~n:' p:n~(it; tcab-:l~: < c:ont.ain an $$t i-mate cf th~ rru,!!'J:>e-t" ot h~nt't'11 t:~:-:< h~ ~n<:\~,l:"~~e<1 In ~h.on.ori:ng ~uch * :req~,_s:es-t,.. 'U'n.1B~n~ a, '8a'p~:t'a:t:<<: bi.l:U:.e.9 iU~:r."(~,n,;t:;~me'nt: 1.$ agreed to -bt~t:w-e'a,n NG&.N' and t,h~ {:':i.:)u,nty Ac~:~):no~~y ~ l~<)~N shall p2"'ovide ar;: :{,t~m.i_ze-d ~?:t~&tfrm"i~rrt o-t ~H'!.<:;h ~td-d1.t:lar;..al 1.e:9*-.l. SE:;t'vic-e,g rend-er--ed ;~;H :s:p~:':<.~.ia.1 CC;;...lS1S-H:l, C~) ~~ p~n:!:,l~JJ.C J/a$,is f:ot:' fe:e's and c.-Cietz in~:;::u.:t"r*u. Si<<:T'I-oN ~~, Re:i.~~(1:~t=<"ment; of O~:t:'f$ ,. In -$e..di,t.i.iUrl too ~he l-$:-"J'al ~U~~,~u VJ:~ cl'th~r co~pen.${t:t:io:r~ provided );'l":; 'thi~ Agr~:H~m~nt", NGf4:N ~:}l;;::3J,l ~ t::~::- r:e itHb=--Jt'~~~d: ft'Ji;' cost:; io.cu1"'r-e:o on .lort>;1 dJ.$:b:tnC~1': t(; If:::ph<>l't~~ ~,ha:tgl!:~ , tra.v~,l ~lx,pm:ntH~.t~ ) (l'\tol'ni0'ht d~1i.v:e~y charges ane pbot::<>cop ~,~~$ , isny t:r-ave} -exr...enffi~'%~ snall 00 :rmiw.b~x.t.'~~{'J,d ~Lrl ;!i,~~~~~:Kt:,d.a~~s<>~~ with sec~:.o:n 11-2" US1.... l<to:r'id,;~, ~~n~4.t~.t~e*, SF,GTION -1, conflict/a. It.: ia n~:co>~f~,izad key the p;Art:l~$ that trCl&.N ia dedic$t.ad t,o Pi"."{;-'fv.i.d.Lng ,1.~~<;~~J, ;U(H.'V:~t~~H~ $B:'<d ;::~p~<tia}J,~,t=*d ~M;c$.t$tan<:e p~:,:Ur<,4.-r:i,J,Y' tt'; l-ocal g-ov.arnm{tnt. c.li~'nts &no Ge:rtad:n. st,at.a a'il~HlCie$ , t>.t-;:;&N g-~tue,ral1y !'apre,~nt$: tirlvtn~e s~ctc:{" ~lj.ffirrts only i1l th.e ~vent. ~l, l<)c:al 90Ve)~:nl~t~nt cli-~nt r~qu\.~sta such represent at ic.n in i,mpl(:Jmu:nt~~t.i.Qn of ~ ?~~3hlJ<~"lFtd:"nlt~ VUHt:,~~"e e~q:' ~NH:::t:::~M~;t:~$h.i,pJ' Al\l a CQn.:~l$qu~Y1C~~... nc confliet 1$ cont~mpl.at.l$d by- the plAoviding of t;ne detw:t'Jbed. l$~>et:-:i:al coo.rt$-el $:e:t:.'vit.'~$. t::o t.b~~' <'\>u:?)ty, Nc;twi t.hst~~.:.q,ditlg the:: fo:reg{;-';'i,n~1l' NtJ&N agr$es: t,hat it w'.ill nf.:<t:, at:'~c-ept~ t.ep,r.~.$e.tt1~>ftt:l.~:,Wt 01.: ~l~oth,e:t~ ,(: lj,-t?!':nt tbi;$,b, i.~ d,i r.:'e<~t,1.)" ae:srerse r.:.Q t.b:~~ C,.:ro.nt:y<" $ i.nt~;<.:t'{~~~t~~ 1Jt~.:l.~U$ and t.n~,t"i.,l NG01 has made:: full dis-closuZ"e t.o t:he CO'l.J,ncy of all the:: r~levat'tt facta.., ~~;i::rCtHn,$~an.Ce"~~j ~nd implicat.ions c'i ,NG&.?J" $ t3:t~d:e.t'l~~:tk:i.r:~s' th~~ t;:.JidC :t:'<::~pr(':Jm:~ntH.t1~)t:1l:::: -and .th~ CO<lnty has w:::(ntHS'!:ntl$l!;cl. to NG&J'.1;1 s represal'~,t~t ion of th~ ~")t,he,r {.; l,iJ?!::nt ~ SEl.."'1', ON oL Te':rnttnat.ion~ NG~* jd:l:~,Ll serve ~s $p~c'ial -c-:~;n;u1s:e:l at:: th# pl~laslll:"s of Uiill c;oo:nt}", NG&:N shall t.;;ave ,t::h& ttBht: t.o te;nt:j,t~atffl this Ag1teeli':ent l.;;,p<nt gJ",ti,ns n<,)t::!~ce in writ:.ing t:o. tJ:;.~~ Cou:.nty th.i.~..t'f {3Q} dillY1! p:rior to tl'.e d-'l.t,1l ot' IIn iot~J1ded te:ntli:n,at:.l.()rt , It ~ Att:<l~U~: '; 1-:-9 ~~~~ car,m,Y L. Cjlh~P~TP {\t~:rJt" of -Court s tS,~ \WA.'<:(:::::~ ',' ~~~:t !<()NWJ!;; (:f~JV!lr , n~" <( 'REITH ('!; Chai:::: N~'.)RB( G,n,n~lN' ~, NJC:l{t:~Rtl0N<- P .1s" ". ~ Viy By, r . ,_ , .___._'_..." ".JC"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.___ ..Rob-ert: 1... .1{r b">r'3~ ~ _0'<11:0 A$ to I(-*M ~~~ $,#flC,\~~> -,-,<-",w /..........,7: ,.... * %;'1' 7 - ,~, .: , tott:t'!' N, Yo ~,.. /...Ie' P. ;";-<"'<1:1<; f ",'. 1 ...'