Item Q06 HOAfW HI' COVNTY COMMISSlONmtS AGENDA l'tTM SVMMARY \'l,xUl1g Dille; i\pril2(\, 2{K~ Bulk llem; ]'i;;, DidsitJrc COUNTY A fTORNEY S'1tlf{,'(>!lt01cl Pen;ou; Nulil<<ue \\!, (u~sd AG!<:Ni:;~\"i;i~f;~;r~;:li'U)!N{;: Apvnwat nf a 11~ ~,lIltmct with Mtdaad Ca~e~', Esq. fif th~ firm fif ,f:pl<tcln. Rc\:kelr &< (,1'(""" f',A, <<> advhe tbe Cuunl)' Adminiotir$l.w nl'll)lIlpfq'nwtlt 'ls~ut'$, empt{'ymenr investiwad,Ht, lIud perwuul'l i~~Ut.~ \\!licilllll\'~ II putential lm'lIligutlon :.ttlU In w!lkbtli~' C<l<tltll:y i\dmilli$llrlltOi' lliJ' b~en lId,'k~d b~1 tbe County' J"Unt!\e~ thtlt tbe COllUly' AHurney bll~ tl eonflict, ,.....,..,....... ,. ,.,"',.,",.".,",'.,..'w,.,w.,'ww'.'..w,w...,...__~___A"..'..,w",'.',',WM',','N,W,',',.,' ,. ..,.."'..'..'......."~,__..,,..,......',.. r.rtM fJA(KGU(HiNlh TIll> Cutlnt)' Altum~)' Id"bt'fl Ihe CQIlIlt)' AdminlHrllHlf ttUlt H'\enll h~!ies lI"eWmUug emilluymenlllnd p~r,~onacllu'l,%nt II ~olll1kl (of intt'lI"e$l tu tbe Cuunl)' Atitlmey. Tbe COlinty Atlm'n.ty {'{~II<~i{lllllll~ bll~ a eOl!fikl: whi'n lhl1 (:'lIm!)' $H<lrfil1)' lllrNldy n'pr(lS<enI:$ ~tllfr pCrl/..nncl in tbeir empi"Yll1()nt ~llflaeil)' ;mdiM tll<>i't aro all~gnhona of Infil1pmpl'irtN ,~<}nditi<JI1' {.f IlmVktYlllt'nl:, SUi1ti: Ild"iot~ hll. ,,!rl1ady bel1n <>ht$ln<1d fl'('1U the AtUlntl1Y r"lt"rdillll ~!ieh i~S\lt5. l'REVKHJS RELEVANT nocc ,,("nON: In "bren uf lffilil the U,"w<'J ufCollilJ) Commts~itm"rs approvcd Mkbtlcl Ca~t'Y. [5'1' of tht firm M E{lltleill. lkekg;r & (;rectl. P.A. t(. hl!.!\dk Ib~ lab<lf' nq;llthiti.Jns witll dw Teanl~lel' Lue$1769 1Ia11 thl1 (\.ltllty admlllbti'aj(.f' ",uuld IHw l1; USI1 th<1 SJlllle attorn"y tu aS$lott in 11111I'hynllmt rolart'll j~SUllot> ,,'..............,............ "<"<<<<"'.""< (:ONTRA<,'TlAGREftM,ENT CHANGES: NONE :Sj~;(F'f'Rii:(,;(.~iMl?N:h"'TIONS;^:~pr;r;;~~i""""""w',,,,,,,'''''''''''',,,,''',,'''..,'''....,.,,..,,,,, TUTAL COST: S B{JDGETKIJ: YES NO COST TO COUNTY: S SOURCE Of' FtNDS: RRVn'iUE ,f'ROl)VC.lNG: YES ,,'" NO.5 AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Y<<"'H'"",.."",., AYI'ROVED !:lV: n"'llt)< Ally c//{x"m!P"r~h"""g _ k~k(l.hmlg~m~llrm""'''''_''' ,~" J/> ~ mVISION OIRl::CfOR APPROVAl.: ~'~~~,t.{-.$?2":rt;!:/.f:i,~!:,,,:::?:=:::::.,....,,._..,,,... /";',;~~",..fiJII~"""g; IbtMli ~" /: f.!(}(:OMt:r,rrA 'frON, ItKI,,,Jcd):C,,,,,,, N):~t R~~'~~,tiH<d. ~~m DlSl'O~InON: AGENDA li~filli C:' J/ :<~ / '~~::~ bE ';';;".':,,:, ~.,,'<' '..'....' Jt~~~,',. 9:~?~, lS2'l ~}:~:':, :-d..'--',.... ~"'-!::~:":, ~::">" 1 ? MONl~O~ CO't'NTY, Vl,{}!(tOA &1' ANUARD Ll(;(;,<\!; SERVICF".<; AGREElmD'\'T TIle WARP OF C(mNTV COMMlSSfONERS OJ' MONROf!: (;Q1YN'tv. f'LORIDA, ll$ the !q~hb<1lw 1l:l.14 lil')~'mlr..& body of M\lllt'<'><i: Counfy, Florida. ,illil ill ,ailWrdlXllCe wtth tllc ~w<:nI .'1l"I'Ml'<\!ed h> S~erk,r.. !25.G1, flwh:la Sm11:lleJl C'C\>llm/) and M,~Mtl C.>&<;ey of ifIt' 1.lm of 'Sps:tcil\. fns:'kff. &: Green ("Allo.Jnl"1") htreby er,im- Inro d1!~ ,~t ~lllg ifIt' reretci''R:>f A.'WT.<::'y by Oltll1l)' 10 Jll".lvWk 1,*",1 at1\~ce aml ~f\lic~$; A(;Rl;t!:l\U~::''''I' l'llThtlllUt: 1.. Clitllt; The Clii-'tit ill ,lw C~\llIIY, ,md 1;:, the <\1<<<<1t Ilthieilly ~><ib;", ill; ItIl""t"'l :wi ~!ntoo oIfk= Imd il< ~~s. ul1l!$i Olllnty w;k'i~ Allon""Y o~~, ill lhe ItWfll that Ati.ome,. ~amlot <tJlil:ally ~ lmlivWuals If( md.ilxm to Comty, ,;,tlmney ihill ruh1iK ('<"~mlY in ,,,riling d tha1 fad imw.::diale!y, 2, Att{@"", nW)\JWtlX'y b tlw indi"jdlm1ll~ alxl'le and wll"!e mgnal'Jm "'f'llOOTs at In,;, hclwm r'[ this A~r..M'!. Atkl1Il<>)' 1:1 Jk~J'mI~ t<, !lf1\ctl~ law 111 all juriooict\nm f<:okvllnt to tJi1s ffi>'rt\er, If M1('fl)1l"t 'rJl"~lk'<'ll ,...1ili other~ ",<bo l1lliY al1ro pro\'kk ~r.lce5 to C(fill)(V, .00 cr ~ \ll't~ tll&i C=ty 0 ~l\JX'ds that AMrfleJ' ",'ill be rI.'SJl'lnsible fur m=Wflll ihe represoomti;:m. _'lJring ';:z>mplial= ,:.f Iltl:'= ",ith me M'lI1S of tt\h ,\%~ 'Iud eiliilid requi~ ~njJ and ;sublitmlUllling llU ems, ;>nd ~(ll);muciciiil1g .,,~th C('llllty, AttOmt)' inti)! not >lelej.1W (If O\llWUroIl thh v,od< w111"I<1\ full wrll1<:(, diwlo._ \(/, Mil prior '~f-\!elllll'l1W"al il(ll\t, m<: CO\I!!1)'. '$, Nllli:ten Atlrmw<: h,.. wen retailleci bv Co-11m:.' in e{);llll${1il>1l ..,th 11m mMtltr 1J=~ m ,f~~hi~il A, Al10fl'<;,1' ~'nt~ tklt he ,;;r 'J;.e I:; ~t<m1 ami availabk In handle !hat rfl$\ter, In dl<1' e"em dlllt Mciti(llliIl 1"$!:tM$ ill'l! _~ by (<:<ooty 10 Att~;i, dlill ~'m>.""tshatl appl) W mo!i!l tt'Alli\'rt. 'l~ '.';ell, 'lllie%.~ .'l~.w AW-enW11 b ""'flJlred by the CclJl1t}. ), L HoW''''' of ethlelll f)~Ii1I...tl<\ll~ bcl'..~" iuiiiaiiag ""'l"l'tS<:l>i:lOtkm.' ArtOO'U<Z)<' 11$ <:<lMtlctl:(! Il ttlotott@:t i1t\'e'ti~'o!\ aml deletll\ined Ill&i ooitlw.r Atk>l'lR"Y tM' hill o~ lw.r fmn llll.\ MY <'ihi<:al L'l:lp'..iirMllL t(:><I ;:>r fIltCltti"i, 10 reptellCm:ifllf, C<lUUty. Ta !he Q."lel!! rOllt Mlj' ahicil impd1=<t, rtcl or 'p,)1i-'l1tial, 1& JGtXNerw cr It,,'Irt' &ioo5, Al:tl:>fMy SffitU imme&ttrely ififonn C<fl,llltr In wri1i:t~~ ,,1'1],* \1n~lt!!\l \rw&'<lXdl~M {If wlWdm AM~' beJi~,w !l;t' or ,dw ~ t'1k!ln <lU ~K'p~ t1t'<:to.>l;<!iU)' to w,'lJiddl!1 imp.:dJm..nt Mld roglll'dleJi1f lJf '~1ldlwr Atl~'Y belillVllS tl:\$ tm irtl'{.oo~'tlt !$ ,nwb~tial ,'I' qt(lt~\;lJe), !11l!lw lull dJ:!:l:1o$we <:If the 1l1roa&>n t<:l C~,mrty" o1l!tdn C<:<UlI1)1' 5 e:><JlI<;%' "i!111lUl WJl.'>a:lt t\) ~,mti~ \Jw !,,~_o,\ <If 4.,. ,,~ cllOOl., 1ll:ld fuk>t all ~1<:p$ lq"".>md by (\_11' 10 l1wicl fl\' rrkigall:: 1h!: irnpail~ A~ ~xls 1hrd, if a cl~ ~'r indirect <<mfJ ict (jf illtere$t l<'i$e~ whkh. 'i\ tlJA, <,pi",,}'!) of lh~ COllT,IY< ~<lrlJ1\>l bt ;1, 'oideo1 (>f lnltignlt>1 tmd\lrtlle Rulm dl"mfe,,'Sil'!Wl Cr"xllj(~ '.>fn", Fl<lri:;k Bur, Omt\l)' !ll(\}, ill ils 4i~kl1l, (tI) ubtt\ln rdml>tl!'Selllt"t11 &<>11\ ArtOl:'lll:y 1'l)f a!1 fee5 illld ll~jlOO.~ paid to At.1Ol11/:y in this !l\lltll:T; (b) l~~n ~Mc<<ll(lti<m "f ~U mnmmt, \llkgedly ,WJ\ld by C~IWl>ty 'fa Att(lt1't0}'; ood ('~:i om.aill reiutbij(%'IJ:l<:.l)'i 10, <x>ru~uu"'mbl exp'~!\s~~ '''''.Ilff.'>:l try C<l11m:y, im:lwllnkt tll~ ,",om j)ffltpI1Ke!WltI c.otm~~t CC!flilf,/e# Kev ~.J;(J'fhr. <,,: ',:',,' .. '..;:ti:dt: 1 ~~:~ ,~jf .x~Y:.-,--::::'n::x ~:':;j C~~,<~ ;.:,;:~;:x C ,;.,: 1'~' 3.J. Lb"itlltf"l>lI t<> JWtlp;1 M "'P~tatil~ll: E"'<::<tpt "ihere prdlib%!o b'y. (he. Rllks nf f'wf_kmtll Ct\tldU<:l u,<n" FlnMdu BlIf, me M')llroe COlilll)' AltOUl<iY''i Offi~e .....11 SCtW.>1$ ~Yl rotW'\!el in :ill umt(~m c.~w:t(~j hy thi~ Agr-.*, .\$ C<:!-<:iXll'lreL l!!t: Offiile lIUQillt:'y<~ ",ill MlIW\ Atlnmey by perforrniu1J. tl,~k~ Mlsl1lt\ed by Attorney. lncl\ldlng but tl.<.>t Hroit{d W SKTvltlW lO$ t{Wa] ("t=\:J!i<.=b&!be~~n"fOYmliyt:lllp1oJ...:'s,(lffi~<\rs. MU "tOOl'S in Jbcov<!f)' lI11d ,)!ht! ll'l;J:\tcr$; O\:w"l1in~, l:Vi.;lemim:; materials &"m O~Yllty lil~~; ,w-l'l$thlg wUh Jlffi:.wcry; ammditl\j 11,~ring.' ,wl d~';'J.ili;)I\$; iltiu/f, pk:..dings; iUtllllging fur dMWI Rttom<ry'-dlm1t ijel>~lfinS willi 1M E.:.ar<l of Cl,u;oty C(l1l',mi~~ioll<lm; anu 'p<<rfomlk'l! od1l:r ta;1ks llIi ~<ossary lOl1d cl:<l1veruel1l for Artome:)', tkchiQW S$ to< tooti;:1I11lpf'l'uiI."W:$ J<' lx: util14<ri JlhajJ lm tiw ultimate re$jlO!%itility ",r .h~ Att<@W>'" and ilAAll;~ "bell d$e H die level <'Y It dknl d1X:I$lotl ~llilLi t"" N:'II:.lw4 by the H.O'lrJ d cin:i\1ty {>m'~tm<:,a. Any furt~r Jil'l\itaiilJll~ <lr ~ia1 tt'ltldilwll'i _1 b~ ll.~ Mf forth in 'f:%hibit A J~). Tmm "r ,~~t lllIll '~'lH'''',ietlfjIUl>>>: Tlll,~ A!Y<:t:nlCllI ..1m 11;:p1~"fiUlrI'Jll ry Artot1lq :b t'fte.::th~ npoo U<;~M<:\: unollf'lll'tw,tllJ? COtll\1)I in ~ii\Il(~" with C(j1!l1I)"~ jX,1k~ il':dil:ll!l1C&.,'l, uf .~')'<;embG ~1ules, 1'Iw revr~J'lUli:ion ilball ~ unlit v:ll1\ioored by (;!ll1er tho: ClJWlty, Of hy dw '\lMT.ey in =<>f~ with ctil!at) Nqll~m"'n!~, :I.it Cml.llty 1l'lI~tl<m$ lUlIt1 ph> 'the CO\ll\ly c'l{~<:t, \he Att<llT..ry w seel: the be$! flt~hl'thm ftlr ilie Oltm,y m th~ JiI'~1;:m tt,ll.wl'l.1bk Cl:'&111 1he tffi\:plIye!$, At tM ewliul ,(M1l':l11'l\ilk ,;obt (It<l',ng lhe. :~ren",611lil, lh<; Auw"~' ~W wptm it' dw: C<RIDiy, "~ ih", ClJWl':'y i\limrfu-Y, l'ny lii'~<1()1'~lNe r{\t~ti~1 j;,f ~ttklnrAlt, 1<',1~1Ildirtg reJatoo $ettJ('llK'm ~<:l~t& and ~xJX''':!e$. j:OC, ~'sthl'.IItM "btl:ll~U {'i lll" Coumjl prevailing on llte mdt$, and th~ pqllffitial flumJ<::ia! e>:ptl~~ ~1(<llld tWo ("(J'Jl'ity UN p~",,'aij t'!1 the .~ Any other l"~rcClatim% MId g:ools _1 'lu; <l:\ m.'1iQtth in B~itibit A. 4. Attllnley.'~ (H(jl(/rtrl: Attol'tl'W ..'ill bl! pllkl {t'!thill or 00 Mtvk.ffi oo.<lI:d ulllh~ ~, ,jfhwrt '''lpt,''ll~t on hdldf (){ C4tll\lJ troml<kcl M tlw n~~ k~1h hmir !Or tt.ld:l tim~ entrfl. l'ltlt \<) illd\l<W time 1111 iable 1,) tlr c,')!Tlplll'lmrted hy other di'lillt<,; multiplied ily the A:r1{!m<:y's ll{!ooy l1\1f: as ~i ft,w. ill E:thibit A. Thll folJ<,wiog rnlnlmu<l\ hl1l1tlg <:w\:wr;,!:nt''ltkm \IOU ti~k\.'<.1Wf l'e'lmlXlmetltt; are a ~OOitlM p~l1t It, f'ltym,mt h1lh", Cmwty, 43, 'S')IHliIh1bi~ rilll;!; Attttrll<'} ",All bill (;tl'Sl1ty 'lruy illllime (~rul<)lJ&:,l:y and 1li.~\j' incurred w tMder pm&%k1M! ~'1"'k~;;; on C,lll'lWj'5 bdl>11f illll(OWld:ltlte wilh lhb !\J::ttWm>t11!, Time attrittlrobJc w NHir'll qll<l$tmn5ls l:lf1i bmabl~, TIme w<:pooded hy thn~,k~$ ~'lw hlOve \'IN '(llK"llOWl~ro 1'Y Cu$lIY il~ .\udklll,ed 1m E:dtibit A is at'jO J,QI 111l.lilbk, 4,:1, C~ to -rir rate!!' A1k',"l'CY will dl"'t" !lIJ :m<)\'~ \h::(I11Ih~ hm:ttty !\ll$ ~l\'Okd in EltiliWt A ihn~\\lW 11w duratbl\ <;>I' 111" twHo)!', llflJ_ N\wl',,,1:14 ~w ill \'<<'riMlI Wlallltd h~; Ct'\mly. ' , 43, 0i~;>>U'a1lt tu uthtl\!' Glwl>l:: Too mte~ Al1"!:m'Y will ,11af'l!e COW1fj !\"f.!l'=l1\ Ihe kM'~ t~i ",h~~l by d.l<: NIDie lime-L.""l'l<'l';; In oJ1er cllentj!, In tll<: eV<l'nllMlIO'9<<lf ~ Of d1e<:>.'jUIltlt aft, ~vidoo tc, t!!llq di'1llts, Atu:<me'}' and "~lJm'Ved 1i1l1l:.ke~'~ will ili$lJ provl.j~ lhtm "'\1 ib>: i;i;'''''' ba~;$l() CWllty, " ., ?!) ,; ,'''' )g~ji, ~ s;::~ .%, ~M ~>, ::~ :Y,~:L ~~:':~, ';. S:t::~ j"~';;:..tt'. ~~'4,:";: : 4,4. A1411lklllllf.I rilll>t'-~nl' AGdit.,lli\l lillW'~ may not k: wJ<b1 l<lthe n1llUel' wHhC':1t 00"':\1\('1' 'wri!\en 1l;lpl\wa1 from Cmll:lty~ 1,-, 1M ,",""11 that addJli0l'41l tinle-1<~r. provldl1l\l, ~vk~, V.11kh ere t<> lx, ",.uwJ w the Cmmly are 10 be Mldlxi to lhe >tat\: t1llm ~l1e!t hclUITY f';rt@ ~lmll be JlW\?idM 1\) C<Amt;1 in MV\\!1re, and, qx;;fl wTl!\en iIf'Pl'O''al 1:1)' the Cmlmy. their >'%lies atl<1l:!llling 1m~'Cti= kill!. <Xm:lply ..tlh t!~ 1~1\1m,'11-.emli ,.1' 1lili; Aure=nL Ad.~itkmcl tiJm;.k~'rn apprtwe<! 1:.:f Ih~ ((nUl\}' Me 1i~ in F.:tbiblt A 10 llris AgI'U'fI1(;l\1. 'lfl<i this E:dtibit A TtlllY 'oe amended mrru till''; 10 tin\<:, !.ll)(l'1 multlal .,""lnlmt d'1M C{)UIlt}' ~ Ill!: At\(lrnllY. to ~\~ lhe tl>el1-<;um;f\1 c~jr(;U~m~ti\fJCe~, 4.5, J!,ri.tmg Wf>I'k pl'OOlIct: T" me ..~terl\ t1m Atl!:mwy mallt~ \l~ '11' mti#io;f, w"li product, <:,11, in lhe limll ('1' ~"~41^Ch !*<i\ll(m~ly pwi:bx:mffl fur motl,c~ C011llry, tkt, ArtllfTh:'Y w-ay bill <illl)' Iml! time j)'/(pemi..l b u~iI>s lh~t work pvxhll't j'j)r t)mmy, 1\1 ,~ wo:&" lID p.remium, mrltip. <Jr ,>th~ \ldjlJ$nIW( muy b", m;ld", to blU C{'(ll!IY lb, I; r>"" qxml Nl ""rk almidy pe10lm~'d, ,1,6, T""I<d: Trwd r"'~ttieti(jm" Ilt;\ludir<.f, nmtrictml1$ ou hiUhlg time durirtg tl'llVel; lL"e Xl thnt> bebw, 5, Hilling <lrF~ ~>4 R!:~; Am:<1'I19' ~h\d). <:omjlly "i\h 1h", f01k,wing t't9,irern=, <1$ t,~ hilling f<xl, 1!Ilcl '~,~a~ uR~,;lili~'O'l ~,k"tt" CCMly'S ohU~Oi'( tl' plly t:",;h bill; 5.1, Malltblf bllh, t.ln~ 'lIrK"wl$e agM~ il, a writing 1!igro:"j 1:>;,< !he COUnly, hUh kclJ b.:; l$$l~ l1lOOlhly \'y Attorfl<~y \vithin 15 day's after t11e l)k'il'~ of ~a<ih month, )\ttotnty unMrstands fhM Cr.mMy K.qtiitU' fHOOrpl bill~ 111 part t(, f;!cilihll~ etle<:uve 11MUli\\!?-nltl'(! <If U,l~ ~tsctlUltkl!l aM t~, ;::.L sm fol'Ullltl .Atttl'MY shall pt'l'\<kl<l ~kli\\ikd, il(<m\:w<1 bins whkh sh,IU, lit a tni~~htMt.m: 5.2. t u".cripjj"'L ~~vid" (.< %CllCtm (l<%<::tipti(tt1. of tb(, m;ltter, ro ind\i'lol W, =<, of ll~, County OOPUITfl100! af wwtil'Jtkmal ~,mcm:. 1f oot iw]cm;wJ in tlWi titl~ \,f lhe mal<<"I\ ,Wfll<tlich kgal ,\<i'1lic'm = !Icing p<Th'IDlWd (e"v" fudllilu Roe", M{)lll~'" COlli'l1)~,EEO (lmm,l 5.2.:l: J'e'rtUllllel, (;lmly iJwcify each p<:rJ;,,m perf(ll1ll1Rg Wl"<i~ {i,e" dl:lW ~'f$" in ~;(mj'lr%1l0~. mtn. 't;.\..~b t',r1.ry; 5<1~1 Otb(<r Pel'S<llln<il. Clearly ilWlltity "ll I",ro,')n~ wi:.:> a"" M! full.titu.:, lK'''yer!, ~oopk'Jf<,j byll1e Atlt'w~"S film (inclOOlllZ $llb<:ont!~, in~dtm1 \~bffi. t\'mpl~lmy ttnpJoYe<lll. ar...J olll.wuocing pro"id<::t~) 5,1,4 Tkn.., ~rd9< ~ fu<1, time U1ipellde<lby <laeb till1e'~ ~pw:'M!Y. III th!l:le sitlmQ!l1 ",heR the 1l'linimWl1 Wmng mQQl1!:1'lt ~"""$:h !J", ~l time Sptxll ,)Ii Ii llati<: and ~ of ~1ie 'wnmf' ta:o;k, 1!Xt: p<::rtjjtnltrl, it h ,';';'p!dK. 1lll*l ill<; "'';''~'';l ",<i!! I"" ~1lJ?ft;j:Il~ until llw 1l,1t&\ \\!:Ml1 !i1Jlf> Sfoml, w$<:lS th!l mirJmttl1l bilfulg illerom(,<tll. 3 ~<;",; .:..~ ;':)Df}~ Y::,'t, :~:i~~) <~\~7,~ S.::"~ E1/l _~,2,$ Tt'l<ih ..nd By T:a~"" SUIte fue ~ <<!: tiloo t%~>d by <<Ith lim~~~~'pc! ,,",- ' , J<ib (Md, w'l.%:n ~ch 6;~, brcium &.m'n by _ w~ m(lre t."", {OM tlf\U':X1 <:,f IMI( %"1$ wi,;k~-d qx,r, with!;" till' me dsy\ $.2,6 T\'1tk D",",ffpIiMl, l\~rewdlln ''lCt. ia'ITlilerl (bu1yta.~k,~rtly, iM,;jJkwnt tl<tudll(lrwdily "lllr.. llle (<runtY 1l;) detel'll1im:: Ihe m:o~t,$hy tbt 1lI.<l f~ooob"'MS~ o1'ilie dill"" eXll\:1xkd. ili~ $<.'!Yit'<.,;; FJ:.rn;<<J, ili<:: llR*"" ot \Mk .:lien ~'f\li<:e !~l$m~ 10, lhe ,1Ut>!m u...J. rilry(lS(! e,1'".u;,r, ~"MCV, i>!.d ~b t:tln\~~ <){ (1)th(::t~ who ,W'~ l'~OK'r,t or c<>1mmmiC<ilfctl wit in t!w ",,,urn> Qf p.rrfool1ing the ""tvl~~, lm~h~ ~boo14 ~ a r"ll1$ol1lJilly' ~ific ,MirMltl"". t>f =vkltS i\uiflt:ierrtry"l<llrlllro to aJlo::w~ tim~ 'h'ilhin a ma1ter 1(> 1>UlCh !';~l#@<>ti(>.s j}j'tf(':lrl as Leg!,1 R~~'Ch, fa<::! {'l!lheril~g, 1n!~ C<l!lf~"" Cmmw.<!,k,'rtk1lt~ with Cliem, .P"flklll~r l)ocum'mt ()nrftlllg, Cm:rrt A,l'pel'll'alli:e, Depr>$i!ion AUe,>daMC, llml so furlh, $2/! Sum!ll$ty "r Ratlii!l. In " ",a11!Th1t? lit lh<; ~nn~ ,11' @Id of 1lx Mll, pi't1'kk th<t <,:,~lfruot hQudy mw rOt ~h (m~{:,.k~<<:'; th~ tGttli r.tt:n.-t::: bm~ii by ~.$~b ti:mt<<k~~p"'f in. that hilt lh~ p!l,d,~;j qftil;': 1,~,d time ~lld htJ\ll'ly .."j<1 'Ill,. ''i<Cl'11i~)",.k~, iJl<' !l)!~! tl;e$ ~hit!t'''j, ;m;j $lX' !1(,Ct;,,1t:ilialiot\ 't><Il'w~$l'l ili~ tllfllJil'lt dl<!lrg.'<l MJ ~"y appJit::ili>l~ t'i>iiroalro Of 11ll4$'!oo <ltOO\m1, by (a<;k, in a.:ld!dw_ %lcll m<miN:y s:r~1 mlOuM ~lmw the ~fal.~ NJlbg ihf tbn l'l:lJlll"r H('ll) il~ (~~lfllll"')(:M\<'llt <lftlw m~tttW r:,'t,;'ujolh tllt t.\l(uotly-bill~l n";l\l:h, 1.1.$ ni:g#l!II1;:~tr"'ni~ C"P~" c,:",rrty iii <:;lll'<l"llt j;sillg Tblt' Matwl'$ &ld Time Hilling i'(ltl"'a~ in tile f4lunty Al:t,..rney'f' d'fk~, afb'! prefers !r.at $11 d~tW1tri, repmiijl) 10frwat'e ",llkh.M h<; iOCOl'(!<lrnlro in\<) 01<) (\mlllY'~ ..)ftw~rodi;lil baw t\:;r !l'M:king and WJlKwting pllrpOo,e~ be l~ l:W A!\Grfley, An(,n;~y slwdd di~l:iw 1M C<lpIlbiJJtk. of Anon;,,;i'~ billiflg ,,~~ti.'m ""d, COlit\lt ~jbf(! t<<!:,detlflg tiJ~ 11~,t biiL C<:j\rnty~iwdd f,;cdve a diglt.<d Ck,*ill1lcj~(lmp\lt::ri;w1 \'e:l'Sion lif m;h bill,.lng{tjltJl' willi a ~ "'-'Pi, i<. fildli'M~. bill rev",,,_ 5.J, F.:<qwn~<eil' Count;; wH! J%Y ,hi: ll<.7\l!il, J>WWMbk ~t"l "fllw: fotln'llil1lj: ~'r<1lls(' it\<;w... if Jr.lCWt'<>ri b :l.:::,w,u\1lce v,1m I"" @uiddiJx--,; l}ekw ~ll(1 pnl1!\l>tlj 'ltmi:&din AttJ.;Jrn~'~s rriOn.tW:y hUt $.:3.1 Rl/'Jmbrtl'\i;lb1.e e;!;Ill'U}I<1:S~ ACW..] <:\1& i')l: r.<x~ j(lllg !li$tit'1<Ce ldt.,":loorm ;;ot,h, ~~k'(:uryi1;~ m $.25 lX'l' OU\J,';Oln1j ~ "'mni!lht "" ~it.:d tkliv~, C1:"m"""" ph~yil1,* lit $;,15 pCI' !l'W,e, lX'%~)1:, ~ f<<%, aOO OM ~X~ itpprifWKl in OO'V<ltlCtJ by Cmm.t;<' (~f ~~ UJt~t tk:k~'w: $~t,U, E:tpclittd /)1' ~m~l'f?ell~' ul"'ie;;s, Anorney' IS @:P<}::t<;'4 to ~v<lid 1!o,'<111g <txptdikd or ~Hler$\:ncy ~\::r"km" Sllcnw ~:<(rl~ ddivl:,Y ~vj<<t, OOl.d*tR [d~~<1pyil1g, overtime, atld ;w (lll, ullk_m ~~'ll~y V<trJJl!i'W' nf Ut""J)<<.j,.tt <]",,,dopnl@w or ~J<(~'ooljr tllWfl rle.'!d!hro!;. Coomy may re-fu,*, W pay fbr !lny Wdl e:<f.lCl1l;<j$ 1'11<)11 l'rou~ K\l!thwlr (l! h;'e<!\~ (!fAltO'm"Y'% fillh,1re ttl "'<mlil$!~.1b mi!tter eftkkntl~', 5....3.~l ,2. -C\i'mp..t;t~ f'~l".eh::; A~t~"::rt~:e>,: l~ m<ptx~~d ~:(~ 'iJ;%~ tX.:<<f~,~~l~ ~~~l.fd~ ,~-i~:~~ i':'a~:...ef.f~ivety R) wdm.;e WM f>J~trt on ~~, fQt~~~t~ '%frlk; t<h.:p~~}y.. lIltJlllltJtir.g c(lm;roWrimd rc="f, 10 tlwm.; \1W! 1hw eMrg~ _ l'eac:roMW~ and ~.1'&lfY, ~4 ~::'/{~:r ~!~,,: 17 - ~,.' :;:". 2t~,i::(- ~~ t,; ~ :,:;:t. ::;~)~""-::~;S:-:::',1. ~;.:2:l. c.&; . . .> ,~ .~ l"W"'''"' '., r'~,,_,., '~",.' "j".,~ A"."S (w ,'>!hm mm""l:tl<~lt~ that ",tomey is e>;p\!<:\:l", ;,.. ....,." .W",,' " '.v..m" _. ".~,,~"" .,- r.ednc~- lh~ C{)Si (~.f ~}mnp:utt1'ize4 .j~r;iG~<, ~!US..1, l'b;)t_llyblg: Attorney h ;mcflufagecl ;,;1 \ill<' ow.mole lX'pril1l1 ~r.;>:"",!'<, N'd\K~), lb:. W% ona.<l.'^voIU1l1>: <(lpymg, pr.'v,4e<:llhat tlm~$ "':<;pen~~ lm1 dl1c.ent, "'''~. et%":Ct,>:c, 1ll1d j"~mfed u:nd bi1J~>J b '",xOfdllnc~ with th.s A~.tenl. Attorney is rtSP6llsibk [Of rmuti\w 1hat 111l1,(.pylrlp, <;(l1l1pl1e5 wilh cl;-pynlfbt ':l!:<l'Wl1kffi~, S~tL4, T....il:>U:ript5. J'tims,:;rir'Jl $hould la>1 be {l~ without pciot' approval from Ci)W',ty, jfflM()nptl: ,n"uld fl,,! hl: lJrd~'rO.>cl Oll WI ~pediwd b;~sh \ullt'''-~ ~~'W1T mJd ;-'P,*>'I~d 1>J w$vUKl' by C\"'lll'lt}\ AtMr.q !JlOllld dl1.UI1 mgillll d~1rtJtlkA:O\1lpI.~ GO.!';(\<; of 1tllnm.'riptt; whm avaiJclJk at 11 mk'Wl1<lbk C,,~l t.o av,:;iJ l'hllrg-hlS fIll t1l'!l(t ~t dig~tOl* <Jr ill~illg trlltmcnpL\ a/~ 't) allow Cf'U'1ty il) m!U:ma'" a dlgitcl d~;tl'::ll1ii:/()&:uttl~\!t(~'1>1d f1ambt"" d an 1r.'lru><:rip,l\, 5..1.1.5 ;1'lOvd RJ;ptn~l fmw) e1<plm~"$ wi1:hk, tlw Att<mWJ'~ ltxmJ C>f 11'll:'1rorm1b1.11Ili<'''' ,,<"ill fl;1\ be ",irni1\~~l inhe time ~rx:l1\ '0' tmn,'lll i~ bUbJ. irawl cv>:nm;; (JlI1%l4~ m~ m~l:trjp.ilitM i~ !\lay t'dy 1m relll\~ ifwelm"l:l woo appmvoo i1\ OO'~l1l~e by C<!ltmy, Rcirnblm,'Il,>,Je tlllvd e>:pen&m, if 1lppmvedh oov;woe, 1lW t",;: i:l)~ ,,f tr4r..lpmtlllJon by The l<$'ll e~he ~ti~ l1'l='> (e,w" C>,~~dt dlm~ u.ir trnvtl), tl11~ ~ vI' rell$Oruilile lwwJ =(>l'l1\1100.mon~, lUmlbc cr.<$\ l~ftfl\ll~lOl.'trtti(ln ,,~li1<l (jut of {('Wfl (<I,g,. by cat< ,'r ''t:I:,W CM, wtti<1l~w,!' Mem:l tell."3WllJk" at Ih~ !(lW~ e"ililab!e (~~), 'rm",,! C'(p;:::il:<<':; will t~, fChJltn1r:~~ \n ,l<XOruaflf" with ib: upplkabk provl'Ik,t,~ for ~ 4'lm:wed 11>1"($1\'1'.;" of m~ M'mroe Cmml\' Cod", 'Ail! b.r mmtllllri.'Je'<1 <:>1:\ the MOlllX'>e C()'m~' Travel Form .....11h ,ill ar'PJiailhl~ la-.eipn; ~1I~'11.;a 1M:r~'l<1, ' 5_t.1Ai T.ravel "l~ Ti=:spent in w&wI:, loollly (If <lthrn'\WI~', nm:y be billed only if ,a) Attorney or ,im~-h;~r b lmable to aWlkl :mv~i\r,€ hy tl~lni\ (>\lle' (,)mn of Cimlll:l\l1lk.1ltj('l1 <rt,'U\ f1>) A(t"l1'l~' <:fr :m:W.k.,.,-flCf 1s \maNe w hill time ill1rl'lflmt tl) (<l1Wf dknlS, Tnvd by tl!<."<fe lhm O!W tim..,ke.1l<<f g (he 1il1"W _ IP Jlx,sam<iO ~.alim' b l\!)( '1lIo'9<<;-<d witlW\tl p1l91'1l;JPw<'a1 fM.t! Cnooty..\PW<lved '(row,l tinK dlll:inu liftWl4~'l:'$ l1()('\lAl hulf.!lI%s m\Jl'$ v.1lJ l-.: 1>ilkd at the 'lJ\JllKJy rllIr tli;fcl fur the time,J.::wpet ull Exhibit A. Appr\w~,j tm\'\'ll time oU1!iide of timek.~pef's BOrmal hll~ioc'$lro\lh will J:$ hi.lk.:! ill 'I'''''' l'df 1l:K h<:mrty r41~ lisl;;,j fur lhe tind(e\.1""f 00 .1t:!l11l1m A, S.3,1, Nl>'1H.<llmbunot'bk nl'i',n~di1 Thl; f.)jkwit"lil ~Xf>e:l'Mil ,vlU in m ~veut r>e rdmll\lrsclJb, 1l11l<::>s spedt!cl1lJj llilt~.,,110 ill &1'<111\";' '11.l1 wrih~~ $i~4 by ('(l\;rl'ty; $,J,;!.1, I'M>lOn$l llnol ~ C(>~t~. Meals tbf tlm1l-keqx%$. .:werti..'l1e. ",om ~'li14 N (OOlpOK"f d~<$!L 1~ e<jx''ll_. "XJl"lji%~ !hat l>eileJi;.'Id ~~r dlmtil', $%pel\jo(,~ k;.r 1"",K,k~, C<)j,t~ nf !1<'ljl~' empbye~$. ptrlook'U$ ", other tihmry llliItmiaJ$, bl~mal tlJir'l1 ," (tj.\llr dllCUlnl:ni har41i:::w ~g>ml, clclil:M e~p;:MeS, !ffilt~ and OHM $\lPI~y <<l~, Iltililks, :J(Jd lift)' ttiler e~ illitt is cimer u.'\r~~J~ Of l111IJeC<:S.~llfY, Ore 1Jk:1 i.h<ll we Ilrm d1&ge~ (~r cik'llt.~ Of lhal 'J<1!J,,":f fu'm$ d1.'ll',\\I:' 11Jeir cll= fOi: ~t\ ~Mitt4;m~~' ;ja~~-:-,: ni;>t m_t&:s-, h t~$S)n~hk -or n.~~e~~ry J ,- il~,,:U, Lj;lllI'l'~~, Mmllltallt!" $upjmrt .1~",,'iI:;<1!<, j)lltillilJ"tM ~n'k~ ~t~, All(ll1k:r h JIM ilmhmb:-d t~ tt.'Wjrt <::~, lldd\nord fumtt.~!, <:t>m:_t<;, lWPJX11't ~oni~~ <)T 1Iw :, t::,::;~:lf :~:!E,.:=.;.; ;:';>6~:: J~~:~:: ,.;w ~~~; :;'::':i; f:f~<j 1ih~, \>1' jQ Qut ~iQ\l'1>:t ':11' ,kler4~ '""rl; Q\ItJ;id~ AWlflk'y'~ lll\v firm. 'dttl{~#. pri{lf writWfl. ql"'wu! hy COUrlW l;ltmlley :"'ill be. lWpOfi$ibk t'x ~lwkog aM 11l1lrnlgml1 tlx< .l<ef'\1ce$ ,'~ (,1h<:t~ *~, that lh<:ir OO!Vio<~s <lltd ."Kr<3'(l~ willlx rendered i,,, Mqlf'dalli:t wlfu fuc Mms (It lhiJ,; Alll"U"fMl.!. ~hKlhll1 wm~; !.prMcat>k in Attt'mry. AUQl'W.'Y wl1J m~ Zllh<ll$lv t'btuin t"'ll!. $fft,~h~ ~~'!'>'t,~ tor CO\ll1ly. t}llklW '}llK'rwi~~ ~@'et'd ill 'wli1lnt., AtK<me)' ffllallo01i\itl a ',\intl<:On li:'lamcr ~<ml~nt, in tl f('tlll ..Arid, may lJ<> :>pcdid (1y (A\1t!ty, 1\'m:n e,,,,!,; Mrvire Pl\wi~,. who billt !l,'ll.l (';9d1 llW<idef ocir\j? $m! j,l (..,11: Mtm:il0' (fitI' m:'Mf.=t ~"rc~e~) MJ (.;"\)unty (K~r n~vi,tw, ~*ti1 p~'1:'ncfn), 5.J.2;.t F,'~~l'I; rmt pa,<M;<d tllrlffigh lit adulll ~~t, (:OlMY wiU 001 pa~' '1I'ly Hb'l:fJ<\if< f(.t eXpIIXt'!ffl. (\mll~' will ,m!y rdmOOflk: th'} A!mmcy f,)'( lndr :.r;l1.lnl :.pp!ov~d ~:n:rt~~f~p<)~,b:::t. t:o~t1< anJ ex_~t~f.~~:, ;NhMh$1 il'h.-;~.11T~ ~ntiUy -try' ~n aWf{j~~.d ,t~'~~t<. kc('rm-' ,1? iJwurrw<1 :.y (ltlkr appmved peru';'ll)wl (:>neh <Ill; ~.W,,!t~, {(>ntU!\:.ll1f>, >lJJ)P''vt ~...rdc~s r<:illltnrd, or ;>1rt$<Jurr;eJ ~~",kcg jX-"rW!llwJ\ 5,J.tA, (!v<tt'ilolIlil! lwt <Jh~rged (1. C<C>l\Oty, C(;f,ll'l'~ will \)Zlt pay for any :'''~~.p.c,n-&~~-! Ite'nt~; Hurt are-in j~~t pm ()fAnt,rn~y::$. tJv~rh~:~4 'SNhkh snuuld h.:<, ~rtd~ld:ed wHhln A,fr<JrneYO::$., fb*), !'U,J, A(h>llfiCt 1lll'f'N1~'''! ..f t)lp",S('~. 111 ,wdW,t>1l t.) m~ ikffl,'l 11<1t~il "lx,"'e, Attom~y :;hall ol>tclll ru;1'.""C.lil appr'}Vlll nom CZ\JJ!!t>' hek)r~ inr;lll'rinll, MY ~Xpell$t in ,fX""'t!' of S j ,t}(1(U)(l if Art';'<rn'IY "'~)l<'<;t;; w lX:l felmhmwd tli! lnut Q,}'l(,"lll'<'. COUllty nwy ",!liS? /.(l J'ltY llllY .eXjjtrnoit. for whid' ;wv~n't <\PllR'<llIl "'a~ iwl t,h1aim'<l I'X iXt10rn~}' . S.JA, CUll">l$ lit r~pj$ !tlr ti"'~~" Atl<'1tMy :>ba1l include <;(lJlIt'$ <,r nx:~.d?t~~, tor an eXNf~$ with the Hit.:~rdzed nmutbly, bilL Cf.Hxnty trmy :refUf,t! to pay !xny txrtaft~t herr:, for v.;~hitb. ~.kx::'~;.rf:'(';mad.tm, b n(jt pt6~'{dt.",il by Art(ltfffi':Y, ilM,.$, I>~pf:n~eIl (##d fti<l$) aft.", 1f:I'lDiOlllilm" 'CJlI!c. te;,min,~t;on (If th!~ reJl.w~{;nl.~t1m:" AIt,'j<ffiCY shall pr<:mopily bHl Count)' It!' allY mnamint reh:nbut;;abk c;q'l!=~ <\nJ fN$. (\xmty mil)! rci~ 1.0 pay any t(",s or ':-X'PC1'!WS ,~<1t bHk<l within 4;' ,1aY'i qf t~n1h?'(z~~t).n of tk~~, r~pre~:tnt~d<)u<, ,A~Un:tWy i~, a~_M:!: (');::~,h;~d K, ('~')opt:r:uk Pl<:'l'llp1!) "itl1 all a~1"?"t~ "f telmillatkm nnJ. if ""..ikahle, \tlm~jtbo to {ltl\C!f ,;,(mnseL -P~~yn:ttmt f<~t fe~~- :;1tmt ~';'tp~:n~t~~ ~s r-~ndngerit u~"m prompi~, fuH c(.X~ptrt'~'d~J~L 1\.4. HiIIllnd I:1\:lWn~ U<W';;IO<ll1t1lwn" Attomey J1n,k,,;t,'1!lJ:> 111M At!<lm.y fflt.M h1\"'" (b:':Wll<lIlIMkll j,;. t;\.'l'I'"rt all tl:lpect1i of cud, hi!!. hldudillg f-:~~ and tXj)ell-%$, arid Oll1H ,m<iat.1:l1\ mat (kff}j(l~~'l11Mit>!l until ili km;t ml<l }(.1l!: il.firrr th~ tnrninlltlon of (\:"1 rept\:~m<lli':'1\, nut ',k'01<l1ttlfl'tbn >>n:>lt !% m<l'~" av~\ibbk by Au,^,.mcy to C(.\1my {"r Cr;unty's d<:$i\1ooal~0 t~$ClltISJi"~, inch,tHng all ac\:'Y'l11Wll, tlw- C<llJ.llty Clink N ('()1Jmy n<ltk' ~ repx"'*ll1a\ivt\, or kgal bill aw:litw} "lX'1l COtwt:/.(, \><d.l1en ttIJllest AtttmWi 1l{'.r~e5 l() 'X><lj;<!.'ml<l ,.-jth <lny ~;,amillnlioo of &i~, d<1Cumentntion !ll1il Anomey'~ lees nnJ irX~$t<t:~ ~~--th by" (::';1~;f%:uw:l~'lg; fr~;rnl}tJY amJ ~~ornpk,i~)Jy ~(;, arty qU\t:~ksn,~.; County ffi" ~t$. d<1zipM"" Nr\"(~5<'''t'l:th(O mar h.~'tl, At;t>JT"~Y $!ml! m'flf)' Cmmty ill writbg JlII~Jl$ 6Q clays b ,wvancf, <~f J~~t~\1~+ng ~~j~Y $~t,h ff,tKMU.?) !t.nG>! i~\ the 1t\:'eut tbat (\mnJy rc(!qtW~ts= 1h~t b P:;4:s:r: "....l" ~: :i::'~:: :,~ :~: ::::': :::~. }{l~~ ,'~~;:)t~:2t UKl r;'P;;:~S: t~::;:/';, ':~ ili'0 X' prU'l<-'f'ed, ,halt ~"."e :b:m at h~il-"t Ofl<J: ~J;jiti~'Ml :'e'.lt <ll', llt \lw (>1'tio,:; <J1 (ill' Cmml,,< ,~~li,~e4 W th" CO@1!)' f<1r ~tor1lll" by rue COlil'l1Y, with Count;> ~~~"Jl)k' for , Faying tl:..: Ilictllil1 ~~>$t tlf ~k1111.l"'. TlIh ;j'je,u:nentation sJ:wJ1 itdl1d.e, tilt" "".ample, Bri$ll1a! lin><: f~umh, ';<'fI"= ~l11pts.. l*ld doc\l:ll1enla\ion ?,-upp<:'rth1l! d,,, ;w:l'JlIDt (:l)t.itg~>d, by ,.,;':\ttt~m(';y t1)f a,:p~m.%~ hAms ~tfH:;~ro,,*~:d by trm Al1~>n~:y .gr bt~, fjt he', f~Hn, Cj)jJ,otv '~%'i'\'tl' the fiSh! rK>! 1<) ray any fee ,lr e>:jlC!lS~ ,(('JT! lh. which ,;uf!1ekn! ckre)~ma~t~~tb~~ ~r ~xrx~;~$~ itt.~t11 fi:~t' whkh' ?3uffk:i,(::i~t: i~~1m~entadon f.;.{ oot av~n$bk: t:<~ ceterfnt-nl!. ~'bethet the ht.=n* WJ$ .n~~~:(:$sr~--:~ ~i4 'tl~*~u~$)hk,-, 'Up<Jn 11:rk~t wdrtert AWi!!~m<:l'l! hy th" C("lrlty, A1t,)mey m;\~ pr<;vide: the J(X;W'WllUtitl1l ,(, &#~al dlXl"tonie {{'m, i>l AJobe l'oMble D~um~'l11 F",rm,$"t (I'D'" M tll Ak1)uffil hmmt in lku onh~ matlll<!l pn'lW1'Illtkm "-'1j\tin::tm.'llt~ d.ttmikd ,tho',!,-, 6.. P-aym~tu: 1,~rtlu~' Atts:iln~~~Y+$ tt(P;~Ct;t tOt payn:~etlt..~ and roJrrfb~,nt~; ,may b(': maJu in dtiwr ihu AJ'torn:~/,' ",un>\: <11' ih>) nllrne "f the A1.l.nm~y'~ law tko<, M app:wprl(\ll'. At%tnl1) b)ll~ 'mnplJ?ing with !his Agreement w~ (ke %J parable up'm nxtjipt, If th>t hiH malerially illHfi 10 ulmlr1y wilh llw r"'q\;i1"':m.::!\t~ ,}{ (hi~ Agr<,~mel1L 1b~11 j( i~ 1I<}l; ct;l" ~l1J payable llllti1 iw ddidende~ are rernwkd l>y Altl11'tley, C"!>lltHy t~ e~l:itk'd m (\ 1"<. iW'>l'lJPl payrrwlll Ji~cow\j if a l;>i!I i$ pad. 'Withlll 15 d1>)'$ f i~.rt by CountY' Of t~s:~rITi!,+;tkH:l nf dtlldf;::(~~,k5 bv ls,.t"h1nt~"'., 'w]~{(:lw~'j{e-r ~s Im~.L (<~t if tn{: bUl }:!;: ~~tiAi~d by !\m,:b MJd hy Ntomey, "',~" 1,:' a tf\~;t /l(:C<}Wl!i, C"unly ~;'ll nm 1:Iu Jl~1>k br tllWreit or oth'tr hllu ~J;,l,ff,':$ urMs!; .peulficaHy j\gr~ltd (0 in t!d"iWCC ill a Wdtillf, :&~Ztl~,d by Ct:;mwy.,. " Budgllb. AW}i:MY wW, witilio thtl\;< {3()j ,by* @il,,",' the e1!~cti,,~ d@te ('I' thi;; Agt'eltmeHt, pNrar~ 1m l:'$\lmatc ,lj' budgd of too lJl<.dy co~t5, by task, of thi~ matt~r, ir,;,l"djrtlll\1~$ ami <exjWll.lles, !mj 1\ plan [.,>J' handling the. lmlttl:'f, AtlQme}' will updaie th<~' ~~~iit~~l ~nci 91n~ t~1 k:H~t o"t~~) iJvtry thr:.:::{': t~(m1h~, l~l t.h~ Z~\,i!trt mat: A.trow't')' t~blaim~ idm:matiNl it,dic..1iug th'i the l:md.g"t !\,1 M\Y HM it"!';) maybe "x~,,~.d$<j by m{'l'~ thah lhl$ pett'~t'H, Jw r'f $11<:> wHI !wtif:" C<'lJl1ty of lb<t j !nlne<iilltdy ill II ,>vl'itwt< ,~t;lWn..N u(';NnpJIXlyi!;g cad; bill, prufh!!hly In (abular f<)m:l, A!tom~y will rf("mdll:' tM budj;"ot widl "'<wb .mt.>a6':; hiH, €,t,., b~' explaining wbirth1rf tbe bi11<0 llmmm1",- by ta:;k, m'~ rr~vJ"e ~~3'r k:~~$ tbrtn ili~ a...+nOtmt$ budg{;'U~'d zher~f<)r, Cmmty s:fu:H t~$V~ .the: di.Jrt. tlot t~) p~~ $nl Mo,Rmg (1)$; w'" ,>"e1 hlnget (,r ~{<t. hcbJeJ "~lhjn ;h", bU<.~g~t 8, Staffing ~ml malt"!' J:lI;t1i~gem"'llt, Alt<rn;,;;>' b/,~ l:<i>ell f~wiJ)ed $jj<<ifklll1y be"I....M Alti)fJleY., pet'${'MlIy, is m1d':l::jjood by (\',mw to w able k nan<i!<; illis matl'tr, h!l'4'i<lYll1<;l1i. l>l' "d.d.i(kl1lll1 i!J,jhk~ll"h, wh,,~Jwr uttu:r"t;y;" ;:.aruk.\la!$, or '~ni, who will mU time 10 ('mJtj!y h .<101 jX<nJIltMd. ",jihn"t !h4 ..dl/row", ',"1"in<:1"l ~+l}IO'lt!i ()f G{J~wty , IlA, T;ll,,,"k~~r "hll"t,:#S, Ch~"g"~ in tim\,.k~.lM'~, q:;., tq,I}"'t>mt'llt ,>; m< i\l;wm~y ~~ wdl ,J>)j!lCrell$"~:; j}f dtq,t"a~.ll\ the lJllU\be:r of the tiw~,k,,'$p~fS w'Ork1'lle 011 tlle ,'Uhj"Cl' ffi>llh.<r ~.f tl;l;; A!1'fettl1tllt, rl\\1$ have (he "dl/~tlce V<Tiuc!J apPl\Wl,i (,f (:-o-Urtty '. C<mtt't~' ~~<'f'~~~3 u) r~x;.ehw df&;:.(mnt~ ~'1~' (~l~r C-\1~~ee.~~iuns 1~) th~H an]; h:}c-J:;.,;a$(~ (rf c,hat"is.~t b}; ~im:eykc.(:pv'"f'$ wfU Mt, rC:$tJh. to 'um~e~::t:~ar)" {.t Ut~tt~~M{H::tahht <h~~t'~~~. 1:0, CQ~mty~ e"g,~, t(>t tt'a~:$~irtg~ jntt"tllr*~ t:ontt:t(;r'.;~::e~,~ a.'1d m~um:ien~nt j :>~:;:~,.:" -",j- '.., , .,. ...'...',.."c' ~~t~<.::-,,;:i82 ~ '~)~:~ ~ L~;;:::: r:A:;F ~::~:"" 11.:1. lhlplklt1Wn q( effoft. Unle,.~ ;vJV$tml (\mM) "Pl-'lV",,1 1$ .)IAkli:n~>ri. A(1;ome" win :nol btv$ IrK'l') than Ni'" t\me.ke~f!"'r hin 1'3 ~,\ltt 1tf'j1t~tllnce;l. att,-,>><tal'lce ~u ~k1g;thif)t~~ ~u~d tn~edng~, indHding: f.n~etin-if ~"'hh c.t:r~~tt:~i f~Jpn~:f~nt~:iv~:~~, iH~Ht in!em~l <-<)n.fcrell~e~, In ~be "vent lll~t mOf~ tn.!!\ on,; Jl'i'1'li()1\ Ittlemh, ol1lywe W1'\<l {'[ \ll~ p~'l'll'm wi111 lrw k''''C'!Jt "'t$ 'wUl h<: hiltable. i\lt(lmey i~ oot Jl'i'trni~I{~! 1:0 IL'le thl~ mllrter t{, prm'id", 00 the job tfa:\l1i:nll lot a tlme.k,ooper. llll<l hill f(rt tl~>\t tlme.keeper'~ 1~fvtt~5t *,itb;.~ut Cm,g1tY"s adv~n(:e appr~)vtt1. 8.3. i~laiMY uuuugl'men*, Al10111.e)' k 1\~.~p<mmhie f{,r mllll.\\gillf, the malt<'t ~<J.'1.;)ffe;;tlydl llnd <:,~m1'd~t)l1y. ".g" by i))~w',ng H'll! ,Jddhional t)mc;ke~pen lit<' ~o(nf"'i,,(lt. pr'Jper1J 5\lp~I''''K<C, efficient, an,l )" comj>liar'<:t< with 1!l.1; lW'!'t {If tlth Agre~m,*r <!$ ",ell a$ ",1111 ~lhk<illA'llg!ltiotlo" &,4. OnumunieatJ<>nJ!. C<:>\lli1y will ~;;f!et't tha! llU ~"=Ul1kal:kms OOtwt><:n !\.ll(><11"Y lUl{\ Cuu<\ty wU1 be Nvie'>,'lld by A1!;.'nrey and thaI Al1<J=y willl~1'i(: &~ thl!' point ,A" <'Vl\l<lct f('r tlli~ rMtt<1.r, il\e!\,dhl@ b(!lijjll 1:jvt:<tior'$. 'Tht; p<>il\1 of ;;,)jH$<'l ibf this \'!Miter tt (OWl?:'l is th~ COO"l1t)' All'm~y ()f the indlv;dutl spcdlk$.ily id~lltHid ilt 'li:xhit>it k 1.l.5. ('_*1' Itl,,"iiurmg, Omn1!' wi1l t~ ""jvi:S<td pr<>rtrp(ty by Ailon,,,y of ;l<l! dOlifh;am facw 'md 4<'.el(lpl'MI11~ in tlw 11l1ii'lel M' {h>\l (;o\mW ~11i\J l1lan!!" ih? l1l!&Mr d!{>ctivdy ~d llJlloe ini1mtwd dedsi<w~ ;;oou~ w~!P" ,$Ctk~. ~entm';:lll, ~hi;dulillS, ~ot(~, illld dl?t mlatl<'ci l>1.\\itt>n; Ctlll"iy wiH pR>mj'l11y ft",,,.he from Atl:omnv e''Pks (){@11 md<1r.t, "f'hlio!t~, rk<ldhlgs. brid~, memoF~b ;)menml &ltl c1<>1<:mm), ,x'rre!lj'l<lI1dence. iltld. '''0' (>lh~r d.o<:IJIT'''tlt fIl&leritll w jjo,e subjt<':1 ffHltr"t of ihit Awument, =11 tM!. tbe (:~unty ~'Hl h~\:'~~ ~~ ~ut:tt.-n;~ ~sp',te..4~*t~~ Hmit:NlC cory (}f th$ C>)U;t~~Y"-!J: :fi1~ ~~a1U1tri.~$ b~>:" Attorney., r\)! di.~\Y'ntry ~na~~d~k Of ~Xh.i0h\'S- that ~-e }~~.3S~h}<~ A.ttortre-r ~~:mld dl,J."uo% ill,,',,\'! wi1h Cmmw bd;J1'~l pr~viJlng a ,,;')py. Do~uml<'nt:l 11'il1i1able In diiJml eh.,;tm)lie~()m'plltcflz~d torm ~h(>'Ak1. l)", jll<",yided 1'0 t11ltt f()rm .In (leu of plljrel' ~of,k~, Addition:lll)', At1nmey m~y be reqtrireJ tn suomi!, ,1n a mOT;!hly niilJlk a c~ 5Y\U$ and pm$f~;* 'l'et'Oct to hi j;<i!Jmjtt~,j lrS the Buan! ,d (';{><:IIHY Cornm;~~)vlWl'!i. Tb~ {nrmal ()l' the r.~<port '~h1iH ht 'h~ thft r<~:tn~ t~~<rl..lin...<1 by ~b{ (:~)UfJ1y AtMJtn~y", lS.6, C\~$~ l;@utrul. Attorney sll~li dtxu~~ an $lgnifkant i~t':tes d' 'l\l"dl"ty it.'\<l \ilC\ks.iJ'lthl<l.i!lg motioo,,^ rlhlO'~W'~fY. 'pbJildhtg$, brid~, trilll yt":?ill'ati,m, <lXr"~rl.~, a'nd tt~ttfemer.a,.: \v:hh. (\>unty befor~ 1myl~m~n:t{*iiort.. A11<Wt\$Y is (f(;P&"'W<~. t::r ~K~rti$;" h~kp.,tl<l.~1l1 Jlm&$~k<p111 jIJOstm'n1, !Jul ((l implement jj)C <Jecbit.'llf> (;1' ("Jl:l"C\y ;j,'i CXpf'-'lw.xl t<, 111~ County by the (u-.mt) Attorney, It 7, AttIlI'M:Y C{lilPfflltl~'l, Att(,('tw)' ",:n ~i)('P'<rute with C'}lJ:llty or C.lll11!y'~ t-t:~t~nt!tHvt;~, t<;; pro'ooptly' .l~f{rvhk ;lU ~:d{~t't~:uH.1()tl: Cts1m:ty f-t4ue~i$ m' o~e-d~ ~i~rt3~ trn~ SUt.jed tYW:lte.f ~)rtl~i~ Amrt:3;m:~;!nt ~~~d, i...ftotn~y"~ ~Uh, $,6, C'''tl;fY ""<Illl~.~lilm. AtH>ttK' ~h(",H <x'ntlJlt "'llh C<!'mIJ at>v,,~ all (rpp~Jft~U'.:i.tii:$ 19T {):Ju,nty t<) J>::~:'l~~ m~)ney Vf :maik~ U>"ie, {)fC-~)U.lltY-"$ ~rn~rth<e u; a$~i$t in~ ~ :~:rJg~: I f,~.; :;j :;; ,.:~t8:21::';:2l ~:);::G.: '~':2'<:,;'~'- t ~::.:' ~ '? C,ilt" nl~poMcilng to ,:liUO'lill'ry. fr~rari.ng !,n trial. k\i~titt!l' exp.:1.'ts, amllhe Hkl>, (\",ml~ 11my alrt> h~",\ p"lt'~T1llej and fadUtks !Wllihlb1c t" ~u~.t t\l<: (;XJl"H:~ .dated to ~h~, ~nbject m~nt~:r Qf ii"d$' Agreemtot 8,9, TiOlti1*''ft'/'}' stllfl', rldegatt<:ln, l>ull!l<'rtf'{lllg. ,womer wHl 1l'l1 biU Ommy fOr 111<' !hnc lmd eXpCl1l1CS (>f tempora.y ~nlplt'J(~l" induding ",'H:alkd "T1l1lIJl$" N ~t)J:'ltr~ct ~Htnrf)eY$: (O;f' utber ~tatT th:m1 t~u.t:o~i.d~ c(tttrp~~i1e$~ n.or' ~outi~~tn<.::~~'~' (}-f deJt~tf.: w~rk~ ,unr c.harl~Jt. fm: $U:.~m~r a$so(:1attt~~ t$:'~~ derk.~.. Of ~toot-nt c-h:~fktl:;;- (~i<~lk~,,~:t~~:t1y ''',((,:l\o4tlltV w,!1" ,~ if 1101 tcrn])"tm::Hy ely'pk.yd) withtmt J'uJ1l!d,,~ dhd<';>ll1~ d' iM ~l}{>1<jY<<~.5 tt~)'~por:ary <:1~' $ftQt't..4exrn :~tatm* t~j C~J~~nt}/, lnt-ltui~ng dHH:Ji),.~ure t}t'tht: ,t<:lllal ;Ml'Wl,ml p<lld ~'r K,lw p$ic. t<l lb<t lJ1<li;,'ldnID. Unlc.s Coum:y ""'pres~\y agre<% in w,hi"i!' 10 :p.~'ing ,.ddhi,mlll ,'l1\l"unl~ a:lk~ fdl disdo%lr~ by Art':Jrn.:y, Al1<l!1v))' may n~t -c,h@x.j:v C:ount;r more than th~, actual ~o~i ~hl by at~~J' 9. C<1lltid<mti,dity lllld VUbJk rellltlln"", Altm1\t))' to l10t allthorile:l t1.> waive ,'ll ~leaw any l1ihdkt'" (If othcr pml."~ljOtl of irtlt:lrtlllrti\m .. <;(mnceniial. ,>lXTl:l, tH' '1tlmrwil'rO ... ObtlwMd fmm .:'r 00 lnbulf of C0\rnty, Atl.om~y i$ t,) kMp ,,11 NX1tJdellli(\!. lJ1'ivH<l\l~6, N ~~';:N1 hll:"J1nlrt1l:m C<lllfi<kntiaL Thi; rell:"iNlll~ll! is pel}.'<':hl"l., L<:., it will ",m(illue e.,.",n <tikI' lX.", l.ennin.%tiN, d' lhe rj~llt\ioj)>>hijl and ,bi~ A~\J1'emell:" 'fili" tequir~~l)<ml h m~> intemld to prohl\>il !>Stumey fium .JsinG inf'.>l1:Mtkm (lbtaiooci frum or <:In b<:hltlf >-sf em""y, indu<.lit'lg work pwdlld pl^epar~d tt1. (:(!tuny'~ expense, fur dlwr dkllfll iJf A.tu:;racy <Jt i,,~ ,)1' hM firm, wilh.:'ut COlJuty'~ Ml"'Mc~ V<!irtftl Q'jmwu1. AttMIWY is nt't :wtl1,,1ized .0 identity CO'Wl.Y M (, J;oumy, l',~. f(lt P\ltplJ$<:<; of t1lill'ketioi$ Of :W"jffii~in;,\< wi\llM! Cr,ullty', ;dot ~PlltO\'iu. Uptm lermilMi<m or the r~preSCjll:Mk\tl. Attorney u$re"~ t<) RtUn1 1l(<lmpt1y <ill illt<lml~u(m lllm,lned (1()l\> Ot rm beh,llf of County t,~ C('UXlty, AttOmq i~ fiN <lulhmh:ecl to o'J1tlmu.ui;:atc with the puhlie, irt{';hHhng th~-; ~~,t'e~$$i,~ ~ilx:r:"Jt (\nlt~ty (~t thh.. tt1M~~r 'wHht>ut ~ ~dv~w<:t?, ;j~;,ppnr~'~xl <~<f C~:J,.mty, Ht (h+ttcnMp llf Attl(\M1ey m~~ fOld l'f(wk Vf<ld,,~j, A.ltvm{'Y uncet~tml,h !kH <\11 11lei; an.! "mlk prod",,! preflltl:cl 'by Al:t{ll:lle:J! t>f hi~ or h<:r .film at t\:'li: exp,)'(l~~ o.tCmmty (nt t<l!' whkh ('oumy it. <lth~rwl$;; bii1dj h 1.>m pr'1J<?>'t1' <:if CO\lm~. WiihllU! Cmmty's prim "nt'.en f"Ppr<,,'~l< 1hi; '.\Illr\ ;>W<lt"'\ tlwy .\N h(, \:m{\ hy .i\(i),)tney ;;'r hh ll1' kr film 11('1' dbol<l$ed hr Atiomej ,)1' hill (It hw tlrlll t<, otl=, e;':~Cl1j ir.1.h~ n,1mlal ~'1l>"1e <11' AttO'ooeY'$ r~pr"'$tjtlt,\tiun dC"uoty in thb rtlatter, AHiJ1T10' 1I1P'~'~" till'! C(lllntY"'Wl'j$ all rigirt,,, ,ntlUding ,"-'pyrit.!ll<., ti> \Xl..ktlal$ pt'1,a,,,d b'; C(>w,'~ <II' ~:r A{"ml~~" ,m IXm(llf ,~f C"tt!lly, Attorney ~h:tn UN{!),' Cm.my in writlrtB at lewt 60 ,bys m adva!1c~ of {!t.tit~,yinf.r. any ~1~(::n r'$l',.,':Q1dt~ ,:u~cl~, in th~ fY'!:~nf th~t COH.nty ft.>:qUests that t.rmy be jll'<:%.'rve6, ~hall.p!'$3o:rW lh~..tT, at 1M!,j; 01l<: It,kriti.'nal y<::af \with C",mty rC5JX1.Wiibie 1llJ payirl.g lhe actuul ,:,,~t of 5h}l'$g~). Att"nwy ;;hall1>'<J~'ioo Cwnty wilh ;;>t<J1J>;;>1 ,,<X~% to (i"du<S"tj; the ~tl'<lity to make t~'9ie~ ,,!) an attorney fik~ allJ w~'fk rr<>dll.C', fcgadl%t <):f v,,'ht.1fu:::f rut r~!,~~~n~tA~~1t~ O'r m,au.i~r i~ ~m~t):ing and 1jvbether uJtm:n~y tl<:.c.;~ oo..j ex~n~e,~ ~jffYK?, oo$r~ pa.h,1 Xf1 f~~Jl, n, .!)hpu!e NID~l'llNMi Ajt,:'1'''''Y ,md C~'tmly $1Y~e tlv.! a1: dillpUI.~~ n'gardlng .i!flQrruty'~, f(':~~ <:1f ~xpen5t:$, an=,' t~> b~ rtf,~~4v<~d v~~ua~t 't<:~ tbe l~tt"1~~durtm. ~Ul:d pra(';t:ic:e'::.:: lor :ms:ditti\m t.y lht }\It.;'m\;y C<Jn~\lmer A;\shlaltce l"l'o(;l'lml oftk F!j)fili,. );)$" 9 e,;:::,,: :> :'-;.~:~:=,:. .~,g~~ ,,:j:~;?'i, ~,::~:'.~ "::', .:.:...',::::, ;:::.'::::<:: 11- Gvnnling; iltw, m~dflkatl;m #t tlih '\It'o>t~mtnt, ~ntkl1 a~r~WPfnt' Tlib Ag:tc~mejjt 'j; tt> l~ il1i.Cl'pflO'!cd in #<:emdall.>~(' with the !aw'\\ z){ Fl0ridtl \l:1d whh th<, (,thkl,l r;Xl\lb~llent$ ,,1' that .i urbtlkti01\, Th~ AUltelrl",l',f 1'n~y J\01 b<! lJlodl1kd 11J jm)' ,<-,*<ay >,:vh'h(:StH tt<~ t.~.pr~$J.', 'CJ;;TIfcl:'.:r;: ~gr~:'jmE:!r'd, -of btJth. p;lftit~. Thh rt-j:H..i;Wt1tt: the, ,i(Dfin:-;. agre~:r{S;t,l<ftt. Qf tht pwmt 13, M('llN~ CUUi~ty COO~ Etbk~ I'ffl'dl\i'-'t'~' n+; 9m'i~hll is ("tmd in Se<:riM l;<;,8 beh)w~ 1$, Tillie K;w.'il~f P<:Onw: l\f u$l1d In lhi~ AlP'e~'ml1m, tilt' tl'nl' ''i;",<I 1w4'''.'' "hJlll incbJe AMmev ~nd Mhc1 llll,)mew lli:lci bdividuils id,m1lficd il'<k;~hibit A ';;ho will \:>(l pmvl<l1rq $;"ii<:~$ nm:ler 1ru$ AjVl'ement ,,00 wh\l will NrI uw C<Jun;, for their ~H;'r'.;'i<:m.~ is~ zo<:.Qr~~nce w'~d~: thJ.~~ AZff.4ttMlt1. lA M.,fnmh #t ,'^prrlwltl ;!;nd CI11t~illlt fly C#unty: Any ;;:on~Mt~ !>r i;PPf('~)* r~q(til%'(j l>y thh Ap1:eme\t If< 1,;; m"dt by th~ C~llmy ~l"ll, un.l~&$ WI: <:tjIlM;t f'8pt'~,$$J Y' 5tat~w ot~i~; b-.J m~id~ t~y m:e .C<H~t.tt,.. At1:otnt':r 1..,1l;' ~Ul aw:mz:ed As~i$m(iJ: C},;nty At:l/:Iff%~1i hJ \vnl.tlm ibmt, to lndll<k bY!: nO! llmit:ed tl:l h~n.I.Wth:ttlJ~ tj'1K~j, or prin1W !N~%, e!e~ml!llc maiL lett<:tl\, 'x !ae;\imi1c 1m.Wlmi%i(ms 16, Frotidll GI1"~nlm~:llt-ln4Iu:.Snn5h1i'1l1 Lllw: At1tlrne,' ;;g:ree~ till\!, tlnl~$~ $jX-,;lf1qlly excr,:pt~d <J< <1'W,;ytlld ill' J>k,klll law, II", pw'l~km$ ,;,f Clru<pkr 1:XL rltH"1&~ Sta~e$, ~,N'.t~t'..r.aUl" rrqHife n~u a~d pt~bHe 6j~:~,r.t~~$i~n t~f nm:th~~r5 'hi') bi'V(lttd \iron by t~,e Houd ,)( C~ImIY C<1mmi$$i;;n~r$, Attorn!;y l!gr~. h, ~onsut! ..1m tht County Attt>mey'% \If:ikll mn(wm\nii. the apl'fi'''lllt,11. of tiw $mmhin~ bw ft1Jfl1 !\I1W m t.i.m;z ;:ttt1~(;:rn:,bg sptcHIc <::it~,um11,atK-e~ th~t :~y ari,t;;t! ~hu:in,g the t~rnn of tbi.~< A,gr~~.t:'nt 11, f1<>ddtl P"bllt RI1<<)J'd~ L~w: AttQmey al'r()~ !hat, unl",~ ~cH\~Il!h- exem1:>l~d Of n;<:tptw, by HMldi; 11tw <Jr Ru1l:'s <find R"'2lJllliQ'j~\ ofTh{O Fl<J6da B&r, !h~ l"N1Vi;km,< ,.{' Ch&pt~f 1 I g"Florid;! $tn:t'M:5. gen",mHy require 1'\lbllc a<x,,~m to an t~C,)t&; I1tt.J ,joj;1lrmmb whkh m:q he m.ade <>r re~d,,~J uljder rIDS "'if,,,,m>mL AltQm{'~' Ilii~r<<" to <:JJr,st,H with 111", County AM:Thl;r'~ ,)ffice t;M~o(tmiug the %lpJk:nKllI ()f Ih!! l'ubk Re{:.om$ La~).? frcoo. -rtW.t to' time (x}fiii:I,e:rnh~$ ~p~,H1"" d:n::un1J.Um~e:$ tmtt may ml~ Jur.ir;,g !h~ 1erm, <11' thb P<li\t><,;efll<\m. 1S, O,"ntY'$ Stand~rtl <<;tmtnct Tffln"ll IlIJ N" AMil:nm~nt~< Wm1<'l;tl.h~ pnt>r WfWml j;,mwt,t It<:"" Ihe C<:'\U1t'y, At1<~~ru};<j shaJ~ no:{ a.,~~i1pt {Jr t:ran~tttr th~~ A:~it$;Hn(~t)t~ l1.1.2 }i:llNw Aw~<r.(i1",'t. Tnt; lmti<<, ~!lfMln"I.\j tx.tweltll I.l><, C<:>t!Xl.ty ard At:t-o-rt~t~y with re~pe;;:t 1-0 th~ ~'~~bje<:t ruWS-e:r hf-t't<jfl~ (<Qnfuin'eJ, ht, thi~ Atrn~~Mn~fXt -:n~J~~ :%.:g:r(~~~'H)<~t~t ~t;:pt:rt';t:<:h..::$, an fjtkw (rfrtl >xea ~"dttert -P::r":~<i~~$;~l;s: {~4 :f<;-orn:n:m~).i<I-::ij:Ho.m~. 'betw~en tn<'; c,,*~:.m-ry' amJ Att()t!t;:::y- rt:'.bu:d 1t~ ~h1 ~ A,grecme~t, 'Nt.' o:ro\i.do~~ (,~f thi$ Aj?J~,Mu( $hllH !:le j;;;tlWd \>''1lh-ro, w:mmdd ,)t' m,~>d(f1ed by <sidler piltty \1lue(\:\ !;uJ:h 10 ~~::;::~:+ ,L.i.:'.i:.' ;:"';'.' :~';, .i~N!~):::: ',' ~'.' '~:", :Nn.. :j(:~:'I '5:::1 '~"",'" ~',W,,! :::':i:(:~~~ .} ..~..' ': .' "vaf'o'~t< amel\dm~l:ll <,~ I!Kmlf",nt.i<ll:ll~ ix, 'iYTIXillg a~d sigtt<:cl by \lw p;uty uj?ak$1 wl!(,w :hewfi\yer, jilll(;l11in1t,llt {jt wo<lifkatioll h dain1oo, Thi:; Agwe111e11t mall be l>lmilltg u?~rn ~:nd i:n\lfi:' t9 'the herm=i1t <~f the pt1rtk:t btmtn:< H~:d:r 'per:~nirtud ~:W<.:"t-e,~$..o:ts ~nd a$$~g11~,< 1 &.3 Sl,"'('r&bmty, If ,. 1<l'l1n, ,.U%'tllUJl, t1'11ui(i",1 m Jjl'(l','bkm or (hh A,gnX"fYHWX :;!wl! h~ &\1dan:ld invwid Of tl1W"f(lt<<~l:lle 10 nny extent by a ~O\lrt M '"ll:'Jl"'tenl ,hriuJiell<)", 1M ttm,ji1'li11& l~rm", wvemmt.~, ~{'llJJtk<U$ Md P!x>\\i~i<>lj.~ vf 1bi~ Iq~rum~'Ht ~J~aU n<.*t he afJ~tjttd. thercby~ ~nd m:c;,h rerrtaining M::Nn.. ('4v/etHtnt.~, i!J:mailh:n alld nr(l<iisi"ll d' 111ls Agr~\'Om\~n1 slwU till vulid QUa $hall be vQfl1;f(oi!al'll: Ie the hUellt r,~k1rt' tx?m'i1:t~d by Ill';" llnk&~ th~ enfor{;'n1'<P'I1 c,r 1h~ l'ftl11linllljl t*<'ll15" ;~{~'~<<mMtl..~~ Ctm,dit:kH:t~ <L~{{ f.<<{.,d~~~.:ai -of 'lb.jt; ,'\g!~ent: w,<;n<:ld prevent the a<:t':o(nl'1H;l.ftdn<~tH: ~}r the od~in$i. {nte:ttt of thh ;:\gre~lt~,t The Cm,tnty u.n<l /\Jt(*~~t.,' 1E,f(,<< t<, l'et\,nn. ;,J1,; ^ltl'e<11'%'fl1 1<' f,,!'ll<<e tillY $lri,;ketl r"H'L~j(lIl wilh ~ ;alid f.'1(whion thal <;CVn1t'1 M dm" ilS f'i.)~~ihk te' lht: lnl<;C'i11 Mtht: Mrkktl1 pn'\'1skm. 1$.4 C1tplin>>s. TM <:liptkm;, i\.ct. '!Mh h<::ft\in Mi! lor i!<:nwelliell<:e ,,1' rdtR'lt.:'e on\y :a~~d ::kmB n~)t .:::kdlrH~:~ DlfJdH,,;: (~r Emit .any f:~f tht, t~rm$ h~rt:;;& titS GO'IIenii!:l# Law ~ntl VlllUlll. TIli. Agtl.'fm~'1 $hall1m i:J1>,,,med t-y anJ CO:l1$\nlCG ill a~,;x"l'1i=<: whh l.h~. fa,'Il> d' ilw Stale of fhn",01 appllealik M e(lntract" n1a& and !o be p<rl'ffimeo illltltdy in the Sill(e~ V.:rllUll tilf any l<ti(,afIWUcrl whit:h may ~rlw m:t ('[ nr w1<ler (},.i$ a~fe<!1lllmt "bill be ;r; A1':>nl'iW Coumy, fbri<!", 1.$0$.1 (Aufli~ ill hit~"1lr<'tMj<}ll. Tlw C('''l'lW and AiMnl~Y a~", Iha!. III ':he t'vem ,J <<cdlktin,'6 lllt1:f:?r~1l'ltiOJj1 of tb~ ttrm~ or \\ ti!lT"" of thh ,~n;ellwnt by Of ~1w~en ib'm, tile finul il1\e!p!elalkn 1'>)' tt~, CHum)' ~hall 1I1jJl.ly~ 16.5.1 AdjlidlfflU4i1 fir 'OUl1lHt:~ liilt! J)i$l1gr~tm$l\t'" Th~ C01ll'lrr "lid ,Attorney agree tom, ~1~, d~spt3.te~ ~md, iH&1:grccltte:n(~ k~w~' them dhaH be ~::IU~fl:l:1~,i.il h:~ !.W m,olw<J by " !rre~1 UI%j ';ouf<l<J ~'''jkm l:mtW<'ell ref"'<l<1etttatl"~~~ of ilt~ Cvu','W $l'td A'tt-.:)rnr-y-, tf~bt Imr:...a~ ('W h;;f:u.~:::; ~u:,~ ;$1iU n,,~it p:~otnx:f f:<~ {he $~~tI${~i'Hon t:~fbs.J~:ll ~?s.<hhb, 30 <1ly" Akr (The, :n;ee:' 1I:r,,1 ~Ol1f"f !43$l>Il:l, 111l:tl eilher $h!IH ht";l the ti(?M k ,~k liUd\ fdkJ as milY be provimd by this Aftre=em Uf oy Florida law, 11i.!U COOp.,ratllilL 1Il 'h<l1 eYH.t lint a4mhistl$lIVl: <"' letll.l r!\;ll:"~&"e l~ inmitu:u.:":-<1 ~~WStt~ e.ttb~r the C<wnt;f <rr Attt~nt~} rebt{ng. t<j thf;. f~):m\atk:H'l1 ex~~udx)n~. r'e1fN1uJ.\ltC~, m brt.a~,h <if lb;~ Alir,*m~"I, tbe CO\IWy ltl1<J A11(,tnty "adl l.gt<i;;l 11> pllttl"'p:l:k, It> 111(0 o;t.:!!! mqttircd t,y Ih,~ {,iller, .in <<Il pwcec,ii"g~, hea:tlx';$:>, Pf{l{(OMC;. roe~~Hng::;;~. Md. <)d~,~~r ~cd\'ith.t;~t relM~d t'r.t n~<~, '~RtftgtarH~e l)f t:h:k.) 1\~1te<~iro\~:nL "tn-t C{ri~ntJ' ~:r.tcl A1tl),mey ,e$.<c'h u1J-;re,c that neifher shan he re,pJ:h:N l(~ en:te:{ ~:nt0 ;any athhrar~tm w~.::~~et.din.g:~~ r-t';f.nt~d to m~:s' Agn;'%~nt or an,. .Atfu~~t Qf AdJ~':TIdnrn to thh A~~t-eerH<.nt 11\3.4 l.itg#l Q~rilj;,titi1)!i$ .lil(!d R~*lWnll!lJllili't*: N<li'l-cldegati{'1l IFf C't~ft!1itimHf:l_md S)f' St:ah.dnr)" nutt-es.. Tl~~::;; A~V-:-t:~m~nt i5 not' intended. -~:) tdieY~~ ntH' 1t :':,,:','- ::.,,' ;~.u::::<:? ': ~>.~ '~;:~:, "Me""" ,:: ::,~,,~.-~ ::.;'> ~ ...,,"",...'.....,., [.t:~:) :;h,lllil. bt' ~,~t;~(f11ed a~ rdieviht, dl!l'5" lh<< C<'Ul11y or Att{)tl\ey from MY <:>bliglltkm ot ~:eSiW:Hjitklif):' j~~po$td up<:<rt ~ZW}1 :by la~',ex~~pt, ~o tu~ ~x1~.rl.(.~f$CtU-3~ ~nd :~md)~ wr!hm~'UK:." l.h,~,f bv lh~ vlhw, in ",hl.',;h <."" th~ ~rf('rm,w.~e tnay be OH<'l$& If' ;~U~it"'liol'l ()flh'h,hji~ltlkm or J~,~!l()i'sibility, r\.1rtlwdhi~ A~11'l>:nt h l10t intended 1" Mlth.~rir.~. ll<}r S&IU ii i>to t<:'M'lrud ~~ 1111lhon<,il111, thl:' del"1gu;:bll Gl'tl1e ~.onstitl1ti<>!lal (>f ~tatHl,>r" ,bt,e.s oflh<: (mmiY, {'~ceJl\ to tht llXltJlt pltrm!it>:d \>>.. the noti1.4~ (\H\-.~thutJ';n~. ~~t:a1e $tatut~~;,. ttt~, l~t.w< <M~(t~, $rf.'cirlcdly~, the' flr(}od~i()n.~; <rf(~ha:?f~~ 115... flm1dl' St~wt"'$. Ht6 .Att(lmey'~ F~u alld ('I.~ti, ill (1", to',.I.:l'H MY adminbtrll.tiHl pO~~'(jdill# 01 ~~.nt~~e <rf a<~H~)n, i~ iHtt~,nf:.d or' dd)tn4<:<d by the C~~~m:ty nr- Attotttty r-e.laNvt to th:e tnihfC~mlmt '>1' \flterpremtiQIl of thh Agre<:1!'l.}"t, (ht: pt",v~i1inf\ ~ty :.ll!\!l ~ <:mhk4 t.o ar~ aw~nl of ri:,~~~nable <lt1mn~y~~. ftt':~, ~<mrt (-O$lS; i'n'Ve!m.~#tlv~~, ~md: Q:u~:..t)'~;.,?,'}~ket "XFm"'~, Mall <lWl\rd %pthl';\ the \1"l"j1f<ovaiHng .f"'m,y, mld altai] im:lude roa%'n~hJe ~d~(r(nt'}/'$ K~t~~: ~:::O?Jn ~;~}:jt5~, 1nvt~wt*iath<t:" an.d ~H;,t....~~f"'pt,Kk':M: ~xPe,Wiei in a~.H~f~ l'n1ce"Ai"z~, M~4iathm ptocltedinll' iuhiatd awl cOMucte4 put:l\llJlrt 1<. this i\w~xm(;:nt Uf' $~ tE:wy bt;. rt-o;luh-ed b)?' a ~.{Jurt of c~~mp(:t~.!)t jll!'lidi~~thm ~nali bt: ~(~t1th~~;t.~<J ~:n. ~~~O'fa;~~c:;t 'with t,h~~ },lQd4$ Rui$.,~ ~1f (JvfS vt-o~wure :and u~ual ani.1 Gl!;tO'1'<ll')' llr~1:todare~ tcqail~d hy *l: dr<:tli1 ~(la1t \If Mt'nm<l' COW1W, HI, '1 Rtwmb, ""'X(m,,,,y ihall rmdnlilin all book& !c{i)l'd~, ,,00 ,k>twl"-ml$ d.irt>crl)' r~rtinew to j'X'fbn:nan<:e 1111&;;( 1hb i\gr~ffi<'''L inciuJbt 1hee <wcom<:l1ti reefurred to )0 g"",tiOM ~A Hlld 10 '~f this A#""mel:\t. il:\ w;.'x;r,!<t;lCe ",,'il.!; 11ener;t1h a\;;;"'ple,i accounting prin~iple$, e,;u~blentjy aw1k& . \}ptitl Wll (1 0'\ b\llli.;~~' d~~:;' wf\t1<1l:\ ,wtic<: i" th<: NiIi'!:, f~rn:~ent(dv~r, or "ith,,'1' fJ~ CNmty {)'r At1N1Wf rl1;;.i1 hu"~ ~tces~, ~M all te;),~'}M(ik timto.& 1<. ,,111.hl! oth~,( pl:\tty'~ 1)ooh, J>:;(AJnl., a:"'I""':r\ln<kIl~l" i,n~tt~Jcti(,lt@" r~1eipts~ \<Pt~~jhm ~nd m~tfi(:tandu (exth:.tt.H.:t::g, o;'OtttpUh;t ~ertwJtt) rert~irlll1g l.() w,nk .),,(let ,hh Agmr:m",ut (\,<, l'h~ ptll7'1l$~ ,,[ <:Ol1dUdkg II et\1!'lplet'" i.!'lJllfendent fbli'lllltldie Ml<>TIWY 5hall rej,liIlRJ1 :reC<lrJ5 tequi.red to bl! kept tll1,1er lhj~ ,;\~~'!t{',n~' for ~ minhn.mn (>f [hit yea%~ a~d tbt: :at, Jea~t r~m! yeaN., after d1e t1t',tmit~~tt:km. <rf thh~: ~~gre'rt~,tq~L l\J:t~ro~y ~haU l;'~~7 ~-uGh r~::J'o>)t'd$ a:.~ ~~rw H$:)(%t~:rJ 1<t ~k~~lnt{;nJ thro ~'ttfbrn:utl'>::~ <~f d~, aff.rf5~ttn~:ftt: Jnd (~:~p~rt:S~~ ia'$ int~1fr~~t ;W~l give a.:;~~e~~ tt> tht,~t: re<'..:'.irdil at t1~e r4f;qu~~~t sjf t1(:: C~s\tn*'... too State of Florida ~f ~.u~th-r:.<rb~d ~#ente, tl:r~~t i<,:,pn~m~ntMjv~~~ 9f 5~~i4 g;;w~mrt~~nl, tx.~dit?,~., !l i;$ dm tt~p.)rmiNHty of AthJJnty to mlumab <1!'.!'1"prlale r~<'''mjs (0 imt.t<< a j1rGpet ',C<;\;lIntiHQ "f ~1l "<llle~ri0Ii< I<<"ld r"'mitt"n~tl<, Atwmq sluIl be ru~c'11$il>b fl'r r<!paym<'IH of lWy ~rl4 all lJuJi1 ""~".l'tilmt; 'whkh oatl, ilkll1libd 1;: 111<>> h\ldiwf O~n<::ml 'Of lh~ SU'I" of .Florlda, fu~ "') , f<" ." r> ~.,,-~, -- <" " f'" -<,;,. '4':.f't, :0 ' :-v\n:)rt; ~or ~~:1;(:mtN ~.>ounty~ h~ ~,i~s,'SJ (;t co~tnty \.:Q:RW1,wMoncrn ,01" ;'nr~rH'O::': Cimnty'~ Or-1;ht>k <~~~{..<nts: and r~pt~5~ntllav,~S', 18.),1 fllb!k it"..,,,,,,., TIw c.~..m()' will /';ltonwy ~hall a:bw llr.d pmmit l:'f,~s>,mubk ~~:CC~S$, t~) ~nd, hl:)r~tkH1 ,1( aU d1X~'cwn:{~nis~. ttaptr~~ ieth;.',n.;, or (!<ther m#te:rlalS ..f<uhje<:,~: 1(1 th:t Florid;t Publk R~~(:t>n.l$ t~rV:c:':: ~:~$ p!(n;,klt.<-..n hi (J~~q::<wr n:4:.:, l'h>ri.da ~t~t~lt~,~~ ~~~d m,ad:e Qf' r~"'{;,4iv~cl 'Oy th~ thw'i" tmJ~f.1> &pedn~,a:Uy ~xernt*tld. by Sb~M $bWl", Rukil iM<l R?gdlltl(lt,~ (.{ Ill<' Florid"l Bltr" or 1:;M" Jaw, Cnum! ~l1aJl bi/VI; tht rigti! t.~ ~~,~ili;;;,el tbi5 ~g:ret.tm~nt ~p~H~ viohaion f~f th:$~ Jlf(g.+tkm. hy .<\J:tnrne}'. ~ ''i :.... ~":'{.:::::I:: :~ j/:t ~~. ;:)~:,: .'.',,' ",. '~:". ; ,::', ':.;'::':, f~~J:~:~':':';,~;} S)';, 2:;Y~ PA~r. t<k t~: 1!V:l M,O"NW ('oo..tv t'~'&e li:thk~ l"r"",lJ,i(Oll. AHm'!1e)' Wll1T"'i!~ 1nllCt he )\a" nt', ~.)'.phy",i. retained or O~"M JilW ;;;tot ')!,lli;~ rehuJ( nny fo=~,r COl.l1l\Y offhxr or en.pkyec in ";0(<16,'11 <)ff;,,'{,tk1n '1 (,fOrd,nml<:e 'Nt" 1l}.199O I:ff (00)' C<)\lllty .>ffi<:$t N emcl"w~'e in V;()!lItim' ,>f&;)(io!l j <JfOtJinllll<:<l Nil. J(l (99(1, for 1:>_1:11 o. "J<llatitm of 1l;I,; p~'Nbi')n In<l C"ur'~:i mil)', '1\ iL~ ui~"l'e\k>llw t~'(rd!\lH( lhi€ Agr~>err"~n! without liabUity im<i n)lt" alHI, at its cth{;~>tion, ded'~~t froJ1l 1h~, ~U~~ lliWtXl .m4H tb,' <'\tt$~~n~nt~. <~t' 6.:dl-te:rw~,~ r~,c(r\ler'. th~ thH f,tf:iUJtmt uf an~r fee,. <:'l:~tnmi$i~i<~n~ ?~f~~~~rtllge:~ .gift <)t ~xm~i~ki:~t~.;~::. ~~d t<~ the fbH~r ~r Pf(!~t t);)t...m.tf officer- or ~1)1ployee, County en.rplnje<l$ ImU ",t1kt'f$ sre ft,,pked to ((>t....pl)l with tile ~1<!l\4;,rdj; ,,1 <:<:>f\duct rldim;;;I>:"j in SCt.dnn 11:'L31j~ r~{3ci&, 3t-~~mh~s~ rt'i{,~~:r4i.ug~ 'hut nm: Hmitt.-'i1 t<~> ~~oUcit;::;tlXt:i~ (::'f.' ac<~pt~:o(,(l ,;"f gill,s, lll>,ng O!l:;1!\~~$ willi ,me' $ .1!,\<;1WY, ,mautn.m"."j i.>':.n\pe!1$;Uil>!!. mhu:>e ,,f publk !X'"\~k.,, <:l>rAlkl,ng empl,'ymem ',)1' c,nlJ~"';I'l.1ll relitti"''',c<!llll, &'(( di~du~ure ~~:f Ci::f'<<A:h1 3n:fi~r.m::iti;;)n, Ilt' Alltoolitv, Attorn~"" '",,~rmn($thm h(, and lk, ~lilb<)rit<uJ \.,m~ k"(1(M;i; ~Ij, it<l1Mrized 1>1 law IltlJ the Rak; llod RegulM'<lll$ of T1',(. l'1<wl% BM (0 eflll~g~ in If!'" rwrl(rt:n~Md~t~ i:st the activHit:~.; ,f,~'tx~rrrtmf}$ed by th.h~ Af..-reene:nt If A.ttorn~;r i$ a mend>tr "f I< l~w f;m:" eHh<lf a" pWf.e1', ~hl<fd1t,ldef, ~%,)<:ia((l, 01 Nhec rdatkmshlJ'. Atl(>'I'""~Y waIT;\j)t.~ th;at he i~ aUI\xxhucl w enter inl" .lib Allr''llm''m i;!} Altorm7'" I~,w 11r"",, IS, H1 f'ublie l~ntity {:rinl~ StllCW!lmit" florid;; hw !,.rollij~$ that ptlWI1 or d'i:lh:,~w wh<} h;&.1< b~t.'1.l: ph~t~d Gn tb<~' ix~rr',dd:t-d .,~,:tt4or lht i14k~)Aing ~~ e-tjw~i~~t~QH :f(W l'ublk ""ky clime lnfiY not s..bmh ,~ hid on llCl1 "'jF~,~menJ tv pwvldli a!(v ~ooih o( tK'<rVtres: 1:0 ti. pubHc eutity:.. fnay n,nt rubtttit a bid (l::fj a ~~~eme.nt ~1th ~ tmMk entity f'(>1 the. ~~:mM:n~.c:tk,n '(>t' rep~'lt Hf ~~ '~r:.)h$k zr:Jikhtl@ ~>t Imblk w<~rk~ r{~~i" n:r:~t $t~.brfdt tridt; 'm .1<:"''''$ of 11<;;\ pt"P"i:rtJ 1<> p"I)H~ l:Pti1y, may fiN re aw~dd ~,! .il\!r/;;;mn ",.vI\( M I; COl:l1Tll"t"L \iMflPlkf, sub ;;Ctl\!'aGkll', or CDfI'1l11111ot un.fef 11 lIveemcnt vl'lth :my ll'uMk tntHy~ and tm~y not trun,~~rx hU1j:nt'-~~ wit.h any .pubti(', <::nt~ty in ~!~ce~~ of the: .'t't~rtt:~hcld ~un~~~~f~t .pr~)'li"id~i,d k. S~~th>~ .;'f.nX}17~ ft)?, CATEGOR.'<{ rV~T) t<~t n rt}dod ~lf 3-t mm:::tns {rum the rl:aw' ofl~h~g 'P1~~1 ;)n tht e~~:rvkt~d vm~d<Jt list Att,orng.y w~t'~'~tl:t& (tm adlhcr Att<':ll1wj' n,~r imy uullwrlzd tiut~ ke~il\!r M.> rn.'i::l'l ilIlJl'.etl 'to th~ ,~onvkkd VtllJar li$l 1lU 1 Antl~kkba<)k. A.ttorney wm!an!~ (!:lilt ruJ rerum r,M b= ~'mphly~4 ,'T :n:t~h~{~d t(~ ~k)l.kh 6t $.te:urt r1~b AW~tttl,tnt ut~~i~ ~my C(3nnam ~,*r l1M~t1~ttn~,:Hrt,t fht ~. 1:<1mmhoi.(m, P<"rt$l11"l!'~" b1<lkl!'t>\l!" '~l' <x>nlil'lt"l11. f~e, Me that "0 "oopf.oyt'e N (l'flk.el' t>fthe C.(t'u~t,... ha~ nny inteh~;~t~ nrunchHy Of lJthtrfl,vhc; it:: thhr }\ff.:re~rnCtlt~ ~}~{'*p! ~~ (xj)H'Mly' €"II"d htl"J'in. For hr~l1Ch trt vhb.6ilO of (hi~ '''<tIT',w1y, lk C<''1nty dmD h;;"e tbe right 'if.) wlf",ll.bis ilgret'n',cnt withnl.ll, liaNIi!)' Of. ill J15 <Jl,;;;f"tkll1, t~, J~d"l<':! any ;;Wr1$ '" b" .raid 11)' C'-'U!1t} under (hh All:fe~mon!. "f <)(lten>.%lt 11;CUV<)l:. the futi. ,mlVur,j (:f !<Uoch <:<':m1rt:ds:Si<m~ pt't~,t~nmgf.-_ hr-jJk~tast, <37 {'(mtH:~gtnt Jbe~ lKU M$dlire~tl~n~ .mtl AmendmllllM. A'<tY w.J all mooilk"r:l)ll~ !>f the !(''f1ll:' 'Jf ,hh &gwcmem JibllH only h<.: M'll~!,(kA ill '~ljt'''li' ~1ld (',',"~\IMd by 'the go~rd of CQu.'lty C<lr{'~mjt1;i,onC'H.; kit t~1<rhtrm~ C\'lHht:Y ~H:ld by A.tti:)~:Y. u ~:: -;,- .;":., ":";-~:::::~':; ;'.',: ., .~:-~::::: """''-'''''''.' , '..,:,:~' .,'.' ",'.. ' d'..<",~, "-:-.,,," -:-::l,~:;',:, ''^"....,'.. ;~:f<:::~::: ~ ;:;;,: ' , llU.J lftd~~,~lId,mt C;;nind\lJ). At <Ill tim<:$ ,"',) thr lllll JnllT')~~ lKT':Iltlil~!', Ml<JITW'" ,~ I!XI indqx'l:\ci~1l1 c<mtrlll>tbr iW<i H{)( M! ",mpk'}>e~ of the B.:>irrJ of {\l1Il'ltf ('\)ntw:i,~;:!>it)n~r.~ .~'lf ~,,'km~ C(H,lllty" No: ,~Ml:em-tnt oonwl:n~d in. thi;: A.gh>tnt<~~~i: ihult he QontttU<~d ~~) .;W {(~ Hnn /\t~tH'tl:t;:y' ~t. ::lny ~Jf tht: ~~ufh~Jtb~'td t~~n~: ke:t:':tf....~-:: k) be tht~ ':tnphrj'~es ~,f t'h" B\lll%:l <>f (\)\l.tlt;: Cmnrnh~lon"'f~ <'f M01Wl1e County, anci th~y *,il1 W "n~itbll" '\I'IN "r d-..: rights, Fivi1<'t",s Of l:K'tWfh~ ,If en:q:>!IlY"I$$ ,11' i\4N\ttJ€ C{)t;my, 1.tU4 (:(ltlipUan<:JI 'li<i1:h Law. In tanyill!! {)ui Ath>mq'. <JbhgaliN\$ Imdw th>$ ii,trt(cl1W.l1l, Awrm{y ~haJ1 Ill>idl: by all ~'(1il<Jl~s, (n&itHm<<~. f\ik~ llod n'1?l.1ll<tkm~ P~fhl~:t)irtg to {)t, fegulathJffi L\e, fU't>viti~):n:s tif thb -,-%,g..t~en~e:rtt~ hwtucl108 ilio~ np-w' in effc<:\ ~n.j hca',Ufk" a.j'JjlKd, A!(f duta(\of( (,I' ~ni<l i>ti1t:uw~, ordinance", l1Ae$ Qf f't%~ul,$.tkm~,~ ~.;haH (~(,"m~~ti:tute a t1%)t~rial hre~t:h of thh Agre~r;1~'!~lt Alia ~~tt:l.tn e1lHd~~ tl~. C;;~mty t~> t~naina:t~ th1~ A:grt'~.uneI~1 irmrw,tHa1~}Y o:P{,~~ d-tUv:e:~y td~ )Nnt:..en, ntJt'ke, of ~5.NmlnatkH~ ~t) l;:l.tt(~tt~~'Y ' nus Ue~dl1g and f'tnni1il. Att'J1'n1l\J wal'ftll1tS timt Atiflroey ~h~ll lnw; pfi~~r. to {H:m)mem.:~:m,em oJ WI'Jf~ J;~ndef thh, <3g1'~:mtnt and {u an t:n~~ <hwiH,g ~~~t~d li~<;';~rk. ~n ttqul"re.d 'UC~~l~$C~ Uild l~:Njlit~ wooth:i;t ftdet~]< mat~,~ C\)~w)' Of (}ity, HU6 N<)n,UilIeriIlIlinatilln, AII(Yrney ilXlaH 11m Ji~crimitH\I<l, in it~ emlllo)Tll1:"'1 V"ii"li;;€~ ,w<il i" ptaviding: lW,rvkl$~ Mtnmder, 0" th~ bjib ~,.f ltl.:'V, ,dot, "'X, rdigiolt, Jis.~~Hnty~, lla~km~J S~tl:?:it~< u:u;;:e~1r.y~ t,*.:;~n;~l o4entatkm~ g~l<j\tt irl(.".,t~:Hty (~'t' e~(~'tf~mim,',~, famHbJ $'Jtl.1~, (Yr llge, am! wan abide by all ttih:rol ;jJld ~taW hi"''' ~~f.1lrdbj,\ mo- discriminalion. lJpt>r1 a J~"l1:llim\cion hy a ~(lml d <:Otllpt'lerH jllnsdk!ion that li'~dl db~dro-imrt:;Ott h~~~~ l'J<;~i\ltt~d.< thi$. A~~~;;:,'mmtt mltt'li~*tlcany tentlinm~~, v,,'Hh(~nt any furtrH~f ~~ctk<r~ W:.l th{<; Cf~(n:rtr ~ ~ff~(:tiv:e fhe da:c ~:~.f the C<~Ufl i.wder~ ~\tto:(t.my is ~:;g~lt(~ of the !)r,)'\!ishn~ of $~cti<m \3.1\)1 lhml,rl\ n-w", M(}t\t(,~ O:)lU1t~ Cod"" relatlo,S t;:, :n<:H1....dh(;thnJm,tt.~,<::<n, ~l,Uj ~gre~~t t~~ abi-de by th~ (\~k~'$ 't'~f;;m.H$iCdtni:natifm r~~p;;Jru:mtmtt, Ill.! '1 (J~llm1 1'<11' $tltte (W f0:l~f'1l1 Aid, 11)<: C"unlY J!u4 Auomq i'gr~ tint <:adl shaH 'lJC, Jmd is, ~'mrJO"'<."l'eJ I'.~ uf'pJr fm, ;;~.cl~, all.:! \lbwin lede1'al and sUItt fumh 1,) ft1(th~>r th<t 1'11t"""'ffi: nf this Agr~€WAmi. Im>videa 1htlt all "f!?liootio!H, reqm.'<'ts_ pi pn:~:i;~h~ :attd thnd,t~~g ~Jtkit$itkH'1.& l)y !1-.ttolmV;l ih~n 0<, &pp:r(~v~i by 1hw C<n,m.ty' prior l<i;) $:ubmi~si<<'1< .1.$.18 N(ltl><.R~!illn~." by Nq,,<.l'lIrtk~, ",;{) [1(."'-""" or ,mti"w "h<lJl be ~ntid(ld 1t> rely ~!Nn th~ lCrm$~ Of f.t:ny' ~)r th~ln< :of thb f,\,grttm~j~~, to ~t1k~,((:~ ~)r jjt1tttrt.f~t to' ~u:ft,n'(:t' ~my third...party ~htil'H {;<f onHtle:rnt.':nt, it} OJ' Mnefh ~f ~"1Y ~erv~c~ tit. program. .;ont~mplal"d h~fe\l,llder, !\f'A the Cl>lltl1y u:ud ",Henl"} agn,.., Ih"l "d\h~l' tl1~ (\>Iltlty 1,0! Athi<'l'WY or' My offi<;"J', <1g~rr\, ,W ,~mr1"y('~ of 41id:l ~h(tl1lmw thll \lj,1illOdt) t(l hlf6'rm" C0m~t;:tr~, -;}(' ~~tke:tw:!~$, in~,b;,;ate HUl{, ~'~y J)~ticu1ar rn.J:h'kh.ta.i {}f' grrmp nf ;:bdiv'id:~..Md$~ ~Ml1hy -0r ~-ndH~~~ ha<i~ :t:ntWt'mlet1t~. ~)i h$XH~:fj1$ wtctr ~h.% Agm~~,~~rt "1.'P"f(lf~ "d <lp"rl, 1I1kn,)r w_ or ~I.1J~rk>t Ii> the cm:rmnmhy in g""et~l or .for 1h<: :p~~ry<::,m:e~. e0'nm'mplat:(.;~ "i.ttyj~l" H&<:, ,A,g:::-:ternt::nf" l~t ~,9 Att~,d*ti~ns~ ltrtotTh't:y agre'~~ t~~ exe~ute, ~lJ~h d(K:IH't'~e~t$ ~~ tlw COttrltf rfiay 1.1 l\~~~,%m.:(.';bk f~qU:h:~~~ ia<:::hH.Hng. ;~t DfH.g".Ft~t 1A'(~rkpjt)c~ SWX{,filt::l~~t~, ~nd n p'nhlk f:~:~:n.hy Crinw '~tltemel1(. l!!.l(l Signl&hH'e~ ur Vltrti~'i; H:tiluinliL [his Ar:re~ment ,;h,lll,w\ (l<: ;df{}~\i"'J -u:otil ,tx:;;"ctH:td by h{:slh (:mWl}~' ,ard ,Attun~~y ~ln<i 'fe~.dH~d in .nnat, eX0~~utM krnn hy H~'~ a,Hd:HJdb::~d :\'\~:l:Sft,";St~nt~tt1ve iyf Cuu.mv , . .,' , tll.:H C<IlHtf" Aul!!lH'!IV, Thh A~$'\x>11),~111 hl,,,.lx~~!lll\,, (11/1'.' lwtkeu ~nu kg~t!) h~'W ~u:bhc ~~i':e1in~' ~;(H.l~hl<:~:~;(ll:Y:""-tvkj,r~I'{>~; Cmmty~ fl{)-rici~L h' 1321 N~> Pers-(H1g~ L.iability<- N~J CC~'{;tHmt <11 <)b~~z:mkHi cs::mtn.llw.d. In thh; t~.g:re~:m~nt SbHH bt~ {k~t:m>..;~J to h;~ -it CHv'::stUmt t~r obHg~:~Jh:)n of au}' ,nHjn~ber" (1)1(;<~r~ IIgenl. <,r w1pio}'~~ ,)f tb;; fk.<lT<l Of COHill} (:<)nuniji,~i,)mm; qf M"mn,e (:..,iWlty in hb .,'1' h(~t '~ndi\?~h.H~~ {)arm:f.i'fy :and ~X~ menl~~r~, nffic~r~ agent ~)-r l~,mp~{JY(l~ uf thR::, B{~~~rd or (\)\xs~ty (\)ttl;n~j8~.jo~>.iJ;r$' ~:tf }40~~f~,)~::: C~)~%tty ~:}~.aU hi.:. H~~bk per~';;;:)n;d!y' {m thh Ag:rt:z:m:~:rr~t <rt b(:: $'ul~~~;cs to ;iJ,ny pc::t~nnat Hah:iUty Of ~~~~{>tHlnitdity by 1X'~k<{>n {:sf t.he ~xi~~'~.dtH.1 pf l:bh l\gn::t.:;rn:~nt, l$+:tl It:.s+ee'Ud#<n in C~HJnh.'rparts+ This ,.:\~q~J.l-tn~~nt ,l!lit~' &--.t. eXiZ::cu:td i.n. any m,m~b~ ~~f c{>unwrpu:M,~~.< ~u~,::,h {}f 'w'hi.i::h ~~b;dt 00 t~gmdt.~c as t-t.t'l {Jdgina.l< an {)f whid1 fHkt.m t-og-ut.n5i;'t' ~bd~, tx:smnttuU ~)~K, and. the ~H.mc iH~lt'um~m. anu tht;: ('OUUly ;;wd l~U1i'~rm.~y .nn~y eX:c:.Gtitc' thh~ i\gn:,,"enlcnt 'by ~igning any -such tXH,mtt:q,art Trill, ,H;Rl<:V\IRNT 111'b been "knd Im<1 ,~xecHKd bv 1.he Ek'urcl nf (\JlJll!y {\)rnm:ls~{ion(':rs {Jf 'tkmrt#> Cm.mty,. Fk~;~dH::, (In(~ h<M; fx.x.t;, :$fgn(::d ,;~r~d eX(~Plt~>d., by }\tt<~r:nf.1, (W~ tht J:~~t~~.:) indkn:t-l.i:o bd~l'N~ and $haH b.: n;tn~;~~";1X<::<:. ~(~~ and. .~He~tive as ~A~ ./\:pfH i ~ :tHO 5 . Hoard <4 (~(~'iJ:r~ty' ('<;)rnm:L~:si,uner:s or M\mrt't: ('<->lint;..' )\tt:e;:~M:: DtttH~Y L. K6hb,g:~" Ckrk H", " '.=,,'~Y~'~----~ Bv, ci{~;;r~;;";~s:~;~;~;'y:~:''''\i~(:\;;'~'''~j~;:~~x Dl\t~:_"",^__""WW"'WW"""^""W""""'''''w..", r:N~'Puty Clerk Dalt:""" ..."ww'w,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w.,,,, h ,c'^""'~\ ~ " l\. . "'~ ,~; '. ! t! ;..;.:# .~. ... ":~t,,t.4!-f.L~~"^'^,," Si~:H,MttUt~ ~.,~.,.""."'" - ~ ' fi1ir<14P' 't) /'ihrF " .".. ,.'w",,,it..,"""'t..,,..,!,..<...:.....<,..,t::!.I..]Jr....JIL.,,. l'ril)lN~m" f' .:~\<kirt$.5:, ,,~Y, ..w.,",: /' /; < > ','" , ,,%,,/., , """ '1,/;r; ..,:;[?C ....<, t:.;'i4''';C ", , t-->" t$(;r ':u-:{')tJ ~,{t 7:;(""""'~""':'..r:>"""?";;f"'::'..;."........,.., ,., .~~l . "'-l"" ..,..""~ ,$ I T"klllJQn\: Numl'1C"r; "'fie 'I ,({".~ "r '2 n ...Ji..4,;;:::;"..Ln....mt.'~,1;;6,"'.~,.....l'i:<<'.~,~'~;:;..~A-:'.::,.,' Wi1.Ms,n/ ; / / / /' y. " !(' ",:.>-' "-w. ,f../ '-_W""w. ~,,~,......,.t..'W"""W"'" ,', ...';,.w.,..... ..,...."'",,,..,..,,.,.,,,, .~>>'..~'.." Si;u:litW,C /' ,....").' ~'1 ~' ,;.,:-./' ; < .~~/ /' ,< \ /"'/.(/ 'Joo >, / ,I}. l/ j/ '.' A'" / .J',,( hA"._..",,,~,_w_...,~ < ... 9': '~"""""'~.....u., \ .U~..i:..j~".. .,......~....'" ....",.......,...",,,'.,,'.,.......'.. -w Signutx~r..: )"l"',M''':",-",,' "','., .~'i::<"""~~';l<-M,': tA j:v~p""{ .<:t""~'<"~E'''l'~' . " A~"qOVtD ,,$ TQF;j~R:""" ."\/1' /. ~. '.? r"'/ '~~/~' '. . , ~ rl ",?> /.....// .... .~, ".: <__...<~.-..ct~... Y' N-, .rfteW':NE w" CASS~\--""""""" l ''-;''':'' <,">'k>. ''<'' ..... .<<;'O~~~ ,.-'\.~~ (~O:J;".<-r"/ li':?"~::'<:~~T'" ",,,," "'... ..</ ; '~' " "" """ .. ++1" ..", ~",."...,......~w. . ,,,............,..,"" n [Xln~iT A <<-,...., M,iWll' M~lltifl~l<tiun: 'l1w istl<}m~J ~h"ll ,\,!vi~ th" Cwmy AdminHtfQl,Of ill th,~ Imla of employment hSlJb, emph\ym'"1l1 lllvwtig<li\('t!, aud p;:n;onl1d b~1Jc" which lJ,l'v<(' " p:tll4:~nt.bl. -fur Ntifi.,-ldnn an~ in \vh~d} l:b.~ Cou:nty l's.drnintmn:w:H' h~~~ b~~~Jl ad'<:'iR:~j by th$ Co\mty AltOm,,>, thut lh\! CrnmlY AlI;ern'c))' h~~ h \:<JrJllcL Rd~tt>l!ceM 3,2 UndlMt;,llS III StIlPU {if Ri:pl'tt~el1tatil1l1~ Altum~y shall C<Jil:\<Ull. ..lit,)d!Y with the (otm;] AdministroWr. If Q j~ml1~l dwrging d,Jc\mlem b m~d l:,y ItH)' pml} 1l1stitmbg Utig~ni(m.,; \):r the }\.ttofn~,y detlj,~l'1nin~< th~t it is in the beM interest e,f the COltHty in 'inithrt~ Iitlg:ltkn <>il ,my (If th.: lsH,li:'.' tb~ A1ton1~Y hus bNlllmndllng uno",r 1hh; AgN~m';nt, tb,: AgrNme11t b a\l\<.ll1',;uic:Jlly 1'~nniH'lted, The Atto1l'lcy shalll1oti.tY th~ COllllty i\dmiilistratm <lend the ('(lUlUY ,~M de'km1k.e who will ("r~,e\'l1 (he ('<J,mV ,11 tilt) Hdgal,k,n; nOl.hirJh; in 1'hi:; Agw:rm:n1 ~hajl ~rrcdwk 1'h~ A\1nrn<oy' ilu!11 hilllJling mld li,igahm, Ib~W,j.\L&e~ I1mi ~,,';;(s tn J\tjK\i.\l.f.(~4Jm~kuh1'u\~\!kW)1"'111 ~blI11!;91J1Xt;;~;6 s.jnyJj\~ Jh~r\l;'$w;jJM1?,tiLt7.J,.~Wili, LilJ\!l$:<;\ttuH.l.,ds QJl\tt,,:iJtNDT ,let a~ C('~ ~g,lHt\\)t.wl1kbXtm:ncy under (hjLAg!,,~m;;nl, :U THnl (ff ~1lretmt.1l1113!!J!tll~llt!!tmn; Thi~ AgfN'l11~m and rcrr~m"taliun by Anomey is dJ~tiv,.: UpMt Jli:Ct}'Ml1C~ and ,~pprtl'i~l b,v CmU1()' ill u<;\:u1'JI111l:(' "'I'Hh CountY~H po~id~~;~ ~~rdinuricc5~, Qf .09V~H~i.~~:g ~fu:b~tt~, .PH>t~~M;~~)nrJ sUfvkt.t~~ ihaH h~' p~it.i 1\x!<:)<ldi vdy In \1ay 5, ZOOS, The r~pr,-",e11\111km shall cOl1timl(, unlillermllluld by dlh~f tho Omnty. by lh: knfl~ "1'11',,, Awvem<:nt Q~ sd mll1mdt>1' S~di()Jl 3,:1 Ull1jlilltWl1$ td "lC(lpli <1f J{.$p~lW.fltatltll! {Jf by (k Atttl\T'CY in a"c{jr,t~l1j;~ "'~th dhicd l'~quirt'm"'nb. 3.4 C<i1mty (~p~~!1llhnl-~ and gmth: 4. Arl')rnt>y'~ Hourly l'<~( N,:att: }Y1:kJ~u~t Ca~;;y $J5(jJJ(J 4.4: Approved Additiolllll Tim>? KC$llurs: >iamc; HrtlJrly R~tc Kcvin VQn~c $25(l,OO 1\.4, ("'>Itnly l'1llnt of (:,tl'tt.l\"t; C\nmty Adrn_l:l:ristr'dttH' EOARll 01' t::OHm:Y (.'QIfMUlSfO'lftRS Of MUNllO" COHlITX, l'WlHDA '!{")I'>l:/(;h..i.~" l6 MON"OIii COUNTY ATTORNli\' '''ff.lOVHiAS TC):DHM: /:1 ) ! V/: ,-u'/ ,L/A.dlili?M .,,""'~~. ~, ;/ NAntstt.NE; ~y, GA$$EC (As,M:~rr,~.N'f",tXy,j ~j "f',;:' ;:1(rrC1f1Nf'( oo<"',__,,,u /~b-----'" "ww_w'w" :r;r (: