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Item Q07
flOAIW OF COLNT't' COMMISSlU!\ERS AGE'OA ITEM SVMMARY Jvl~~tit.lg rh~te:, ~~w:HJ5~",ZPQ{:,.:J1W f.hdk H-em: Y ~~$ ,:X~t }>h.) n"i~km (~~mYj\(iQIm;y, "~l"j'l'r'wh;j ('."'(',)1'1'...,;.", \j""rath ~. ,-.;;: " ......",.,. .,. <-> '" ..;>" ",....,,'\iJ&;,,-:.,"-'>~ ,~..,,~~ ~-------''<<--<<<<'>>:'<<<<<<<<<<<<, AGENIH 11'01 V'/(JRtllN(.: Apprnvd nfl..eu,?:{/ Amet}(lNWnf c\NI~h CQn~:h ,f'l~<'e:L. In~ """"'''''''''''''----------<<<<-<<<<----, nt:M .BACKGROl;NU: (\:n~~~:h fly(~{\ Ini\ doing bu~~.hN~i a:~ tht:: COl~d~ .Flyvt RQ~~taunHn ~t the Key \Ve~t lnttrnnti<rnal A:iq,X)Yf ~s :i:lt..-:::kin@: an ~xtW:~tC~11~:;< tlwk ~t;;'t5t. wl:ich ~t cil:tu:"8J.ly ;:;d t<) {,~'~fAi't~ in, 2010. 'rhe (;~X~dl ftytw wm be :;;n.~dh1.h~g. :;,mJ eqU.lpp:iHg th~ f.l~~i tk~.Jd t>~:fvi{)~~, J:~(il~t.~t)$,:at th0 r<~~Kr\'~U.(:d a:nd, (:)q)~w(kd a~f{x>{t. 'fhv c:tpit.i.ll ()tlllay ",ill tmal il1 ]e.,} ')I'i<) miU,n!t <:!dlax~. {\mdt ny,,"', Inc pH!vidd ,he (non,,. wilh ll. leller from. f':b"$.t. ~~tate. Hank whu W';U bt Pi{Y',Adhtg fln~nt:.bg t,,) (\~l'l(.h r~(ye:r., h1dk.fd~'ig 'fht: net>J -fbr ~ bij,~~t (~::{t't;-nj;itin. in o:n:kr to pr-rspedy anv:lftb:~ tht- 'k1,1:fl" '-----........----,....,-------.."""-------- !,'REVlOVS RUXVANT BOC(' i\CrH)N: Appn1vtxl, ~)dg:bd. kas<~, nn AptH 1 R, 19&3 a~ v../eH &$ 5U]:~r:eq~~Hmt ~xne:ncln~t'n:t5 <)n January O,h1bu 7,1992, April!;, 199iJ, Dt(OllllJlx,r 17, ;)V)) and May 1'\ 20M. "$'," ....,$." 19B5: .-('(~~;,~~~<~,;~;-I?'!>V<1'< r'~',~:~:~,([I';<;.~<<<---<<<<<<<<<-~<<<--<<<--<<<------......--- ,,' .,:~ l! :n.;:'1!l$_, ,}[~,'t:.,on.'to.df:A:rJ ,',:"{:~ ~"n:f~,)" Y.t',,::;', SA s;i~\i;f;'RiEli\1?1iy;,:i);,.>I:!(jN;'s~''''"'''''-'''-'''~'''m_m"'m~'^__'_,_'W,",__,~",w"""'^.mmmmmm'mmm'mw'm. }?s~fP~\)\'d TO 'IA L COST: .'bilt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,<<,,,,,,<<,<< flUIH;:crEfl, Ves ?{u C0ST TO COt N1''t' :NLA".,,,,mm.w.<uw.Nm.mN. SOL'RCL OF FOlDS: lU:Yf;NFE l'ROIJrClNG: Yb XX >b AMOFNT H:R MONTH5ti!fK.tw. y",,~. Af'PROVf]) BY: (\~Wj.ty Any. O\m::Vllxdlildo&\ . Rbi( M~w!l..g"m~Ht NWW.. oms,,,, Datl!CfUR .".ov^'" ~AIT<iiNiiY OOCH\1ENTATION; I1K.ll.ldd ".".::\,,.,., N'l')l: .Rt:(ld:r~~d <' ","~-- mSf'OSITION:, c\Gf;NIM 11'1",'1,1# H~'vt~d 1:~)'~ tvJOKROE COUNTY BOARD Of COUNTY COMIVnSSlONLR~ CONTRACT SUMMAR Y C~)ntra{;t ,">.:lith: (\.rnch ~HY~f~ luc. C<mtra.d: t<_"mu~ E f(;;Cllve D~l" EXf)"~ra:tit~.u Djuc: ""'......u....."n,'<,',w,',,',','..-.'..-.'.w.w.w, 4/19l1<)(J6 , .E~,2(f9.:~S~,. Cnmra(t !'tlrpr,s,eiDo';cripliQi): Aale:ndment <J.f kaSil: 1;;n" Conch Flye{ R~statinmt Ht fht~ KJ~y \Ve~t l!H<.~ff;.atkm.;d Airport' l\~q\lidr;g S'j \lilli"n ddlan (lfCilpita.llmrwvemeuh allJ lri.pling lh~ minimum ..Jl9apD~~gJll()1}jlJltP!lt})1tl}1;~i!1J?iQ1l:~~ f,y al) ~;<1<:n~io!) ~[~ar. l':ll,~~.. ...................'unN,w,w,','N,'N,W.......mn"n"U,'N,'U,','N,'NN,W,','",w"","-','",'.', ",. ....,,,,...................................w........................'-"-<,...'-"-<'-"-<..........,..................................................w...............".,........,.....,." (\mtm.:;\ Milnager- !kveHe MNlf<; ,.,..,.,.,.,.,.."w,..'.'""'-'",,,w,.,.,. {~.SfirHf:} ~195 {Ex;:'; .K.:\\.I.'~..:..~l.(ll',I!~"'... ..."'.........., "''''.,,'''. (l)~panm~l\\/Stol1 iI) f,}t BOCC meetll)'a on 4/19/06 A.%emh f),~line' CONTRACT COSTS /~.........,....:=,=~':'::~;~~. , Tntd [Jollar \i;iiUt' ()fContrad':{ '''~:venue ""t~m-ent Year 1'ooi()l'" :'; X/' ,f~n;)dudmr p'..../ Hu-d{~et~d? 'x,!",(~~,n '?i.;j..\ q, "1~~;;':I'I'I"'~t~~,v ,W,',',' ~ J.:v, ~,...." ....... k,..,.: /ic...........,~, ..."..h..". GntfW $ C(Jtml! Muiib $' U U ~ ~ ... ~ _ __ ~~, """'U'N.".. ^ , ..._,-,--~ --."."." ,.,..""--,,.. F..timald Ol1(ping {\",:b: $....., (N~ j~'\d~k~.ln (k,lHur '):~>h~~ ~i&rn;:~' ADD1T.IONAL COSTS ............./yf ~::Of: .'~w."...","'..."...w,w,W,W,'WN,W...",w,'.',',..',',w.'.",w.' "W" ',' ",".." ,,' ,,' '..' ,_, ','" , {~~K, t~m~~H~~IUr<..;t< Utmtjt~~, 'i$~1titMi<d~ ~-ikttWJ;, ~t;5 .. .. CONTRACT RE\TEW Divi~h:m D'ife>.rt.Cf Chanuf:~ ~..."<",,'#N'-,, , Din~ On~ ~~I)3<,>y ,;~~~: g] //,1Ci?'f";<JWCf /1-1 J ,,() ~ eL"" -' y:~~ ~,~.. "~'::IT~~'(~:{,;~, ^_~~:}' '~'k,~::"" ... ; "oL~/~~::i:,'" , ~- -' "'-'~J,";/' ~ .... Yes N 'c4r"P~",..,(, ...' .;,.. ~/!ij~ I:<:j",,, (<' " .';1 J. I...,. '- ",'" ~ .",l~'i /:. I :.I l'/.<' , ,'N'...... :,;..~........ . ,J ! Ye"O N,l[:;Y 1'~'f;':?::~:~~::,~:~~':'~:2;J vctj.LI~~\.L," ;" J^ " i ~. <' ;'iJ~~ ,ub r-r- R is],; Jvhl)J\g1:U1l:nt O.M.~l/Pllfchu!;;Jlg County /Mtorney C{1~:n:me'm~ <...",.,.,.,.,.....,..,..,..,______~_~~,_~~~~~^W,W,w~uu..n.u.N.u.n.mu.N'''........................_............... ,~~~,........W,'V=,.,'N,"U,U,U,U,W,.'U'NNN'N=UUN'N.N'NUUN'N'N..N'N.~.N.U..'..'..N..N....NN......u......m'.....'..,..,.,..............._......._...........,..,.....~,.."... tEA Sf: AMl:N!}!HENT ",W'fA (ONCIl FLYER, fNC This i$ ;c,t} M):Mm~lmt:nt 1(:<,~~ h~a$~ d-ate-.d Ap-rll1S, '~9S-1 {h~H~.1311~' d~e, odgh~<:d aw,'~~m~m) by ~r~d b~t\<'=(~~ri ~:he prtii~~x:e:~%>r k~ int~t1Z'~t to the {;\)ndl FtYH, ln~~,,<, (heH~ltler lA:~:$~>(~c)> ~)rw F:f<1i a Senf'f5l Sr.~ and ~~kmrue C{>,unty_. H p1JHtivul suJjdivi~~&va nf thK- Slah.;:<,.nrFk.dda ~h{'::rt,dt:~f Ct,JuHty) WlTl'mSSETH lJ/HERE,A.$, K(~y' \.v~)*'t Infernatklu,a,! Aifp~')r; h~rmilhd bn~ldbg is nnder ~,x:mtn~CJ t,) ~mdergo tf>>'":~Y;-latk)n ,~~rld ~Kpnn~km <,,1f ih; s:urre'tH' ih-dlil:;c~,~ and \VHF,R1L\S, Cnn<::.n flytx", hRl,.,. l;urt'K:ndy hold.~ ~ ~e~f:.a f~)r ihod ~ervk:c' ftci'Ht.~~:"s 'J,>;;'ithh1 r.'h,t .K<~y S~V'~;!S:t: lmenwtkmal.(\kp(}tt Termi.ml1: l:tu.iI cti:ng 1un..'iugh J~HM~~U:Y ~:.:;.\ 2D-~O~ l.tH<l~ ''''1''1'''''' 'R "Hw~,', I ",u .; '^ ,~,' n'^"'!' ^ "<"1"'1 ",'" "",,'^^ 0 '''&''H,''''O'j "" ><IO^"n' l-,,, .~ .t' ',:::'\.x;J%:.." ~,-:3:e.:" "M<.o.,H~a. i(.-Xy<<U:S..,~..~;., ao~ ~<,;,.l""..'Y,::i ~o~;=: ,~:.':{', ....'~.., .,,,);~,, r~"i'';''::{'<;' <{. ~"",::)':W'-A:H.<<~, ):.l:'!'C., ..i:.", .; '-'): (\~l:~r.J; rly~f, It::~:.. in order t:n rr<'~l)t~.dy' {'X~dp- ~ncl (klt:frt the :ftJQci M..~fY~Z;t% l1;:t,Wt,'{ v..~ithb th:t~ ll.ev<dy fenGY~ttt::J M~d ~>}p:ritid(cl ~~rpr#t N~:nAlnl1'i tu11,ding; and. \VH.EREAS, C~mth flv:e.:w. hK.,., h~~<i:< aP9h~u tbr 11u~mcht~ wrtn f'k1t St~l<~ HUJlk in <~1dttf to hl.ud th~~ mA1iH~n~ <~f~he ~'k'.;~; ,f:(:~<~d _M~l';k:e' f~db:\{':~~~ (W~3, .... WHUlEAS, fir.! SUle lhrJ: lw; indi,.ai<?d h' lelkr da!d JlffiUftn: :6, It'~lj l.ht COfi<2h n~#< In". ~V~~~ ne<;::u to "btain ~ -;~it~i:j;~ i.txtel~~~I~Jn in ~)rd,tr to pt't)P~~tJ' $mortiz~ t.ht~ k~;flr,.~ ~Hh~; .. , \VHERE/\S, C(HKh },IY~$~ Inc. w1H 'm~~ed h:.~ ~xp;:,.n<{ a~, lea$t, 0-m~ nl1:Hkm noil~.r~($l <m){)J~O{)) in rm,ktr to r:n:~p-t*;'ly ::;nl;Hlt ar::~i eq~dJ:; the X;t~W thf~d s:c;:~...t~~;\:..~ f~~~lmy~ n,,1W, th:(,;f~.:::tbn::, :IN CO:t-4SUJERJ"/f~(}N (~f Hw .trwt:md pFJm,kw;:" ~lnd e()Vi;.~nant~~, ~~~! t('!:rth he,[(:i'\v: th~ pf;l,fHt~ as.:rn~ a,~ ibl,!ow~ L '1'11<, Ofll1if!l11 l~1he ;tj,pxnlerlt h~lwe,m ih<l rank, j,md L~$5t'e\ pr/,dl>c%&Jr). ~nd amencim:tltb d~+:.ri Jr~,m.H~,q:' 2}~ ~.9B).: Od~Jb~t 7, ,1992., .Avra ~~~~ ly'iRt l)j:;c~.;-:rr~b~r l'?" 2f.l0J m~d ~~1llY 19~. 2004 Me :(;f.t.~('.:h{:d h1 tN.$. h~z$~:: ~:menrlm(~}~t and niicle fi partt}.f it, ,) 'fhe term, 1:d' 'Hw: nrigimd ~~~a~~ imJeelwl':~t1 is ~}ne~H1~~ form $:aHU~r:1 23., "Y~f.O thn:~'wgh Jam~ar~:' 1.1, ~(U.o. ., '\'lide 1Il RENT,Al" Cl:':L\RG-ES: ~ub~~c:b,~H /\.l(a) <rfth(~ ~)t~:g,~H<*l hHt~": h am~-mJtJ tn H~~td ,a:; fbiJow$, (;~) 'Th~:~ Li':~~~ee' agrti~.* k'~ p~y ~ fA:~$ of gf~>:q;$ pr\)(:~~lc!.d~.; ()r te<:t,;tp1s e<.'1ch H~~~)nfh tIlt tH> h~&.~ th~n. a gu.u:r:m1.ced $2J)(jO ps;x mon.th, ". <'. l' H('" '" ., ~:'$.~~gmHln~~ ':.~.{fUl Uf: " U~}l l~) j} ,m,~).ntrhJ:i' renUH p;uyn~ent~. J.,,~$.W::.' ;~grt{~~;, t~> pay !. f~~...~) of g:f{::$.~i, pt()~'~'~lh <It H:"cdpti tt{,;.',h nh:::m'h 'but nn ic~::-:; rh:an a $tH~l:<l,nM}<?;i ~~6(l()<'~': v,,,,~ A' 1-~ ... """;."...) rA..,f ,n~,J)h" 4, C'z>tH:::h }jye:r:; h~t:, ~~%n::'$:.1i, tt~ pf(rp~~dy ';m.tt~t Mill: t'.Q"u.ip hoth the {~J~,.j :~~t:fV~,tC tkd~~tk~$ ,~w<1 ~he~l' ti$~twiu1~d. t~x.lt1 pr~van~tkHJ UJ''&a;'J, by' '~X.W;}'~,~~,:Ung <M'l(; .lndlkm, J(~HW;'s {$:~ <un{J,~(#D) Jbr ~M:d~~ purp.o;;zm b~.{ dK'i -(:i)fHpkti,o;:-l ~.t::!;te of the Key \V'~:f;llm~rn~~ti<Jnal .i\kpOH .h, }\t-;>2<:' ':rt:n).ri:n~J Utdtiing {1;,wi R:e~~O~:1;JkQ:} Pr~~~ct. ~. If (\mdJ F1y~c !tv.;. fal!;! to jl1\)p<:rly (ll.ltfit ~)'d eqllip both the /"<14 ~,vice i~c,ilitie% ~;..J tht~~f' ~l*~odat~d (bod prepn.rmk1u ~,r{::a:$ by ~~XJ1tJH1ing c:n~ miUk1f~ ....1~')H~n~ ($l :n.O{}:~'){tG) f~)r $Hch pur:P<~~'~~ by- the: ';{~mp1:e~k;n d~g") 'oflhe Key \\/;:~1: JI~tt~T;~r.kw,;~d A~r?<~n n' N*~\N' "I~rmitMd 'HuiRHng ,An<t ,:R~~nova~:k~l'l Pn:>J~;(;t~, t'Mt In)(~r~dHl"f;J)1 ~<haJJ bt~Onlt: v~>kt 6. In ,aU {;~t:h~~r -re~p~ct~~ th<~: t~d~~,hit~, k~H~e <igfei~rn~;m:t ~!j ft~~~endt.,<l:. rt,}Jn~\:il~t in Rd~ .f<x<:e ,~;nd e-{f(~~)t. 7. Thi$ kj~~i afrH(':~xhnem wiH take effs:{:{ i)r~ t.he $,i..f;'natu:((':; iiMe cline tH:t p~rty tr~ 'f:~;t~~ut~: it, tN \HTNfSS WHf,f{hOf. tk IJa.nks h<:>l't'W haV1:: ~~! thd1. h~m1s im4 5.ds th<o d;n &ml Y~!l' tk~t ntE;JVe :,:vritt:en" {SEALl ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGF, CLEKK HOARD OF (:OUf',TY CO,\{\U$SIONLRS OF MONROE COUNTY, ftORlD!\ By . . i)~:;;;~f(/;;;ii"" ".,...," \:Iv ";..' . ,'.,w,~..'"..".U.U.. ....uu '4tYOf ('b;',:ic~ "Soim?;~:1~i:\;J' 1"<';"':--<" .....{l..l., V ~YA"",~__"",""~_"~W."'A"A,..,.",.","A'.'. CONCH FLYER, .lNC By 'fiH.t::: \.V~t~~;e~~e~ This ~f)CttltWnt ~~}, II~ei:o.<u1.'d an4illllpNlnd as to fttnn by: "i~~:,,~d;;~) //-j/,v"l/<",;:,,,",<i// "', P~~th'('~ J 1v1cre;Jdo.. E,$q, ~~.m""'''''~~~~~,:~:~:,__.m''"'-''''<''; Atslsmnt C<){lnty At10mey Horida lklrNn : {);}lP.Q50 i> /', ["'H' .l'Y'" . ,',~, :l<",.-~ ..,......in !<~y West 1'1, <;;14j.W2S (YJ5) 292..;34,7(' ~ t~ orNE CONCH FLYER RESf'AIIIlAN7 3495 South ROOSiWeff Blvd Key *'&$1, f'L s:Jti44J PtJone JtJ52f}f}-bSS-1 Fax: JtJ5-293.$I(J(i \.t;:-ttd~ $., '1006 ~h" J\~~{'..~~ H~:::ft~n. M(:l~w::-"i' C(.n~K<~:Y thrttt~)r (:-f Ai:r.ptHJ:::;: K::y ~\:;'$t .hHrtr~jtl('HHU .:'\i1JX;>.Jt K,,>' W<);i, fL J1(l.j(J Sub,~t>::t L~'t~ E~<ten~~h:r~ <lfCN~ch Flycr R~,o/~<Hltili')t ~()~;~t' .Pt:H.~~~ /...s n)qu-t%1~d. in aUf 1uM ~~d~~ o.rnw~ti:fig$< plea~.} l1n<1 em::.lo~t:J a Q.;JJr.>i ~:;ftb; fm>~i r~~~sut :lmk.~'3nK~:a~1:jt~~: i;<Y4t.1' pr~gt: ~~~:\wndj~~g. ()l1f h~~:re dn Jmm~~ l.::t'\ 2{) ;'0", Thh: ~~ d1~;' m:<)M {*rr~m &ww:mm~, in Ul~r k~~~~ lik', A,~ we ba~d;:, (.JiWt~~~<ld~ ~'n~ twe r~':qH'(i~d:n& iJ~W }t~~<~e Ix: f:~t$nd~d ~Hl ~dd:Hk;.1H~11o- V~jt::< (Jam~;~(y 21:~;" :iD)H) in ~trdt~r ~:~'l :atnnrtiz{.~ 6m huiM, (rut irnr'-dt.:tn)eo~: nf ()V;i)Y (In:!,; m.nhm d.d:lw:?~. T (~ dHt<,~" J lHtvl:;: i~~~~~$.t(td (~>;ef $:?;;5)jt)O ij1 ww~ht:t;ttrlt~ U~ij disiS~ p~~~ flti <"~Uf n<~w p:t~~j:~Wl' b~d' in .l).d!c:( '1~) :~}6~W fttdbtt Hr~ar:;~ir~-g: ft:r<WH -t)Uf '1~~)(HHg. ~Md:~3i'd:Ot~: th:~y w:~n r~..~HiN~ ~t :S'~!tH<~d ~~:h1s:::~Mk~n to (l~lf' k~re i'\Mt -5l~~~ f.~;mk h~~. t~~v;;::n pfthH~hmr:r ~l)W~:t~':d W nut 'h.>~n. p<~n<.U~tt~ ,:>Ht h~t~g~, ~:x'H.'rt~lbR r Jmv't,: ~~lH}tn~td, ~~ kmz frt'itl1' Oi$rl.~~ (Hht::m #Ha Kt;:tt Le:w)u dd~~ihHg thdr f~'l:qtdrm:~'~~rit::;:., ~M :;:rm:r:;::~~t J~k~ of ~N:t:'.{e:~1 ,W cvm.m~rd~ .tYI~){;ief;~ ! :;:~~~<4 ~iee ~ f<j'at:t1.~:~,1 ':W~~:' t.\) a.nk~f~ith':' thh ~~m(ntri{: <;{ diM whhi,n * :~Jl:<-::~t{:;:s{ :HiStt frai1l~ and, $.ti:H be jtb~,~' t(~ pn)I:i'id~~ f~t~ tr:tn:'dist,~t p:::hH;.}' 'wHh ';'~~e:*!-;t1.U;~:hi'y {~rio:.d"" 1hNi unci ttl;Yet~ge s:an:k~. A~ )"Ou ~:~d ] b~)nl {l~.f{;t:."d..:, wee 4<m ~1 'wm:tt tht: wrM of ';'1i:rp(~n '->cHp j{~Ht" ~l~_~t *,db S ~2- .hm:nhuf~t~r~l.' }: f~xd tha 'wM::: ~ht* ~xtwH~km: "Nt w'~n h~ cahi~ 't() r~mimd.~~ <A~r ell~:;:ibtbh.;~d r-rhx~~-: ~~nd .;NmJi~y~ '(:s'h.~;e ":;611 h~~hW {lhk~ ~<~ .x;?yk~~ <}t;t' th::u~. . . /;.,gab" :my t~~,;lHk!~ W y<:H;; 'unci: uH thi: ~~tht:r Jw<r{i.;:s<xi()mu ~1{~ 1UHl' w~):rtci w~th fbr tht'~ fM$t h"i'{) ytm:r$ 'k> tc:.~, w dd,;;i, lx~iHt t t~~~k {(}rw~'wd tQ ~)Uf t;{mt~mlt'd r)$h.d~-lHtiliiV. '" /' ./'" S'm::'::9-f~:~:'{y./ j ( ~ ./'... .; ...~,r' ,.' <" ,.,V;;,,, ,,;;;i:~>' ''''~K:::::.\"/.~:-,,,(' ...,...,..,'" ':':. ;bhn K~dmh~~'~i Ctw,;;;.b FIY:C;::f~ hl~;'. C'd.nk~ " , _W'~lI!lb'lid,.c"'trt J~rtumy 26,~ :UJO{~. )nlm Riclmwnd C/O C<:mdl Fiver hl\\ H~~5.B S IL.oscvdl13h<L K17Wf~>1 FL 3304(} RF: hWllldng Reqi:>eii COl)<::l1 Y1YI$, lIw, n~er Jt.:dm; 11 WU.~ m111ba~Hr<~ In !Hl;)O( with you fl(~etltly 10 di~CUlM my ,lS~bmmx with ymt, flmmdog Imfilll !hi' 1lie N'l.I<"'*1iOI1 of yeM! JO;;lm:mmt M 1he Key >,Vom AifpOft, ] ntte:mi~d the gnrul.l.dwbre,akin.g. ~r~fHouy ,and F:ir~t BtHt.e. -Bank :i~ vcry e't~d,t~d tlbo~t thii, ktlllliilll (cnvxkring of{lto dl-pt.'rt fa<:iliw. AI tn"'.tl1l1lt we met, I bmdd 1t' ymJ t1 checkH$! Of.lUllh thet w" ""Hi l)~t,<:i to pf(,'C~'1~ )'(HIr lciin rt:,yue,4 and Imd Jii\'.)!)~$,d neediag a copy ,4 YUI[f ,"'!sling 1e*~e, In clJ<"Cking with f.Hlf S#U(tf L<~flding Q!:1iC<:f, Kurt Lewin, i ~v~~ 1l>.1yi~1:J that W(j win nk~() ~qllire n ,~tll1), 'Jf yntw h:,,;z*~ t~~~.t<~l~~~~O~). 11<wk f<!rwIJrfllo 'l'iwjdllii with ;it'U on t.l1L~ PW)",,;l mkl ~, !leip YO\1 ~(~l:lrr{l your Ihlll1J\i1l1ii, tf yon shr.n.d,d, ttfP;<~ fl3:;~Y <tn~~s.tio~~.;s,) pk-ae->t ft~d: 11:t'$ t<~ (;':~~nt$4~ n}(~ fit {30&) ::;WJ,,-6BDn Si1Kri;.1y~ ~'{", ' (,., " ~,< i "....-; ;' . \hMv/ /;/ ' VHVRt'-' fy' 'f.";" .A,$n~ ,1., <--Jt :-.~5<):n Vh~t: Pmld~f~~ Hrnndl Ma!!Ilt;<:r idJg l1l:<<y w_ (:If!~, M;a,Il, &wf~'iml. M~' \\it.$t WiM rlt<k Old 'I(lW~, :%:":1\ W.bl\<l u>m & Ml4dll! l!."'lI~.om~$: sugmbaf, SlIlnmuJAAd, Wj\ l'itw {.11l<<%, "i1\ !'In,, WI~l1lh:;le, MiltllioJwn tII'P~~ ~Y1' (:l~, 'l~llI[f,DN<h. My \.JlWP, Key tal$) 't(acl~wlrnh PlaZ,l n~,,*. ?f)'l W-1,*{:I'~~~~~~.. CONCH PI.. 'fER RESTAURANT RENTAL PROPOSAL: Art~!ysls of New Restaurant Squaw FOQ~age Charges: MA1NJ:EBMIM8t.,IlCKET1NG.AREA.RESIAUMNI.:. 2770. 1205 DiH~ng Rnt~!n, <W.kt~tlt L,<.)tm.g~ Sqdt KHt+~cn~ SttJragc, and Prcp AH':R "'h<"", ' "'Q"',. ,,.. f','w"f....-r" ,~'\31 i,,'%,l.< >.":< $...,,''1<1'1.;1'.< ,'\),~A .,:t.,'!..:U'-". "..,..,..,..,..,......,..,........ 3975 ~U;~!JBEJJEP.ARTUR.e.AR.EA.RE$IALtMNI; 440 525 r...,hn.tng Area and C~Bl.OrUer Setv.tC~ .An~ft~L K.it{he:n~ 5t~#ttt:W~, ;itnd PX~Jf An~~ nHAl, SQI.AkE H::XH}.Gf; 9~S QUTSJQEj)1ifuMd:LAR~USTOMfi.U~j~; Dtni:ng A:l'<:.a a,nd (~H~tomt~r S~;~r->/ku ,Arum;:: 925 TOTAL SQt 'ARE FOOTAGE: 925 TOTAL l~iTER10R SQUARE FOOTAGE; TOTAL EXTERIOR SQUARE FOOTAGE' roTAL INfERIOR. ANO EXTER.IOR SQUAa" rOOTAGE ?R.OJE~:TEO INCO~E FRON! OPERAT!ONS; Main Restaurant: {as$wf)1,ng a 20% increase ,n operationsl: Bi'!ach r.~:;d P&~bo: {Esh118ted on Proj$Cted THlfJ\C Fk>vi; Contnbutlon 10 Capital tmprovfti'Thlli1t$ {Long Mrm !::\eO!} 49M. llll'i sallS $70~,37d,.1$ $""' ~"" 0'" . ;,J'-&,);;~V\"~,, v td.:._, $$6571 15 ;;;;:- ',WU,WU,','.W.,'N''U''N''N,'.,'N,,<,d,'N,'U,u..,,,,n,u,N,U,u.-.,<',.'u,__-.."u'_.u,'.,.'".u-.,'u'"........'#"U'8''U''u'"u'8,.'....u,.U"u'8'...8"..."""".,,'.,,',,.'.w-",'.'"'w,'-",w"'''"u, TOTAL REVENUES TO TENANT SPACES: $20$,S44,32 Revf!cmJIJ {Xi! Sqwue Foot': (Proposed) Interior Square Footage ( $37, ()f) PfJf ft/sq) f'x ~tS;fi01 Square Foofflge ( $24. M (Xi! ft!.<,qJ - :Ec,.,<Ul c..-;.;....;.:...~ .. $181,3(J(MJO $22,2()f)AJO R.EliT PROP<)f;PJ.,: Wi'! propos", that th~ wnent rent oongation of 10% of 0ross Sates Jrom revenue operatic conJ!nue in j!1{') f1I;,W 1\'),15<1 <1Qri\iltrlflnt. l! i\; om pf0ifi(~lion thai ths 111(;!~aSS in lr"mC 1l,)W Ie restaurant and the addiJi(~l OJ the $itcOnd locatkm in !flit ditparlurit lounge wi!! offSN the in !'Snt and costs and 5tH provide the Gour,t)' with thi'! req,!i(e square fool reven~i$S in l'1eed~\ As in th~~ !i'xislhg 1e,95i'!, the tenant '<<ode recai\le credit over li1<'l ~aae term for (11Qnies im m c;pital improvements We v;odd also tm agreeable to the Monthly mkWJ'Ktm spe<.:lfiei ! exi~.tin(J lease agrooment be raised trom i15 present level of$2,QOO to $S/JOO CONCH FL 'fER RESTAURANT Thf~ yqar $al(ls Analysis .JariWlit'~ F<;bru.H'j Marcil Apl'H May Jun~ Jul'1 AQ\l..~t Sef>t~mb<il" O~teb<;r Nm.<~mb<;r P,,~'<ilmb<ilr TOTALS: january Fd';ln"'ty Man,h April t.fuy .1l'~ .1,,11 August S~ptll'mbflt Oe:"w., N<>>t~mbM ~~?mbw TOTALS: ., .mOM. $a~1, ~<5 ,6? $4:7 "OO~ ,;2'~ $Ed:0-:::;S..'74 $41,5Hl.;g $42/~02. rr $4vJ~~e, 71 $34. 4S~~ ,tif:: $'3D,8~2..$e -S35,t).43.9Q $~9Jm:J. 1 ~ $3$,&:414 $3tJ,.;51GJ}c $48ti,fJ73Al REtn:,J:AlD. $4)'2~>.3{) $5,,1 B~, tt2 $5}i')172 $4..m~o.ff:) $4 ,.$4? < 5$ $...t3:Sa..a:r S3,,?G4,42 $::~.,?;.';4,4e $2.,.767.22 $4,2:5~.,US $4.,20.k;, O~ $:J.V2.t8~ $51,3SIV,9 4, a~ $-43:, 4ns. 00 $f~,i32,M $51 , 1::Jl.73 $40,15.4.$3 $.\1.8%.$0 $3f~:{~).~.5B .$3C,S3S ,2~ .$36, ~ 72. ~ro $32.654 SC. $4 i J:~7t\.7,3 !N0{)4$.;J~ $:>:1. 14.0 J% $488,551127 REm,PAilJ. $4,,~,t>e,At:< $6,:-819.;3$ $5,.484,00 $4',,:316.&5 $4"Mhl.:H~ ~t".t92,tt'9 S::.t,~.:rn~,,?$ $2...g1~1__~~2.' $$,:610,.4~ $45:0~,75 ~w:1-.-ge:~).3~ $3...5tG.OS AYcRAG,E.6f.Qti.T.t#.Y.Rt!$H.TAJ..;. $52,304AW 6 :wtt<t $47':1$:30-,42 $~;4.: 0t13"OO $t~~1, "1:-J?,.54 $62.,,€;1<l-J>3 ~i>>1-9,e<85, :~$ $41,01fJ40 $44. 't56,40 $4~);l$2, ~9 $2~,451,a(~ $'3;S*;.4t.-42:j, $42)'Zn.2:ij' $<1'\&)\ 82 $fi45,52fUl RW..2ALQ j~G..'1 DB, ,62 $fj,a14X<2 $-"~, ::.t~O,'-:{~ $S,.€tS 0'7 $s<,seZ.,BS $AA:'a,.~2 "f.-4..74f:?,{Q $4)3C-G..aB $?",HS.,B7 $4,,;i'(42,.4(} $4" 59T4~1 (@~Jt $4,S35J8 MfMiMJJMBEQWRt!$O)l'i"LEt.lSEAGBEEM.f:N.T MfN.fMUMBJ;l!!IPJ;EU1.Qf.fXJf1iffJ.IJ.lREfJ;,.(2fiZZtt!$,ql $2/)tN)JXJ $fJ5C AVERAGE $44.,ge:&S, .32 $,~52-: CO'? t 6 $57.:462,.00 $4S,1:-e, f;'t $44.,fu~1,.::$ $40,4a(t~~'t $3S,52:€..4$ $52.8e5 l;t: $30.. UQ), 2;~ $AG..2SS,02 $,t281792 $36:H4-CI,4:2 RENTP.Alt'! $4.8;J4 l)9 $5);:91 jf,~ $B."l'r?,"~? ~tast. H HOO3Z1 $4,;l~1-.6~ $4: i4~~.B/ $3. 54,S. 95 $3,.2:M) 40 $.4 ,aJ2 ,04- $4 }30:~, 93 %3.: 000,3:5 $$4,4jfL34 p(l( FtJ$q, ESTiMATED PAYMENT TO .AMQRTIZE DE.BT; $1 JX;:G/~,:O @ '! S% :;CO V~~m S<hH<.i~{~~ ....~"'....,..............."""'., u~".v...~,........~"~.......~........~ <',..... :...-:""'......~ -...,.. 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