Item Q08 aOi.Hi) OF COVN'rY COMMISSIONERS ADENlJA ITEM SCMMARY "1 'I" , . 'jl () ~<"{\,, ",/\!" .:Y. ef:t~ng D~~tc ,..l:'-'P.Ik....,~.:...:'t'5?~~3~.....u,~XfmN I)ivi~\'Jn........,.., ..D9(lm:lALIQfJ1lCY_,m._-... Hulk ltt,n)' -~{~~t .,SK"w ;'\~o DeplHtmcm,.. ..(:m~J\l}: -s,H'1!J\t1L--,.,.......w.w., swtf Co:nt~v,~l ',PersoR fl!;{Q",.3JW,Hugt:L,:{Q:~LIP." AGENOA nTM wormiNG, R;;i~cll<m of o~ttkrcw111 off<:r ll>' t)e%ndant~ 16 ,Mlk ,)j<2t.lt.ldC:m'.!!.{LL .I2fillllt!Y){(NMth"dJ!f., eA K (l5A-t~7 tef $i.o<o~}n, rn;M IH{~KGIM.wNf): The (fHJnty h<.dds ;& cnd.~ ~Hdhn~etuent H~~o against ~ h,ey La:rg0 property (}v4!~M by ~lt$, HQ~gh ~nd h(';f kl{) M,llk dlild.l\'l1. "fhe lien wat imF)~d 1tfkr \h~ vk,hw% buill a liiirag~ nn lhe pn"P~rty wi1h()ut bendk nf ~ f,<tfH1it. Tht: S(~tbac:ks W{!fC ulsn JJ, i.s.SU{~, OH O('~1l~-h:;jf 1 ~ 1/K~5 ~:b~ r}(~tt.':hdam$: brnug.ht dw pn'ptny iH~(~ coml1li~n.;.,~~ hy ~km~<;)1k~h1Hg tht:: .r.,:a.r~*~ :ami H~m-::>~<iw:~ dH; d.dbris 1.237 d~iV=:;' (J ~,,'j 'vt.\<Ja'~ after dw btn W~% h:n~'iot::ed :::\t S~O fH;.f d~V .fbr 12.37 ,>> .. . .... ~ , -r ... dny~~., 1,b:~ k;ud J\l~$ ~Y:;x:'<~d '~~~ 561)150 fh.~'~ $HX}:.{Xj -b~ tn;.:: (.x)d~~ tnfbr(:t~H';':i~Ht sfR{::~~l {H:.tltt:Yf':\~ a,dnids{r;:j:t>lj;~ CO~~~~~ t~x ;a, u}t.a~. <)f $-6~, ,950'(~J Sim,>l~ ~t t~)Qk the tHing of a~~. #:thx~ tt~ H:~fedtHK~: on th~5 pr()p~1'fty 10 nKrve th~ neh~nct:ctntt. t<~ .a,chkwe c(rn:l:p~~~tn(;<\ ,sta.ffrf.c<.)mmenJs that. zhe roost t.h:. fi:n~ ~ht:)UW !:l{~ n::dH-c,~1:d h,: 2{P"'~, ~:~.d.u~;h::'C f)f (pst.s and ft<~5. At l(f'h ,. t.he :llnc, co'rnpuH~~ il' $12 )90J){), j '< ,,~,,~,'t; '\;' ,'}~,<<- l':'<~,. ~'-'< }>"'t" ~S-:i'"''':<''' .f>:; <." l'~ ',' <.." l<t', l'~ .. 1 ,," ," ~'."::"" $2"-~.~> ,.., ,,~' ;'.<"< .' -0' ")' ~""', "" <"" 'l'<'~< ,:1, (l::"l~...l,;(.n:< h:..> "",d..th~.y ...'~,.to'~"''-'''',1 ,~~Jn.~OL- .~-ii>> ,,~p~.....H. .,-,t( .ghlh \~~y ""- ,~i~;: )~.:.."- .bVj,;.H ~;:~' >~:e:.:.:it,~thJ:.:):n .j".... :t005) m'Rt ad VlliK,t::d $596.00 in ~;.::.(.>:M~ 1H th~ pny,:ticud.n.n of H~i~. 'C~.M}" If 1hL~ .nJ;-*tt<~r Vlent to .iud~V~:Hurt ft$ {~f the ~3M:(;nci~, J-r~dHni<\ the ():)tmrv- '\~:'Ndd ~~' enth'kxt 10 d~ir:1, t.Y.H;t~ ~nd- f~~~,$ of $3,3 i6,(if) A,n , " , ' :.:mknov<n amrwm't nf nd-ti:iti<YH~l drne vdH tit, t~~e:nt rt~4afd.lt':$$, ()'f v4H::lb~f thb~ I1Mlt~f i~i %t1tk~ Vj~1tt)' ~;(~ tt ~.~ ~,mpo$.siN,t t<~ g!V~::: a. tkfifl.hkt~ ng;;re ft')( $n0rrtcy~:) t~~~ and ,c,:;')~ts ~.t this tim~~ """"",.,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,..,,.'"",,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,.,,..,,_...,,,,,,,,."'"",,___m'""...."....,.....""'''''''''''''''._''''''''''''''''''..'''.."...''''''''''''..'''',,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,..,,".""'''.''''m..'''''..',,,....', I'RfVlOUS RfLEV,'NT BOCC A(~TIO:'ll: On 9/ r 'NO 3 ~ t.h~ BO{::C 1mth'0dieJ coHectk:H~, action; 01', 9/2$R)S~ Ht$ H{)(~,(~. f~jiX:~,~ld tl1l1', Qwrtt:,('~ nHb' m <;el!.k ((Jl' ~}Y/hlc\ ,," IfIR;{J6, jb(, J:lmrH) teJec\d 11><' Ddi:,,-,dM<I''' "Hf!' j(> ,-;e\!k H:,,' $A,Yj() Mll autbO'fi,?~d~ lh~ C~)lJmy ,,\th')"tn~y~ ~~ (':-f.fi:Ct: to. wnk: fbr $J 2:,4/0 {2(Y?'4 {>f thk:-, Hn~~J Jdus 3U -';;Q-:~tfi and m:t<)fn~'Y"$ 'Hx-::;.;; im::t~rn:;d: (((.f($3~ H10) . ..... {:ONTHACT!AGRt:IL\:IENT CIlANGES: Il!a .....,........."'."'.,,""''''',,'',,.....,....,....'''......~____..~...'_____..- ..- ~..~u S'l'kFF HKCOMMf.^NH/\TIONS; R",j.><thm <<ffklb.4anh' {lITer III ~tttk vfSIO,fflW.(,(j, .---,<<--<<-.... .. TOTAL COST: !1hL,,~,,~~ l.H.mGETEl); Ye$ ..:\:S~.."" No COST TO Cm.'NTY: 1'/1L... SOrRel!: O'Ffl"NlJ$: ~D\l !l:.{{YliNtiF I'ROt)N.:j!"iG: Yuo "'" '\;0 AMOF'iT PER M()!'\TH."'(I;:ll,, l~$" JJil! ,\f'PROVED nv: CnuiH, 4-HY..KS,.. nMBthH<:h~ciag"""" RbJ.~: f\i~.MH"g>;):ment ....nomm IHVISlON OmE('fOH APPROVAL: Pii;;:;;;;~t;!tztl,;;{?(:r;~I;;';;::!'::':Q;;;;";;i\'" G:::>>,,,,,,,~w;\."i,,,, ~.ifCci:. ''''' ,"". fj{)Cl!MYNTA TiON: llld"dtd "".".." N<3{ R<~g~~ks;d )Z; mSPOSI'HON: AGEN!)A i1TM!1 n,evb.<trl1/f)5