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Item Q11
Btl-\.lW Of COVNTV CO:l<lMISSH);<ff;~S A(;KNOA rUM SUMMARY 'f\'l::::.~~ting Da:w: bprHJ:L.;.g;;K~t;.'muum, D~vi$~<H'r: 'Gnvnu:...AnQn:wy Bulk lklJL 'Yt:~ ......... No X Depart:mt:nt:'..m~(,\~mM~..At~9.tm~y 'n , n AGKNllA HEM 'WOR.I>ING: .:\ppf0vn,j of Emplt)ym~nt Ag.f;){~~.1~:ij:nt. "ld:t1~~ ~hv/rMH:': /1i.. l-b}~ton to t..urvt: (~t. ;\:~,,:>~tnx (i.;,:{mty AW;)t:,<t~):. , rn:M RACKCROV1'\!), \1 \hi; l' 15hX;> Hli$<!lh1!;., 1M HOCC dir~'w<i lnkfiw C(jUl\\j' A1hmKry Sl,zarlllCHu1WI1 W pr~l'a1\' ail Hm-p,lnymeut Ag:n~eJ1)~n1 ~ctting tt.~rth t.he tNT$ c~fh~f ~Nnp,kryn1t.J)t it,s tb:~ ttonrn{~ Cnu:m,y i\t1{}n~t,~l>, FRRVf(;ijSRi:Lit"TNT~C<<A~:r~~-<<<-<<<-<<<<-----<<<<<<<<<<--<<<-<<<<<<-_<<<<_<<_M<___~..._~ {jn 2/i 5/06 tht HCl(:,(' <'c{lJ1(:,~~~te1: tht \.":Oi~tnwt ~0th then f\~Wlty Attor:~t~y h:;:hn ,R., (:OHiJ1S and !ppo~m:ed St;,:?:'a'n.rt{.~: 8" Fhn~f}rl ;1:$ h1H:.dm, {:CM,my .~'%tt(~n),~~y to {nmp~t:Y::t h~~ (~o~W'uC1, th~ Tn SA\f. th: l~OCC a,ppro..."f.4 the Intedm -Ernp>'>y~n.~,nl .~\grel~m~na, dn:c:)ugh J~trm*rY' 14~ 2(K)7, , ., CONTRACTfi\GHf.TMVNT nil. ~GfSt Ch~n&w~< ~~~X':Pi.t>ftns~~t{ tlgr~~en~ent thm} Jn~.<witn C{~unty }\tt{lftH:~r to (\>UJ~i.y i~Stnnwy, <<, STAFf IUXOM.MCNPAT1ONS: ,:1vprc,\'oaJ, --<<<--., _~~~ nnn_ ---.....- TOTA L (:i)ST: $1 !"9,{j(tfJ U~r "",ar BUDGEr!:!): y~~,S. ~k) ~M__ (:{)i;'f TO O:niNTV: $159 ;Silt} .", ,..,<<.<<.<<.a.;<<__~LSar SOVRCE or N:NDS, Rf:YKNUIi I"RODt!C1NG: \,,,;; ~b'W:;t, AMOt;NT PER !\.lONTH. Y~#:r Al"l'ROVlCn BY; C{~t~,m'i' ,,\in,.' X J ',_ ".,~"",,, ()MH!P\lr~ha$lng ,..Am Rhk 1vtm~g~m",m .2" r ~/'/"'f lHVISION l)f!{ECTOR AI"f'ROV AL: "'____"'__.(~, ~"'~~7"~.w"/l;::~m.."...........,.....W^~WMW "",~'>rn" < 1,1'1' "N} '''')''~''I'''' ""Tn",.'",.".' D:::::!'~~'}':l:... .. .' ~ <;;.; <-, \,.,.'$;... !!;;<<~l< -M-.,~. ',7::I'~J"q;.d' nOeV;\U:NTA TlON: !nduJ(:d 2L Tf.' fdl<:;'M'..... N<~; Ril~quk~du. mSf'OS!T!O'i: AGEN j)A ITf,M '# R-t',+rerl 2/17A: i MEMORANDUM April J, J()f)(, TO: M'I}T'r },1cO:ty From: Sll;l.UrmC A, HUl(Vll :f~ 1 /i'1,/ ...,dl:l ?}j'f'f Dt!ring the negotiation of my (;(lmfi:Kt yotl re(jw;'.ted lIllIt J rr>~pMe !l simpk cQmparbol1 oi !lle change,; ill terms (tom l!u: priM County Anomey'~ COll!HlCllO mirm, a, ctli(,\I~,etL Attached jx u Jabk tJ1U1 ~ull:mlnri;l.% lhe diHeren;:c" Pica~;c note that llulVt' rt'qu<:$wd 11 higher lreginnlug ~lllaty> \vhkh h <lffii~ll:y th~ Mdd-mr;; in lb.", prior contract whkh are nvt illlhc irr<)j)(.l;,,~d COlH.rlli'1, RiO't,()tl~ [(;1' the hlgiwr ;;aIMY 'md(l(k: .. Nv Retjmm~m System <<Plimde;, :md tit> [lurCh'IS,\ i)l' cr>::0lt (or llOn-(;mmty 1".r1<.'1 go Vt~ITn:mm!. s~T"ike~ .. R<:duction d Golden PamdHJlC (rl<J1 JUSt') momb ~alary to () mOllth~ -;:,\;,ry " "1.>;.' dimillukd moH ...,1' tht tornpOrrCtl(5 in cafcula.\wg m 9 m(l!1lh$ ,)1' ,;;,mtrihwkm 1,) rttirerutnl:.. traYel .&: pfhJHC ~Jk'w/:am;e$ & <l.u(:~} · N,) c(11l1j)ensated ',(~c'ntr,j'(' d"y.s \ll1<l<:r th,~ j)llragmph enlitled "On Cde in my <'(lmra,~l dlh<'l\tgh there v.''CIe ,tiCh d"y~ \:OJrljiiO'flMted under "j>"r,<:)tl;:d t";lVe" in the print c,>mmn; o The. <\b(we Il,:<;QUn! for appwxtl11:<\\dy sso,non i.n cnlHpensatiun (<It the t",rlU of the old conlrad <<:l1ich h nol 'ontained ill my pmp,:>sr.d fontn!(t, · I could ;;I<:p a,ide 110W ant! fi?'Ullie my ,lid [X'j,i,km, making. {1Vel' $IOO,!J!il wlth\:l1lt1.h" r~"r"H\sib,ltlie., l.;f 1h~ ('m,mtj AWJwt'y p,-dtkm; ~n<l # In Qrder to 1t~-tain ~KH,ne lJ-f the staff. whorn r h~iV~ k~tr.nod. ovex t:h~, yen:r~ t<) vuh.te as declli':.atud Cnw:tty errrpj.{)yee~< the,)" \vil! l:K~e.d :p'~$-itkm, ttpgra(ks. ,~>hlCh \\:otdd :ruu(kr tnequit~bk::a C~)tUH,)' ,.:\tt.(>nw:j" s?shlry of the ~:um, JJf.evkn,udy pt~id~ csp:ct:';.;;dly whi.k ah.;o dhrrinl'\ting ret irem<:n1. llpgrll()(\ COIl!J'U<:1 day> Mild r:l'lhallCemenl~ in tl1<: g(,ld~,n p,Hw:hut,;, 1 hdie~<1 that (llUiO 1\ a nil! (lml Njllit:lhk dlang<~ in tbe lenll> of lb., lWU <;x,mmr:t$, Except [or $lllm-y [OT lhe Wt>tk peT[<Jl'm~d U:ll,] (l ntsHimc .reflew"l of 1 g ffilllllh, il1:\Wad nY 12 !!J'mth,;, 1 h<,I'e <xJl'~cedl.;~,d n, mnnbr-f uf h<.~,nc6h.; p1"t)dd{~d in tl1e p:dQf contrm:;t ))!J:YE~f.:ii\Y5JtlS~{),~:;T1.t:~\DI!:\. )1.1<,0. W, 11X>!\ ~~,~~~~:r~!.;=::=::::=,,:j:Xi~~~~~:::~:.::~:~:~:~'~:,~:,~,~:::::~:::::==:::,::::::=::::::=::::'::::='=:::l:ri~:~{i)!:.='.::'::=.==~'::'~:~::'::'::.~:~.',:".:..~.~:~] "',:::-" Rm:~t:,'<<::8hi A~W~'f,-iHk, 1 }~~f a~ ~ 6m~~ 1 Rf.:':1ti~:re:~ pani~$: v,:: ~l.fl t> r-t,~~w'w; I' WUt.~ ~-D:f ~ , jt ig n:J:pf:~hc!<, th~~r:a::'lft~:' I >~~aj <t~ ~ hIDt'. 1 ),"'$~a~~t; i~>>:.';~:;'~~: -." 1 1!1 ',~ JX'f )(m w~^"_'" a ,.U < U . .". ,.. AC~';;;ji'li~"t~ 'ii~A'I;:i~~~~V;~;td~,rt(;'~;.~t~,~ir;~;;; m~ 4. Ter~;i;;;:;t;;;;:' ;;i uau,.. ""'~'~~~R) C(j\;;':l-;-;~j;~)-;t'(:;lIWr : '$<<: (k~I~J{:;.m mmm mjn~'~;;u;;{:;;!;;;!f;~:~~~;t;t,(~:;;;;~:~u;:'&;~;"i~;';iJ~t;'m u: G~lflWlCt l! l~.lW~~h~ll.~ (~ypr(JX,- ,'$4l,JXIO ~4ditk\m~{J I P,~:xa~,tm~'C ~ 0', B Y :R~$i~'r4tlo~:\ oi Atj~~lffu.~y -, it;ift%O~.'i: ,at! -,A the, ! h. Uy Rt~,i;,jgmltj;m hl' i\U\Wl1<-~Y '" rt~:q~th:w;c l gv~,4an }~m'~'-'hut>l': ;(;nXllmt~~< :~HO: 1'-e:qu.1fe~ tCf,*ymt.~tt : p~'ynwM t~~:r w~;,r{( !~nn.tgh .drN.,ii\'~ <<tile ~)f I 9f ~rnu~~m: p,lld ir~~Q ReHre.ffiem: Sy~h~ltt at fe::~fgf:~it:)(t pl;1.'ii paym:cn~ fh( ~{'Cn.~:c4 Ann.ual 1 b~sh)rlj1~ <~fM);1m~<::~: to upgJ~IJe AH(SHl:CY';:: ~1-{'n' k~;y~ :&. h :-ikk %:uv~> t.\~;c pt<lv~.k:d l:(~ l>~h~t j gu\'<::m'm.enr '!':i.~rvi~t~, <>xm~)' (~tnpJ.oy<;x<$:, ; ,-:<Otnef b:lW~;' ~)f WH'(fh:tafi(m $:(l.BW",. t~~J ..~.:;tm;:e b~' $(hhff b:a~.~ oi' ~tn:nitl,M'kl:rj ~;.amf,: ~p*-~H:~ <mi ~ ("NHlry -:)1' Al:U)ftl>::Y: rt~ltma~ ~:(pir~:l;tiq:~ ar4 1 pt)'me.flt -of $~~wy t1X{t~~~~li :cJh.."1'::,~~V~ date,?'!' , j 3:~.::~j~m~riD'.n, .,gut. nott f~t Yftli'J1t:~p~~~:H1~,ity tU~clff ! ~:t(mir~arkm. & ~A,i:~h'&~>Cit:.:td :i<Hmml abd ~SlC}.";, { j ti.~gn3.J)~.5~8.~~~.~~ti.1}~ otb~~t th<U1.:~:!!~mL~~H~~~~"wm+.Jt~,Yt3~}i;;~.EjE~5U~;~,5.!.~~~!.!...~.~~~~~!Jr}.;~~.~)I~~~~I~~:........l ! 9 ,~)Qmf<:~ ~~uY', pltl~, '9 mondM; mfr~J.l aU~rw:!.nK,:t~ b ril;;rm:h~ :(i:~tbry, p~u;:; {~lH lHm>;m.t1 ,~r ~t:>..::nM:<i l ! p{u~ '9 rm,)ittb::s-: ~~H 1:::hum~, ,~H{Jwt:n::::\.~, plu:!:. Whi~t -t;tm~,j~ kJv.c ~H3d "'3;<:t:rtJl'.td ~k~ I-t'~w~ i)~ ' ! \,);,)d-d b.:~l.-'~ h~-:=€'n P<~W i~*) Rttitt-.mcm S)<;.:;i;:::rn ~m Jiani<<.~ m3:,y >~F~i~: ~~:i h~\'~ AH<HI~(~'~ .n~:)um~~ an ~ l),~WtJ:it'~y~::; hcltah (:or \~ m(~~1~h~~ plw: ~ ,W:'<Hlt~;;; pR~' i'),~;;i,$t~l)~ Cs:::. AH)'. r~;)*-~~j<~i~, ! t;)~h)~": ~)f ;tnmJ4:~ bM G\~~ {ith..~jlldi3H~ l<1>:-:d:({~~ l{~f 1 AB~~. C{)l.:::my Sm', .~nd :l;B~'~~>m; ~~c;;ti;:l~"!::; ~>f th~ t-l~j. EM & AHA) & <.~::<::~:;:p~~tjvmll, lkt:r:~e~. ami r~e;:;< ?V;~t . . {\.-..g atl1(~:mh, (~y qna~d ~nn1,;jl tfa~:c & :J<:::.k"l; ltay~ "'';-'''':~__''''''''''''''~~':'''W'w'"'''wu'u'u'r'''_'''''__'_'''~''''''~''<"';'~:;''''''-'''''''''''''W;'''''~ , , , ' ", w,'Un,w,w,',.w.....,..wu:'.',...,.."......w.,.....".............................".......-< f>" <....;>mpt' 13.:;;~,hm [ Bt~2<~f~ tlt $1, t ~i~.~.:; ~;-~~~~?t'tt~f 'l3X:N$.~d <~,~ j~ tn.'~;, n4gh~ Oilt $, 15(iJ:~')}; ~hi$'<:'<iher bK.l't~at>:zu : ! P"f yt~;-:;r:. m;l~:n~ ~l~(:~.~..t~ wh~.'m "l:mtrW(':~ ~~~l:stdlng to $;wm tt'!:l'tr'.:$ ~~i htt;rt-:a$~~ 3:'s,.,~Xti~d .,..w,.,....,W,....."","",wu" ~~~5;!)55k.."..".,..".,," t~~..EFnl}tJ}~~1~ vLm9: ~ ,~~!}.P>~;v.r~L mm , """ m m,{. 6.~~. C\~ttif};;ah{l:f~,j~ I N()~hJoi'~;i)t~~~~~t~~J, i:~.)~:t.;r:u~ ~~ns:' h~l1ffh" tiWd~IMe t{l alW1Bt'r : ...~,~}~~~[~~:t.:~.~~.... _,__._L~;,'m",w"',."mm''''''''''......................,..._......"..............,..........'."'.w..,,,. ...~t,..;~1~,t~~,~m.5::~~~!.m~:.ll~r~;~n1tt~,."""",.m"",",..,'w.w."",..",J ;;, FkWhb RS;.'tir~;(~':t':fJJ j :Seni~~l: ~1J,wa'!tc~1:!X'^t t:1;2,~* 'i(x 1i-:,rm d t:DtUra;.;i: &. S~nh>;:-- }..hm<ir:~m1~:mi CJ~$;.~; for l~:;:m"l <~r t':}{~mlio:1: i SY?;l<:m ! p~-yn1:{:'m 1J~1(i...R'~tittmetn .5 Y:i>ti'lrt t)f (;,){,Jl'lt)' at {r$;;: (.:,p~r~d~~s ~lttw~~gh /....twme;}" h;;$ 9: yt'~r$: ~ 1 tse~?hm,i!)~: Hi ;,::<s:8tHK'~ for l~p.griBk~ nt 7 Yf;~-af;3 pri:{~r ptk~r n,-'H,'({u.mty -gfj\'~rm:m~m $.<:':t'Jk.:' ~wl t6 ~; l $~;..~~~:J}5:j!~nU~:r{!~~:.i~1~E'!:~?':~.:~&~l!~~1_._...................... ..t~.:~~}S~~:~~.:~:.~t!!.~f~df:~:ti.........."...............,..,.............} 1 i'4Nlthl'l anOWj:t'~:;::.c Hr ~2j ! <~(}$.;m~>{.~}l'i}yid.-I~& <-:t'!:H phum~', l l ~~......,.........'^WNW"N'N'N"''''''''u"u,u'uu'''mu',...'l'uf;''''uu".fi,A:,,,.....-.u..'~..'u,U":.'N"m".''''.u......,.-.,u.'u.'u.""U'UUU'N,"~ l l~'<.~quh\:>:-d membt-l:$hip ~n Pt~)fk~a 8al, PC(thiC{ll j: R~q:ii{tJ m...tlttb~t~hjp in F:m';da :Bu, ' ~ :litd.br.;., {}f Hoti4,-:: B~r~ A;r:edt\1Hi Har A$~>fi~n;;)~! m{:mhtf$:bir~ itt :'-if:N~{HH.; sr~ AUA pCUd.M.h;~ ; :a.M penkl.-lt(.a ~dhtl),$., Ag h~,r th.Wt,i, O;":~il}.r<<tmM1! .- in~Hmd .:4 }H;w~.IJtop.(: B:lt <h~t$ tm,~d t;:.,< t .n<.':en~~i}$ ar:-d i'ee:1 t(;' bit: p~jd hy Cl)mrly~ [ Cu~m~:y. '.Nt> i}-;;...~Hp~;KH3~1 Hi::lm$:~~.< fif 'i;~.$ .........w.--,w,w,,,,..,.,.,,,..,......,,,__.__.....4.,,,,.......,..,'w,'w,,...'uu:'u'u.u,.,...,..........__._....___._._...._...._.............l.R~iI,~.~~,~::~~~~i.~\r~....,.h............,...........n.n.........m............. ~ (l-, .t'\.tumd, ~Htd, S1-tk l T:njn$:~~rr<,d ft'-NXl Sdlj)d B,m~.l'{,~ l{.~ C;'~~sn~y 31(~ 1 R<.1d,f!:(; botlID::; >s(;-cn,~~'d ~l::-; ~<-:;.:-;b.t~lot t:f)<~nlJ 1<j3.;t~l0 ~ hmlm. 1i> he t:'H~djt>:4 ~{~ ::,<kk l~.;'t\:e:.it )00 hm,l{:!;: to k', j <ttt(>w{':j' ~}'<'t:t ]6 y.cM~ {~l,Pf.~~.j)j"lrt'j.at:CI1.'1$O ! "",..w,....,.."......"'".........___.~.~.~~~J~~:~U~r~~}}W~U~~~,y~;,.,"'...........______~..__.....................l...~~~~~~..~~:~~.n:.,.,..w,........,.,........"....,....,wm,.,.....,...."."".,w,.,"",..,w~w...,..,.....~...~..J j t, .Pz:rro~tML:c:a'~'t ' }\tl-\xn~.y rdk'wM t<J M):!;:dll :;.tMfrntH ~{)3:k "dmJ:t!K ! AI1HrlX:Y "HM~r'lr(<m j~tne;o Hmt l~Qi<N3t ! JtBnn~! hBS5$;~';;;~ h~:,w~ t'~lf pen:i)n:a~ Of hutlUy ti:Xl~;:.~; 1 h~f$idf cit:Jifijr m>H:f@~, h~;:KiU:l."'$$ UOHr::'<.." :~hall I pt(;.:yh:l~~d Altom~Jj! .{~~tmdB~ n:.-a:t;.}(!<tbtJ ;:Hi;IJ.~-l!b~t-::,.. 1 mJtm,tfl :;;;as.:)tmb~y H"{:iib.hlt" ,..,.< (N-c::: ~::{mtm:::.t , t"-~t ....:nm~jclu~dv.r:j-;;:Uil<:.J ~~ab:~~~ y~~:it,m l'~Bre." l ~f:(<r~") ...L1~~tl,~~lb!:.1!Xti;.;A,p:f:{'(~X, $15/100, 'j .....'<"',.".,...',,,.',,'.'.':. l Alu)-;;':-i,-::d !(~ 'r{'mi~'i pt'}\.:~jle :lAJi(;~. ~:o r{t:~"1''.,'<- B;;>B" ..'...!"N:;t;.;:-- ~x~l11btm~m~ U~Z"" ....""",.............."" N{rl'll;' , ~.....,,'..,.'..,w,.'..,w,w,'."""'" . j" G~ildi;~r.. t~;l~::-~mtZ! t1C'Y:af 'Ph~,m~ 1 9. Pwfe;;~;)~~~r'.". ! ' ~ membt!f~tHr~ j 2. r~~~~:!l;';5f~1t:e'.' "TI'ff;)i;;f;;;;;;;;;;~~i;,,;mm 1 reI1H:~'C~~tif~g :;,:!i-e-nts h~., J\~tyJ~K~;5::jhr- 2 ~'cJ:~$m,.,.~.,. -""".w.w.w,w,w.w.wu"'-""~,."j~.;~:i4~k;r..-m.--.--.- ...~....."",,.'U,'U,'Uu... ..,........_._...........u..,,"'.',w,w,~"~w,w.-- N,W''''''''.........._.___.__._._.._._................... :~:fNvk ,,', lOnt.tNm ~mpb:y:;:t',~ ~r~, paid ~,'i of~lmjr ~k...k k~~\vf', whk,h pro~:j:.;i<)Ht~l'lHti'H~; f('il' \.iH nw:~m$: nf l};',m.dt'&,l'il;M~ {4:ht~r lha\1 {(m:n~ntifi;:~l':: ll)" U;>3:~d with'ot::~ {'<l.~t~.) EMPLOYMENT /\{fRFEMENT nus A.GREElv1ENT is emer~u into the 191h <by of April, :Wl)n. by :md helween the l:loilfu of CO\l!.Il.y (\)mmhsll.m,~r- ().f Mmw<)l:' C<."my ("'flollul\ r;,)ridll, H J1<,nlk:al ~;\Ibdid~jon of the SWft' ,'f flori,ilL who~e address i. SOO \Vhileheau Slreet, Key 'Nefl, Floridi< 33fJ40, ,mti Suzanne A, HlitlOn, an HH<.>mey Jj\:emed to prJcti(:~ luw in the St:ak of Fkrld,l, l. "A\IOrn~.y<<.I., wlw~,' KAJenti,,1 ,){klres~ t$ 551 P,nt tMe, all!: Pille Key, Florida 33(H3, WHEREAS, A(toITK'Y is pres'~lJtly finilJ& (he po,;itkn ,.1' Imenm (\l\lmy Atwlney: ;11\d \"iHERE/,S, BnanJ de$i.rc'O> In hi~ AHlJml'Y <1~ it,; Cnllmy i\J\<)n\'7: ,m<1 WHEREA S, lhe patties hllve dd~rmill~d 1\1<.\ 1he term~ Ilml (;ondilkm$ of dli~ Agreem~nt Ilr~ to the equiwbk h~lle.nl 'if b',)Il: pllttle-; NO'.V, THEREFORE l1w 8otIT<l mvl Atllwl'll:)' hefehy agree a~ foJk"",',; L Employmellt At(omey i:, her~by \'111ploY""1 by Board as C<"ll1\Y AU'Jtnt'y, whidl po.ili<m $!wJl b<: <l full.time jX),ilioll. ",Vork h,)\<rs 'fl{\Ihl.llleU, Ilnfllliilleay{\, lWf:,Olllll kuve, Ilnd ~kk ki:\", hours l;ake~l Wtl) l'1.' donmlCtllCd 011 <t (t'nl1 or fnrrr", 1<J be pn:.vkk:d by SOMa. H(xu<l <\iiW'~., l.ha\ ,my fwdnd nf pmb<llim1<tfY .erviw 111<\l rn::y n<.' applicabk It, the po~i1k'll <)f Onmly Allomcy under the pnwhq,)j)$ uf lhe Mom\)(; County Per~'}nnel P<llicics <lnd .Pmcedures Mnmwl 15 l1\)xh" W<liw",l. 1, S<.l)e Client /\t((>fltey ll.gr{\",~ ,Jr'll. ~11<: wHl nct pnwkle leg<lJ ~crv;\:e>, WIWlh)f for (I j;~e <If pH! bow:>, for fmy (lthel' penmn or entity wit.boUI the (\Xpt'CH '>'<Tiaen ;apl'nw<l.! l)f litel:loani 11 I" l.he ilJletl1. t'{' fhi" i-ec'tiun 11'<"l Anume)' will Ujl\'C no tither private or public diem., :l. Post"Emrl<'>J~l1~ll1 R~Slri~tiNh, A(lcnl~Y 1igr,,-~~ thaI., {,1r " perk.d of lwenr:yf(mr (24) c&kl'lJar momJ1" hvm Ih" dtc",ivi: d",,~ of 1~fmh\fltkHl of t.hi~ Agr""mem, Aaome} $hllU owlform H' rJ1<.~ requlremmlt of Clwpwr .::, Artide XXI, Ivtmlr<.le Count}. Cmk ,\\,wernillg lQhbying and f.x\><;ur:eme'll1 <:lhie, for {"'l"m<'l" oJTic~n <\nd c'mrl{)ye,~s, mid shuH l1<X 1qm:;;el.lt dlent, before the E<.1UTJ ('f Ilny d b ad\'blry h.ndie'i, 4. Dl~cJmurt ,}!' Firll<ud<tllme.re"t$, Se<:ll<.m 112,3145, Flmii1a Stalutes, requires finund~l disdo,ure hy l\ "lo~<ll r,fflwr," and 'J.lbe~lk)l1 OK~) <kfin~s l.x.\11 oHk__:r t.o h\(:Jtld<: "any Jl':l'$on h(lUil1g ()!\(< \)1 nW~re {}f the, fotl(~wing p05itk1!'lS: ,A:-<lUt';fY or rn'U..11..k:i{H:t! att(~rnty.n A.tU~,ll~,$}{ '~"ign',c.~ ~(::- mik~: such dbdl>WI"<:' ':m 'uch forms :mJ fIt :\uch lime$ ll~ rMY b<o l'e'lulr~d hy ~lut<: ltlw, 5-. Tenn of Agri;cmt':,Ht.~ T~rrniail.tion. A N,mn;11 ferm, The !\orm,,'l term <if thi~ Aiiteem~.ni will b~ fur a period vI' fnrlv.ei>rhl (48) cdend~:r OWil'.tJ's, C<"I.tl"l{"'l:~,.~,'Y'lft.. ~'~,t 9'.(~'(.' 1< .'~. f~Y' ~?'l'~'" S~:i' ~~(l".: ,)1 !t..-t~,.,<, ~(<<t:;.;.; "'r'<l ~>~.<j n,) ;1 "'l""'~.~ lii'l ". _, '_'~",,~ )<','L". ",.j" ,.Hu'J,..'m'^l':';';;>~'''> ,.".l.,.,~ ,,';"".>"" ,)11 tlw 30th day'" ApriL 2010, 8. E:~t"ll~i(ln ~'f Term, The j);ll'1k~ .hall hfiW UN: follnwin\\ {)lltt(m" It>l' e1l1ell;:i(jl} nf term l>f agleem,;,nl, to he mutll\\l1y t'A;~ld~,<-,d hy wrinen mkknd\llll t,; this agl'~el1\ei1'l. 'n,e 011<t ten~wal <!ption ,;'llnlllx~ f.tn ,\ term of dl?hl~ell me,nth" and a.l1)' fmtb<,r 1'''''l~Wllh ,hall (Oach he j;;.>r a lleCrm of t\~C.J\'(:: n:wnth.~. C. Tr'nniJ1Mkm, oJ l\,gr'(~cln~at rh~~(mt(\~"Ai~Y. "','''''''' "'.' ,~'" '-'" ",,,,,. "'. .." ,.. .'. ','"'' ".., '" ." "','A .".." V" ." ,,'" , " ""~...'-. ... ,"'"'''V''',''' .., ,..", J, 8y llo<lfd tor Caw,e. "Ill!;; Agr~ment m~y tw lerminale,l by Hourd for came by il ffi:'j<Jfl1Y "Nc {)f the 13nltf<l of entwly (\'lllwi~>if,j)e1~ ,,1. ,\ duly fln1ke<.1 pUhli,: ,twctitlj1. At ka';t Jitken (5) lilY' prim 10 the. ;j"le 011 ",hidl the agenda f,'r the Board of Cnmlty Com1llb,iom:f~ j~ jxep:.red thM d)fHr:.i:n~ th~~ jt~,:m nf t<':trnimHion tn b(~: ~t:t(~.d UP\)11~ Board will. pruvide to :\lttH',ne:y- a d~-L~likd wrHt(..'1l. ,hllCme>tt "y lhe ..",,,,,,n or I",,,"'nn~ fnr which lCfflllmtlif;fI is Willg 'fr",ght 1'h" ~l'\lemenl ,,,ill illt'Jude, hut 1101 lw lirnl1ed H.\ lhe ,,<:1 or acl~, nmb.,iol1 ('r omi~"inns, or <lobuli 0:' aef,juh5 wl'll~h hwru the l~~~~.b f<)T' '(~{hich terrnirwl.h::m, is ,~'>Hght~ ~~l<~ng 'with th<~ fckvanl d~ttt,~, or d,ales, tim.c 01' t.hncs> ~md hx;~ti~).n ur 'loC'~~tkm~,. A,~ u~~ed in ~:hi$ paragraph~ j;'l~~)r' CfiU~(t.<j fnt.:H'i$ (a) dishonesty vdth re$~f.;:t 1(' tilt, hU:$ll1e"~ 1,n<l <~p"r&ti(ln of the fll">ard: (il. CQnfinn"d vioj~ti<-'f1 d' the Bo(<rd\ drug poUey; (~) tt;~Jusal ~{), {.'{}l).pftHH~ in a.n ~.nve$;tjg.ath.m rega.rdbJg mry i~:;pt~1 <rf the. busine~~; Of opcr~~tktn <,Jr the H(l>U'tL whi,;h inv?,tigatlzm i~ ,;ondu;;led hy tlr at toe ;:9!~$S thre<:lh't:l 9f lhe Hn:ard; ('d) cnnvictioa uf ;~ (:JhrH'~ "SNhkh i~ dH.%<i-fkd ~~ u Je-k~n}" or u n:ime k~vQlllin:t IH(Wa] t~rq}~wd.(:~. ;:.u~d (<~.) gr(~::-; :n(~gk~,~t <1t willful ,>1' iUlentinnnll11b,~'md\JcL 1, By ,,',un.r.ney fot' B~-e.HCh" Thb /\.g:rec:n1c.nr nwy he tennin.alcu- hy ..\Hnrm.~'i UpOH a brt;a<ih of lbl$ Agr;:emen.l hy Bo"nj, pl'Ovidtd the Board ha~ not cur~d tlw hrcad; Within lOlrty (1)} ,lays fdlQwing rccdpt ,>Ilh,' tHAicc t'i' lk~ hl';:.ack If th" br"u,;h !la, not heen Clued, tenni1Hltlon >,-Hl be "n;xlh;:, pn :ho lhin.:"fin'l <'illY f.:,)lowing receip, nf Wrillel\ fml'ke hom f\ll<'>rl'W} hy ,he )'l'",rd.. NnHce shan be, deeHH~d to }}r; .re.k~iYecl by ~he, Hnard. if Sent to the tv1uyor, }, By N'H'llt,;l [gpil'(lti<)H. 'rhi" AZ.f~tmlCTl1 l~ ,orminakd UP')H it~ 110n11fll <:l>f'itatl<m <i.ttc M stakxl in S~ctkm 5./\. lJpnn. n()m1~~,t ~,:(pir;gion \vi1.h<Jot (~ f~~lW:'Vllt Attorney wilt b(~ entitled t':inly to paymc11l Jor ",ablY l!ln.,ugh the efj~clhc <]<11.,,' <>f l'e~ign~lk!ll, pltl5 Ill" Jui.; amo\ml aoribuwhle hI "C<CftH:U ~nmUl.llc'l\'e and ('[1,,'.h;\lf ,he am<XlllI iJ:\trihmiJ:hlt W (Kc!\Jtd ~ick le!wt, ll~ j, jJrovided 1<) llll Cml1uy nnpk>y,~~" {)( t11< kngl'h o( ~,~rvi(,: Alt,m'1~Y ju:~ w'llh ,he C<J\mty. 4, B)' E,lard Wil.hmj( Catl.C, Board may 1Crmimlk this Agf'~ClIWnt with'lOt t:<IIN', d.'Ii:ctiv,~ lhirty (30) thy> dIe!' glvirlg Wrllh~.n Ilolk<~ 1'} AHomey by o.lml deh'ery Qr US mail, ~em Cl?ltiHed. rtl'Url1 re<:elp' r~que~ltd, de<:111CtI efr'tctive J10lke \1jWU rtCdpl M '\lh~lllpkd ,]divery Such krminalivll will be b,\" nH\j"l'll:Y ,'()\e "r the fk,1(td at ~ dllly H,'lice.a puN k wtetiog, Upo-u lhe vote d t~"1miH"lion, Board and lW,')rpcy may agr<>c that Alt"mey remai.n within th~ Offk(; of the COll!lty A.ttor(lKY< ~l<x:epl.iXlg ail A.;'i,:.S:.15Wllf (\)f.Hlty At1:0rney r,rts:h.km, tct:~lniJ:~g 3erd(xt' }Aa!j,at~~m{~,m, ;}l,atus, 1",<1 ((' l)<~ Pitkl al "11 i~rw\1nl .>nlat} whkh ,hill) he t:otfljJmd by (~;liu'ling tht Atwmey", t1l1l1ul11 ~,dmy ,\~ (,1 r.bl'cl1 15_ 2(.)6, ['Of Uill1Hlrll ltnd ,;t'~H'f.li"ing. ,,,be,, which A(1nrney \vl.wld have rtxeiv>1d. thtdH!. the, thne of ihl~ (:'o.n.~nlc.l: bnd Attonw;y r:e,l'a.ain,cd in h~~r r~(Hiitt(m: .~i::-; ~ln A~~sht,mt CfRmts Ath.'.:nlt~Y, and to H~~H'H,Ht.~ ~~jl. m:~<;~nj~<:~ sick (m(~ ~nnual1<m.ve't() ~1~:;d(~ p()~itio,n. In th~ ~.v~mt that l'lw partie" dn nol Jgr>,~<: I'.(} AHmT,ey t~maioing iu llw orrk'C of the CNlllty All('l:nty_ within thh1Y U>O) (fuy~ tdk,-/' the en,~cti l('C d~~u:, of t~nniHation~ County shuH pti,y to ,<\HorH{~Y .a ~mn cqu-id to nn~,' bd.f of the y"Ct mUl1.1Ht ~,ala.ry v;..:hkh ,AHorn~y h rtc~,iving ~s of th~ d(w;~ ()f ~h,~ '...\)t.e of ~trrnh:mtion rl(l~ )mymcJ11 f,)! di. ll11U>~d al1m!,')l k,IW alld ~H U.t1INXI ~kk k\\ve. lJpnl1 paymenl. in t<lU !It rc,\pfX,inlmem. l() "1\ A,,,i,ti,nl' C(~ltlly ACl<"r!"'il,\' rnsition, Atto11lcy ~ldl e:<.eqlle ~ generall'e.k;\~e in favor of an ofh,<:~"r~~ m.efnbef$~ it.nd etnpioye~$ {~f Board t't'lUllng t('; iW.y ~UM:i;e {Jf ,~m1.~~~;' of a.ztio:n Afforn.<;1S lw%~ .had, or n1ay hav~ retuad t",) the, L"\g;((~mnt!1t ;!H~d dl(~, h~,n'HiwH"itln t.h(~r*x)(, Tb:~ ~i~l\,,:ral fd,,,.,,, ,IJilU <'n<:Qmpll~' aU appli,r.bk t'eder.ll. 51.1t, al;J It:,c,,l law. 1(IlU ,,;,rdllli.\m;e,< rdn;:imt t" (:]~thn?s {)f U'legtd dn;~;r:irainMkmj ilH<.~nHnrl~d and. ~.nJi.nten.Hon~l ~nrt$~ wh~~tl~.) bJOV~-'t:f ri~dw~,< an~l ;d! Nhel' l.yp'~~ of cbl1\% wheth,'l' kntlwn <)J' uJ1knowJ1 lhrough the dale of cal~edlall<m, '1'0 lhe exwnl thut it h prt>!libited hy H??lic"hlo lC<1el'~L ,;l'lte or local law, thls r;wvi,\t>H '<hall h,' {keil1NI w,id l\J1d <.:~f n;:) e,ff;Jd. ... Hl~unn/C~) Att}: ., " D, R,\,igtlilti<>fl. in lh", even\. tlwt ,\l!<1mey "t:$igus tlUnl th~ posidoJ1 of C"l1I.ll)' Attorn,'y prior 1.0 th~ normal ~xpir<!linll dllt" of thk Agreement, :m{'; shaH toe {,;Jltitld only to payment fOf ~alafY through lh~ clhlctl"<' dHI" (If !.'t"ignatimJ, plus lhe ful1 Hrm'ull1. attrlhutabk 10 (I,xnled <HUlU.IJ k<lve jlnd om;., half th~ ,UH<.>Jmt ,HtribulI,hk 10 lle<:med skI;. kav,~, M I'lT'vided In ~jl CHumy employ"'''''' d th~ kllgth of ~"r'll,'e Amil'l1ey h~~ wilh lht COtlll1y, At l<~it,t lhirly day,; prior to the dftetive date td re;,ignlllinu, writk.n nmkt: of n:;~igIlHtk>1J ;,haU he delivcred to the M~YH by hand ddiv<'ry Of US nl<lil, S~ul ,x,nifid, retUfn receIpt fequ~"tcrl, deemcd eft~cthc nNice UPOfi rtedjl1 Of U!te,mptcd dt1ivery, ti CnrUpeR%~tj.n1l., it, Amount The BHanl Will PllY w Auorn<:y, u ami fnr jl h,(s~ ,~Jwy, tlle Htm,;,j' ONE lWNDRED FfFTY THi)CL<;/\ND DOLLARS l$L50,(I{)(j,Ol;:n p,,;r annum for !.hi: firsl Y~<lr of cmpJoYllWllt The ba~e ':llary ,hall be. i!~CI:~.\"ed t11{~r~atwr r.c,,,-.rdmg 10 lll,~ C<,unty fX!liey HI' co,t, oQil'irlg llnd mHit ill{~W,lse,~ provided '[0 ot)KJ' COWlt;,- ~mploy(;e;;, J3, l'fqlU,;nc Bas~ Nlltry pl1ym~nl~ will be paid in ~qtlal biweekly iu<;,allmcnb 126 pay perhxis per tsHW.U:U)-.. ",)j;" :e:),x ~:H:h~w\-I.ii~e. )11U.;'1" be Hluttmlfy i~grecd to in wlhj,u:g. (', Pf()fc;d,mul C~rtific"Hml, Attorney i~ certiIied by the Fkx\dj, lhr a, a ~,prclll!i$1 in City, COUllty, l\ll<1 Lwd (iovcrnmCll( Law, Pt,rsllam t'J $11<', 1,3&)(<:), MOllfoe Comlt:" Codc, Atlomey ,lwll hi: l~<ld $Z5iUll) m"ml1lv in !cldlliNll() lhe f.l;;,e ;,ubr\', . , l), Alwmey dlilll be ell\itk,j H) h~(ll1h, ,t>;eiden1:;l de;;th & JiMlliifmr.enrwm ;!'ll,J life lmMMce (;(j\'(~mge undu CO'umy grtlUp p,'lide" aill! ~hldl ret,lln the righ!. tt) the neuhh In,umnce ctn'cragj) ,wail~hk to H'tjR'e~ \>;11<) wcre hm'{J prior \() ()cl.olxr 1, Zl)()L, purHlilll( \0 Re;;olullull No, 11+2001, as ll1{)(!i['kd hy Resoltltiorts No, 154,,2003 (Iml 354,,200J, Nothhlg inthi, \lgn::emefit ~l1all St! Mide ;\ n,N"n<~"/ S d.thJ~ \.tnd~r the <"Rule of 7ft >~ 7. 'lhm~pl.ll1illl<m All,,,,;an,x, A,HOHW)' I1gH't:~ that sh~. wiillK resptlmibk h'r pmviding h<:1 OWll mowr 'chide l\'f t,~nsportll!ioll within 111.:: limits of MonfO<: COUtUy thut may be ~e~';lry> 'C.qUifll<!, 'lr n.pproj1rimt in h:l111ling h<~r lespon>jhil.i\k~ and dutks umkr lhi, Agreemem, In n~,J (>(' Ihe preparMion, m(lim';Tlu)'l'~C, ~l.lbmb;;ioll, revlew, approval. and sudiling of dewil travel cxperme l'eim,b~mser.nullh:" and as .p~u~ial tx:m~id~r~tkm for Atn:HTtey-\~ ~nh;~:ri,ng intu fhi* 1'\gri~CU)t~11l> Hrmrd itgrc<% It> pay t(, AMnle)llh~ sum of .FIVE HUNDRED HFfY DOLLARS ($550.i.1O) pcr llx>:mh as and for a tnn"portal.lon <<lk>w<<n,'e.. F()T iNYi,1 Oul of lVk'llJ'foe County by mowr vehicle, Artt1mcy will h~ rdmhur>cl by lkllrd em " p,~r trip hlls!s .<! the m!e alk>we(\ flir mid"", Cbljlter 112, Fh,ida St<ljul~$, wHll mile,,!;!; C"kldl1te<J i\~ jf dq.>arture C()lll!ll~H,,,xl ;;1 \h~ Mmuoe C()unty.Da,k County ~ in(~, )-*u6 return i;:".nded ~t the N1:cnn,)e Cgun!.y.,rh~dt ()::mt~ty Hl~C. Ax its ~ok. di~;S::Jeti(>n~ and tlpon H"jM~'1 I>y Atl<'nwy. fjoil1d m;ay 'lwhori<:e 1he fciJJllJtlr~<:mcnt of At\.<)m<:y'~ w::lU1!l ~ltpellditur~" wht.~re d~Kumt::nt('.d e"'lkk:fK~.-e: i~ n.rt)~lde,Q d~.t<:lH1n.!;~ the u(.'tual expcn~e,~ incurred. . ~ g, Trav<!l Rtdt~1buro!)em,cHt.. H()~ttd >:t~::t~<~s f<) p~W to Of r~"irnbur~e ,Attorn'~y f~)f lli~ co~b of n:v~ah. f4her l?'pt:m><:'i alld It>dging il1cmred by Ai10m<:y that m3)' he ne,:m'.o"wy, rcquin;d. Of apFrolltiJllC ii1 fulfilling .~uorn:t~Y5 dutit:;>:; ami re;:;pnnsibiliti~.:; under t:hh~ Agr~enlent M<':'Jb. other u~<fxmse$ Ht1d \>dging win he r,lld for t,1' tcln;h<rsed Ilt the rate~ Sjl<:dfic<1 ill &c\i"" I LLW.d , Plorid'l StanM,. Al ib; ~<.oie, thM;n-;tkm, and: upon re:que'$t. oy /ut(:rm<~y~ Board may aw1hOrl1;C the: n~,hnhur:)elnt~nt (}f i\ttOHli'~/!; (~(:tu.al e.>;;?end.ihn't~.~ '\Vhf:.fC doct~tuf'..nwd. t,vvhk,n~-e 1$ pt(~vkk,'(] t~ctai1:iug the, ilCtU~:l1 expe:n$f~$ .iiKu.r.n..'i.l. H~l~~)r'9"X\~.Any, ,~ 9, Flnrida Reti,n:'>'lxHmt Sy~ttrn. Beltrd ftt:V't't:~ dmJ the ptJ$iHc~.t~ ,cd Coumy .~.ttf~,n~ey wjU bf; tl. .pMidan ;:,;lu~;ji.n~i as., ~nd ~HgjbJe fvr ~'he b~J~<fhs lH::ov}de.d under., the, $~m1Qr .t\1~1nu~V~:H.K~nt $~r\"ke (~~.;:Ht~:, in ~KcordmKe wHh S~{'~.km 11L,05S., l:"'lnrkb Statut~~~,. H()~fd, 'wBl cOHtdbllh~ ~.n.lch ~rW':RHlt:s ~tf ~u<:h th:m:\~ as i<:i J~qnh:~~d hy Sf.di(>a, {1:2 .f.65, Flnrid.~ St:ttlJt~~$, ~ind .:any mh:{~t .appi:k'abk h1\V nr ~lalnw. l{t DtJdes and. .Re:s:~x,m.~{J~H~des. A. (k:ner~l, .Aw)rncy wUl h~~v\~ thQ~e rt:'~'pon.$jbilitics mid p~d{Jnn thn.~~, d:tl1ie~~ v,dJkh. .~tn.~. liM:e<1 :~t~ the ,M~~*d'H.~,d. P-n~1iH(:H~ 'Dtf1Cr~pt~on (Att<*dn::ncm: i\).. ,i:~)'(()fp()r~~t<d h~'rd:n by f~::!.f~lence, If,a duty <~1' H,,'~pl.."H't:~ibHi1.y (::n:nta~~M~:d 1m dN.~ f\>:shi0U O~~s;~dptkul ,is 'in <;f.~:n:n~~;t 'w'Hh <~, d-my tJt. respoHsfbihty <.x~Htaindl in {h~i~ i\gteel.n~~Ht, the duty nl' tt.'::sp{H,islbmt<)'" spi,:cifk,d ~n d~.i:) AgJtk~nf:'nt tvfH prev;(~lL B, li~em.p~'i{::~);S, ){Qt"h:'ing ~9 th~s A$rl..~rn:'cnt {)1 ~n tht':: B{)UTtf&, pn'lick.~-> tt:k8< ..~nd. p.r(X:~~du:r(-;:) \%'Hl Lx:nj:t A~:t(wn~);/~ right ~t~ make pM,:Hi~ve nU~lJW'hi:~. inv~$tmem,l!<~ tQ, J)a.tti{,,~.ip:a~,c in d.H.triti:1b}~~' :?:i-cf~'i~e <~r w'ork 'J,~ith chjr1tnble 6fg~mil,jtkms m~d ()ther c(~rmrmnhy ~tthdtie$> i.nduthn:! l-r,atk ;md pr;;)bl~s~ontd ~)ntun~x..;:tth~lli: <yt to 1.1nJelt~tkf:, olht':r .;:t~}tivhk~ )<vhich do :fls:)t 1W.$d't:'fe w'ilh t.h(~ ver.fm:lnan;.:;<.~, (~f ~'" ' , ~ /\unm.~:y\ (hlth::'t:. Hath'::T t:hh~ Agre.{':H.::~:Ht, it t~..ing H1:UWidl:y {3~:W$~d '~.tm~ l\~,t<~n:H(/$. pH.n~d.p<~tioJl, jn ~~~Kh acti'dd.es 1~ {l hene:fh t~~ th~ Ho~n.L C, A"iailabi.ht,v, Anor.n~y viin h-~ rC~~}i.-(>n.i.1bl',: ~~:vaHtlbk to H(n~rcl mt:rdx;;'r~ J.Hd k~v' B~:K~fd ,~b;ft " . . '" '" .., '/ .. . <" ", ,", t'",. ,'''1'~'''~f',,,,,,,, ,"\'" ~/' :S:h"~ ">{"'~:;'~.;'::'l'- ~'-Il >N,...:.;..-;..i-"~I ....., '. "~"'>'<"('<~':"'n' ""';" ""') .r::....' t::.t.,en9:". (.-d~ ~,~/~) {h).J.;.;:<: pt., ,~",<l}, "'~:\>"-'u. l~<:~:th~~),d ), W.d oe v} l,...,'<;~,?:,.:H,h% {ft t.j",C~Lh,h", ~,.K,~,,<.c;tgm-b< (} ).-~J. ;>el'!;,;Wl. H,"ml ,ldl mAm;tln thr AH"m'~y ~e11\liaJ tdq~l1''>l't 'en.l,,:, D. Ethk:,al C(rn:.~hle:r-i.~~j{ms, "Bn~nd jJ:f.~d }\n(~rney ngntft ~hat, in general. it it th~ Bm~,nl as a wh(.'4e that i~ '~h~ cb.mt entity ,<)f the ,Atv:~rncy. IJowe'i!<-"t~ s:~ rt:'t~ogl1i<.:e<1 hy tbe l:hdc~.:;, ol J)roft:'i~~;;k~n.al C<J'ndtld nf rh~ F:mida ll<lf, Hw ll\wmty-dknt r~ltlibn~l1lp fix ,lrg~nll..,.kll1~l and $l<:'V\)rnm\~mjll a!l'en':lc, j" ))t.! tht ~;;~HUli~ {)<~ fh)~~ ;~ttf1fney..dienJ rf.~hHkHlf~,hip tbr private inojvidlwf$, lltld Atwnwy\ pfofe:5~~anal rtlMk}$l:i<h~.p 'wilt: th<~, B(}:;~rd -w'HJ ty<;, <.:v~~sist~~nt viith tbt, retlU~H:~nKms <.rf Ruk~ 4.,~ ,t, 3 <~f l:h<~: l{H.lt'~s f4 P'fote:ss~ol:~Al C<m.duct, E, Lt:~g4:! (}p'l.n.km5, B<)arc tH1d i\tUrrnt:y Jgre-e thM fn)m, time, It) thne An(Yn~t\Y \~6H hl..~ nt'qHe.s~{',d t~) nm<kr a .k.gu,l ~:}p~.ninn l..xn n:Hl11er~, of $.~gJli-n~~~mte to the H~")4Jd,. ::h~'i C<YtJnry A-rlm.l.nbtr~~t<),L, 'or th~ (~<.)~~ntv (':k"a'k, BomA ;;1.n.u Atwnlt~V atw('!<.~. Hi~lt., t'on~h;:b:~nt WW1 tht ~H1i~~;11 ~)blhw~j<rfl$ nf thi'::' .::\n<~rn~v to the E<.)mtt (1,) uli ,r~qu~sts for ~~} {;{J;nlon 'wiU hr~ in \'\rdHng; (2) ;~.u t(~~~U(~S1S":wHl tk (:{),g,nruuo.k'(~w~1 t<~ Am::n'ri-i:,)' directly hy {)r t.hrough a C~JUllty C(>tnnib~k~r:~~~{-> Hl<':' C<.)'~uj:t}' A<hnhri:;txmn.r, nr th<~ C~.:;'iu.nt-'f Ct:t;rk. ~nd (}} ~d~ o\}otnion~ f~ndt:(>(:d win be in 'Wr.hln~, addr~,:i>~<;ed. hJ the nmnd of Cm.mtv C{)w:.n;b:)ion:~r:i< M1d =:.vHI. b~' 0:\:'<-.:- '~h\':" .*"ltm~lUrt <~f {lit; /\~t(::rne';~' it is <<x~ress~v a~tce.J the' ;\1~(>n~~~'~: "..\:'111 fh:)t e:ntcrtn'm ri':::(~U:Z:~1.~ i.6r, .l){)f >,t:'Hl f't'H<kx H, wridt~H 9piui:)U W'. lndl.vidtH~l.$ :;r t'ntlli~$ whc at; rH<~rn.h<~r~, nf ~h~ g'e'nenii p!ib1.k <Jt :ip~~;jal hnt'1t:M g~,'<)::"lp~, or whv. ttre l;:q~n;t~tn.wti-ve?S: of gov~fn:m~mt~d >tgew;:,k~ u.nle$$ spccifk;~:.uy dit~ctt<l tb. do ~~G by ~1 .l'HajndJY \:'<)t...~ ~~f the Board in a d.uly ~;{>dt~(':d. r~;:;t>h,~ ~'rK~C'!tHg, 1 L J'rt>k,,,iNl;<1 Mcml"'nJlip,, Atwmey wm m:limllin h~r ru<:mher'ihip in l\<xxl ,'1alldiu" wIlb Tile rlodda B(~r (;nd d~H~ C~,~}\. ()}m~~J & (Jpvernmcnt' L~\~' Stctkm (~f Th~.::. fl.6rkij e~r: and ~);~V be<:Qfn:l..~ H ,n,lc.rnbl..':'.r ()f. and rn~lht!::;1.;iH rm:~ml){;~'5:<1l.ip :i<t.a~th ~n di-;l.i~i'Jns {)f t.;::ctkntx ('.4 'rh~ F~prl~la Har ~':l:d,(dl an::: r-,:;.;ointrH u~ ~:h{~ i.HW~~ ;~ddJ:e,'?,;~~ed by the COUl1t.y AJt~.")rn>i~Y\; ~Alke, .l\:ddiiionany, i\nDfne,:v tnav b:~:~::~'~n~; ~~ n,~(':n,ft~~r G-fth~, ,-~~~r~;d,;;:,an Birt AS5(~t~bHnn c:;md :~ n~$rnber '()f tb.l..~, rx~l1.hwnJ ,:::;e<;t~~'m5 (;:r dflj, ~.::H.nni., /\.d (~tl:(;:) and (:(?Sb fOr obtaining; -and tlH1~'nt(\inSng th~, rn'{;':H:lhers.rflp5 tit"Jh~e~tf:'-d iib.Jve win h~ paid br by Ik'l\HL H;-,l~~~:f~>,-~, /\~,;.~' , , 12, L,)(;tl U>li~(}nj" Allnrney will m..inHIlll (,,,j,;ons with the icg:d rq'fe,,~mtlliws of lnq,l t!ovellHuen1aj ;tH<llwhlk ligclwle5 lo.~Rted 'vivrin th,~ geograpl1kuJ limits of Munl'ae COlll.tly, t(, ,,,,,!tItle hut j)(>t he hmiwd t{) hh\m{)r"d<l,Vill"g:<~ oj hhmd!;; City of Laytml; City of Key Colony Beach; ell)" of jl,hmllwn: Cily of Key West; f1nrkh Key. I\iJm;qui,o <:nmrol Di~I.rkl; Florid1l K<:ys A<ju~dti,l Amhmily. MOUHX' COelmy HO'lSil1g AUlhority; !In,l the ,$(;I10t'! HOlld {)f 1>.1('I1I'Oe ('mmty, L\, Oifk,~ 8p;"(O, SHiff am! SupptJl"til1g SeT"ke". /\, Office 5p1\1:e, 8,;1\r,1 will pnwide offit'e "PiKt' fix AtlCrn,~y, It StalL Bmml \< ill provide sdficietli ,pa!ifkJ swff ,,^. th;; ofike of ('mmt} Alt,1m~y l.() il"sist Alwm;;y in d'fkkmJy, pwdtlc1ivdy, il1l<! pr...,f~~5i(inaJly meding th~ ll1hskm. gVi!h" and ()bje,;tiv~~ d th~ Cowlly A\lO"l!"y'-, offl':;; ;mti the dll1ie~ of \h,,: Attorney, Staff wiH ]lldud<" 0\(111,)\ be limited to, (;u()m<~y~ li<:,en.ed to practice law in the ,$tille {,f Fbridfl, paralegals l\\,dAlr kgd <l~.iswng., ond *H:lnlini~;trat~v<.~ ~~lprH):rL C Stipp,'rung S~f'ii\:c.>, Board wili pwvid(O s\liablc ulllitie';, tekl'holle tttvi<'.c, computer haniwaft; (lru] ~<,lhvafC, dtctl'Crf", re,e:m;.h and t'-mail ~'<' ke~, w,xld wide wel:' uHd imem~t "';C",;>, b(l<.l!", aml ~\Jb~<:rip\i(ll\s, lWdmlicah, om;:e. wrphc;;, rhctnt'op)' equipH"mL C'.lUHlY web-page f'r~,C'Ke ~~nd s<ttve-r i~O::~~S:;; .and ~11)faZ,t~ ,~f.mct, po~tage~ ~)ffic{:, ,cquiprnent and nJtnHtu'~" ~lfld t)th~r sbnUut xna~,ednls~ cquir~rnent aud set':"kc;s a5 :ro~y he m;.~-cs;:;afY 1'6:r the proi~~r<, pn.x.bctive, ~i:n~l cffic-ic'n!, oDemt.inl1 <:)f Ine <<ITi,:", <If Cmmtv i\w)m,;v. ~' '........ \4, Annuai L<wv<) iuti Sick Leave; Trat1M~r. Ikginuillg with the nrH UKll11h of employmenl under ~:hi$ Ag:n~~~rnent, AU()r1K'{Y' \\<Hl e~m and be credited <A'hh s.kk l.~tiV~ tH:n~ts ~md. mmuui k-iH'1l ,hout);; ~tr a rale ''Ie! month "4uaJ W 111.: hit!ll;;l'l rate eamed l>v au\' n!h<w ,~m!)lovc,) or offkcl (,f HOl\wi, Attorruw -1." . w' . ..... ,,' ... sh~ttl re-tu~.n all im!WHt ~tnd. skk l~~IV~ ~ccuto.nJated a~; ~m: 'aS~is.lant CQ1111ty "al~:n-ne,:y and ~s, in.tt'flHl ''''lmtya\1,mwy, AI\'Jmey mny lK:Cllmu!ale umhl:d llImtl~f lcave WiUl(,tit. l,rlllt ant! I'm mlU~c.J tUll\uul k~ve s.h.aU b-e. forfdwd dn~ to w:m,n~e~ auy px()vl;.;,h:~<rH) <:4 fh-c ~\(mrpe County Pt~f~(l111).et P(;lji..;'ies itnd l'mec(\m<::i Mamla! to tbc C<lilt:'llry I\clwil.hstanding, is, 00 CtdL D'l<~ to the. ili.\t.\1xe of Atwme.y\ QUI its nnd the r~q\liren\cllt~ uf \he }'l1,itiol\ o( (\l\llll.)' Atwrrwy, iatcrf"r~.nct with A\I".om"y'~ privati: lit,) h to h~ (OxpecIJ1d l,nt! it b re.::.('gai:<.e<:l thaI Al.IOrH<;y may jnHl1 to time Itn.eIl\. h~r'i&lf dur111g l1orm~1 htl,int'" hour, for p,:>rpt1l\! ma'OJl~: h<)W<~VC:L ,Attoruey ~h~lU :tern~in r~u,s(mahiy U'V<iltbibk- 1,{! Br.)~rd rfM~nlher~ ~tnd kt:.y B(l~Mx:i ~f~ff l)y whtpbou~ 1.:H^ <)tht~f d.r::ctnJn.k Hlt',<H1S. 1i>, P:nii<:ipRtkm m EdHCmi(ll.l,t! und f~m'l"d"Rd..le.d Ev;;nlS, l:hl~rd ,jgrees Iv budget for and to pay the tX)S~'S b:)(:urred by A.tgyraey in ~~nendiug :'ikenjin~tf;5i~ (:nnt~,nl.~jng k.gtd educatkm ~;,01.rfM~$, H<~atd.., rel~tMd $v~n.b and ()ut'..of...~{)unty tX1.e,Niag~ m'; In.ay he' ne(;':tss~ry <xr ~l.ppl'opdm,e lJ> AtIOl1~ey'~~ dJ.ltk.s Ilnd r('~f'(!ll,ibUit.ie~ wld;;c tbi5 Agr;;ement 17, lndemrllfi<:a1l'lll and Cow,ewlion, A lll<'lerilllillcmiol'l, Tb.: H,)<lJd will dtkm:L 110M ilarmks;;, and mdelnnify A!t(>mev 'lg1\il1S1lll1Y t.{)t\, prt)r~%jonulliab\lity, or nther kgal tbmaud, claim. or action \~11kh 15 rdiltt>d dir~r.:tly nr inJirlXtly 1<1 Allr'm;;y'~ ~Cti(Hh "11 h.:r CaPl(1ily 11< County At1<mic~., lk~mr-JC~~. i\try, H, Ctj{>v~:r'ltkm<, h~ the <?:ve:nt of .;;}(:!lli~,~ ()t thre$ttt'flcd liiig~tio:n and/or ~l~jtl~d:h,t:Htthi:: prDc(<.tdin.g:~ jnv~:Av~.rll~ th{~ B{l,*fd. ''.vukh iU'.iS:a rH;~t i~4 ~Hl. action (W .tK~ti.nris v/.hk:h t)~.x:::Urrcd .nr ar~ (tDe.#t1ii tt) h~ve <);':~~l.{n~<f-w"hUe J\,UOfn~:'{ wa;:; acUrlg 1n her (::apat'in'- m~ Cottnf)' Atln.rnry, l'\tim1W)' vlHl t.~.;~rme:raK~ ~'.9~th t,h:tt HOHrJ '~ind h~'" uOlU)},d in 'cle.(end~u2 ~mi ~e~(k~:'in~1. tl)C lixi<s'aUt?H nr ~rt~t~ee-dj11g, h; ::;,uc(h w v ~ ~ ~ )'e~urd, n~)twj a~:r'ce~> to p.a.v iHti:)nte:'/~ r'?i~~(~~mhk' truvd ~nd ,~ub~~sten~u ~Xp~~1~seS in.cutJt~d in "Q:}p~~'sting. whi~ tht~ Ik~tifi; <=lnd it.::; ,~.>~x~ns~L irKJtld~ng prep~~mtin:~ A)! and t::dual ~H~((l~"ery'~ .s$n:kfn~Ht, ;md ldf~! and hearin.g or (~~h~,r ft';;:;<i~m:j~)n. of {~u,cJi. mat.tt.r:'i<" L Attorney AAg.rce'~ th.~t~ unless rtquir{:cl vy ht;~~~ ~ih~~ wW, IlC't <:oopen~k ~Nitb (W 'as~b~ u:ny P:;Xfty< p,t:r~on., ()! entity w-n\) 'h~t:;: .h.;;td~ t~f n~,~1Y h;;wc. or n$~ert$. dmt h,e.. sh~;.\ or it l:Ht~ <)t' may hn:ve ~ny cbitu of oany natw~ (tgainM thfj BnaHt H,~ ~gm1tS~ Cffk(;t!~, Of en~pk~j'C~$.. wlk%~> the :iikHU:d 01 it~ imt1:<~ril..i':d agtn~, expp~s$Jy c~:Jn~~eJ;iS iu \\'d~ing to ..,~'~~i.ve,th)~<f.' F!Ovl.slQn uf a:hi~; Agr-t.~N,neJtt 2. ,Atgn::n<y ~h~l.H !1(>t ~Jbf;iff~;~ to ;,.~ny p:?:rs,(m" -pi~tty", Of enfity {my (\)n.ndtnd,a1~ Pp}vti<.':tary~ ttrn;;;"i;etl:)hb~t, fit n(~n~.F>uh~~c int~n:aatk~n n~latin,g to th{~ Bl)M<l ~}r lt~, t~per~~t.it~n$, l;;nk$.s n~q-Hirtd by h~w n) dc:) %:t l~" ('.w"",\",",,,,, ',<, ..,i"~/n' ."'r,,,'..\l..., 1",;""..." .d;' ,,>-, ",',., <"d.' f . <.~, .k ,.,fHH., ~:' A..-<~'}'(. /~,~~,t.rH{"'J:'oi v".t:,~ <~t.h <,..C~<;.~, . t.nW:L J.:~,....~ :ug~t:,$~n~,.,..~<. ,% n1~",~~" w. l.~.,.e. 0<~ht, (). :Fll)rida ~md ~,hall he gt'lytrnetl by Fkrddu taw'. Vt~nne for any acti~Yfl a:d,sl.n.g tmt. nf this agree:nw:nt shaH fy~ in wkmn:~ County, 19. h>t111 and Amen.lmen! of Agw~menl< Till> i., the entir~ ngre~mcn! l>etwe<~n the f:wlies ,m<! may nt~t he m{~ii.E~1:d. (~t ~trnen.-dod C,\{t:t~t 'by ~. ~vrHmn d6cu.t'H.{'::nt ~ig~d hy the p~U1,y AAgain.~t V4H'>Hl enforC~tr:;l':-:H~, is sought TI:ri~ agrl:.tn)ont 'may h~, ~~ig:nt:d hi r1l(>f{';: th..~~~ <}m:: {~l):tmktp~tn~ in w:hkh );':(bC. Cti~.h c~mntcfpart 'y..:iH {:<)n~tituti~ an m:igi.n.aJ of thi$. sgrj~cm~Ht, PaH~gw:ph h~~;;tdinw~ i1r~~ tor t:'onvcnk';:lC.~' 9Hly imd .;..~r(: :not h:;:Wnddl to <?::Kp:and ()! resttic} the S{~t1i~ Of ;~'Hb&1(~,H(~:l~. of the~ rH'{~vi::ikm5 of this a.gnJi~~YWHL \Vll<.~re.v~~r wwd hj':::H~~n:, the ,;~ing=u.lM' \V~n l:Hdu<li' th~ 'p}nr~~t tht) 'p1nH~1 'win itK~UOO th~~ ~ingulaf~ ~tmi pruu(H.ln$ \viU b~ re~td ~tS. ~t~as~)\ditl<':~ fen~iniH.e (3t ;::,euter ~t'-:; the \."onkx{: r~tpke~. The pn::vitHing pHrty h~ ~n,y ~,i~.lg~{Jon:. ~~thhnni(>n ~)f :medh1tk)n r01Jt~.nt tD thh, ai~l'\~e,me:nt .;-;nuU he i.mlhk'ij !<~ {t<:{)V<~-r -ih ri~~~~0~i~~bk" at1fmity~< .ft~$ fr(WH th{~ other- p:~tn:y hH' aIt :mat~,tr5.,. im;:l;1dh:~g< b~t not hmHu! l'(), "PIX I'" V{HE'RFfORE, tht: p~~f1it~:> h-ert1n ha:9<". .!;)gntd ~:;nd. :scikd thii> #g,n.:~~~'m<-::nt (HI tht d:~~,(~ first .llnnvc >~vdutn, (SEALI Atte'6I': DANNY L KOLMAGG, CI~lk SOARD OF COU!'.TY COMISSIQNERS OF MONiiOG COUNTY, fLOfl!DA 8\'; . o;i;~ty'Ci(i;k-"'--".,,-_..____".mmm'mw 8'" ,? ',,,,,,,,,,u,uu,,u.u,u,.uuunuuu.nu,,mn..',,mnu',,"n",""U'" MaymiChailman \<V~tn$sse~; SUZANNE k HurTON, ESQ. By: ?"tQNH()f.: C:00NT'( :A"r-rORNEY l:'.,P?~~,:.J\:'~:n AS TC fOFH,:1;: H~r::::~':,(~fC,.~, ;.-\b:-: . " l ..,'", _~f.>.x'...-:t.~'Y-'i; "~~~t2t,.,,,::"':l}..t~";k;'~<"A;:(ir,,;,{ f.)1-l1~}~,N M ")-:-:.:rj~,:t,}.,1tf ~~,,~<' ",f .'.~ ". ~', .,,~, L.>;~~n....;...,,:.~ :",. ;::;, t.;::<;: ; <.,. 't ^. ~,:;'''' /";>~< ~ :~::, ':'=-''':~~<::''''''''':''O' ~.:, :-..t..~...( ,. .' ";::".~,,.,> ,"~~':'<~: '.,;'~1',,~:::;:' < /'>,~ ':' =,;::"~~