Item Q12 RO/\Rl1 OF C()l}NfY CO)\:[\USSIONER't AGENDA HE'4 SlJMMAHY ~.h'Qlbg D(llc;A{.l.'!.'Yi Dl: ,,:,i51 {m: ,(:m::ml,Y/\gOr-t\f:r Hdk h~~rn: Y'~~~s ,.',?';"".,... NQ r)6"p~~rtn:;:ct:.t :~w"~~"""",."..,..."..."...""w,.",<"<..,.m..w,,,,....<"..,,,,"",,-_' S1ail C o,~~tact P:crt~)n:'m",,-50tHm..{~rtm;t~~t);'~.............wm,''','n,...... ......_"'~----, /.GENIM, ITEM 'INOROIN(;, Approval 01 p'<:>jX):ial . "'<!'lien "!,"Xl ex'.!C;;\lotl Mconw:i 11 c.O{',ln,;L ('om t..~dr;k.-~<a~ Code CUfporsHori, t{) prov!au u fW~~t.~arl .find t:~11'l~i~tent ~....*r1H){!! C{)~Ant;l G.)(~~ :H fl<~'N '.:'~~ltVN:l~~, <.m.'J... 1'<<"'1" ,('v.""()'''''''', <"',., ". j' """ .j ,,,,-,., '" 'l)^,fi "", "'., '.",., "M'~ w)' "I,,),,1011I''>l1'' >;; ",H' It l"'-,~'Y tlJI-<"", ,'~","'.1-:\; :f;,,'~' ~~" ""..t, ~,.'O< (::. .~~ ~~,~ ,1),-1., t,~th...;.~.~ ~ ,~ ~, ;..... ... :...'l;.,>,,,", L.~" :(;" ~,"",''''-H. .-" ):;<'.~~' ,.... W ,l-,.,. ,..A'<",..v pr.(;~d$~:~)i'l::; HU:q he ~,m::tm$:i$~.e~:H, u'r n(l"l ~mrrd:H,~ ~.e,. fHvi~krn :and DepartDK"tit 1!4,ltl(;'~)~ (W 'm~tJ 'H<~t <:omp<trt ~-;/in~ current h:r~:~(. Thj~ L~md DtYe]<1ltl~Ctlt RegHb;tioH:$ Wki~. urt nfa:d~.( half the, (tn1\~nt yt)lH-mt~ 'Sv.hlf,~h i'f< t~tmht.'t5<sntt k~, H,SC, Th~~ (\)J~) nt~f.ds h::~ lx~ upd~Hed. txhm~t'ip~~,~ C<~d~ Cr~:rpora{j{)n >..vW: prnvkk, a :2 votu.mc~ $ b x ~ 1 C<)tk~ vdth ;<;~~sl:;;1' 'f;> n.~.ad p~:lg~~~ Hnd, >,.Ath full l~g:ai r-c',;'k:,,~;' ;M::,d t:~x)n:~in(lHon "kith the t\.mnt;{ /\.Hc'fn~y>& {)ftk:'~J '.fhKfr- ~lP~, .G:nrnutdng mtd ~;k:~;u(}U~\~ t~p;tk~Jb vltrh::'h ,<~:,iH bt~ -d<::~,,;,;~rw,i:Y!:;jd hHJ~r- (~j.;\>(~rdi:n:-g t,) th~ pro.1~()::;,;lL ___'I>" f'llEVlOUS RELEVANT 80('(: A(TION: Neue CONTRACTfAnm:EMfNT' Cll.i\~(;.fg: 'Nolle S'I AFf RECONfMENl),\ liONS: S;Mh{Nlwn{l,(i$ ot1>;1I<)""';' ,<"<..,<...........,.,."",,,,,<,,<,,,,,,,<,<<<<<<<<<<<,,,,<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<<<<<''<<<''''''''<<'''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''<<<''''<<<'''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-''''''-'~'~'''''''''''''-''''''''''''~'''''''- ----;" TOTAL COST"~.....,,,qU" $i.QJ~!2/n BCnGr;']]{1); \.: ~t: ',w,')("" N~) COST TO COUNTY: uUJ2540"nn(0)iJ I>''''''('L' nL' "',,,'I)S'{')< 'j" '''It,)rI1'''/ " 1,,,,\ ,..'tJ'~.. n ....J;, "I.;l':V X"1... :.", >., ~.:;;>,S:-~~H.J:;."(t,;,.,~:.:",,.~~<<,,:~vf:;'.~b~~:<~.~ REVENUE !'ROIH;ONG: Ye, N,(? 2L Al\lOt'NTPERMONTH.._ '{tot I' APPROVED HY; C::(~w:t}:' )vt.y ._.)S",., iJMJ:Y.Purd~ai~ng '""',',,,",'," R.bk ~"J~~(lgi'.H;i:.nt DIVISION O111ECTOH APPROVAL ~;#" ~ l ~ (/^^ '" ~'j4 ,,_,.JIw-. '~7y' ,}/is -,..;0<i,~;C':' ",,,,...k::= /,,,,.,~::-, ''''.Y, ") .ntv?;.:- ,'" '!s")' ":::''''q~ , ,,' ~ ,) L L ....:\..1.1., Hu, ".1 ~,...,,,,. l}UCV:\1ENT/\:rfON: 1:m.:::l.n..Jed ........~:~~.. Not RC4tlit~"t....,......, 0151'051'1'101'1:_"'''''''''''''...'''..""..'''..'''..... AGENnA HL\-! Ii J.k~,'i~,;~,.::: ;::'{;j M.oNROE COl-';.ny BOARD OF ('OUNTY (,OMMJSSJO~,iERS COl'-H RAe']' SU,\IJl.'iARY C~..)ntn~~~i 'w'ith: T\-tunkipal C"o~h::: no'CO'"l"wrt:t<,,, .......u,."... C{;ntr~Kl. #.. F n~:;;tive D~~~~: Explr%tio.!lltit~,~ M~\r;~ni,;:5';':,;i;' ......,.."" >ii;c.ii:c.~;ii;Qi~i~:;J"""" . CfHltnKt P-t;q:'t:)w.;:~;:'D,c~<:trption.-: To :t':uvi$t n:-nd H~"ttdt>1i~h the, fs;f<mn:~,c r).)~,n1.\ C(~i1t~ i.n 2- ~/:;)tmrH1~, on(~ .k)y.th<~ L:md .t~ii~Iyi;r<1~~~jiei!~iJJ'l~~:n~'~~Qa:'~;+;;JF;:'ih~;'~~;;:td"(~1~t~:''''~CL:~t~~'''iTl~;~;;;t~=':r:;;'~;i'~i~:~;i;:~~;:::ri{""" ..JRV~Ql&!S~1n*,t~Mm$~J;,~.Hm~~~~QJt&~mSm?:L~~tf;,jJ~~,~~~tms,JiJ.\'LXt~~JtJ?1~,l1r~~t~$.~$Lt2tliS~1~lX~I1\\n}~~,~,~'-Y'-Y"".,." ""'''"w.."..'''.'''...'.."".w....w"...."..w.v..,...."..,,,....,,~..........,...,..............v.v....".........."",."...."'''..,......................,.....'....,.................."..ww,........v.v.v.....,........vw..'".v~..,"",' ".,."'".."',,,,,,.,,,,,..,...........'...,.,.,,...............,,,.,.,.,....,,........."'....,,,.,..........,,.....'...,........,,.."'....',,,....,....,.........,.".....'",.........."..,,,,,.........,....,........,',...............,,.. C-rmhat:t \:{;;~mtW~J: ~ Y'~~~~:~:. 5!:~~:~~:~:~ !:~}' (N~:H'H~) , 34'T? C<l;,tnJv AttUH}~'.;'j7 ,..".,',""~~"....,~:..,w,~.................;:,....~~~..~"~..~..~,,,..'~ (n~.llartlJ1"mtiSv,p .n ....,.......,,,...~','M','....,.."",' (Ex!.) llJr BOCC mtx,;inn on A.pril19j 2()~!6 Ag~mlu Dcadlin~; CONTRACT COSTS "",,' ;~,:,u:~t.,::'i:'~ ~<'~l",-<.r:;;3 ,i:J, ''''~.... .'V...' .~. ""~k:-~ G:l~tnt: S Z":'<,q"...t" J'<1:~';',:;1\":"~" 'V"'~",~'i ".". ...<......',:.., :~ No[J up in "') {.y' ()', ~!~~,):tJ ~~:~':::\:..~.. --r\':,~{nmt C<JJz:~:; ('arrent Y~<,r "Pmibn: $ :$ ~ -,t290, (}1) T(~nJ n(~H~r V i~hw orCoutract: S , " 'MW,W,",,'" ,.'.w."",,,,,, .....,.."w.. ,..........'" "."".,,,...... . ^ ....___ ,~^..^..^' .w.'.wN,'UU,' ,W,'. ,......... ............... E~timm<:.d Oi;~~.c~(nt C,)-;q~~:'-S~m.PX:Hlh ZP~~K!!\9iV)~' 1006...{)} {N<x '::f::d::.::d{~d ~n: d#~.lt~-f '<:~~tt.t~':?:bt:,~,.t'~ ADDlTIONAL COSTS F~H': Bal~nte <3fCcntract ( "-':,1~ ,~),,<'D:l::;:~:"';:::.~~'~'~':'(~~.J',';.;-::',.::..I:;;,~ ',:;:>'~' .:;.: m.~:. ~::~~~~~':'" "":~~\~,. ,..'",< . ~~<<'~.;,,'S:,l,::<. '?<'...": 'h, ~ ,.,....,." _.<.. <):<1.1." ~,!:i~<<1':M>, i".k"$ CONTRACT REVTOV Dute Tn C:ri~~~~g{$ N(:cd~d. '" ~"''' 0 .); ~~l ~ ';:Ox';';') , ..,;-",,"'..., D:ak,{)tH H,c'd,!t\<'iCf Dh+~,km fHri:tt~)r Ri:5K :~hut~sgement ^'"", ['- V,,,d iNf" l .,. -" '~~.........::' '~u~l C', !V q in"".,,",,:,) ., ,',( ""S::':'-,.,,~ >...,.....,~.H>...-.:,'.. 'b y ~~[J N~)[] <" . \A>n:nty ,Att<~rn..;-.:y V'S"<:~ -- 01 ;>" . ~"", '\ (:'?:l ~ ("'if" /'. , ''''~,~.,,:: ,. " , .A:!:):2::J"fJ.i'~~~e;,,?> /{ U 2':,\( fL~n' Cm.-n.n:::en.t::.: __..,.....'....,"'",."'',v"_,_,....,............''''N~....".".,,.....~.....,,..,,''.w"'''...... ......Uu"."..,.,'".____~~...._._..........N.....w~u"umm..mm...."..,..,..,..., (j.~/~~,~., 2:f~'Ni. :~{~: J~~i :::::~:: ~::'~'< ':' :::;,~':.: :,': :;.:/~ '~,''''.,'',.' '.."- ~"'''''''' ~..'{x~ ~~:>'::;<:,[: :n:;;:' M ~ Municipal Code Corporation PO Box 2Z,}5 T~)llat\a$see, ft 31;1'16 8(J()-2$2-2633" fu)!; {~t'jO.575<<$852 .1!\fQ@rm.lI'licm.l€,C6frl , MU1'llcooe.com '- ""^^~.....,,, JaI1U,,\fy 12,2000 M%, S-U.:.t~M1 Gr~h'ffJ~Y' A.q~,l~taflt COUnty- Att~)rtle:r< M~X;.!'tHJ CQU111:'l< F~Ql'~{4.l ~~~iD~1~hrt:;H.J~:;}llin@rmmJ9~?$Mi~iliY::1~., q'0V t<~w' f~1tL 'Gdm~>ley; 'fnarl!\ 'riU to! ,~pl!l'l~1Ilg with 0\1' Sares ano Marl<eting Aep'~iMlm1*tlw, r"ye Cr<:lo!. We .Mll' pl&a",td \() ~n-c'!c1:~~ (.E;~ profes~h)na~ $$tvk'A$ prOPQ$J:,l tor r~~vbri$nln~~ the CmJnty'* Code Of ()f'd;();nni~OS' :).nd Land {)(r:,.'tJU)p-m:e~1t C<KI~ {U>:::;j., Wt3e the proposal a1:oHMmt'{ Z'kllCl"lles ",NIt WO 00, d i. diffi<:ult to ee,1\'i<$)' OJr Ilrlrt"isl;ilSIt) ilrld attitllde . ,~'o!'\ 1$ indl:;srlWi ()j flI~ "at\lica YOU will <a~;\<*, ;111!'\.s WI>ttOl'l 'tKitl:J Hl~"'<e\ll'\r< 'Nil r6el sl,ongly thfi1IM ~&.fvlt;!ti ruufdvad korn r\~c.c ts: u,t1iwrpasS$d In ~very a$p~;.:.::t CUn$~d~f~ kA instan<"...;e: ' . 041t l'\XjXlf]Ofli:ll, Met: !',a" ,)<Jbli1li'l,M COOI!'$10l' 'Waf 3000 mudcipalil!fls and cmmtw$ ,1\ 49 Mlll<$ll Oy~t ,1 ptH'bd 01 54. Y~~~~~!'$" OU~ 1 f~ attC.l"rH~Y;$, nava an average t$n~)ro ~~t ~wel" 1'7 ~tl$ar~ *:ith thH compaf'~):'::- '" eMf' ~*g:3i e.):.perU:$e, ()n~ t~1 {,)Ul' ~:rtQl'nn=}'$ ~s avaR;"tbtu to p$tfonn if.. imgal (~V;I1~\~: of )\1:Hr C.nd~~ rl d~'sln~d" Vc;;: ~~ntlot fir1{j nwr~ tht)tOHtth r~$(l;.art;h aj)<~ ~M.iyS~$~ << Our ~rlar tOIAen, ~'iO ,:w,,!, l"\a.k.,~ mon(1 hOlpf<Jr $wlll;feel!OIMi nor ~p<$flil$ moro timo W'OI1<inj;l on ,S<i~.lf!O~* ~ pfobl$rm~" . Our (;(;Immltment to tlli:nlmlogy. WiI 1*10 111$ otry codir\er vdt11uillnMr.el (lcce&), a home ;lfl.llll >;j-oni$inif~g hunorW$ {if C-fJd~~:$". ;~ mw,idp~.~ ~1th::~(Jy ~i$t. $ervY(;31'::, a cl~r~,;'s i!~t OO.f\"~t.m tu~d '$.,m::aif (',apa,bWty b~~tw~~~n VOU find ;.;;:~t MCC $m~<r.~~ti!e$, Th" <lfldti$<Jd 1Jlal\lfltj:~ :l'<:lutlt;, !n ~w<lllilln tti (l~r PIO,>Ot-\a\ ailS! of our cllents and $everii!: P<OC!WNl$, :1 y{~U h$J;v~~ ;a,ny qvtJstkm# ~OtK'$rninu <-'::11' PfQPO$.$f Ot d'$~j:he' a:drl.m.(Jna~ irdormatio'n. pltlSse cor,Urct r):a1:n~oll$' G?~~"'<~n or lnt~. Qur V;,~'l: P,e'$ld"nr of E;,k~~', Dllla O~t'$t~N;, b llVs!lilb!OlIC l'l'eO( with1he emlllt\' to d"$,~(j$s this proiNrt, If (%~s,:re:d. . .. ~^:~ h~t:'$ :tl~~nt\' $k.:"l~~t1 cct1trad~' ,or pub~t~t1-$d CoQ~ for C:~)-h,m~bl~ C~)U~iy'; Gl~.; 0o~mty~ and OK>~jQtma -;",.-CUf1ty; .Fk<rid~. '1"/$ at)pr~t;~~tf~ eV:.{MY oppnn~;-nHy tn be of $~:f''!k;e to ~t<e -Coti:my &A1C 100M krward t(> ~~-nng k~m YOM. ' \ '- \ f\ r~:~~, /fv , A, La\<AQrI Lal1flia Pr~$i(M~.rttJCSO ...' PBOf'toS$IONAL SHlVlCES AAOPOSAL T!l~ M1JN1CIPAL COOO CORPORA1'lON." '~(Jrpomt'o" doly il"lho'!Ze.j;lM ll~!~tiilQ vndllf1M law~ ,of the SmM oJ f~0rlcla.. ~%~r~:~n~ti~t f'~~ned ~n :g.~, MC(;, hat::Jby l.Jffers to wpt;:b:lSh 'fu~~ {:~d$ -ot Ofdim*fK::I%. 1o! MONROE CO\J!HY, I'LORIPA" ,l<1IIN:.M wMivldm', <~l)ly N1$ni"ed aM e.I"t'~'g un4"f "tat" lal', tl~m~:!nuH~:)r re~u.frn<l k~ l~~l tho C<~Wrt~, ~c~~HnjM@ b th~ t:olklw*ng t!::fi:n$ *mi c0-r~dlt!:rj~W<, j I r ! , r","wr ". ,"~' I PART ONE RFPUBUCAT10N 01' THE CODE /'~) ttHl'OR.tAL WO-f{t>C Tho :edHofi~~1 WOt~ O~ th$ Co,h~ wig i-nf.;~t~-da th~. tt'lk~wlng~ ~j inctJtpofat-e Ordiri:gnc:r~$, n....;$ c;.rtlkH~:n(:e:s: pf ~'he Ci:H.mty ~nar:1ud ~.wtH>equent k~ lhu: }~test o~~ns.nce ~'ncll~{>jfJd ~n the. exi:s'gng: Cod~ Wt?~ 1m: ;:tU~.o~PO-t~t1Zti into *fi: C~~~fttk;:at~~>o in th~~t arpt;mf~~te, f::l$ce~, Th-e am~nd~t.l or fept'#e4'pf(.~~l$bfl.t:, ,,&,m t$: :~fjG'iCv~d. ~m4 tnf.: r;~>fi ~>H;;f~~~k,#'j'$lr!5'$ftijd, {";) Hi$'ft;t'i NQioo, \~l~$'~l1: potsiM'!t:, hi$~GIY fi~J~@J horn uw t~KiM~ng G~qte wm W~ ftl;llma!n~d In th~' new Code MCC wm a}~.<) I1d4 u now for' f}i-az;:h ~ectkH"l added zhH~ng '~h~ pH1~t:t, "TM,e nm~ wm m-dk~{~ tl"i>:::: i;,f;;>:H"Ce ~rt)r:;,~ whk:h tl"i$.: ~;:)Cn0r: i$ d4::f~~~:zL <'~ C:fJ~p(~r'An~~~Y$ht, t':'::u<;l:;: l;.twphF 01 tl~f;: 'tmwl Co~u wm be pHr~l;$~.:k~iJ by' ,a clewl~eu %;H~'l~~,ls ~isfr?g U~$ ai'1~~ttn~" ri~vinh)r;$, urd ::.~ootk~n$ v.:JHt~im:.;:d thfj:~~I.tl, '.........n..................n...'.........,..."'..""'..,-.-.......,....,ww,..,..,..",,.....,'" f2} lNDf-rX, A {,utnprohent;l'.,,<u; kNa~ and fucWa1- g~H:j$.:ta{ irfd~x f:or the $.H":Jks' Gf;;d~ wm ve pmwotd. At! ;tH,~ctk>rl~ am lnd~.n<.~d 1;,nrie:r rn.~..~f ~,~jh~~ct~ wIth ,-afJP~)pl't~M 5<:~J::1fnn tl&1:HW::K. G<~lm:m::iH' ::~Matio!t~ .;are, ~}s~d t~ (::;tlttW~~)$' thn f.::~~'~~ (>1 ~'Mt~N'fK.~, ..',<<,,,,,,<.:<<.......,,.<..<.,ww,,,w.,,,,,,'.,,'.,,,,,,,,"""'....WM.M..........................' (3) TAStES" Tt:e bb:'Ndr~9 T$b~~%< wi~! b# pH?paJ~<~d k~r the j'i~~W C-mj:$' ~~ Tab16 'OJ' Co.m*~t~', This -raub wm l~$t tht:: {.:.h$:pt~r$: $TtiC.}~$ fj( d2<?'lt<~t(f~~; 01 the: Cz::de: with appr-tip:-!'Ma- page: ~KHrdmr~'" b) Cf'}{?!para1f.'<< Tabl"l, if 1$M,N$, Wf,>f,Wt !, CN~P~"1,h$ T&bi~L '!~t'l'\l ihu o.n~~.r:m"~'r>$~ ll";<~t;<j~~:~f ~o m,ct; C~~1%.\ in <::hn;,H"O;:::)g-k:"m $.t::~~ttUtlC8 ~nd f~m:tin.g oHi t'ht::, ~~A";.:$Wm <If ~)U,:;::tl OrUb':::;n:t.~s ;n it:~ GwJt':. A ;~:tbM: -wm $~e b&. .pt('ipateo $eW~g :vu1 al~ sacibns crf ,th€ rt~m' God$;' ~ndr~,dM ~n the ntlw C.od~', (4) TYI"ESEnmG AND PROOfS, A1\ll' l,\,pe!imting r;l!$lW$~j Cljmpl$t$4, MeC wIll $vOmihme ~~~t, l.>f' Fro-:::.4~f t<.::.< th~.:::; Cc~,..mtt f>;)f te'~+ew,. The C.o-unt'! ITk~Y make word thHO@~W <H'i the prncfu W.!tf"l0Ut C:i";M-ge, H<)WOV~N, thl! CO;;Jnt~' wm he ch5;gec !'O( ~-:J~'8})~$$ {ll' ctfd$~~~')n~ t:.QnM~:k~W:g {fl'!~<r~: than O;"jf.; pag?i of W:P~, ~t $.hat~ he ~h* duty' ~t the, C<~~jn~y' b f~~tlJnl the. pH~~b< wifu; th$ chatlO:t~~ ~ndka~~d th~'~'e(?rl, -w~*~(i "rody.~t~fl~ {4:5~ day?; .trom 't,*':.,& d~;i!k <'A HWit n;:!~~j~~:pt H pt(H~l* ~~,W nt-1t m~,l1tt'~&d W~h~M f-QtW~ftv;l; {4t} 0~Y$ ~md nn nOti:::'f.dt<'1h~ 0(~nhw-:y ~~l m<(~~f:ie~ bv MCG, ilWm k'-$ ~~sumtn' that {to change$,tm~' l<~ ~}$ ma<h~. MG(: wm tMt::n }.'H'C(;tM%i to pf'~M tn4' C{:::d('! Ni{J no Ch~H~9~~~ t,hul~ thiNB:altof he :a'HO'h'~d. $haw~lj ~h~ Co-:.m!y reqHe$t 1'0 ro:~AlW1 'H~6 proo1$ tn.~?l~<r::d tbny.,fhm {.*5~ d~:~~ bHt fulJ~ ~~ f~hJ}'n th~:m w~thh fiv$ {5} mcmn~, th~ c-~r4ta{j, habn-c'$ $h~~l he:-:olTIw doe Ht'ii1 p.;1ly~Wh~. lJJH~n ff,wttWl ~~n~ement n~_)$t~~k'i~~ t~m'e< ~intl t:(;mt:a:n$8*~@, MCe sh:$~~ ,!;.:pdatt~' ~h-e pmtJs wH:h 1W:t~~'$<ilt%fl~: ~~~:o:1ctm$rM~, pe'fom diJ~ht$fy <If Ute- ~)dnt$<l G~)ti:$, MCe ~:tlar~mi*J!~ ~<PGgf~~Nc~i $(':fM;CW!:t.$~t Erf~~4'$~tlW~~rtah;~ t'; MfA'":' wm b# ~':On$.'j~rl.~t~.m~.lQoollZ the ~err~ ofttH~ CQn~f'~~t w~m,out cl"ias'@e to'ilia (>:*n1~l. M.CC'$ j,k1Ci~~t1'fOf ~g ~rvi~$$ $nai~ e1.<t~r~d qnl':l" tl1, th~. t'Qrt$ctk~9, .of ~f<<W,;,1;: ~n th~1: Cod<$ {H', f\Jtm~ .SUpplOOli~nh~< .(l-!)t to ~wy ilcM:: l~<f t>CtHn$rH~i~~ as :$ H~$ul~: dt ~H(:h ~~nc.(~ oi').{j<j <~j'*~i ~;~~ klr::-g ~~$ the f"o;::tt<t<::!. ~$.: In $ifs::ct ~"""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<<<<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<<<<<<<<<'<<<<<"<<'<<<<.'<-"< ;~~) rmNTlmi An!) StN{}IN~, Ai""', 11>;, i>:."llti 'eHm$lh;, pWl;h" MGC ";01 P'l;(;l!lOO wf,h priM~n~ $f~d b~nrli1~g 'the Ut.-d~~ ~:1~, ~W(.fO,:c.titk'tt,$ w~~n W<$ k~I~~~~Wlng: :~~ C~pf~$.. The n~}m~r (tf c.o'p~a~ d*=s~n..~ by 1h~ Co::.miy wm t~~ p-dn~~d ,on 5t) ih. pf$m'~i.(m m~}W,p~;::O~H;.1.~ paper, b} P6g~ f-onnat MC(:'$ pag(':' f-ormat l~% (~'$tt<~Q.n1,H~ kW conth~~~H(';Y ~md H~*d~~N~Hi, H~--<; page :::.:fztJ "Hm UiJ ",cn$;~ttH1t wltt: thm k,rm$:~ cllntwn t>y me C-tunt~'; f:; % :t; 11 incfilj$., .~~ng;~ column ;:}f g .~-<:: ~, '~~1 hzJ::fl5, do~b~~: co.k:mn (g.m:np~a$ arta~,hed}. V,;{~ pn:;g<'i::S.x' t'W~) dgh~rfjm p;~'ga hasd~f~\ (:t'~apt.$r $nd G;~d:a name, b aHow hi.:t~~r ni~\?lgatlcr; wlthffi Hie "~;o.tie, <fi.lfi tl~$O p:t@..,:'irle -$~t$ t11- 4~,:.:t~gnata tna' ~t~o'~ iha p~s:: f;.{jnialns, {)(H' tM1W rtljmb:efh~@ *;}{N;~ b{ gt&(;llh. W~~~;fl thf.:"V~~'h..h1W1~ ~l$ d-(le5 mif rtMifM'.{t~d trl~~~~ht.f o-pt~O:rH3', ;,::) J"yp*, Si2(q, Vark~-ti$ ripe ~~ze~, a,;f} avai:mMe fnr t~);t Mf;C, w'i:~l p~.Jb:I~~h thfJ Cede it!: tffn,.t(~jnt ~iP~ lmf,e~$ tJther',fiise $p*11jf~d. Not~~ of ~n~h font dW~?'i1e n"':~n~J ~e i~iven ~m<lf jb ~n-e c<;lr~~i#g~~n. <if th~ e<HwhM W{)f~ $.,~~ that 'the ~~np~wt l.W:<w; ct.'M <:@H ~~t~ (M+:::nnh$d ~~tr(l <ii~10,.w~w4. MGt ptt.ti8<t@J: ~n;Jmy <~mete:nt fonl ;1<*-~f.Ht- V4$ w(',o'Himand * {(;n'l~olnt ~~~:~~~' to .fl...~du(~:u tha $hw,<)f .{tHJ'~('lbtrH~., TtHJ wrH,~~ht zh~~ k~ ief~,U;~kt Htld ~l:so pn:Yl#t~~ 1>::>t r~iH~{H-izhy lh~ v:.Q'~~~mt: MZj~. i.iVli: ~1$0 Cff{jf Ul~;l!~~f~Y' ,~nd twu:h:'li:~poi:nt 5~"~. -El) n~bt~~ ~rtdyraph;~$<, T~>>h~~$> 6f~w:~n9~, dt):d~F~~;~ ~~J~~~trm kirmv~H:e, g::&phiG~< ~).r <M~f.:l' l'(HWHi;u.1' WH~~ r:@'JHln~ H}1:-t~M mmh<~bJ d rep;'wi.Jdhn t>t mod~fic~ii(;:n, wm Oil ~~th!tg~~d $.t, MJl:-o~~t'i>n &'l~ Gffi:.:~?ti{H''l s:r~eat MCCwm ft.~~.J~m,an ~Jedmflk,'~~~ ofti'm: '~aM~'~~ :tmd ~1mpn~~):t: ~f::cl-ucl~a In the Owe anomr a ~h%:jn prif::tad wpy, <J} -Bifuilng.. MCC w~ll bind <::(}P~M~ (}{ ~h~~"t:<lmp~*l~ C(~je~:11 t~:Kpafld~~h~.J ~3>>Jt rnn<hi'!'1'$ w~th ~>1-kj~J ~(}::;:$:, €~t~'m$r$. Cv'Vt.~~ wm be ~m4atlun loothut anti ~valb-ble cc4cmr are: bh~tt:,: nMt~p,mci~:, b10e~ ~~ld:, or ~r$$n> w~th g~?:Haderbg,. OtNet' blr~t':!:~r c~~k:;es j~r~ f:::9fi::i1a:b~t~ n},r~r~'g iH~d three,.dng). Gust m:ay '..'llWY. A<:hj%::nal b~rid~t5: ~n ~ on:le~ed -&t any Wn$ $~, th:a'~ t~u{t,yt:wff$nt pdz::e$, n SIJ.'p$mw t~i:M;':" Mee. wiU hmti$h ~$f.~r:atOf tat *h'$~H {MyM~f MOO) tOt thq, h:>u~ld Ct.:J~w, Th$1~b$ win f'$r...ei~t %h,:e ma:J-or cth.d~,b,iM:; or ~~hJip.t~-rt. <if thtt CQ<i~, PA~:nWQ AtlOIflONAl S€RV!C€~< AVAlLAl!lL€ i1l LEGAl.. REVIEW OF QI'WlNANCES, MeC c1krt, ~nil}' (i'\l dl{l~ct;Cq "I thu {A,,,.'\! Attotn~~r'" 'tD re':1j~;ft ~h:$ on:,H~l~H'}C$$ .ag~'h$t state taw" MG;C's, iHDn1$V .a$S~g}';~: wi1~ '>wb:rnit an ?ld~tC:t~.a~ i"ti'8ffl<lran(jl.ltn to th-e -CnHl1N A{~(:4'n~y oHtiin~ftg :an, n;W~1mm~mda1,~on~, ,it,!, >N~mrtlflt!f'lg dMP+~c~tk>n$__ ;nco.n$h~~u~adtw t~nd otm~$,k~o!l~ p~l;w::%k:;:~~~, ,';.l~ H;;;;<J<m{Hi~l"O~~t#~-n~ a.n::: h'ifm<!~J~J 101 ~~a~ ~i, ttl~;-: C<;ttd'f Ath~:t'n~t.- ~fd :a~, such ar~ ftot t~, h~ 'con;sk~~:twj fu:9.a~ &;jyk~ ~o a ~~n:;:o t~~n" .Apprord~'~i>> '$t~i<t 1i;fulute ~'~f~.t$no).~ wm b~, hj~Wdecl if!: th'$ (>>d~ as -da#o'lf::4 nfj(:<$~#::$t"?', A St&t~}t"q R:$ff:la:'nc~ "T ~Ma' wm b~ pteparmi., rlslln{l by HW~,utoty ;.;:Hah<m <*U ts;:;:;:NbH.$ ~~atry~f::g a f.lldet(Jn<;.;~,. RiN;{'j~Wnf.ln<J':i;1d- p{:O'4hi;i'O{t~ d~~~n,~.d ~>~ be i~t'.Jwzh~d ~~~, ro.~~,At.,)Jb~ mgH~ m\f~~Wm 00 im>.;)tt~t~ttjci .~,n the CGdt: upon $.pe6nr.. ln$:~:n}{,:lk.;r;,1i< frt;m ~t$.: GOimt.{ ,AJ'H,~nd~k4)< ~.~~~kttmf;;fj~ :rH~I' 00 i~%'.Aljd:ijd ;n th~: f~hH'e n.'::tC~lJh ltB;~' ~:HPpb{r::~~nt $~~r'i'lt~J S:$ prtfl<<;(h~d ~r: PJ.lM 'nH~l' ~~~~-~~,~~~-~~~-~~---~ ,1" CONFERENCE WiTh A TIORNEY jOptlolHI1}, !iCe's jl(jomei. who perf<:;4'!N0 tN, ($QI(\I {~t:&s?::;:,n -of ~:ha C~;.j$, 'till~ 1r$'{a~ tc. th~ Ct;;';Jnty fvt 13' ';O(l~#n:wo:' w~tt~ the Cotmtr'1 atlt<rrt~y >i1r::d z;~th~.r id$r~$Joo <lff~c~at$.. TMft k4k;Witg wm Oo~u:-.M iha ~;onf-et#n<:ft: ~;~ lS$1Je$. 15tK;;~S d~~,t.H$$~4 wm ifldoo~ $U ~;:"H"'Art~i$t~r~det< ~r::d c(i:rlf~~~ dt.~<:CV~H:-~~1 ~:hU'~:n~ ~'~$~aN:l'::: t~%< ~ieH ~$ ob;:;d<et..e vrl)sd'$r>~$. b} SOhlUnn$. ?l~HxH'BrfH~nd~~tr.r::,$ wW b* m~jje' fe9{~1dil~~~ s<~l~t.;:on-i; -t~:~ tl~J ~$~Jql~~ :ji:~;i~~1:$i$d1. c) ~mpJarn~n&tkm, Agfe~tf up(:,(; ~okHii)n~ wM he ffl~~)~*ln$'meJ W~lh:, ttM, hlHp ~# MCC'~ ~~~~om$Y. the CmJHtj';1; ~H~mey h$$ fh# ~A~im~rt$: d$~~;w'(m m;;l:inm $;utt::Oti-rt, kid' $<t!Mn<~tH~ ~~fld itnpf::t:m~e-ntah(ln, d> Sa.tnpJti OnHn'$ut:#$, MCH: h~$ ~lm :exte'n$h.-$~~ l;:O;~M;t~on 01 Sampl$ 0rdinanc:~~, ~~$<:-tj~%n:en~j~~ikw~$ 'w~l~ b1~ m.:ii~d~ m~;1~~trl~t~g, m%:' :w:g!s~atkm -00 ~~p~~~'~~,' ~mbjf}i;1S Whf~N, tfj.6rt1 f$ &~n ;::H~vkHJt (H~~d. T:) ~at.ima~ th;J;, ~he' C.Ot.m~ $~F:WW: (:e1~tttr~1 m<Sl)mmtlmcl~tkms O~ $uW~et~ of $ve~<.: (:.:on{:.:fl.m, Thi1l 'S-cfHVit,# ~~#1 .be ~~~~nti~w,;~~d ~htOU9h 'fua Suvp:~r11~flt $~~rvtc*. ~:e<e S-:ampte O-i'd~n~~tw~ 8~~1'Sh::;$ lmd~-r P~rl. r wo' ~f ~-hi$ P{o:po~al, $) Orgrtnk~tioR, 0f0S~~tl:$tion <~<H1 B~ -t$':{kf4'i~.o whh '{fw CO?Jr~ty pn.:nddnq e~).:n~ner:;ts, orltid~w~$ o.~ ~,uOf.1~~$1k>n-:~, ~f an on,.$';:~~~ >;::<w~k~t$':'B~e h lwt ;je*h~.d, MCC'$ :.S.~to'm~y '~tm ~onGuct $ t$~*>i<)n-f~ffw~:e tV wtibH~~Y, Pi STATE LAW REI'ERENCli'S, In 1hll 'went 1M County d(',l;1l "ill "*'(;NW 11'1" w,tion 1m a z::omw~te ~eg;a; Hf';(~*W ~f tt>,e (H>:::H~UWHA~~: M0C otr~w to ~drl $tafullaw r~,f~fel'm~% ri~ H part c-t" me l~~)~tm1a; p!lC~%. ^^'~--<<<<<<-""<.~<'-'-""""""'-""'~~""':';<<<"""""'~ (4) REl"flINT PAMPHlETS, Aod,liDMI <001''''''' d $p;\ldlic cl'lapMm nr <J"Y "Nlio" d \ho t>:<10 n':,!:'Y 00 pflntea :~~d: oCi.tmci !,?'~ pa:f::~t txwt:n~ Mf ~h:JpH~a~e;' ~M~t~ or d~~trihu,Un~: bv #1-$ (X%~nN. (Ju<~t()~t>tt~, f{w ~:p*dfit: ch>1!p;t~t~; ,!:{l ~M:'~t~pht~t fOHll~~' w-m b$: hm~i~hw upon (~~~~~~t ' . " ,0.; com: HiRNlSHEll ELECTRONICAllY lh~, Cod<, ,;.1" K>lJ kn"~h1;d "l ,,; 'o'aMly d Medf~tH~, k..mnah~ ~$ d~~KCt~b&d oekw" At* fk;:ni,;~~~t~ wm nf.: upd$wrl W;.ro:ug-h th$ mO?,i1 :~~ntl)' put*-:::.:ht~ct, cn:hnan{'~' b ~he print~d Cud~, jl) FnlkJ SQ:UndVIEWS, TM-:i ~~ a fuH hJ::);t tw~~H::h ~~u:qkH~ gl;;:l t~.;;p~Xirt~ ~rt~~{ld~{~~' BOl.*mn k;:.;W~, phnw*, $~l{~{<)~;ng< pro;dmn':l ~,~%:,h~.tlg, mrlc WOf<.$ ~tm'jHH-i'il~ kj ~ndJde w.fl{;l '4ud~;::h<}n$ iH~d ~~;t-rl<,r~yr'fl:$ h (.;l~<Md~~~, E'.{e{~{w~{~~ ;:<i'th€: C(fu~ i~;"dattr{/t~it::al~y ~n(~-t~X(l<~ ~o <w~l<H~~; ~13'$ p{~.!'fu{mfd (>n thfi *Ntf$ Code. A fX1wexftJ~, (>~m~",':(1"%fl(.jH)..(~: ~D.,4n~ h*~v $yst~m i~ iflCkrl~d wHh1r:< FfJlw B(;iundV1El%~S~ thou>Jh ~,he ~fh~~~f~ k~ u.dn::::,h,*f~gy intu#:m ~o- H'~# W~HVn.l1 r/.:}n~n,l~th'!fl th~ hdp m:m~rr, ',j :i,;,/ Ct>d* {If< tM W*U, Th'8 CQ<:l'8 mil'; illw ln~ mvlu4$<J fill M(;C'~ W<l1ll ~it." The< 'Mte, (:.mrt.;j~~~~~; ;*, f;oUed~tJn of rn~}te ~han 'L60D h)~~'~ q{w'arnm~~t $,~ci h aYHii,~b~e to $H>(,OH0, wlth ~nte:mmt ao~~.~~s" AH Ci:-Xl*J~ n-:-l tM~~ ?MM ~N~ ~nMgt~ied wWr; a ~;~%H'cM engl~W} anti' amBntim~~t5 k;; the COOf.;' ,&HJ in~(:<ffxw~t~d ~$ th-~ t::~ok ~~~ ~g=;:dat~d, A g~k t~ ~h$ G()t.mt;i'$ ':f,(~,b t~{e' CBfi ~~t)t~ b~ f.m~vki$:d , d Wun'i p'f~$:~n9 fe'rr~;at: ~,f'l$ !YH~$.te:y d~'MOO$.,a' :tA 1hl!i Code; <,~:n #(t~-ij:~f he i~N'f<('~~3'!~~~~ ir::t~ ~~~~ '~ccr brffl$t '!hM ~t<, u$4.~*b!e i~~ tn~>~H M 1(Hj$Y':~3- P(~;Nj~f~f W~~t<i proo:.~';'J.$ing ~bnn~h~< tl..th V10R.t.) 1.>f V':t1J{oP~~fftl(it ,t;Jt:ermrtr'i('$~Y: ~h@ God~!~' (i~~H t.m r::n:NlclBd ~q a 9'~f:$.:fi,f.i t$';:!:{ brNut ;.~Hl(::h ~$ AS-Cl~ Of HTMt, d) G::od$ k~ A(k~r.~ PO:F f-{:~rnH1!t, MCC C$t~: ~)f.;wI~ilt.' ttm C(:;d~~ in p,t+ furm$t. MeC wif: i~P-P~Y bOCikm,afk~ fur the, chaph.Nos: and: if ;lvailahw, m~ PUF 'i~~r'f~'lo:n wl~.i f..0r~t?:::'in ;a: minor $uar~{~, tooL M,CC m~j r~otf>e uhte tl) pn;:,vW~ tha r,,~1Jr;.~jPl:1nV e $~;~{:<:-M trAt;; ~n c~t1aln ~n$Za:nN~$, The:'Mun,k;!p;Wti wm f5,:e~d e r.;~:Pj r;:f1ne A.d<lOO V~~W:e'f ($val~~h~; 1{){ (h:.rtlM'!~<ad- f,;)f kee ftl.:.*,m ~dob*, cQ:m) , lhu P DF futftwt matd1,~$ ~he 9f~~ted pag~: ~w.d MCC pm~'%~t .ai tomplutu' updated PCf ~uch t~m$ ~ha =Cooe f;:~n< ~ef:: *wpplemtnfed., Sf::owk:f th~ M:~rdi'jpaJIW dei~re t~ awK:.< r$Cl}<~'<i<e ju~d tn~(~ $Hp.NeN:~.mt< en wMWc<nal ~;p.qat~ fee appl~e.s, rn$~~ hl no i:~i;$:nsjo~i th01 *~~~je:t ~c' ~t,j~ ~brmat bot lt1em ~m~: :1t~.t ~h# M~f(,h tilr~tHit~~M~ -burR itlm A.je-te as W1:.e~f3 are in *-$ abo"Je t:'(.;Uo gn)(h.lct q Stjp~}t)tt and tr~th:ll:#g le~ept<<>Hj~ i.HlPPCft 10r ~g of {'tj~::: -~fuJ>,..-tHn~n1ionBti ?x~t~.un:-i: ~.~.~ ~w?4~t:k~ d;:R~;?U w6rk.bg hi)Uf~ by ,f$ilinij O:J( toH4t~'$ m.HYtOOr {3aOv2Hf~,:.COnE), M-G~~t prob-ltm:1:~ miJ. ru*.oh.;#4 i~, r;tle rnn f;l,t,d f.h~ts ''$..;.:-PPQ;tt h ft'e-Q {$f (::har~. }fl$l:~)U:i-'tl1 ~~Or};UH~' ~'S ~.a~it:j t:Hx,;;:mfdlshed br the G'~~-unW ~l ~~,~ttH: ~1Ittkl~..m:h Mc6:'~~ tHJpp<~d~: ~vf~i;:~~b~ otldn9 3n~U,::i~~ati~-n, ;{ m\'!:~0(l4, A~~ Q1 tht;~ abu':i<'e-m$'Mit:-n$Jd pmgmffi$ am \$~r::-i #*;~~l"tl.~m:ct ~YP~<':$1~fy (J>) :~trt n~~~ukf} $$'pamw tt"~M~ir;g, how'$v~r. rm'.~;t~ ha:}nk~ h~ ~FI-~~~:~b-ID,. A writh:n 4::,H:::tatkm lum h~ pffNivad q)r.m te<lti~M~t ' 4 PART THReE REPUBLICA 110N OF LANO OINEl.OPMfNi COPflltOC) (l) fOllOldAt WORK MCC (l!l1lnl 10 p,-,WiUt> llw LDe \\$ <! CWlp~(j0tl '<<A<ll1l> In lr'.~ Colle 01 G*t::e.l'al Ordr:,~nt-e:s ~o. irt;.;.kl(i~: tM:e bW)~{~'.;r'~g: .$) Iftc:('?Jp(J:r:~ttt ADwndmatJ1:$;^ /~:H @nondm,i~ntl; W'jU bl$ l*~';A)fP(>~i~i;z:d ~n th$:~r ;M>p-n>pA:M~ m~l~~n~. \>) {~eWew with G<lnllU'lfj Ordfnlfn<;~$, U;10 wll1 l<~ r~vi<\wed whll l"" Geflttflfl nH~h$l";t:$~ aD:;; ronmm$: ~~Gf.m.~,l~,wnde$, ~n-d Cb~~0!fMJ PfU:li'l$:;<Jfl1'{ wm 00 btfH~gtlt 10 th~ ~ta~ntion of tr:~ Ct<:Jn~t$ fith~Jn:e:f. c} fti$i..of}l tiMes, j.\ hh&rory notu w~i t~~ prupaftl'.(t 1z>r tMd~. M~dl~~n qr tN~ new pt;b~kl:t1kH'L Th$ r.:ntft wm kidk;at..-e the -S,Qurc.e fu')m whfch -the ::.w>>{~Cf:' ;$ deriy~..%.l. m C~rMhNnU$. [:;.*ch '~;~'g>;}o wm to prw~t.1$d by a ~~at1ih~~n~ wh~ch $hf:d mJl-$(:t H'l$ (,;;?)-r::t~~--:-t d 1h~ ,~.f1ct~Qn, <I) S~c!f();(1 An$I'1M5, fm:h ~eclkm wllll<a p',\cedttd by <! J~1;aik>d R~ilipb liming tn<l t:;,~{)#<)Hi< m,i$,re~n 1) rahi~l* ~l Am$'n-drn1*~tt$< A T$htl& wm. he, $:5ta~blhh"'h~ for ~~sunq ~H fu1W.~ am~r:dm.ents a;",~d !h$*f cllsp-osWen ~r: LnG. g:}. tude-x.. A o:m:~,pt$h~f~'$.h(e, ~1#t)*ta,l word ~n<ia~ >w~i~ be f;n~~pa1~ct for LDG. 'U''''U''U,....u.......'''''U'''''U.',N''''mu.Uu,u,uu,w,,,,,,,,,uuu,,u,'u'" (~l LEGAL !IltNlkW 01' U;H;, MCC {,I!i1io1, l;"(W, lhO <iit?C(1(l'\ 1)1 1M C,;rutlti Ab:;mer, ,~(); n:tA~:w trH*' tDe aga:~n$t Mata ~.aw, MCG'~~ ~tt:O{nev $~.~'~gn$d win- s~;wrti'~ ,a.tl ;fl<UWf~t fnf1rtH.;,HHid:um to. fu~ t<~~~~~ti AW>fO~i (r.Al#~~Hg &l~ n~;~<:TumfJrHiatk>tt~ rot d~mh~ting f,;hipnt;:;ahen$: ,inct1:nsffi~~':H1~~$& f*r~d oh~d$'~e fXo'1i~k.H%~. AH reC0-rfU)1t~nttst~{?il$ $~'a h':J~~n6e....i tOr H$.$ by the <:?~~.#~t1 .~J1ofr&~y, .~f<(l H$ <~Md1 :;3:l'$ t'm1, ,~~j be t>on~~de'md h:~ga'~ ad9~r;:~ W a ~ayr}$nUlrt Appr{)pd3~M M~t~~, S1${LM~ ~:ef-$r~,M~~~l':~ w~~l b~ ~.ndtK11~zf in tho tOe a~ d~~m~o {":,e(:$$.,s~~{;l A Sb.H~~tory f~e-f<H~m<;# l$bk w~H bt pt~p$t{~Ji M:tlt~ by ;$,tatutcrt ~H~.rtbn aH :'ii;@.jkm~ ~~atry}rtg ;:~ {eii:N.tHH;}j', R~cornm~n1*d ptovi~,l0,n~ rl't~:~(~d k;:, b$ ~ndooed ;l~ $ r:e:tH~~ {~f{tw ~~1tH~~ HWlew w.m WJ ~n;.;;;<,ron{~hl~l"J ~.~ ~h<ft ti>C tJ1W,n tlP*G~1#: ~n$tt\,H;N\.:m~, h:.mllne, C{)unty, Am-e~tDf't ctd~:mwt:es may be inc-1w:h:d ir~ g::$ f~wm~' thm~~~W~, tho Stg::trf;em('int ~UJ~vit;m ~1 pH~vid~ci it'l p~n Th{oo, (~; PRiNTiNG ANO lCUNOlNG, ThR ~Wle. (,:"mll\ I'MM@ 11M bMlnil oi LOe w;ill<!J!l$ Ult ~d 1n P'm1-Dn~ aOtHh\ r;Y<Hib w~~~ tm: $~lt<n14~wj priof to ~k!;w pdnHng. 5 PARTfOtJR eU?PL~,M€NT $~RVlCE FOl'l COPE A/IlP UlC P) OROlNANCE$ TO aE !'\JRNl$Hetl BY Ct)UN1'Y, The Connw >>l1ali k:r#1l1tl b MCC <::o~>1*J$ oJ ~hu' on::iln~a{:~w 1Jpm~ Irn;.$l--<lrHM:tm~wt hy W::$ {;<~w~ti, 'rh~ <ltG:~fl:;H1'C:$* rm~y t>~ f~Jrn~$he,j ~n n@ro CQP't < on ,:ii$k~.tW.:;; ;)t' vIa e...-rn~l~ ,,,,__,,,,___N.'_ f2j- SCl"U:-OutE:~ ~Jl~H $b~p:mep~' ~.:rf fu~, now C06;:: WKI tOe < Met: wiH ~:ttct' the Ct."(k:: tmd t.X Wp4tH$a~~ by th>$ pHblkatho n-t -SU'~ip~fmw:r:h~ ~na:~ ~<m C'0ntain the: rt'~W Uf..j~n.U:l.~,~~ .~)-r $. ~W:tH.W41 ~H~~ p${nN:tr~em fi;m~;l''$ f.:i1~cte~1 by ih'~' g()'\H:m~jn9 twdt., ,ThfJ Supplem~m$ can b~, puth::s:harl wn,.~' $cheoqf-$10 m,omt1.hO m:qujmm~~~ts<;f U)(::' C.(HjH1'q.. f.\ ~'MHrtH.H'n af1N(tj (;;{}); W(>(ltioQ @'i~ wW bf.l nsquwoo t~~f4e'ih{$lt 01' u SDpr~u-tMH:t .....,.."'.."..,...,.........'"...w,.""....."..."....'.'..w,""",.w.......-..'..""."',"u n:' ltU:CWn:)fliC $UPPLl:'MfNTA nON, il tM (;Q.mt1 tM~ ljn{l~(!n 10 Hlf,eivl1lil<a CoM lint! tOe iH ~~h~(~;t<1nh~ rnectk~ ,~~l$. K<~t t>ot ~H P;;t,rt 'fW'(1 fA ~hh~ ;)~~t$l:N~~~:8,~n{!, MCG t~{n PH~1kM the' ''S'~lpp{~~mO'M.$ $~:;tmf:k';ar~i OH ~ ~:chedul~ to m~$;~, ~h::.a' C=o~.Jn~t% ::'$ed~" $,9" mQ~th~, C't b-imc:n~hJi' Th*.l' CovntV may 'Ch0~~N~ to rH:W~ h~td (',-OPt S~~ppls;Hr::~~nt~. p(mted ~~?,; fm~:~JI,erdi, Tn.::::: f.::~e:(.;tmo.lc rner.Ha wm H.~He{;l th~ $:ntire C<~d'$ ~~nd t C:-(; ~$ ~gd'n{~d thg)Hqh ~:h~, n~(r:~H HM';'cnt Sl.l~}t~~f3rn(::nt (4) NEW tWU)1NANCES ell !he WEB ll>tt),W+ MGC <;iW p0$lVmit onij~Il1)C$l on It", wl1b h#t*i~;l$n, $~~,pblem-en~<1i $<~ tn~~,U~nr~n:& $eat~~.thfj~ 'Y<lt/ Gbdk or LOC wm 1#~d rh$ mt.,~1 ttm:C.:.H1l' ~~;:Ma-tbn, To Vi~1W tni:S $~f\:'KU, gO' 't:P the Jac~$-o,l~'iml);, fl, Cede ,Ql Orrl-ham;es ~ se:~ "t)nHtian:;e$ Enact$~fN.Qt yoet {;od;rit'd' bcaW(i M It,,,, M\ilfmir'9 oi ba Tliltl<a of COr1J<anls. Ant<;:ugn. YfA3t llfdn~~{~<~~~~, wit~ b$ ?: r~~{t 01 yo:t,:r C(.,'6.t ~~tK1 LD=C d$t~b~H~.. MeC w;tl Hot ed!t the Goo~:; <w UJC k~ !r~{~kl~j~~ ttl~~' ::%,!"'fl o{di~~#a<~..w -- ":Ism wm timply pU::.<l' th~ ,:>~~~k~:~n~s in th~iT odQ~rH~~ f~)Jm., <rhtl: Co4~. ~trl Lot: c.n ih~ v~~t:b ls, m~j:nmin~d thrQugt:' iha :~uppl'f.:n%~rJ S~-w~f;:e. Onc~: ~1fd~n~tlcc6'~ ;:O'$t~ thfn~sh t!'hS N.,f).V'>i $($:~At:e are 1f'Ajt~de4 In {i! $t;pple-:.'1'~~m!: to the ;j.lwe. ,and tOC, th&i wm M r1:'imov~d '~om the w@, If '1(}~~ w(KtM ~jb2 (l-fd~H.$fl;1;.$$ tn(:Of.p0mtf'~d !'H!O tt~~ ~~$dn;:nk ';:(<a'mk..m or ~ha, {A~de a~<~ t.oe n'::QI'$ d~etl *:.fJr:: 'tDUf p(~~t~ C{)d# ~nd toe ~:~' ~~pd~tM, P~i~$<$.: t:~X~$k:I*N' OtiJ t:.k.:~~;:t~ ~~1)k:: S~lPP~Ut'M~DtMhp, $O'fik::?J, "U''''''''''';<<';<'''<<''''''''''''''''''''A.~"."".",,,.......,..............................,,,,................... (5) EOl1'ORIAL $CRUnNV, Tl1~ 'W~' ",,:lhm'C<l'$ wln OJ! $1fJdlad by a mambr ~;llhl1l1dlmti$i ~,t~ff of M<:G irt c<)rt.l~~<~tiC:fs wm~ !hU* tn<i*ti:n-G pr;YJi~1:ons eO,htJ' G:t:lWi ~nd L.nG. fjjf~p.~ purprm: ui 4:~hH:-p.mrn:~ ~i $ny fYr.f'i~.~H~H$' (~-l' ~ht~ v~t~k C.~~do' OJ L.De .Hm: r~f~~'~t<-d., ~mef::d~d, ~1t sVp$m~okscl, l'{)-a ~m:t~$' or P~$ji ci.r tfl:cf:: Cc>df: ~lna tee z..'{'lnU:dn~:ng pmvm'ID-:-",~ Wl$.t ~t$ mp($l~~d ~~{ m:n1~nd$4.{W ojdil~a:fK~ $hal~, he ffjp:hnltld 4j'f ptlntad b' r~moY'~ ~:H(:.h ti.h;ita~ed or ~lr(~~n~f(..~<! t>nr...rl~~,m.::; ;;:md t~;;, ,jmwft ttH~ H'*W o:njinWt('~$;., 10' E01TORlAL NOTES, Arpmprblli'f>di1C"'ll0otf,1 wll; M ,>';$$.'&:1 "NI ';PPBflwd ,,~ dwmed t::$1;(::~~);:r1 t':t M(.:>~.. $t~{~ ia~< ndetnnl~B$ {~fA}~rd:h:t ~o th*-~ nww' -onjif~ln:;:us by the CO;1:lty Ati:O'H1:$n< witl p# In{:bd~d kt~ ap~Vt)pl~~M~ Jo-Mt~.(Jt$$, 6 rt) ~Noe* ANn TA-Bt.E$, 'l1t'l$:n t~$ i}~(;~'J~}iQr-l 011~~W~' rtwtedt;t! fl<~'i)e~shat~,~ thr:ifl:M~ jr, the, itd$);,'. ap~rop~~@t:e: e'~~tr~$. win be P:'~v$/~t: .~td H%~ ne.'f.:t%s~rt tMW~;Hi,;)f mi'i ~m:Wx wHl t)ti f,Hmt(K1 m' Njpfj.nt~~4 ~n Irtf.~w1:~ th.& n~w ~f::tt~>t<::..~" 'fh~ Gomp$rath'$: ~n:rl S~~te tgW Re{)1;:r~fl~,$' TarJk:s wm O~ *e,pt Hp..M...d.ute tt'i tef<~(:t.,th{t new odjnan{~:s ~'nd ~tato 'i~w ci1~th::m$:} ~f ~~ny", tHdw.ie4 ~rl ~'%~(:.h $uPPft:1n$l1t Th<rt Tat-~e of CQf::wnls 1dl a!W)' h~ f;;~'pt {;mf~ljt t6 r::]i}$(t t:h~,rtg'et it~ 'tt:~ Cocl~ find tDC, ...w.".."',"'..."..,."w.,.".............u,.,..,uu.".u.u.un....."".__u"...."".... {f>) iNSTRUCTION ,St-JEfrr. tatt; -SJpp~.&m$n~.wm <::oft~a~n ~g. pagf~ 'of .h,$otf~~-:-.t~Qf::f, f~r tem'O'Ja~: Qf H%J om.:c4e'~ pag$$. ufd bll,~'HHJ~':: a~: 1h$ n~?:t.~ p;,;lf1,*~l. l~,:'e lat$:M ofd~n.ant$ !nt.~~.:ld$4 ir~ 1h~ p~~n{i~h,e.d GHpp*(:'(~$m wm b<~: :"i~~'M'd ~n: n<$~,Jk~c~ type on t'ne In-,*n~ctic-r~ S.h~Bt ",,,,,,,....',,,...,..,....w.,.v...,...,...,w,w..,..... ..,.w,.......................... N~ t:MECK:tJ$T, A ;n$r.;t;rt,~ rA I~P.,t(~,:<d$W .pa9t.:~ wM bs, praFar~d and kept ~UHSJ::flt rot ~ b~neM oHh$: US~':. Th~ che:Qk~bt of l..<.p.4c,...,.:h~t~~, y$(J~M, '~'im $n~~r~' i~)c$J;:1H'1t neh%:m~,n~ti:(l~'t -of wtfetn-€-t the u'~er~:.1< nH:{'~t1g c,n $, p~gia r-e:ft~,ctir::9 c~J:tr~nl crclir::anctl$, ............~........................,.....................,........"....,' (1m GRAI'HICK Sr:O\M t'" 31.'i'p!;!m"nt c01'tilic lahlM, dl'awicp 0' 9;,apM~t k', wrMh ~plK;al rn$tf'~c:d$ o1raprqduc.Ho.n ;~f mQ~:Hfka:tkm .f:,lffi railvkw$, ~h~ C"$t$, wiH :b:s S$ sfiit :o~A a$~ {~ Quclatl0,n Sheut (1 1) REPRINTS, 'fha loosel"M 'epHn1 pllmphiels, wMch wnwir. :afidn ptl'li<r,~ uf the CMe ,:r L.DG., inch...!d~n@ ~ppropda*e m~1ax pe:ge$, '~vm be ~ept Ug.,t;:H:tm~.a~ th~, ssm~'f:me tOO Ccoo and t.Ot;; lj{J~tJ'm~' ~~ ~t;ppi&.l1H~m~fu0< IT &W~m:tt "''''''''''''''~.,.,.-,..''"''''"''-,-''''''''...~''''''''~'''........_-'''''-' ( (2) :SAMl'lJ! OlwmAt<C€ SeRVICe, SaenP'", 1)f{l'MK,11$ ,'11 €~~,<:ilK ~Kibi>i$cl$ will be f~'mifihW \~~c:n N(~U.ftH~t A Mlmpkt. ~)t6{H~::~(:~ htd~l):: wnl bt~ ftiH1~:i.:~~l(~d k'it' u-te' in fe.qt.l$:;t,*ig ltA~ d~:;~k~<j ~~~~mpl~ pt~jl{i$l{$n$, P:i) 111>0,1\ re iSlA re tAW mWER:!tNCER DU$I,~' 1M 1)a1U,1;; Cf SlJp~'!em~melbf;. tha *il\daw H~lere?~~~ in a {>(l~i~ ~nd LOC b~f';Om~: tn.dd;fJt~, Met 4H~a; to w~x.lat:f;: aM'aa~f$b~~ bw n1tefent~ ~i1 :any tlm-e dwin9 tht~ con~m>~1. M-GC wOHM td~:.Q updet~ ~h~ f.Hste Law H~lej'an<:a T~bt~~, AC1~<lttW1@~Y" #; mo,e ,,{lmpl~l~ i$.~a{ (~~'flW ,:cn b<:' WJ>'li<:too S~ llU"illioallll (14) bt<1Ow. 'jha c(n:;f lor tht~ ?i::~0h~ h~w H==;1er~;f'<c~' U'p4j~Ung W-OHW b~: ~ :an hO:lH~'f bad~.. r~~~t to. $)l:(x~#c a $~~gcWit ~1umbaf (;.f ho~~(t a~ 8g.me:J ~3f~l~r~ Pi Met: ~~r~i~ th(i C~):<;'my, (14) U2GAL REVIEW Of CODE AND LOC. M :~r'1 tim<, ,", j.he Ivl""'. (hi COlmit ln~y ',,"~U$~i Mf~ITH~tkm ~:nti :a f;Q$t fur MGG t,~ r~vi-@w zh%:: C\':<OO ~nd LOG <)n ;:) efH~vt~.M,.by,,en<t~~~h~r N~sj3J &JUifU.t the f,;~~:rtH)~, $wh~ ~/~:W. :;iV6tten r#Cm~l'fl~~'~~dMionj wit! t.% ::;,uhmltMd,to H1e. C<)t;nty Aih~m~r- ~s tu ZI1"f Ct..w# rtt tD.c ctta:\O~l~ dWJr~~ed (1~t~;:},'!.u~ty: or desksb}$), ~M a: rt)$~J~t' of ~wf.;h ~fSl'~ mAf.:w, MCG'~ ~~tk)n1~~~ wm Wl~fl< with ttl1l eC:tm~i A.t1z>iTmy ~n draWng lMls~.a,Urjr:. as ,~leam-~,j f($<:e~;~:a,W, Th* <:Ot~t f()~ the i:~~UH; r$>i~W' aq.(j df<3mnt:~ :"$-'Zrvl<;es, wcw~:;j: h~ ~D ~n hnudv c@sk:;. m::i! tn ,,~~:(::~ffd e ~;p#cit*(:: nl~imt:Y.Jf t~t nOW$ ;Jn~ $,gml.~d upi;<n by Mea .~nd tr~'Coontl. ' 1 ! 15) SHIPMENT; O!STR:12UTlQN, <>i;/'P,M"f.>ll{il will M, illt"Pil?i k> in.. C:-1unty b, 4,sl:tlb",lon 10 1M ho~'i€rs Gf ~:MiJ .C-:)d:;u~ ard LDC, {15) AA'CC AS TOTAL CODE A.OMtN~STAA:rO'ft M.C:C w~n m~Mrwh *n '~WJ$'Ht(i1Y or C<xb$, L.OG~;" ~m~j: s.~~pp:%t1'le(;~~ ~x t<<')k~ t.;) ~r:n: p~t:hh~\ .{r~~r ar~d ~h0V$.: tni~ nur~~her w::<~.ffJ.r$rl' l~ thts .agr~'?:iment fot G~~tm~y t;,~6'., MCC 'wW h~l ,H~tf~)~H.::jt4~ for h~Pt~nn ;Jlv~ln~~&,<,~jJ ~lP',lt).,<l~~k, c<*P~:tM'l o'f' lh~~ Ct<<~:e ~n!j t fX~ f(>y po~~.h~,w by c:Jrt~n,t ~od rw:~~nl': "S~tr${',nb$rt,. MCe wm t;(j ftM;:'RQH~H>l$: tpf m$fkHiing th(~ G0d# ::)H(j, LDG t(} .w;:(~M~ng or p<,.~*rmai ~d;'$s(;t&~:rs, AH han~~,n~~l ~Jxpu:nt:tt$ ~!~d tt~~ <~f'f~~tw1~ l$b~ ofms~; <~(t:j~ fHhi tt::t. W~i! h~~ ~~cw'roo W*, Met; M:CC wm ~w:1 t~~~. ~~~~ p!#::;u t.::.<t Hl$ ti~.:~% :~md teG ,~l3'1d' kltum ijuPvtefl';.~.m$-, .at appf(w:ed' 'b~{ ~hl~ Co~mW. Sht>>Ad ttm GDunty n~~0 adr:Htionsl c::;pies ~f1rw Ct1j~ Of LO(::, MGC wm ~tovi:jj.:: .&~* d0~~tl~tl mJ:mbur <~f c~')p-J$$ at ~ <H$.('.-;.<)t$N,s-d p:.:"';~;~~ '<<<<-...'....-.........""""."'.,"....."...."..".....''''''....,....,..,,<<..,,....",,<, ~ 1'r ~ Tl:RM~N.4TlON-. Th$ S~mpl~{:m~m1 t~tvi:!;* ;~a pl'(r<1i1;~~Ki h~m~'!-r; $li.&~~ D-e ~<: kl~ fcm~l ~~od $.f1ed k~r ~ ptH'K~ of trj{W (3) yai-.lf~ '~fom HWl:' -d#t$ of ~h~pm0nt of tMf~ f"Qmp~t~<:l: Ct:da ~md tOe to thtl (}:;'i1Hiy, Tj)0raaft,~,<", lts..e S?Jpp~~m@n~' $tH\<l,:o~~~ wi'll tm ~i.lh'jfjta:ti;:;,;.%,ili r~~~we4 'ff:n,m Y$.H~{ t:~ ~f~iM: -ptnv=j~~~d th~t ~d:bM patti mar dw( <:'f qmt$} ltH~ 1:~~,nn~ of tni$ f~~m: lht<Ml ~~:von d);t~' ~$O} lja%' wrHteH notk::1.'. s I rll'r'Wrl, :"'"~' I t I OU(frATlOfi SHcer PARl OM! ," RCPUllUCA110N O~<:O()i:. q) B~tW ~~:nl:t, ~tH::'!Uti~~ ::<} h) ~) f ~~~t;;:~t~n-l w<~d-r ~~rHvhi~~:. ~~b~~lr (t~t'lHef ~ y-p{~~ettmg &nd pH}~ft, l nd<:p::~n{~ F(~W~~i\1 i:nd bbdfng i. N~~Ulht.t of (:0p-~~1%' j~ N!Jmoor <d hiH::i(~~'$ w. f..Jl.;~mb~~f {>f .~~~h~ Of l~~M{:#);~ ~~nJ$:r Wh% ~v, 2tHm~t~d ~w~~ (p~e~$e d~J0$$ cl~$~flt,d 1ufm~t'~': D: B H x '11 inthu~., ~1'f"':{l~ CfAwr~ ~ D e % );: 1'l, ~:r~cNw, ,j'o~l~~H~ ;;::okmln J,) 1n (2} 8aM~ <~Q<.~,t cloos fH'Ji ~l1c{Hd'e; .;~j P ~a~#~~ i0 eXC$Si$., of lhJ5~ ~i$~:$(j $t~)'~<(:. w~H w t-m$:d R$- 1~)-~IOWtV l. S '~~'~ 'n ~n(:J:,$::;C. ~~ingl~H;.dwr~n H, S % x 1,,1 ~rH:;Jl~$, dfj~j'b}:e {',"O{'~m~H f'm:~9ht <:h~rg~'~ (invok,~d Upl;*~'l $Mpment) Stat:a :a:al~':g, t.~'" ii' arph':;~NH {i: :(l PMH TWO '. AOOITIONAl SERVICES AVAILABlE :1 {3} P) t~fi;(11 R$vH~w 01 Cod~~, nn~~H.id-:es lJp.d~~fn~ <d $1m~ ~&'# rQfOflJnC>N~) (2) On..,S~w C<;::n~~~::'$;1~~ w~rM ,MCC ti,itcm~y', {Op,gO:f'~a~j "f t.::~$':::'<)fd~f{-W:f;$ Of w~~~~in~i.1:f: p~:-::r j h~)W ~';lM;:1b'n (41 1::'fi~~k:?lY:'lt.T~b\~(~n d' Leg~~' R~>;~~~w Otiot~t"i0fllJfMn ';-~QtJBS~ $2,.000 {[i) Upd-Min'J; @taM U'(~< n::!J(l'fe.n<'.:t~$ C~~ot.MM,~t upe::: n~Qu>$M it) R~~}dnU, fn 2~~.;:.:ttn:?~k~ (;.00=:7: ~~,~ h) d SI Dnt$ bt~::gUM~d wJth ft#itJ .8o~.m:cl\flEW$iJ~:g#.@:, '~i{,,,*'f~~:,f.:$ E ~ch ~~H.'l~micma~ i~c.Hrl$.~ ' SiM lioe!~se fo{ ,iJt) 10 15 tit;?Jn~ Codj~: <m tht ~nh~~'''~nt:t PUf ye:~r {k!x::kH1$$. wp tlJ f9~M' u nJ'~tfffl} Grxde 1l,:,<:m~$itet1 'f..':;f wf:::M prt>(:e$$~nG (:<~~j~ h'{ Acob~l! t{'0F fOfmat, k~dtH:l€% ~h~ '~~an;:r: futl:ctbn <:) n t>. {iM:S~ is i>::?f;~x:d ,~{; t::'!t~ ::~~::~l,{:i~. (m~ ~,:;,,'1$' ~~:;if $h<:~~ ~,;J ;>~'>':~~ t~.d~~'>>:$&<<:1,:fm t:-<<::c- <,~;j Wj$~, 9 tHHn~5 ::..:ft;> 9? BY 'tH~ ~;1() $1.2 t~;'3 P'tspaJd $J:,3-7-5 $i,,~Cn $250 ~k, CtH~f~~~ $;tf;; $1 ))00 -$3S0 No Char{~1~ t4:~B nJ PART THREE - REPUaUCAflON BH~~~ t4~.t W,C.hid>:t,f, ::H li, ::.::..~ ~~) ;ii Ej~W,tj:&.l w~:~rk Gr<1~h~~, tatn~;;.H maiV.;( l'yp;,tSlJ!,lt~I\0 m)<j: OtO~1~; In,j:~~bg Pdn1k\} "r;{J bl~dlng ;, NjJ{~'3bef t~f (:t~p~e~.; i1.- N~.Fnbuf 01 b~,ndm~~ ~\~. Number u-l ~:t;:~,:':; @f ~~t~;.M C-fffOf .t~t~; ~'<t' E::;n:'n$;e4 p,*~$$ fpi~;&.~,~ ,ch"~~'~'$ de:~h'$.Hi iorm~n.~' n f'i ~~ ::i 'l -; ifKh~:$, dngil1 ,)oh,v<1rl n S % x 'j 4 ;ncKe~., d~:j:ub~~ tdum~ $9,,78'5 91 97 ~7 5,::,0 4{)0 $12 %1tt Fn~pak: ~;4) Ott.Sih~ Con1er$r'~ce {(}ptk;:ra~Q wiH he.: ('Mmb~ned witt, Gonf~nn'!,ce fur Ccd::l: $2..BH> {2) B.a~~ t(";~t doo~ nonr~CltHf~~: ~~ F~C$ge5 ~n ~ ~'';$N;'; of th'Q'$# lmtari t~t'QVB w ll~ h1:: NW3<l (it.;. {OHO#:,&' 1.. ij }~ x .-; l' irttft~~$, zh{~~~ ee;;h;:fMt l.l, g ;~~~ :"i: 11- ~:n~h~~~, clouh~a' COhH'tU' Fm:i'l;ht i;.;har9t%i {in:otok;f.ld HPC~ ~nipm~mJ SWtt~ $:MfM~ Mx., H l*vt-l~el:tbfu t3) ~n {3) ~..A~g$'~ H$Viif.W' nf LDt;, V"'::dtHj$'~ ~~.pd:at:1g- of ~.w~,~€' law mfij:te-f:K;;$t<-} {S) T ~hN~on-!~r~nca Of w{;bh~~M'" wil~ h~~ 3;e.mbH'HMi with confomnc~ for C3:::de {i3J lmp~'U:mS~N*tktl !.At-$J<t! He~A~w ~~ T] Et&CUo,t'dc ;;:\:xie': ,~) h} DMa jnkw<!(~4 wHl' Folio $cum:JVIEWS< 1hma iku'"w~ Ebth ~dd~H0na~ ilcw"':;~ S:d'~~ H(::M'::~~~:.:: fN up ~~) '15, ~i~~l~:-~ <:;odct; {i-n th$.: ;;Mf:'ft,:t.:t r~-r Je.:~t nn<;:h.lik~$ ~}P tt11'.)w' HPtl&t~$} C~x~'$ f~ln1Mrrt~ri kif w(>n:f pt{~<:$$,~~t?@ Cc,d~ ~n AiliJb.e por -ro'fm.at'; ~~dtHiea, m,e ~e~ut::.h nmdkit1 ~;) d) ~~) 6 PART FOUR - SUPPLEMENT SERViCE d) }1..{m~w~ '~~e k~t SJ~p~$mMr~$ ~2) N~fnhe; {Jf '~~'Qpi~$ t" r-S~~,~'0: is; t:'{~h:-::~ ;;:;$, th~' ~tf.l.;::: ~m o~~~~ .:>~~~ ~,t ~ ~hM'~' # :%(;:->$'~" A :::;:'~W'~ ;--::{;':'~~~';:-:~i '~~<~ ~2} }M~~'j~" Iil $~'.fmt> t'{~J C hWije $7:5 $~.De(l $.350 ~Heo 149$ N~~,na {n (~1' Cont pBX p.:~,gB: ~1} {S Yz ?;: 1'1 U1chet, $~nw* t;:c!t~n:r~ ij ;1. l '11 ~w.:;;h-:frt, .::h::<:=...;ute (>~bmtl Graphk,$, ~ddticn~~ charge ~at,h? O:n~ S$t 01 Hp~'ja~'$d $l$~ir-m1~c, ~~.ecti:a, par BUf}p~$~rHM~~. ~<~tfflt In ~~~Wit~~f 'l?:~ :'tG'UMr- $q~*>~ement y'ffi' P~~Ht~ chatse.} Addt~tm~~~ ttH~ of ti~>iU~~~~<1 $~~l;tl'(~:fl~~ IrB.::<.>1~t( f,42.f &~'~ $~;S ~~,2j $10 $75 bj -(;) d) ~:j $75- {4} fl~c~{(;'r::$ $w>n~'$m~n~~tk<,n (Cc:~rtt: i:nd~8j'a' pdnted $u.pp!em-snt$ l)n ~ ~l~'JfHi:~~-(;m,~Hf Of ~rmVH~ {N@%,.j Thu'$-lJ to::it~ ~fi~ ~n ~bH: ~A ~:~~~.dt ;;tbc\:~:::. a.) QU~lrt>rdJ' or b~mt~nthrr sch~dt.da, ~"l:~J p?H t::.~9t{ g % X: 11 if!:Ch$$, $.~ng'* ~ohunn h, B '~-1 X ::'1 lll~~<e'~~: 4tr;~'b~~ CrA:)(lVl M~~:rn~~'1 tal16;h<U~, t:(:'llt t::.l}f p;~~~.~~: ," a }$ :K. 1 ~ i,ll,J~<2~, lS~ng~a t'~)lwmn k S U '?f, 't ~ ~:n{;t'.es, {.h:<:ih!e coimnn $2-i ~"')Q ;:1;:",,>,.. $1>1 *23 bJ ~Sj New ()tdi~'W~it{i.:~~ OD W* VVt~n CN.O."U.);J. (6} PAYMENf (1) Pi ,{T. ",:..oJ ~:? t.\ Cns~ -Pf.:1 Of~,:rumCf}" pnste~ w!th~n 5 WCtk~fl~ d8Y~' Cest per ,or,m~~n'r;'$, :pC~1~Ht wnh-tr; ~~ WO&,Hl{l (t~Yi. $15 $2~ Samp:::g {)n;.Hn$/i~':;;~~ t'tll'tv~,G.fl ., tl;Jring ihe ~ni~ yOar rOlkll-.':~'ing $h~:pmutlt of ~,h~~ Cod~: No chwJ" Up~f': sign;:ng {Jf ~t::e COf':t;a.~i ~~a.~:)G K;.t<:jkm~.ti, Up<~n ~~,H}mHM<;n <Jl' *v.MC:d~! {-:'H$:tm::n~m4wm: ~f ~gai rfr~t~W (>{ Cod~~ f.:iJt>~ LDC ~* j>hQ~Q(:, P*~t Twt), ;~*l'$g:mph {1) $'5J~'90 Up{H~ re:t;~~;pt 0f p;prds '~t~ 'W~8 ~< ,kv-'... ~4~ fJe:Umce Ho<~r~ deii:J(}l'Y (31 Cod~~' ~l":d l.OG. pn P$='.<TthN\~, kt %-:;'$ Supw'tme'nt 8$:Nk::~, wm Vf:l dt%'; UNO. i:ec$:~:Pt ;lJf ~n k~'1't)~{<A'. 8Vpp{fm';:$.nh~~ wHl b~ invoK~~ ~itl<::~n ~~hft~p~.sd, {~} F:~:iQM ~'h~rg$~ wm h~, pro:pmk~ i;tH<~ ~twli1-c$d ::-.=tt t~me ,;:i ~k*J t4~'i:ng, .: l'..~~:';~;-{::.<:l':"i $-%' (:14',' ~:;:.>t~~1~~, H :~' W'$.ph:>.: :=$ l-.'?::l)J~'=' S?l:3':'; u:e:-e- ~~~J'$::, H~,$' :::;:l'::~:>::1:;:: ::::: '~r:~'l'" r~*~' P{~\N, :1 ::.,~~ ~ :'1? :""'. '''':00. ~::;::::::,': ~:;, .,,'. ,~.._, ." ' .,.','.' F:\~::r :,;f ~~ Th}$ pr(~pOO;fll jj:ha.l~ b~~ vaJki kw t\ p13,rlcci 'Of nbt~'~Y (S;)} ti~)<f: ftom 1W~ tkt$ aPPQudng U:l:'IDW, Subtt:~tM.d' by: MUNICiPAL COOl! COR?Ol'tAT10N ~~"'ij, < , ,j i n,,~.l!_'~ -"' ')I)' ,'< " b t VJ" '" L ,-, 'j f,.( ~. ; /\/ ";.t.{hA V~ '/-~,,,,... ... .(~.; . . '," [",;- * i../"A # ,^p, .""",IJ.'J}it>_J:,,,VML_,,,,u&',,,,,,,_ f. ~<Hn~J:$: A ,. n j\ i' L d: l ': ~ " . :( , ~ ~,,: , I J:~._.:~' ~~,~::11dff< I;,::::, , ,.\._, , Premo(!' \~J " 1 ~ :, \j K1t1:!'ch .., ~ tOf)S AcwmtM by IlO>\Rj) Ol' COUlfl'Y MONRoe OOUtITY, l"LOi'lJPA co.'lMJSSHlNliliS A1TgS:r, l~"t"'Y KG l.ha1l." <::1"d, l>f Court "''''''ff;:;:kr'''';';;;-l~~,::''rrnIi>''1:Y''C1.m. .... " ~"'-: i.'I'V~""" '"",-, '''''''''r;;i;';;;;;;;ii.\;:;:;;" p~;;:ft)\U ...........,W,y,w,-....-...<..<...<<<'.Y.6a:i.;..........'......~~_...u,W,y......".....''''''''''......, ~t.iI~ ~ .. ~-:. ~.:>>. ~ '0"-:- < l ~ .(:"~.,,8':r.~.>;~~. :{'''':f~'~'''tJ''' .:t':::,:r"~::~t":~j"'<:- ;;t'<;.: f<'~'B,j /i ~'l,:';:;~'~..Ji,:~...v "..,,*:,<..x.,1"~:"/.>' S '"",...,,'':;':* ',-: .,of * ::: ,.,.'" ': ~:, << ,,{),:,,::.:"::: hHu'r~:l'G(>d:o ."."',,,/:; QUALlFiCTIONS SACKGROUNtl FOl tlm laSl 54 YQal'li, M\lni.cip<ll Cr~ Co'poru!bn hus \lH'Vll{Wd <llxClvSivellf in ooi1ing and pvhlllltm19 (/J<.:k fm f\'"n',;ipamics an<l o:;tJi11km ci <.Ill '!illfi$' U'lr1.>ughout Hl(t lIMw Stall$s. MCC has pvblilltl$d and $upplemN11<ll,j mOle Code$ thal a$ ii" (:."m'!flt lJWl man any other <;;odil'i~H il1 tl1a COl.mVy. TN& experlooc& (lnables LIS to I1ffer you 111ll tinlls1 Set'll!';fi$' <il\<uilahlt!, aUmfllil$$ IUf:td:ltm: t7(KI Capital Cin;;le, fiN TalMhas$OO, Ft 32310 800-262.26:):) or $50.51'5<'lf71 1i1(;Ol1rporati<Jn Date: Current Cooc Aooo1Jnbi Smvlt!w: Proj€ilCt Contact P'el'1Wfllf: Ma;i'%l 1951 SJ'1C::O D:!lI$ thrsttlw, Vk:a Pftr$~jlml '" Sales Oi"l>$ J. KY!1J$', Vlt::e Pra$idwl- (~ KEY PERSONNEL ASStQNEO TO PROJECT P) t.lil9ill: Oiulla J, K'fHW, \hciJ?rt!$Klo/.rt,::cCO<jtlJi S.,A,., OW -oorr..k'::lon Unhl~M',$Ay~ J..tt} ifidnam ;and .Mar.t $!:hool ~~f Law Vliill IlilVe O\IlIfa!l ~<)p$r<iisi()n 01 !he W'OI~ 1.1$ i<YfW; will "S$llIn the MCC "l<lff ilttomeJ, \<\'ho will p'M1orm Ullllifga! fevlew, r%$;~fc.l1lllW ~^Om!nen,ill<l IUf\?tla(j$ lor tIm ne-w Code. TI1~ $ilf1re atroffiil'Y will artend !he mSl1Wl<xip11x>nrerooOl', 01 EttltmM: QWLYiY0LGSSMlJ;},iJ!&t as.. Ge(wg* 'Southam COllege; MS , Br:;,Mon linNefs!!\, 3J )'flIilfS' of il'ctltorialllxparien(,<!, indW:llllg 13 years' ~dltlng Goct~s wm be >llMlgO<Jd to an-angu Code and s\Jpe.vlse it>;) OOitlng, '.>hk<\ lrl(Judll$ prt.>pa? phra%';>logy, pf"0'1lrnhoo 01 Ml:>l~~. (,ai(%llil1$$, history notil'$, cross f$l'lfenOl'! '-''',<l oth~r ~lWf\al r.:H~M;, (3) !'>re>tlUctIOl1: ,!9hrdlwn!?<:9A0L,\!!<>J; em!lg9nL:::~Qy:;lQ1WXwln,~ 8A., Trinity CO{l6ge; J.D, C0I11~11 Law School; U"1.1,, (;e11,ge Washj~ltif' ljr,j,'$(siiy: MemM' ci Ccnne'iicul !hr SWIQ~~;SOf l~f <el<R:t.rnn;z; tf"'lm~ MCe hllll ct'Jj)iO\,~:1 11 loom ~O(\cept. Tnl,; tvP<;t of ,yganizalbn s1nKt.ure ak'w,; fo, QompklJI< wmmui'l,COJltiol1, ro<l\lCl~~ 1l1() tV!n-.!;\I(J;Irl-J Ilf1w fOf p;;plk:agcfI, 8nd ~J,;l>UWl$ f!l'OOMr atc;;racy, Since each wam ;$ ccmpri$1OCl 01: two <edtton,. NtO 1yp<;tsilJter-\ ~nd Iwo pr(m1re"~lil:'tS, il al1tl>y,; for '""hal ""<Ii ca'l "t""rl-~h dt<plft .. 111<1i($ i~ alw!w,; " I:U.K;!;;lip fj<!fMrt f@Df.;,;;}\ftllnhtgr 43 y<!18r'J:' or wXp$tience- in (XWI\OW.fCMll j}f\0tln@, f~P..rrrli#D \<V~Ml.f(!l1Ji 33 ;m.afs Of e;<p,lwiW'o& in (;ofnmer~iai widing !lnd binding, {4j lfld<lixing: .Ri.ltLPtJ&l'1illtsiNl GU11!!f"b~'f A.,~\,.; TaHGh~M;'~OO Cwnn:;un#y C{:}Uefj@~ ~Aerflb(<<,()t AfneMtan 5ocj~ty of ~l1d$x-ef$, ?4 '{fUlfS' "':<verien<::.e in in'm~i{1g COO<li'; lU,U ptOYid<! fN<;tI'lilght am! I:ed\ilict!l <lIM;I';VJt,c.l1 jw If'i!:!al editmiai prepl~mtion of !he ;m:1"J.x <1lnd 'Jpri,wn>J; thQ iM"JX trll'WlIh the SCipph'l'w,f:{ &"f'd<:$. i5) lnformatkm Tectmoklgy: .e.hi~URJ;1?!i%~n~L\f.N~f.~f}:f>>:IttE#t4gftQifJg~r 13 S, Man!!gam'l'nlliiIOm;<ltkm SY1l1am~, Fi,xida S{lll~ IJrh~rlflly; A", N;H+, &%vrit\''', Me:>/\ G y-e${1f e:,;<p~~f~enC3'& #"i ~~~1wtH* adm~nk~traho0, q'.\i}[9.P.h:<\(.J,..i\?#.@.,..Nf:1W9Ix,f,rtm!Di.~t'ffl4?I r; 13" 1n1'olrNlb:m SI;J1Ml.$ FI<~r'tia Swm VnkMil<ily. MCSE, MCSA. l\kCP 4 yit<lfS' e>:peri1lmC"-l in flGt>NOtK *dmin;Sllat.km JQ!1!i1tli.lrU;;;QD1i",Yi'i.t\,fJi.l~\lWr;tlr SS" Ma-n~!l<lin*trt inlon1i8ticn Stsbms, Fbtlda SUite lJn:v"W%lty 3 'JGW,~' <Ii"p"rW,noo dewk1p~1j~ v<Ob !laM'd .(1~%'IK:;Hj(;lns ~9t;:Jf.K.g~:Ai~.X;~~f&,..Rf'i~~9.t#r. cLS.,. Mafffi$W$ttWni. ~nf'1(rn$tit)t1 ~Y$M.n11:S, fb-tki$l $ta1-e: Vrdvers~ty ;2 Y'~Jrs' l&;<:POO$fl(>li> <I<!,vOiopbg V,i(lU tn,Jt>d llPplit."Jtlon:> BH~otJi~~9tm~Yi~Q.,.Qa:ttJ~p:ft fJ.,{t,,< C<m~p~t&~. Stl€nct~\, Ml\':rCef Unlv:.an~~tJ 3 ',""'IIrs' ""r""ri&1<~ 1~~klOp ,lfpp<iWU<m f>":'GW1Wlling Wid devaloping \,,"0 bi'5ed app;ic:tlt'l.'H~~, Ei1.i'KH9.n1.bllJQr}{hm.J:llii!.('C<l!'ilO LlgtlNOOOL Uvely Vt;catibngy T Gehnk:al CM~h"w 24 Y<ija(~ expM'(!il<X;: 3>'1<00'" admini~trmtiofl, $Yllt6ms !>naiYl>i&, and {;lJMc.m software de';J$k.lp{J1a1~t ~.tsln~i m:.:...dip}$ ~.:)peraHnfl Sys1~iH'~$ and p{G~Framntin9 L~J~1Umtf%'1:$ Ur.B.;)',\.t;!:HE'l:f1.W.Lftd!J\9i!tLtJ1L i <iGl'L<titill Nima l"'ef$ u;qmlmrKu p;WIIStliil(J. lba yaals d1~VQiopi11g !;\idcm '>I>~nd,;w bm;w lllppikatlons ,!~rr{XLb,f,I8tl" i"nyjul,;jbn M1'l1aQQI, ,*0\1%!LJl"l.'1JIDJlaim B.S" Of9J.lnilatlOl1ai MJ.l1Ulg<amont, CO\l'911sr;1 Co!mg6 1lJ ;N,Nfu" u.s.. A,my. P'9rfuNl'>el !S6nior $6'\1'#1111.; 11 )v)<!r~" $1x0!'n~c,~ in 1li%1IlC,nic >.r{;b\l<\i and ~l()riil11": fj fa,,,,; "~Ur;Qr;i;a ,n mWg:;11g ,MltJ {,Jwdmnic p'Jbl~thi!1<.1 )il"~..'?'t!ir.w.,,J:!W.!'1.0k1!i.g\fo"W9i:1 B.S., JOl.lnmli~nl.. Lll1\\I<ijISity of Fi'),itJa J:t >,~'t\rt. 4~,pel1llnce '11 WCl1!lk.a1 .:!uppoit LAW E0iTOR1AL STAFF (L~-1L1*l1dom, LL.B., iJdvjl>ttily 01 VirgMia: 54 yeal'$' axp-xient;e \'1 editing and P\Jl>li$hing cilt ~nd ct~"'Wll~1 C:~:.;}j~rt,; Gh$~{rn.an~: t<<'~1: Sll~fti" A. L.aW!<)fl ,L~<l@, BA, VantJ<ijrMI \}llIV{,J(l>i1y: M8,A., .d), FiOlMa $isM Unwernlty; M",'flb~f tJl Florldm StJ:r:. Pn.:w;id~gVt~EC~: 1:i!,\{ffUJLDri;\nL B<~", \,1 $ NMllj ACada(',)j. .tD, Fbfkla SM", Ltniversily, t')!TiWr .)"ctl1a AS\loca!1;! Gllflerw.. U.S, N.J''"i; Memoor 01 FiontJs ll-llr; EMCiJ!iVI;! \jl{? Pras1<lflil\ 'ltrnl Chili OrJl1fa!ir;g Offk~f. ,iohn L OOflltlmi\Aj, SA, T'ifllly C011~; ,10" Coml;!ll Law SGh(Xll; U, M.. Gflf.l1ll1l WSllhbgton Unt.",sity. bmlllf ClIiill .Iudge 01 N;)wyfM1,\11n€ Gorpfu Crnm ,)f C!ifi1lnm! AflP'$sh1; M€mc<at at Connw;tkm S;;lr; V;(;'9 Prm;idem of S4i>;:>lem~nl l)e;:>ilr!mm,l, MI!l.L~:fIi9ft A. 8. . SUlnto,;j Univ$1OJit>,: J D., Univem,tj at Georgia; 34 YfHlf$' <a.;<;w.rtjjf,C<a '1\ <<lWrq My )~ntl c^,~)r;~y C(X,1~s; Mmrtiber of Gooq;~~$ fj~ar {\l','C? h "'\'bl;l;1ory, B A , tJnlvef$ilY 01 S:~ rkxldB; .)J}, Univerfu\t)' 1)1 fi<>'i<la: $1 ye.ars' $)<,;mn~<<! h I;!tJitif1jj ,:ity and ,;o(Jl"ty Cod&$: Memt>er ot rl<ll'ltim Bar. WiE\#X1.L}#.n~'i\."G.#.r::9.1L)r,.> 8,S" Penn Slaw Uf)i>,e%tl: J.D,. rj(,ril;:la Slale Ui'l"$t~ily: 30 y$ar~' eXi'$,;enol' in M't.fI{) ,jly $01 COJnty (;oo$s; Mr.mlbel 01 Fb,ija Bar. Bg.iWLQ,J0.\'!ni!?\f!), SA , Mercer UI1I',er$l1y: J.D" 2mo1)' Universlty; 30 Y&111$' mxpeliUllCl! h oaitiflg city and co"nti COO~,~: Mmnoo' 01 F!o<ida Bill. t}" PaltB3M.:....>;~&rr, 8.A.< J,D., M*mfK Unhfef~;i*y; 10 y*:an~' p#va:ta Pf~ldk;;e ~nd pubk~ Sief'~"~ce': 10 years,' $xrx.'1rm?1t~$' ~n oo~tk'4 dty,sThl o)unty (>0:..1*$; Member- (>f G&OtQ~~1 Bear, ' " Q9Yl&-Q,.l"OlJ.;t!Qf 8$, Fk,rldm Stab" !Jf1i,ornitj; Jfj" 81. Mews< tirlvarsit:( Ben A1lI')r;io; I"LM (T8;;;), WiHimrH and M<l:lY OV6H' 10 jlMtf;!i' expjl1enc'iltf> civil, oil, arm g,1~, <lnd ,h1minlstrative law 12 Y.$;fU"J:' 'WpUnUf'Ci~ in wilting <:ity aM t<}W!ty(:od&$: Memm-,f ~'f Florid.. fhr, i,\Jrtiw.tf,,,,Y,'mlhtiJ S S, FiNid<! Southflln CUiI,,,gw: ,I (l, o,.x.rgia SroM UnivwMy; B yua(,$ pt'iv;all$ pfaCtiCe: 4 y1.1ilfS<' e1!p<ilrililn<:"" ,n etiil'fl9 ~lti ana county C06es: Memb<![ tlf Flo,ida ,mti South {;8fclioa 68f$ Uh~"/.',,,5?iW#!!, 8,$, UnhWf$,{y d Fiorid.a; J,t), floriG8 :Smte tirtivernhy::? w;;r'lt e)(patko~d! fr eUiting , f!'lt'\,-<, ');<-"i,,-.1 >I':O-;l'''''''&'' (''<<'=''j''_ ,...,:,<:{ "~n,,,' ~;,>.,;'....;.~ l_:j ~....',<>',< :v:t.', ,l{lU),Q1LQ,AmbJniLJ.!, SA, Eawro College~ JO" Ufli""rnily 01 1%M;,Jal1\1 SchOOl of Lav<I: f,Hyner "0110iWe .Artom~~y ~nd Tr~~~ PH~~l;Htor !4t tht~ ?'<.~n<J$ COtmty Oii<1rWi f4l<,~rnefs (jfike~ r)rOQ!dVft NY; HJ Y$8(S' llxfiMkmw. if, legal fef4i1fW pfep.amtion In r.&:!le law, SUPPORT PERSONNEL The ~ltiNl mMf, indtJdk19 t!l<\ pMrlil'ltl op$fiJiion, c~ulsb~s 0/ llppmximsMly 140 m'noi()y','f"'1;" inclU<1ing 14 at(lfffi~Y\l, bj ""Jilm"" and 40/)(10 Sq<rnHl Jilli (litloOf sr-~, Mce'l> El,'lrirof1it: AJblishlf1l) OjVl~,on m!1;n("lnlt f',jIHim~ prooir,~sde'", i;lr,zl t)l?'l$Btt",r~, in addlt~on t;;:~, $uffk;,h;;m-t d~tic.a~ h~Jp. to, r.m~pond qMkktJ~ and awwrnh~~y to "1h'tJaUy.t:H1;t' feque$.t rrorr~ .;3 a~6:nt Ail iilOlitie$" ""eluding e pfk,Mg pli;lnt, 'Mlich pjnt~ Ced",. ai1G Svppl&l"l$ntz 10 meet tho tXlr1t%lctU/.l1 HMpir~fl'l1mis ~i MeC, 8fe l(l{:ated 00 Ol.~. promises, Thh !mllbl",~, ,18 to c00l101 ftiwh projeCt from beginning \0 ond 'h~Ji1 no fien being Zu,~An1ractOO, Klly pen;ofHwi ;aim a'>,llllsbla to alW"*1' (<<AtStiun$ tiWir.l1 MY phalW d the prfljW:1 >~n<:l to &$wr$' qWMity c,mJfOlln ill! iM41N:~ (iI' ttlblk<ili<O!t llMtPJ"~: ,:\li::::::::<': "',.....' 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