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Item Q15
ROARO Of CfJUNTY COM!\lISSJOt'ftRJ!; AGENOA ITKM SUMMAR\' ~<;{(~ting f.)~.t~~w,.,';p.f1.1)5\.Z,O!!Q__. 'nid~km:___",,,," .w.,GnW),~Y:<fo\t~Q!Y~frv Hulk ft<C1r,. Y<~~ .t'.~<) ,.".s:.m" St.ff COlltutt l'~rll<m: !~Q!151\\J1J!l.R'1!;>..?;.;\;11:1 .'.'------ -----<<< AGf~"IDA flTM WORmNt,: Prew~~tM.km r:fM~ltkH~~(~rtt ast'~:n{''1,1~, h'1 ;:Vof~~r;;,;4'f1S ~g Gax}hH'iJ' t, Alm/ll'x~ ('<N.mty (.f}ut l'l&'t'kkt .k.'t.:)~"< CtN:r{fn :~. Coafin<:m (Jmefv(;n<)rl$)~ CA K V5",266. ' lTf~M nACKGROUND: 'The rr'lll(%ed l1ilJwment ;\iodd wll.l~ \in "l>ll(~l W Ih~ C".",.I11 C\".ln hum a dellllll uf 1l major (':.I1ditio<1>,1 UW l1ppli\:al.!l<)n Ill' W111gree:ll~ 10 l<1plll(O,ed \h~ I},g Pin~ S,:()t1)i" hwkling {@26,l)C<:1 ~qtm.t'~ lhdl ",ilha IWW, %l.,lk,. h,iWil1g (@ 11,,510 :;quMe fet>;) 1(;,( a.Wlllg~elhstme A~ I'M'! oflh~ stHkmel1f pr<1pf'1\IlL Walwe~'U. ha~ aw~ lO $e",y~l t:('l1()~~~hm~ 1h,> dJ,lt."lh d ",,'hid: Il\~ !Wl JOrth ill the all.IChcd "'-'ilkmen! 3grc>ement. If ihe CO'''H)' w,,,.,, w pt<!"Jlil in WUrf.. WaJgree...~ would ~hn hrvt~ the right tG n'mQva.tf.', tht: (~':ii;:;ct'~ug Sc.m:l;/$ 'bd1dh:'1@; l:{} :O{~t:::rM:C ~ rlru$ :Mote. . n <<n__ n ____~ ,_<<,~, M I'RKW.OVS kELl<;VAJ'iT HOCC AenON: The IJ"anl sav$ (:o"""plll,"l ~ppr(1Vlli 10 th" :K1tkn1eill terms, lU J~m.H.HY 20(~6; in Si1!p1lnnl~r {'lr1.0(}:5~ (h~ f:WJit-:-d d~rt."(:k~d. j~~gil ~Utfl"',to ~,~:pl()t'{~; 3~ m~diabl'.d '1eillemem. CONfRACliA(;RtItM.ENT CHANGES: si:A~~F'Ri(;()'~i'~iENi)ATI()NS;-';\;;P;:;;-';;:C"'"''"----------------,",-"-,------,",",-,,,, ,--~,~--~,~--...._.......-..........,..........................,....,...._....,......_...._,_,_......_.____..................,.............................___."'.".~<.,"',.,<,",",....',....'".w....<.,..<<.'.<<'n.'".".<<..,...,u.um< TOTAL (X)Sl'~ NA BI.).l)Gwnn): nia COST TO ('fH)t'ti"'i": ...,.,.Nlt. SOVReE (W VVNDS: Ilia REVENlJ.li I'ROl)tlUSt;, y~" Nn .St\. AMOVNT PER !>lONTH ,V/Il.",..", YeaI' uhl ,\f'PROVED flV; (""",my Atty ,..,..,.. OMi,VPul'dlJj~irll! Risk iYhnl1Q\ll11Wl '..' ,~""'" ,,' ~, /"// /!' ~,,,...' ,'< ~,j / , I j ~ ...... >::"' .' . :"" ,:i" l ! }"""'< /', ...,"'~ r''/, ,.,,'d:# ,.><. .,f.,., L.,.'~ ..... '.......w..,'. . "~:: ...-.<~);r. /" <. '/" ','< .." .,.,>l~;~~J"r!;;(~J;:;;~;;I)Xi;;;;~~ ,< ,. ' . (~/.' mV1SfON m~:fCrOR Al'I"RO'\iAk l)lJ{:VMKNTATIO!\i, hdtl(kJ -1X!._ NN !("quired ....,. ImWnSn.lONr AGF;\iHA un\! ii. ~",.vi:**d 1;ns IN 'fHG CmClJIT COURT OF THE SIX llShN"Tl1 FJmCUtL CrRCmr OF H,OIUDA, IN ANn FOR j\10NHOE COUNTY, FLGRl.l.1A '0lALGREEN'$ COMPAkl aad GADJNS1:Y RK1L ESTATE, LLC C,1SE "Ill 'H-lt)l.);;,CA,,266.K JUDGE mCI1ARn G, PAYNE _PHtit~,{:mHftl~ vt, MONROE COUNTY, Rt1$JX>ll.dM1L Ilnd nORm/I KEYS CITIZENS COAIJTION, Intt;rv~~n,oL SETTLEMENT AGR"~~jl\~f '1'lUS AORjn~MENT h.1$ b~%Ht (~:nh;H~?.d ht~:() 1~H:l,W1i1tJn P.f}tition~rrs" t"V~jgroBu~s CO.l1lj1>'my II m:l Gad:.nsky R~~d RM!<H, LtC, iLnd Re~p(l!1dmlt, Counly d Mrmr1.\l!, Il sov~~n:Hn~~r::tia:i ~~~ni'.il1v, Wm~R'RM';. the partkl, lksimin amiolbly I'Bsd If', all JsHU,IS hdWiitl,l them rehting to tbi~ lWgll linn, '"11<1 WHEREAS. tbil.ll1lrliut furt}wr Ilgra~ th~t it is in \lmjf h~st iukrest 1'0 i<lymillflil.e tht~ UUw~tkm $0 M~ tn ~yvnid fnxthtH' expense und delay by ~nt~t1:ng 1nto thh /"'1.4Iwnfn~~~-nt NOW TfWl!l':FORK 11) r;wlsJ<1omtkm of tn,) mlltud promhes llJd tmdurtakmg. conl:fun<ld hel'l'Jn, th" ffioJip\ and. ~dhd(",(;y of which ,~r" horflbv admm"h-\ljgBO, Ih" " ",", ," pnii~j; agrN~ ,15 fOH(H':~: 1.. TtH:~ t.~J{)nr~:#~ Ct~tW,ty Gtt~~.'l{(h };Jana.genw:~n~' Dtvlf5iQU $haO b(~t!u tJJ \Vjif,gf{~'?;n'*> COnl'r~any-}.t C(JHditk)'a1tl.lJm~ n~~vekrpn:t~n:tf, Oti~<::;:t' appr:nvf.ng l.h~ Maim Cm\ditlmml Use Applicalbn mea hy S'Xl1t/s, (OC" to {hnnoHsh an 8:xbt~n:g S~.(>tty~<-;; h~l-tdv/1Ht~ S1;(>fO o~~ .Big P1.D(~ K~}l and COi1!Jtr\!ct '\11 its p!a<:r, ,1 Hl,l; HI qtl"n\ 1()<t1 \f,\,IW'!\H1'~ ph;l:nn~'\\' with dfi\;:$~fhJnll-sh pha.rrru~r.y vvindo'w, ,~.rit.h f]-H) fotkt~:l.,<'htt:3, :c{:mdHkni$; A Prior 10 tha IMU'.H1';'J of the Cf'rtjfinlh~ ('if I.JnrVj:l<llwy ~,igl\s shall h} po1ted on the "r,ce$$ driveway" tX<ll1l K~y De"" llnnkwmJ ami US llighvlay 1 lb:at li.rnH: the accf.l*,~ of dalhm,t}< vB1rid:u:~ {July thr'Giilgh Hw ,Kuy- JJURf .BouleY~~.rd ddve'~\i'ay, l:J, .PfiM to "%'.I,1r!Q" 'lf a b:illdi.ll@ (Xmn!l" 1:1m tnHl~phnMtiol1 ph.ll n~nfSt h~~ :tf.~.vb~ld k~ d~~lM'j~ t-}l-r;~ rt~nl<lV{;tt (~f hvo th:{'i~~tf~n.t::-d .P~urf(}H$ Palms, C, P)~it:H~ ~<) i-tftttW.UC8 c~f la huilcli-:n.g pm'n:dt, ih(~ ~,ud;H~e V6irUH l1lanasem",nt plan ~l1all be &pprnvl\d by the South Florida 1-Vat",l.' Mf!nagml1~1lI1 DiMrkt, D. Prio!' 10 :hS<taIKl\ of a b<tlhJ.inf! petJrJL tbe Florida Dq"artHi!Hll: of lifdth shall i\pprove lb WMlewa1"r Tr"alm"nt Plan, E, Prior to i~stla!lc<; of Ii utlilding p;mnit, a Fin,; 'l'mwdinn Plan ",11511 (~ a'ppr<~v(:d by the };font{)~~, G()l1nt.y :Fite ~ttrtth~d., r. Th,~ K,~y~ EU'Ji'gv $or\'1c", [KeYSj $Imll d~t(jrmim) kmd .tt~q tihxftli1};nt b~lS~~-d <.m, tkl<5J XHvi,wtv' of ~~ r.:on)'pl.el~ :\~~t -(d pla.ns h,nd Hpp:l'<lwll .sIHiflllJ" XC()lv"d Finr 1<:1 tbe is,'l1lHW:O nf f! bHllding penult (;, Th& '.ll',::hJl.I.::hli'aj "l:"nd,;nh adnpt,lli f<Jr Big Phl(! Koy f;b'.lll bf, InC(ll'pOfllkd hw tl1'l bll11d111g df~ifff1 in cdhbomt1ol1 witb And 5l1ojt!d 10 the appmvlil of th.e '\.Jonmi" Cmllil:y Dimc'lm' of VlalJn1ng. n, TI.lfj on~ik traffic p5ttem$. indw:lJng l.lw il(jditiOt; {,f i' (mrl.nl(!tN' n:,ld 'md 'integrated hJlw p1l1h, ~hi~n bl11<lWnflgurod ,1~ >:k'picted <~n, thr~ ~:dto pi.an. ~.tti:H.;hod hm't~lt) and 'rnl1dt~, ~~ p.a,rt h$tEnf t Tb'lj}f()j:1fJrty OWlI{', slidj b" pl'uhibited fmm '~j)plyli1g fa "n ak<>hrill<.: h\"".lY,~g(' pm'mil for!~ ;Jerkld nf 1WO (;!j y(W,~ ~<>mlU<mdq:; flom the dille of lS~l.li.lllCtl of thl' CondHiund Um .D<sV~10pltle,n.t ()rr1.eY'~ I, Thu fmustumHng.$lgll ~h<111 be ,,<,dwA)d 111 $lm s<) M to t~ no lilfS":\' tlHw. lh" eJS p}iarmi.lcy fwe~l:andiflg ~ign Oil Hig Pine Key. K Only ImlivlJ VOgtltM.ivn, 'IS iIP1:>l'Wod b? th,~ C011t\tJi 31dr'g.t<t, shd! lx, utilized in thl:' bmhcr<j)(l hl.de(;. L Cbly cutoff lightIng $hlll! Of' lIlili;wd and Ioct\(J;d w us to pn,yt\n\ 5"l:lJoVf>r nn to Hl'.l!lhhmill<' nl>:identlul 1l~'i.l5. v ,-", C> .~.~t If d,,~lrod by !'.JonN.o C<nmty, tlw Jyr(,po$l!d .f.(,wug., tW;J,tn\O(lt plaut ~haJl 'r",) lncroa.;,ed In sIze to 1\f.:C,111111mdiJJe !1o,1k(l.n bv 110ighb;dng '.lM'~; ~ubhd In Irpproprll.lte g<Nf,rfllJWnl,1l :lppr<Nitlu. The (;Xj!0HSC of up,.sizing. <;()l.l1K>cl.k>n find im;i',:<sM:d OfWlmUng und nla.int<~n{tn(:{~ ~Xr~:H."~5e,~ ,1'-h&'11 be 'bon).~~ hy tht1 utdi.~hb()d,ng u<~t~~, 2. Fr{;fll,~m'U1<::'J of l.h" C()ndlHoliiti 0:1<'> Ilppmvld, \VIl."fgn~m'E< Cmnpll.llY ~haH l)(l p,^'tmiH(,rl b llPply l~), <Ill ,,~c/l,,~my huilding Jl,nTHit" fOl' C(lo.stn.l{;tion ()f l:h~~ '\.'\i'~tigft:,:o:n'~~ pt.lanrmCJl~ G<JtM;h,:1.i~.nt. wHh .n1f.l t:e-n.ri$. of "~I"~ ('''''~'''I,':i<l,>",)",",'''l '( :~<;:: ..11)11..""...,...,,;,:: )':ll"'ll~= (..,$"',''''...;ty,:c'I<.....~' <,s,k :!'o'}!'~;'.~~e' ""'i"* ~J: f.< .,t...i ,~..,~, .(>. ...,it" ~",'''.'1:' f.t, ,VlI ",(~< ~.xf.(, "~<~':':'.:< ,,<;::,,' "{"~ " ,.7, ~..~ l,l;,~ ;;;::'~;~,~h:;:~ .<nc::f.'!~;::, Diybiwl ,hall pl'<K1OSS thf' appliC\lh,mf$j ltl Hw normal COli,S<\ ~11d. .l~Hl., {lw '~~tJHi~ritn hlHding p'lmIH~ \.ljXlI1 it d\>trmnimHJ<.>l.1 ll.lIl.lll.I'J I.lppli(;(lli()n!~lllr<l COll$l$t'mt with the CondilimH\1 U$(; apPlxNal. ~\< UPWl isslllmUfJ vl' tb.l Conditkmal Vim ~ppf{)VIl.l, Walgwtm'$ r;mnJ1I1lJY ahal:J nill with tlk CAlX'! Il N{)ti(;" of Vnlvnl,\.l'v Di~mle~ul <1f 1.hi~ 'Idbn \.vHh prfdudi~:~f~< <. 4, ;l'hn p{..t'ttj~:::fi ~h~dl ;(~XGb.1H:lS~} l'thl.tH~d Go:rmnlt .R'JJ:lt1a5t:~~s; in thn torn) erlRifJl.n~uily Htn~&Bd hy $:ttnrn~:y~ kt C(l:!U1OO1lo.11 ~~~Hb bti8~1i.Qn ta thh Ctn.Hlty, , .j 5. E~K:h,part.y $hf:dl ha~r its ,...~~vn at~J)rngys; f~je.s uud <:o~l~ i'n (;fjnH~f.;H<Hl t~ith thi.~ litipil:i<m. h1 l1w (Wtmt 1\ b",'xmm~ rH'(:m,;!,rv t;)t (,hlwr pilHy \0 uammmco kgal prn!~(l()ding.~ tn ertfOl'CH Uw krm~ t,j thili }\gnJ<J1HI"nt, tb' 'pl'\'Yililing pMty shuJ! b., entitled to rea5<')HilblH ,H\Orl.\tlYS ((:"'$ iHld GMU 'jn e:(::-uw?~,~l:h:):,n, w'ith ~H.Gh ilclkm.. J5;V it:uthdng intn tbi~ ,(\gr~'3s:1rti~H~tl the pt1rtk~ urf; 1KJt <lcknov?h~d,gi.ng tj,Hl x~,wtits ." ,,- d' "'I".. f " '.. , ,,~.., j' ..' "'...' ". 't" .. 'j" ''',' ". , > ,! . ., . ,t ' 0.. ~.~C~ ,,~~ H'..U 1 .5 ,) ~"l~:.UL pro,.,c.x-.{ .Ul&9v .f""""~,,,:l..lt,r~, ;. ,~t.. fKH It....> {Ht, ,Hh.t~L:rtg l.t:id~;, ll5 i\gn~eH~~.rnt fox th~) rHH'lX)'<;~~ of ~~vnidinf:~ 'huthtd f:nqmu5~~ .aJid rl.~l~~y ~.nJ~fH't~nl in lhi;fP'HoH of th~,5 l.H.d:t~nl, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the piil'tie$ het<el,' nil>'" e,1\r.I\1Nl thlil f\grH"llh~llt 11m day of April 2006. tVAI,GRm;;N'S CO\ll'ANV COUNTY OF t-,jONHOK /1 p!Aihutl <)libdivisinn or the St~tH) ()f J<'bMdil By: , .he~1deHt By, {'.'{;;, ,:-,J "" ~d:, ....,:~)'!' ~~' i" ." "r.'j: ;,' ;; 'I[,..';;l,~....$,> >'ot,1,n.~.t...~ :'~~(:'I.;,>O},)..... ':\Jf);. GAU1NSKY RYAi, FSTATE, LtC Ii FI\1J'ldll !.lml.1<'ld !kbHHy COlJ.1f"wy Hv~ <. m'.....Se.i;h..(:.~~;EHf~$k;y:<\j't~~;~~i~i:;~8""'i~It;~'nb~;""^' 4 ,,>.........,~.",...N, '....A., , ,,"' ~A i:,':V('S:I'(t';... :. ,,':')~,nfi:4r:' 'f'" ''-''0'''''''''' . .', :i~' ""~", :~,/' 'd (~")~*~":;' qP'~~}WJ~A,t:" 'J $""W'H' " " ,,~<.:~r<~cz'~~)Y;/:' >~;r h::,,:,: l /' ,...Yi1effEwr;~'rh+".;"'(.","<<;.;/m..... , ",,' ,,~., :!;;';,~:':,,;...lf..tGb'S, J~'~ r~~ff.~~~~tj~~~~!.a:~;::~~~.~,~:.:::,:,:~:::.~:.,.., ' .....mm<<~..nu.~'~~....,""'^"""""~,..,",....w",w,.,'^...,'U<<nU".,..".....W"...................~<...............~1 f"''''''''''''' .,.... unU<NU<<N<U~.WU.... <':'<<<U<N~NU'U"UU'''' I . I i 1 , "'"",, ~(<'; ~ ~~:~ * " . ., il i: ~ H lq L , " , l '1 L !\ 1 ':;r::::'~:~~:::';=;~;;':~~'~l;:'~::~::':::,::,~~~::::::;':;~;;:,~~::\: :':::1 j ! '.....m ",'<N'W~"":W''''''''' ~N n < < ~ . 1 1 : ;:': ;.~, fT~ '~.: 1)"$ ,~ 't : : . ., , ':", 1 -.. & fJ ~I, I' l.;"N,", .t,~, -0"~1 j~ :tt:: ~ , ...; .~'" ~.J l~ ill I' :t .. ""j" 11'" :,; j" ,i " ;'j . ", l!~1 " ......w." ~ 11' 1l:< ~'*.., ~W.i.?i.~~ . * _.. ; N.":w,,,, 1! ~" { 'I , , .; ww ,.., , I ~" " ""':0:0 I. . . ~ j' :l.~' j" f 'I ~,-\~" ~! .::::L" 11' ! ' /' !~;..,......, '" :....." ""! ',' ',1 <NUtUN ,. i" < u<<''''':$'-'''' ~ " '" ~ .' '"ii';;;" .., '-.. ,......"1ii----+ ~ k j 1. " '; r ~~' ", L~,,~"r'::<<<< ""'<<<<!i""')""<^~"""~ "'jY'i"-"'""",l !. 'm"m. .."" (" , ',): 1 kll' J I W j L :::.C:, 'jll i , ~<<<<:' r u:"~t.:t~",, $ ~ j .,,,,,,... ,.. '<~'~'U<" . '" ' ...~, ~ ~j / '1" lIU.l.iJ"1I, 1('1 , f\ lJ.ll1Jl ;::::Jm~, !I " I l: l t ~ <~ ,,,......,,,,,,"",.,,,,,,_...-.........-, """',..-...._-"_.,.,.,..,,,; 'u~<....~,. 'c.Jl ;', ~ :.. ~,J l""~~'''r~~ t.:(~, V w", ..",' "'H-f,.t-;j--+.t' r~"\w; '","" '1' "< I ~' I' ,I, ftF--lt-i '-~'';''''''}-~I-~) "',\. 3 ...:~::2:~~ ! ~ ~ ,ij.....' (, ,...,...il~w;;~,:..... '< ~"",:::"";d: ;:; :,.",j '~ ); ~"../:' l ; ,< ~" '" "' ~/ ,"'" ,. n ~ j': $ \ '" :.t'!. ,,;'f/'" < 1 ~ ~~' ,'" I :4:,\ ;;~/' 4__::.. ~.'" ".// .r, 'l. . ~ ~ ~:, , ~ir'..... . <",., ,. "':,.::,.,.f/...... :., ,:>:~/",,'x"l ;< ,.-'/ 1. ~ l .*,..~~(;~~:: ~~:" j:;/.':~" , Y' "'",' ./ Ij:, /~~?:~~5;~~;f)/' .... {."'" ( l' ~; f: r ,. l j: L ,. 1 ~; ~ ';~ ~::t:;t:t., [~ t . I, ;; :,~><< .' 'T :,: ~~t:: {l (: L ~ ; ~;. , l' 'j :'~ , d ; ,. ~i 1~ f; j? l ;,; ,1 j ,! , !l , ., " l i! " ,'. .' .' ~i:WWtr:i 3,.,t'lM ".; 1 ".,..,.1"1' I~:I . :! f 1, } ~, ~ ir . ;!li,;jl"I~' ;: I 1 ~ 1 :' : I . f j ~ j j, , ~ ::! ljl,r:, : 'i~ 1IIIiiI11;.:L. I'" I i "~I!I< l' . , } ; 1 ': 1 I' t" I 1 I ' , ,\ . , . 1 I!' \ \' "$ 1 ; I,: i I i~! 11 I II I I II ! ,iil I' I Lllill:nlul : ........~..,.,..,..~.,Lt...~r.; " " ...., _ _,,,^,,w...,.~~., "11;";:";;-I~lt\~H;l~~ml' H ~ il ;'1'" 1 :1: M~ h!!~Ii!HfW:"t I! 'J ~ p, ~ 'l'Ud!mUW!~!J i ~, tj~ {'t ")1}11: ;!I! I'll :'l :l "1 ~:~:::~~~"ll~'~~.< , I ", r '1' < ". H !,' .. I 'Ii' I ;:: l l ~ q $ ~ d' . 4',:: WI ,l. I 1:1"11'11'1'1 I ~I 1M, :-. ~ ,.1 ,. ,::: ta :: , ~ .. 'i' x:' l'~, ' 11 "'"'''''' """ "'" """""" .,,~'" ',,'" "'''ll.''''''''''' ,lb"'l'4 '''1' I J I : ~ ". ' " . III '>..!'~~l" ':'.,i," .."" III .1 < II 'I I I i,l' .HI' H < 'I' 'I' ;I '1, 'I! ., Ii ; . . I < ; ll' 1,1 ' !; II " ~~ ~:.; ,. (. , ' 1 ' ' ,'~ }:.,t>:.Jl1w..l->>l>>mm',.......~x~lo:l.. .,,.., ~JJt:>:,',:>>>iJk.l:,:.'>>~>> . :tlj:!t..~~J>1::1i:>fl:>l:>~bM~t .." ':<..$f'<'''f:': C' *<,' -';t., :(' ' -, ,'" ,:'''', ',~.::.,., < :~"_,,,,<o;.,::~.::r' " .<<<::' ~., ~_,L ,"' &A~l, ! A'" Uh..r#"A<<~ '".""""'''''....,.......A...,,~~ .....t.:::::::~:~=..~.~~~:1==~:~~;:~~r:::~,:r~;;~~~2;;;:~Jf1b~j