Item Q16 BOA.Rj) Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA HEM SlJM,\lARY f\'~~~:Ing rM1fS::_,~_:!"E:61Jfl),lDQ~!,,,~'~.......m Dlvhion.:;mmm~j))tH~~):~}\tt~Jn~<~ g'Jlk lkm Yc" ..A... :N,1 .,<<<<<<<. Dq}arl:nwl1t~, CPR!}!.'" AlliDt'i;:L___,._ St~ff:C,i:~'rlt:'.1t:-t Perw.:)n: $u%m Grirnd~y'~, i~X~,. 3477 AGENDA I1TM WORDfN{;; Allpr,w!.11 t<1 au.'erti'f II pllMk hellrillli( III c'!ltsld~I' lHI{'pHllll of all OrdjllMc~ Ii) dlJlIlgf b.Hmtlllrifs ({II' Oistrkts IV IatHl V <IS Ilpprovetll:\y the T<111I'iu lkvcllJplll.ellt CO\lu;:llnt il$ nwedng Qf Apdlll, 1006. JTEM 1$;\.CKGROI!ND: Dlstl'kt Advl~I1I'Y C{lJl1lll.iti~I~5 lll'~ lI11atlle tQ till VllClm('\t5 llllill thc bQQl1Ullde~ hav.:: be~!l .:h:mg~d. Tilis f.::\Mnn lIm,~ ~ptdfkull} ueflllt$ tlle biiUlIdarie, M i)i~kkt IV and V a~ d{'$il'~d by th~ l)j~tficl Ad<'15QfY OJIll.Illilte~~ llnd tlH' TOe. '"- PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTIO)';: Rtvhhm Ill' Bmmdade~ In 2U110, On!IIlUII~~ MiZ. 2(liJ{1. (X)NTRACTiAGREEMIiNT CHANGES: .<-----------~~---- 31' AFF RfCOl'll;lENOATfONS: Adv~ftbe Ordl!\~~:-",,"~",,"""""""M"""""'''.'''''mm''''''''''''m'''''''''''''''' TOTAL COST:,,_ \;';\ RUOCETEO: Y % Nil COST TO COL'HY:.._ Ni/!:,_""""",,,,,,,,, SOt:RCE OF fTNf}S, "',....,uu....<.... ,..,..".................. REVENVE PROOVClNG: hs No AMOUNT l':nt ;VIONTH...".m... 'feu," A.'PROVED BY, Cmnty At1y ". "" <')MB/f>ut~h:l;,illg ""."". Rkk \1rmagemel1!"".,. UIVn!lION Dl1UtCTOR AI'PROVAL: "" ~".", / ~ Py..." / . ',/ ~~'.,--" . . """',' -~;~,"<......."""'^' ~'::"~~::""Sl~" ~ ~;'''('~;~::):';'~~;;r;;;'';'';J';;';'')''R';::f;:'Y'':'' ,', itr:{,1;t.1j'{j :ft'~t "'~":~" ~ ,,'~ H., ." &-' . . .. UOCCiltIlNTATION: lue 1 ;:::ded .,.m.i:,y~u t<ul. R~~uircd mSPOSlTlO!'Ii: """"'W""""_'_~~..,<<u,<<.,',."." .,......____. AGIlNIM ITJeM ii R,,~yi:<nl 2/;;:> OROlNANCE NO -ZMlli AN OIUHt'L\Nn: OF TUE ROAlm Of' COl.'NTY COMMiSS!{)l"mRS or MONROE CQUNfY, FLORIDA, AMEN!lIN(; SE(TfONl-<Z99(G){4) ANI> 2-299iG){5} or TRE MONROE CmJNTY (:01)1<: CONCRRN!NC TIU: TOlrRlST D!':Vf.,U)rMIDNT COliNel!. TO SI'ltOF\' TUE SOliTIIKRN BOFNOl.R'f Of' IHSTRICT 4 AND REVlSf THI? BOVNDARY BETWEEN I1lSTRICT IV ANO mSTR.lCT \it l'ROV!I)I('li(; FOR SEVElUnlUTY; j>RovmlNG fOR 'HIE fml"rtAL Of AU, ORIHNANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWHlh PROVIfHNG FOR INCORPORATfON INTO THE MONROE COUNTY com.: Of OROINANCES: ANn I'RO'HOING AN EFF.l'X:TlVE f)ATV, "V IlERL\ S. 111<' Ttlw;"t Ih',dvpmi'nt (vull>;ll met April 11 , 2iXit, Md rt,(;(}l11l11eI'KI\Xl jh,(ll thc ~oMlh<:n1 bOliH<tary ,1tDi,lrkl IV b<i ,pedfled by designating ih $<)llthcrn boun>1l\ry Mile !\.1ark~r; and WH:!';RtAS, airhe s~m~ meeting t!ie TUUrl$1 rkl'dorm~l1t ('t'Mlld re,:ommlJl1(kd that the, houndary bi.iween Dhtrict 1'>/ and District V nt' revi%d 10 cOlndde with the northern 1111111lnpril11OWK1<lry Qf hkilJ10yadit Vi! :age of !glands; I\ll<l 'WHEREAs', rh,~ HXXJlJ1111eodlll'ion WHO> made $aldy to pmvid<: f<~f a mlmidpaiiry to be wholly ('(>111$I1I",d wltMn (Jl1<cdJ;\tI'kl.; NOW, TJH:RfJ<ORE, BE IT ORfHINtO BY THE r~OARJ) OF COVN'fV n)!\ti'lIlSSlONtA<.S OF MONRo.E COUNT';:'. !(tORffM,; 5,~htk~rtJ.. . 8<%t,OO$ 2-229{Ci}(4) I\lld (5), 1\101\ro", Cmml)' Code, IM'C hereby ~u.ncad0d t:(J tt:a.-d: ('I) Dim,ol IV' n"tweel1 tl11;< Long K<~? .Bridge iM,!(, Mltrker n ,(58) and'v111e 'kladwr 90, 9N: llnc (5) Dbtrict V: FHlfl1 Mile Marker 90,l)40 I') In>;: Dade/Monroe COUrlly line and any mainland pnrtkms of Moon"lC County. S<Kti\iiL4/ 1(,(oy $l:d.km, 1iuQSC(;tion, SMtcllc.e, chuse {II' pmvhi<.m oflhh ordil1ill1<:.c Is held lnvalhi- the l\~mfJind>;:f {lflh1$ ordil1al1<:$ shall/lot l>e efl\tcwd hy t'llch invaliditv Sec(i"o~i. All ordiMr"')$ nr p"n, <Jf ordj!1<UI~i:S in cUI1l1ict ',,,ilh this {'f\Jimmc.e iHl! 11l!~ehy u'j>Mled 10 the eXWll! nl"ilid c.oni1it'l )\'!l,tkmA. Th~ pmvisjoll~ nfthb (;rdimnK:c shall be indllJ<Xlaoo inCol1Wraterlin the Code of {)1'dim\f'c\~s (If ,he ('QUilty of fVJol1rt'l\ Fklfk!;J, as fin ilddilk111 or ;lm~mdm"nl therCl{l, alld shall t,e appwpoalcly renllmher<0 t(, <:Z>l1fOff!1 hi the uniform Hwntwdng ~~YS1~ of the Cod(~, S.<<l.lon 5 'rhh ordinan{;~ slwH lab, died lfl1medimdy ilP01\ mxoipt ofonkJal nolke fMf!1 th<' (jt1kG of the S,>';:;l"wry (:If St<lt~ ;:;.#'too Stat,~ of Fl(,rid" that tl1h {}rdll1ajl(~ 11M l,,'W fikd "ilh Mid Otnce PASSED AND ADOl'TFO by Ill" Board "fC<JImt:; Comil1hfiillr\~n; ofl'<llNlrOi: C<'i\wty. Florida, m tl fcgular mi:eting zlf ,:aid Hoard heM (>n th~ ......,,'... dsvd' ..........,.,.'^.<mm.'.'"'',,''''''''''^''''' 2{;{)6. 1'4(1)'"" ChJ1rk~ "!;'k""ny" M{{"vy Cmlimh5kmer GZ'w~;e 'Neugcn\ Cnmmi'lsiot1of MUrray Nd~"')11 C<lmmi';skm~r Dixie Spehar COHlmj$~ioue't 'NiJHl '\Y~jHanH{ OANN\' L. K01. HAGE, Clerk HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSJONERil OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA By. l)cP\it,v Clerk By' _,_"~",,W"""'<"","''''''................... ......." -"w,..W.W....N".W<~ MilyofiCttllrpel'S(Jrl MONR()[ c.OUhiT"{ l\-rrCF{NEV A?~'..lR.O\tEO -A,S TO FOHM: :/ ......,., ~/;,'.w'i <-: g,'fj/"" t ,.<1"')" ",,,,__.<'!,::s:fC.,. ..:~;.",./.:..t'~ ~__'<.'k'_'.. 7......(':. . rf;f' ~.;e.:''''''.t:'I~~''''''>>: ~~~~fu~~"~'.-G:~V '~H..E\~ '-:;;7 l<SB'{ST}~,NT ,t\OUNToy' ATTOHNE.Y TI[[LQ.~I.~A~ai~~U_Will HO~fj mUHTY mUK1Sr D(VrrOPHUH mUNtll C~i#B at; YtJu aIB,if! t:01 Whiw Strnllt, Suite 102, Xey ~$t Flbridll J.:JfJ41 u.s,A (305) 296-1552 (:JfJ5j 2'iJ~{)188 (f#l(j http:l.lwww,fla.koY$,r:um sa4nti!tfl3.keys.cQffl MEMORANOUM ".~~ \ ,,\. 'lift 'I"'} 1 OATe~ iO: f'~OM: March 23, 200S RE'~ MuntC~ CUW'lty iCUfl3t ~v$lupm.nt Cuuudl H#rold Whe~lI~u\ Dir$Cwt DAC IV aOl.mdllll'i~$ ......" f,~:s:: .A4 $/ ';("I~;:>(.':t' r'X~}:':~,,;f;" .' :~ At the Sep;.;;r;t;;nrZOOO TOC meeting. the Board approved a request of then OAC IV repraael'ltatiw Alexa WhOOlilr and C()unty C<m1miwloner Nora Wmiar!1s to ask the 80Ce to adjust the boundary lines fur OAe tV berNean 1fIe lJ..lfljJ 1<&'1 Bridge to Tavernier Creek (mm OOY as provided by Ms, Wheeler) so to re(l1;l,,'t the boundaries of the lslamOfada Village oflslanns. The BOCe held: a public tleMing 011 NovemlM:lf 21. ;Woo and approved ordlnan<:e (# 052.2000 t;) reflecl the change, It has come to our attention that the lslamorada Village (If Islands actual b(luf1darl~s are as follows: $~)uth - Mile Marker 72JJ58; North - Mile Marnar 9(HI3!.L Takbg into (,'Wwiderat.,cn Current tuo!ism relate<:! buslnesJOm> ami possible futtire devl1lopmm11 tMt may be establi$h~d betwoon the preSffllt boundafY of 90.7 to that of tl'm actual of 90 93ii, we sh(lIJld ffiak~ this t1uj1.l$trrlent Upon tM approval of the TOC, the County AffomcY'$ oMoo woukl bring fifwar(J the req~I,%t. \0 the soce to advertise a pubi!<: hearing and subsequently procest; tlw, l!l'llefl<lnw.nt to reflect the change, Conskleratlcm and Action to fC<!IUl$t the BCCe to OlffiMd Ordlnan<;e 052<WOO to rea<i se folloW!',: District l\i; f%twil('m the long Key Bridge (MM 72,658) and MlIe Marner 90.939 and; Dlstrid V: Frmn Mile Marner 9fUl40 tn the Dadell'vl<ml\"l$ (;(Judy line and an\{ mainland ponions l:lf MOflfO<l County. " iiol1tOe COiinty f:-...1L,Wist DW'/$topma-nf Coaocil S,*pwmbm 6, 2000 F~mgs 5 M, 7,.;",.9-2D1;'!St~U~tk)f})lJ'\g Aqkm m: VVebslt1:! M!!!F~~\ Pl~m~ l\k \'\Ihe#'wr reviewed too \Vebsite Managf1m1mt Pla:'\ m Actkm which will be usoo to <lverse':! the (jf1velopment of the Imw site ami provldu the means to monitor the web site program, It hat! b$$f1 (i!COO1mer1da<! by th#' District I Advisory Commltt<'ie that a new staff pooitiOf\ ~e created with the responsibllfty t}f ,wers~eing the TDC \'JOlbsilu, Mr, IIVhlileler recommended that tl;e pooition tllle wouk! be "Web Edito1" and funding '>h'Ol,i<j {;{;lTlll from the Plibllc RelationwEv<!lnts R$soun",e acc{jul'lt Mayor Freeman move{j approwll of the Website Management Plan and Weh Edllor posliion, allocating t~l'\ <lmoof1t uf $30,000, FY 2001 event rei:\OU1CeS to PR expenses, Ms, Sharpe sectmd<<!, Motion passe<: unanimou$ly, MJ~; C<1f1siduration and Action re: TOC Oh'ittict 8oundari<!l1l; TOC e\ their Ma~h meeting ';~mnmende;rih(lnhe'f:'l(TCC.'mak" every effilrtt'O all!;)f\ the"dlsilic1$ with the dty boundaries when municipaiitie1:l come into effect, Commlsabrwif V<Jlniarns has r$Que$ted olarification be pfovio$d, Aft~r conskferable <:iiscl;ssicl1, Ms, Wht%ller tl1o\lE'd approval to chan{le to Qrdin(!lfW,e Q16-t9Ze to reali{ln tile Okwbt IV I10rthem boundary to mile marker 90, r CfnWlmlef Cmek Brldgel, Mil, Sharpe seconded, A reM call vote w;~s takOlI1 with tiWl following n~$ult$, Mayer Shirley Preeman hk Rooolt Padron Ms. Chris!lf1111 $hYtrpe Commlssiooor Carmen T orner Ms, Aiexa V\!'htl>uler Capt. 8iJ1 WrCkur$ y ~i~t% Yes Yti:$ Yes Yes Yas, Motion PI1l$$e<:, l>t, 9"",g5::f.1~l4.~r.'\l~9f.1:,1ng,;S\,qjgn[~L"gYmDt9gmr.'\lELR:*im!:l,y'~Ql':\tR~lJ.~l),l':\ll1; fb~. Shatpe moved mppfoval of the following event contract reimbursement deadline wor<iing; "Event SP0l150l' hAI\!, underslands that fUl1ding is obtaln~ from tourist <ievelopment taxes for which the fbeai 'fear en<is Sept$mber 30, Event sponsor also ufll::JllrstanulS that too funding process through which thi$ contract wall made available by County requl"'$ eV<'lnt sponsors to submit their payment requests as quickly as possible and to finalize alt Stich requellts before tlW !!!flU of th(! fl$caJ Y'flar, if at all pOMible, In orollr fOf lha tow'lst developmel'lt taxes to be utilized moat elf<'lctiveiy ror the pW'(J<)ss !'or which they were allthorlzed, attracting and promoting tourism, the budgot!n9 pmCi,%N of the COUtlty reql.lif1lS the (,vMt'\! fuotting to be conduded in a tinwly fllannef, In re<:ogl1lflcn that the tlmflHn<'l$$ or paym<'lnt requests is of extreme Importance to the fun<1ing of ful\1m advortislng anti promotion fqr the \liability of the toutist"balled t!:Conomy, Ewmt Sponsor agrOO1l1t! lliJomlt b~' S$ptembur 3G (of till!' fl\!c..l year fer which the even! wes funded) all invoices and sq)j:llJrt dccumentation as requlred IW the County's Flnan€:e Department rules and pclJcles, Event aponsor \!hall fmt be Nimt<ursed nor will Event Sponsor's vendors be paid diN,,-ily f~n i~n\!, invoices received after September 30 of oold fiscal year,. e1(cept that for events With proi1iotbna! e1.pendihltes Qccufiing from Alj'~lJ!;t 1 through $tI!)temter 30, lflltclees must he submitte<i within nindy {SO) 1e'{1l of the ccnclu!lion oithe' event<<