Item C34
Meeting Date: May 16, 2006
Division: Budqet and Finance
Bulk Item: Yes ~ No 0
Department: Grants Administration
Staff Contact Person: David P. Owens
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Authorization for the Mayor to execute the Federal fiscal
year 2006 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Certificate of Participation
with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
ITEM BACKGROUND: Federal funds are provided throuqh the Florida Dept. of Law
Enforcement. Florida Administrative Code requires that units of qovernment in each
county reach consensus concerninq the expenditure of these funds, includinq the
projects to be implemented as well as the aqencies responsible for such
implementation. This requires someone to exercise leadership and assume a
coordinatinq role in the development of applications for these funds. FDLE
recommends that county commissioners in each county assume this responsibility. The
qrant period will be Oct. 1, 2006 throuqh Sept. 30, 2007.
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None this year. Participation in Byrne Grant
Proqram since approximately 1990.
CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: No siqnificant chanqes from previous year.
Amount of federal funds is $89,802.00; local match is no lonqer required, but staff is
recommendinq that the County continue to provide match in an amount equal to 25% of
the total project amount, or $29,934.00, especially in Iiqht of the fact that the qrant
amount has been decreased $53,881.00 for the cominq year.
TOTAL COST: $119,736.00
COST TO COUNTY: $29,934.00
BUDGETED: Yes ~ No 0
SOURCE OF FUNDS: ad valorem tax
Edward Byrne Memorial
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program
Date: May 16, 2006
Mr. Clayton H. Wilder
Community Program Administrator
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Dear Mr. Wilder:
This is to inform you that the Board of County Commissioners Accepts XX
Declines _ the invitation to serve as the coordinating unit of government in the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement's Edward Byrne Memorial Justice
Assistance Grant (JAG) Program.
For purposes of coordinating the preparation of our application(s) for grant funds
with the Office of Criminal Justice Grants, we have designated the following
Name: David P. Owens
Title: Grants Administrator
E-mail address: owens-david@monroecounty-fl.qov
Agency: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Address: 1100 Simonton Street
Telephone: 305-292-4482 County: Monroe
Date: May 16, 2006
Chair, Board of County Commissioners
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice
Assistance Grant Program
Program Strategy and Purposes
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds can be used for state and local initiatives, technical
assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, public information, and
information systems for criminal justice for anyone or more of the following purpose areas:
1) Law enforcement programs
2) Prosecution and court programs
3) Prevention and education programs
4) Corrections and community corrections programs
5) Drug treatment programs
6) Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs.
Each of the old Byrne and LLEBG purpose areas is related to one of the above purpose areas.
Any law enforcement or justice initiative previously eligible for funding under Byrne or LLEBG is
eligible for JAG funding.
Allocation Information
The JAG formula includes a state allocation consisting of a minimum base allocation with the
remaining amount determined on population and Part 1 violent crime statistics and a direct
allocation to units of local government. Once the state allocation is calculated, 60% of the funding
is awarded to the state and 40% to eligible units of local government. Units of local government
receiving awards more than $10,000 will receive the funds directly from U. S. Department of
Justice (USDOJ). Awards to units of local government of $10,000 or less will be passed through
the state. State allocations also have a variable pass through requirement to locals, calculated by
the Bureau of Justice Statistics from each state's crime expenditures.
FDLE has designated the 60% funding awarded to the State of Florida as JAG Countywide. The
portion of the 40% funding, designated for units of local government receiving awards of $10,000
or less, passed through the State of Florida will be referred to as the Florida JAG Direct. It is
possible for a unit of government to receive funding under both JAG Countywide and JAG
" JAG Countywide Allocations SFY 2006
" Florida JAG Direct Allocations SFY 2006
Eligible Applicants
Units of local government are eligible to receive subgrants from FDLE. "Units of local
government" means any city, county, town, township, borough, parish, village, or other general-
purpose political subdivision of a State and includes Native American Tribes that perform law
enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
Program Evaluation
Each project must include one or more Uniform or Project Specific Objectives. The Uniform
Objectives are established by FDLE, while the Project Specific Objectives may be established by
the subgrantee and/or FDLE. These objectives will be the basis for the quantitative part of the
contractually required quarterly performance reports. Each of the Byrne and LLEBG purpose
areas have been grouped according to the six new JAG purpose areas. Click here to view
Uniform Objectives. <L0Click here to view Uniform Objectives.
Program Development Process - JAG
Each county is allocated a sum of money for use by all local governments within the county. This
amount is determined through a funding algorithm established in administrative rule.
Chapter 11 D-9.005, Florida Administrative Code, requires that units of government in each
county reach consensus concerning the expenditure of these funds, including the projects to be
implemented and the agency responsible for such implementation.
Maximum coordination is required to meet this program requirement and the Department
requests the county board of commissioners to coordinate requests for all local governments
within the county. The Chairman, Board of County Commissioners, in each county so notified is
requested to return to the Department a statement of certification indicating the county's
willingness to serve as the coordinating unit of government for at least 51 percent of the units of
government which also represents at least 51 percent of the population located in said county.
This certification must be returned within 30 days from the date of receipt of notification. In the
event the county declines to serve in this capacity, the Department will request the governing
body of each municipality in the county, in descending order of population, to serve as the
coordinating unit of government.
Application Requirements - JAG Countywide
Once the Certificate of Participation form designating the coordinator for your county is received,
the Office of Criminal Justice Grants will send this individual further information regarding the
application process. Applications must be accompanied by letters of approval representing
agreement among at least 51 percent of all units of local government representing at least 51
percent of the county population as to the allocation of dollars to each project in the county.
Program Development Process - Florida JAG
Eligible units of government will receive an announcement of funding availability including
application information and funding amount.
Subgrant Information Management ON-line
Applications will be submitted via FDLE's new on-line grants management system, SIMON,
which can be accessed at A detailed user manual is available upon
accessing the web-site. Please read this manual before you get started in SIMON and reference
it before calling for assistance.
Match Requirements
There is no match requirement under the guidelines of the new JAG program.
Funding Period
JAG Countywide: Awards are made for a period not to exceed twelve months beginning on
October 1 and typically ending on September 30. A program may be funded indefinitely if funding
is available, but a new application must be submitted each year.
Florida JAG Direct: Awards are made for a period not to exceed six months beginning on
February 1 and typically ending on July 31.
Reporting Requirements
Successful applicants will be required to report the following to FDLE:
Programmatic Performance Reports to be prepared in SIMON
Project Expenditure Reports
Program Generated Income Report (if applicable)
Program Generated Income Agreement Form
Audit or Certification of Audit Exemption
According to the Office of Management and Budget, a non-federal entity expending less than
$500,000 in Federal Funds during the audit period is not required to submit an annual audit. If
your agency has expended less than $500,000, complete the Certification of Audit Exemption
form pt.doc.
Distribution of Funds
Grant funds are distributed on a reimbursement basis. Requests for reimbursement can be
submitted on a monthly or a quarterly time frame and should include total expenditures for the
period reflected.
A cash advance is possible for up to 25% of the grant award if the subgrantee is able to
document a hardship.
Contact Information
Phone: (850)410-8700
Fax: (850)410-8727 or 8728
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Office of Criminal Justice Grants
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, FL 32308
Vendor Payment History
The Florida Office of the Comptroller has developed a website that enables vendors for the State
of Florida to view the records of payment history. As FDLE subgrantees and implementing
agencies, you have the authorization to access this website to determine the status of payment
for claims submitted to this office. Complete instructions can be accessed at The Comptroller's web-site can be
accessed at