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Item N2
HOAR!) Of n:n"HY COM"USSlONfRS AGt:NOA ITEM SUM\HRV .tA,$N~,H$ D:aJ#::.J;~J;tsJ,1Lln9&." K\~" Di~j;;i6n:: .~J\~9.f~U~.lM~~~nw:y. fy,lk. h<;\,,, Yt',' Staff'()Jrdk~t J'ir~~)n: Jt.t1~".imfm:uS!;{ , n", _'m'~< AGENDi. lTE(\! \VO!m!NG: .Appr{;:v~~l $ttt1ernm~t ~tk'j:~em{~~~:t. hlth{~. Gm>.t: ~>f.;t4{H~r}'((<-.i{.-:'u~tn~y r., J~)i~ Jf.P{~::>a(ia~ ,."...._<<<<~,;,.. , n ". , , _______<<<.._,"",'<<<..._<.,,,..,,, rrtM BACKGROfNf>: 'rhHmiU~f \.YJ1<n~e.d. to ~::::)n~ct~n <~tR~{:auoin8 {odi dnfbrbtment H,$j, ~g;1W~~th'~~ f\)~~'d4,.nl~~:he.d\~/n{,~' f>fix~t2~\' V~r1f. . S~.HKHVi~k:w~bhS~~gid6af Key. '.Jh:$H.en :Wft$. h'~m<~~$ct by th<~$peci~.l. t.1AkiMr~lt 9}f'~ v8JMti, t~f' vk&~tit;n1; 1t~c:hkHng', .ahan:doned.' vehk::ki ,:aHd .~:'e~~Jt.. A. f&~ent fW$i~~~dant4:' th(; .?rt:'~~~c:rt) n~vt?Jk~thm th(l~{~h~r>j~. tken .rt::~'~(>"i{~ $.~). th~/tt\:0i.';:H~Mht,1:kt.!~.?;;, . if ~iy~. i:kfi~IM> .(:t~Htt. b~v~~l>,i(t~j A~ .of TMay'l '. ,::wnf:~ thefitl~~~ l()t~J{:,~d$2(t~\:Yk(N) IJo{,kr ttw ~*gn~t:mf}rw~ .t.tu.~. dwoer. %m%agrzt~4. toUu~d. D\'~t. t~c. r~\~~rG', hI '~.h~. (pu:mYWJ. \~m1~:. ~M<h::sv(-;$ judgni~Hti!l ths;;;. a~m)uhl~d $7~ O~a..2<~ jtn:~:k~~d' :6:kdW. ({H~l#?$b:d~t$ard ,;~:~.t~Wt\-6Y''-5:k0*.... ThePn~;W~tty :-\.p-ptabe:r . ~'ih.HWth~ . pt<jp~.dy . ~tt. $'S~} 0-0, . Hy'. dnt~dn.@, ~nt<~. the tt4tk:~b;~n!;. agr~d:nmH~, . tht:Cnumy. t~4:.'-;'~~ an. ~~f~~:imzted $)000. ~Xi .h. . ~ih~}. {X~st::~. A. tfid .'v~\)~~1d. 'tiKdy. r~~f::t*. ..~lj. :~AfWMly. (h~~'~$r~)(~fe5tHt nt1s;~ t~J . " . tb;) pu~p~H~'-1f.m a Ht.H. l'REVlOl.'!i RELEVAN f HOtX': A(TlON: BOte ~.ppnh'ed .~dtiitbs ti?U6di:Ji:l. ;:It.h~>H. t~i~ 4/1~~!0:J: CONTR,\t:I/ACRU:MENf GlANCES: N'i\ S;f:;;Ff'ifi:(:(j~i:iifT;;;i)A~i'li)NS; "_,~'WW,'^~'W_^'W'W_^'__W_'U_'"_"___"'W_'W______W_'",- ?:'s.f>prnvcal. .----~~~~~--~-"<'~'~--- ' TorALeO;:;T:. {; !H)!)Glf:TE1}~ C(}ST TO COfNTY, ......-0,.. BOUl.'lCE OF ITN!)B: R.f\TNUi: f'ROIH'ClNG: \'<i%XX. AMOUNT PER MONTH. Y~~f ,,,,V!'lW"Kl) iJ:Y~ C()nr.~rr..At1y ..... (MAIMIN.tfCha~b&,:..w,W'W Rh:~k'rttimig~,mrint. "',','W',W w_."'::;:~'<"'."L;:::,'~~;~i~~,;;;;...........:<!;'::,1*' SL,",,^'~".' '" .W;1"l'<'<? 'C..j)t.'.""...". ^".T{."'".''' .(~.~,.;Y.,f",:M<.:"(L .c /~.J:^ \. ;, ,~, :v",N~ ... ,. ...:.'<i ).~..;:--"X~. :.. JS:\i"=cJ:,j J. lilV!SION j,lIRECTOH Al'l'ROVAL: m)C{;,'MENTATJON: Indu{le,d PbPOSITION; AGENJ}).ITEM. IN TUE CIRCHT (:mHn or.' THE 16n, .lUllIt:'1;\L CUU.TH' IN AN I) fOR MONROE COtNT\', fLORlIH LOWER KEVS CIViL I)IVffHON ", Juota; JONES ''4{Y\ROK n.H!Sf''i, fLOm!:lA t'llliiltlff, CASi: N(L ::WI34.:A.t50$"j( ,,~, ,10.1"; \'V, POSh!)A, W, Ot€"mbM. SETnJnWENT AGREEMENT The' Pla:i:t~dff t19kf0. nf (>;lz~nh', ()~f~~tG1}j~ik~~i~r~ ,hf.i\{<):Wr~)~ (:(>d1'i~:~:. (h$f0h:~attt:r ("tlw Ce,.,mw") and tb~ l)~f()rnJ1lfl1 J()(, W. f't'%Kh, Hi f'I\'SMb"} h;;r~ny <lW~" 1<' ;(:ttb ". .. ., - ...::.. ,_... .... , ...... '". ' . ~ the t~hnvtHrty:k~d11l~tkJ:~~% thHtH>JS' \VHHR.El\$ .the pcwmy bf(>'dghtdhs. ~~ti{)~~ to, %tt)f!>tt;\~w"1H-nf..~id ~{~;je ~:HtbJ~<:TH~~:nt Ji~:;i_filed$~ailt$t >P~)~$ar.~d. MA. pn>~x~rty:. kRUit~N l.t,tZ-'! ~.. Fefez S"hJjv;si()!i., Sug;dwtf K~v< M<lIlf(Je Cowlly" fL IRE. (/(J I '!lS14:}.tl()(I\!(")) ('1;'~ ~)fCfA~ctl'}a$. ~l. {s@~~~:. ~#' '&~Hh.lplt~~.d1>hikH:~~. i{Wf~:~d. ~:g .(;od~\ Jttif;:~ri:en:~ent.~aii .n~.nri.h~f IJt" IJ(J.Silr. <lHd WHLRF AS ;;aid lien .'a~ imp<md W $<:;''\'''' a ddly lbe (Ii' -t! i)() i)i) ptf ,:illy ",bct; <;<.):rtm:~en~tdttm.riit.g .bu. Oct6b~r .ltt. 200\). rtridtW:rthiut;~.Ur,1~}. ~hipt{*Ptt:r;"~iR~dth$t b~t~\lgh{. i.ntn (:omHmIJl<e:~H'. H:~rtd(~~Wd. uf"t{}H: hY. t:hk Cs'Si..H1~y~ l*~~<l \.VIU2RE.l\S. ~J~(~. C:~)I.Hjt~/'~; Ikn~waim<t. the: pr~jpe:n..i< 'a~of.M~y. ~~. ZlY~>.: h~~d :I:'<~~l<jWrl $Z{}2.,2(}Q t~kIS,;:(}~M:fm4:' :attorr.~iy;s. :h~:<~t~. ~.bd lWYfEREASrh( CO\mfJ"~~ irkurrid <:d-ih jt ttw: .i*~~iqunt i:d;' $255 .24 #:6d. artorn(:y' 5 J' 'J N. . ""J" ... 'J~'t' co "'" . .e~% :In t ~e afH;()Un~..th ..jt;;.K 5,~W H1.1t~.t:. '~9n3 to.~~ote~t hl~.$.,~HM~~.~~m~.l V..'HJIRiU\S }h~. pftrti12~' :dethe In re~b~v~ th{~.h" difllktnct~~. h.ndi.Hdy. nridhu:yp~~~Ct~ in tr:.:b.' :nmtfH~.nO''i:'''''. th~rd't.1rt\. the. .p~;:r6$ .agr~~. to. t. ~Njnlin 3D day.~ d~thtU:Me thd aMf~~tntJpti~ ~ppf0Yed hy. th~ (\)U.f(, liv~ Dethldam ~Ww> \(, ""e,uk ;;; d~d in li"u \.rtbrecb$me oflk pmp"ny l.ll.~" I. "h" .U.b,iocl. nflhb liligl\Ji(><l ('iM\lerriug h;~ enOl" ,wlfle<$hp inW'e.t t(, thc Coum.y ~ "'.', llw Iktfmdam ilW<X<' t,nh~ Court <':lllellllgjllcgnwilt 4f'\illM hb ill tiw o>mm:1l1 of$7,OS8.:24 pb, ,mem,1 al ,he kgal (at<! l)f'i'.'~ to w<:.;Jr~ p1y;ti:it~lQfH~~, Cnunfy'$ <::.~~.b~*s*d$tkWrt~Y'5{~$in lhi~. ~rtit'tt~r. . .Sak1 )",,\:~,,~~~>""j~h~H .~~'~~". fB~t:::*<0,~'~~' thc.{)jug ~{:d~i} ti[he. it. a?Fi:Qvi~. tN$ ~tth!:nle,m.ttgre(wn~~K" I\)~t F.dgmem: :~~::iH~{t;'!.ti:naH .a<:enw tfOfH 1ne ~,1.M'>.: Ihal Ihdl'iJg1l11l111 is <tm,mxl t>;frJi~ r~c~i~pt /;<thri. df~~dh1 lieu. d{ tbr~i>~6sur~\. th~:(~<~tH~ty'. ~bdltH~. <t Hotkei1f \i~jrJlit~iiy. (H.~,~ths~~d' ~'JWi prr#tHi~\~J .of ~J~.;:: 41:i.N~:"Hj-k.d. m~U~r-. 4, Dt{tbn<i~,~~t~I{:h:n<rwlbdft~H- thatt<'ftx.w()in~tffi~~lve...' ihhiatrcem}!:ul m:u~t 1m appro"sitd by' tb? BtfflrJof CdtlHly (:&rH:mi$.$i&ffif~. ~Hu,{hJl:l. M.lV~i~ftl-0xL p~~Nk': nj~tJng.. '~~-y t~httbng: ~nnj th~~agn.%H:nu~t,. thctad~: ?~,rtyaWYC$J:o-wu:~vc.~1,n;~~.nd- aU :uku.rn$dwtit~<>l.d4h4VQ n~Lwt.iwyj/<>fpm~gthdd{~i-nH' tb~tHmjght.br"'e bl~nabH?::k3rai&~~'a~ .;Jl:. N~uh gfth:tt.uh.)vi"drptkmj;;d C<K3:i;. .~:hW)h>erH'fnt caH~, 6. Both p:utkl WUFaut th..t tlwj h~w h~d #,1 ;:'m>(>'ti~I).;l} 10 ;~..msdl 'll'llh ,~t)tulSd lktbrt; J.)~,bJ6,ng .~i~t~J thi~ ~~iJ~(<en3ird:. l' E~<:h p~n:y :~W(~t:~ to ht~f it)(ywnf()~baml. m:tQtl~S;Y':'5 :fkt:;;f.W,herthsn. ~$ "',M ", ',-{:i.<<,~ ',..v.,_ 'tll'j'i' - <<'.dM'-)/..;.,>,<"~~ -':1'-"'; .~,,'-;'{.<H ~ :"'S}:J.)'<o!;";;'''l:''-H'':~:: ATrEST: HANNY L MJLHAGE CLERK IMHRO OF (XWNJY (:OMJSSHJNKIL'i- O:FMONIHJt H:HlN1Y R"f:uu....m....'."............... lkp1!ty (:Itf'" Uy:................................................................................... C~ '1 ..." ."V.... .., ...ual' e$ ,,'HillY', .,~,,,oY, ,~'ilYM. Joe W" J'O.'jltdll. Ill, Oefl!jiiUlfllt, :'<i4i1lt~. f'llNk __m_..___'_"..._...mm..........".. B;V1 (d;ill;.>!