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Item N3
UOAm, OF CO(il"TY COMl\l1SSI0NERS Am~NrM. ITEM St.iMMARY 1\'h;f't~ng .Datf<~:_..~ill6j{)f~ Di\'i~i()!I:..... .......~;),mnyA,\t.Qf1Ny.... Hulk hem Ye~ XL. x:;:, $tdYContu{Ot: Ib\diN1h1ig~L,.Ln1. ._-,-~,~-<<<- AGENDA. ITEM wOlIDn"IG: APllnlVHl of SIlc<mu (O~l..'<,HH;;) ami Third {(<>I,d: C\'l1trada) Amern:l$<.i Settlement AW~"-"l1l;;m5 in Rid'mJ\1 M. Osi;ui'm: & {.{wdl CNltraml IC ';': MW!N,'" Cmlllly,\' .Joe l'ask<iitk. CA K 0 I. IOS. __nn___ ' , nXM liACKC;]{QVM1: Und;;r the llwr",~e{\ Sewl1d and T!1ltd Amended Settkmellt Agt1:emem~, both I'himiff5 an~ ~eking mw ytM ddert"li' of the prop<l~e.j de...th:,pl11~l1l abwJy agr~~d to in prtt'f .;;\(l~"l11ellt agxelll1Wfllli Tk F,)jrx% wm1i<i h;; Jdem:d \In(d R(}GO Sear 15 (Jill\( 14, Z(lot> tu July 13, 200n Tllll S<!~(>Hd Am;;nullJ Sottlemml ;>.wmmeHt (O~lK>me) llhi,.) ;\ckm'M,iedge~ lh~t Kt.y;; Fed.e,,,l Cre;;\it tdo::, h Rkhard Osbome's wtCe.i5Df in i'll"rlOil to tht 51.,t1,,'t property. << l"REV1(WS RtlkVANT 1lOCC ACfU1N: In July t002, BOCC appn.lv;xj ~cHknl\ll1, llg.ffgment witll hoth O~bume and Con<.:h (\mtl''lda ~dt!il1B ~11 lnv1)f,e <:.<:Jl\denIMtbn 'x tskbgs Cil~~ by zurhodtJug ~pcc!tl(d tk'idoj:lmenr on two pr<lj:le"i";l J'rnnt;n~~ U.S .1 ,m Sl<xk hhnd L'nd1)f 0ngillal s.;Wernerlt agtlOemelll., Q~l;;{'rj),t '.V!ii WM~ed m.ltI1011<x<:l ~o haUd !i ,\5,200 Ml h. 111m swmge ;var~llC\l~", a ~j<lr C()ndltiollal \lS~, ;~l1ct wXl\'d It parki.ng v~ri;tl1ce frZI(l1 105 splt<::w {<.; Sf spaces. III )'hIrdl al' 2il!l3, the. p<lni<~s sg:t\~<(l In amend O$bOrll"'5 wW"men1. "F"'A'"1lent t(l ,wth(>l'i;~" <I 2,,\ 120 sqJl c!ed\t lJdon:l\lmUng fallllny hy end of ROGO Year q imNrau d a 35,2!Y) lUj.ft mil1istomll'e W1\ftn<lttK by end of RUGO Y eu 11 and fC<Jw:;ed patkill.@ to 73 ~pa;:e;; deN W :\ilmnel' ;cak "Cpwlo;:c Under erlginlll s,'rtlenl,,mt agrellm"m. Cm-K'JJ...Zotltrlld,a 'I"~~ i\!Jtllorhetl W C\}(lMnld a 7,5i)O 4ll. leSHHlfM\, a minor crmditiiJ!\al use C<Hlllh O,lltmd" alw <lg1'\.'e{j tZ) r<:l<l<:ate tmsight txisting wN~,ge tl'~"'ltm~m plant and l'ekw.aw <! mm...d uriwwtly in RO(,(l yeJ,r 11. l1l1\by JJf liHl3, th: pll1tba agreed (I.) amend CO'lel1 CO'l1ntda',\ settlement !\gr('\'lrllOOI1oll"'Hl1it HS an mh'1'lIative \i8<!" 7,5(lO ;;'1,[t. rmdillln inien~ity., mb~ecl;' IMW- retaH ,,'tl' pn')ft:;::;$i<-11Ha~ office 5pac~ ,~n~w~Hj (}f ~~ re~ta.urMt and 10 dt-H~r ;jev'ekmr.!:h~:t~t ffom Rot;;;) yeaT ) 1 unti! RooO Yl:sr l2. III J~ftIUH'Y lullS, the BOte agreed to defer devd{)imlem h(>tl'< ROOO Year 12 uum ROGO YeM H. CONTHACTIAGREEMENT CHANGES: Sf A mun ~nun STAFf' RECOMMENl}ATroNS~ Appmva.l """,<<__,""'''<<<<<'_''''''''_'''''''''':<<<<<','_ ..,.....w..".,.,",,"<<<,~~~_ nnAL COST:N!,,\ ~.....'nn. }fUll{; f:'n:D: ...1\{6, Rf:VKNVI; I'ROIJt'GNG: Ye~ Nn SOlmCE OF FUNDS; NiA Ai\40tiNT Pk:R M()NTUJl!~ Ye<lt J::Ji..\ (m.l'!' TO COlJNTl': NL\ AI'PROVED BY: COOilty AUy.. OMBfP!JmM~htg'M' Ri$k ~,1<1l:~{;emem ........'.. m:X::lJMEN'!AT1<)N; HISrOSlTION; lndude<l .2(X....... ,~,....";,."..n'n'''''''''',,,u.u.u.''',.,.,' Rm,H~N:!w:n IN THE ClRClJIT covin 01' THE SIXTEENTH JUnKlA!.. ClRC'UTT IN ANO FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORlDA RJCHARD M OSlM)KNE, ~~ Trusl<le:. .rod CONCH CONTRADA, L.C, a fjo,;Ja .Umit""ll..i<<bllitt C,ml(NlIlY< PIJintifti'Pentionen,. Clse No ('i\.h:.n 1 ^ 1 WI MONROE C01JNTY, ~. p('litk~l .uhrli0.&oE 01'111" SI,M: offlorida; ,md JOSfl'H r"SKAUK,;1\ h~{lJlkiffl Cllllocjty a. Utdding Ol'lkkt OerenJal1t/lkspOlldm'lh THIRD A~CN'WD 'Ern FM.ENT AC'>t"llMENT AP 'f" CONC!t r:^N''''' H)A .1 (-:. . . . ., to, .}... S .' .. ... ~~ . ., m>^...""=,rt;~;~."_.:".......,,,..,,,...,.....,,w,.X'._v._,~~.._._.,._...........'. ..,.:'i',.~I.'.l.,.~K;.<,>>l:~~.,..,l'.....l,.~'.. PlffinriIHX)NCH C()NTRADA. Lea Florida Limit&.! Liability O:@par'1 CCCJ,dl C()!1traJa"), ami Odelldanl$, MONROE COU1>.TY, a pdiric;ll jij,;h,1l0$km ,~<f!h,\ StaN ;;fHHI<Jft C'MGj!!";:,., f\l!m1y'), ~'ld JOSI9H I'ASKAL1K, in hi> (>:nki~l ropcity ". B,j,lJilW Ol1kid ("'PaskaliVi, {~dle<:;tkely, the "Partie;;"), Jlre"k)u~ly tel!(lh'~ thelr diff1ll"ell~e:; whlth gllW r1S<ll{' lh~ aoow-slyled: ili;ti()n, whereln the parttm; agreed w ~elll$ the mllUet ht1"-iefll them "p<m the lmm$ mA ",;mliilk'M ,~:hed in r<<1"'gntl'h~ 2, '< an<l5 i!1 (Il(, SeHkmw!1t il..gl'w'IW'!11Iia,(<4 July 17, 2()(12, fji'XciMf1M "Ol",";lr<al S~tl1~mel1t AWf&ilfnJ," ~1l:Mhfd hfrew I'> hhibl: ",\" the Setdement AgrcenR"nt ..>iij..~ prevk~md}/ amencecl t'Q rw(.nii4e ~bf a change in Ih.i~ l;om,n~.k~nd tl@ and l<J (,,,WlQ lh" time p(<,.;;:<<ll\), bilJi~it PN'lHit <<Plilk<<lion und i;<)l>J,1,,,,:\;,m ofthll uppr"Hd c"tIIJik>1l~l ...~" The piUtie~llJ;r~"eh) am~'rld the (Uy",oo) All1m1dd Sd1klr""nI' AtH""!lClll M lolb"$ !l Pal<!lw,)ph .s is ,\m~>oomJ tt> now read; C<'Hlch (":,}ll\lada ;lcW~"$ kl $\lhnh all applicali..>1\ fOl A01($,d,~1 Cooditit>1l<1i tit" Order t11al r<)n~,u tll" ill\eod~d inange il1ll~ ;;.hrullcl Com:); (>Jmr1l<h lll'A:Ue \0 devmep tlw ~llbje.:l pmlleny wilh all ~tl"Iri:t1iv", <loo(sj. Ups)" ~rllf{)val d' Ill" Am~(!,jlO<\ C<'NJjHooal U"" Order 1:1)' \h~ 1'1l'0lIing. j)i1~y:t(jr, ~mlln <u:co((!llMe ",;i\h lhe dttvmopmellt orden t'derred tn In J'Jl1ug:mph :1 "fin!> Ortg'l1a1 Se>1kmeni Agt1Xl1'Nll, M1\tIW~ C"nllly Jgree. W pnw<e;. promptly IIp(ln .l.lbmiul\llhe appliwtll)o fOr building lwrmil 'bv (wldl ():nrlrad:,:l ~)r i.H ~smg.n~ ft:;r <:{~{t'S1n1(;dot:, of {.m~ ~t,~{XJ mHart{u}-~1t" r etJ,lUliM:1, 111' ~~ !m ahWll!lt0e, u 7, :HKj squirte Ibo\ .r.edmm-intel1$,t'j'., mi>;e4 UOO, n1l!iH alldiUf dfic!\/pmre~si<.rr:aluM re,~ility i'd 8000 Yfw' l5 i.July 14, 1006 - July 13., 2(1')1\ 2. The parlles fuithe aglUm:! t!m11K! pn:wiSit,r. 10 tllH awe!\lner,t f,MIl R'{(lmpt !'llliodlY C\wch Conl.radll L(' ih,01 IW)' reqwrMW!1ti impo.."II!<! hy ~t!lHlle llmlkw "rJir<~oce I" <:N);';"d U: II ()Ctlval ~twtig:e W~!eln wlwn <lllll beCOI'M$ "avaHthli( M IhM (~m\ i; Jdined hy !,talme and/or nrdbar.ce, ;1. !'I<!ioiijf C"llch (\,'l1ii1\tk, in cC"Jperetkm with Mc''1w<I; (:'>":111)', will (,r~pll<" Md $ubmii hI aile CO'It! !lk$diI1Z~ ('I' r~:>1k<\ !'l4uinil t<l a(i,[r.>;!s Ihe Am.mMd Sl)tdtmem Ag.,(lemMt COOdl (\w1nllia shall p~y MY C()St~ iOCllH<.0 a$ a re~llll nf 'filing thi$ Seumtl Am~1ldoo $elllem(lr<t i\gn,'tlme',1 atW MY Moo~illl,,0 pWa<Ji"jf,$ ()1 fl(~tk.i'!~, v,d.th fh~~ e~:ce:ri~nr'~ thitt ~~ch ft:):o:~" ~han belt!" 11:$ <nvn j~ttnm<<::/:') f<~$5. 'I.. .All pad;!!; IJ(;t,,)(};>l.leJge that lhe <lrigioirl ~z("en'em w'~s (',\1>0(<'1 m!u H>r th, putp<.)~ ~:~f sctWng rmnJing ~hi8a!h:m and tha! l.hh,~ $~cund Amemiecl S~Hkm:lt\U~ At~teetH~~t1 <k~l~jC nOt ctm~htute an -adrnls.:i!.t-ltn (tf e\lide~K.~ ~h~l any m~b:m:s f.Jf Monm~ Couuty m ils (llll!~(jye;)\< lh~t l'l!llutit1\ CumvtJIll\ 9j'w~fe.uulawfuL um;(lfl$t,w1k'j1l'! l1f cl~nvJi;,I.l'ffiin1im; 01 \ll'Y illh~s Or auy "ghts or propeny. 5. ill1 utl1er1"''t'fl1; nfl.lw Settlement Agre~ll1er~.dated July P. :1002, aud tlw Uk,1) M\"llfkri $<luk>meut aj);leexllftll whkh WM appwwd by the I:k'ard "" ,,,. ~,h",Jt May:! I. 2()(l), a1\d t!l(,' $('C>:tlld Amer,ded S<ltfkmeil1 Agn~l1em wl1ieJ1'\\"I~ appUWN]l1y the Bo~,d rnl nf ah,'lJ1 Jam,,,'y 19, 2(Xb, eSrmCll\lly t.i; it (l<?rt,';ll~ W C11fX'h C"mrarla, L.C , $1\,,\1 Hrtmlin in n,l] f"rte ,,,,,I dl~CL ~) Thk, Am<llld<la Agreemem Awlll\o1 he \"~Jid ad l111\dkS up,m the p~rt;"" (<mil ;lPllm\led by tl1e C,'un Md locorpmar.eclllltll !l Third i\m~r,doo FiMl J"dgmcnl ~mtertXi by t~ C;)~~rt _~11. J:h~$.epi6ct~iHngi 7 thtil thi~ Thi,d Am~ded SdHem'l!l'l AW~l\t has ~$fi zppnwoo by thn COUl1 punU1m1 to the flrw~ing pal~'grflf>l1, lh~ OtiWMI Sil\lle,.,)("rt ..,wnelllenr. an;) Ju4gnx'lll ;l>lNi')lisiy <11ltllt'ed, atl<i al')' o\lhse<jwx!tf. appn:rvw amendnw;1ts or Ol(,(\if!<;il1l<ln.~ '~hi:ll reli'll,;n in ihli I<m;e ~n<l ~fK'\:.!. ATTEST: OANNY Kt IUJAOE CLERK: (:OU)\IT\ COMMISSIONfRS By .......w...".."'"......,..w.w.""." D~pu1y Clerk .. fXrrnn.T ~~A':': IN THE ClRCVIT COVRT OJ? THE SIXTFRtH'H somCfAt, CIHCUn IN ANn }.OR hj{)l"IWE COVNTV, FLOnH1A RICHARD ~& OSr..ORNf:., ~" Tn,"w", RnC ('{)~Cl'l CONTRAD^- LC., '" n(>dd:a. t,imittd Lbh.ltity (:.{~rHr.m~I-Y,: f<l:~~m~t(~t ~~~~1HioJl,:jt't:, Ca~~~ Nu, C:\KfiOi,. ~~}g '.;,'. .~. ,. " ;"'.j '" '.,Yo' , 1'~'" , , ..) ..,~ ;;:.,. ".i .'J '''">'-, " . -.. , <: ." ' ~ ,-, ., , ^, '. w '..) }fR..H>JROE .cOtfN.'t'Y, H. pt.'J<JHkal mJb1~vki.{>n ~~fth~ S~($t,:-:-: {~ff-~oddu~ unci JOSfYFl t' Aill< A! JK, m hh "l'jkd C"H>(~i>h~l ~tS: n):~-i ~.;;hng ()n1d~J~ n0.htnd~Hl:tj }t:::%r~)txtl1nt$. ...."u".".".,....u."'uuu...w.......................".u.",...........,.../ St:TTU:M.ENT AGnn~M:f;N'r ._..",W^.,........_.,W^..._...._...w,._.......,...........................u.."...- l'bh,tifii, RJCHMW ~<t QM30RNE, 1\, Tro$t~<; C'fbbornc',\ ",n<1 CUNeH CONTR<,'\..r).;:\. ~"C-~ l~ Fk:-riti:;~ i..imi-t.t.d L~~~l~ility Z:(m~p~t~y f~(\'~r.1.:':h ('OHJr:.):l..'b,)')._ ~:HJd. Ddctd;M'{:l,$~ M.ON H.Or. (X)UNTY-~ a pt}Htka; _Hk-rll<;hdon <::<f {h~ St~t't of FI<Jfida f"~..1<;nroe. 'C-t)l.,mty')~ ,md JOSIW1!. l:<ASKi'..LjK~ in hi~ M':tk~-~J c~m~'.ti:.Hy ~% B~Jild:k':g urnd;d, fT~a$k;~tlik'-'\ hZlf'ing ~nri..;;~tbly roooh:~ tbdr diffCt~nc~ ..;Rhid~ :g~fve fist: to this: :J0tl.un,. h~n:+J' ~;:~:,nx~, ~~) ~mH,k: H~~~~ mi.mCt wt\\;'~,cn. th<-:Ht ~lr;:<'~:m tbt.~ 'tbih)vdn.g tornu and t:.nndit~Dns: 1. ,i:..,s t<~ O~hou'I~_:_ ~~<:mn):t Coun~y M*t~'~~': :a} th~~, H.'t~k~<H' C~::'M:ntkmill U~%~ \:0 t~<'i,,"l~intitJ t 3S 2{)f} s'q. it mtoi"$1~)rag.~. ,wareh~)U}f/t. hr:;~~ n:::;e.n :UPt1Joved~. wWi ~;r>~~d.~~,~{H)::-}, hy &'k~~)fO<< C~;wni} PbH;:~ing CVlnm1~~~on Ul'~ ..l~n~~u}' 27, J9~)7~ un~:bf H<~m:dutkm f'1V. P.1...97~ yt't:~,H'ded iH (} It, B<s<~k ~ 44Q~ P3;W~! ;:20.5 " 2'i{)7~ b) th~{ s: v~:d?m~~:t\ :..vitn r~'g-:itd tt~ off;" ~~rt~'!t padd.ng-_ n~-.:jadr~& ~hc t~;::;mrn::r 'of r-<}q,UiHd fmrkir,g ,:;:;p~~<::(.~.::;' frem, J'.O w 23 pt.:x i lH)(i EXHIBIT t /} -1:i ,,- . .~.."""...,... '6 ~i;,S~~,*:' ~';fV,~ '::'ffl~~~ :;.:.(l~.r"::-~'~~ ~::-~"~;:,~n,..; ~-'if-:...:;.;...; ::':>l':'(?~ ~ :;,." :.Y-'~:-' "Nl~:'; f -w~~ \\,\ ....ko " ,~q, tt. nf H(J()t U.fd~ tbr tht 'pX:(irK~:::;CJ, !r~in:kl~:~m~c('. w::treh~n1'u~ W41i gtanwd b,y the r..imrf(i~i f""~-",,"l'" n~<<, >,.....h......sS' f<...t:::p-~y;j~'i<_kw: ~n hrnillrV (f, ~9l':r;', 'Htder t~.(t:;:,,}h4fkm No. P2...f)7~, r:.n>J, ~;) _.,....., . .}' ~ h:<;~ <l,.,,~~ ",.-",. ~ - ,-,,", .,,," / " ' . . th~t bAn &~~<dupnwnt >:)~<lm'$, ~re, pw~e,ftd-r 'S/uH4 ~'nd i:n -fuH fbr<,~' ~j e.ff<:'~t. ~' l~.i;- t~} (\"WH:li ();:,ntraUi;:l L,C,,~ }.;1<.mr(X:~ (\H.mty agH~~~: :;:=.) th~H it f....1.i~wr C(1!:tdHbn;;::1 tf:~:~~ nt':vd<3pnH.~';H O:trl~~:{ NtL 5...,99 to ttm$trt~tt nm~ 75th.1- $~-'F,H*re, Jf';O{' ~.;~1tmtm~~<t~ t~) rdu{:.aM~ zn e>;:lstiH@ ~~:w~g:t 1Jeam~~t:nl futi1.i1y, a:Hd. to ktcatt a :1ha.H~ d61,"~~~.~'Wi~ ';;>!ilJ< approved" '.;~'il:h ~;0nditt(H~~<, h:~'1h;.~ Vl~nning lXit'ect~)!' ;)f ~f<mn>e COM_my (}l'l Atjg:J~i 4~ :zW)O, rz:<::b:nd~d. lH OR Bt~~)k l654l page~ bq~.... ~ 595; and" h) tb~(. thi.~ d'~'iy~;tt>tnnent ({f~..:kr i~ pre.i~mHl' v~li-d ~nd.;'(-$ fuU fort.:t: and ~ftb::t. 3. NQ1.v.;'ith.nm~diHg -troYfbm~. h~ ~~\r <d ~tlt 4i:vdr~r{fn~n1 (wle:r~ r~fen:t'4 t(~ ~n P~~_f{;:i-?raph~ ~H 2., ~bov~t (and,. ~fx:'dfk:!;dly C:0.nddnn N~>. J h C<n:td:iiltmaJ U~U D~~,'eh:;~tH"f~ent OrJ't'-r No. .$:...9:9\_ Ot nny ~~dim pn;wbh>il of tb~~ C~)lnrH'chtJ:~,*ive Pbn {}l OrJ~n'::tnt.,~f, of \1onn;.~ C0~.:~~{,.-~ j;K~ hl..ln:J,~ni!; r~~rrdt ::5haH he de:0ied. {~) ~hht;f O~b.XH(~ (H' (\m~-h, Cm~U~~d~, L.r... t::g f:h~ tm.~~~ Dr N'~)Jm)t~ (\~Wttv\< r~gQh~tkms Hd,~lin$ tf> nOH:' rt5Ckt~.:a{i:nt Ht!::.:'.' of };nw<,ih <~.::- th~. <M.kr;da1~: (or b.~'k of ~~t~UphO:H) ,of (3 mW:t:~~i4~~H1hd, p~'1n~it ~~i.k~catkm ~~y-;:)~.em. .Ot it~:- ~~q~~h/d~~JJJ> i~~:::~IJ&ng. bw, rw>t }~rnit:r.~d. ,W:: th~~ rt-;g~.d?!tb-n<-; set f0.:rd~ in h'k1;H{.)C C.;~<~mty CN)'t.f1rdii~::l5j:~.~, P].cm h}lj;.;ie:~ ~,(~'1.3..l thn:~WJh ~Ol,J.5" unct J'-vt(m;~ ('minty Ofd,n,il:ncc St)_ W}.20m, 4 In ~<:.'C-t:'r-datic~ wW:'l H"':i?~ dtvd(~JH)'l:(..tH <ltdi:~:~ :~tftm1xl to' ht p:~w.~#t'aph ~ <, ~tM~~t:, -f\;%on.h,)~ C<>UNy al~.nx~.~, t,) pri}{;;l's:t pf{mirH~./ Hpon'~Hhm,iitnl O:l:,bt>n~e:~~ ;itnnt~tmti~)H 6r ~RdhJ~Hg ptXfU.i~ kif t'OnSW.k:.t.lnn ~jf ~ 15,100 ~q,. it mh:::k:;;:!orage <:,vat't..h(n~%} in RO.GO Yt{~f l2 {July 14.. 2(W:J, t.h.ro'J'gh JtdyI3,2i1rJ::f\ , " '~'<:: ~:'~>:~.j;:. I;.;:f<:.:~: ~~.W -:;:.n:.~~.~.r.:.l;:.~ ~'f~ '''";:::'*.\~;' wn>~ ..:: ~>,~.;-~-:;; ~ ~ ~~ .r<::":<:.l~:<'....-:_:<-: w~:: ~)h:gie_. h1otlrn~. >C{Htn~y,. AAg:rt:'~~1{) ~prlk:~tt~~)n .H::k. hHJkhl~g' fWrmit. ~b~' .chn$tr~#41<nftW@tt: to rQ~u~;;;:J~ar~. {:si:ttjng.. stw:ctiw;. tt.~.t~.tt~1#:.nt b(~.ht~'i \~~..M'll {Ju~Y14>200:Z)lhi'ti~~glt;WJ ~A~~-f:'r::.x~ .(::~):~xtHy..;:m4 P.i1ikiHk;, ~$w.fhl:lg. 'l~~ ..ih:~$ (';;><:l:M$ un ~hi:rH,~ .~~\~iv-t. .~~~.~. {..dahns for .~bm,~H~~~~ and Md ~n:w;~(~.;~ ~;~~:~~kroH;l.it~~1-n q~h-:) rtrf1~ftf,',d t~} %J$~l~Js hdm the C:cunty':s 7. TIle l'l~intiff. (hb'lme wiHpr~pal:t. ~psJ. ~~~.bn)!z ~,(i. tht' t\:~'Hrt t~. HNt)t-itt":! t.\f VobA<"1tat)> ~gitiJn~tth~. t11~f(::!)d.<tnl~: dtdttl;~ $ Al! ~)l' ~;dd&J~;~J Mr~di_nt HHg4tio~:l atl1i'4fH~$: .atthms . u!' ~~'k~tH"OC Ci.nmly lXf3<:nn~?:dttxtit>H~~ .J.~....1:({~~t~(st~... . i. ~~(, ~~~~ti,.:,~ \Vim~sj; . . ._\)j<\.}:,~ll<;,J:H:Y,:,,,x, .... (Pr~ttlNiul~e.<:)f \\~'1triess) AWrO'.",",?,? t;1, J,~;~1 MlJ'iid~rlcy l>y~ ..:~~~~<<~~.,,,.",,, ...____ M--;'~l~~~.S.. gl~~t"/ ~.1~ S~"cla.1C~.sh~el.. t~~;. M<"ff.rf1-::~i': .Q:,mt~ty IN THE ClRCLlT (,OUR), OF THE SIXTEENTH 1UDlClAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY.. FLOR1DA IUCHARP M OSEORNE, as TnISli.l(\ and fGNCH nJNTHADA, LC a Fl\lr.da Umitc4 LiablJily COffif."I'\"v, I'billtift7Pctitio(!i1~. Cu:le]IJ(l.l:>,.,K..(l)'!Oil '{;. MONROE COUNTY, l\ p',]itical subdivlKlon d tile Stat" nf f'l,)f'ktL Ma JO$Ei'H I'A$RAUK, .~ his Om~'al capwzit)' ~~ Building Offki1ll, 1)e!>wJa~j/Re~lX"KliWi~ ""('()"j) ~MEN')FO ;;''''''l.EM''N'j'' Ar" ....".}iENT ~:.>>.&;.. 1":1 (". ~,;a: '.;:..._..::.:..:&.},.,~.,.,<~.".,.:~...:~J~tt.".,< <.:,c~<~IJ~~r.:~ l-'1rul1!ifh RIClIARD M OSEORNK J$lMtlM COs1smw'} a110 CO;\iCH (DymA!)A LC., a FJmida Limitl1<! U<ll)"hy OlO\p!lUY l'TmtCh Conuada"}, und l)ej,md,mls.. MONROE UJllNTY ~ p<llitlcll.l >11h>:ihhi<m d thf SUlk uf Fk)t1U!l {"Mom-Ilo f>wn~,,"}. and ){JSliPU l'ASKAUK. if\ hl~ ollkial "ilf'lldty U(1 Hl..l1dbg Oflk.ul ("Pa~~alik^\ pl'evl(lu~ly roodv"d tilde dlffur"'lCi't, which l!~ve t1>e W l'be ~!h>~e'~lyl"d lld,oll. whel'l1lu lh~ panic:, agrt1<;O to St,WIO the '11an<af l>lt-lWMn them l1fKltl ,!Ie tlOm'!. 1\.no condilkH1$ fociled In the SctlliWl"nl AW<.'til1lent d~l\l<j Ju!y 17. ;:(1(>1. il(^tdnafbr 'OrigiMl I'ktlk1'!"'nl Agrcemem:< <\tt~dwd ht'f~h:.' Ill; E.hibl1 ,., A" 011 IIohlrch19.. 10(iJ, Ill<: Uvard nf (:oumy CmJ1111ls.~it'u"n' <~,fM\>Il',K' C,)unty appf<.>vwJ ~tw All\ended Satdemcnt A@~e~'1'~<<Hl, l1efdt~after )~A:tnt}nd~i Sdtl~fJ%~m A{v{'!ertl~m<~ ~H;~d~~d h~~f.hj a~ E~:h;hit ~<tr'. TJlll pftn'll$ ~g,.e'" Iv ~mclld lhe fMI"itddJ ~~>jtl00lal111grWJlmlI a. fdJllwK I. 'nwK('Y' fed&~l Crt>:lll Urri<",.. M Hl('~~~~;m' kr hl')'''M Iv Olr!>l.>m". b.. ,.,,<:cl'""'l 1l1rougll1h<l Am<lmleJ S"ltl~mcm Agrt~01em M,*lf C.H1dijillllJI u'$e API)f(wlll ~l) (~idl'min! nrtll ('if gt<",,'th Of !:it<< ll(joptbll (or lMk of adoplkm) of i< l1onr~,k!lllltia1 pWl'tlil allocation IYll1cm or i!5 eqiiivclent. hdudlllg"IM f!nt Iimh'ed ll>. 1~gl.llatlOfl~ ~ thlih b Mmlro(\ Ctlumy (\lmi'r~h~omv<e Pbl! I'!.lJi<;I~sl G I 3. J th~\~gh . 'If} t .3..5>.~rtd.h4'(HUO~ Ct>utll:~' ()f<h-n~iK:t Nb. 01tt,,200 L :1 III &ccmual1t4 \vilh lh" dev$!Ol'J!l<:f!t omen referred 10 ill pttawaph j tlflhe OriglMI Sl>r!1l'ment Agr\lemem, ;'vfmlNe Coumy agn',!~ to proc,," 1"'("'\1'11:> "f"'" Wbll1!Jtlil ,be ~Vlll~jklfl [;'1' huilding pmmi, by Om:..>lXl~ (W 1m a~Si&ll~ Kw 00MITllCliOl' of mini-$t<l,<\~ "'<lreh)u~e pel' Ih~ Orlgitla.l S"llIM',f-.l1t AW\."1'menl owing RooO )'1)a,. 12. urlh(Oaltern~tiw 25,12!J '"'t. ft crWl1 union. bar<kbg or ti"Mdal iOlliituHot, otlice ,acHity io lU)fiO hear 15 Uu.ly 14, ;lOW" through July 13,2.(l(Yi). 4 Except a$ expres.!y Pf<widecl hereilt O<St:.<1fl:le and 1>k1l1me C.>uuly and J'a~hlik, ('111,,<< MY daim th~t ~acll Mf.$1100 or w~s r.apwk of ~~lng; ill this ca\lJ;? ilnd e~c" ,hdl iwark, owo attorney'. fee. a.nd ,,,.1. l)fi.hi~ pmc"""Iil!g 'ill l'llirticdm, mKl witltoullimiUiti':'l\ fhbonw, <'n fJeillllf ofil<W!f; ~ffi,>if heb., '~J":Cltl$'(>t" b~n~fkbdf}-$<~litd. ~m}'. <ith~t$. K;:!~ljH1hWlY.y -()tllfJ\)ugh th$m~. w<~h,<< tilldhkms. fbf dan\ag\$ Ill'll! \K)(Uf'llllaatkm I'" Je\1h\ ~,f due ?r<,y;;e~ "'1.1 IOVCfW JA)l\del\)\\j!\I,)1l {~hn rK'''''H'!l to ~~ ,egulatOf)' ,)1' tNlllxmuy Wldl1.gl arhill,g fn,'m tf:", C\l'r<lty'5 JWVI1$ ~nJ r<.'guJalioIl5 prior to the dale "f thi~ Al11lffiUOO IkWemenl Aw"",mMt. 5. f'hill1ilfOwOnlC, ill woperJlion with M'Jl"~~ ('{xl.n!), wHl prer<lU l\1);J $tJl:>ll1il to tilt ('tXH1 pk.adk.iit$ or nolke i"l'llll.reJ 1;;' *kJm.s the A.lmmded S<:nkment A.g:f~<(r~~~.~t " AU parti\''$1\tkllnwhxlf'l" lhll,t the Original StUk1\W\1! Asrew1e,r,t Wll<~ ellteyt:(\ h1h) l<:>f the ilUtP>:it1l of !iC!lling pelldlr,g litigarkm <mil t1lln 1m. AmendeJ Sclllemeni A",H'&Il~m doe. r.-;t cun~ti!U1e an mlmh:;iol1 ill Iwidellce that \lIt)' \lcti<$$ Moowe Call111y 01" lH emrk.yell., th~l Phll\tiff$ C<'mph,il1 dW<'fe \ll1h",{ui, !.1M(}IlM'lutkl(\,.~! f/!' .wpnwJ f'la.in1";fl:~ Of un} otllw$ of It!'l) rliithN aT pr,-.veny 'r. ..,\1 otn.ilY 1i;:m\<. "ftlm OriW~1l1 ~k'ttlelll~tlj AV'<<mel1i datm ju'v 17, :,f;\l2, ,.h;tt! remal!l in full f,)= ltmt d'l\x\. 8. Thi~ Sec..md Aml>l1dd AgI~l<\l1t IhJ<l! Il<1t W valid and hindlng upo<\ lhe parfie~ l.mlil apptoved hy the CO(lr! 1m,,! In=rOTateJ illli1 all AmelJde.1 nflJ~ Judgmel11 ~n\tr(~d 1>y the Court il1 \he~e pf(%'<Wdlll.!l~ <) Lim.il lhi. S~ooIlJ ,',m'JnJt'tl ..<;e(1klrw~~1" Ap,fCfffll,\itt h"$ hNf! appr,wed hy 1h", (("WI j\.lt$U:lllt to l'aragmril S ~l>l~ve, ih" Onl:\l1\al S"We-metl! AgR'elOOllt and hdj!ll'\l"j P''''^'Xl'\Y i,'1'I"&"(\ "'till \.\llmorliikd *-1111 r=lin ill fuii fbrt'", a.tl<t eff~cl.. ,-\ TTEST DANNY L. ROLHAGL C[,LRK HOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSiONERS Of MONROE COUNTY R)i ....u......,..,......",.."'....,........., Deputy Cl"rL .s~i:ri~i~~ .cf \Vit~~~~...""...."'."""".'''.''.'''. f'tiflW<f N~l\lt f' \Vit'IC'$$ OSBORNE ,,$ Tw!;tte mUiHU.'J.' -.:,~ * ~~ ,:-',. 1N TH:f cmce1T cOVIn Of TlJE SIX'fERh'TH JVmCfA,lv nRCt'lT iN ANHFOR MONROf; ~xmN'ry, FLimmA RJCHAHf) ?,A., ().snORNE~ .;:g,$ 'l:.:w;t~~, ~nJ 'C{)>-~(Jl (xn,rTRc(\.f}A~ L.(~.." II Flofd.:~. Lkdtcd l...iubih{} COfUpt..;H:'i\' Fla~nx~a~! h:hl~mK::r'..:" C~tW Nx~. t.\\.KAJ 1 - ~ GS v. =' .,~) {:~, ;'~ '. ~ M(lNROE {'f)UhTY ".~t p~)Hk>>l ~wbdi:"";,:;i{>H ~)f th~;,. SwJe of F~odd~(, ~md JOSEPH ~;\s{KA.J.JK< in hb uHh:'i.u1 C,MH~c,~ty '~~~ BU:;~t~in#.. Offt;ciaj~ ",} . .) ..,:} . . ~ ::S' .~ fh:d(-~~d~tM/ ,k.e~p~)wJen(.:.~. J ," :"~' ,,) ::;...;: .,.....l ...N.'.W'''''N..''....... .,.".,'''''w..^'.......~"._''''''_,."'''.........y",'','''''',,.v... ?I;;Tr\:f0.'\ni.t'iI:AQI~F&;~tf:!'ff l'hllltiHh JUCHARU 'M. OSBORNE, ,t~, Tl'o;;W' ("OA>("n,;"\ (im} CONCH -CONTH.f\Hl.., ~ ..C" ~3: Flnfkb. Limi~t;d -r.:hhHhy C~)mp'any ('~(':~:111t:h. ():H:\~rf.l.d-a,':l md r)c1CnJn:nt~~, \10NRO.E CtHJNTY > ~ pt~nt~t)at ~uW.i\,jti:k.~~, <.:{ \h~: Stute or fklrida f'~..1~}\~\1<' (\;,~mty"\ atld J()SEP'n PASK.A,tJ K, h1 hit offkitj c5;';paehy a% BuHdrng OHkhd r'1~u;-;:~aH}t')> having ~,mksbjy rc:mlvecl t~~'k dif!h.r~n-t.~~ 'wl~~dh gav1!. d.~c k; thj"S a(:Hon, h~n~b)' ~~gft':t:'. W ~w~ th"l$ ttlJttCt' htt~vwr::. tlWfH UJXHl the t~")Hf~:;}/ing wnw;; M1.d .c:,nndt~.;{::n~; :\~ k~ Osh~)t~t,\:" ~h}frH;H~ CO'iJ,'l.Y Hgr~~:~; a) thw, ~ t~f,~jqr Condidcncl t~~lt: t{;: t:(m4~n~ct ~ 35 .10n ~<~. (c m_~,H:~,.t,tH:nitR~"i w<<rel:m~~;~ h:JS bf."'tm ar'ipf<<ved~ \.dfh ~:fj.odidZHt~~, 'by tv1~}f)r(W (\~:;}r~iy Ptan{l~nz (~-{~rnm~i:t3Jnn iJn ~(~n~;afY 27, ~,:l;;<}'!, m~-d~r .Ri::~.~t:Jmi<;-1'* 'b~{~. P.:~,,97, A.':t:'dr-dt.-.J tJ G R,. B<~<~k i .:i4.~;~ p~g~.$ ~~}{j5 .. 21-zn; 'hi that i ''lari~H~~x~ w~.th ~t.gu{d tu {)-tF ~H:~~tt Jm.t-ki~)~." t'~.du.cbg the nUrnb)f iJf Nqlf~rpj parkinu sfu>';;($ frmn 3,U h:-: 2_5 p~..::r 1.,OUD EXHIBIT ~ _/" i ~-'t ____L.<...___.____ ~:~\ 'd .ca1';f~: 06;?; ,;;"~; ~~:('K"f:";j:)1 ri- 't ""!,.;:Z-'~,,~ t,:;:r:::",'~-j ~'.i':f-r.' ~ :. ;:"~. '~~:"")~':>'_,,~: ..>~ :,;;q, f_t ~::f tki~<t "i:H't,~U tb't' th,~ .propntt>& trtb_~,,~~t.oB,rrt:: J',.~'l!:mhml;&e ~....{~S Rf~ntf.:d by 111~<; l\funf<~~~. .", ,~~. ';-'~ ,"., j- ~,.. ~.{l><;':-' .l:.,,,,,,)',:e.'s"""l'..,,-~.....;i 'l\:^ f:il"~ ^"l. ..'_w;.':: ,,', (Q~~:;:Jt..:{ ~"~rwn-mg b<Y1Ua:H%H:~:n on ~:mHU'}" j, .:'<_ i}cY l~ U-HlM'.4 1>",.:(;!:..;<.f ~j',li'i~,~ -' -tv, _.:..v,? ~" l;~~fW", :-;;,1 tkl1 b~~~h ~h'r'tdn~:m:'}i,mt ot<.k:G lH''? prt~uHHy '~i~Ud ~md k f"UH k~rt>~ ~HB tffat. ~'.. /\~ to C<)t~th ())Httzda" L.'t'.<- -Nhm'rnt!- C(ltmty q;rtt.t,.: i~} d~~J 1.1 t\"b~t1f C<.mJ1H<Ji:i~1 Uf:.e D~~y~krpme:-nt ntd~J N<" 5..9<;S !(~ ~Cl)stn~tit one I,jG(} $(t~3~~'t foot ~\~;:;t>>Alf:~.nL -~<} r~ktc~t~, <1n CXh1hm ~~~~;w~gt ii\':.a~n:lt~_nt tUtm1Y., ~,w:i u> \-nc~~tt ~ m~H-.v driv~w&y') ,"{~l.~ -~_ppt;;)>:t'ecl.; 'ii~~th eondith)_n~'l by trn~ Ph'tMlir:ig Dixc{:tOT (~f h1<.~nroiS C</tmty ~)n ~'\1Sg.~l$.~ -4:, :1tKm, f~'l>(~rrled j~~ fiR Hm>k 1654,~ v~g:~~ ~ ~~?)l ..1 S9$~ :and~ b) ~h$t thi~ ~;Jevckmme:jlt <.}tdt~t h pf~~tndy vt~Ji-d ~nd in f~~n f(trn~ lM1d'(:fi~M. 3, }J<lwdfh$laJ1d~rq :,Hiyfh'ii~g in ~my uf lhe, <1ti'vd<'~fH:ttm~'~ {>t<i~.tt* -jde-rred u~ k'~ pZfftgrrlph1:- 1 ~:~r ;~" ah(:<v~~ (~ttd, $:p<~cHkjUy .(~~)n.<~hh)JI N~), ~ in {>urd,~'H,~.HWi U;;e ~)~\'{~k~prtltnt ()l'd~~' ~\h), S^<J9)", (;tl" M~-Y od~tt PtO~<~SilH'~ {)f th~; (>;)mp~h~l~~;ive, -Pk.n (H' fkd1><~J1C<~~ ;:~~f -1\-h:~n~B~ C\it.Hity ~ ~X~ boHdin:.g 1m'mil shaH be, d~~i~d t~j d.:1h~r fJQwrnt; <1r ('ond,:: (:,(~nw:Jd::a~ L,C" on the l~{.t~b: of ~,,1nHn)~: Ci)1J.my\~ ti~g\lh~Hon"5 r-ehtting to Him... te~l-d:::.nt~H-1 raW nf gn;:,~ih tH" the $<h:'~rti~;)n ({?:; 1~.k <:d' ~H:~opdm}) of ~ nQI~re:s:~:d~~:Eltiu~ pctfni::~ aH~K~~.tiOf< ~y~;t.ern -(lr h~ eq~_h"M,C.nt~ -ir.v:.:hlJi,ng<, hut lwt Hmhid .tQ~_ the mft'S.dntkm:s: 5e~ 1(nth in tvhJnro<~ (:{H,Xmr Cbmn.reh~3-rm~ve Phm P~.)lk,j~.:.~ t-fl ::;, ti..$"t,....n~~h <:(~, -:::. -' .wd. 'XI'j'l~"<-<< , t-' x .:"l,..~.,: _' {o, . __lj , ~- :2."." < ~~lL,_ r\(', ~ ,.;..,...... {,'ow.!ty ()rdh:t;M~-::'t~ Nv. OJ2.<.Ja~:}~... A. In ;l~{:-t)!'th~~{~ with thr. Jt'vd<)p~rt:;';-nt tHtit:t$ xete:ud t<'j .in :f~~~.r-aw,.rap,h !... ~~b~)-v<~. ~,..t):W(l~ Cm.tl~,~y ~~gx~t;~S h) ~7re{:>~~~s:, pr::,)mpHy ~j,p<.~n ~!~~b1U.t,H~~& n,:;l.~)nv.:;,"~ wpp&k:.atl',:)r! br ht:);id:;ng. pe-rmit fbr t'.{)1~$_~,nj~~,{{)n r.& ~ 15,,2()@ ~t1. 1). mil~f~.~tOr~g"t";' w<trm:tf;tjsc R.OGO \\~i\f t2 (i\;;ty ~4< '1(}n1jJ.hrln~gh.J1~Jy L\ 2~K~l- ~ ., C;'d :f.7f.~f;' <*~l! >t:wn:' ':c:.~;t""'~;'J4>~ :~ t -''!-W~~ ~j;":).....( 4 ~.;;~",.<t, ,~~ -;<'.0,(>;)," ~~:-', ~ _,-.;:; tn {il1'f~>;~'\ _r-;;~:Ht-~te. ~r:"i - ~xtsdnz Y""ll t\ Fk:.~W9~j .(~(jMhty .:Hnd.,.r~{;k~dik~ {t.OY ;~S:;;;~fW:\i: i~:{)~.~};;~ --zmd- ::C;t.d~ '$h~l U: :.l0':tr lhi.i plTJ~-;~cding: In r$ttcdJ~r,aJKl h~:;hJl~f Hf~,hll'n~dv~$~. {)tlht(~tlgh t h~;;y~~~ "wrh(e. _ M1 . (:laims clW~~f~e~ fGt .~rih~#J ifl\'Q~$(' -c'{.)n:<:k;'lnrt~H6o 'O~l:;:;6 fe'ft~n~d-t~) ~:~~" ~'-"<" ...;- < ~:{) 1.h<' (';;:lOft n: "~'N.(~tk':t> -<~f ~Wt~h~t \116 r}ert..-nctan:t~. 8. AU p~rtk:s' :a;~ktKW>dtdttth~t lhti ~ttili~:nwntht6te:f1~d t!l:{),: n~{'Hw pHJJ>~}S(~ ;}~:.. ;.;,c.nHng . p~~n<Ht~g. HH~~a!i,.:Hi#nd :-{t~s - nvt :8J~j~titt4~ #::~ 44m,~$~14n<)r .~\'~~..tnc?d:~al i:~y .a~l~vn~-; :af,N.1<mrot _C(~u~ty :~~r - R~~. enipi<~x~;t:f< lh~d. :P1Mhtff!:~:. Gl~;Hri::1h~ of: :wzre ud~~v4tH> .-} .b.?L:{i~.{.~. Vlig,te$.~ ,'J.:!:;,. ../~ ,,~~(j~6:~>::~~~~. ~.m:J"nn~ti.h.:H. i<;md. ~)r d~1>dv~dP ig~}rHHHf)r HriY(:4kdi:~N ~~n::ig11b6 / !) / F/( ,/.,'/,J -"t', :y:.:>(' ..." J.Jf~ ;:<.f.;.~~:;.:'.Ll~.Jf:.::.:,~./f::;:..:.~~,~.:...;:::/;,...... (fJtin!: ~4~~~;t'(jf \V~tl\i~ji}, '." /; "~ - ! ' v..,..1":.1<<,,,~~:L. : :',:,:,!~?:;:;,;;::~.,nm~""';,.,',.,'"'';''' ,:,~,.:,_.. \V'HfH.;:~Y~ , ..l'\;~J~(~!gS:.:IL..._.L,~.:.~:,s;"~~'~'~":~;~'d'".....,.,.~~ \\.(hn:~.}t:~.., ._'" .; ..' ". ,.!,\\L!"J\.\~II.LJ~\.\(t,\<:I;, ," (Prillt NM1<: <J{ W1tl1C$,(1 4'%w;r()',li.~~~ to J:{~,}& 1 mlH:j ~'i t*~cy Bp ,,,/:~~&~.",."...._.. w."_wm" Mm:k $, lJJ...,r', t;sq, S~".ial (l:;>r:>l1lWl to M()n~:,;.) {);Rll'lty RiCHARD 1'.{ OSBORNE, j$ Trl;~lec: MHl CONCH CONTRM)A, LC, :l FJorkbt.1J:tl ~t6J IAabdity-. (;pn~tp~iny~, .tt~iYhi'i,a7Pdld()n~f~-~ <- ~. .. MONROL COUNTY, t lX'Uli,~ 3ulxlilfhion f1f the SltlW of FlDrda; lmd JOSEPH J>ASKAt.JK, l.n M~ ':.ffkid titJ~{\-<::Hy $.$ Hdldhjg.f)Jfi<::hd~ tk,fkn;j;;ls~t/R#$poJ:W{~1)b .....""................................................................. ~"l'~TE.\"' '<"71"["1'"'''' '/'j'"'''' 'J"N'l' t~LY~.J.J:! )~~;, ~~)", ,.. ,t, .",y;~~~r~,~Lb:kL~J~tkt~\.a~~..,_. 1'1' ", "l"H '1'1) '4 ')""I"')""'j"'T ,",.. .. "') le^"""I! ',fntH:dbx,<.,_~.,..,: -:1-).. :"" " : ~y~,~, ~;"i .f><.n :,~ ~m "n;j:~1f.e I, \:H>tK~tWe : ;.~ $n~./l,~J~ 'l\~"" CONTRAJ)A~. L .(~:,': ~.f-1(~dda: 1.i~nitedLi"4t:biHt.Y. Chd~t}Ady.((<Cqf~~h(~'6ntrr:4a<t)~. Ull{f I)~f~ndS1'ifs, \ii<Yi1R(jE COUNJ''{{>f1 p~.&Hk:;~J. ~~uhdr~d5io~} :f}ffheSttite 6fPlorlJH-c<[\:t~.~i~lr.(~.e-(:tHiHh';;)" - a~~d. iQSFl'n ?ASKALlK, i.,) his <;dkial c<lp:lcily M Euihliq; {)[fi.chl ("I'1d<Aik"), pre"irn,sly n:~olvd thdr lliff~m'iKb~ whkh wwe d.e In llw ub,}ve'ji(yk<l $.<:lk!l\, WIWfdrl the pM!.k$ltf,\l'e~o w senle l.h,~ 1)'l1l!~e:r hWK~en th:m l1p<>H (h~ krm~ ,wd cl1l\di1irmt j'tdkd il\ 111(, SHlkmem "Wfttm'tHl dllld July 17, 2(j(!2, h<~l'e'lmtfler "Origil)al Sed"ffittnt Al1.reenwll1," a!Ud.fd h~ret(} ;\~ b,hijm ";\", I, rh~lJ'H,j"r wl\dhioi\d '"Sf: Pl,Wkd to O$lxwm, 10 ~on~In)~lll j 5,2i)(J Eqllllle foOl mini-S(OHge ,Y:lreh.~Hiit' with 114 parking spil:~es l'hl~ ;\ hiilldkap spaces <l1.1l'ia@ ROOO Y<"H 12, hr'mgh tb Origin~l Scttl';'WlfI1\ Agr\:Nfu'.l\t, ~hil.lI bf, Ul\tlKkd 10 allow ,.,1 rlH~mMt, \,~e <:<;H tiMing <.>f ci\l\stmc!km M 25J;W ,>qH~re ibot cn;d,l mli{)n~ hankingol'. nn.;,~t~cIt11. hv~~dtHgdn{)ffl~f~t:adHiti r~quidHtr 74. JHdking iD~~~b~~ l'Jut 4 bnJicap ))<lJ:king SpHC't3 dttrlllg [tOn;) Year 14. , , .. .. ,,' , ,.. ""I "j I .. ,. , .. c t'<i;OlVflth$t:MK'm1gW't{~lHng JHtVfrct t '~~ {,{;\~{~~,y~nrn(J,nOf(!.er;) J{~,~~f.f\~,{}V;} ~g hM; {)dgin.aIS~ltl~rn~ht.A-grd;rn',tlt.ty tn'a.n'Y t~d&r:-pn~V~,$i.On.: \if{he (X~nipl~hu-tl~~~'Jc l~bH {H'Ordin,ug<;~,S (>f tv!m~~J'~C6W~tfitihbt~Udingp~r~ih shaHb~J'di.:ni6d. tQ (hbnrheOtt ~;h$J -bfi.Si~0f.~')>1<~dr<)~ ()}t~t~~:f}5 J~@tbtti0ri:t.r~h~tif(g;t6.nqri~,:t~tr~idenH~1 nte of g,mv4h m the aJ('ptbn fO:f'I;wk of l"bpti,m) of ~ n(;l1rtshk:nti&J permit ;'lh:~~,~iiC1\s:f1~1inn,Qlit$uqhivakl~~:l:n(,lwjJ-l~g~- b\l~ t:~)t. UJnitdl tO~ tMr r~~wl-a.ti.sn$ 5t..t forth 1n }",1oHro,e.Cqunty f\~rt1prehd1~6\i$ Pi,at .P()lkii=*. .,to 1.3 >~,., thtcqgh lOL3.5, and MO<twt. O.;'Jlltj OnilIUtr",(, No" i.rJ)..znm" hI accon!an,:e wHo t1'K~ <k,~brlMl1l ()"Qfn rd'em'd tG ill paragraph 1 "f the Nlgimrl Sel,kmenl AWetm1!llt. M<.mn.,;: COHOty aF~s 1.(' pmc~\l(, pH'mrd)' ur,<J1:\ &ubmhbl llle ~rppli<$nion f,'\:f building j'M"fmit by Oshm\e N hi~ tmsigl1s fm constro:;!1nn (if m!l\"":ltt);W'\~ w!\r~"h('\l:\e IX'1 the Cwlg,irl1l,,1 Settkmel1! Agl'c~m"'nt dttdngRQ(.\{JY~ai' J l ,~)t11if; alt~ntt~in~. 25~12!) ~q.. ftt'r~dit~~o-k~~n~ 'hankin.g or f1naada! illsiiN,bn (){flee facility '11 "ROOf) Year 14 {July 14, 2iJOS, tll.f'Jugt 1,,)y ll, '..lil06\ 4" ExcCfJ-i a~ e)(pr~Mly l'fov"kd Iwrd!}, (kl'0Hle and Monn'l1! ('mmty <md Pa~bllki waiw lmy ~laitll. thaI .,..;,:h aMert1!ci '}l' ''1<1, s;;rll"hb <if u...<;,~rtil1l;\ in thh, C"\:lS't awl t?$ch. sh~H_. b~r~rit~ tr~V~1' Jtt<<ttl4-Y\~ t~ti aud 90~lS orthH r~f()ct~dihg:,'", In~1ic:nln:t~' and WiH10lj, limitadon. o..~bom<\ 0<1.1~4,h:a!f o!'i1.self, 1helr hdr~, S,"iOl"'S50ts., P<~I~~~;nt:J:*H~'5al1dithY' {,)tb~>+$~.hthrHug,B1'\~.r: thn.fu~:htherrl<.. >?{.~l'.Jtt~nd~h1"'s l{)r diJm"&~$ &'1tl C(<l"llX'l\satiol\ ii.w 1<t,\lid (,f d\l~ pr(lC(:Ss a!l<llm'<el~f.' ;~olld~mJl<l;i,'l\ {UliK' rdbT~d w.., r~g\\btory or1em"ponlr; tm;:!tlg) arising l):r.m dw CO\l1lty', iM;tiQ1M~.and '. r*,gut~6~'::J'lS j>fi<~1'. t(,'. thz::~btz."br thi~;;Axft~:nJ~dS~~ttJ~m~:ritAgr~dn~nt 5. l~,f..).\~~U:1J:n*L (" All pjll'lk~ n(okn,~wk:<lgeth!l1 \11<, OriglJull SnHlenwnt A'grenll.1C111 Wl1.' nnlcrnd ;))1'3 t(lf 1ne pllrpux d $t.1lJlbg penJhil liHg,lik)il jln(l lXmt !his Amtn<kd 5ktlltmen! i\gv~enw~nt6:)(~$nQt<:.6n~dt~,itc frtitd.ttli$$k1n(>re'vi~J~'n,cn that j~.iY;;H;Hori,~ qf h-1.6ur<Xo" C:<~,~hty :l:~tiu;<~}nphJyiis Jhid: P1MlltU15 C-(>rr(ph:;if~ <4' :w~ie;. unJ.awt.ld~ w,c<lnHiltlti.oo;<! (If <:!.:pdvtd l'bintifh N mlj ntherx of Wi)l righlx or pml%:>rt)i. "~', nen111in in blll,1rce and dfeet f. <{. Thi~ Amended Agrll<'II'Wl:\l .~ha!lllol be ,dkl ~l1d binding lJpon tbe p~rtin~ li:ll!il ;jppr<Nd by me {\}nrt!lld b~A'rptmHd bIG :In AmnlJcleJ YimlJ Judgment emenxl by the COU11 in IbeSt IH<XJ:dlllgs, j (), Unlillhi5 All'Wnded SIi'tlkmen\ Agrcem"'1l1 hat be~n approved by 1M CmlJt rU1';\l~rt! (0 pf4'allniph <j ..l"~w"" l11e Odghwl Se\l.l~m<'ll1 Agril<1'J'l101( aiI'd Judgm<1'm ptivhxu~ly cnttted:<"1~&~~~_i~~':l(H1iJk~d. $lwdJi,(~lJl;~i~~. t~t:. fhttf<x6.:h ~d#.. 2:fiK")tt. ATTEST; 1M.X"'" L CLItRJ;;;