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Item N4
HOARD Of (XJUNTV <;OMMISSION.ER& AGfNOA ITEM :<WltlMARY :~1;rC$6ng D~.te:',.J'tl4Y 16. l'O~)Q. Dlvi!iknr <;')J1AmyA.lm:m,'v ftulk 1te:m: 'Ye~ .XX: "}'..~..(;) Staif CZIl)tii.:t r>",,ni(1l1: j>~t.9..M.\11};N'\9 AGENDA {TEM WORl)(NG: App,ova! ,X \<ZU~$ agl"$%ll..:l\t with M.Mit HYl.;tl \{) 1empumt1ly lea%e additiz}tlal sp-ao:< for parKing al the Key \Ve.! lflt~mllliorlal A;rpnl1.. .. .. .." .", "1" ::<<H<;_,,, ITKM aACKGROtiN{): Tht Kt~y W,~~\ Jll!tlHllliinlld Airpmt j\'t\oV;ll.km and explll1sion pn:~ftlct will r~q\tin: ,he df,.lH" of a llnrtkm oJ the Cl,rr#!l )lt1r\dng ;)l\~ a~ CQfk~ltt<<:~,bl1 of th~ new jlllrkiug ar1:<'( IS c<mtpl<)!,Id. Jhe .;tm~e b for pm,p""fty <limdy t~hiQd lh~ jhtn~f l'$(,oihanu'" r~%tlltll"QHt MU 1$ ;r.djaz>'filt to thtl aiq.ml1 Iwd will Rplaa 10., parking capadly. n"1n.._.:., , - "nO' , PRrVW:WS RKLEVANT BHCC ACTIOK N-o.tW, '......1<:<<4''''""" CONTRACffA{;f{l<;t:MP;NT CHANGES: ;WA --- iiI;\Pf~'.Ri:EijM;'d.KNnA<l'l()NiC""''"W'"''''''''''''''''''......"."mm""".mmm.~ww__ww.....o<"o<''''mm''"...__. Appmy~l :< -" ,;~,,; .. ~uu ,,,",,, IOTA.I.- COS'l': $(),(y:~Jim<:mJh JWDGJi:TED; Y .atN,) xx. COST 'TO C{HJNTY~$Xd!.f,'f,' Rf:VENVf: PRmmCING; Yt'.XK. Nt,,,,,,,,,. SOVRO: Of V(!NDS:,,,... A]HQUN'1' l'Eft. MONTH '-'.;"'.<'<<<'-""'<<<<" APPROVED BY: COUllty Any ......... OMBiPlm.;ba~ll1g ...._.... R:tk MMag,~m'~l1l . ., . . . .n /'" .' .' A,/:5<;I/ ,. / ./ :01\ l&lON l)l RfC' I OR AI'PROVAL/:""7~i;?t~t;(;\:jfii:h~~~j~~:(~i}{:~'i;~~~;iRNi\ ..""" ~~, {)()(TH\UtNT A nON: .!ndutkJ X NOI Required.,...... mSN)!.'rnON: ACITNIJA 1'1'1';/\-1 RtW-1$Cd 2h)$ LEASE AGREEMENT l{l';Y W.f.:ST f"i'TKRNA'UON Ai- A1RPtlRT HYATT AM) tfVA'n' (Ne '1';115 AWC(~llwnl i~ frl;1\k Mil eMcred imo by ftl1(l between Ml:lnroC CC1lU1ly. il lX,lilkal ~uhJi"isl"~ 'J{ l.h,~ S1.(\I.C (,f l'kwiuik ("AllCf nf Ke) \V,'5' loknll.[i<:maT Airl'(>l1, wh<.>~e address h J4~) i &'\l(l.\ R,",'s1:,,~h lk'<<l\~vanj, K<w W,~,1., Florid~ H040, IC(l<lIl1Y ,1{ t",s$orl, (m;l BY(ltt (,nJ. Hyu\! l11c" wh"'5e ,l(ldref" lS IiI);: \ SHlffhh 1.:\n<o W~~t SlJgJtJ(l;lfSh<1r~,. Fl. JJ'/42. \JIYI;!; or Le5S<.'e). fhl{ttt f;r".\'r!.s a m~:r<::sl{ ~)rkmd.. :!4ih~r:;tt,j{yn :K,t,ji' \''''/ t.$t ~rnd rnore pad.icul;~dy' de.;KTibed iXl Exhihit~\\.,' ~ " . -,. . L PROPErrn', H)'liH k:w,~ "'~clusl"ei.v lu th~ Cmffity tll? bnd shmvn un Exhibit A herc:elner the pt'e-mise::;, Bxh~bjt ,A,ls{:rtta.ch;t:u,and m:..-~dc apt\j"t(){thi'i-: A.grc(::rt'wnL :. TKR:\!. The l.ctm of lljl~ Ag,--cmn~11l h rf'~ I hro,;, l.nonths t>'-'tinl1ing. ,ll\ !\hy I, ;iX;(. 11t~6.terrnhmk;ng <.m July.) 1 ~ 2D{~1; .At,ih~"ct)rHplet~on ,l;~ftb~'origi.nti_! ,t~nn~ ,.t~~pu)1i~s~h{l.Hihuve,the:,opli.cn t<, ftn'~\~' <ifl ~t'r~1dnh w'n1{)tnh-bu$is, The n:RH1.tn: t1.)'Hl()_n.threl1~;~w~!.p\~d\)d ~~ht!.Hn<~texwn<.lbeynnd (kw!Jer )l~ 2006.. 3. llSE }\Nn (:Qf'{DtT10SS, The pr':I11ISe% shall be l.1s<oc\ :wId)' I,:>\, llle pU'l'm;,;,s of dnpk.yec parking,No sign~:() f <3:~Y' ki"nd \v'iH I)(~ lK~nrriH<~i~?n. th<~, l~<t~$eti:. right4)f "w.arYHte~, ,elf th~ prwnis~~ ~tn;' U~Q, for any J~th~rpMrp<)~~i '.HYfl;lt ,$h~n ,h~h'~: ;1h~', . vntit1.trt~(~lrml~diate.l?' tertAlitUlting. thh .Agng~n~cn.L L:c~~e,e,$lvdlnot p~tmit ~nY'tw" of the. ~prtm}he~.jn.Hny,tnanoer that ~v()tdt.i..obsttlJct.tH~ i.nt~rfert>.w"itIt~\ny L~,~5M~:r fH:nclk"';r':s~m.d d:~~tk$, l.hclA~$sct'wHl. {hither, 11$:c:an%.. OCQU{>Y. ~1id.. r~ti~tt~~.ges >~1).. ~.' .~,~rc~i... mid .'pl'fjper--mWa1H~;r} ..~md. n(~t C{)lnmll: any W:l.~t<~.. th(~l'~)On .L<~'ssee. win i)ot. c~ru~t},: lJt aH(>w, ;t\1..b~:. c~:tiS~d1.. atiy Jmj~,tn~$. {W.. nbic<.~ti:Dn~hlc ;~t) HVdy ~)f ~itly nat~rt~ (ru tbe pre,m~hes~ .1A~$~~eew.tH.. tWl. hjod<p~Hlanf)n f(md ~K~t'0~$. at i\ny tim~. i.,A~;$e~)wUJ _n~}t hkK~k 0<(~,(>:.';S\i; tu. ;".)w.Hng dn~~kand .r;U1Jf)' m'CJ..Any.~t('l~viiiesin OOJY..\V~Y inv~~tv~:ng<h~tard{ms'rn~teriaL<;: or SUh$tittK:~5 Df any kin{i -what~oli,vcr:;. eit:l){~t. as. th<)s<.~. tR-rtUKn)Ay be {k<<;tTn-ed . ufH-k;,r. ilHJlS11;.fc- {'Jr (~der~J.. ~,dW$; i)!. n~$uh!ti<m:;: nr-;1$ th0~4~k~rm~ .~ru t.Hld~~k~<~dh)~'<)n~J~)01}.(tt<~lM~A.are.spt~c,jl1c4HyprQhih!ltd. T1W.Lt~~$%t wiH .H()( 'Us~ OJ' OC~l1py.s~'dd pf\::~nisi;~, F9r.~ny-..u.t):~ay'~~ylpurp(~5~~nd.v{Ut.~~t .L~~se~'s~~QIC~~~5t.andexptm$~\ (Otlkrn\ uJ tmd Qbey ;\ny IJro:;cm or fulurc ordimmcc aml/,.)!' ruks, teglllati,1l\s, rt<~l\\ircm\)1lI~ and order<' ,.Jj' g<}vexnnjen1.;(d~lm.h<lriti~~$(r{ ~i&e:nci~5i(.~pcdtiHg {be 'sl*l,e:dld~){~(;tlp~Mo1)6r sft1d. ptdr.&~~-i, 4, n.rfNl\ For llu;. u;:;~t (rf'th~'..p:n#n.i$e$~..theb~.?;~~e..!11:e..!$t. vaY.1he..L<:$s(rt.thi~ ~~~Jrn {)f S6J){)O.(Six Thj'~,t1an"J doMm'S) ,pt.f nw:ml1 {Hl~m.~,tr.ear$.h~t5i~. duo.an<I.-paYt~:b1e..{:Hl.thc (lrHI.da)' .i)f.H1<.~ moath, The Hh\n\llly paym(''l',t{, dmH b~ rcmilkd ((I HyJl.l "lsd HYi\1.t Inc" j'l02j Sta~lhb Lm,~ ;'1<':;1, Su,.~\ark)H.fShnrt;~$: FL 33041. 5. CONfJrUQN OF PREMISt{S. 'It.: l.e,,;<:<~ mUol k(,,\,1' t!l(, pfemhe~ in W)(ld mder nl1,i ~AJ.ndjtiml; .. "l'hc.,. Lt$~t~e..~nu~>t-. THon~p~l.y .r~r-air.d~~,u.~g~' t(~.. th~...pr~ttu$e~, .>8t.tflt~..(md. ..<~rth<~.tt'ttn. nfth.~s t"h't;~~Jn~ut, tbe. Lessee .!tHJS'! .turr~Hd~r tIle JH:t:rni-s~s, ,kJ .l'ly~~ttin.. n.t~". ~:al,ne }~O{)d. ..ord~FamJcnn~idon. .f$. til~ Wfernr:f;($ ..w(~r~; . (n: thrt. ~{~t.m;XU.~i)0(~rl1ent. nf, the terrn~,.. nW'1ntd.. ,,:-vearttnd, t~a:r e'x,c-;;;~:pled; T'h_~ IA;:SS:>;~~'l.t. :~okb! l"$spt~~i-wjbl{: tbr. ~n y:. impH)~<eUlf:nt$. to . hMJd.~;n.d~):rp1tr%t,..>nmwes Jibct,,<tldn · the pt'el1~i~b$. ,. 6. {Mt'ROVEME~TS, No ~trtlcHlr<: ()f il11l~rr)Vem"nts l1f!mY kind shall b~ platd upnn lht landwilk1U1 prior JpprvVll.l ill writing hy Hya(t, l.",s""<' sl1:.ll h~te~p()asibk for (jbtaining My P;;1ll1;t{S) rL'tlUU1'Q hy Mmwn(C COunty or any nth,"!' fed<1fi\!, "tilt~ or rmmicijMJ (i&",I1C)'. as rCijuird hy law. Ally sn~h strucH,~r~. :<~t'.. hnprf~\(CHlcHt~:. shtt}!.. bi..<:tH~stBk:te4. it). ft.'#~qd ..il,ild \\'t)tkm~1fiH.kc.. t:H.<.tnri~K~t..L~s:s~;e:~~; ~.:;-!.th,~ (;n~l' ,md '",~\K:n>'~.. Any S(nlcIU1';;$ or impnwernenlS {;'()iU:Ulli;t~'tJ by Lt'$see ~han ht' rWI1(;q~d by tllli Le~$ee at Lii'''l?e', "ok (O(l:l1 "nd e(p<cnk, by l11idnight on lhe dilY of terrmllulion <l( (lIb /\gre<onl'''nl. or eA\w~k", h,zrt~~)i~ .~)n~tth, hmJ.NiHon:d:. N>' n~~Hr1yas. f.H~ilct it~at t(~ .1ts.c~JH~HH~:.ttt.M .tbc lhn~ {hit~. agre~rn6nt. i~ t"xcru:tcd nHk:.s~)H y~tt. ;:tCC~pt$. in '. ~Nfhlng' tlolivet~1..~f tU~.. pre:rni~$. '. tqge-ther '. 'with .any' strucrW~~$.. fir .i~:nprnverneYrt;; c,msfn~cttd by'Le$$~'c, . P(~rtai,1:;;:: t)X t~.tnr~~)n3;rY~ldveftiHit}g.Mg:n$.:~n:6vrohib.W_.>:d, LeSJd:.c sbdl pern~rm~, at' Hn~ sh~~. izxpenM~. of: J.J11~e<\ -an, wo;1( .tequ\redin' thcVti?Jia:t~nitm .nf the pyopcrty {)y pretnif~~~G rWn~by' h)~s~d, 'for (~C<tlpfu"1t'y ..hy. .lf~$e~~; . ~nd, Lesse~ d~je'$. hereby. ,Wtt:pt. dw .l~~(~~\~d pn~p~rty Of p.rernires 2;S, :n01V 1Jf.;~ng in Ht utidle'n~mt~hk cour.t1tinn1})1:: dlf.llJrrO$e~i of Lt\~$DC~ 7. NQN4)lSCR~Ml1J{!!llQi1: 'f111l !;J,,~e(; a(KJ Les$<JT agn..'C thut thaI:' will be n() di~eril'1il1;HiNl 'lgili1l$( ,my P<Z;S()!l. The Le%cc and Le",~(}r t'\;p~e \0 oollWlywab nll F~~kra! 'Iml FkJTi(k Stataks~. atx{i all .10c{HOnhmmt~s).$;~..ttppli~~bk\.1'~laHn:g. '\6 t~ondi~~~rixnifwth)n, These.Jntludc.hut .m'~l~ot limh,:d t(:>: ,) Titl<: <,iJ <.f,he Z>vil Rights Aet of lW4 {I'L 88,352) which pmhib;l~ dL~c)"imjnatioi1 <)n the 11"". ,l( nl<ce, C,'hT I'll' m\tlO1.i,l origin.: 2) Ti1l~ IX vf the E(hl~"li()n Am<",dm"nl <11' t<in, fll; :im~l1(kd <:20 use tS \f,\iJ..1MH, and 11\85 ...jH;6), which pWhlhit,' di:'lCTimirulim\ (lU thi: hasls CfSli>;; 3) See'lion 50... of .~:he. Rvh~(1)lHt;;~th}g A-.::t ()f .19f3~ .~~;;lnlended (2JJUSCt. 794).. \vhlch. prqhihit;; (NSl}nrmn.~H1<H:1 on the bil$is p(hlmdk:ap,: 4) The Ag": Di,'cnminr.lkm ACI ()f ;tri5; as ami.;Ildd (42 use $" f) l()!-6WTl \xhkh Pf(lhilli\$ <.li.,,;rimin;,1im, i!!, l\1e h.l1>is oj' age; 5) 'Ow Drug Ahu~~ Otlk~ nmi Tno;"imiint ,\c'l (jf 1972 WL 92-255). ~B amcnde,'t..J~b:ting..w .n{'ndi~vd:rnlrl<.~Hl:}n. rm dn~..ba~j,.s()ldrt(g .ahu5e~..6l.T])e. C(nn'prCll(~!W1Vt ;\kckm.l i\buS0. mni /~~k(}h<) Hm~n. PrGv'e.nflQD., Tt'~aJnl~Hl. amJ . ~)l!~~bUhM.fO:n.. ;\cr (4. ~.~no. {.PL . ~),'t ~6 '16\ U~ <1\1-1e:nded, rehning l(}noqdi~~rbnina;,ion. (:m .th<.,h35i$~>f~t{;.d'HJl. nhlJ~~~.. oralCr>f.htl~jxfn;'l) Th~:. Puhlk. jJ~a h.h ~~~h~n:'Jc~A,ct {}f i.911~ ~iJ, 523 ~n:d 52} {42USC.ss. . 690dd/j.:Jw:tl .290ee~3J, ~W.Hln~H<kti>. rt1~tin,E".{\) cOY1l1dcnt"j";f M ..k",\)()} ami dnlg abus" pmetH WJolds; $) Tit1t v{Jl or It,,: Cidl RijihJ$ Ai;, 1)1" .1%$ (:\2 \:1'8('<*, ~N seer )~n$. t~{ftend~d.:. n~ltlt:ing t{l nOl:di~~crhn.hh1tkm. in. tht". $uk<~ n:~~>t~11():r. ftnan.cingnf hou$it1g~ .9) .n~e ~\mer~catHs, wHb..njS~1hHiti~S.i\'t df 1.990 {41,VSC ~iL12?1. N~iW)" H$.Jn~y tK~.~n11~~nded i)'om .tl:rn~ to !.~n'e" ftlatingt~> rKrndi$cn;:ninat~tln bused of d.i~~thlh1J~,. 10). Se~;$, .l3"101.~..c-l$,eq,~.\'tonxo~C{~unty. (~)(ic~ rdHttng tt>. th~writni11{~.ti<}}1. h~s(;ij. on. .r~lc.e~ ct)}~;)r,,$tx~ . rd:igion~disabnity....n.AE(Jfual.origi.n,:.anr;t:stf'~';.. ~WXH.a} ()r~erHa.b:m~. gtmd{!!' ..kk~ntHy (1f .<~Xf~f~~:s.i<rn:>HHniH8f. st~~tus .{)f' .ag~;1.1).i\ny . c{ht~:r....~ondk{<,tiJrd.r~~lti<)tl' provi$b!Vl in :my fi<deral <'>1' "taW naHllt'l' w/ridl tl1(lY q~rly \(> lhi: j)..n.kt \\1, Of the $ubje,:t ll>imel' of. lhl$ ~gW<'SrilK:.nt \';. l'1<:RMINATION, Hyatt mill' lreilllhe L~,,~<?e in Jefal.lll <lwl1\;nn\nMe lhb Agr~'ermmt inun~dlr;ttdy" \viflwut. pr1orn6Ncc; upou thihJre. of.I,~~;.'{e~,..ti}.d:H'nfsly. .\';;tt:h...~-t~y...prb\,<i$ion .{~f.....~.hi~ Agn~crncnt. A.fter Hit:. 'inhhd.. >three..tTH:rntll. t{;rf!l~,.. !A;,t$(X::. atayt~:~r.mi.natc .lhh. Aogret':1l1e:nt. tipnn.. givingdlirty dil;J$ ptkw \~<rht~1n noth;e tnHy.Mt. 'J, DEFAVLT. WAIVER Tlle Wil.iw:rt>\' the Lessee ()r l!w L.,SSN d'MltcUW iymiwiol! (k1t t.nnstitw(;$ " dd\wh of an ,)bllgationll.mlw (his Agt'~11e\l1 dt)@ 1'0(;1 waive al1mher ddi1ulH:>f tl1m (\1' anv other obHg:atit'fn,.. ' ll). A&<:>lGNMENT. The l.CMOO maYlv$il$sign th!s Agm~mel1t <x "llsign.Nsuh<"i:>i\lruc(lmy d' its l)l>1igi\lbns wlfkr ,bi~ Agl"'t.'l'1l1l111 'Nilhml' ;h~"rrmv,ll ",{ HY~l\t. i\H .lh"()hligmkms (,{ ild$ Agfe~r::1cr;t wiHtxtendw arId. hind. the .1$ga! r~'Pf~~:SentaHves.;.-stlctessot~~~1)d a~$igns;:j.ft.h(~ .I);;$m~e.*nFt the LeS~VL 11. SlmnIUH)\il\]lO."I, :This Ah=m,:m is SUb(lfllina\e t(l ,he b,v\lllnd l'eg'UIMi()n~ of the Unilli\1 ~ti\1es, (he Stale t'f Flmid.., !tncl th,,: COlm(y, whetl1er in effe~1 tln eommCl11:C!11ent of lhi$ kaf.e or ll<kple<.1 dkl' that date t.:L lNl~()'NStS'f.EN(:Y~ /\rry H1}m,; C~.l~1dj%k~rl .i).1' vhhg:afi<;~1ofg"'d"~A.t~tc<:::rnf.f~t thHt i~ n, c<:mf1,k:,twhh the ~,wm~ lb{~cl in thh~ p:ar{.tgHtphi~. -:S:Hp<.;r~,t':(kdto tb~; ~h;teriJ ,::1' {h~> MYHJlkt i 3. GOVERNING Li~'VSjVFNtiE, Jhi" Ailjv~mi:n\ i% 9,{.\V"m~d h', llw hi',., '.>i\L, 5tn;;: "I' Fk~rl(b:):fld th~; - "Oni.Wd. S;;;;:,,"',\r ;ti;;'''~i~i';;;;;h~,~)ut~ .~~Si,flg: -1~tder'1hi$. A&I"t.~riH:::nfHlu~t .be - it~ ,~,,..h)tH~<1~ (:\)~~,n1 y~ _ Flcdda, h: the r.;vent _ i)f. ~'Y l~tigahDn~ .thcl;::. pr~~\:'dJIng. p~trty is ?:ntltl~xJ to . U - ~\::::<t;.\(jTlmh.: . Hf:t~}rnit;/ ~ ~<~h mHl <X'clSj:~, t .t. iNOfMNIHCATION- TiFf L'f.$5~e \5 (\ rdi\iCl'\ <;\l\'"iivj.ion of the "HI;;: .\lhj'Cd 1<' nnl~tt;dl;~~bdhy ~m.d.~~l' 'S7(.t~<:2-S>F.$" ;WJ m:ai:ntJ~inK -aih.;<~UU1oht~urftnc& - (~} -. N~p<YHd - - f9. UHY hubihty' in <.);:~~e.!,;~ ~h"(:n~tsf "1\,) the; es1.l.'i1} aHtl:~t'>ri2:w by ~}6S,}S~ J\S,~.1.:e~~~et:;:.5h::t.n: '-in-dein.l).lfy~Juf~nd..~~ndh<Hd h~~tn~,k~~t; .. I{~s:)<)r~. M~d:L~'f,~(W~5.. 2g;t)~:lh\ :. trH$li!:u:::~.. ~XttH{Gt;;~;.... 'pd':~(}l~~J. 'rt;~}re$~n:wl~t-t~L:.. %eh~uU. .partridJ, h.U:li.t~t~..p~lt~:~~<~n;~ (IE;J id.tJrnuy"hl'.t:'~:ct:, .t>r:{,~t'!d. th>m ~~ny .~md.;1:U. nn~$:, cbitn~:~ :d(~tn.m~d$~ 1~~~h~htY,0'(>~t. {,'):r CKpi;H~t . {iiwhtding, lmt .nQt .1iWHt~d .1<3.. fttb:~tr~t~yl5 . Hcs} :attd :C*l1$~~${)f{\<ti(:tt~6fe\>t:ryr~~i~'H:t\(Wlti.f.j~\~~.r brf.}llgh~by .aHYrt:~t$("n. ("r: cnt.hy'~ itd-Si-n@i)f.&;"tJW.iog . (!:Ul. (~f+ . directJi Of. indin:xjJy~ .tht> . JoHow}ng:. n,) nw~ {;Y:CI1P'$$.t1t)n <,)rus-;;; {yf ~hQ 'P:teJni~~',;)~" ~.:':lr.fh~ l"tn)pt';rty.and. U"(~"ty. .raJt.fhen;o.r.hy:t.,i~$~;~G" (H.). <mybn:;~~thf)r "!"'~~:)hH~)n of thh; L~~iM::hy r:t~s$e:c~ .Qr fih)th:e- vqndJl~t.~>f.Le~,~t$5.. bmiJn~t~~i'x'f~.Z:pt.w~:h~'+.$gwtltthc:cia~n~~> ~K;Hon;::;, . ~;l1H~i.,~S . of w;;{i;)~t litig~1ti{).n1 pnl'~~~ding$; . ,:.:x;:st~.. Drt"x.re~'~se$. ari~:.t:; . Jr<.rm th~. inh:;..nd.iX~~d . ;)1' $it",!;;: m)~gltg~nt a<:l~ ~)r. (~1't~h::si~):ns of J:,t$~or. or.. ~ny t~f l.,t:fs~}r\\ el11t'k)~j{;;~s~ag.e-nt%~, ~,t.H'\lnKt6rs ,~r i:nyit\.~;,::tF'}f ~~n p~lrrf~Sf~~ nj' the :b~,jmnrdfi.~~fltkm:..gr;a.n~.<-:d .J~~~r<~g't, .{h<~ .(laim$" dt::~r:Ml(h;~ .(!~;J$:orn~nJ$xh}:~t;~ {)fl,;;;:':i&h:\=> ~~<r:::tr~h~'t(~r;:".~~rnpk:<:Y'i.>d;", (tg.i;:;-~l{:i:.,.1~~~f'i~lnts~. ~pif;sti,~::h~:~r:j:~~. ~~x;,d .i11\"'h~~.eff :1h:tn ..h;z ~16(:~::H(~d. t<~ b<,:.1:h<~:-;"e ~:sfth:~ b;~.}$.,;~'~;. )$. CONSTRIX.TIOt'i, Tbb ""g~"tm\mt ha~ bi'en ;;ardhlly """iew',:<llly the lA'N"'" :m<l <,i~<l ("{}tnlty. "rb;~fdh:'c~, Hxi$ Agre(:lxl(:f~t. t~.: rwt: tol:>-t C<~ft!itntf:;i:;~g;~~il}$X :J~)~t -p:~H"1:Y' {)'H. ~:he h;:t~b(~f~l],~tlWr$hip; it:. NCffICl?S, 'Noti~(-:.f; in thisAgr~i.~nl;!~1t u.-iik$soth(!r,.vlf)~<%pt:cj{h:~di lrm~:t b~ ~ent hy \..i'ftiflx,.Q rm:d 10 the.jbllQw'J.ng: Lt;fiQfL !'ly:aH ~~nd Hyatt 1m:, 17(i21. Sl,u-lhh L~lJC W(\H SugH~k'<iif Sh~rrt:?S:> ,F.L 33042 1,h);<i.Vf N1t}ftxoe (}(){mty K.ey\Nest Intrirmrd~H'Hd AJrpon :liI9) SnlJ1l1 Hoo$<l\'d! Blvd. KfZ:y\Vt;')l~.fj, .3,J040 17. FVLL UNITERSTAND!NG. '1'1\\5 Ag,~eme\1ll$ tl1~ p:M\i<l';' IlM) multKl\ undtn'!(ll'1Jlllji.. h rcpbzcs allY <:ilr\1cr I.\W<'"ll1(.m!~ "I' IllJ<"i<'I*'hll1di11,fP, whether wnHcl1 Of ,~nil. Tl1b AgrctllJ~1l1 e<ll1ll(,1 be Tm.>d,~fit..-J ~~;rtet)1.~cs;d. t\7:.t~~pt: by :a:nMh~'t t~TiH6nftn-rl.$:~MtUxl<!gl:e<...lrl<.~;~H. IS, EFllECnn: DATE. rhi$Agr~$lll$1!1 willJah,dT~dul1k~.x .::1, 2C{!!L fN \VIT'NESS 'V}{FRH(}F~ ~}~i.dl.ra~'1y:h{~s <;:~ws~d.thi~,Agru;~n1#K {9 ~~. .ex{t~Hed by.ds duiy tn1th0d?:~-d ':'tp:f~'::;$tnt~u.\\'\~. ($Eh.Lj ArrEST: DANNY L. KOLHA<.}V, CLERK BOARD Of COCNfY (:OMMISSIONERS Of \KINR()E COUt'iTY, f LORn.lA .By