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Item N6
BOARD Of' ('OU"lTV {:OMMl&.~tONERS AGf:NllA !TEM S!.'''4MARY t-.:.1;;:~ting.DHk:,:~"ta); ]-K'2t'Aki Blllk ken;: Y",'s l)i,i~"m: ((HiNT\' AITORNL'( SuiT C'Illi;;;l Pers.<m: 'N,,!il1<:llt \V CM$~1 1.<:1<7<illA .!'fii~i \\i(}Rl>IN(.: ~.._.,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'''''' "" FirM All'i'mdnwm m ,4d,;,~ncd Oal.<; S;:,hJ1i<mK b;~, ApN(?mel1! f Hll-555.2,%7AkJ, lh;: ~.~~~ffXH~~ (:W~;<~rr~wt}ug 'zM{iNdh~t' s~~ri~}tf::~Ul~l' kt add. rttdn.~~pN.ifit~}j., r~~g:atd~nw th~ billing0f <~:X11mll;t'~~; ...',..........,,-........'u,..,..............,,.'u.'..................""...'.'...............'u.'...........'.-....-;.'.....'.....'......,...........'...'.'..,..'...........'.w, .'.....w...'".'..,.'..,.,.w.y.w......,...w....."......^w.........,~_~~'w....,..,..w~..^""'..w>...y~...." ITf:M BAt.'h.GRO'CNI): 'fhL;.h. art1nlin~:h1){~rd .t<). im .l\frd;i~ltmt. tfJH i':5S5wJS67A,J.h~ rrcob#~'~ang~Su_rI~ort ~<nd SJ-r'l,:\t:t." 'fh~:; ./t~lf,~~.rn0:(~tw~ii. p{){~r<}vb:1' at tht. bif.~f.ii.>x'}d,rig in, i\..pdl.1Jh)K" .Aj~i:t th~' .A.gr~~rn~nt' >.k{i$@pph:ttvd,tw tht) IJQCf\.it )!a$, })d~cd. trmt t.h~fr, *f~t~ # '~{~,V?t1~:r'$ erRV. in Ill<, .\1\!\1:,\)(:r ,}fth" S\l,k <jW,"l1't \~lld !)lle p~mo"ph rd"ling 10 ltilvd "'jle!l?<'-:": "fwd<l h" dilrl i'kd, Ths Am"'H<lm~ll~ m!lk~~ \h{,,(' lldjw;:1l1'G!1k. Tkl<' h lW d'MW' k ilK <~'w;\n"l ~Hn/HJnL ,................ f'RKVHW8 REU;;VA'NT Boer "CTmN~ '!'''" Sj'^ '1'<<'", ",\' ,",,,,j'I"" k, ,'''" ;\"tM'"~'1.1'''ji)1.;:, ,",:',>{,!'" <M I"~"~ ""ll"'l"\;~" S'ljJW' ~ un;,:; ,~' };,O~"~~;.:~;(;;,~^, ~'$-"t'{. .....,~ ~~.< ,~~..... < ,'r.:~.w{.-~~>,"',',< /~". . '? j ,W,'.'~: ,,"II. h:,~ t.~, <"':'. :~' h< ...,<->,.0:,,:.-.. ,..,- " t. .Ju and ~krvk:". whkh W(l~ llj:lf'nl"e<l h} 11\" tlOCf' in Aj)6.l20(lfi, CtJN'fRA<<i5i1A(;iiitihiENi~<i.niAN{,nr;s'~w<<<<w<""'''<<<<<,w<.<<,<<"<<w<<.<,<t<<<<<<,<<<"",,,,,._.,,_<<<<,,-._,M@. Con~~,diJn.. h "fJmd~ j~) t:h0 }~tilnfgl:"{)f the 'S~Mqt)h~llnk;t. u~:~da .pufJgritph l~\%~l:rdh~.fl t:'xrwt~~W~~ ht~~'; lK~'naciJtJ,~l~ T~~:ld'Hihgkr'6fthw/\.grt;>krnefit_f'e.H1iIti~ t:tieManwc, ;:+>~iif'lif:(;tiiir;i~:Nl)X-Tf(jFi.s, ';;;;~;\''''~l ,..."..-.....;...;.;''',w"''''~__......'c~w-....... TOTAL COST: $!R5.4~$,;tS BunGETH):,\"f;S_A__:"O ___ COST TO CO'UNTV,$18S,43:U!\ SOt}!{('Ji; (W H!NtlS: Ad Vllkm:m AR'PHOVHI R't': .so ")i",,, AMOVNT fER MONTH",,,,,,,,, y~",:"w""".. (:mlilty Ally;S _, Ol\iiIlll:'ureh2j;jli/1 .",,,,,'" Rl~k M;a~a(l~IMlIt"___, R~:VfJ"n; I'ROnrClt<iG; viS IJfVt'HON OJRYCfORAI'l'RO'i'A'L: ."u."'".'u"u".'.",.'."."..".,",.;.",,'~,~.'. n'n'.'.''-'''.'' ......... .n'.- S"'j;jiM' A. H~n"r. ')("',..".,'''''','''., 'T,' ""f''',' '.' " "j " " " ~. .~~ ~.. ,~'~_K;;:~._'B:~ _:l";'''C .m~~:uu~:~-,-<:~~ ~'m:~.....t:qidred~...,..~ ))hI'OSrrW;'<i; .'........... ......... .~. ... ... ..~." ... .....,...,..,."',.,...".."..,.,,,~,.,",..,,"",,. ACli':!'fPA h~ll>1i ..\t$ t~:t{" bt.>\_~~~~I;t8;t m Aw.-<'-"M~l':ti;~ 'H);h]~!!:~Z5i;1A Fl.li$f AMENPMENT TO AGREEMBm' BE'l'WEEN MONROE COUNTY ANn ADVANCED DATA SOUJ"1'lONS, INC, FO'R rr CONSULTING, AND SUPPORT AND SERVICE (Cont:rnct Nu.mb<lJt' 101.555.256711.) THlS HRST AMENDMENT tht<Jd the ........... day of.............".. 200(' to the Agr<:1ement between Monroe C,lwnty ("COU}~lTt'la.nd j~dvanced Datil So1utiotl..~, Jnc. l"ADS"l for iT CommlHng, dated the .i:t;:'dl~Y of .Ur",L.. 2006 iil lor i!1" 1>Ullm~e ('I cOr!',,,::ti<1li\ sCJ:i\',"n"'r'~ <~rr<.',r'" &nd kr chlrificatlun ~}f p&ym~mt of cX~:nses~ ThlTNr:SSr:;TH: WHf;RI'~AS, O!~):?'"j i Vi .., ' 2006. th~~ COUNTY a~(1 ADS 'lllt.,r<<d int<, an '\i,'Te<~ment for n l.;om;ultmg, ~n~cl:' and Sl:ppoJ't, \lWl1 A[',l'<>f:nwm. aluQ ...ektn~d to Nl Contract Number 101..555.2&61A; and ViHftREAS., COUNTY and ADS have become aware of a IK'rivener's error in the A14n,,,!nen~; ;,md \,jHEREAS, COUNTY :md ADS Wilt)[ tQ d<!J'il'r t.bl:' pnKech.lr'1 For p<lymenl of ,.(,....;\lin ~xj.'>t'n"N,; NOW THEHEFORf~ lN CONSlDf~RA'l10N ()f the lnuju~~l promh""li o<.mtained l:H"reil~. tl:w rani.es nf>reby iI.gre" a$ followa: 1. Th~ State Contract number cited. in the Ihuftn Wh~.l'eil.~; Ch"U%f. h. i!l(1)ITC'X, The State CO,guwt nutnoor ill< J:wJ""by corrected to read "Stat" <c<lnt.ract #973-561-04-2:' 2. P,"ragn~ph 3.11-\X!l1toU2,,;\!2fL 18 anwndt'd to read as follows; "3. P6XktKNTS TO ADS A. COUNT'(':> p,:j'J!;rxrumc", and obll,ylttnn. t" poy under this ogn't'Hltm.t, is eont.ing<mt up<.ln annual appropriation by the !30$!U of Cmmty C,-lnw\1hsion",rl>. .8. COUNTY shaH P'~Y in acc,lwrmce with the H<rddo Prompt ?ayn:mnt Act; lXfjlJXlelH ,,;il1 1J", mwle per:k;<Jj{)l.'l.Uy, but no m~)re fre<}tl.mtlY than munt.hly, in artl:'tlrs 1M. herdl1,nftN $et lonh. C. 111i'S Agreemont faills under the "pllr,gy back' pl'o~io:;iorm of M(mnJ<~ CQunty P\lrol1am:ng Polky, thett1<jre an pnymellts ~,h"\U lnll.t,;h paymi:nt$ lAnder thc St.alk Omtract .#9'1J.561A14<.:!; Hnd D. ADS {iha.ll subm.1t 1.<; County 8)1 invv",,,, with t'OPlYxting J,)(Owmcnt:MJun Il.ccepwbk, tn t1<,; Ck'rk 011 a ochedll(t~ ms 5et. forth in thl:' ARH'Cmt'l:lt, iuvoices shall include docun\t,ntatilln to suppmt t~Xp<m."'\l' llncluding hut n,n limited tv tnwd, hotd, r,er <l.km ;:ooull and uer'\!l<:t's under price sb(X~t$ Ol.ldin,\d in the State C<,ntraCl A!'t'll 3 und Area 4. I nt'(')<.;"6 &hJll dehnealte en')\1#1 infnrm,,-1.ion '<0 tha.t the <':1erk eu" rnutch the d,;b F"m.ily, ,Job Number, ,Job Tirk and hour]'\! ralte to th~, SUitt" C,lfltract. - E. The lwudy rate paid 10 ADS sh..lll;x" (H a lnil>;ltmnn. tl1(~ mld rat,-. f\guro;>, (;1;> ",,\ ~i\l\. on lJH' prke "heelS Qr if no und. rat~ ill ii\'$jla.bk flt the n~'1\t mte below the t.op raig, and at nQ time shall COUNTY rmy the top nak for any &lIvi<~:' under the Stat(, Contract, ,k()eptahilily tn i.IW Chnl, is b"w,~d (>n pnwil'lk>ll* <>f the St",te Contr~td, gel1('tlll1y ilO<^-eptNJ ilocounting pdndpk1> mId such l",w~, ruiN' lilnd r<:'gulatlonl'l ,tl, !llf('i !\ovem the Clerk's dillbur'U'Il of fWlIh, F. 'rota} C\1m~,nsation t<J ADB qnd."r this Agl'f.~"m<ent sh,~11 n(>1 t~xt't:(xl One Hundred tmd Eighty-five Thou sand .rud 1"))\13' rnm.dl'<~d 'll,J;-ly,FI'-'''' Ool1.rttil liln6 o15jcenm ($185,435.25), COUNTY and ADS recoguir-e t11,,!.1. there An: mlt~t"'ndlng invoke1\ which srwuld l:lf: paid under the pr~"k'\I~ c.~nl.rad> and .lgn~'" thOlt tl1<'1<I, $hal.l J.){. .subrniw,d to the (\.\Wly /\!torney "'~th bi,-ck-up d.ooumentation for r<wi.!:>"" flnd ~h$jL >,vn<O:I'<' uppmptiflk, hi: 11<,jd under this Agn::emem, however, Ib~ total contrAct mnounl shull nnt e~:('~ffl One Hundred and E;ighty.F'iHl Thoulmnd and F'ml.l' hundred Thiny-Five !),'1.l<lIHlllm1 25/c(:11t$ {$185,435,25), induding any puymr'm un the outslandinginY{Jke$, G. 'l1le l:'$pews<;'i\< "'\leh 1\('1 travel, per diem, meai:;., mikil.ge, h')tc'l, or akfllre i\<hllll be paid <lcc'xding tt, n()ridl' St$tut<> 111 and <lccording W Chapter 2 Admit1iatrr,ti()'1, Ar1.ide XXVI of the Momo~ CQUnty Ot;t.Hn.a~'t~s:.~~ .... _ .__ _ _ ,'........ ___ ... .... ___...,," .."..'.. ... ..;. .._~_ '.'...,^ 4, The l'ermuning tern:lIl of the 1\grecm\!nt enwr",d i.t1w on b!c';, 1 t~ 2QU6. nOl inc<l.t1~h;I.('I~ t b,)rewith shHll t<,m,un in h"H force and effect. ' iN WITNESS Wi.!BREOF COUN'fV Jllld ADS h<:,r,w1 rul\'~ eXl:><:ll!<xllhb ,\;;,.t'~"',en! o~ !h" da)' noci ciat" f1nt wrilkn ,,1>1"'. ;" {l:1"( (4) C()ul1ktpm'\;, each d whkh ,h;;ll, will'Qll! fu"(><,f;.>f" a~<H.mt.~ng., tiX{hcuth~ ~QtUl~(!rpartS)b<~: dt~~,tn~d _;)Jj (wiginud~m~tH:h11ent l~) Jht;Agl'tt.'rneHt. (SEt,!.) ,\*%1' fN,XXY L. KOLHAGl\ Cl.ERK By; .....iiCpl.iiyc"ierk ~11t ",,"~---,~,"._"'.,~. Wi1t!"S'~;; to/.~D~' C '.1 "<.,' E' '''''''';'''''''\ ..... ~.::'~<<~"'~~"<':;-,,,,<w~.,(.~..:::~,.<,,.<,~.~.,~~;,.., Slgilill1m: Dill,,; 1,,\ I)""" I t. A " .......:f.O"V:'....,....<:'"'Mon;-i"t.;,...;,;...........w.w ., /1 . _/" / ' ""1 ,_J ../ " ''''r.r ".. N'Y' 1 . f '/"""', "f"..:\ .J; F.'" I, ",i "__, ;(.~~2/<', ~ "<_."." ..;-i;/"(;:;v"'(":{,,,,, . . ",^,~''''''N''''',w....,,''' ,'.' '.>'.. .. y., $:inn-a,n}re.. .... ":. .. / ..". j~ DaJe: . "<'{/1<')..J:"},j,,_ "~~-~-... .._,_.,..",,,;,,,-, .?~'::;:~: ;):';';~'l( ~,V}t';::::<'-:F, C{Ai:'.(I'>.' j, '[c1 ~':} :::":~ ::j:;) ;;: -:.... :;:.::;. i}.:~\::::;~:: AG~ B~MOHQECO'ONn AD AlWUCBD DATA oownoNs. Ufe, FOR 11' OOom.".!.'mG AND 11:' SUPi"ORt'AND BtNIClt (Contract N\ml"ber l.OH'i51;i-256'tAj 'l'lll$ M>RERM!!iNT, ltltt<% arx1 el1l:ffi'A llltfllJ\lE1#.H1AY oHpdl, 1000, by un<\ lm~n \fOMWE courm, a jlOlitk;al ~'lbtl~ 4f tM $tal~ of (,l<"iJi' fCOUNTY'L "'noo>~ (:~d:d,P#:W j$ .I. tOO Sb.100tt)ft Strwtl 1<~y W<%t> Ffurida -:J~WJ4QS! *nd ~td~~w<~rl D~:tla t%1"1k1>~,, be" i!\ lI'~ C(>fplm":'"", wh("I<(' f.\,kl't<<~~ if.< 1"' 1 &:~t1"t 0~uk<ia"", i:kk A, <.)td$m~:tr, -F1::)J';:a~,~(?17 tADSo:tj, "Wl-H~Rl~}&~~. At}i~ $tnd C;)\Xt-ln' mrux<<11n~~ ~~, :pt~~ro~~~ $~~~~~i,t{~ kk:~,tiik:d t.~:1 ;':Proft%~kmru tkrd~ 4Zl~::~n~:~.)t'ootw~e~ -M~m.'<<!: C~~tAri~ .~rn~ l~dv@rt:;.~d t~lt~ Soh.~,t~~it,::l> tn~i..~, (:tmJnM*- riu.rtft~' :HH..~>$~$.256{'~ te.n:.H.tl~t N'U:mh<:'f HH "SS..:;,~2:~A,T't whkih w'a* t~~tt:::md ~ntt~ On tb::J~tb day (.i:r Mextit>t:f" 2(ro~; r.md WH$f<W\S, UtW (,~otmrt Numh<'. ltH ,!Ril,,1S€7 11M ?r,,<y~,n to hI; f"'OMI;oUl:l:k <h~f..': W .(.Hm~~:~:rvt~~ d:iffh;~:.dijt% iUu:! l~.tnt4gutti~ hl ~ltted;trtrtatkm ~)ru~>",: tt';~~W_$i: d::H1~.*: ml<llDzWNt,,; ~nd V:lIU<:-RKA;B~ 1~,DS'~1~~ COtjNJY'mt~tt3.any ~W1'.e M- t~:rtni~latti <:'\mtrd-C1 :rhtm0er- 10 l.~~)5~~2t>t):l;: And WHJf-Rr~~ A-t}S n~~~ t%:;t~r.ed, iuw a c{mt~t With t~ h1~~~:t 0f ?n~,dda~ kntm~n _~n Sl:~<~~ ~"\m.tl'1AA~ :i~~~n:p)s t..{j4"~~ ~tItled IT Crn~$tdtl:n~, ~~~~. rSt~k CGntJ:&..t~L ~~nd whkh ;:::;:l:-rl ~ }<*>:::::afoo. ~U: M:y'.f11(l<rkt-l~.~::..'..W,:: ~d. ~N}Hn.uM$~ AUa: i8 a qua1~fi~d w:t~clm: ur':;;;k:::- t~:qj:t:t;~: A-~*::: $ a3~d Pr~jt:~t~'~. Ar~~- ~, :::;:1' tht.~ $'%.Zt.': Z)(':ntni~t: a--td Wl'{}UUI,\,'l, I\l)S ~"4 CODI.'T'( "W-w. t,~ ,mter itlw thi~ il#1"~'''''t>~''(' W ~'<.'",k n ~t::,~rt t'.,$ld ~'k.""(~ .t~> the, '@$rk,ua C!)i~nfY <futmtim~~~t$ :n~l$fm:?,. tn thf; ,t~}~~h:ad(:d aSM:!:%~ t~ IT ~p~~rn~!dit>Xlt: D:nd .; 't{.ow ""N-j}~,Rr*'o-Rg,;. ~n >:~.<m.~kt~mtfun >:){ .g~,w::: mMt1x~1 (',:('~ti~nt$ W1'<i :vn>~d_$;fsm:t~ >I:,tl*t?U'1*:::d h~.-t:i,~ < O~* t),:iU~'1Y ;~~':id, ADS ~l.gl~ ~l!~l :~~~1W~; ~ft;~~s: t:O'UlilTI ,~i.~~' AD$. h't:':'tttw., f!~~t ~l~~~ """W(ler1\',h')1, hrt'~llatkr set km:jl, muru"lly "V't'" M iK'>l\(W<': 1, IHl:At!I{lmM~ltT Th<< }\~",mer<t ""'nllt~t" cithlli QI)(;'t1nl>ent Mid \tt ~jil:>il$ or.;:, A>ij! athe,' A#."<<me"t1\ b,1w"~,, ADS "w.: '.XfUNTf >1m '~f"te :inMf<{ff,dt<l1i ~m~llis ,ocrt ,,1-d) tw, "N,d, int.erpn,."::~1 ~d Mltl.1t:{~d :a~ W::fparatoo:inili::~wtt<tts:nt *W'~~t'$. Ttd.~ %:~H.m~}.~nt ~_'l:::plt~(<ti> "!l~~~J: -(;mxt~~~1 ~:m~~~n~d itM@ l~w~tm /),P{~ ,~nd t;XH;:'trr~{ <~''lX the 16th day tr.fft~jemht.'r',. ]U{tS~_ ~...t!~~J krtt.'fwn <<*{:->,>nttl~N ~~rntm:f ~~n'.~x~,,:;;g:::Wt', $$j:d ""Nrad xkg t<ff'""il1atd ty 0l:\lba1 il$"~Ol:~,"" "eM>S ~l",l the (X)l)",'l'Y ?, ~'{'<()!'E C" ~"", WOt:>v .~,)j'.._..,.....""...,~:.,,:!:,;.,w,r.:::,..,............~~ /~.:1)S wW pJ'e':.J'kle fr' .euppmt m:~d. ~ce, to tIle {?ounty"wuse apph(;,fdoo$ ~:nd "~.afn~&<t~'tAA:,W,tt'i wonk$). a~tpr:'~:>,rt. f1t~ :Caunt~fn' __ fT ,~w;t:(id pJMf011n~$ '&:r~{llt;:::r:fh::i:~re, 'This:. A(t.~~H~i>2'$l-~- .~~Wt~~ tQ ttm'~~~;&,~:ktu ~mpf.x':T>> >:~tJ:r j:~_wh0xn~ ll~~~laH~.ltt., :tlft%:~;n,;:';fn4 df:::h:ljt-:r.,.. ~")f ~t<<~ ~:t.tu~l f.:Y~~'1f.;;.. <~~~ki:':>::t: M(;i~.'~;'&:,;.'J%?"/~ "'--"'.. :':;(X' .<':';~~1-:~': f ~dnNt\.~>( r:)~.~N'::"( ,~.~-: '::o_t<~~ ~::),:~ :}: ~:'.~. " ~ ><~:;:::;?s'!_ llOO ',dl1 pnwlrlt j to;: 'illl.l'1t>y= tWl;> tjm~ !< mol'll1>- At),"; will al00 provid{) the Ci,unty }\<ir,,-,,";.tt~l:m' with l! wllt,lh~y .tf;port whkh will dtttiMl pt~'lY-~ in th~ ",,',mty if Dq..mroMi:. tl;~ ~l! j$ 1<>1' ttl" {:t'W'~ IT ~!""rul<l!.1~ ,<< t,,"")m~ ,,~if ",,1fi"'e"~. Th~ R~port. j>h~ll be l'<lu,<"liXl Withltl 130 day" ,.t thtt 1,,$ day <>f each "w)I'Sth, ,"d~$! wntt<ffi eJ<,:eM,on of \1<" Itm" f<>r $uhmi~~iofi i~ giv<m by the C.t>Uf.lty A4mhlilltrntw jll''''l' ,il lhe d~m3 the Y<e:polt ~$ <hae. ~;" ~&YM~fmtTtt~: 1(. C(AlNIT'S perfuw1ll:.ee and oblig#l'l1i to p$Y utllttrlhi$ $~lelH, l~ O>ll.ll1lg.;ut "llel1 aumtal appn'p1~. if! ili~ B<w4 ()i (X;f.l11t~ C()lll.ti\lool<lI:\"'r~,. B. COtlmY @.!tl1 pay Ul woordatlce Wftf, lfl":florid.. Pmmpt i'$ym,mt Act: l>l;)"1~",.lt ,'0n he made ?<,~a11J', but 00 m01~ il"~t1'I1li.y 11~1i i<ID<lthly, '" lUi';~' "" (l<'reindttr ~"t footh. c. nri~ '\gl'lli<;l:o""t (idle< uni.l<>.,. th~ "plm' hlwk' w~<:>n~ d Mom',,,., ("',ll.1\:: I'm "l1&oltll1r :l'<tlky, l.l"'I'>.1<.... Ilil'l'aY'l>!""t" *l~~lI. maid" ~m"tl.M' <.mdti' l.hf, St;l<ft CtHttta(:! #97S~> l....()'hG:J:_ 'a~ld D. Al),$ar.gJl $\;hmU j(, (:'"1"(''''' W~ tnw~ mill ij)JPiWrtitlg d.x'UWf.tlU,tbl\ tl<'<;l'fltable (IS die Cltltk <>n $ $tlhlUltile 4$ ""'I. f<ll't.l\ tn t1>" Agr1lemtr\t, lB'1M<.lm ilwll \l<el'.l,je d,,,",,mer.wtlmi (IS mlpr0l't eXp'Hl!l!)$ {k'c]11dmg; 1:o;;t I'm limit..ad 1(, 1""'1"" h<>tel, jX' dem "<lst"i awl ..~'l.'<Iit.,,; urtikr l"i,,~ "'l~ffi O\ltllwd in ttw Sure (;ontm0: ill'<'a 3 ,~nd 1'.",,,,., '1. lnm"'~ $h&l dell",oat<, ml<>uJlh ltl.formatioo $tl tt~J. the ('W:~ eM :rratdl t.l~ Jub l'>il:flily. ,Jut) N'Q",l><;c, ';u1) T1tl~ .md.lmuny nltf t" t.M S1llt<l' Cffi1U11\f.C to" 'be b<pMiy rat'" p;;W ;{, APS1lbill1 be, llt a ~=, the mid rate {i@ut~ a~ ~~t ~tt. ni:~ tlt-t: r~dt~, *h.~ta (,~r ';:'-l:te -rnM"n~h* 1~ ~v~~~bki~:t me ~ r~f:e bd(tw the t~ c"ro, ,,,n,t "t 'l<ll.\'l\e "hall <::auN'f'f 1>i!f 11>~ t"l" "n~ fur ~ =Ace u.tl<k.r th" St",. COl>tt'$,'I., l\<'~J'tabllity w 1:l:w Cler1< i$ ~d tl:ll ~Akm1l of ~M Sl>>.W G~n~"",t; !F-'l<:1'Il1!y "",,~(;ed a<Xormili>"g prindpl<'$ and ~\;d, .l;\'\\m, nl.loo and tl'g\l1'llkm* <3.$ .may ll<''''<nl th" Ckrl<'$ 4fulY~ offul'lda, ~', T~ml {'M1l~tiO.ll ffi ADS ;1"4<<,. bill' i\W:(;C,J.;#llt $imll n()~ q(;t':f,d {},:<, fJ\Hidn~1 f.(t\!i Eighl;Y.Fl\1e TIw'aoo:nd. Ml<l J?Q'-'11wo.dRd 'fhJrty-Fk't" t),}!larz <1.1\d 2Sh",m.$1$l<l$,43li,25i. COUNTY and AJ)$ '"(~x>g;u;m1hat ~ht;re "T~ 'mt(it>m<t'lg i"'''''t<:M '",hkh ll!><",l<llxo ruM 'llld"," u." ",'e'>"'<l~ "",:;trad, ,..",I "g:t~~ HwJ. thtw< .~hlll I", ~umtl,H,"j t," tho:, t;,u"ty i\tton:\(~J with b$'-"'"llp ,kI<N:t1~''l1tatl~tl i,,, ffivW-w ,,,,,,I $11,,1), Wf1fW apj:>f<<l1"iill:~. '''' llWd w;4,,~ 1.hi$ Agl.""n;",nt: h"''''''''~t.. 'liw ~"tl~t i,,,,l,rw;t ammmt >>hall <#:<t !,,u,,,,d. (}'l'" Hunul1'A and :!<::igl,ry,FlY#7twu<i2ild and ""U1' hwldft,,1 'J'hl:t'\;'+'~'e j)<:!lk".~ $ffil ;Wfs;e,!t:~ {$1!l;<;,43b.25}, 'hldl,djrJi( $Xl? tlll,y,rH!t<IU", !b>> m\;Mandli'~' )2)~~~, <\. Xf,;jlM.\li' ;,QRll';gM~l1T Tn'" ~(,rm "r 11,.", Agrlle""-'llt '"""'''''*,<;:.''-1 w, &~ ditt'l' ",1' \)%ocU1il>n 01 the !\1V<"e""""J: My Ill1 the -"aniell, 100h, atl,l <!;,l{\,~ mi. Uw 3"1:11 d~r of g..,j,'&!mller, 20(\<1 'An!>:"" t~nd"'''t,,d fRf.~et t.:tr~et F-I~H.ltt~Jm ,18 {If th~~ 'A&t~Orthtfit ct the tat$ll)Qml~ytl'$8ti(~~1 ~~ 'bwr:n p~t~d ""U'hief:~r")~"f r-~ frtwi, b. ttX;eJ:XMj~Ql!...t'4t1:;.~tX:191MtIft.AP,~ ADS hM, end ~hnll maintain thi'mwjl<111l. "'" (<m" ~,r tms .iW,<""ne"~, <tppr0'ti",~ ~~,~H~~~$~ .i:,~~~ ,*h:a.U ,~t 00) tiat~-f:! ruut$k::!w ~.p~:it:Q<~~l ~'''%~tdU:r ~:.-~dtw tttHb (~mtw{.;,~ m:r",,(;(', {[n.N, 1..<)~..2, l'n*,"u\x$<l\ J Md ~t _ 1-. IN,,,,jf,,t l'U,Jl, IjCm\."~ ",,,d ~~p-pr~~~;\.~~:i?< AA).~n 1M- iml~nyjJt'f..':G_ 1('; .thP.1 Q)-unry' ,U-JK$. teqne:st.. 'J'h" An$ i\@'wa that ti.w Q,;'iilty AJrtm,;ll#;n.."" m.t\~< llettigl.\at<: ~"W""""'t,,:h'%s! '''' ~\~it .1';" AiX'; li",mt}''lk~1 ?<,rlodk-al(r to ~t>,ldUC1: l<1>nd<>m ~?,l:! ili<l ",,;mtatl'Jntl ,h~.bill he MOij-tm-U nt:',$h~~.wz -~Y.i)e.t.~., ~:::,(;>.l::tt~ct. * ~ (H v~'J-~){,.(~t:,.,"'.<-rA 2 ,. :~,;:'; ::::~.: ?,: ~ ;' <' ~~~:: ";, ::;: ~:~'-::.:::~R:"n: ::/.:-l.!~-:i:~" ,(:'1" ~ :): ~ ~l' t ": '.;:- :.. :>,,~ .~:} :2{"::-::' The ADS h,w, ,wd IllwjJ tl\<!i"taln thr':>Ugh&1U the tt1'm (if thil, C,rr,tfl'Ct. 4'1'","priilte li{ml<<~~ ~ltl4 'Wl"ro'<!$ r~quirud 1:(' =dllct iw bU$ir",w>. s;m tl'?'\, it will v:l ult t,.m(,,, (":(tt:~1~~d i~ t1.:~dn~,W #l::-tiYiti~~t; in ;l' r-tpuMMe tn.~~:HWt, 'P'f-$0fm' ~\~,tf~. U>:~<IJHS:~;~ Rod. -l~1~p:t:Q'"~;d:$i ,ih*H <-~ ,~td)mkgt~,.lu) th~: C.ounty' up'('..~J:t :r~(ru:O-$t.. (; 1:L't^;KHL~9RR;;LQEi\D.t ,;\1)$ ,~m:clJ rmidtli,ajn.,~1t 'h(~))tt:~" f~~~~rd.~,:_ l'm4 -d~~u;m~:mt~ ~~inx1h< pert~t~~~t t::~ ;~rfarr{.;;~.H'Kt: 'l.rm1":~t' th~~ l&.wet.:rn~.at in ~jes~,(lrda~'i(::e W~1;h tt-::n:ffll:tBy 8l~<~pttd ~~,:t~~'UHtk:g p:dn{i'piN::, ~~{jn~~it<:I~H:d,~- H~Pf~He;t, g,,*:n, p;~rlY k~ ,tbh .~:i$emmrt (~.. thrir ,,~tdh:Ot~d. r-epJ:'e~nm1h."e~ .h"ll "aw t<'Il",",,,,Jl1e and tl:mdy &X.~"'" ;iI ,!;,;l!;h te!O'Jfd$m ""t'll <:>UAA' J",l'ly t~ tl\i~ Aw(""me'1t fur pu1o>ik 'f<;rord~ rmtpo""s 4WT"'1$ ~h~ tent, ill tho' l\gt<>eiU~r;; .m! t\" k",,. ".,al'~ fut<",,'kg 1.t,~ ;,e;rmltlati<);) (If thf$ Aw""m~tu. ll' an U>.l4hi:lf l""l';!lY~<1 by ,i>f (Aunts tit' G~~.edt ~.rmh:~;c~ that: 'rn:oni~$ pa~d 't~ i\PS p;1:r~m*.nt t(< ,this Atn:*ll~;r~t Wf~rc $pent fm tmr.po~~s net avihmil.t:d- rw thi"$ ~m~Bt~ tbe ADS ,*h:dJ n:::p.:tJ ~h~ 'H~C~:,k$ l('iWttJ~:r ~Ath _h:<l~Wl'rt. <::ul(;~jJ~;~:e::~' p'~AnnM',~~t ~> $en. "5:5. Q5l FS,; ;:rtlXli{lrHg n'~m:c: the -d~,tf: th~~ ~l:!;~:.ji% w-ero V~;d~~ tt> Ap:S, ], F\:8UC/~,;Cj;;1}l<J '1'11.. C~lHlly ,,,,,<1 Anil ~haD "Jl$" >t\1d p.;-rrr, 'I t"""'JrmNe uetV<% to. ",,,,i '1'llpett,(rn fl. dl d~x:'nf.t1.:;!':n.t*~ p~~:ptf@y lert.(~r$- {Ar Mhf.'!t'.m:a'u:rri:&~:i,in 'H~ .~~~~ '('ir uHde:r ihi:: t~::j:Hii f;U:t~~*t:t tn ~1)'(~ prn"11$~.>ui< ~)f t}h~~~t~t, 1 tSt- ml)iid~ S~;:H'td~$~ una '"H~#&t ~:r i'{~e-.~':,iOO ~/ th($ Coo\.nty M1.4 A,iS 'in \x'n,!\mh^tioo with thia Agr<eetMnt; and the Ccu.n.y ~m.lll"M' ,},(, Mllht to wllk"",""l!? <:mJ,<:;d l.l1.\$.f\tr$!mw,t \1piln ..wktioo dthl~ pm\<1zio>:\ 1:!~' At~$. " J:J.\}1P.l'.b.EMJ.&!1'1\.&'!JnlSi\1M1'i~-B ADS ",,"'.manh Ilild agr~<I tG l:ndenmlty lu14 h<Jkl hattcle$ M,)(1t<Xl (:'xmry HMn\ d CMWty Coownim.";,,,n< from lit'" and <In ~k>.iJJt~ fu~ 00411y injury lw'::h.ldlmg ,k-JoiN, ;m'~~lAa1 mj\lty, !\ilil P"~lf ~ \illclwfu'll 'pr"p<.~11 (Mned by Moor~<& (;i:llmtYl t.ws<\ ~<Y ottw.t k~~ da~m:$e$:.; ~nd ~-.n~ 1},nc1urlWg a~(~$ :fim:::~ whkh ~~n;.~e <;:;~~t .;)t~ h~, ::~<mr.::~t-.ctk::n ~:fth; m>' bt :r1:$~n <$~ tMnif,':(',$ ptf<!~A~l by ATh~ ~?1:jj,,$Ol'j:ct} 'by th:::: ~ie@~-;ger~.r:{:.: ~rrt~'~-, -~lr' {..~hf.;~' 'Wrt$~t'U1 ~,.,;t, ~. "-<rt!i~m' q!: An.g~ ibi ~:m:b"h).,{et'$_, ~~/ ~~it,M, '<rh~ -e~t~H-.t {,~f 1h~b4h1~ ~.~ _~~'s t~:<;< w$:)' h.tnit*~ ~t~;_ 'nm.u~~l> ,W ~~~S(,JI:~d, by th~' ~tW~r,.~n(.~ r'::quh:eln~nw oos)\Jf!,noo cltiewl>el'e withIn tbl& agn''''ll1Wt. l"aiJIH'e of iillS 1G comply wd; th~; ~~'1Uin~m~f)t~ fil nti~ %X~t!;~~l ~hait 'bY.:: {:$.Hre, r~A< lm~,h.~ tm-rrl~nrdY:;1n ~}f t1ti~ #mt'~m:~m~:. p,.'w !" e"~,,.tb,! ,:oj ..J1;~ "'W'..,,.,wlt ADl'l $lwJl f\lmi~h t~ Ct)1Jtt1Y Cr,,.lil:hiJ,c., 'If ;:'n:{;t.H:~~(.rt'; k~;.1k:t:t1~g f~3 m~nt:"'n:\~m W'.<"-{<Xf~t~ lb~jta~~:E1$ -m tb~ -f:(t11)~t~, itr.uo,;;~:!:~(:t: WORKERS (;nMl'<R1'<%A110\'i MIn f,~Id\'UIYKlrS UlffilL1H miKWt>lKl;; \~lh~,re HPf'~k~~Nt.~ c~~ra.t~ t~:;, ~~-r$f';~Y ft~ HI~ eft:J*'''Y~ $;1 it m~j';tJ.tni::-rH, $M.tu~~~y ~i':::i~~~:< &:'$ t::Jqutu.d ts ,t''"::tid:$.;_ toit~?.. <:OMl'RlliH!l:Nf3!VE ilV!:(iMC\1llL& Vl?JlKU: lAA%lLlY'l lNS\1R"4"\;E, Mnt.:or -l.r'~rn~~;W _ij~~QiW:y f~m~n~tK~:} tn~J~~cling ~ppJkahte D~rauH' t~::::S}e:::-#g("':_ -witb -~unil:~ ~)f U..;d:dHy 1:l ruft: j~$ft th'>>;)); $l,.Ol)Q/ff1Q:,::'W ~f OCt:>>.tt"f~w.x;, .t':~)%:"J:'~~~'~f.':tt 'i:;Jnw~-, ~b:Bjl: fur H~x-N.~,( hU?.:t(j::- LitftiW.:.:t _~md t\'~p~~d~~ Dmu;~m.e U~Wli~):",,, f~~'~~ #h~~H. i~~~~p{rt *D ~:re:Jl'<td l/t:h:id(;s" .an msri...tJwtH~ 'f"t~hkk~:{<., s:n~d d1 ~rr~\ ~~h'k:)~'$' e\}MMRRC1.Al. GeNRRM. UASiUlY C"iIMt,<:tdlti glJ'Mt$l li"l:ll*y "\""~f"l\" With H1H:itH ~_jf' ~:itll~W.t::r <rl~ :r::~t. ti:~~th~:0. $l/~<<;,:.i)nu,.(~) f$! t:-(,:mttt(:no:: <~~~Jt.;:~f.:d nUl<tk~ gJt~~~: tirr- &X'ii~lt 1njts:~y t;k~;bmt.y, $l:';.d' JWpe:~i1 J.)am~ tJ$;h:HRy" O~~~~t.q~/::.'~ lxn "'f:.r;t~.:::;:~%(?f,. ~~ .-".,' d/,,'~;:::n:):~ ~_, t~{~i",:'l-~~.>f; ~.fAjl'.;':Y 1~'1': <;1!,.,~ '(;.:}:::~:: ~:) ~(. 4~~;::<,~~:-. 1'1WpgSS10NAL llABnm, ADS 13hi\ll fuIT&h oro1esmooru J,atWty ~ri"l~ ''''(~ {Wti'~~~;"~~)tts !n~iiMtttce (:o:ve~ln,J;t< &m('H~x~t fl~t ks.s t:tkn:$1}Km1000,(~~)~ whk:h ~~(Wf~_~ ,16 ~,,,p!";'-~'$ in ~"<;Ctiti,,<, and or marJ<il!1er~.lll<,,,,il:~m~ "',Ih the <:t>"lj>i,'W, CERTiAClftl:>:S OF n!SVrU\Jl'C& Oi'4bal Clll'tffiwm of baurnr,o; .hall k provided t" trm C()UW1Y M, the tim", "f <l%ecut"m <>t thj~ ^lltf.ltraem ",:%l eel'tiiit<! s"'rk~ 1'it'm"kl<Kl if r."qu~M~I. 1!:~C!1 l"'ll<S ll~rofiw.t.c; shall 'be et~!I",ll";tl (';~Jh ij pf""I.lu'l tl:m.! !wt kM! th,,,, tk:ty 1:~O) ,,,,,knd.a, <hy-~' 'wri1t~n Mtj<:<; Mlllll:te p-rovlded 10 tM IAm'l.ty J)<1W," :i)r:y :vo~k:y (Jr' CO~:("1~,ge t~ r~tM~&X 'N~ 'tf%trktOO, "f]ie ttnde~~:dt<1f 'nf $U-;xr; irHw~.~ll~:;e, $jbt.~.n be tfi:wJ1~te-cl t~~ dn h\.wh~'i~m; i1~' tht; Sfute' -df Fkt.rid$, 1'1" n"4!.:W~i~cl. r~' -~h~ <~rn:trl.lY ..t\.,1mi~t$tmtor l fu~: jnsur$nce,' 'W1:<~f$~;: ~htJ.l be -P:~ty l~~t.ug.l(~e wi~h r~pe(~t ttl tb~ \A',mty-. ;,$ ,.:ffidnl$, empl~'~. llglitl,,, ~"d wt':,ntren, <,!, NONWaIYfilBlfJMM\!1'iIrX l'i~lwlth~h.ndinl!i the llr<)\/Iisloo~ ,,( $.11:, 2&;,:,&. JI1(,OOIl, tlJlmlH.a, th~ jl<lnbpetlon ,,( \Amllty 'M"J ;\p,<j In mi~ hW'",n;e'l!, 1Hltl th~ ltequ:lmti<:m <:>1 llfl} ct>1'[,mfffda! lL..t.lJl'y i1)w.J:ra-n(<e >::;mm~r~ge~ ~lf-lmt~.t:tar~ce ~JW'.J'~(~,,, uf tt~ ~(We~nt lWbmtj h:w;tt~tij}~ 'f'OO1 11,;\,1",,,,,,, $l:mll NIt be ,k:eu,,,d $ ,",,,"1_' <>r 'mmu.tl'ty t<l th~ t>:<tt@t Ii ll.ablltt~, <::l:;W~.tnme1' ~1O;f' ~htJt ~j~ ~mf.mt ~nt;cttsd rot.') ~"r" the ,Coun.ty .~ leqUin.>d M ~;(m:U:li:a ~J:py p~"O'\4~itru .tor \'s'$lh~f". U), ItffiBX$J.:iD.mt:IT cOml:I~~"l'QR At lilllim~$.and fur lllI'pu~a Ufl(I~T thl~ l!W~ttt Are i$ all i;IO"lX'f"lttl1 """.tn\<:br.and nct: $" tli'pl"f'* <>f the ~ of CQ'tlll;Jl !~lIi~~ll,~rll N' MOllrO~ C"H"ty. N" ~tat"'nMt ffillt.ai",xl in .11.16 -*W""a,~~t ~""li I", ';<>Klllt",,,e<1 M '*' t,~ !1rid AnS i:>< "'Xi t~' t<..:i.. ~mp;()y~, $l~bcl.\(II~<il!rto<~ 1IeNama, 0': ~ts I"~ t'" ~"I!m~,m~", ~( !:he IJ,,,r.,..d <;.fOnmty C<>m"'~"<1!n1 d' Monroe Cmmty. 11, N9r.Jnl~gg.Y1t""110K C<>'4"',Y- (,%,,1 itJ:l$ itgl"le 111"'1: theN '-'ill 00 ilO ili",rlr"'l:l/ltl",( *.g<<hl.ct '''l,y pm';)>l, line! it '" e-..'S:pt~$$i.?, und$'SiWJd th:~ ~l~ r:( d~t~r:mil~at.iw:'t h~r a ~o~tt ~)f ~:t..n:3ll~t(!'nt. jmiwk;~,)n th,,1 di!!(:rlrm""tkm ~.a~ =:wt'<'d, n,;,; Agr_.mt :S\l.$.>J;natiadly W11Iim>t"" W)tJ"'nl '~llY f;~rthe.{ ael;.", '''' tire 1"'rl, of 'ffi'J ..,,'tv, cl'f*et""" tIw date ofth" ;>>\""t ",,,J~,',, C"""l:'i Of: 1\00 awe", 10 <:flm;lly wlth 'lillled-.wal Md lI'k,,*b .4at,~tM, Jrod (.Ill,,,,,,,; m-dll1S1lt"a, U "1>PUo"bl~, r~lat\tlg t.) ,..,undi&::rimk,.mM. ~ lnd"i!~ t.'>;t1 an" rrot funlred to: 1) Titl~ VI "t It,,, Cvil Rl#htlt IWt of l'1M if'L 81.\-352/ wh~) W<*lfuil::it <!i$t)r!mlnawtl ,m the h....i a '" f"~t" ml'jr ()f nstl<ttllll <trig\n; 2) Tltle IX df ff\~ Edt\<:M,;lG Amel\dmetlt of wn, M ~"")Jl<kd 120 \JSC ~$, 1M11. 1683, .ar<i! IM.&-1686j, WhiClll~f"~llbl!,. dl.crlm:li",arto'j <:fl\ th.. lm;;i~ iJt'.w.., 'lJ &ctkm M4 llf I1li' "~l'~ibilit,,tk,.. Act or '197'3,. ,'<<' $"'~'''I",j nO u$t;; ". f'9'~), wh0lt prt>bjl:tlta ~,;mhl.$tj<m on the ba$i* of llilndil1$p; 4) 'th~ ArJ' Di""d:m.iw'i'(lll Act of !g't~; itS ~wA (40! use ';'$, 6J(11" tll<tl) whkh N"M.,lt~ ,1.l.s<.:<'il:ffultlti"" <>n 1!1f.' t>>l.\\lr. cl .; f,) 1'\1<> Dr.,,& ,\tm$;' (lfJi"" ltud 1'r<)~.tln<.i:!,1 Act M 1 in", ~?L 92^"251>J, 8,$- *1r;~n:ded'l :relating W rH)Hclim~hnh:.:$;'timl an We ba~~ (,~f -dn1g ab1tt-ie':: G~ .rtt~ C=pr"d\"l"t~ Ak.\>J~'ll\bQlU UIW Ab:ih(ll1!.t<, p,.""~ot"''''> ~t<(l''''-t ~ f",I""hil\~", hot d m70 (P'l>" 1.616\ a* ""ne1tdoxt, l'i'Jatln% to n<mdi<lCdre,iltli.t1on (l" tl'" t~,,,,,, ur ",](,<>\w1 aim"", (.. flltJ!.\l)tlH"",,; 71 Th<; PuWk Hm>l<:i> ~'~'k<, he! of 1912, llti. 1\23 $,,4 1;0,1 (411J$C ,,*, tWiMtl.a ,....Il "o/~",'3h M am<ll'l<lml, remn"g 1," amihJMtl;ltIJ". of al<:''Jho) and Ul'WllilJ:,'Mle jX>wlrt ~: ill Tille vm ttf the CM, Riglrl<l hot a 1%8 i'i.) use $. <H: .~N~lh, a.~ ~dt<J, rtii$.kn~ t~~ mW1ili~rlmiu#fun ,:hi tfu, sa'it~ n:~t~t:d ~if t:lmn.1v.:~~~.g. qf h1;7'H,~mw~ 9t 'The Anied.~~r~ 8 S~itb DimU:.$hJes' .Ad~ tit: :1-900 ~4D. CSC f}, .1 ~J(ll ~<<~1. l>j, ",,,,r,,,, .am<;tt,kd f= time t<t tiP,l<O, 1',:;!l\t{ng Ie 1l~d:l~llIli:n..ti..., d.~ tb) l>~~m of di~~hiti~,; to} AW' uthe:1. t~6tl~i.rnxn~tJ:C)n_rsOO~,~ itl $~~r F:tdm~J 1J.f mi~t:<~ %t:&tt:ne:r:; whld~ -~W~" t.lk*0J -w, --(X:nJ~ a..t'~'d Ana hl;. Qr tb,e: ~H"{(i~~ .f~~.'t~r <~f d.tl~ j\w"<>~~m.(;'.nt . :(:".~r,~t:'M1- ~ ~>:) 1_ ',~~f:s,':U%-~~~l " ::'<~ :;"0;':;-: :,~';~';; :;:~;, : ~> ~j~}h:~~;:o )'~/f':'- ;.\~,.~ 0"'.. ;~, -:t::-;~ <~': :"::<;..n-},,::;<":o 12 !1.."m"N"F"ff'll'!"W'~^!'l"''''('''' , .~, ,~;-.~,.,."M.l:'Ui..~,~,t. "1,~;..$.1;),;;:~~"~:!::~lMt)-,,..h,; , __, ,_ . A,nS '~m$:.ll n-ot'~l:mi$~ nr ~U1?l,"'.Q<I~tt'~s~t ir$:-i~~i~~ik,~tH~ l~-lx~:r thm M"1'1f.t'!i'!'::Ntt, 1.',~>~~:r:t: n\ \v'rith'~g ~:tnd ~~dtb tJ;~J ,~wk'3.' wrm:en &,p~:(,~l(:al of ttle 6o;~~>:,~ ,~>-t ,t)1.t4in:ts" (:~~tI%.i.t.~-&k':ttt;rn ;;.t l%m.ro~ (:o~:mty ::t.,d, ,~!)$~ whi:tb ~Yj~t~.J, W~6tl t~ '~uWa~ t~ -;!S,u_~fi_ <:,.c:~(HJkir.;.~~ ~m:d p~(Wj.t}ka:H3_ tl:.~ tb{~' lkJard' ~~*y' d~em_ frer-/.1~~,r.:{', -Thi~ P<"tt~W~l~~ ~~.ti hot i.t~{:~}x.t$>m~re:d h:y n~k~:Cf:}'>.'~ ir.;~.;t~ ~S:HJ ~~~~~meuJ m:' (:a:~m~~)~~b':::~et ,aJtd n,llJ< a~Wl.<<"f,: -or 'a\~'t<t-~nU'~m~r $:r.a~n Cf):n.tP-ti: '~~~n-~, >-iU ~A the prtl\1~m~ of mfu: 4~:wnt._ Qn~'e~pt-e~:dY ?_lx_~;.;~~10:t tiw th<5.rcil", ~1,ldl apflW"Jll ~l in no ffillnlnr or 1r0llt t~ dee:mW W Jmjl(>% <ill') 1,.,Mhkmt! ~.)hHg~:d::?;.)n upon tne, tMr~t 1:' en""" ..".,,,, ""'f" l AW .=~ 1 '''''''''S,' "~,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,;'''''''"' ...., .~,.~.~~~"w..t~~1.Y.'M;'_..";~,...M.M~...,;.~~lMU.i.:ff.~M$1.M~,~~'~~~'~M...l$~~t';M~~. lfl prwidil1g aU t<\~/~ f'(.tm<al1't w thla ll~-nt, ADS ~ha\1 RHol<-' l:tylllt "U:lNt~!;, ar4l:oatt<;d\, rule!; aud r,*,ila1ijID~ penJllilbll; tf.l, (J( l'~\lIi.!Stt( Ihk. ;",~wkm.~' ot ~m:~h :,stwiu;;!l, :m~}ti.clt~g tt;.\~~ ~,iOW ht illY~.t aru$11exeiit.&t"fur ~t<il"'J?kd, Al~Y' ',,'i<~!6Hl~n ~'~f :3l:;.i~d #t;i~.t\_t~"" q~.'tUm.u~~$I~ :tult-* ~3:d 1ngt~1~tH<mn: ~~U t.:rnt~:iI_I~h:'_ 43'. ~~;;tH~,:d:a~ -i)f(~.;)1,;~,h ~. thb ~tl~1;~:31a~rt, $1td ih$U ~mtH1e th~,itf~u:d, t.<t Wxt:u}i~u~re fiw3 Agrtx:-menL A1:)S ~h,tW. ',.,IW.'lla f>l'''P<'k ~"""~ w p::rit,t:nl work I,,, """"l\1an~e t.Jth tru:..J ep<idfb>(;<m<s t4rmlgl:l>y,:\j the mm m th~" 1\gr1l~llwnt [4, Qi$,!,il,j>ll!J.RILMD \;>)IiF1JQ,L9J:JN:tJ:1V'AU. Aua '''l'''l>'''''lt;. tlmt it, it$ dlreet=. prilldpk$ and <"~~'" pr~a<e'1lt~f h'jW n(J ~:.'~tt'~-"'e,M: ~~~.d_ stMJ.1. H{.:(rHit~ ,tle fu~~t"t:a15' e.iAh::t' dker,:z..<ft it~d&~ot.~ :wh~~:+~_ m~l'i,u!d- ,}'%i:.m~-t h~ l:lnJ ~n~~f~m- wlth tpcf.!: ~f90~tl~~K:e (if ~.tVkeB: n~:qu~ by tllis o.:mtrat:i} it.?;, p~'i.u St,,!, 11 cUt I" et. sell" lI'kmda $htut."<ll, Count}: ~W~ll iliat ~ff~f$ W11 <)mpi~e(1$ of tb <%nlnw t~wgnUe and wl.ll h<J requlrd I." ~mfil>ly with tin Sl:$lt,d&rdw m i:<m,j,U~!. hr l'",1>lk "flh;"'.fi1 m.>d "',tnpl"l""" ,'" "",lli.''''A;,,<1 b ~*i1 l 12,,,1.1, Plm'.dA 'Q"llUf.%, :i'~~jtng~ ,lAtt ~6f :~n~{kd ll)~ ,~~~tdtatip:tl. V-f a-r:~ept.9.J;:.(:C -ti:f gtftt( ~tt;iug :tn.ts;h:w.$;~ with <:~nd'~ .r~:\~r ,~~}~authi)t~ <::"trn~p6tl$1~:km:; rni$taw ~::ifJ*tb1k pi)@:t3Q!J.~ ~::;:)idlli;f.ir;l;~ ~~:mpi~):'tm:t.nt 'm' wntr~tttw r-ehtiOOtihil;;o $1td di;y~':1Q~wt:~.. ~-:t~ t:'f(:en:~ ~.:n~ertt:ation, n~XH1 ~,~~G:d;;m!: uflh}~ r.:'<*~tf~~:-1i:>: ~itnd tht-re:;*'tk~ ~ C~~$ Jrmy r:;::qu.1t~-, Um ~\r.;S fl<ll..tl.n ho,ll't \1", C:ilii\l}' "" IDly f"~...,,,lal in~r".t it >t"'y rlt"w. h any ~lk;<1 dl p"'t,P'JlX" in MVJttoo C'@W:H:y whkh tbe M~$ s~:n~~> eHd.<.t~~> n!~)l~m.u:m:n,:hi~ mil_xtrvl~> <..~t n"'<:~ttrt:.~ for <-:x~tm~~dl~~~<. t~$t#%~.f:< e~.:t1Uittil1tl> -or, tt:ei$tt~;~;, '<h~~ ~trri1)k1~ d:mJI. ~');ll~~Y whtfber- ~)r -n..)"f ,%;u.c.h-, program. is: x~"G:wkecl ~y ~ttrb:.H:t!:~ 1M'; a: ('iw,dm(wt ~r p:t~1h*~1wnj Her h; J'~rJ;):tk"!;~~ f.<xt ~,:Yj:::l~~.nt~171 ~i*,. Tre t:>;-\H:H.y anil A'U3: w$.1~:ar;t that~ U'i rt::~s.J.mt,i,: l.:ci h:~'~.. It :h*~ nf.:~th-;.:::t- t~mpl(;l~md. r*':x' l~t;ide;cd i~~;r (;mnpany tff '~f~< ~~thfff lh:':H1 # btt~t~; ~1dc ~n~p)4",..e:e ~l.:~)d<ir~,~ ~ly f~}f ~t, to. i::Q-U~~it ;.)'(." ~~U;t~ ~hi4l: ,~-l~~Ft' ~n.~1 t:}J.t~,~ ~t m.t$ J'KH:"~, :EJ.r Hg~ t~ p~t.'V $X:)" r.m-r~%:o(n> ~m.p~nJ\ Cf.~1~.t"4:.tkm> it:,:di~~,d."t.Md> ~' fh'm~ ~fn<<t' t~. ~_ Wn<lt.l~.d.e ~IDW#Y$:=' W'N'rot{_g, f.tj.~~i 1h::: ~~tl t~~"$>, f~;j.. ~r.r(rn~,lm'h f.:'"<t.rt.~tagc, ~> ~)f :'Jfutrf" ~)OO$:itt~t[m~ f..o:@~n_* UptY.tl {'.-"( -rt:: $!H;{f~~ tt~m: tM a~'afd 0t' making of thm .t~cem~fiL !tor dl,e t'sf&2V~h <:#" '6*11.,",ll 1:'1 the pN<l$k!1, !11~ APS l\W"e, ih"l: n", Cll',mry 1lb,1l1mv<o tho .-,[hi. !~, t~rminate!' dJ'ja ,,~~n:c.~~t w~.th~mt 'lbh;Wy ;~nd:" :;~t n~ li:hrett:~J':m._: "~O ~j((~d: fiH~;~~_ -r.Bf)~;h:}':~ -Q*,~~ m o..th~:::-"f;i~* MX:t)~r;, th,'$j iu:n -Rtl'~~ri.~:n:t {t~: $\.wh 1~~ ~mm:~:!.d<*:n~ p..'!::rt;.::;r.ti:t$:W::::_ rJ!t~ (rt" t;::oUtideJ"$.tiC,tL U~. Up ti&UQgqf.Jl'iNllT AOS ~h::::Jt ~#}t. pltd&~ tb~ Ct~w~.tr<tf- ~:::1"~dlt m' m:::t"}s.:(; :it ~~,_giutrJwio1' s)f.p~'tJ.3.e,M: ry~-' ~:~J{t';>. hr ;:i,P'y" ~';!)~-:;.tt~m;~ lkbt" ob~,~kw-~'l Jt:d_~'W'{~t~ &-u~ (;,<,1' ~~~~, rcw~~ ~f J:nkjt~tf:d~1*"'$$, .:%.'fm. t\M.th~~' .,,:tn-.tO~nt~~ ::;!.nd T.(:p:Ntmnt~~ ~:h:itt it hH,$' W;) Hhb~?ID-u, & h:~.:dr:bi:~.::itlt::~~$' ~t~~:~ -;>><);,::.M :~'np$~ir h:$: ~3.MHty ~:::;: r~:.a_flJ~ d~~ ~* ..It 1:trt% f;{.J{:-.tr-at.t i.:o~t;~~%(,.,.'.t ~:tH <~$r:.v?.f>lf/t$.. :;::. .': '-~.' :':f:t,:;-;-:..~ .~:), ~ ',~ ~,:{~';;\~':'.f '::.{~;):4'r-:' .~,>";. l' n~-.. ~, ~~1.<.;~<<:. t:)- ~ 2"'j.~~ ~_ (,,: It, t~iJ'neB Rl1t)\)m~~j'iT i'dlY .H;(,t~~X{. t%~rturou -<W ~ytt'.m:it.b:id Uflmtt. .:ma $mH~~mt1~t ~ili:a.n b~ :tr~ wr~t~.(< ~nt.~ h.a:~ill d:.th'Y~rf'.d or :m:tiired~ -pu*t~ };Hl;JR,~di tQ 'Ul(:: ml~~t F.ttHJ b';r ~~~'i~fi~d txtmJ~ :n'.~ttt1~~~ r~<t~dFi: nxlW:..~tt~Q; tK* the t()H.<.m1r~g:;: fUR CGUmy M{l,,,,,,,, e"Ut1ry- Cm,rtJdtllwmtr1w:>i' :t 1 O(i Sh:mit):f:~n Sb:"~r. K"y W~*, n, .:,)JD40 omct t::\)tmty AtWfrtlrj I'D &>Jt I 01.6 K>:)' W(%f" il'l, :;KW41 ^ 1026 POR AN3; Rob I'IMU ^1~1.W"ct P<w. S<lh,ti"n$, lnc, l41 ~k~n.~~t Ht)u~~t S:utt~ A 03.dm~:a'-f ~ F'kro.dll, ::-~4~77 a",1 Md<nly Ibdl Ad-.,'*m%:<l: Dat$;_. Sri1ttt:~t)n$;.< In(~, 1" l Sl;i!1'kl !:l<>tlb1llN, Suite is, O.ld.m:n~":H" :fi'~~rl-da 34.67Y 17. T~ ;:OtWI)l ,~, ~;~mflt I'r<>m l"'Yment ~! FlMldllt $mt<1 f.;lltll}~ l<1>(j H<.<e M~:<'II, .AI)S sh~ll. 1\-"1 1", ~xeT,'p\e<:l by ...Jrtue "r d,,, Cmwty'" "'~lJ<tljl,H,,~ ir<>m pe,)<'Wg~!ll<% wz ttl it/J. IIwpp1ktlJ. lllr mt>t,,:r!$m ,,<ltod (t; f.1llilllh <)~*,,>tl ",Id", thi.. ,=tr~t, lW" ~ ADS ",'l:hmi~ to ",,", full C<)umy'. Tl>% '!i;$oo:'!:,l:iwll"'t"b.~ i<~ ,*,"'Ari"$ wcil rrmtoi"lll, 1.0$ ,6dl1xo ro/J.p<>n$!l>le bl' .IW at1d all l"-'OOS, <:II' ~m<",h pj' wUI1lu>liling, rdMw w ~rvi,:st,,; '9"\~.,,,<1 ".,><\<,.- thi~ JlW"'!m<<l>t, llJ, ~!JiA.Ilill'J '11,e ;:0\\:0.0' IDll:1 wrlllilwt<: thb Aw~~sri' with '>r wll:l:Jo\rt eaUlIe, 1'Jw {'"m~w may t""";",;1<" tIn" Agt..~t *'1' CaUl;<' with 00\f("" t1J &';'/J. noti<ct, t<> hUH, GIl'l4W *,,11 "<>,,,,titUl~ " !>>:~~h of tu~ obligalk>tl. <If 110$ l(' l~I~<mn tffi, "Ullgilti.'N: ~";'*i"",Mj';d 'OtOO<<I' thl.. AW"'~' &ith<>t ~C COUlil'l"f ,.pd ADS ru;reti> ma;;I !<):..nltl"", this !.p,r'""ti'~.lj, will")", ~m~ by gl'ling the olfu<,r ratty. ilIilty'I<5tY1 dlWl1 W(ilklJ, x;<;ti<", "fill, h1t<t~;.zt'<)n to do roo 19 (''''V'''''''''''''O <,.'" "".....1"t ,w""'''''''''-A'f't'N <'''$'''' ,""1'1 Fm';; . ~ .~~w,~~":!~t.~M<,~..~<l'~~~X~~a"'..a~:,..::-"~,~~,,~,,'#..1t.:~..',~.~~~,,.'~~" ..".~~A".... '!,his ~lM'llt l1MI1 be llP"""'flffl by and ,,,,,,.t"',,oj ill "l>X'~'~'''t, with (l*, l.llw~ "f the S'.m~ o(V.b:i<)>" .llW1kab',~ t~ i'lw';~mli1'(~ lXsMt< tfM t" be l~rf",,"<<4 enlirely in ,1:l~ Stca'-". It! th~ *''ent th..1 an)f' <:'m~ d u"'tron "j' ad,nlnisb'sti<m p"'l;c",,(ling i.1l ;"il,itna,d 'or the ,,,,{,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, ,:tt' lm"-"1l""'*tiofl4th1* A~m"tlt, "hI> Cou:"ty md ,oJJS "W'eto rku :l.i'~n:lje wlH Me ~n l:h<< a-m)fllpr;f.t~:~: ~mUl ~n:' h<d"ot'~ the ~.Wfopdate ~wr.clnj~ti:atj\.'t:: body to ,'!<,r,.roe G''''-m~v, ~"",,"'ldn, ''){l Mlkl\IKi12tS Tht~ (;~):;:.nt;y. :u:~_d. ~OS MVt!\t that:) it~ th~~ i1,v<tt)~: i.,,;f ,~~n.flidinz int~:rp:n;;t~~tk-<<'HS. pf' th~ tt:t:m~ <w. i"fm (,. tiw. A{it"""w<:mt.by <;t. h,-t"""", "'OJ ,,1' tlKml the i~tlj} $tmll be lIl,dndlk<1 tiC ",<!dlaUm' 1"10" t(, r,he Inllt#.vt.i<>n of <l4Y ~dw~ (<d":dl'lfutmtlw s>' 1"4il1 prrx:""dU>g. Mecih'"", Flt"...<<ili1W' h)~Aoo. 1l.<t<:1 ,,,,ndn,)too PWlluaort 1<> thl.~ Aw".,.m,,:w 1ihali t:.1 hl. ~~(~---;:~rrl~.nce "~..dfh. th~ F>>:_tri4>ii R~~~~~' >.:if CWll P:ri"ft.".......~um 'ootd. '''J.~t~id and cwemm.a.n' ~r-~K.edMre,$ t't~qu;i:ed: bt''i 1t~.~ d~'f.:~W. t;<m.it >>r~~niix~ ('\Rmtj'.. <, (:.t::~~~~~a: ~ Hn _.s::-m;..U:~$7A. G ? :~:i;. ';;'!;:.:~'\:J::?;':i.:. 5:j,'()~';R<~;, "~:/}~Y'<:T~ *,'\';: '; ~~ S ~{ i:::. ~,~ ,:", ~.~ . 1.k. ~~::!f:<;' 41- );J.l,;'iZ&M,\IMT)',. U any k,m;, "(lV<;n'm', curdiilim or ~uv1",,,~ '-'it ths Agr"';lUtHI (0'% the t.t:t:i,{ili~~:tli{>n, tbem<.;.f 1$ ,a:uy ~-Zf<;~Jm~t$;;Jwoe f~r $XWamiJ ':mall be f.1~I$red invaH~l at ~ma:nfuN)<<a'>>e ';:0- *lW -(,,/~l:'~trt: ~t.& 'C.c~ltt1 of "'1Ya1pc:t~::ri:t Jl.U:lw.Mk~~~' U):i;~:, t~~ru~jr6H~ ~:~.nrt~, 'jO"~""H{~, ,~",Jib"l'l~ Irtl(\ pr<m..sk<nll of fuh ~t"'f~t, &1,>.11 nN 1:<< Mtt<,te<l th'w"o::' ;;r'l~ ~l~,h ~e1r.,inl-'1g It'\1'm, <;O'<i/.m(ll1t, ctlo4itw1l. 'l.tl<l ~<M$hll afthl$ Agl'lmnent sh.\tJ k ,,;;lid "nd <:;111\ll be. t"rA~f:k t<l th~ I'tilk,,;t <:<l<lllnt ~tmit~ll:o/ law 'lll.bw u-,<l' ;"'l'<m>o,nl;llt <sf 1M t'Wllili..,h,g k('m~, <:(N<<r,,,,'b, cO'1(\iifuns M<\ p""''''sb~$ ct thl~ i\~'''Mt ~",.W p=nt the ac';;;mpbw-mw;ll" '%1w ""'4;.m~1 inl%nt ,K (llJ~ AWf"'i:ment 11w C'mm)' ,.,,<l "flS "W~ to rcfwt'll th~ Agr~.."'t W rep1'lf); <in:: ~Irt(,,,,,,, pF",'iliil'" wJth ~ ~:~llki pt<W1t~:kd~ tbut. t;m:mts ~~ {.j~e ~~: ~~*~ibl~'~} tht:, fu.tt:nt ,\If fn~ ~t~::kken :pfQ~~i:~ion, 22, t\UPlmW'$ F\'.~';;ih.tlPq~roll COUNTY ~,l\d ADS am..ee 'N(lln ;he "''''~t any mu,"" "f"~1:l"" ;:... Mhn''''Stffitiw ~m~t~dm:g.if$ :~~i~~ or 6dm~ll:.w ant yM:rty' rc.'~ti\1~ ~:H the ~~fur<~e:t~~o:t t>T 'tll"'"p,~..",.t.jm" Iii ti:\iS Agroem""t, tho vr""",lJiog pm'ty ..,\tIlll", "".titkd ttl "*'''''':>(lllk <t(t<>rtl"':!'~ ~ ,md att~>$1...., in "p~ll(l.t~ ~1.lW', l'a.eh pa.rt)> a@"~e~ 1;t,I"':" ih "wn ""'''I l:<:l~t~, lm'~ti~. and <>ut.-('(-pookd ~!xr'lm~ ..1ltth$l' it jt; tl\~ ~"l0!ir<g ~rt'J <>r 1IDt, lhr"uil~ all l"""h ()f th~ lX%lrt ~:I...tem, n. ';O,JUr.lli;Jfl'lfm QE msr~~~\Q,.~~'tJ@!:r~. County and Aoo ~e that all dillpult,l' ml,l jii~'(~\'$ ah,gJJ 00 ntt"lXIp(oo ", h, re"<lh'<d \ly mctlt M'A <<1ll1er ~luJ11< '00""''''''11 ""'~eul:ltstl"<l!$ v( mwll of GOUN1Y ill"d ADS. 1r 1)(> ..el'cltltlot) {1;lJ, k ~d "P;>f.l wit:hb JO d.ays1.\fter 1:0<' fir1.\{ ",,,m. Ml<l COllier $'."'''''''\, ;\>" \~'''''' <$' \tl~\\~ ill.$ll be dio<t"'~ct <1.t <l. puhlle ,>Wd('lg or il,,. 1lf'*rrl <,I" (;~urJt.y' (,,'.rm:<n::#mront;'E$. 'if't:he h~~ (:,.r,i~~,*~;:o* ~%-t:: ~n ~.ut l1Wa..h~~ t$) t.ht; $tf.#;ttl~n of COWITY ",,<\ AJ,1f5, then ,.,w plIt~. "hatl tu"", llw deM ;i> ."d, $lId'. ,."ue "'" ""...,."'&; M uw;y be p',-"",I<tll>y tbi~ lIl!;r<;emenl ""1,':; Flm".-u, k>.w. a4, GG..Q~liT!ttlN, b d'tlO ':W.nt <u>y admlnl"l,''ilth~ <;r 1er,m pru<:oodil'<i! l~ lnotil~,te<l "W'\f'4it <i'''h''r pt\rty ""~M:i\l~ ;1' {iI~ '<1rmlUkm > ~'l(i~l'<, perlormaJID), "" "liro.ad\ of tb.j~ &gr~l:!Wnt, "",un.y "1,,1. !>O% t\gl'm Ii, ll<!lxtid~lt#> V, the <l%te<'\( ~il"ti.l ~' tl1e Qtl1er ,ooKo/, Ul ;,Ii i"<",~..~l,,t'J', b..emir<gl', J"U<i'~_; l.11<ffitlo@l, M.ll>t:!Wf ocli>4!:i(l$ mll1M1 to the l!llh"'''r'''~. <>H:h\" A$_1_; <>f rW'~ of Ihe "'(?wiV~~ \k,,;dcr dtiS~I>t (;"'.mty ,Md ,\00 "Pr.df'lCa1tYat'""" tlW "" i""rl;t' ,Q thi$ ,<,groMtltm .mul ix, ,e<l"drw:l t,~ "met. ilw> '''iy $1'bttThl""'m pn~\~~ Tcm.tcd It'lh,,, .~~;\t, 2$ B:ltt:()IS@,,~ Tlw tt'l'm~, e,r;~t~, wndJtk<"Si, 1>1'l(! pl'lNlillkw" ,,( m".I\gt"""""..:i s,...n. Nnd and j.l1ure '" Hie "",,,,,,dK ,tf ();U1'>\OI arul ,>,Dlil "l:"~ thdr f~1ipe.:ti". lngaJ '~V'~"'''J3i,t".,", f.;;~A:C<;C$:s:u>rf.S) )Htd *~gri~. :16. t-/lJ'.itUlilIT K4i\Ch l*,'iy .."V~~ an4 ",,,mmt,, l~' \1\Jl\ {lthe t'll;tl the "~\.ltUm; rkb'l'''Y ",l'] l>e"f:f~rn~~H'H::'e qf tbiu A~a:nt.'.tR nkt~ h%tt di:d~( ~uth~ by l~di ~~-&~t:\*~:t:.l C~mti.~r a.no "~;'T""'M(' &CtJ.:"i, M ~>:It~ br 1<1..,., on ~bf.'\,\M1UQl< f&n}'il'W.; 9~ i$IA:fl? Mt. AJJ~~ $tl:.<t C,:=)tH~ty. ~rt~ trAAt. t>Ad'l' Sth~f 'be.. m,d. fl1l~ e.rn~~~~r~ l:a .at'p~tl /"br~ W~ki H.~~:d <iNair' fu<i.....<\l M^.d "ta\'$ luud" '" t"r<*,~ U.. ;;""'T~ <:i th~ tIw'OO;."''''.; pw.,,;'1l tht" R1t a~>plk:*tkl;n~~~ :::<<f~~~;$., g,an:t' ptC:t?,-~~:$Ja, mid. ft.rtHlitt; ~tk~tatii.<t~fS ID""rtill tit-' ::$Fprt.w~>ci hy <:'$>.'.1::, f-lt~rty pdt.~.:"' kl 3!"d:mJi*,~kn~.. <V-r,:r.f.{;::<t. t::~[.t"1-~~~~.~t.;$:t^ 1 ~.: ;.; (: .:",.:. >::~!:}!; : ~:' ~:,l'J~.;}:: .>f t~} V"1: '/ }I. r r ~} . ,t-,.::; ,,> 1;:' ~:'~-'~:':'..H:::::::'; Ole. L1QVILlmitS ANf.llMl.1Y,JiJTJJi,1;1 ..-:\U a1 the rd:h.1~ AAtt in:n:n~~n.H~~~$'~~~~- .~1J,rll~tJ): :$xer.npt~:tm.$: r:~]~1t ,u~w~~ Qrdim~)l::t=*" ~Utd- rt~k$.: $ntl Jmn.smn:a, ar~d r~~t 4~~Jsm,~Y~ wmkern;, ~arn}X~~mt~M{~n~, m~~_d f)th~f b~rmHM3 whkh ~:tp-r~b? ~:(~ th~ ~d:~vity ,~f <tm_tX:t%~, 'a@nt.~~ (ff ~:m:qilij1NW:, d ,~my :t<3jj:J~;:' ;")g;t'n~:$ o:r c<<mp~l~'~<'~~ of th:t: (~m..mty'l wh!~n pg~dt3X1it~~_~g: ~h~lt':!:eare~d:%: :f~:HWJ.:itt[%t -l.:moer ttO$ i~grt::<:men:t wifh}:o. fhi. rerriwt:Mrl ]il:nh'~ ?:;t. th~ <:u~it:::t;y ~}.-$,U fflt.fkr to toht:: ~i: ~iegt<'~ tmd. "'&'!'" U) Hi,' ".,..;;rrn,,,ru:<1 t,t wl"h fttrtet0M ,md ,mtk" of ,,OJ,*, cl11c<1."~. !'w""It'.. ->K,h:::;;'~t#'~'~T~:;~ {;,r >e.~~?-fS:kq~ ~'m.t.~~$J.t'; tM t<:",trl:wdrd H:w...Jt$ m the Ct~tir:t:f, J.'l. 1&~'\ALQf,j!J1J6TIQ~a.M:1PJ\Z1lfQl:l!JIJlI1rr.lf;a Tht!$ ~eert'itt.n~. i~ mt~, 'it)'t~. ~(~~ rn~t' ~utiO; 11 M {;~nst.ru;OO ~,., relm~~tr:m ;(M~Y g>af1Jdpatin!): <1'ltity {l-(>!;} .any ot1Jg""'Otl (fl: r"l1pOr~tiJitJ imF'S<~lllpo'1 {;);, ~nUr b," !.o:,,, m<;cep' t(, the e%te:rt of It<Jtual.ll.rt<lllmdy porfurm!ti1Ce the,.",,-.i0'.!mY pRTIkip..th'fi <:sNit)', 111 whkll. ~a!le tll~ peU"rman<:" may ~ <>rr",r<<lllllmti$l>.ctiM ,;<< fh<~ ,>l>1!l*I~i<m ,,. N~<nl'll:<<,jty, l'u<t1>m-, thio ~_!l': j", IK'(. i!lt'~14,,,,, I"., IKW ~bu!l ii: "" """~!'f~etl ,W, atlth;'M"'~ the d<d~t"\i<!iIi "r !he ~{>rt~ilit:<ti"tit!l ur "t!jj:lJj$><y ,h..1it,~ cl tm (~\m~t, tll.:wpt t~':' nv~ '~x.twt ~rn\~rt~ ~y too' :F'~ia1: ~r#:'t.:'M~.Hthbn> *t~~t:' ~t~b.j;t~~ iH';;:d. i.;:(tf~~ 1{:~:l?? ~0, Nq~.fjt;MNl.Q&.Jn:.J:j.Plkl~(>,\'IT!:j\s" No p~lTW~"1n ~lt:ffl'ltn.):' :ih::;dn.x~ eK~bHed in rt~l:r' -lit)t<n the ~:c?!:rsrn~:"< ~jr .B~(r of ti~:e:B1.,.. ~:d thi.~ ^~~.:ttt.et"t t{..~ en.roi:t.'t';' trf $iwtnpt. to enfQ:r~{:!, l:t;li~:r ,'-i:hitd:'94.mt~{ ~~ithu ,tl'f: #nti~Jnm1:t t:o <1r l:l(ln~1Jt ,;1 ww $e'Ylcc 0,. pmW-ml ~'mtempJa!.:tl herelul4':t, l$.Jitl the Counr:{ antlthe ,<U)B ailt"" that ncithrn- 1M {'..oUll!:, nm th<J Af.)S <XI' tlll)! "it<1at, t>lfu:rn;, ;j<' "mpltlj'~~ 00 ,;dl~'r #haU h:%o/e th~~ auibmtt~ tn &~~t:u):~ ,(:t)~n.:~d)' ~.:W ::)fhet'Wh~~ i~~~l~*~ tht~i atty ?Rdicuhu' i~di~tmaJ pr' g1'1}~ {\{ t!1di\'lMW:d~~, i'nttity Qt~ 'tt.l~ltlli*~ ~~'f.<e:nh~~.eHt:$ '::)f ~:i2:Hi~~t>> 1..tn~!~r "hi~ Aww!l.t"l'lt ~>tte &ld all"rt, In(~rl\>-l'1e, <tJ. ""'l><<m.t 14 tlw .,,.,,,mmiw '" g..,,,.ro.l ('r 'M tlm P'\~~ <<mtemplattid 1,,, th\. !q;1'<WU'l,j', 3 J , &1:l:@;lXbJJQNffi ,''OS 1'1\"'1<% If.! ":<OClIl" ,*",1> ,j')c!l.t:U~ltt" 1l.$ th<> '.Attrt(y !l:l"l' /'<)\<oonll.bly re'l.;~l~~, tv -b~d~~d(< '* Publk: i~n~Hy <~fiwe Stittt1:s}~~::o,t ~~~~ 1&"thk:Sb '~3"t$tt:mIDlt~ tU1{.t ~ mnt.<Vt.e:e WCfk.ti;&~t:: ~l*i:ero~m.'t 3;;t tml'~~}!f\1uW.NM.WIY No.. {::H....IJ:<....rwttl ~K ~::ir-("A%:Q~t ~~~n:rai.ni:"ti tw.~.~dn ,.~.h.n1, m- tie'Crotcl t~;: 'he $: <':f::.yenro~t tJf ~~~;H'$:m:t.nl: ~>f' any' m~~'m~bf.~\ t4f~m:> ~~~%t P-:"t ~mp~~. <.sf M~i'oo: Cnunry' h^" h~~, w' .hftr j:O.-jh~~ll~;:;~ (~tV*t.~~y:~ tJnltTh'1 :~rwmJrer:.. ,~im~.r, ~n(. m" ~~j'~~ cJ' M:~~' {\.1!l~Ar ~h:a::t b; \ii,hie llCfm,,;f>Ull M Ih\~ ,,\#r<"4<.""'t lj(' "" .,ll>jll<:Ot t<tl aF,y porwMI lh',hility .>< ~{;{"4H:H,t~bHJt,lf tw waiK@ of u~ ~utim~,~ffuh'."~'<<t';tt~itlt_, :J:l. mmnmOHJR,m.l!2Jlillt'61ITfi T'ni:.=:; ,~:t:.~';~:m~nt m~y" ~~.. -€':~~(:'t;~~t~d lti ;JW~V :tm:mJ~r ~f f.:"t},:,:xz:d..ery:mst*,~' M$:;:->' ~)f -whkh ;~tl.t:.n' :.:~~ ..~'.}'4~} n:~ ;J~n :l~t):~l~~ ;at}] afwhkb Z~~.~~l~, Wgt;t.tit.~ ~M~AU tt:'<<H~:l1nt~: <;:w~ ~m:d d~:e ~$rH~ i!:t$.:tt'wfi~~:nt sW~4' ~,nY' ~3..f COU.N1'Y ~~t.w AnS 1k>rf.tri r11ay w.::eeu,w :fhi,:t~ ^g.r~:H~~nt lW mngtw~ aa)< $::l~ch <:~:n_w.t~q:$rt. -54. l'rUf.-'1'lON HK<\D!N{!S -5~'."'dt}r*"~;;;;_cll;g~}~~~:~' i:x;.;:'1n::seH4'J.. h::. thh- ,P4fMti:<<t.nt ~a $ :s~tt:er <.& ::::i)tr';'~~,l.~,:n<x {or C'<<;;:~-::~."i:, ~4.w~ .-$_5~~<".t~r:JJA " " <<,-," td~'{t:'n~ QnlJ1_l~d it. h~, ~~d. ~bat '*n~~t.1. ~eitiQP, h~~i~W~ ~t~ ?nt i~. :mWI6ffoi~; -"gr-#e1ltt~W~_t 1Wt~. %'-iH. ~~~:a.' be H,i'!ti~l :m. d:mh::l~~Tm01.$_tiQr~ .i.)f ~~~.Y!;a~}~mo/~< 4fth~AtH::~:::ment, WWJrNESSWBWRECW COti!W'1 .mil !Ins h<<<ctl:ll1*.~ ~=tlt~d (hit' Aw~enwnt on Hwdz~/ ~)1d; .d.~rn.nryi:~~~.~t~J~4 i~i0a'{M~~J3~jtq~~.'~v~\of.'~,,~Zh.~lil 'witl1tnjt:~"~f Ht~<<;>;)'Wtd.n.g ~u' lIte Qthi.:i'~Urtf.{~:~J>$r~l .~' ili::tm{.~J an. :ori.~~~J~jtHt~$;~t, {~~~n }~tt~t: n,wny t" j(uhliaW", (:b,.J, ;-'~ n"'ltcl of C""nQ1\~mislliim"r~ '\'" ~ "...,; N ~.,.~. ~~kmtr~, >"-~'43-:l*< \k't BY'>, " ''')l ..~' (;fl~i% '$'ti?:'~-.k,f;;;:;4"YUf' nl>t.e:_,.fi!"!!,::..www".w,,,,u ,,_uw~ P / l' ,#~)J f ns;",,,~,~'>4/4.' O,;tmty (;Id'ji: l)"t"',,.. ."fLtt':..'.:., ,,,.. F<>r Ad''atl~"e UIlh Sdtrt",",z, b;o W'I:ttl~'W$ h.r M"m,<:t,<! O~ lfuJutillJllO, hie, ~O'il'lQt! co\"l<iT\' ",rrtmN!:'V .,~" AJ~1"i'\~VHM'il~~I'\~~/} < . k#'~ "",,/ ~4:<!,~/<,fu^^< " N!\ 'IU;.I1:I>I~ W, eMS!)'\. {ASS1S'iAUT t;ou,mY ,art~jRl'i#y ~l~ V^"'.i;;,,~$6 ~~ f,l~~ie E~~tty Cd~e ~~~teme~~ <>A per:Wll ~f affiliate who _!well pl~ i1n the ':lln'l'kl.m! Y<%ldaf Jim faJhwing a <:WI'I~tiCl1 (or pubUe entity ~ may 001 $ubmit i1 bid (;;lllltOl1Ua-."t W prtwide !lnY ~ or ,,;ervlll~$ W 11 pubtk el'lthy; may not submit i1 bid Oil a 1:~ntti1tt with a publlll entity tor the co~on €1f repair €1fa publk building Of a publk '~mrK, m.ay M! submit bds on leas.ell €1f relit pfOpel'!)I !o public entirj, may no! be llwmded ()f pmfOml wort as :a cmlttrretm, $llpplk$, subcQ!l.ttm:wr, a, IlOI1$Ult!l.l1t lwdo- a =lruct with <lilY ptlblk <mllty, 001<l may n<'Jt 1;,af.\$Jtl:t b~nea~ with lmy ptlbli.: ~ntity in 1I"!\Il<ellS iJf lbe tbret>hold arnOUl:1! prcllidOO in Section 281.0 I 7 for CATEGORY TWO fOT II peri<<l uf J6 m<mtlw frmn the <late ofbdn$ placed on tbe ':olwk!oo '/1m.:!O, liaC LOBBYINO ,,"'1) CONFUCT OJt lm'rt:'QES'f a<<~,JJSlt !>'WORN $TA-UMENT lfNPi:a {iQINANQNO, 01il.1M MONROE COUNT'f. FLOliUDA ETHICS CLAUSE :\IY.1l,B!.~~!.tauen <If AdWlllC~ Dllm S<:>!uilims, m;, Wlll'tMll.$l:hat lwIit ha,,!lOt empl",J<<l. '~(njlWd ffl <l~'iee had att on mliiit$b(,!\$lf $'\\1 l~ ("Iml}' <>fIiPl!r ~f ~w)'re ill..i<llali<m of S~t;ti~ J or l),ditWlC# No, 10, 1m <or my CmmJ:y d'l\~et <:>f >tmpt<lyee m 'liotlji,;m of ~'ti<:m 3 "r Dr41l\llm'e 1'k t(l,I99(L !illt rnelmh <'l' -.illtat>nn {>hh~ pn",i~l~ thl' C~Ol'l\Y mal', ~"ll. it, ,j;""'ff!ti'''4 1<ll1"i:Mte: full cootJ'am WH110'<tlliabilltj Jllld mll:.l>' .!W, 'f> ha dt"".""", ll.,jwot i):(",,; Ihe oomract ~r p\lt'~h&~~ );>ri~~, Of <lll'\t'1Wh~ t>W<l"#.r, tl1~ fulllflJ1QUl1t <:>f 1m)' fe.;, ,,=ni..ill1f\, I,.;jCiOtsla$<', glll, m' ~':m~I<lefa(I<)O {lti,d to the romOlt COlmly d'f"-,,,, Ill' ~mpl"y~l', ;1.'1' (~, ~ ' ~ <-. / ) \ \.<A...:.. ..................,'''''..;<,v.".......:.....;.........:....,;..:.:...;.;.:~ :nATE()!<' C()llNTV 01' I'l'JlSONAUY APPEARED BEFORE ME,l:ha \md(!f~ltJ,(;d Jiulh:wiW. ". "\ --... ..' :,., . ., 'f\ . ..'i:' .\:, ": ': .,,) .. :: .~: ,- . . .. ". '",)W, l\\liJ,d 'DJt\.2,:.."""",..",..."" "",.., wlJ'\ aikf Jim! lx.illl/; l>'/SJOtl1 hy 1lW, tlfflx<:d hlaihm: \) ~llll1$mtt {1\llm~ ijf ll1<li<rid"ll! .'tn'tjll) i.l llw. .lP.1~" prtwl<l",clIlOOVl' <:>!l iliif._L~..~~:".., clay III ~\.tt"<\\\~t\\L:'(. . ...... .,.1t~'~'}b-., "J.,~"~,~.<<~<<1<<"<<~""".l<",,,.;,",,,,<~. . ~ '\ ')\ " ," ..., .~<: ",' ': ,:. \.,- : .. '~". :' ';.-' ...... ": J \", \ -.", -.. ~., " 'iJt .;_'.-,p",~ :'f'<~",,)';:',...:':~.>, : ..~~'v'(~,~.." .n"..''''''....... ,.,. , NOTMY PIJBUC My 1';'lltmi5mOl\ ~xpjre.: r."'':'';;'_i<-lil__''O_~'):_::<~~.:-:''~']'. ....:...:.:p~;;.;\;.;..~:::...::...:... ~~. t:'. ,:':'.:.~:~~,(<>gS$~i''- l:: , . .. .rif':~'~~:;.:~~.:\:re.<~a~~i k,.,1h\;;",..;;...r .: .. 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