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Item N7
BOARD OJ<' COIJNTY n)W!M\SSIONERS ACEN])A HTM SUMMARY M(1dhlg, [>OW' M.l)' 1 (" 2{kh Bdk lk1:"" 'h.~ Oki~i(><I; ('OUN fY A ntlRhE '{ Smff ebn1ft<:lP~srt;t~h:. N:~~H1:~;de. \V.. -C~t@,t~~ ;:\'(;'f:jin;;:tfnt,Tw()f{DIN:i;;-_u,_n- Fi i'st l\fne:nJ~n:'~flt ~R A,grt,>eir:~e:nt \~idJ. ~Ad~:'itrr~:dJI)dt~18tdti6fj.d$~ _ JJK\NirG~ l)~.H;'P<ht> f~-f cgn:t~({tn&~ _ ;%;:dnm~t~'~t '<::XfOf$: MI~ld}W:d:ni(~h~~p.:iil%.~~i~w .1<ihHHtJ:g <}fext:t';t.t~t),'ij, i:YiEiiiiAi;hiiR(:;t;'N'i:i;.__.nnnu._~._nw ..... w" ...... Tl~i~ J~ - $,n/\i:n~n_lib:ltmttt~z _ Ai.p~'0h1CJlt.~~)r rl"' :(>jns:nhh:l~t> $d~T~~:> - hfl~~ign, .ami _~N:b;,':te n~:t.u~:}~Rry-l() rn~kM,~U~St'$~rnen~s t~hHin:g 19 tht,$:R~dl%:t, r'tV1tct - 'Th<~. Af:rz~~n~mlt ..\~~~ (~ppnv~~& ~* th~> 1a~tHnr...rdm:l,~ednght :\pdt 20U(S,i\.Her tht)/\W]}{~:rH:t'nt. \;V~M) tif.srro!,;"6'Y:b.y dwBOcC~ i1. \V{i::; n<w%J thm :th(,~r~'~v~1..1 tl :icrht~:~'vir').~ ~'ttdr. hithi;n~Jinher~}flhi' Stak~ C<m\W~L ,\Td t'W; p3n'liw<\ph fda,in\! ~{l lfp,d ~"l*n",,, :,!1\);)kJ he "hJiliNL Th1$ Aln:i;;'lkk.n~mt. ni~ik{%' thm;~~.' *Jlo~:~nWrttt,..Th<~:n~b t~f$ <:h<tnR.K~ in. th{;';~jh!fadt<,mH.ni;n.. ...............,...................,.."..................................,....................,.................................................................. l'REVHH.'S RkTF\'ANT 80Cf: ACTION: Ih'$ Am"mk!wr,l. !'pplk$ 10 1.h" Agk,ml1mt ,I'hid, wa~ Jp;,woH<l by lh:t lk)(:f in /j,(ml 20G6.. ftpia~dng'. $t\. (;afHqf.A~\i:~khKnl~1ppf()Yi;.d :t.~n(k::~.ofy.;~r. &9.. 2(M}5\~hkkr "\Vfi~i *~nbiguo~t~. and. dlffic.GJt' t(> httt~~vt~t. "<<"w.."""~."...."",.....,"'''~"........,...~...,,...,,'',,'...,........,..,,'''',,..,,.,,'',....,...,...,,,,,,.,,,.w,,,.,,,"'<""<<''''''''''''''''<<''''<<''''<-''''''''''<<<<..,:<,..<<..<<..~~,.."..<<<<..<.<<<<< COl'lJ'RACTlAGREE,\lENJ' CHA1\(G!':S, C{~rr;XJ:h:H,~ ,~5 rtw:~k tM tht. n~H~ltir ~HHh~. $tmb Co~.g:r$'.;l~tJ:Hl tl :htH~~hJabh: rt::'btrclhu: . . ....... .... ". . '. ... .................................. '~". ... . ,,,..... ;" .. .. .",..... . '..... "")'''(' '.' ,,,'< ;....'.0 "'''1'(' '1"'" 'W"'.'l'Mr"lh'^ "'j""'0".' ."" '.,,"""" '. , ^ <!"/{ ;.~,.,~M,,8 ~~<~".., 'J~'.i:,-;:.J' ;;~i,l{: .~~ t... . .~~,<,. n:,'^~~{~.hl~ ,:"~; ~):J .',. :~..f").& :t-:~.J;i.}("l.;{" i ~.~J.:~-l{~)Jt~. ~(.:~ .~;tln{:." sl':;;i;;i;"i~rc6;\1'{;1fj~j'iX:FibN:s;"':\;;I;;;;;;~i' .....W,~..~......W..'",~^~,..,.,...,.N..,..'..'n'''~'.'^..'~""~"'''''''M-,';''_''A,".'.'' ""~"y.w......_.,.,.;';...,,"..,,,,,",,';'......_~.,......,,,.... TOTAt COST~ $t~2,s~,(jO nCO<W;'H:!}: VES X ^ NO ('{)in 'fO (<(}I:NTY, !162,541U)~\ SOURCE OF HJNUS, Ad V d01<:m ~rVE!liV[ liwnCCJ!IJ(;, yreS NO:!;: A!<lOtNT PUt MOiliTH.",w. \{t<;tr,^w.,~ APNHWEn a'l'; (:u""tr AttY..I( O\1tt:!:,:!"'tll'j,,I1.lg ~_, Ri;JlM"Ju'gt1.lt~n(_ mnSIn:'i HHH:CHHl i\t'I'J<H)\'1 L '::~i' .._ ,~::,Ji~i'7f:'" . m'w":;;<::~, .... "~""'~" ~,"~,?,~~,:~.t-lf^*1;"""",'.~6:. .,.::,.,>",:"..,,,~.,,.,u,, ..",,^, Sll:t$~JI~ A;Uurt/ill OOCI'Mt!\L'\TION, h;hd<<d_X_ !'H j{e'1'l,n"i ............w.. lJlSI\JSffION, AGR'lIM :\~~:~~~'hi,:: :!-*,>,:a4;."Mi'::~ -:;~) .:tt:::'*N~:N~t mJ..~1!~.Jt~,"~::~ ~ AMENDMe;m 'to AG~'t' l:J~N 'MONROE COt1'N1'Y AlID ADVANCED DATA SOl;UTtQNS, me. Fon 11' CO:'t(SUl,'l'1NG, SUWf:EV, IT DESiGN land noeo_ry 4S$"'1l$lnents related to tile St"'tling ProJect) {(;,mtr"'et NlIlIlhel'll11-$5S.Z$MI.>\ 1 TH.tS _-FIHf3't,A:t~fmNDt\tl!:NT dt!tt,S?the'..~...dtt~t :Sf if/;1L~::jN.s~(}{)n,t6.- tJ~:~~ AgFf~~n1en~', bet~Ne{tn -~Iur~'r~(~.County: '.Fz:C)tJt\?If :<J{:~n{t,(\dv~.~~~.c~:(t ..qJ~t~K'. ~~\)~~t,l~~nf>~ '.~JH~, .r-'5"PS''<f, :f?1" .1T. _ G(jn$'QJt~~.g, - SU-:"~~(W .,. _ f1:Dt?Si~:?J .d.~t<~fl thp ,;,,::!)~:~>h~5~. ~A'. /~p~i;.l: )Od6 M;. fm:' tl%},', pH:r:~{1<~..ot yf}:trectn)g, tK~t~\'t~~;i)r"%(;.rtOf*M:rH~ h)X'. t~l;::~Dtt~:::~J.H)U _ <A p<%y:tn(:llt, nJ (~~.q~n.$t':'S, <:J,ifrN-E5SETt.t~:. VilfRRSA.$;. .(}(~_. - ~-:the {;:()tJNTY.~nd .At)$.t>:n{ert~,intb. "in.AGM.E;:e)-M,KNTKw rr .con~uHj~{lg',f.:l!:rvt:'Y:., ~U:H.r fr., d<~~:igr1,. ~a,kt. Ag?t}<~fdf.~!1ft'.J~;G. tfjf.2.~inxi. t<~. ~~t}. C<:mtnkt N\~:1xtbt:::f.1 {j 1.',bX,5:,'2S6$A<~,lH:ld ,\VHEREAS<COQN1Y, i~n.d. AI>$,. h~~5:'(;btt<r~r~~:'.,t~.0Nn'{' nf '(}. .:;+tdv<'::her't').:' Z~j~tOT h1 th<-.' Agr<-;t'~iif~:nt~_.~i::nd. \.Vrm:RE.AS~, ,COUNTY. ;Ittl,d .,AD$. ~A~~(t(~ -t~'. (:l:afi~Y' tht~.. pTi.){;<~dit', l~ef~T.. p~'yr~wnt of(>t.f"b:dnesp:;;H$(:-;%; . NOVi TH..gNeF(}HE>lH?';;{)NSIDf3;girn(}J:~ .o{', t_h<~:Iq:~~t~:id}. r~n,){:(d~<t:~; t::<')J}.1:,;,d:n.:;:}(t ht-~"t;::th ~. tb:~ ,~'~~rH~~fr -h~~rthy Hv::n:~~' i~s. r~.iHqws; 1 , 'the:.;.. Shtl.t. qontr:wCit. rt\ttnber. cited in. tb?:' fbhdft \~/he.ro~t$..d;,:::,u)_*(-::. i~J J::";{;~~~,'rccl, .:l?~~::, ~:::~te., Ct}~:tr<b<Jt. nunibet ~,~~ lud.t;'by (.;~~:rr(~~~t~,:d, {d'r<:::~td .>iSv.H6' (::;:(tH:N:tt~t ir9-;,A.<~~t>1"'V:f<J;.~. h:tnj.g:rH-i~h.3, .. P~~,t1Y~~tt;~t.J&:i,\IMLj~~. !~-d1~rldedl<.~ C()(}Nl"Y . pay the. t~P." r~t(~ . ft~r.a;n.J~~f.n'vi{)ftfftder -Hli:, '_SU~.t(";._C<)"0tr.i;1{'t. i'J(~w(~\i'i~-(, 't'lofh~ng. hi.fhh~, )\i~h~fY~11tirt,HN:::J.nl'r()hibitAl)S TrOnl,' <;h~~rgh~g k;~:.%th~~ntht -itb<~~:'t~t~t~d. r~~t'.. ..1\{;<:,~q:itdhnit~1'forpaYtri~:H.tgy {htt. _ C~t-r:k. i~ bi~$t~d' on. _pro-vislvns. oft"hG.' Ht~J<~,. (:(}ritr;jf;~~t.~eJ1r.-t\:;11y' :att?~t)tNl.t.:;<Wouh tit){J :___.--:_~",~", :. :+'...' __'. .'.'. ,.__,'_;_:_"':":~."":_":':~ _~_,~;::<..,.~<^t-:,,:>.>..~_l;O:"'H,::::,y~.h(~-:::l:U__LH/_ Ckrk';; ,hs.\ntmaJ 01 bwh. F.. TQtu) ,q(}mp~;:n.s0d9h.t:p.l)J)S._Ul)der__ th'~$._A_w'(~e~tilb4'~~hi~~11n;)t ~~x:tced .Qne J-fun:{tt~?d. ~J~~tJ -SlXitY--11YhThknJ:$~,hfJ . J<i~le " fE.n~drf;d. SL*ti~Eii:ht l}oUnt.t~. t$16 2,~56$,.(k)}" C~OUNT,{, ~~jld.,ApSt(~:r:(>~~~~l;r.{~,{h~~l, '. tht,f~ '. HXX' {)Utt~tHf~:ciJXlg' lnvt~k~H '~.H.d.ch. -~hhn!dbf;" j).@.id\idder -the .i>iii>~<~t.~$' .ront.nK't, /:~nd agt~e th~t' theS1:~$h;o.H:, h<~.$t~b<rr~itt~{d tp th~~: (>~1untyAt1.!H'n{"y\nth hHrk...'up :dqtnJ:n1t~flt~~.tiqn,. fbr T1~vh~w.;;tn,d' 'gJ~aHt' "lNhfYr:1;.n,ppl~()priH.tf\ .h:~;, pnjd l~:~}:d~}rth~~',~~~f~%%~lcrrt~h(lw<'Wf:;r ~', "1:1'3.&' t;Aal, (:ontf#t;tth:'txtJfl+:~ f$Jx~~n' rK~:t C}l~:{;(~(~d: (In(~ N u,pdre<f Sixty~:'l\v<~J1J,m1i$:ir;d, ;;~:o.d ,p~,V(~:H.q_t1dn~4 '. 'Slci~ty'. F;i.f{h.~; Dniht:r~3 ',($ J f."i'J. ~5.f>$.f>Qh ,in(:luding~inYj:H:t}.tB:t\~~ l:(~J:;: tb:~:. <H.~,t*t6.r~(<.Hng: .tn~.!<:)i~:::es . < ,., (,L TlH,~.e~.p~:r\$~~~~~n~/h,a~:ti"'1Fy<<d'.F~~K. clip~n~.:tt3,(~;'~;~~_~, {n~}:~:~:tgt;., h($H~:t Of ~ltrt;n'e:shan be:'. AAiJ:f.. $:cef.~rfl:~,ng, {e{). r1()ff<l~tSt~tUXti'~ ',1 i~{ '.dn,d' t~t~(:{..~t<.b)g: t~~, C:.h-nph:.-{ 2 'A.dn1trdstr-;;;;.Hoh, .Arth::'l~' 'XX\/l():f thf: t,>1(?;~l:'t~>~;-<>:_~~.}-rdy OnHn~:U';;(:'~H.>) 4 .,., .. ( ... ~ ~ ~t . C\.h';~; ;"'" ',",~... '.- '. \ '~J<~, tt'.tX~.~,tiH..~Hr. ,ktt~.t{rH:tn.t~ n.gi'f)<t;txl6r~-t'. ~nt~~f'eu.' into~yh .tl~:''::L,:;}~,,^{;t)6, r:n.c<ln$i&t:~~:nt, hr.~rr.-:~Ath. ~~h~:i.n' :iY~Ji}:~~iH- it1. fug. ihrb:&. }n1d~dft'cL IN' V?tTNf;SS.\VHQREOFCOtrt-ttVb_nd,' /~,bS.. h(,;J-et~i .hj~i.~~;~. (:$:t~tu h~d Ytd% ,~\gr~{)nlent. Go:.dle' d;8y.an<1.' <tHte, fit${ .~}rin:e_t::; ,~tbt>~lt. th f(Rtf' t~}~~.pwn/e'r?f.i.r:t<' ead:: (ff ,~'Slbk:j): ;f.,l:1~1;H,.. tVith<fO.t l)~-'lJ;}f 9::;' ;:~<':;::sttnt:in,~~: 1Q1' thx~. ~)tht>,t (;oiJn.1t~_t"~~H~.rt~~~. bf; (k~(~llH-::-d_ ';::lJl(}dg~rtf~los_n:cntkw~nt to the, A:gt't~t'tnt::nt~ {SE/\:Li~ /Ul."';'.' DANNY L. KOlHAGfi. Cl.,ERR n\<'o ',i).'n^<'.."" '". .,'\<:-. r'} ....~,;~)~.,;/;-r~_.,fH.,.~..\i . G)Uf.l,~.~;:",:%::.~....~~~A,.:::tf<><- Si?:;r~;:it~ln::;, Dnt.t'.;,.",~:~\JJ;;:Ll.C/;L.2,....,.", BOA.f{j),-OFC(;{)t-rtr (~QMM:1SS1()N:r1RS (}F .MK)r1:fiOfS (XrtYNTY~ l~.L()rDA AGRI!$~.~ .MCnCE COUNTY Mm ADVAft()JlD llATA. 1\liQW'r'roD, me, FOR IT OOffSUlit'tm;,. ~. rr OmlllGN ~ tW""*--r _a""..._ r.mt..4 .".10<0 m..~ 1't<>J,,<lt) \Ct<~ -U",,,,,l>M In;Hl$~H:llffi$Al TH1$ AGR1UiMF.;r,T, l1~de ~d ~.l:\,%i(;d mt.o l),i$ U~ Oil)' rA April, 20M, hy ~d !xlw~en. MONROE COUNTf, a j')(llitka1 subdiviilkm "ftlw Stllte d 1"loride \-COvurn. wh",* addft$$ iil j IOU $hU',l~\:\'%' h'tNet, K!15' W,mt, Fbnu~ ,1;3(J4(l, and A<h'lUleed D~la SolutJ"'n~, hK., " 171"ridll <:Orp=~lio", wh"!le addms.. ;/\ 141 S"'lKWt &~lllm.ru, Su;'", A, 01il*,,,,,*r, F!tn,da ;M~n {'ADS"). wm.';.REA.'l, MJS .!l"d <\:rl)f{ty e!~t~,;j ,tilt' a pr~VWUil agree:ouenx i<J,::;t>tificd lrl$ "f'l'"f~~,oolcl Senic<;lil !<.greemenl b<.;t<,t,~ell M'mm" C"uUI,y ,wd ;%:d~l~iM~t' l:l~ta.$(,p<),ti~$.~.h:t<~;,~. <i*i;!~6t i~Jttf~h<<f. ~(} i~SS5~25~5.:Sr' f'C\)rtttat~ N\m>!:",< Jt) J-555-2565"). which 11(11" <::ttkred into on Q,e 196 dAy (,f (kt<lk,'. ,]OOS;m>.d WHEREAS, "aid Contract f1Ilmbe;r Wl-S55.2SM ~ p.'w,*, to t~ pH'l:>lmnatk due U, Xlll.meNlt,~ <:liffi{C:;dtil:~ anil al:\l.Wguil.i% ,l~ .i.l~te~l'fetrAl.i"" r$ (11" '''WI'', dalkiie$ af;(j. ~:xhibit!', and WllEltRAS, AtlS ~.,..d COUNTY "''''''l'Uy a~ t<> t~nnkl;ll:w (>:mu,,,,l N\un.~r .t(ft.~555<~r>65;. arid. WHENEAS, A.US hall t\ntewd inw a =tra.."1 mm 1:h~' &wt~ ~,r Fk'ml!l, knQwn a~ Slate Cwt...",t jIf'J7J..6S 1..U4..o2, ent1aerll'l' v::ml$dti..1,,& &,r"iN'S f'8t~ih:>(;1)rlt,i'act~,~~. '~Lt.l(t .Vv'bkh .Bill.'~:bciit&d ttt 1f,yfl#ridit-cdup. ~ltd WHBl'fl!A<'S.. 1'.0& h a qu&llkd """,do.r uuc Project Area 3 of the Statf. C4~~:i-:t;~~.<:t;ao,d 'WHEREi\$, ADS &)\4 C()!./N'f'( il~~ t<:, <*W:l' ml~, thi~ Agr~~ment ..n ADS t" l'ul'vl'y We Ccunty's varnnw !i{jj~, apph,~!:lmw., <!erven!, hun!:wm^~" ,""TIlU l.w(w<>;:k mId .,nr..Mtyud','%e to "ffi\Od it :""j,.& efficient 1'T pJJw. Ul..d "tt'\l~;\\~r~, mid to Mknd /W1! a.::lhdr )'lll1'tldX,;i;w; m d:\<: $ttdinll' Ori.mt"t(nl n t~l;i;w<l roi''1htl~ 2.ticlu.f",(d. t.VFA1~.gf'tf:Wtot~;~tfid NOW TBl,${f;l'<"{,RF;, ill q,mlidw;i;t'<li:! of the .,\~utl.;al. 'XY'''rJ''i:!tll and .mwiskms <<<r.1ained bertin, COlJrm and AD,."l agrew M {r"lt1W~' That ,'(,t.JiffY al:lU ADS, I'ln th<t ';m:wlooatioH be...d""f;""" w f\>ct.n. mnNal1y ~""" ar, ,dbw-.; 1 . :rH;(t.,~,;;lgl:;g!~M\N:r Tb<) Aw'~",m"...t ';',J1~t>1 <l<fHtb d<wmn"J:lt <All?, AtW OWY Agreewtmtil< lKWwel~" ADS '),ttll COUN'!:'r = 1l<:{_M" ,n.,r:J":llI<\mlt "IF<:~'W;P\':s ,,,><1 ~lHlll b.. tt'&d, ;me\'p~ted ;r.:,d "ll!",<<%l ail ~0<t'aterl itulepe'ldenl aweewffllM" T'nin A~&11'O)t~pmO!$L~tCXltr~.t:t,~tete4.intn.l)e:tWe:ea.,i~f)SiWdCOUNTV ur~' thfj ,t9th .<hty(:,f ()t::t{,~l)t~':; :;}:OX)6,; ~1~y.), kl~wtt {w. cm~tnto;:f;J~wl*r J()J'.S~}S.' ;"/", :)(i~~'j,~: l~;. \<lA';~~< t <:{~t:."i'{'~' t;n ~~,.s. :::?>~:{:,,>:.: ., :}, .;'~ " :}, ::::, i,: 2(,65, {,,,kl ~"ntn\ct ~ing terminar.e4. 0,1' m\lN!l1 ew~:ment </ilOS f.l1l<llt,,;, COUN1~Y, '2. ~"COP!i~ Of 'l1Y:i/ "H'RK , i). :t:..,;..t........ APS will1l1lrvey the C(}"(m:~)"~ ~of1"'<!PJ ll'M r~:; en1l:korJWt':llt, b\!ait~"'-;;$ "Pl)lk.\1km iwltwar.", ~!:"'(;",~> pnUlll<.r'; luttWr"r<l, ,,<,-eftlJl 1l1,twmrk and !.I'l'mMnl<:tur", ,;m ? Mr~Mmm>:l: by Jt;padtMlli b~ b. 'm)."" t" "i:lhx\!<lt<: an 17 '1.;"'g,,- NJ<ll'rtnffi}~<lrl< that. mil pnwitk COt11\lT\' with a m<:>w dl'kknt. IT pllm 'md Mr'w:;tUN>, lr1ldd:i1km, II.l).q \<1H rMJ"'rld and s~1:ively piiU'ticifare ill lb." N~,r\I"ll O"krn,d('l1 11' ni\('ted m(,e:tllljP; 'Iml h,'"lit fii r.;"W'lifm"1>:l~;, wit"" lleu'a"".y to fadJir.$t$ the IT p<.1<!'tl<J!l aa it imr"'-Ctll th$ Stm:ling Pmje<:(, PAXMgYf'S TO II.l).q A, COUf:'.<7rcl p"'n<mn<lJ1t'f> ann ri~ (/) ~ under tln~ lI.gree:menL i* c~mt(flge(~t upon lI.nxm'I) ;\\Pr'mprl.at\c'1 by the "i:'lm"lfcl of '",-'\ID;Y C<:4:!ltn~tl~i<*.'.~:r* . 1:\ C01.;Wf'(!lhaU pay k a<Xw1ancil witb 1:be F)qdda Prmn'Pt Payment fk'!: P<iymcnt will be made pmi!JI:!ka1ly, !::>lit Ill) =e ~"'qaentiy than m<nlthly, itt itft1}~~r~ ~,$ herein.am ~< ffjrth, C. 'nue 1\W'e..,menl 1'alle UMe!' the ~ l>ac.k' pf(llfi~n~ & M(,rK''''' CN,,,:.t! 'l'1u'cb&~ Polk:y, rh~l)N ;~J p>l;nn.enw1l1wll mau,h )mf!rreJ:lt~ !-mde:- the $1"j" Ctmt'!<Mot ,iNY}.6SHl+(M; itQ(l D, ADS :$hllli $Ub!nir 1;;. (~<>tl'lty all ,,:"")ke with au"(>pottl'tlg do(;tull.~araucl< al'A:epUtble W the Clerk O:ll a ~lct~(hle 1MI :reI ihdh if( the Allf%'ement, jn'lm= wJ) bCl->lde 4<lcuttk"J~m1:lt>tl to support expmlWil iill"ll.l<l:ing t.Mt not Jlmited to travel, hotel, per diem ~.$l <md iletvice$ =<k.r fn'k:s: >>he('t~ l)llJ1inw ht UJ<j Shlk C",utm<:t Area ::l and An:& 4, b;v(ocee .mal) del.Jni>'lW enOtlgh informatWn ~; tb-"'r ttle (;kl'\i: C;!Th ltIl!\l.eh tn<:. Jd) i"=Uy, Sol, NU."l:-"1i', Jnl> Tnw <md lwudy nlte 1<;' the State Contrael:, K The ht)tlrl:;r -;-au, -p€rict tu Al)S eh"ll tK., Rt It llU>Jlinmm, lb." mid t'IJk ugure <m ret Quj en me plke <ll:leew Q1' )f no mid rm.., Ie av"j!ah1e 81 'he nem n,1>} bdnw tb" t<:lp mt~" IlnU at tit) ti~. *hltil COUNTY pay the .top mte hr lU~y ""'1'11"", un<tcr tlw BUtte CoMtlt"t. Ho'iri1wr, tlOlb.ing i" th.* A$~e>ll'mt ~hil.,l pr0hlbit A!),~ {r(<ill dMM:g.t1m k"* than ihe ~,l~ "ta~ ,,~, A(:;;epl1*hil;Jt k, lh<: Cl",.d" io; l>aw,~l on pwricl<>,,,,, of the Smte O::lrlrtl'Wt, %e:{'~;$l.Iy ac<;epkd aC~'D1;unjng pdnc~J1e" lll',i! ""id, ll'W$; ru",% >lr,d rcguhti,m1' "$ w"W !I'-"'<om tile Ckrk'a rul<bl.l~ offtmd~, VI TN.., Cowpen.u-,bon 10 ADS under this A~ement ahall l1ut e~);eU On" Humlrd ".un $b;t~'.1'W<l 'lMu~mJ 1''j"", l!ll,udred SWy,Ei/&ht Dcllar,s j$l{':,,:'if,H,IXl\ C0l3NfYand ADS recugnil\e l.h<lt !.tlete art' uutM"ndillginmu*, wbkh AlwuH /jt\, jxrh1 '1l11<kr tlle prev{.lw, WtM:mct, ,tIld ~ thtt the"" mwll be. ~mbm.l!t"d t,) the Cotl.1ilY Attrull'-')' Whh bad:"1lf' ,k><:llrtt"tt1;)ti<m k~ r~"k'>/ alld <;bd, "iller", appropr.i<it"" be pwid unde;( lhl>, AW<<e:ll:lmI\: htw<<;","\', ih", t",.,., <Olll.'tf",;:t "w<:"mt Mall uot ,,%~ltml ()n", H\lllclred 8l%m.,Tw" 1hol.llMll,d and FlY!, Hw.\dn~d Sb"J)'.Bii,<ht n<Jl1M<~ ($1(;l/i6€U)i)l, i!lClu<litli;;;,w pjl:r#.N.;)!'; h" tf~.t~tM:::diJ:~g h:::9(:ikm:&. " ,'), <;{;..W':{:'4K~ *' {lH, .~,:.:.s. ~t:.~~~j\ f', " -"': ::).:~?':~:f,,,~~ M(::~;~::/< ::'X:::..;N~-'~:- ;':o.:1~' ;;:: ! ;.- -~ f.; ~;.; ~<: 0 :>.{ ., .:! I'X: ::; 'i, TCj<lM OF AC?f;E,j#1tF Thill !w,r-.;emwrt lllliu1. ''''mlW%\N: 0" th~ Jal:;, It.' $"'I:cl~tk.rl hy "u ~i""", l!.ml "",i~ nn. 1.111: j{,n:h MY of~""pte;(nbe:r, 11)09, W"~ terminBte6 e,d01" \lmk'r ~~li::t~~~ttq~h. 1$ <t<f tbifl ~tU,m1t< at' (h~ tttt$1 'C~::H'i'tretM):$tion :ba,s; bt;-t.~ 'P.!{d~j whk,hc\,~::r COXl:\CII iimc \ "Y';<'<""'Y"~t\'<' ('nM!)rnQ"'SlW NY" "- < o~~.:!Z'.....<<:::~"<U~~~ _'~ "-!i:li-.'!' -. t<1,~,..~..."",:t.~ AQS hl.l'" "-1\<1 shzJi lm~;n,4n ,k<.,,-\gl:"'tl1 11", tetm "I Ihi;; ~fC<tmeM< "PPNpriM" tkm'll<'s; and llhsJJ at. 41 tim~s ~tl tn, appro',-oo ''eM.<OO' Ct.m:k, Sb,\.", (;f"'tr.~C~ t,)iro\,..~ 013{',{;1-0+2, 'PM!""I1\l"" ,L 'f'j",.j' d $~,Kh lk-.;:r;~" h,')cl "'ppr,wl<!~ "'\;1l\1\ ~ i!<>lbmkteJ lil t.ht; (:'>11I11y lips:>li 1""pj(:$t, 1'11", i\.1)$ $gr~M d:\i~t the l;'llll\ty Admh,"'lt'M('t llI~Y d~'),ate repttiatimati'ie(1i\1 "" \'\><it jhe ADS faeilll(? j><>T'lldkalty to wnducI rli\n4<m~ open ill~ '-'>'~";/,atj.:mli\ thaing the BW"rnai bU$~1H:$* hkRlt$. 'Ill" ADS h..., .,nd ..h;d1 tl:<;>,intlt'" tl1wu,\,,h<>ut ih" ("m, Q' thi" ""lltlW:'\. approptiare li<xtlllCS and <wpf<:>1>'u1s required to wndu~t its l:mcit1~'''''' "m\ that it wW. lilt $11 time,. (',Oudud ih (ru$ine~tl ud:ivhiM in a 'te}'\\labk mM:u,t",\ h,,,,r 1X ;",1<01:< .Ik""'~l><'" .md ll'J"(",,h )>,,,<11 b" ,ml:m.ritltill \<. th~ C(.q-oly '~r>"" :flO'1U"..\... 6. liUt1'h~CJAL ~ORt)s. ,QJ<:..MtJ1 A.DS ~>l1 tl;ain~",ix, aU tx.:ilrn, 1~(;ll!t<l.1I, lAlld ,~X:l~menl:$ <Ut>o<;riy pertinent 1(, pwfor.lJ:\alX'tO UIlQe:% thit! Agrneme!\t irl ~~Ct1 witnjWut'l'<,lIy ru:oepwd ;l(;l;o-""tUlg :prindp1~ cnnmltteS"tly I'VpJJt'J., Each purly w thi$ <".W~m;51t ('~ iheir 'l:uman;oc4 l'<.~~ktiNe<% ~001 b.nw ~=n!lbk ..nil t.lmcly w:t'~$ W \>1M:h n,cL't& ()f =h ll~r pmty t<:> fuj" AIlT~Wl<<tt !tl{ pubG: recof<h pUl'p-:llleS dm'i't$ tlw U,tll>. ,,! 1.1>" Afl"<%1!"!:ll u,txd :/i~ i'Jlir y~'U% :f;:;1lowu'g thlll'-'nnll"',;:!<:m "t thi'l AJll",~e=:nt, If..m 1l\uditor employeti 1:(11 the C<,unty (It' Cletk deu."l'mi1l.~ lh.l!l tl);>Jik,~ plilkl to ADS pUT$tUID1 tQ thh Agreemel.t ,'<"ere ~pent fW;' plUpom$ oot i!m.lj(,yb,~l ~)llhl:$ AwWtl:tll"t, J>e Af)$..n.lll1 re:p<1}' tl'le =,,;'-'" W$dhe~ with jj:W~-';*1 <*k~lhttid purwant. l.(j See" 55,03, n;" m,wliug mm1 tbt dak th" 11lllil'lks ~<t pi,iti tl> ADS. 7 ,f'UBU" M;<"1I''''<; -ow ,M,.J;t,\l:<<)fM~<\:.'. The Cotl1ll(? 1l\ud .ADS ShIll.! $11"", .$tl<l j:<rfli<\i{ t~aW!lat;k llt'{:e~ to, and b$pt1cti<)fl d, ;It! dO<"JUlletlt:$, pr",>w:ro, l.eW:r* M 1rth~;r 'In"ll:e~:i;&1* itl 'I~! p<i$.W$1i'i<m "r u!'!der itii< <~lI,tl'ol .wbject tQ tiw l)fwitli()nl$ vi Cl\l41lct 119, Fkwid.. $t;l1.11teli\, <md :tl:l.1.lde llf rel.'eiv'Jc by tiw Cm:mry "nd APS 11\ ,^"("~UI\<,.ti'WI ';dlh tiliili ,<\.i~."n''''~t; and 't"uti t.:mm", .mall hav~ the rlght tlllU>lJa!~ralJy '-'@led thh Agf't:':fJtnmt 'aJ'(~i~ Vi~)~,$tk~?l.t>f -t1~g:$ xri-{r:>'i:~k~l~ 'g~y' ADs' S, H9.b1Lti&Rl\<f!,l'SS A,~1W6NCl} ADS (:;(~m;::-n~nt$ ,lu~cl ~w(':e-$ 'h:'1 incler.n:uuy '~uid h<;Jd .h~~~, Maurzro {~;n..l:~i~Y Umm:l of (;~lW:'~Y (;t)(l\tiXh,s!O'tw,,, fmr" tl,j')' Mid ill1 dtlj'iW f(<l' b(61)' il~iuty tind~lrlittg d"I!\th}, pet'tll.'!\1d l~ii.1r:r" ~I\d f'l'tlfl(;ttf M.1Nlge ,1rtdt\&qr, p:w~rq ""'<led by MW11<X Ctlltlltyi =4 au} otlwr l"~a> dM!lM'l~1.l, and ~"1$<;!;; IhdtJ(hfl!,\ <lttl,.m</~ :ft.~l((l which .art$-.; ()tn of, .tn ,'mmeeilim Wlt4, ",' by l"'tt"'-", 'J! ~1't<i(:ef:, J>foYfd.{~i hy' AtH5 ~x:3~%kw~b;1 hy thi~ lU:e:gt%~,:n(.':(\ ~ttnt'$:_ <~- :etb:r:.t w1:f~n$1:d ~x.t l~r ~:>tnjAsi.~.-n <~t l~..rj$,~ {t.~ :::.ttn~o:J-ee~ tW agent:K. ~>::qf::~:;;::<:t i;E<l. .M<{:.-.Z~~x\;:'t 1 The ~x'1ent ci' habihtj is io 00 war li:mJt<'~i til, m4ucr.d, fll- ,emend by 1he immran<:e rt'4ltirtommrt$ ~~mtllWed elll<'whttc within *1$ alfret.'Zne"nt. f\dhtru vi ADS W "'*I.;>lr wi1h l:he t>1(!llit~,lrwttt~ ,sf thi'l< ~"tltlr, lIbilJ t.., '~~l:\llW ((.r inu~:H~i4tt~ tto't-~4ili~~:h)t~9fthi~. ~gn:-ii~:wnt~ F;;o; to execution ef thhll\W~ent, ADS shl\ll fttmillh tb~. C')UVl'Y Ce:r(jj')Nl1)$ d \t~m.tretl~."s 'mji~1l\tinl'l tl1><, tllinimllffi <:'("'W'I~l@' funit$!km. in the fdjo'.1.4ng w.tH:n~nt~~ WORKERS COMPEN&\'nON AND EMPI,(WER'S UASTLTIY JN$UF'h"1CE:. Where aflplk.abb. <<..ow,rag;: t<:< aPi',1)' for,ul emp1I'Yws at <t lXtfnl.ttt,utt ~t"hlfmy ::ilnJt$ ,",,$ ~lh'ed by f'J<>rlull Law, (;{JMPRf':HRNSIV'f.; AIJ'l\'Jl\10sn$ VEHICLE t.lAflJU'l'Y rNSURNJCK M<>t<>, vebJcle 1Mbllily h:lJ.wnml~, including applicable _.f~ml1 co','r..W", 'l'oib limite of .Ilabilily ~;t om 1~~ 1lwn $l,(KlQ.()()().(lQ tl<1.r o~;';'Uttene"', ~^~mhlnd ll:'ngle limit fo, :aQdi~ Injury Li&>ility ,;nd mP'l'rty rhtK"~e U$\biliiy C(""""lge ,>Iudl i!:Ktude <ill <.W-71W vehid$, all n!ll"H:>"'n~%t 'i~~, llfld ,,11 hi!'td. ..,,;hld~ii. COMMERCIAL <1fi:l'lERAL LtAEllJ'f'l. C<>l:llXlWft4a\ Jiltnet0. .IJahdty 'X''',er. with nma5 ofllabi&1;'i of oot le",~ th$!l $l,O(iO,()()(;LOO pel' Qtc'WlY::l1t'e mmhined Sliagle limit f<li Bool1y ll1ju:ty !.iahllil)' ilnd m>ptll'!)' DiI:n:mge Lhhllhy, PROFESSiONAL lJAEl.l%rY, 1\DS $bull furnish pcoi1%$Qlmlliabi.lit,. eUW5 and ornll\$IOl:l1l mlffinmce 1.)(:'''01'. in lW. lilm<>lll,1 aot le~ll than $ 1 ,(lOO,OOO /)0, ",\1;";' ""'i<m_ \1# e"'1!l('Ym'~ in e><o;:(;1ilhm ,>nd <or m'l;tj',<<('d..ll",11l.iiim5 'with 111", tXrIUpr:tJ1Y. CERT1F!CA'rES 01" INStJF.ANCK OI'iJ,vn$l C,,~1ifi;;ilti(!il ....r Inoornnl:e llhall m pmllitled to the COUN'IY at the t;me d e~{'utkm d this AW""l:tWnt \l.nd C<':rti(t<;~l ~,<.piC'* pNvid~d If reqn~..ie,l .fAWb ;:wIley ,:ertilk>ak tthull be l1:l:MkrrlOi'tl with" pt<:M:itrlrni th~t no{ le$.~ tban !hitt,\, r#ll <:$k~dm' day:t' wtltX(,;\\ 110:;"" 'l'hll\111M' pro.ided t<; the (x.:,mly belhre anY' polky 01' <"",~,>>g" i.s ,~t)(:cled Ill' im5'l'k,;,(t The M;l~nt-'W of s\I,h Jn$U"w.(~ *,,,,.11 }Je qualiikd tl> ~<:' '!!Q.%"""" it'; thb "Mate (d' F1orid~" If tequested by ctw C'llmty A<irnici$ttatt:rr, the Ins'Umut.'" <;oyer&.g<; ~hall b" prim~ty h~tJ\lnln<;s: with fe$lX'Ct l{> th" (Aunt)', il:% (;ffidllls" ttnfl!{J;ie<'.e. ug<>.nts $nd V,,1Ilr.1W(%1!i. 9, NO!<i..W.m'EE Of l,MMlJNJ1"l: N<~twith~t~ndiri,t...."th6.... .pr4n~t)ti~ hi. ...~{. 2$fkl~t...Bodrl;i. ..iSh~t~lk6~ . tht: partidpaoon of Count"v and il.OS In tXds Agxem!:'<.t snj Ibe tt<<luhitioo of.arW <:ol.lJll~,,~~il littbilily instlxii'=~~ cm<'~, wll'-m...'UnIDl*- l~(Pi~mlse, ~;r j"c.ill pJl(~'tnt~~t'fut:tialxHi~;:r ,1;tW~:f$:H(~ ."Pix)l" (~(r~Jt}:n~.. Sh.Htt .gotl:>e. (f~;Nrl~d. ~.., W~h'~f uK lmrmmity t!> "clte oxumt "f liawlity ('o.'emge, 'lOr shall ""':I' Agte~m;,nt ;,,,,W:r,4 h.!<l by tlw C<:Iunty tl<1. t<et~llke<1 to '.'ontain any pt;:W-miofl fur w;~b,:'\'. 1 (). 'i".in""""""!)","'" <:O"?l:"" i;r'i'}'" ',' ',' .,' ,~i'",'~~#~,~MM:~m,'H~%'~M~,~f:~~~M~>>~ lH "''' t:\',,",.1\ ,mil kJ, all pU:lJ"'~<:\ Ul1l%:t this il.greentfOnt ADS l<\ <<1. mdepeudellt <:,r"'ar.rac10t'an.gn@t .ati.eJn:pto:ym-:'{jft}~e'Be~'d of p:q!Utty .(JommJ~r#Q:t~f.::rt~t)f }:,t(%il'f::(~ (~(ft~nJy,. . NJ. 0.~lt6ix'::r.R ci.<nt;Mrit;J: 'hl tbJ~,;4gtt>(~r(k~if ~~h~U b~' i::~t;rs.tn~f~4 ,'~. :~:-~:-;:~:s:~; M~>:'-:':'~.::':<f :~,{,>~~~,~::' >~ ::"': W_H::;.f~.,.::'" :},:'} , -: /':::-~::~::<; '00 all tv find Ai)!> qr fillY .of his (<:tt"pk'yee,~, sd:~:':mtn\dmi<, Ml"\iaJitS, or J~f1ents 10 rye eoopk>I""'" of lhe .hard d C"Urny COl1t'llhsi<"l1le:r1' of },fb1>l'OO COlln'Y, 11 iH!.NIXlfiK:EJMXN6TIPJ1 OountY"''Old M:x:l "we<< tn.,," Ihvr( ""ill b.< ill> cti&t>mjrJ;il6:m .inst any peruln, ~:tnd. H. i~; ~xp.-m;~y tmdtxrstood !ha! UjXUl a &wlmim.ttm, l~jt $. emu'!. of (Ooolf?':'~e!ll; juoo:l.i<:twn that d~ti~'n hM oc\'''ll..'''f:~d. thil! .=t~i aW,lCl1tlttil;"jJy t;al'mil:\aWl! ...itb:mt Nr:i fuJt.he:t ""Mil on th~ p'rr<: of ..IlY I'S'f:ty ^ deli:!',." tlv.> d~w d'th<, ,,,,,,.rt (mkr, tXntJ\ry <)~ ADS lI1gf>:lO to c<1mply 1'<i.th all F~vmf Md MaJid".. lrtMure.ll, nnd aU l<)(;all1rdinanm~n, ~,S aJlPli~le, Td~1tii1g to 11<;<n4sc~, These lndtl.de bul are ,wt IimlWd 00: 1) 'titre VI <lIthe (>"ll F'lght$ A~'t ,,1 19M. tH, ~152) which F<)llibitll mll(rimirlatim't 1m the ill;;;ill <:>f r.'l~e, ",,,kit w ~tutionil1 wi@n: 2) Tltl.a JX &f tl:w Edu1;'ltkm Am%t,dlXwM (}f IS?l, ;'lll"'>en(~A 12<1 use $$. 16dl. 1483. "nil li,Sj:;..!4S6j, ..Sdi jitBttlbil" ~p..ffiimoW;n Olr t!1" h$ll.i'$ (,f Wi(; 3) Sct.'tba 5C4 'iftbe Reb~t>ilitaticn Act oi 1<)13, M "'*I..""ood pO use ,,^ 794], wl:Jch pl',)ltibiw dl*,riminataon <m !.he ba'l<Js ,,,{ b.""dl.('<t,p~; 4) The Age DI1lcrimi.nati"m Ad 'if 1915, '"'' mnendtxl !<n use ~,,,, 61,0 I.. l' W7j whit,b pmhJbiWl'll>;r;ri>nintlticn on the bu!l!$ ,,: ~ltl"; NTh" Drug Ahli~ Offl~'e Md Tfeatment Act ill 19?2 (PL 91455), 1~ $.m~l"i.h::rl, l,dadng 1.0 l.'l('n.u*,rirn1l1ation m:\ the b;u;i~ of llnig aUllJW; {>l The ('4rl'llfellimsnow }I,kohol AbU$<; wid AlC<'J.lli'>ll= J>r",,,,,,tiC!l., 1'r~tm"rd .,,,d Reh$bilitaJiot! Act r,( Hr70 (1'10 9 H, 161, IW ~UlllOOJ.vd, rel1rting 1" mmtl.iJl.mminatiM l1n the hlVli~ d alor,tlOt l~l>liM' 1'1' 'lk.~h"tJmll; 11 Tbe f>ublW l'bJUI J3ervictt Act &f 11H2, ~". $'23 anQ 527 i-1.;l use l'S. 69Odd.3.and 290ee-~Sj. as $.llil~.0~t l'lilrtillg tli <<"lfuientillility >if $.J.cohd and drtilf1 ab'\l1lt: patent reoorctll; 8j Title V1U {If tbe CM, 'Ri$lt,; A>:t llf 1963 \42 use $, (:I ~q,J, 1m aroell.kd, ,<'$kl;itlg t(, 1>1>lldi"lorimlnlil,lkm hi the ,,,%t, ...mt~l\ (rt !In<ilndmg of hou1l'in.g; 9) 1'h<: Amer0$n~ witll Di$abilitk$ Act<< l{lllO (42 VB() ll. 12fl1 "'>iI1'), M m.tr.f1re 1l.m"",~d ;1'=, time to tirn". relating w nondi,;u'It1ll<llltkm "n ihe bil1!J" of ditmbik:y, 10) tu"Y ~'lhet nen6oc:rhrmmti"n pr;,\li;,btH\ iXl W~J' Fesj"",l Ill' ~t:a1~ $ll,tll.k", wh~,h nitty qrpJJ t.o COUNTY ,wd I\OS to, "r !h~ lmhjl:<:t mMt<:or of. tab ~ment, 12 "<"'"'l ,', %""""""!"" W,,'V'"'''''''''' "T ' f.M-'7h,('..V.,.~~t~; _.~~'W.}i.~~~t~,~j.:ffi~~,.,_ ADS w.ay llU!x:O'l1U(l(:t !>(l!"\!OH$ ill Ih,,,, A~t"mnmtf. <~> 1'ciljrkl.W" Jn~, HUW$\'tT, Mm ",hull !K,t u.$llign Of s'1llx:ontract ita clIiilo/ltklfl$ tltldo:r thll! aW"~'l,.,nt t'o Nn.,r ~nbl~or'trll<:;I1)fi'. e)!oept ill wrili!:Jg mid wiTh 111", prior written appr(Wal d UN BOilrd. ,,' Gmmry ('4mlrnj~~ {.r1!mtnw O.)tI,r',ty lrod AnS, whk:h appT1N<\l ~halllx: $'Q l*ct t<l oocb COOditiaM and j)WllitlW.tl$ lW (he HOll:!'d rn~y de.:m ne<;e1*<\ry, Thln If'ilrr'<lrl1iJili shall lw ir~oov<..t~kd by 1 cit>!"rh:e lm<:> n'l)' t1$1rignment or Olu.bCOI1lJ:'lMOt a:mlllnY lI$$Jmn"., ~,f ""umXl:oUad:lrf' $w.il <':<lll'ljjIy ..ith 811 (,fIll" prr;<vi"lnl'lll "I' thlli '>gr~mn"!lc Unkaw eapr~.ly prmAed kl, therem., stich a;ppro'l(-al khall in .1~~) :(~~urm:r ('$f- &;".t:ut. f~ d~ctPW t~:> i1tq:X);~ ,~tt):9 mHai"nd obllgatim1 u-,.:>n the b=d, l. g, QQ.HBUM.s&"WDll..1A1L1&lVJJCll:N$E REqW~I<(tS h1 _p~'t:(':;idit~_g' flU ~:-<ep;.'k:tI~-l/gc9d* p"~1"$\Hlnk t~} thh~ ~~.m,*~~nt~ A!>$ dfW:.H ~~,bkits 1>r' dl "lIlNt~s, odV,a:nu,,1,. ,'Uk'$ ~i1d regulatilinlllK,rtair<bs Vi. ll' .te$Uu.tinlii 1M. plW<li~i'}1j$ oj; '>11.<:1:, ~IYi':e"'.. irKl,tding dl"se n"", ill elf",,,,,, !Iud he~dnilltel' $l:0:@pted,. .ik:.:y viffiatuft:'t t."Jt' i*a10 tstat'l1tf:'~~ (;<rdhl:o:t~~,~~, :n~t(~% l~nd j*ij.tl~la:t1:o:n~1 $hull f.\~~m;:.':<:t.~ ~$~~-.-~~S5',:U0M " '. -:~ _: {.~ ~;,.~.:.~~<.:f;~:.';t (:(~U:='';F to.:; ': :>, ; ;~ .,.::.;} ,,>: ,.... :.,~. ~ :;'-?~-N< """.bi',,:e $ md"n,iJ ""{IW,J, l)f t.b~, "W"enrenl md lIll1l.H ~"tiik !he Board to t~n:r-ttin;li:te" tb~$ Agreer.oenL ADS sh~l1lK3:o:mt~~ pr:opt:f lk:~mse:~. 'to, ~dQm1 .~M:::jrk in aclOa.r(I;m<.x wilh them ~pedlicati<}!'\a ~hn:'t\lfflh<}\lt fit" tff-l'm "f ihill i'lgr.wm~mt. 14. D1&illi!LP.E AND CONJ'UG"l' OF lNtENESl' ,'\lX"i r,~"~nfii milt ii, (t~ di!=wr~, pcindpk;> and "wphj~K$, .,'rt',~<:mllf \\1;"" 11<> luwr~: !tna 1lh1l11 acquire 11<:> intereli', el(her ditut. W' mill,..:;, whi,~h "'m~hl ".onl1k: (n. lmy maltier ...ilh till' perlmmatJr..<:! d tM'n>1<::<% ""'l\lk,,(\ hy :h.iz <~onttact. Z@ pl"'t.-viaed in f.:k:;;;;:L 11 :2:..~~ t 1:; et.. ~:.>, 1~1$:rida. ~'tatu:t.f.::$.,. C'U>tH:)ty a;:g\)t~ tlw~ <:>ffk",~ "m! ~mpk~ ,~f dre C(M'!;y tm~:>glli~ ",wi will he r<XjU4~d t(> N'lnply wlrh th;j $t.oxl~:rd$ <<f <)(lnduct fm puNic uffi= and el1lp;,~>%~~, "" ddin1>!t~~d!Xl Se<::tion. 112,3L\ FJonaR Sta:\.,te;;, ~ng, Imt x.M llm1r.ed to, Z(>lk:it~lion ')1' ~eptm.c" {,fgm,,; ,j.;.lllg \)\llrin~w with ol,e'61li,~tW1; UXllllHh'jl'ire<l wmpt:n6lltkll1, m.i~H~ <If puhlk :!X>l!lition, 0mllk1.lng ",mpll.lYIXl<:J1t. "r <::"ntr!tctmJ leJatim-$hlp: and &~(:l(mure or '1U '-If emuin jnf,m>l.ttth>tL U/Xm <-;;:ecmk", ",f thr. lOoott.,,,,t, al1d th~~aib".. M clwllg;j$ i:n4j/ feq\lixe, th" ADS ~hcl! nmilYthc <:!mnw ctallY fonan"ia( L>1k"Wt krru\y huve in any und Al 1,mgt>llnl' in MGttroe C"umy wMch tw~ !l1)$ ZIKOO.=, em1m'll(,". ~'c"A'lt'.tljOtd$, oo:p.f~rv;~~.;f' W:- :[{~qt(:ke$ :tbf (::t)Ul1m:li3lg~ as:$:i~oz ~ e*~ull.afj(#~~f (W tft~trt1exrt 1",,11l pro,isbn i!<blll! !tpPly whemer OJ: twt mwh Pt''W'''Xll h l'l::qull:1:ld b}' ",mtme, ,,~ a ",~r"hti"n <>-f pr<>'batioo, (,{ iz flr""i<!OO M a Y<k..:ntMY hum",. C<Junty' ilnd ADS WmX'ililt thitt, in l'<:~t to l.\liclf, it h<l$ r,dtheJ: =pl<Zj'd r,rJf r<d.<liull'tl any t>=pany Gl ~, ulhe< tlmn n \:>nun tide emproy'lt' ',,;c('t'l<,ing wlety f(,r ll, t<l t>d1cil: ur ~.l:l:r" th.h, !\grl!:emen1 "",) tlWl ill"".. Jj(lt pIllM ",. !~~..>d (t> p$.f anJ pexll<lll, C1lmp$tlY, cll!'p"l'atio,t, itldi~id\HL (,r finn, <rtl1.'r tJ,MX "huna We empJ.:,yee w1)rking ooldy r<lr it, an)' 1..,\ c=t:01,,,$Qa, l"',<:eUt~, girt, O:r "aR" ,;,u\.l,ide:mtWn ''<lntlogent up<ln tll' retjtJ1ting trom thlO !twa,d ~':r milking l,f lhiz ,4?e.m,l:'nl. For &$ OOMIW Gl'vk>bilioo. "fthe prll'\~11, tb.. ADS ~"a that. th;j C~unty ,~i1>.1.lJ h~"" the dght ;0 cenlllrlate Ibh ~em<::nt ""I.!tom Hahihw l,,',d, >l1 11;, dl~f,:r.,tkn, t<l df'%rt fN'" ",,"'WS "W~d..lff "J:i1eN1se Ho<:.:<Ii"J', t\l<' f<111 <'.m<::,.mt "J' uucb lee, "=.lu:li~m:l, l"'r~ent~, glfr, ~':r t~'n"id.,r"ii<lU. 1 ~;;, "n '"' """',..' ')'0' ':""')>'>' 14~~,<.t.;.;t!~~k!,~~._ AD",> !lhml not 1.1"dg~ d,;j Cmxmy's '".~dit '" mak(< il: " gua"(,,,t{,r ,51l0'mto",t ",. ~lJ.t"tr fur;my e'.mtra~'t, debt, ~liop,judgrn.eJ"t, w..n, 00: >my k.rul of ll'lcl"bt.,.dl1el>a, ADS .r"rlhet. "''W1Wl~ Md ~epr~oouw {hat it Jl.<la 11lJ (,bl;g<'IF,"" "" bdebtednel>s thaI. ","uoltJ lmpllll:r hi!< ahiliW m fMWJI dl~: nmm1 <If thffi t:<lntl',Kt, 16 N{Xn\'~m,!'illQ!JlR.l::t!&!iT AflY l:",I:ke req;':too G! lre;nnitt~d WIde< thh ilgl'"ernml~ ;llltSl he 11; wri<i11g Ilf\<1 b.rA cdivc"xi. ,1j' mal1oo., {>C<!ltll,ff' pn'i,ald, to I:M "I.r..,;t p,~r~,. 4r <'en1jit><1 maii, ,x,turnq! ,,~..~d.p; reqllCJlkd, 14 m;o lolbw!.,,:;: POR -C:OU&'f'f t<-1<~~,M"(K~ C~)t~nty (~:ftlr.t Aili:tti:iri$tr~t&.K ~_ H)O Shr~>;)nli~Q St~~t Kf.;'::t -\l}e$f~ -~"t S~3D40 Eln,d C:aunty Att~w.nt.Y f() l%:::z lO::;":6 Key WMt, fl. 3304 J..-- 1{l1'i :'.\;*t..~):-:::._ #: l-(:.l~ .,;:t;$...::;..}$$A ., ;....:., ;~~;:.' {::} ":-1.;.{ ~~" <:),~t ~:~m~; POR ADS: kdo B',tdi :\dvdtM)~.o;;.Ua'S$iu,tkitWt<:..{ri.c~ 1.41,S:>t~~det :r.x~f.flevttnt,. Sti.H(~A 01<1$t}\.~U:'~. ftjiid$; 3~WTI MeJ'>llJ Bud! 4&"fm(:ed lX..ta Bobtim:\s, lnc 141 ~:kOfJJkl Jk'ui~"'anl, Suit", ," 01<i'li1l'lilL Floridia :%677 i; , Ihl\ltJ;1 C'-'Wtty i~ Qt~mpt fmm J:>al'll:l,wt "r f1!lori4* $W;~ SJOO~ IllW U~e l1rI;~", Ans /"101,. wH h>e< ":<a'l\l>1~d hy",):rltw ui the {;",mtY'l!< ",~~w.rtio;:) from P"fit1€ lI<atM t,~" to it", '$!.;W1i<1rJ> for material", umrd t<:l fultill its obiiilatioi"$ l,md{;, thh <;I}nt:n.,C', ll<lt ill< AlJS iaulhnrkred 10 U1l<: the O:mniy's Ta,'t f~m..tkm fhw:d'J~r ill M(,'WinR ~,;(<"," "",~tltril.k ADS *"dl ~ :t"t'${Xlll$ihk k<r 1"\:1 j~l\d. ~U t"X'-$, 'fr ?,wmentt' oj' \'lillJ.l',,,JJinJl;, rellit("j M llef'<ice~ rendered under full. agreement, 18 J:!,;1f.i;)fll1bJ1Q.1! 'rh" C<~;lmty may tenl'llmu<t\ thi~ ;>,~ment '1iritt< <:>r'1iritht'lH f,Jl~I~, 11)(0 Cmmty rwq <<::!l"ullote thill< Agreement f.:.r ('...Ull'-' '",.fu ~'\Ietl l7J dtl;r~ noti.;:e to Al)foL (;w,~ "hat] {,/"'llsti1Ut~ " iwe"d' W tnZl ",!lEgatioos clADS N peri,w"! l;,\:w obJigatL.,n." ffinm,m~ted unde; this ,~-mZlm, Either f}f COtrnTI' lUlU ADS 1)~"t<';t'> l7.l.<l!I \:Zl~ffimatf: tbll 1\~1l',ent wt\lwut cauoo by gl\1ng Ure l>thet pRrl:y e,hty (Ii!)) ,l;a;f$ ~'ritj~rJ tll>li'~e, of 1(1, inteuboo t.;; dv 00, 19, QQ\l!j;RNlflG !.dW,..Y$NVX;, rNTIg{Pw,'TAll1;m, C9m, ANj).I~1t Th.\i.< Agt<'t~r<N\t lllMlJllw glIvet1led by 1II,d w'llSti'1.l~4 in ~(l<'<l#l<m with tt.I'o II'W$ vi' the SUIte <;( !<'Jwioo &Pp!i17~Wle tv ,~entl\ ruml", m-td to ii<' per~t elidl'd'{'"ln.tht: t~~w... It~tb.(~(~~nt. thfl.t h:f~V ,~~$~d.~~.4f ~~trtk&t ~>t ';$i:hiH~i$&-$;H'vt:: !lfr<o<.g)$ inlltituwdbr the enf~w_ilt or lnterprets!;i;.m Gi1,hi1> Jw,,'=~m, the C"Utlty ..nil ./1ltlE a~ ihat "(W'U~ will lk in tl'!", &ppmp"u.t" i~>".l'1 <>1: l1ef",,, Ute apprvpd&te e4rr,jci~trath'~ wldy m Motll'o'~ ~.UIl;1', Fbi'lw.t. '>" "'''''''''''''f'''' ...1. .~, 'h Th~ Omnw a"><\ ADS <ll;;N'A that, itl (M- ,went of ,j>tll1iding lll<:e.rpre1W:lc.,w of ,he ("an:o <,r t> (m'm I>f l.!>i1\l Agt~enl"'nt by m' llet"~,.m 2>IlY of ibm. thls iOOUl; $hall bz mlbnliHc<1lt.> m;~<'lintiofl prior 1J1 tl'!~ illatitutim:t cfw:'Y {(the;: ,l4tlliJli~t''$.tbl~ <or kyJ jlf<XZlOOint. Me4illli<>n 1'f<<eerl~ hit!al<<d ,,:n.<i con<l.tl(,."d pUl'OO.Mt w f,hb AW<Jli)"'~m ;;h&U be in 1l{'J;(",d<trl<:c with the l'hri<iil Rd"$ <:If Cldll'tt,ce(lm~ .and ,^,;;\I,M "lvi >::~l'ltoolaq j)m,,~:dul"'$ 't"qult'l':d by t;h<e dr{,uit "ourt of Mcm<l>~ !):H~r4r. "L 8my.~&w.a.t'r.( If (tlty kIm, ','(lWt"",t, wuditioo Of :F<:>Vi~t,",\ o(thb Agrue:nle'(,t 1M llll: l.prbtkl'llhereui to lUll tir':llrl',"1"'('" Of pem;il) tltwJlhtl tloclw:"cl m.vwid ,>I' unCtll~,at>k l,:l MY wWt'nt by u emIr! A ,'>m>~1i'\nt }'';lxi%tikwz,t1, t.lJ.~ tel1lainittg tel'tll~, euVl:'tHl!Ua, "(>nrlitio.n,, mld pnlviskms of.tk~ ARt~~n<~nt;~t~Jantl{~t't>e$~~t(~1. thl~r~l>Yt,f.Htd :~~#tlt '. f<~I~l(lit11~~{; -l:(~q)l,~,,~~r"'~~~:~~ltt< (;tmdIJkm ~:n.d p~.:.w..w!\ M this Awe<tllO(oIlt $mdl lx' ,'eJid llll1d llbsll 1m <'t>(Or<::\Oah1" I'> th~ fdk.M 1tfJ<t;fJtlllWrrnitie<l hy kw,mk$.tl tlw e,.,:t,>I'.~merlt 0{ ~b~ r<tm~>tli<ig l$:nr<s, "<>'-"'fMWt1li" c<mllHi,~w ,mu pf.'<lvl"im>l' oft!,;", Aw~o!,m'!<ll. ;<tldd PU''''''lll: ,\1", 1\(',c(>itlplhi>J:tl\1lH oj'dw .:.dW'w) hM.,...."" tlf lhi.. AgrlZt>"',nt, Th~ (\'?:tHi"iY;(Hid< Ans.8J~fnxetp ,ft:ct'tfrtn. the. Amff.:{'$ZftH; "t(" J:~pla;ct::~?H1:cr ~f'kken ~;}:~;l::';::,;;:; ~<~: p1'o<;1sb'l with It v0id provision ,hat 'XllXlffl m, ck,,!<', al'< !WMiM,$ b W" mtent uf the Mrid<en prmi5iO'fL ',p 'T"Y',RHf,,'Y'$ fl18'" ;\Nt> ",AS"'" .'.....:' <~'!. ,:Ii:"..., . .... ~.....,.M<'~<<\f'-~l~,~~t2 (;OUN'Fl !md ADS ~'ir{"l;l",1. it> th~, fNetl.1 ~m1' ""ltl$?l <it uotkm 'ii' Mln:.rwstr&ti".' jJm{t.;<<,dkll [$ inil.\\1,wd o' J<:f('l,4ed by 'ilP)' party 'fl'4ati"~ t'1 the etrlbt;;elne11t or iut<:t'fH'N"ti;.r. <If thb .<l4lreCtl'Wnt. the prcQilUbg Jw:!'b' <sh<sU he ;;ntitk<i t<> c';',(toon,;"Me (ttlJ::'mry'~ fct><l< $int!' i~H<lf1:~:($ r~,*, hi $ir~1h\k pr<"'e",~jitll4"', i::adl party egr{'4a to P"S 1t~ 0"'''''' COUrt ,~.$t", ltw~$tiv~tive, I.\nd tmt,ol-pfJ<llwt (O%P<;t1""'~ whttlher it i$ the 'fn',wciJh,g 1'>al"\)' ~,j< tim" Ih,mtgh r,Jl kwel$ <>1" (hi' ,,:,Ul''' 5:y"$t~~n~ 4J, Afl,fdr.';G.&1IQt; QE.~~"'l >:* V11l~QB;f.;1l;Mll(~~. Counly and ADS ,,~'XO that ail di1>put~ aad <liMg;"l>em.em" ul&llll<i^ att=ptu! (:1> b.\ l'{O.<c"k<<j4 by rt.l#Jt ~Uld <muJh ~wl-i<m,\ l~tW<\en lY',:rm:;~xmt~11i:~~, Il{ ",-<\~h <>1 COUNTY and Ans. Ii M re$lllmloo <.<j;n be ~oo upon within 3Q !la-:\," sfr& th" fh~l meet and et)l'..kr $C~slm1< fue il\liue fir twuesllh$ll be diacu~~4. at a publ.k 'XI'NPJ'ng of th~ t"0aKd or CQ\lnty Ool!1ml~.ero. ;f thl1' io'AAle ilK '1l-$Utm M<t sun n"t 7eii!(,h'ed 1f.j tlte ll<ltillfuctirm cf WUNTI IWQ tiDS, ~!'l mv PllrtY ;luaU hll.'<J1' (h~ ng'llt v.) $t-'ek $l1ch reti;tj' ilK r~ a~ m!(}' l:m provided by {hi~ AW=~lnl (,r by !<lmid., h,w, :\4. Ct1~&;~J]9p, in th" <"'''nt ll'nJ ,.dminl~l.rati"" or l<lgal ~dhlg i>l i:m~tiwle<:l ugadnlrt dth"l party n-Jrdne 1~, the I<'YllliMk>tl, ",.l(l:CU~lil, lWl'fl>1'num~~, (:ir b!'<1.1M:h <.i!: (Ilk, i\ll.l"~<,:m."m, Cmmry' and Af>S $Wee tt> Plltdd:p*v, to f1;" tllttl::<U, :l'{'qd,ftd 'by ttw Hiner pm:ty, ,n..Jl prw~dlng<s, headllg$, pr<ll1e~>l, n'€)<1tingl>, and otne,' adh'itkl> td;!!t,,<l '" th~ O!f"h*u'~l{'" ,,! tnl~ .~l\enlel1t <:fr ;>r<Wlmon ,~f th~, .\<'t1V"'<",\; tmf.k:t,this A@:".l{,rll<., C<Jrllll)l' am! Ai)S <ilpeclfi~!llWe? bat lW party 10 thb Agreement ..hilil be ro<jllir,'ld M "'l:l1.e-t' !n.t(> lIDj( llX~ti(ll(\ P'*~g~ ttt.t!.l':<i l<I thi~ ,Agreeme:lll:. 25. SINlJif'9 ~gr 'the term", l:'m'ena;;:i;:'.;mditim:l$, t~P~ j:ll'tWi.$i{'M ~>i thi,~ ,';{,t"<tXl'etl.t ",hall bitlt;\ find ina:c<, to the ~m~fjj ci C(lunty $ind ADS $116 t1l'lil' 1t:1>pectl<le Jetal rtp:resei'1tati.'~l~8S'.'i4t\~t~a~~'~~,j.~t:Q:{~;l~~; 26, MJfHOHJ't"l Zll?,h ;;;:;:tl r~pn'~!)w !It!l.1 Warr-J(llt~ t<1 th;; <'.>th,,1' lhat the ~'!;\lt,Oll, ddJverr !,Il)d j,>f:rf"mllu;l;<: l>i'th)s II<vteKu,mt hf.\1I<:' l""'ll <lull' autrwr'~d h !;Jl fWC'!Maq C"'ll<.l)' llEd ~"'rlX'nlte !l~d(>n. at! feq'uired by kw. 21. -CWi%& FOR fro..,$RAL Qii:.'ITlIiULAIU ADS (lll<l C'JIl%t)' <lW'et) lhM <>ad'! ;;hall he, "lEd, is, i."lnJ";'~'t,j tn "tJply tk, ur4>:, ~}i)<l(jl:<f,f~~n ff.;~:t~:;rat tM:M~ x4tHP' :f~~.tl:d~. kft\~rtbp'f the: :r;ttl'P$.f~ ?f(rAzt";;~1~:tllf::nt; I'ri'1>i4d that a'll appli~i<1I1S, :r<Cr0est~, g,tQt'tll>>'~>()$,<I'ii, w,lt fcra~Uni t~()lidt~tk{n~, >%.hatl.'~.;ip*rvY~id,hy (~Hi .~~~'J iki~~:-h~', N:tln~)ii~~6n; ':;:>~'.hi~<::-::. ~~: :!:J{}r<:1-\,::)::' C<j:;,~:-..n"{ ::~:1-l 1.{~',1~ ;:~~-i: ~<.,::: :}:;:. ~:t,M:(::~ 19, PRNJ L1f<l&..'!l AND E....1jNl'r1SS :1:, . _'''~.''''~''''''<~''''''''''''':'__'''''''''''''~'~~~~''''''''''''''':.i$~~. All <4 th'.' VtiviWlW'-" .,,~cl ,m1l1l:m:ilkil< r,-,m, jl;flhiHty, mtlfmpti{lP1> hOh1 J1>'o,,'1< (l1<l~nHl<1'$, *,>d n,k;;awllX'm.~<1n;; ;am! relid, &MhilltJ, ",,,d,tlnt ~,m:\,"nf~.b'm, ",nd other O<el1':tits whidl ",ppiy to the actreity of (lIT"J{'r~, 1lg<eJ1tt, {Jr t'mplf>:<~ ,>1' any l'ubli,: .:nt~ "r <;mpl'1l)-~"'; <sf th" C(mt>ty, whbr, pexf'lJ'min<(, thd% t~j;p<;c,1l"e fu:nctio:n~ under thl" AW<*trR'rl withit\ the t<Jnitorial Jimit~ <1J' tll~ (\mntj' wvlllltpp1y t.o the ~ml:w. 4"'p~e and ~)lU"'t tK' th~ p"';clbrmunc~ ,)f ~d'~, rtV\~1iOt:$ #t~d 'du.t:Ws ~Jf ~::':.-.;h ~f.fi"-~$~ ~~~nt~~ vqh.:tr.&~'e;rs> -nr ";:;:n:fp1qy~~~.~ Qutlidc &<:: IWU-Jrful Jjnili~ <>1' th" County. 29. .\,f[}Ai".oHL1.Gl{\1Qr.fli.Arm.RZS111N.%Th1.11KtIf.,<;! Thh Agt<,mrtt.<"t Ie !lot inkl,t.!l%l [JJ, l>l)t ~hRll it Ix< ((ltl$tmtd iiil<, teli~>vi1:\!I, >In,. 0"tt;<--:,:pMiqj e:mlty fNm all~. "h!i@ldon (:it r""P<lr.~ibl1ltJ k';'pI:",,',d \10m the ~~W:-Y" by l~:lW ~~~::(*pt ~;o ihe ~..i_m:ut of: aA:~t~~~l ~nd tiU:tdJ~ ~:rt(rri~:t.rtn~ thex(Nfhy tilly participating ~~,t;ty< in %wch = th1t perf~l<:le may 1x; dkred in Mtl>tfactton of-the ~bligaboo <:<r-n~:tnm.bi1{tJ", 1<\~:r{bet'~ f::l~~ At~'t~~~m.t~~rt, ,~~ :tMYl in-t~rH:kd t(.;-~ tl~l: ah:~U it 'be cf,#tstru-eC ~t$~_ i~!:dtHjtf.2:h:sg th<t d~k~at.jtJ{') l:'$f t:h>j: <-'Ooobtuu<lnal 01' ~tatut<3rY ,jmiN Qf lh~ C<lUnly, el(~pt 1ft th~ ~)(L"n\ rrem,\i1;:\l l~r the f1{'t,d~;, <;o(mMlttH;,:",., st,.le ilt,.tl:ttl:, (Uld ;;ltOO l~;N, Xl. NQN-RELlf\NCl't BY }jON-PAR'1TBS., No ;:~nJOu tX entity lIlud be e!ltitk.d t<J rely uptlfi lh~ 'w.rm.l$, "r (my ,A iht:llJ, "f th~, Ag1'l>er.!!(nt we:>,fufC<e or ntt"ml't t(l ettibn;e imy third..pro:tjl d.,jm (,r mutkw.ent to "I' hoi:r.!l:lll.t of aJ1,J 001"4::" OJ' pn>gt"lUll <trl~lerllphd~ lW:teuucter < \l,ud tll<1 Cmm<:y ..r.<1 t~ ADS "web that mdth<rt the C()tw'ty n",. the Am, or MlY at<'!"!, dlkcr, <X empby~~ of eithe1' lIhaU have w authority l<) mform, eourIlw;, tif" oth~,'wil!t [),d:it,,,W t!);H "n)' 1'~tti<::\111... ~mU"khwl' (>1" W<>Ull <>f inM>k!u$i$, ~"1hy '''' e'~titiet\. tlU'l-"" et>titk=.nt'1l "1' h:mcl3A:~ un.d~,. t.h:i.~ AW"'~lpenl ~.epm'at,~ .:an.d ~p~r;::~ i:o:.t~-rl:Qr' to~ $t ~~~~~x~ri<~t. t~> th;:;:: ~~(rtrAr..tnJt:.dty iO,-'ttiilt::r~i (:-r {~:;sr- :u.~~ p.1'I:poo?:~ contemplat.ed Ii; mil> Aglreement. :j l , ,%..'1T,,"XriiTIQW.l'i ADS a~Jl< 10 @~e',1t" $'Kh d.O(:llj'lXer'~$ ,," th~ (;(nl."l\\, n!<(l' t>i'.1~K,tl4bl:r tl><r(1.ir~, tQ j;Ud:H..d~ ~~. PQbJj~, ':E~\t]t/l Cd;,"ti.e Smtf:to.er;t~ ~tt. -Etbit~ St::.::tre1rtflt).t:< at):d u, D.n:~gv Fn~e \V<~dq)llir-A:: 6:1:,.ltm:nt~t~t. .,,) "'0 ""'0"""'1<' ,., ~ ,.,." "","' "..}"",. :U.::lW..<~,;~<<b~~~,. l\kj (f.J\fz:~u.i~1t ~t ag;rei1:m.Mt: t;unt~~.a. ntt:W..1t $haU b(~ cle~~3:::e4: to -b~ ~l O~N:&.t!1.ta'~t or- agt'<~f{'~<~t {,f ;~ny m~~nb~.:r" t_ltfi~~er'> ~Ketl~. Pf ~m~'tX';' <sf M:t*u~ C~u_ntw _it: _hJ$ or hI''' imh0dua! "~pactty, md JIQ member, oilker, agent 01' emplily<,e "r M<_m- C'Wll1Y I$na\1 be ihLbk pllr>l0011lly on l.mll Ag):('e11:\mt or tre """bjed ','J uny pet'~,l\"lliltbiJi\y ,~~' Mcm:mtab,Jit,' lJ,' l'<;aoon u{ lh~ el<<K,,1:k<n of Uti.; AgtM!Mut. Xl Ib'fJIC1lTION J:<< mlJl~~ Tb:H~ ,A~nn.ent. may 00 w.:.ecutt..,lrl, in anS number ,<>f' tXtlU2tt"8%T't&~, (:$::s:;h <Jf whit::'lt ~btd~ 't"~ :Htt'4nk4 Ht~ RO: (~d.gu~~Ul< an <~( ~'hk~h l:u):en 1~~gr.;~bt:r. $lhd~ ~Xt~i:rt:h~~<<:~ -l)~lt~ 1\nd \II<> $;anw rmltru1l."mt <<nu any fA COUm'\! <<l:l<.! ADS h,"1'eto m"y MOCU tt> thi.,1 AgJ't:-.<~:rncr'{t by $i:n.ging fi:ny $,1t{:h c(JtHrt~~r.fi$:tL <:"-':'M,:;-*;~: ~it:r: ..::;~$. :~~~M <1 .....,-. ;",~ f"!;(.'1"Vi :W'Al'''NPA >.!'*:;;,,,.,.. :.~:)~.. ,_ 'H,"'i':#'~w.'Al.",~.~>. fkditx~.l~i~_du~~ l~~~vt~_ !~cn:h:t$t~yd i~ltlxb }\iW~t~llt':>>t:{~ft ~.. r.1.l~.t~f <)Y <;orw€nicnre ll' rmr.--renre only, ami .it. is ,.gret'(( t'hlat 11"\11:11. JIOChllll te;adk.gf, al"~ O'lt " ",.n (,j thh As"W~l"'ont M6 will. !:to< he uMd if, tb", :,!:\t''''{>''''tr~,kw,. d lm."j' p:r{~~ri~.k~~)f}rtbk. A&~*<ilt.ent, :N W1Tl'H?$S WH.Ji<:f:Ol" (}:)VNW and ADS MITi" b!:\'" q~,"'>ltxi 1:11,,, l\gr6;tll"'H (.l\ i}l(' d",y lm(\ <h"w fimi. wrii:~()" abw<e in i;.mr ;4} ,;:t,H\,.ell'Mti;, "~mot "fwhich llhalJ, wll.ht>U1. r~<>ci fff: !ill.'<(Oll'l.l",tU4l: f(,t Ibe nther '){>\ltlkl'ptl"t%, b;, d~<em<ed t,'1 onginci ~ontmc:" {~f~~Al~ AlteSc."OANNY4 lWLfMGtt, CLBR.X /' ? ,::l:l -" 8yL.,J "w,,". ..ww~,,::::~:,,:!:~,,,,,,,, Dep"'Jr Cledt Dlli~;.. J:'~::,~:!:-__~ - - -- - -- - -- - ,,~ MormoE 'X)U!HY "TTOl1~"'< //....j ;;:<,""" ',(':, '::':::"0-. t<. ~~ :'1"v"'.:e()~M' :..,./:,// . ./'.. ,,) . ~V<'~''''v~''^'',,:'1,' < ,~ry> /.,. ... .../:.< ...... 'X;:" L ,'" / ..,.x..,...::....,..._ ....".; ,'.':,,/' ..::;,/ ..e. ,4..>'t ;?.&'=C<<. $/ , -kif.,;;!#' " ...::., No~;t~;LEENf:W..PA$~~~{. A$~~~n'~N'l <~Ol,.J:i:.fty.M'1O:A*t~'{ t)'*t:~>V~iZ...(~;, BOARD Of CO'UN1'Y COMMiS810XE$J OF MONROlf npi/iffr'l.. FLOlDA (j)..l{:': t-. ~: ny, .."..........................).....\,...".."".""......... M~)<<I~ CJv!rlf~ <<1>'l'*'1'" MeCllY DII.!e:..Jli:l<< :......... 1.l>lHlVft'W AND CONfLiCT OF fNTEIU':Sl' CLAUSE S\\'ORN STA'ftMt:NT V!'iDER ORU1NANt'lt NO.i)1{H'J'lll M{ll"ilWL COU:'<ITY, !'I,o.mlA E-rHKS C:-l \l'~f f.4htJ:Jig:,~~Jl.B:~~K~L(~,&b:~>>,n&&~~J?~1~t.~.d\}!~9.ri:i).J.~:;<.;,i,ttm;nt$.. ih~~t ,~w.}d:'h~~) '~w;: i~'mpb),(~d., (d"im'J ~)"f ~'~th~MVit~reh~d t~(:l hhj~n; ht:h~df any thfn~ef. C"h'ality. qtfkt~Of ~:ddpkl~~kl ~,"Atj~stbJH. df S~<,4:m .2' ~)f()rJ{nan~{": N0,' 1~)..199(t {~t . JWY< C~!?,~my. ~jffftff(lr 4t~ipi::;)y~.e;:I. vlt)IMk::li ;:~f Si-"<.::tk~'l J ~A ()f4l;t~n~,e N{~" I 0..; 19H(L . Fothr~:%;h <Sf v~(,.Hp;tj9fl <sf thi'f pr~r~j;:;:h:m, t~~C~:p-rjty m:a>~; ~n iH~.d%~:t~tkm;.Hm:n111:a1e f.h~#~<mwa-tl'w'!Hi<~~1t .IJ~bint}'.~nijtO~~:a~~Q" ~n'it~ d~~0th>t~~ dMHe.t, h"g-m tbe <:dntrzt:+ xw ptln;~wlM: pr~~{~~pr <~,tb~~p,ybt'tt.'tt1\.;~f,.1h>t fnU. ft)'$~~JH: f)f ftl~Y f~t\ ~~mm h,}A(m.~. ~:.r't~ntn_ge" - ~Ht_ tJr\~t}~:#d#ra6m~' paid J0.lh~. f~;~rtn~r <d{JntY;lHker irr _ ~tln~}t?}<~'t. STATEOF Pl,R':>ONAU Y APPEARED HEfORE ME, th~ ,,.,ao";gn.d ,,,,t',,,,...ty, ;8h~:><. ~j~<1r n~;fitbdr~g ~,.j~:(~rnby ~11:ij:,~ M'f:~x~,d h~~/b<'f day.of ~ly ft~mjn~s.5j.h~l~t}xp1r~;;$:: ,>,,11:1 ^ MU' nW.M Pq~l~c .Eat.,}! C~-i:me Statement <>:\ jX:!S,)T; of ;,\iT\H,M" wi", 11<1$ Jx:~.11 ?Iac,~ct <m the <:<m'<ikl~>d vendor li~i folkwin@ il c,mv~>;oljOlj kr l'uhlk <!,lj(ity "rime mu} nul Kl1bmil II bid 'll'l a ,:,)rntlU:' to pr<lvide mlY g<l<lds ~;r ~t:t'\ljC(l:j tu II publii: ~n\itl', ITlllY 001 ,ubmh ,\. bid on QWntract with iJ pub\k llfltil} Ij,! Ihe ,x'A~lnl~1.i"l1l or rt:pair of <l.l'llblk building or a public w"Jrk, mu} ntH submil bids nn 1i:<I%~$ ofn::al projX:rtj to p;;;blk entity, .may nm0/: r,wardeJ or p~!'!,,)rm \\>'(>.fk ,IS ~ C"lllrad(lL ,'ul'l'lier, mlh:~mtmdo" or con"lJllfmt lmd':1f <l ,:ommc! with any public t'nth}, and may not tmnsac( bu~illes~' with ~n)' pubh(: emlty in (1x,e.~s ,,,f (h" \hretl1dd ~.m()llnt l'ft>\kkd ill ~eclinfl 2lFJH 7 (hr CATEGORY '[\VO l;;,r!\ perind M 36 months \'Rll'l; the dMe of bd tlg pll<,x%t (m (he COrly;ckd v,;:mlvr liSL" 1:!(;~!?:.__~~~TIFICAT~_o..~. LI~~~!Jn",i.~~l!..~~.,?e___~,,,,,,~~,~~.,,,,.~";;;;;~~" ,.- TlMC~t1ll$<~MlI\IiUlTmlQl'lIll'Cl\W\'00i4.'.' i_" u""'" _...""... . ~VNlIH.llI4l'l!lI$liOlOOHl'.lIl'(l!rl'lilllll~I\'tlf 1~'J-~i(,! U# 1'J:j"g'~ ~,$'~. *t:<i- "~~ : '~.nu~~~~MtE~.,~t}Q ; ..ft, "". '4M, .,~~~.~~,~(l~.ifo/~,~,~~~, ~ 'C-.l~~sn: In< 3r~13}'.r..j:~"t, ~.~~S.....~:.~,~:,~:~:~:~~~..._"...,.~ :$:'~~ '}:;a<;t-,*41~~-t$cf \- \ '.'-:~~.').'a:."~~:~~'"''''''''''w"""w,',W^''-'-'-''''''''''' .............u""w __~.... ,_ . _n ......~_. ..........w.",W^""...^.w~.~,w,"... ..... ..""",_~,.^,.wn. ..........i . _~#"I'~~1li .~'jj .. ... .....'...u..."","'.....,..w.w.'.u..:.'.......-... :.::';~~~.. ~'::~,t~t;r.~~.W ...........---... .. __N,""<-- .:.~~.*-'~. ..M.~.~.f!!.. __P:H~~.. ............. -. ~ : ~.~.w~m,.^t~~..~~,~,. ,&.d!t.m~~ ~M( $I~l~t.~~. :t~^ j..:!. ~S':::(@'t4-t: rt:k'd:, < t;t:*~ )., fJ;l.~*,l:i' n ~n.')"j ;.~~~,;!':...... .....~;"!";';;'.:"!";~~~:-:~'.:.:":~..'''.. .......,.t~~.;'~........ ""'''-'{ ~~_.~I'A-~;_....-:IXI~~"*":W:'(~.:-oI.,>'AS;i~)~~<<tae:~f'a>:'...,~:e:a:'$',M~,~~~i _~$.~.~'AA:~'-l"~~joo:,.,.'..-:<"'~..<~<:<<oC!:"'<<":~ti<<>>Il:<'i<<.$V.:~~>>W'M~j(<<.W,(W.c....~w.~'><<'~m:-1X> . _>="'t<<<~_~~jl<-.:<<><<:~.;<~~~,j(~~*x.:-'M!-~~~'-"""-1:-)lc:)'<<~->>"M.l<., :: ~)(.;(.Sl~...:.~~<<,,'l/~:iII'A:il6x....(;i4:i<('-<<<<<<;>.<<::.e~... ~..~: l.~??':..~..~..............~.,.::~~-~~~....... ...............;...,........ ~<t:',~ . ~.~~~ : ~#1l~~~ .....t~.;:~~~~ . .~~~~.,.,t~...t....m.'.\..l't:*~~S:. ~ Jt::.,ft.,%~l~~~:.( .....1.....1 ,~m~ < le : ~ i:t ;~~L~.~.:.~~~ t..... ................... 1 ~~<:l<~~f'm ....r=}~~?~ .~.,w:1.~__ ."L.,.J.~.'.w~_H.". .;.~~~>Y<lIlI.~ :'31: l_"",,* [,.....:~.:"l OOh1_~~~ : \~(:>!(~~~ r.....~~,~~ ,"'..1 ; <f0I<~~"':o'!l~ ~_.....~ i ~t.ttm~*~:':.: ~"ti.t1j{j5 ':::'?lt1/M .........:. :X<<l<~lU~): ...........~..>.~~:.l2~..V4~ r1{~.+3~'...... .-....... ;~~.~:':':....~........... .h.}~~.~~~.w.,.w. ~;~t~.~~i~,.;.w .........J.~.,..~~~.~,w,w. : ~.~::e.~ ..h..h~~~.~:~~.~"'''''w. ;~_~~~,.w.'mN' L~"J~.~.~~~.~~~Lw.. ....: l~.<<-;o;.;w)jX:, .,......L~..~;".~~~._~_~~,i? ........__-, r..".."............... ....' ... ,:!C!l~ . .... ~ . ~ ,........:,. -4:u~uu~~ ~~j.;:Sl;s.~ ~~I~M~4 :<<~l'>>"l(~,,"""'" :-~..~l : ~ ::m~,,(HB~ ".._,,,,,,..........u..w.-..,,.. ..,. :'~,,~ .~.~ . . ... ......v.y.....~~~.................~..~""".~..........:- . :t :l<:X<&',~ :9<<~ : ~ ~- :..w) ~._,,.,.,,.. ; ; :~~:<ll :1 . "9""i~ - "'"~;::<:,o~~~^q~1i~'I;~;~.~..;;;;;;;;;.t;~~~~:_,,:~;;,;<<~~~--~ ,( . . . ~:":.~l?:.~~'" : ~ .".".".l ~~................... .~ ................-..,...........i ;';;f:' ;. :- . -' ..._.,..'..........-.:-_~'~,..w.'. :~l>>~~m- ?.. -:~''''':'!1< ..~........u.u........ ~!.~~~'" :~~x ;...vM.j~~~e:.......,....L .......:.~... :~<'d<~" ...;~~ ..+...... :_<<<-<~~~:-:.~l<.'<: :~:l<~<<.-l9ft :(~--- .,l.~~~""u.... 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