Item D43 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 21,2006 Division: Engineering Bulk Item: Yes l... No Department: Facilities Development Staff Contact Person: Jerry Barnett AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to negotiate a contract with MB1/K2M Architecture, Inc. for the planning, design, and administration services for the new Lower Keys Public Works Facility on Rockland Key. ITEM BACKGROUND: On March 28, 2006, Statements of Qualifications (SOQ's)) from four Architectural/Engineering firms were received for professional services associated with the development of the Lower Keys Public Works Facility. On April 12, 2006 our selection committee evaluated the SOQ's in a notified public meeting and created a short-list of three firms. On May 11, 2006, presentations were conducted by the three firms and were ranked according to evaluation criteria listed in the Request for Qualifications. MBI/K2M Architecture, Inc. was the highest of the three ranked firms. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes ~ No COST TO COUNTY: NI A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X_ AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty __ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management ~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: David S. Koppel, P.E. DOCUMENTATION: Induded Not Required_ AGENDA Revised 2/05 ~ I-! -.J I-! I- \.D U Z 0 <( W 0 LL L N (fJ I- .... ~ cL CO cL <( N 0 0... W I-..c > WUW U > OI-lWl- LL co U U) LL Z L ::J ~ 0 (f) L.... co >~zo... :J cLZOO 0... W 1-1 1-1 0 (fJ (fJ (f) I- .. >- <( <( (V) w WZ..JI- ~ 2u:J<( cL I- 0::: c:o w <(::><(W S cLc.1-1- 0 I- <(-.J ~ 0 ~ z L W o 0... <( 0 W -1 l- I-! I- a LL cL w U 1-1 0::::: Cl.. -.J <( I- a I- o z a co o 1-1 co I- z UJ o z a Cl.. (j) UJ 0::::: &5 (j) co 0.. u Z 1-1 (j) 0::::: UJ Z I- cr:: <( 0.. 03 -1 1-1 L <( " <( o -.J -1 W L cr:: w co u Z 1-1 (j) I- U UJ I- 1-1 I U cr:: <( >- z <( Cl.. L o U ~ U o u <( UJ Cl.. <( cr:: <( L <( I- UJ I I- I>) U 'l- 'l- o Q) s:: Vl o ..s:: U L- :J a... I Vl I>) L- o +- I>) U s:: :> 0 VlZ o +- L- s:: o I>) '-.) Vl I>) L- a... 1:: U 1>).J:l Vl :J ~ a... a... I>) I>)..s:: I>) +- +- 'l- +- 0 E Vl E ~ o .J:l '-.) E -0 I>) co~ UJ cr:: :J I- U UJ I- 1-1 I U cr:: <( L N ~ ----- 1-1 co L I>) ..s:: +- +- Vl s:: o Q) o -0-0 ~ I>) U,+-- I>) U ..s:: I>) U 0... s:: Vl I>) I>) 1; E I>) +- >-0 o s:: ..s:: 0 I>) I>) > +- o 0 -g-o -0 I>) I>)i: +- Vl >- .J:l Vl-o L- I>) I>) > -Ow -0 U .J:l I>) L- a ~ +- I>) 2 3: +- I>) -0 ~ ~.J:l o g'-o .- I>) s:: +- I>) Vl 0... = o Vl -0-0 j)j) -0 o <:( Vl vi 'l- Q) o s:: 6::+= o .~ U +- L- U 0 1>)-0 L- s:: L- I>) o > U -0] S::-o o s:: I>) I>) :J 0... L- Vl +- :J o (f) Vl o(j Vl] ..s:: +- +- U +- .;; o s:: ..s:: 0 +-'-.) >- 0 ~-o +- L- ~..2 ULL >-'l- .J:l 0 I>) I>) L- +- I>) 0 ..s:: +- H(f) L- o Vl > L- I>) 0... :J (f) I Vl I>) L- o +- U ::; Vl o L- a '-.) >- co -0 I>) s:: I>) 0... o -0 co