Item E4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JUNE 21. 2006 Division: TDC Bulk Item: Y es ~ No Department: Staff Contact Person: Maxine Pacini AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of an Amendment to Agreement with the Key West Players, Inc. to revise Exhibit A - Schedule of Events. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC approved original agreement at their meeting of October 19,2005'. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Revision to Schedule of Events STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $21.000 BUDGETED: Yes........x.-- No COST TO COUNTY: $21,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: TDC REVENUE PRODUCING: Y es ~ No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management ~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ./- (Lynda Stuart) DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_~ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2105 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract #_ Et1ective Date: lO/1/05 Expiration Date: Contract with: Key West Players Inc. Contract Purpose/Description: Approval of an Amendment to Agreement with the Key West Players, Inc. 10 revise Exhibit A - Schedule of Events for the production of Key West Players dba Waterfront Playhouse. Contract Manager: Maxine Pacini (Name) 3523 (Ex!. ) TDC # 3 (Department/SlOp #) for BOCC meeting on 6/21/06 Agenda Deadline: 6/6/06 Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 21,000 Budgeted? Yes~ No 0 Account Codes: Grant: $ County Match: $ CONTRACT COSTS Current Year Portion: $ 115-75011-530340- T65C-023X-53041 0 115-75011-530340- T65C-023X-530480 - - - ............... - - - -------- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $_/yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) Division Director Risk Management O.~.BJPurchasing County Attorney Comments: ~~~j 5l~ (),' ~ CONTRACT REVIEW YesO Noe:( YesONO~ Changes , Needed // ~f' ,;1/} R~, / YesONo~ ~ !:,IL/', I i ^ i\ ( \ r\ /', l/' d, .. ! t . i ' L I \ ,,,. i J" , ' j v ' ' \ \:" . j f E;2 I / /L ~\ 0 ""-w--"o.~.A~_, ,K#~ Y esO NoS-_.~~~.~ OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM to agreement dated the day of 2006, is entered into by and between the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County, on behalf of the Tourist Development Council, and Key West Players, Inc. WHEREAS, there was an agreement entered into on October 19, 2005, between the parties, awarding $21,000 to the Key West Players, Inc. for the production of the Key West Players dba Waterfront Playhouse between October 1, 2005 and September 30, 2006; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to revise Exhibit A - Schedule of Events; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein the parties agree to the amended agreement as follows: 1. Exhibit A of the Agreement dated October 19, 2005 shall be revised, and attached hereto. 2. effect. The remaining provisions of the contract dated October 19, 2005 remain in full force and IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands and seal on the day and year first above written. (SEAL) ATTEST: (SEAL) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: Key West Players, Jnc. By. Secretary By ~vr~..J resident HSNR-Y WOODS Print Name Print Name OR (1) Witness Print Name MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: (2) Witness Print Name SUSAN M. GR,~ LEY ASSISTANT COUNT ATTORNEY s--/) -cJ. c D. EXHIBIT A MONROE COUNTY TOuRIST' OE'VELCNI!NT COUNCIL CUL ruRAL UM8IU!U..A SCtEDUl.J! OF IM9fTS FISCAL YEAR 2001. EVENT NAME: t<~ Wast Plawra ... h Waterfront ~tQlA ( list sdleduJed event ac::ttvItieI in d:IItlIi om.. If~ i& incb:ted" indIeat8 tho 0VMt dGteIl 01.... next ~~ If fl1ttdecl AJAda __ be .."butSed only far ... pIOI'f1Otion af 8WlnI ~ DlrDed hcIra. i < SHOWS UNO&R CONSIDERATrON (final sel6diona and ~er pending) I . snow #1 - The Graduate Shaw #2 ~ Lettice and Lovage Show *3 w NClked Boys S'nging Show #4 - Mother'S Gift (fanner title was Coming Home - playwright , changed title) ShOw #5- Th@ Glass Menagerie PRE-sEASON ~ber 1-.3 2005 . i . I I Oec:omber 20. 2006 - January H', ~ooe < i ! Januety ZfJ .... F'eOI\Iary 18. 200e' . j i Man;h 7 - April 1. 200tJ . ! Show a, snow ft. Show M3 Show iN Shew .5 Apnl IS - Ap1i11S. 2008 May 3 - May 27, 2008 ! I IF J:UNOED,. EXHfBfTS A ~ 9 WJt.L BeCOMe PART OF YOUR c~ AND ~ TO T7-4S OFFCE OF Tl-lE ClERK OF mE COUItT. ~ ~TOfJrftIt~""'~CuIIhnIJ ~~.-. ~<, i t FUNDING AGRE~MEN..r THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. (hereinafter referred to as the "County") and Key West Players, fnc. (Hereinafter referred to as "Event Sponsor"); WHEREAS, the umbrella organization under contract to the County has recommended to the Monroe County Tourist Development CounciJ (hereinafter "TDC"'), which has endorsed the recommendation, that certain monies be affocated for promotion of an event; NOW THEREFORE; in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. County shall pay a sum not to exceed $21,000 (Twenty One Thousand Doffars) for promotion and related expenditures effective October 1. 2005, as described in the event budget, attached hereto as Exhibit B, for Production of the Key West Players dba Waterfront Playhouse between October 1, 2005 and September 30, 2006. Payment will be made only after Event Sponsor submits invoices and support documentation acceptable to the County's Finance Department. The advertising and promotion budget for County funding may be altered as to the individual line items, or components, within 10% of the amount stated for that item or component, without increasing the total doUar amount and without requiring a written amendment to this agreement. The general non-aJlocated section of an Umbrella event budget may be utifized for unforeseen permissible expenditures and for those budget Hnes that may require additional funds. Monroe County's performance and obligation to pay under this agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the County. 2. Event Sponsor shall provide promotion and related services as described in the Sponsors application for funding, Exhibit A, attached hereto. All advertising and public relations services or supervision of advertising and public relations wiff be provided through the contracted agencies of the TOe and County. The agencies of record, shalf receive payment of work in progress upon submission of documented invoices associated with said event. Event sponsor fully understands that funding is obtained from tourist development taxes for which the fiscal year ends September 30, 2006, Event sponsor also understands that the funding process through which this contract was made available by County requires event sponsors to submit their payment requests as quickly as possible and to finalize all such requests before the end of the fiscal year, if at all possible. In order for the tourist development taxes to be utilized most effectively for the purpose for which they were authorized, attracting and promoting tourism, the budgeting process of the County requires the event's funding to be concluded in a timely manner, In recognition that the timeliness of payment requests is of extreme importance to the funding of future advertising and promotion for the stability of the tourist-based economy, Event Sponsor agrees to submit by September 3D, 2006 aU invoices and support documentation as required by the County's Finance Department rules and policies, Event Sponsor shall not be reimbursed nor will Event Sponsor's vendors be paid directly for any invoices received by the County after September 30, 2006. The Key West Players dba Waterfront PlayhouSiJ Cultural Umbrella Funding FY 2008 3. Event Sponsor shaff reimburse County for any amount of funds expended by County in connection with an event which does not occur as a result of any act or omission by Event Sponsor. 4. Event Sponsor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners from any and aU claims for bodify injury (inCluding death), personal injury, and property damage (including property owned by Monroe County) and any other losses, damages, and expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of the services provided, event sponsored, or other activities and funding associated with this agreement. Should event involve the serving or distribution of alcoholic beverages, Event Sponsor shall obtain prior to the event a Liquor LiabHity insurance policy naming Monroe County as a co-insured. 5. Event Sponsor shall maintain records pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles for three (3) years after the event and shalf permit County and its agents and employees access to said records at reasonable times. 6. County may terminate this agreement without cause upon providing written notice to Event Sponsor no less than sixty (60) days prior to the event and may terminate for breach upon providing to Event Sponsor notice at least seven (7) days prior to the effective date of the termination. 7. Event sponsor is an independent contractor and shall disclose any potential conflicts of interest as defined by Florida Statutes, Chapter 112 and Monroe County Code, Article XXI. 8. Event Sponsor warrants that he/she/it has not emplOYed, retained or otherwise had act on hislherlits behalf any former County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 or Ordinance No. 1 ~ 1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10~1990. For breach or violation of the provision the County may. at its discretion terminate this contract without fiabiJity and may also, at its discretion, deduct from the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former or present County officer or employee. 9. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a pUblic entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, Supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list 10. Logo: All promotional literature and advertising must display the "The Florida Keys & Key West, Monroe County Tourist Development Council. Come as You Are". The Key West Players dba Waterfront Playhouse Cultural Umbreffa Funding FY 2006 2 logoltrade mark adopted by the TOC and County on November, 2000 (as per attached). Radio Advertising should read uSrought to you by the Monroe County Tourist Development Council.. No reimbursement or direct payment will be considered unless this logoltrade mark is utilized. 11. Insurance Requirements: Event Sponsor, as a pre-requisite of the Special Event governed by this agreement, shall obtain, at its own expense, insurance as specified in this section. Event Sponsor will not be permitted to commence work associated with the Event (including pre-staging of personnel and material) until satisfactory evidence of the required insurance has been furnished to the county as specified below. Event Sponsor shall maintain the required insurance throughout the entire duration of the Special Event and any extensions specjfied in any attached schedules. Failure to comply with this provision may result in the immediate suspension of the Event until the required insurance has been reinstated or replaced. Event Sponsor shall provide, to the County, as satisfactory evidence of the required insurance, either. * Certificate of Insurance or * Certified copy of the actual insurance policy A certified copy of any or aU insurance policies required by this contract shall be filed with the Clerk of the sace prior to the Event. All insurance pOlicies must specify that they are not subject to cancellation, non- renewal, material change or reduction in coverage unless a minimum of thirty (30) days prior notification is given to the County by the insurer. Acceptance and/or approval of Event Sponsor's insurance shaff not be construed as relieving Event Sponsor from any liability or obligation assumed under this contract or imposed by law. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, its employees and officials will be included as uAdditional Insured. on aU policies. Any deviations from these General Insurance Requirements must be requested in writing on the County form titled "Request for Waiver of Insurance Requirements. and must be approved by Monroe County Risk Management Event Sponsor shall furnish the County with a certificate evidencing the insurance required by this paragraph not later than twenty (20) days prior to the event Prior to commencement of work governed by this contract, Event Sponsor shalf obtain General liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained through out the life of the contract and include, as a minimum: · Premises Operations · Products and Completed Operations · Blanket contractual Liabifity .. Personal Injury Liability .. Expanded Definition of Property Damage The minimum limits acceptable she" be: .. $1,000,000.00 combined Single Limit (CSL) If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shaH be: .. $500,000.00 per person The Key West Players dba Waterfront Playhouse Cultural Umbrella Funding FY 2006 3 * $1,000,000.00 per Occurrence $100,000.00 Property Damage An Occurrence Form policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on a Claims Made policy, its provisions should incJude coverage for claims filed on or after the effective date of this contract. In addition, the period for which claims may be reported should extend for a minimum of twelve (12) months following the acceptance of work by the County. Recognizing that the work governed by this contract involves the sales and/or distribution of alcoholic beverages, the Contractors General liability Insurance policy shall include liquor Liability with limits equal to those of the basic coverage. A separate Liquor Liability policy is acceptable if the coverage is not more restrictive than the contractor's General liability policy. * IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each pa~ has caused thjsAgreement to be executed by its duly alJt']ori,zed representative, the ) q - day of Oc*b bif . 2005. ., '~<:.'>. (SEAL) Attest Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County ~i# >n ~aV Mayor/Chairman . . . . ........~okf.Cl.. &J~ . DeputyClerk (CORPORATE SEAL) Attest: Key West Players, Inc. By. Secretary ~~- By Preside t OR Witness ZAN,~ .. HUTTON lSTANf v%,TJ.l.TJfRNEY J/ '10~ The Key West Players dba Waterfront Playhouse Cultural Umbrella Funding FY 2006 4 ( D. EXHIBIT A MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CULTURAL UMBRELLA SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FISCAL YEAR 2006 EVENT NAME: Kev West Plavers at the Waterfront Playhouse List scheduled event activities in date order. If pre-promotion is included, indicate the event dates of the next season. If funded, funds will be reimbursed only for the promotion of event activities fisted here. SHOWS UNDER CONSIDERATION (final selections and order pending) The Ritz Dinner with Friends Assassins The Beauty Queen of Lenane Blood Brothers Twelve Angry Men Coming Home The Glass Menagerie The Graduate Gross Indecency The Boy Who Cried Elvis My Night With Reg Conched PRE-8EASON December 1-3 2005 Show #1 December 20. 2005 - January 14, 2006 January 26 - February 18, 2006 March 7 - April 1, 2006 AprilS - April 15, 2006 May 3 - May 27,2006 Show #2 Show #3 Show #4 Show #5 IF FUNDED, EXHIBITS A AND 8 WILL BECOME PART OF YOUR CONTRACT AND TRANSMITTED TO THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COURT. MonlO8 County Tourist Development Council Cuttural Umbrella Application Page: 5 MONROE COUNTY TOUIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL CULTURAL UMBRELLA EVENT FUNDS BUDGET BREAKDOWN FISCAL YEAR 2005 EVENT NAME: KEY WEST PLAYERS AT THE WATERFRONT PLAYHOUSE MEDIA ADVERTISING $ 18,000 BROCHURES, POSTERS, PROGRAMS $ 2,500 DIRECT MAIL & POSTAGE PHOTO PROGRAM PUBLIC RELATIONS $ PROMOTIONAL ITEMS (T~SHIRTS, CAPS, JACKETS,ETC,) MISCELLANEOUS. $ 500 TOTAL: $ 21,000 "MISCELLANEOUS MAY NOT EXCEED 15% OF THE ABOVE BUDGET ACTUAL EXPENDITURES MAY DEV'A TE NO MORE THAN 10% FROM THIS BUDGET. THE MAXIMUM REaUEST IS $25.000.00. FUNDS ARE PAID ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS. ALL PRINT AND TELEVISION MATERIALS MUST DISPLAY THE CURRENT TOC LOGO ALL BROADCAST ADVERTISING PLACED OUTSIDE MONROE COUNTY MUST INCLUDe THE UNE "SPONSORED IN PART BY THE FLORIDA KEYS AND KEY WEST, MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL" iF FUNDED, EXHIBITS A AND 8 WILL BECOME PART OF YOUR CONTRACT AND TRANSMITTED TO THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COURT. EXHIBIT B ruf ELDRIDA IffS & IH WfST MONROE (OUm TOURIST DfVROPHm mUH(fL Come as YOIl me ruf ELDRIDA Ins & In WfST MONROf wum roURIST DfVUOPMfNT WUNOl Come as you are. ruf [LDRIDA KfYS & I fY WfST MONROE mum TOURIST DfVROPMOlT WUNOl Come as you aree ru{ [LDRIDA Kns & KlY WfST MOHRO[ mum 1OU21)T DfVUOPHrn COUNCil Come as you arcll JUf [LORIOAlns & KfYWfST MONROE mum TOURlST OrvuoPHOlT WUNOt Come as yoll are. JUf ElDRIDA KfYS & In weST MOHROf COUHTYTOURlST DfVUOPHfHTCOUHOl Come as you are</! THr ELDRIDA KfYS & KEY wrST THE fLDRIDA KEYS & KEY WEST THE ELDRIDA KEYS & KEY WfST HONROf COUNIV TOURIST OfVUOPMfHT COUIIOl MONROf COUNTY TOURI')T D[V[LOPHOO COllNOl HOHRO[ (OUlHY TOURIST DfVfLOPMOO COUNClt Come as you a:ce<ll Come as you aree Come as you arei'll THf fLDRIDA KEYS & KEY wrST THr fLDRIDA KEYS & KfY WfST THE ELDRIDA KEYS & KEY wrST MonROf COUNTYTOURISTDlVHOPHfNT mUNOl MONROE COUNTY TOURIST D[V[LOPMOO COUNCIL MONRO[ COUNTY TOURIST DfYUOPMOO COUNCIL Come as you are$ Come as you arei'll Come as you arei'll TU[ nORIDA KUS &KrY wm TU[ fLORIDA Km & KrY wm TU[ nORIDA KUS & KrY wm MOt-mOf COUNTY TOURIST DfVUOPMDrr COVNm MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfVHOPMfNT COUNm MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfYfLOPMfNT COUNCIL Come as you are@ Come as you are@ Come as you are@ TUHLORIDAKm&KrYwm TUHLORIDAKUS&Krywm TUHLORIDAKUS&KrYwm MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfVfLOPMfNT COUNCil MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfYfLOPMfNT COUNCIl MONROf COUNTY TOURIST DfVnOPMfNT COUNCIl Come as you are@ Come as you are@ Come as you are@ MJWRIDAKfYS &KfYWfST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST D[VHOPMfNT COUNCIL Come as YOll are@ MJWRIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONRO[ COUNTY TOURIST DfVnOPMfNT COUNCIL Come as YOll are@ THf [lORIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONROf COUNTY TOURIST nrVHOPMfNT COUNCIL Come as you are@ IHfJWRIDA KfYS & KfY WfST MONRO[ COUNTY TOURIST DfvnOPMrNT COUNCIL Come as YOll are@ MCTG-8084 Logo Slick LOl 1996 Edition MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Request For Waiver of Insurance Requirements It is requested that the insurance requirements, as specified in the County's Schedule ofInsurance Requirements, be waived or modified on the following contract. Contractor: See Event Attachment Name of Entity: KY'\..\. we'.. ( PUKf el8 I IN C . Kfc'l..{ wEST P(/t'L( (fe-$; D~A ~'7l::Y-fe-eNT full...f(-( CJlASE Name of Event: Contract for: Services Address of Contractor: c/o TDC Att: Maxine Phone: 305-296-1552 Scope of Work: Advertising and Promotion Reason for Waiver: Providing funds to promote event only.... Minimal exposure to county Policies Waiver wiU apply to: See Attached Signature of Contractor: Not Approved AP\31 Risk Management: - Date: "7 ~ ~S-OS County Administrator Appeal: Approved Xot Approved Date: Board of County Commissioners Appeal: Approved ;'Iiot Approved \-feeting Date: Administration Instruction #4709.2