Item G1 LAND AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 21,2006 Division: Land Authoritv Bulk Item: Yes No...x.. Staff Contact Person: Mark Rosch Agenda Item Wording: Approval of minutes for the April 19, 2006 meeting. Item Background: N/A Advisory Committee Action: N/A Previous Governing Board Action: N/A Contract/Agreement Changes: N/A Staff Recommendation: Approval Total Cost: $ Budgeted: Yes _ No Cost to Land Authority: $ Source of Funds: Approved By: Attorney_ County Land Steward _. Executive Director Approval: ~O, ~04d . Mark J. Rosch Documentation: Included: ~ To Follow: Not Required: Disposition: Agenda Item _ MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY GOVERNING BOARD April 19, 2006 Meeting Minutes The Governing Board of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority held a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 at the Harvey Government Center located at 1200 Truman Avenue, Key West, Florida. Chairman David Rice called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM. Present and answering roll call, in addition to Chairman Rice, were Mayor Sonny McCoy, Commissioner George Neugent, and Commissioner Dixie Spehar. Commissioner Murray Nelson had recently passed away. Also in attendance were Executive Director Mark Rosch, Office Manager Kimberly Nystrom, Counsel Larry Erskine, and members of the press and public. The first item on the agenda was approval of minutes for the March 15, 2006 meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Spehar and seconded by Mayor McCoy to approve the minutes as submitted. There being no objections, the motion carried (4/0). The next item was approval of the 2006 Acquisition List. Mr. Rosch addressed the Board. A motion was made by Commissioner Spehar and seconded by Mayor McCoy to approve the list as submitted. There being no objections, the motion carried (4/0). Mr. Rosch then reported on the status of implementing the Florida Forever boundary amendment the County submitted to the State. To date the State has contracts to purchase 197 parcels of land at an estimated cost of $6 million. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:33 AM. Minutes prepared by: Mark J. Rosch Executive Director Approved by the Board on: