Item H04 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 21.2006 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: ~ No Department: Planning & Env. Resources AGENDA ITE1\-'I WORDING: A request for the refunding of the application fees of $18,055.00 for a project that did not go forward. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Craig Company submitted an application for the redevelopment of the property at Mile Marker 70 known as SeaGlass. Staff researched the project and determined the project would not be viable as presented. The applicant has withdrawn his application to make changes to the project and is requesting a refund of the $18,055.00 submittal fee. Staff is requesting that 10% of the fees be retained for the research Staff conducted to determine the viability of the project. The refund total would be $16,250.00. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT! AGREEMENT CHANGES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOT AL COST: $16.250.00 BUDGETED: Yes NoX COST TO COUNTY: $16.250.00 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty --K- OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 7' P ,>{ h/z,~ /t // . /. ,-c I" ~. '-<,. Ty SymJldski, Directbr eff Growth Management DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # RESOLUTION NO. -2006 A RESOLUTION TO REFUND THE APPLICATION SUBMISSION FEES OF $18,055.00, TO THE CRAIG COMPANY FOR A PROJECT THAT HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN BY THE APPLICANT. WHEREAS, on February 22, 2006, the Craig Company submitted on behalf of their client, SeaGlass, an application for a rezoning andproject development for a property at MileMarker 70; and WHEREAS, the project application with documentation was taken in and the submission fees of $18,055.00 were deposited; and WHEREAS, staff proceeded with the project by doing the initial research for the request however it was determined the project as presented would not comply with the 201 0 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, upon hearing from the Planning department that the project as presented was not viable, the Craig Company requested the refund on behalf of his client so the project could be brought into compliance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Upon completion of the initial review of the project, Staff informed the applicant the project would need to be redone. The applicant requested a full refund of the submission fees. Staff feels that due to the research done on the project that 10% of the submission fees should be retained to cover the cost of the time spent by Staff to research the project, with 90% of the submission to be refunded to the applicant in the amount of $16,250.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida held on the 21 st day of June, 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Dixie M. Spear Commissioner Glenn Patton Commissioner George Nugent Commissioner David Rice Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida By: Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Attest: Danny 1. Kolhage By: Deputy Clerk APPROVAL FOR REFUND IN TIlE AMOUNT OF $ DAY OF nus ,20 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR REQUISITION FOR REFUND FROM COUNTY TREASURY STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE PURSUANT TO SECTION 193.40, FLORIDA STATUES, The Craig Company (PAYEE) _OF Post Office Box 970 ~ Key West ~ . Florida 33043-0970 (MAILING ADDRESS/P.O.BOX#) HEREBY MAKES APPLICATION TO TIlE BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONER FOR A REFUND OF $ 18~055.00 SET UP TIlE FOLLOWING FACTS: OF MONEYS PAID TO THE COUN1Y, AND AS GROUNDS THEREFORE (STATE REASONS FOR REFUND) An application for a proposed resort at Mile Marker 70~ known as SeaGlass was submitted to our department. This application was later deemed incomplete and the applicant is requesting a refund as anew approach to the project will be looked for. Our department feels the request should be granted as the applicant will now have to redo and resubmit a new application for the new project. ~.. ckr-/d BUILDING OFFlCIAL A IT ACHED HERETO IS ADDmONAL PROOF TO ESTABLISH SUCH CLAIM, AS FOLLOWS: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE SWORN AND SUBSCRffiED BEFORE ME TIllS 11th DAY OF May , 2006 BY Joe Paskalik. Bui lding Offiri...l MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: . c ~ '-777~ J ~<..4'~ SIGNA17lrRE CI NOTARY POOj;,.lrC - STATE OF FLORIDA ~~,\;:~t~t.~~ fAAYflA fE1ANOS f "'m~' ",'", NotalyPubllC".stoMt:=' ., . [",: t>1.....callriU .:................... ....'.."'c. AID FROM ACCT: ~ . . fi:"''f fW. n..................,. IY; "\~ Z(l Commlulon /I 0I>2t6796 . r....t~Off\:~"';.,... 'if"""., Bonded By National NoforjAsln. MONROE COUNTY ***LIVE*** Page 1 of 1 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT RECEIPT # 82477 PRINT DATE PRINT TIME OPERATOR COpy # 05/11/2006 14:43:39 tedescod 2 RECEIPT DATE 02/22/2006 RECEIVED BY REC'D. FROM UDF 106.1 UDF 106.2 tuckerm MM70,LLC CASH DRAWER: 2 NOTES : REZONING - SEA GLASS RESIDENTIAL MAP AMENDMENT FEE ID AMOUNT THIS RCPT BALANCE ZONING-024 18055.00 18055.00 0.00 ------............. .......------- .....".,.-hHn'cn'n'n'r................._____ -<"'___'^""'"'''''''''"->hYn'-.".,.",.,............... -------- -------- TOTALS: 18055.00 18055.00 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT NUMBER CHECK 18055.00 604 ----..................""""..................................... -------..-..............._- TOTAL RECEIPT 18055.00 . US Mail Tt!t ~ ~ Comprehensive Planning Resol1{fourlsm Planning Land Use Regulation Development FeaSibility Site Design Expert Witness ;vlarch 24, 2006 Mr. l\ref Joulani, Director of Planning l\/Ionroe County 2798 Overseas Highway l'vlarathon, Florida 33050 Mailing address. POBox 970 Key West. FL 33041-0372 Office iocation 600 White 3t. Key West. FL 33040 Phone: 305i294-1515 Fax 305i292-1525 E-mail: don@craigcompany.com Subject: SeaGlass Resort ~ Withdrawal of Application Dear Aref: This letter will serve as a request for withdrawal of the previously sublnitted application for the approval of the proposed SeaGlass resort at mile marker 70 in Monroe County. The reason for this action is the uncertainty created by your department as to the method, timing and development standards to be applied to the approval of the project as communicated to me in your recent e-mails, staff telephone calls to me and your interpretation of how the Land Development Regulations apply to the proposal. The requirement for a prc- application meeting determined by you to be required, when the code clearly states that such meetings are a voluntary step by the landowner/applicant has created in my client great uncertainty as to whether the County would expeditiously review, or support at all, the project and under what circumstances. The prospect of many months being required to identify methods for approval is too daunting an exercise for my client. He would rather consider some other use or design for the property, which has fewer concerns for County staff, and requests that his application and fees be retuned as quickly as possible. Should you have any questions, please call me. D LC'j I' cc: 'rom Willi, County Administrator Key West. Breckenridge