Item J3BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Bulk Item: Yes No X Division: County Administrator Department: County Administrator Staff Contact Person: Connie Cvr AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Request for consideration to receive the recently granted $18 million to Facilities Master Plan. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No X COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: goons" Z 2Ur`m (Thomas J. Willi) DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required DISPOSITION: Revised 2105 AGENDA ITEM # P.O. Box 491 Key Largo, FL 33037 Phone: 305-453-5804 Fax: 305-453-5807 To: Board of County Commissioners From: Charles F. Fishburn, General Manager Date: June B, 2006 Re: $18 Million Grant The attached chart shows the status of the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District projects, and the projects that could be completed with an additional $18 million in grant funding. The District is currently planning assessments for the FY 2006/2007. A timely decision by the BOCC on the distribution of the $18 million will allow the receiving entity to have the non ad -valorem System Development Charge for the upcoming tax year. The revenue stream generated by the SDC will support the matching funds from SRF loans, along with the $18 million grant. These actions will permit timely construction of these projects in 2007 as required by the FDEP Grant. The strength and weakness of the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant is the cost effectiveness of the large plant. To achieve the low operating cost requires the continuous connecting of new customers to support the fixed costs of the large plant. The District is unable to proceed with additional projects required to support our plant without additional funding. The Regional Plant is scheduled to come on line in the first quarter of 2008. TransWssion COUCUO" Regional North Unl- Plant Components so A,ugust i0o i0o —3 i5o FY2006 Oru, 300 October 2501 260 250 -1�506, 6 1r;l 0 December 3'eo 400 72 1 2501 9-50 350 4c X i,660 February 3001 100 1 1 2,600 VIM-ch 4 �50 "'600 3,250 ,Apeff 2 NO 3100 150" 6 W, 4160 June _6C "56 4,250 100 1,600 2 900 4,600 August 2MO 300 4,300 2, 1 wo 3,800 FY2008 Z3W, 14,5 17tioO 33,9150 October i, 000 1,400 2,400 Novenber 800 Q-00 December 400 750- January 50 400 6-50 F.-Wiaty 2 M 250 F 2,450 3,9W TOTAL $ 2,600 17,000 $ M000 s 40A00 I County I SRF $20 million Grant II Funding L $19,700 ..gym. . .. . . . Key Largo rite'MetTreatment rmsvxt. &,Pe2 r- l - § §] yydazAt ``p�er 5mF LU P S '$��"qq'.� Hie % to t esim cli Oki J cl 1 _. Ui g3 3 LO N VI CA 57, z 'raett