Meeting Date: 6/21 /06 Division: County Adminis to
Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: County Administr
Staff Contact Person: Deb Barsell
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of Worksite Agreement with Youth Co -Op, Inc., the
service provider for South FL Workforce in Florida Keys, for the provision of temporary workers to
Monroe County through the National Emergency Grant (NEG) program at no cost to the County.
ITEM BACKGROUND: The Worksite Agreement for the Hurricane Wilma NEG cleanup project
was approved by the Deputy County Administrator on 5/ 18/06 after obtaining a confirming opinion
from the County Attorney. The approval in advance of the June BOCC meeting was predicated on the
following factors: current NEG funding will expire on 6/30/06; temporary workers are needed to
continue Hurricane Wilma cleanup and recovery efforts; Youth Co -Op recruits, pays, and insures
workers selected; workers are provided at no cost to the County with only task assignment,
supervision, and timesheet verification required; there is a person -power shortage for cleanup tasks
throughout the County; and a worksite agreement in place may be extended past 6/30/06 if funds are
available. It was impractical to benefit from the NEG program if execution of the agreement was
postponed until the June BOCC meeting.
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval by the BOCC of an Interlocal Agreement
between Miami -Dade and Monroe Counties on 2/15/06 creating the South Florida Workforce
Investment Board for Region 23 of the State of Florida.
(Note: If seven NEG workers are in placed by Youth Co -Op : County worksites throughout the
month of June, the projected value to e County is $26,796 i w es and benefits with no costs.}
APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing : Management
Thomas J. Wfili
DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required
Revised 2/05
Contract with: Youth Co -Op, Inc. Contract #
Effective Date: 5/18106
Expiration Date: 6/30/06 may be extended
Contract Purpose/Description:
Youth Co -Op recruits, pays, insures, and employs temporary workers assigned to Mon-
roe Co. throe h the National Emergency Grant (NEG) program. Youth Co-O is the
program consists of temporary work that is associated with Hurricane Wilma cleanup and recov-
ery. No legal em to er-em to ee relationship exists between Monroe Co. and the NEG worker.
Monroe Co. provides worker task assignments, supervision, and verification of timesheets for
for NEG workers. Youth Co -Op pays the workers $15/hr. up to 1040 hrs. If continuation funds
are available the current termination date of 6/30/05, the a reement will be continued.
Contract Manager: Deb Barsell 4489 1
(Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #)
for BOCC meeting on 6/21/06 Agenda Deadline: 6/6/06
Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 26,796 est. Current Year Portion: $ 26,796 est.
Budgeted? Yes[] No ® Account Codes:
Grant: $ 0
County Match: $ 0
Estimated Ongoing Costs. $0/yr For:
(Not included in dollar value above) Ceu mnint[ nnnra ,rt;lit;av
Changes Date Out
Date In Needed Reviewer
Division Director Yes❑ No[:]
Risk Management Yesn N
O.M.B./Purchasing Yes❑ N
County Attorney ' ' Yes❑ N
I Comments:
Youth co-op Inc, south florida
One Stop Career Center
3112 Flagler Avenue ' % ��J �- ._�� �� 'Q J
Key West, FL. 33040%Employ Florida
FUNDING SOURCE: National Emergency Grant (NEG)
This work site agreement shall begin on: "J a ? oc
Youth Co -Op, Inc. funded by South Florida Workforce
whose address is: �3.r
hereinafter, referred to as the Agency, agree to the following terms of this Agreement to be funded from the
USDOL Employment and Training Administration Workforce Investment Act (VI/IA) T'itle 1 National Emergency
Grant (NEG) covered under a Federal Disaster Declaration.
The Primary purpose of this Agreement is to identify and establish temporary jobs to assist in Clean Up efforts
that are necessary as a direct resin of recovery efforts associated with the Hurricane Wilma disaster and to tall
those jobs with eligible individuals that have temporarily or permanently lost their regular job as a result of the
duster or cannot find work as a result of the disruption of business activities caused by Hurricane Wilma.
This NEG program shalt consist of temporary work., wherein a participant referred by SFW to the
Agency Is given job functions to perform under the guidance and supervision of the Agency in
accordance with the job description attached hereto. It is understood by SFW Service Provider and the
Agency that no legal employer employes relationship Is Created or exists between the Agency and the
participant. In agreeing to provide direction and supervision of the participant, the Agency
understands that this does not make or its designee liable to the Agency or any third party by reason
of any future act or failure to act by any participant on or off the job.
The agency understands and agrees that no participant shall begin work until this Agreement is
executed by the Agency and SFW. Eligible individual workers may not work in temporary jobs under
this Grant for more than 1040 hours or earn more than $12,000 In wages, whichever occurs first, These
limitations apply to Individuals and not specific jobs.
SFW win prioritize worksites for temporary jobs such that the highest priority Is for public facilities,
which have been most severely damaged. The second priority Is for private non-profit agencies that
have the highest Impact on providing needed temporary services and/or restoring public services etc.
In general, worksites will be limited to public and private non-profit facMd" and property. Work on
Private property may only occur when all specific conditions listed In the NEG are met and will be
looked at on a case -by -case basis and approved in writes by SFW. Work on private property will NOT
be a priority unless It is necessary to restore public services or there is a clear safety hazard to the
larger community.
Recnuilment and etiglb ft determinations will be the responsibility of SFW provider. Individuals
determined to be *fig Ibis for this program will be referred to the workalte by SFW provider.
The following are the responsibilities of the Agency.
The Agency accepts and agrees that it shall:
A. Direct and supervise participants work activities in accordance with their job
description(s), which Is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this
a. Assure that it will have supervisory personnel who will act as work *Se supervisors for
each of the Agency's worksltes so as to provide for condamum on -one supervision of
C, Assign worthwhile and meaningful work to participants during the entire time they are at
the worksite.
D. Require partki►ants' conformance with the Agency's Personnel Rules of Conduct.
E. Orient and train their work sits supervisory personal inchrding any ahmmte staff
directly responsible for the supervision of participants as to the Agency's
responsiMities and obligations under this Agreement
F. Notily SFW Irnmedlaby of any temporary arWor ongoing changes in the designation of
personnel who will be supervising On partlelpangs).
G. Bo accountable for maintaining participant time sheets by keeping accurate work time
stlanrdence restw% supervising the proper completion and signing of tirrre shoots by
each participant. cortilyi g and signing parttatpent urns sheets If an the prior
roquirsments are net, and submitting Owes timeshest s to SFW Provider.
H. Ensure that all sibs whem participants will be assigned are sanitary and safe
omrironmento In accordance with health and safety standards established by State and
Federal Law.
L Ensues that all required safety supplies and squiprnant are used in the proper manner for
the kdonded use,
J. Conform to normal routines and functions befitting a reasonable business
esublishmerrt Including, but not lknlbd to, appropriate supervision on the promises at
all times, displaying posltive work habits, mslntakdrg safe wonting conditions and
appropriate attire.
K. Have an inclarnent weather plan for any approved positions that are required to work out
of doors to ensure that alternative tasks can be performed inskle eking inclement
L. Inform SFW Service Provider and the Designated Employer of Record immediately
should an accident or injury occur at the job site affecting or involving a participant and
require the participant to complete a first report of injury form,
M. Notify SFW Provider by telephone of any problem or concern regarding a participant's
performance at a work site as soon as possible, but at least within 24 hours of when the
problem is identified.
N. Not discriminate against any participant or potential participant because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin or disability.
O. Ensure that participants receive fair and irnpariial treatment and that participants shall
not be subjected to harassment of any type or form.
P. Ensure that the following general conditions for temporary jobs shall be compiled with-
1) participants shall receive comparable working conditions and non -payroll benefits
such as rest breaks, etc., as other employees;
2) there shall be no displacement of regular employees not replacement of laid off
workers by the temporary job participant's); and
3) there shalt be no infringement of promotional opportunities for regular employees.
a. Not subcontract, assign or tmrefar any rights or responsibilities under this agreement or
any porter i#emof without the prior written approval of SFW Provider.
R. Irnptement administrative controls to ensure that costs for wages and other costs that
the is responsible for paying are not being paid by other federal, state or local programs
to eliminate the possibility of a dupiication of funding.
S. Maintain ON records and flies pertaining to the operation of this Agreement and any
amendment henft for three (3) years following expiration of this Agreement. Records
and flies shall Include. but not be limited to, time and attendance sheets, supervisor
assignments, this Agreement, etc.
T. Win immediately advise SFW Provider in writing of any actions, suits, claims or
grievances flied against the Agency, SFW Provider, Stale of Florida, federal officials or
participants that In any way relates to this Agreement.
SFW, or its designee/subcontractor, accepts and agrees that It shall:
a) Assist the job site supervisor in resolving any problems concerning the participants'
Performance on the job by responding to the Agency's notice.
b) Hear all grievances concerning program participant's performance at the job site.
c) Provide counseling and supportive services to participants as the need is identified.
d) Be rss " for Ong participant paychecks dependent on Agency`s timely
submission of Properly certified time sheets.
e) Be responsible for contracting with a third party to Oct as employer of mcords. This
employer of record shah employ the participants, pay participant wages for an actual
hours worked, and provide Worker`s Compensation coverage for an participants.
Agency must determine and ensure that all temporary workers at an worksites are only perfomtktg
disaster related work activities. The agency shall notify SFW Service Provider of any changes to the
required work hours, job description, and/or N the disaster recovery work has been completed and the
job needs to be ended.
The Agency shall allow SFW, designated service provider, the t roverror of the Stale of i'lorida, or any
of its agents and/or subcontractors, and the US Department of Labor (DOL) to visit the Agency's work
sites, monitor the program, report problems, require corrective action within specified time periods or
remove participants from work sites without prior notice other than a written notification to be
delivered to the Agency at the time of the removal. This action may be taken when SFW , the Governor
of the State of Florida, or DOL finds serious or continual violations of rule or laws, where violations
Are not being remedied, or where SFW . the Governor of the State of Florieia or DOL find non-
compliance on any of the terms or conditions under this Agreement.
A. Sectarian Activities: The Agency assures that participants will not be employed in building,
operating or malataining any part of any building, which is used for religious instruction or
B. Collective Bargaining and union Activities: The Agency assures that this agreement will not
impair existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreement between the Agency
and either parties, nor will this agreement assist, promote or deter union organisation.
C. Lobbying and Political Activntea: The Agency assures that this agreement will not assist with
political or lobbying activities or the cost of any salaries or expenses to Infimuence legislations or
appropriation pending before the Congress of the United States.
p. Relocation: Neither the execution nor performance of the Agreement will assist in, support or
otherwise contribute to the relocations of the Worksiie Employees business.
Yifithout waives Its sovereign kmmnunity, and If and to the extent allowed by law, each party shall
Indemnify and holes harmless each other. its officers, officials, and employs" from and against all
claims and liabilities of any nature or kind, Including costs and expenses for or on account of, any
claims. dem ages, losses or expenses of any character whatsoever resulting In whole, or In part, from
the negligent performancse or omission of eithor parly`s employees or repnesertalvm connected with
the activities described herein.
Therms shall be no modification or amendment of this Agreement, except In writing, executed with the
same forrnallties as this instruaren'at. Requests for interpretation$ of the Agreement provisions shall be
directed to the Employer on Record and must be in writing. No interpretations shall be official or
binding upon the WoduQ* Employer unto" it is received In written form.
This Agreement way be terminated as follows:
A. SFW or the Agency may ternnlwte this Agreement for convenience upon thirty (30)
calendar day prior wrllten notice to the other party
S. SFW may terminate this Agreement in whole or In pert at any time that the SFW
Proddart, In his sole judgment, detanninas that
i. The Agency has failed to comply with any of the provisions contained In this
Agreement or any Amendment hereto;
2. The Agency fags to perform, in whole or In part, under this Agreement or falls to
take convoclive action after receiving oral or written requests to do so within an
appropriate Urn* period as may sdpu h tad by SFW ; or
3. The United States department of tabor or Stale of Flora falls to premise
adequate funds. reduces. ellmlrates or otherwise tannknstrs the program under
which this Agreement is written.
Other than as provided herein, notice shall be required to be given to SFW under this Agreement, and
shall be sufficient when hand -delivered or mailed to SFW Service Provider . All notices required to be
given to the Agency under this Agreement shall be sufficient when hand -delivered or mailed to the
Agency at its office located at the address identified in Paragraph One of this Agreement.
This Agreement and the provisions contained herein shall be consinsud, controlled and irderprated
according to the laws of the State of Florida.
IN WrrNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto having been duly Authorized and representing that they have
the power and authority to execute this Agreement and perform the responsibilities specified herein
have nlade and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature.
ACslr Y: ' U6,
Corstact Name
0 - M or . pp"
A . fol
hsryi Graham
TypedlPrintod Name
—Director, Youth Co -Op, NC, Monroe Cty_
Title of Payson
Phone Nten 'sor
Fax Numbs
E4ftN Address
S. Graham or Audrey Alien
Contact Name
Phone Number
Fax Nunber
E-MrM Address
Job Description
National Emergency Grant (NEG) Cleanup
Waste Attendant I
Hourly Rate 15.00
These temporary NEG employees will perform general maintenance tasks and
hurricane debris cleanup in various sites and facilities throughout Monroe
Tasks May Include
1. Use brooms, pitchforks, rakes, shovels, and similar hand tools in order to
pickup hurricane debris.
2. Wash and clean interior and exterior of County equipment, buildings, and
3. Replace and install signs damaged or destroyed.
4. Trim, cut, and/or remove trees and other foliage damaged by hurricane
wind and surge, replant as directed.
5. Refinish and/or repaint interior and/or exterior walls.
6. Performs other hurricane cleanup related work as required.
Eligible person must possess physical strength and agility sufficient to perform
manual labor and occasionally work under adverse weather conditions.