Item L1 BOAI{D OF COU"lTV COMJ\HSSIOI\FRS AGE~I)A ITEM SllMMARY .r-..'1eeting Date: Julv 19,2006 Kcy \Vcst Di\'ision: Boec' Bulk l1el11: \'es T\'p \: Depart men t: DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Pcrsun: DonnaH ansan ACENDA ITEM ~'ORDINC: Discussion of !\lonrot' County \Vastewater Projects State funding criteria. Funds in '~/7I:Ci/I(, Appropria/ ion J 8 J 8 shu/! he IIsed by fhe Deparl menl qIEnrironmen/a/ Pmlcef iO/1 to timd the construction of" \I 'i1.I1C wotcrf;lci//(l" projects in Monroe County and in the City (?(Kcy IVCSf, ITEM BACKGI:tOlIND: In urder tu be eligible fur funding under this spec die appropriation. each grant recipient mLlst dOCUllll'nt thallhe wastewater project: I. Is designed lo meet the wa.ste\-vatcr treatment and disposal re4uirements in chapter 99~395. Laws of Florida. us amended: Is included in the :\.1onroe County Sanitar~' \\/astewatcr Master Plan or tlther formally' adopted planning document addressing. engi Ilecri ng 3nd ti nanc ing: .'. Involves exclusi"cly construction or dC:iign-bui ld: 4. lias been llpenl)-' procured among contractors qualilied to build \.,;jSl~Wakr facilities Il1 the physical ellvironment of th~ I. lorida Keys: ). Is to be located OIl sites acquired no later than J\,1arch L 2007: 6. Will ini tiute construcli(ln no later than May' 1 , 2007: .... 7. Will result in the completion of entire fac i I i tics or sign ilicant phases 0 f ClCil it ies: X. I c\'crages other moneys (local funds. including local bonding: D~partment of 1-.nvirol1ll1cntal Prokction State Revolving Fund loans: or other sources of money) \(l the maximum extent possible: 9. Shall provide at least a 60 percenl match from any other sources except a direct line item appropriation from the State Legislature. 10. lias in place a system of user charges, fees, assessments, or other funding mechanisms to ray j(lr the completion of construction and long-term operation and maintenance of the project and 11. Provides mechanisms to eas~ the cost-burden of the project on lo\-\'-ineome residents. PREVIOLS RELEVANT ROCC ACTIO:\!: CONTRACT/AGREEMEI\T CHA:\IGF:S: STAFF RECOMMI<:NDATIONS: 1 g I X 1.IXFD CAPITAL Ot 'TLA Y KEYS \\'":\SIT\VAlFR rvL\l\Tl\CiEMENT PLA:'< I ~vfPI_E!\.r [NTA T10!\" FROM UENERL\L REVEI\UE FUND, . , . . , . . $2U,Onn.(J(J() hl11u::; III Sp~cific Appropliallon 181 X shajJ he used by the Department of Environmental Protection to fund the construction of wastewater li::lcility projects In Monroe County and in the Cit:'> of Key \\lest. This appropriation shall be distributed as follows: Monroe County shall reeei \ c $ I X.OOO.DOO and the elt)- or Key' \V'est shall receive $ 2.000,000. In order to be eligible f{)f funding under tl1 i s specific appropriation. cae h grant recipient III LIst doc ument that thl? wastewater project: 1. Is designed to meet the wastewater trell.\ment and disposal requirements in chapler 99- 39.5. Laws of Florida. as am~nded; J Is included In the .r--.1onroe County Sanitary \Vastewater i'v1asler Pl,m or other {i:lnnalh adopted planning document aduressing engineering and jinaneing; J, Im'ol ves excl LIS I vel} constructi on or dcsign-bu i ld: 4, Has bl'en openly procured among cuntract()rs qUGllitieJ to build wastewater fGlcilities in the physical environment ur the Florida Keys: .'i, Is to be located 011 si les acq uired no later than March 1. ~007: 6. \Vil! initiate construction no later than May 1.2007: 7. Wi II result 111 the comrletion of entire facilities or significant phases of facilities; 8. Leveragt's nther moneys (local funds, including local bonding: Department 0 f Environmental Protection State Re\ohing J \mu loans: or lHher sources 0 f money) to the maxim um ex tent possi ble: o Shall provide at least a 6U percent match from any other sources except a direct line item approprialion from the State Legislature. 10. Has in place a s)'stem of user charges, Ices. assessments. or other funding mechanisms in pay for the completion of construction and long-tenn operation and maintenance of the project: and 11. Provides mechanisms to ease the cost-burden of the project on Jaw-income residents. ~lonroe County und the City of Key \\,'esl must document timely rulfillment of the requirements in this specific arpropriation to the Department or Environmental Protcetino for each project J(lf which funding is requested. l'v1onroe County and the City ur Key Wesl muslmeet the completiun deadlines established in any funding contract or grant agreement with the department. Any pruject that docs not meet the reL/uiremenls herein is not eligible lor funding, The Secretary shall identify and approve the distribution of funds contingent upon the above criteria being fulfilled. Any funds that cannot be committed as a result of a project's t:1iJure to proceed in accordance \vith the criteria herein and initiate construction by May I. 2007. shall be reconuncndcd for reallocation by the Secretary of the Department llf Environmental Protection. to other projects 1h,:H meet the criteria. funds are to be counted toward the non-federal contribution of any leueruJ funds provided for v..'ater quality improvements in the Florida Keys. Atkr meeting the requiremellts, the Secretary of the Dep8rtment shall release the funus pnwideJ in Speci fie A ppropri ation 18 I X l(Jr the purpose 0 f eaTTy.-jog nul the rl"Uvi sions in this section. FW; KLWTD's Readiness to Proceed Willi-Tom ;' You forwardecl this message on 6/2bi2006 1: 16 Pf'.1. .,. Attachments can contain viruses that may harm YOUI' computer. Attachments may not clisplay carredly. " To; County Commissioners and Aides Cc: Rosch-Mark; Symroski- Ty '. Attachments: ~ Treatmentrlantv311FTSTATlONTANK.2(lj 060627.pdf(48K8) _ _ ansto VVllli on WWTP.rtf(9KB) Please see :1;;:S:38ge be!u,.\ fi'ol'l Challes Br:x,},s i;. !~' '~ Hl,.o. pl-cr,el"tv we were [C)!.j ',yas neeJerj ill addlEI:)n tc :he eJistirl'] cleared "'122 ::::. CC/1l~';ete the piar;i constluctlon IS apra lelltl)' Ill) lei "-;leI' neeeSSCirv CC'i'strucl ion 'Jf tl'el,' pi :::,(!~ C::lll C _-111 m,:'11U, '.'11-'12'-, fUI11:!e,j Page 1 of I ~ " ~, ~.~ ~. :r ~~ <: \ '= ! ;. L' ,-- .. ~. ~~: . '" -II ~ y.1 ~ "l'j. ~:~ ~~~ :, ~.~ -~ .~ I~' , i' !~; , l~t ~ J: ~ ~: ,'- of !" ,:j.~ f: =-i', ~ j j" -0 'l.i ;~ ;.. S- ~ it "","";]'-', "~ Imps :/iwcbmai J .mLlnrol'coul1t)'-ll.gO\'/l'xchal1g.ciPalton_G lcnniJ 11 Dox/F\\' :o~120KJ _ WTDo/n2 7s.. _ 7'4/2006 l.. !..:'" ~~ " ~ . 7kou:aJ fl. '?(Jdil '- " County A,jmlllistrator ~" ,,' "" I" nc r j I:. tl;I;"IC. I_~ ~~k, '=~ 1!~F"fl F'::I: "l':1[Y " t.. ~~~ '~; j;' r,' 'f "",;,I t~ j~ r..: ~ '" ., ~. !~ i".~. i ,. .. ,. It' ,'" -~ ~ t: :1, ~:~-~k:- '"" .....~...:J. .~; :'~;'i:~ !%.',~~-f_;'. ~...... '.: ::-J_i~~"<j ~~~1.1 _-.~~~~-~~.',r:~~~..""G..:i--!~.: #-, ' '=': "..-:::..;.-. -~..y ~~;:.""~~. ~{.. .,~\ ~~;.. ..._~:.-...~:!:~:::~- -.,~-:-- ~~-~:L. ~;:.:. .~~ ~._.'.:.. y....;:"".. . TOTAL COST: No COST TO COV'\'TY: REVENUE PRODVCING: Yes APPROVED BY: COllnty Attv DIVISION DIRECTOR APPI{OVAL: DOCllM ENT ATIOJ~': Included DISPOSITION: BUDGETED: Yes SOllRCE OF Fli~'DS: Nll A1HOlINT PER MONTH Y('ar OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management -, i '.. \, --. "! "0 \ \ I ~ . ~ COMMISSIONER GLENN PATTOI\" Not Rcquircd_ _ AGENDA ITEM #