Item L2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY \1eeting Date: July 19.2006 Kev West Division: ROCC Bulk Item: Yes No x Department: DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: DonnaHanson AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and clarification of the ILA with the FKAA. Specifically in regards to creation of Count)'-FKAA \'lastewater Committee's (CFWC) duties, recommendations and planning documentation for the Lower Keys Wastewater planning area. Discussion Monroe Count)' \Vastewatcr Projects plans development and evaluation process within a DOCC workshop. ITEM BACKGROUND: BOCC 9-21-2005/9-28-2005 K-3 agenda item This ILA created a Count)f-FKAA Wastewater Committee (CFWC) that was supposed to meet once a month to; a. Dn i.' I{)p an lInplt.'Tnenl<lt ion ...dlt'duk. <.:on~ I '-t\:'m \~'lth State and r..dcrnl In \\. 3nd In COli form it y \\ it h Ih\.' \fonrot' C lUlll! San it)' \\":1'" k'wata Plan. for the coo...truct ion n( \0\ ash: \\ all.:r "1...ll.'m" in un lIh:Llrporat~J \1om!.x' C 011 lit y. fl. Dn','lnp a financial plan to hillel, in ;1 iair and l..'quitabk malllK'r. \\:l:...kwaler "y"tt"m... for un Incorporall.'d ?lonro.. County. ::. D<.e Vdl'P ['<-'qUl'st-. for propo"ab (R r p 1 flll' I he prm'llrnll~~111 01' \",...",'watl'r "y't.: ms in \.lmnl..'nl~)nr;.J.l\.'d .\1011riX County. \,;'\JIl,i~h.:nt \.\ ith Lhl..'. pro~':Uf'':IllI..'IH polKin of (h~' COllllt). U. Rl'\ li..'W. ran"- and n:l'Ol1lllll'IIJ to the ,\1onrot' County Roarel nf Commi......iorlt.!'" and thL' FKAA Board of Dirl~l'tor" tht: 0\'\.'1'311 hlphl'st r:mkl'd firm pUhU<lnl In th~' RHJ. c, (\ lIldud nq;1.11 ial j( 1I1. i j appmpnatL' lItlJI.'r Ihl' term,>; ,)f I hl.: R fP. wi I h the fillll ...~' kdcd hy lh.. C\ llHIlY ;JlId tth: rK..\..\ tll n:ad1 a lair and ;lffonJal>k L'O,I for tl \\ :1."1,,'\\ atcl ...} skm. f. rri1\ ick ollgoing ,-'(lon1il1illl(Hl r-t."I\H'c nth.... COlllll) :md ~ I\. /.1,:\ in t he ~~~ln ...(run inn, ilpnat 1011, ;t1\llm,1 i 1\ klla IlU' or \0\ :l...kwiltn IXOJ....L.b. t:. PrD\ ide ",ul'h other a""i...tan,'l' as n:qul....kd hy Ih" Cuunty and thl' rKAA. PREVIOUS RELEVA:'\JT HOCC ACTIO~: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No SOURCE OF FUNDS: AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County A tty ~ DOCUMENTATION: DISPOSITIO~: Included -L O:\ttB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ / r'~ . I ~ \' '\ " . - .\ __\ '- l~' '- ~'-----J c. \. <::::----- COMMISSIONER GLENN PATTON Not Rt:quired.__ AGENDA ITEM # --- DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: BOARD OF COL'\T\:' C01\rvllSSIO!'lERS AGE~DA ITE\1 SC\I\JAR\C 1\1ccting Date: Scptcl11P_cr 21, 200S'SftS'" -lB, 2o~Division: BOCC Bulk IteIll: '{ e:'. ;'\;o~ Department: BOCC~,_~__,_._ .____ swn Contact Person: \1a\-'or Dixie SpcllJf \<--~ AGENDA ITE\-I WORDL'\G: Approval of a re:'.olu\ioll :'.elling forth principles which are critical 10 the completion of \-\'hk\\ ;ltcr prt1jcCl~ Irl the unincorpor,llcd Count y- ITE\l RACKGROVI\D: The County and FKAA entered into an ILA for the provi...ion of wastewater senice"_ CertalJ1 principles shuuld he recognized to guide the progression of the proJtxts Jnticipatc:d under that 3greemenl. PREVIOCS RELEVA:\T BOee ACnO:\: .-\pproyal of an "umbrella" 1 LA with the FKAA on September 6.2005. CO~TRACT/AGREE1\[ENT CHA:\(;ES: STAFF RECOMl\lENDATIO~S: Approyal. TOTAL COST: :-.;:\ RCDGETED: l"e~ I\JA No COST TO COl:NTY: :sJA SOl:RCE OF FL:\"DS: RE\'E~'TE PRODL'CI:\G: Yes No A~IOL:\T PER .\'IOYnI_~ Year APPROVED R"Y: Cmlllty Atty ~ O\,'1BlPurchJ.sing _ Ri~k !\hUlagement_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~.(l't 'Dixie S-J;.e4at (TYPE NAME HERE) DOCL\IE!'\TA 1'10:"\: Included x I\'ol RequircJ__ DIS POSIT 10;\: AGENDA ITE.\I #_j( -) RC\h~d 2i05 INTERLOCAL AGREE:\lEI\:T FKAA THIS I NT ERLOC AL AG REEI\1ENT is entered i nlO pursuant to See. i 6~ _0 l. F S . hy and bet ween \-lonrcl<: County, a ppl Itieal ~uhd I \ j ~ ion of the Stale of Florld;!. (County). anu the Florida Keys :\qlll..'duCI AlIt!l\)ril y. j ne.. an imkpcnd(,llt ~pe( lal di"lrlCl, IFKAA). \VII EREAS. the County is iluthori zed hy StT. 1 2."0] ( I 1. FS. 10 pro\' ide. assist III pnl\ id ll1g and fund cl'ntral1zed wastewater treat menl ~yslt.' illS. WHEREAS, Chap. l)9-_,lJ_". See. 6, L:ms of Flond<1. and the COlJfllY" C oll1prehcl1 s i \ e PI illl ITqum: that I.: ,,'rt:l i n \~ aste\\ ater tn.'at l11t'nt ]L'\el.~ he 3C h 1<;'\ t'u by 21J I O. k\l' h \\ h Ich call heq be aL' h I::\'<:,d hy central \\ ask\\ all'r tre,'Hllll'nt "y'telll": \\'HEREAS. the FKAA IS authorized bJ Chap, 76-.+,~ I. La\\s of Flonda. as amerlded. ,ll de~ igll. con strue!, and operate. waslcwater treatment sysll'fTl'< WHEREAS. the FKAA and the COLlnty have t'nten:d into previou~ Irltcr]('Cal ~lgTccmCnl." e'>labli...h i og. and e0nfinll I ng thel r \lngolTlg [\'1 Gt l(1ll,>h Ip III pro\ idin&, wa~tt\\alcr 1',1(' i I itlL's I n the Flm Ida Kns: and WHFREAS, thc County. h) adoptcu ['cwlwiolh. ha\c pro\idcd fundlllg to rhe FKAA fur \\ aqewaler proj(:cts and Illay prO\ Ide add if innal fund" to the FKA A for the adnlilllslration. pi ann lrlg and constructlon of fulUre wastc\\ atL'r proJecls in LlI1l1lClJrpowlCd :-,,1onroc COIJ11lY: and WHEREAS, the County and the FKAA desire to pUI III place procedures 1O define the rcsrcclivc roles ot the C0l111ty and the FKAA in the planning, cOIl:-.lluction and IJremtloll of future W8SlC\\ ater project.'> In Lll1ll1COrpora led \lonroe County; ;lnd WH EREAS, by forming a \\Oddng relatiollsh ip through ,m intedocal agree 11l<..'I1t. thl' COllnty and the FKAA, can effectively and effiCiently pool their rC...(lurces and npt:-'ni...c In \,astew~llcr S) sterns. lherehy beller sen ing the citizens of ~lonroc C Dunty. l\l CO:"JSIDERA TION of thl' rnutllal consldcrmillll and prem is~'s set fOl1h helm\. the pJ r11es agn:e ::1" 1'01 1m, s: "'"", \. I, Th-;:J'e is hnebJ l'rl'::ltcd :L COllllty-FK_--\A Wastcv.akr COrtHllittec ~h;J.11 he cum pnsl.d ,,1' the foil (lW II1g Jlll:llllxr\ m de _'d~nt'e: County COITlll1in<:>e Apptlllltct' FKAA O'mmin('(' Appointee County Engineer fKAA "'-asic-water Enginccr CDunty fmalleial designt'e FKAA hnanc:al designee \lollrPt' C oUIlly CnT1l!l1 iss ioner "TK A A Beard \k Illb~T" " n () n - \ ot 1f1 g ad\'I sor) niL.' nI bn (CI-we:, v.hich ) / / // / [t ~11;l11 b,.: the polley of thl' CrWC 1(1 iIlVlte' J1KmbtT' (if thL' pub] ic to IllLL'Llllg~ \<,)wrCll1 pm.icCl-S p..:c Ific IS\lJe" \\ i I I ht' disCll~St'U, The CFWC "hall prml1lllL' the Jtk'ndal1ct' of commUnity leaders that reside:. In areCls where future waste'.'. ater projects :lh' being planned The dLltie~ of the CFvVC ~ha1J be- to : d De ve I "p an imrlementatlon schedule. C()I1~ Hen t v. itb State and Feder:!1 1<1 \\, and In conformity with the ~1ollroe COUI1ly Sanity Waqcv..'ater Pl:1n. for the constructIon Di wasttwater system" in un l!1l'orpor:'lIed \1011 roe Cnunty_ h_ Develop a financial plan to fund, in a f.lir 31lJ L'quitahk milT1l\l~T. \.I astewcner ~yst(,lll~ ror 11lllllcorporated Monroe County (. De ve10p requests for proposals (R FP) for the proc urement of wastev, atn syste ms III unincorporated ~1onroe County. consiqent \.I ith the rrocurel1lCflt policH.:~ of tIlt' COLlnty_ d Re\'iew. rank and recommend to the :\lonrtlt' COLlllty Botire! of Commissioners and thL' r-KAA Board of D ireclOrs the O\'L'r., II h ighc:'t ra n ked fi I'm pursuant to tht.' RFP. c, Conducl negotiation. if appropriate undL'"r Ihl: t<:rm.. ur the RFP. \\ilh the firm sd<:ctcd by lhe COLlm) and the FKAA to n:ach a Call' and affordable co~t for <1 wastewater SystL'lll. f Provilk ongoing coordinatl(ln hct \\ecn the COllnty anJ FK;\..\ in the cmhtructiull, upcrallOlL and l1l:ti nll'rwncl' of \\ aslt'\\ ateI' rrOJcCls g_ Provide \ue:h other as~istanct' as requc\ted hy th1" County and lhe FKA:\_ The CF\\'C ~'olllmllke shall meet at I<.'a',( lIlurlthly The Counly and the FK.--\,\ shell! provide C k'rical and IL. gal "tatf to sllppon the operal inns (If {he CFWC. incl uJlIlg 111\ un ng ('urnpl iance with Florida's Orx;n Gov<.'rnment Ll\\_ -+ The County and the FKA:\ C1gree thar no Requc\! For Propos;:l!s (RrT~) \\111 be puhli"hed I'm \\ :J stell <ltcr projects ITl un illc()rporatcd \tOIHOt' Count y 1\ il hout thl' r<:'L'ommendallun of the CFWC and joint approval of the !,vlonroe County Com1l1is\ion and the FKAA Board (If Dire('lOrs, .; The County and tIle FKAA agn:c that JlO 'L'onlrac:Ls pllr~ualll \I) rhl' procurement of any n,;\\' I." astcw ater sy ql:m in UIl ITlcorporated \-1onroe Cnunry \\ l! I he \igned \\ ilhout the recommendatIon of lhe CFWC and jOll1t appro\ al elf tile \-lonroc County Cornmi""lon and thL' FKAA Board of Directors_ () The COLI nty and the FKAA agn.'l' to worl tog.:! her t\' l'stahl i~h Can- and eq u i lable u"cr fees 10 lund the opt.'J"atioll Jnd m;'1I ntenance of \\a<.(c\\ "tn '>) sll.'IllS .., The County and the FKA,\ agree' that many ISSues \\ill nel'd to be rcsohed to achlne \\astL'walt'r treatment within unincorporated Monroe County and agree to let the CFWC work 10 bring conSL'nsu~ to lho~e ISS th.'S a nu make n'l'Orlllll<:nda! ion;, to both the \lonroc County C()mmi~si()n as well :IS the FKAA Board of Dlrect(1r~, Tht.' County Clnd the FKAA agree to \\ork togct her to,ee k emd ohtai n Fedl:rnl and Stale grant\ t(1 a"'~I,>t in the ftlnd Illg of \\astt:'\-\'tilt.'r project\,. ~, The Count y and the fKAA. agn.:'~' l hat 0\\ Iler~h ip of \~:hlL'\UllT III fra\lrlk'l Lire i\ <Ill I~~UC t !J;1[ \~ ill need further resolullon. Bolh lXlrtie<.;, ackno\\ ledge that many factors may afkct ownership includmg thL' reljUlre-melllS of c,'rtal1l financll1g \chiele'i The CF\VC will weIgh ownership altemall\es and maKe recommendallons to [he Monroe County Commi"sielll and the PKAA Board of Di rectors :1' to the "ok nrlutnt ()\\ ne I-sh I r pf futurt' \\a~te\.\ aler rroJecl-, 9. The partIes agree thaI this written dtX'Lmll'nt represents their initial mutual agrl~t'Tllenl and replaces any prior agreement. ul1derstanding~. or commut1lcltions on the sllhjecl matter of the ;:f'reclnt'nl. \\ hcthcr \\ ritltn or oral. The pa11il's agrl:C that lhis ILA may be ;nnendl'd \\ i[h the \'(J1lsent of both pal1leS upun reC0Il111H:ndatlom of th;:: CfWC and appru\al of hut!, the Monroe County Commission as wel I a\ 1he FL\A Board of Directors, 10. 1h IS agl'~Tnll:nt \-\111 take erfl'l"t on 1 he date a l'O['y e \l:l' ukU by hilt h ralllCs I ~ fi kd \\ ith the C k rk of the COLll1~ of :\hllln'e C ollnt;. f-l (lrida II This agreement may he st'\erl'd hy I'orm;:d action b;. Oll(' (1f huth parties \\ ith 90 days nnl ificatHln lD the other party of SllC h plan Iled act lOll. Formill auio]) shall he defi nl:d ,h a Illal 011 ty \Olt by one or both of the re "peel i \c board~ to Se\'cr the agree rnc nl. The n:sponslhilllY for ,Illy .I 0 lilt pmjl:CIS th:it "hOltld e,\ist at the time oC se\'(:raIlCc \h,,11 i:>L' negotiakd among the part](='<; and found to he mutually acceptable [0 hoth the BOCC and FKAA 1:'\ WIT\ESS WHEROF. lhe parties l1l'rt'lO ha\t .~L.[ [heir hands :md seal.s tik' J:JY and Yl~:H fir\! :Ihu\t' \Hltten, 80ARD OF COL1\jTY COl\-ll\-tISSIOi\'ERS OF MOi'ROE eOL\T\'. FLORIDA ISL-\,LJ By': -' lilyor i Ch;:lIrpn,>on J)anny L. Knlhage, Clerk By: Deputy Clak THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDCCT AtTH(lRITY (SE.--\.Ll B:" ChalrrnJn A, TrEST: RESOLtmON NO. .JiL-2OOs A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY SETTING FORTH PRINCIPLES CRITICAL TO THE COMPLETION OF W ASTEW A TER PROJECTS IN THE UNINCORPORATED COUNTY. WHEREAS, Monroe County is diverting a significant portion of its resources to the necessary task of sewering the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the financial strain on the County from the County's investments In sewering the Florida Keys will be felt for decades by the citizens of the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the County and State will be bearing a significant portion of the financial obligation; and WHEREAS, the Florida State Auditor General is the proper entity to monitor and audit the competency and management of this significant undertaking; and WHEREAS, it is vitally necessary that the sewering of the Florida Keys be given the highest priority by all concerned and that every state funding source available be utilized to the fullest extent possible; and WHEREAS, the mandate imposed by the State of Florida to sewer the Florida Keys will fall short of its goal if certain principles are not agreed upon between the county, state, FKAA, and other wastewater service providers in the Florida Keys and uncompromisingly adhered to; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, that: I. The following principles are critical to the sewering of the unincorporated areas of Monroe County, Florida, on a timely and cost-efficient basis: A. The State ofFlocida should fully understand the financial burden it has added to the citizenry of this Area of Critical State Concern, and that many county improvements will be indefinitely deferred to meet the State mandate. B. The County will make every effort feasible to comply with the State mandate and makes this commitment with the knowledge of the absolute importance of sewering the Keys. C. The County and the FKAA will utilize all sewer money and revenues collected from customers of wastewater systems, over and above the costs of maintenance, operations, billing, and any direct costs specifically incurred to provide these services, solely to finance the construction of ongoing and projected collection, treatment and disposal systems, and for no other purposes Wastewater Principles Res. 9-21-05 D, The State, County, FKAA and Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District will stay fully engaged to ensure both that the most imaginative and cost effective solutions are employed to achieve the mandate with ever limiting funds and that the parties coordinate their efforts to obtain the maximum tinancial assistance possible from State funded sources. 2, This Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 2 B t h day of September, 2005, Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro Tern McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Rice Commissioner:Welson ,r.:--- Yes Yes Yes Yes YP.i=: S-.:in. ( ~) : , Att~: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk By:JlaLJ ~, lJ1JVcvJMJ Deputy Clerk -' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFM~"tCO"Y'~ By: Mayor/Chairman C In . <::: :::: ,L:: c'-:! _~ \-. ~ __ --:-'::'-"f- a.. ,-) . :z -'::: ''::::5 ,~o ..; .W ,_::::::::w ,.......Jo .' .:...J cc:: 10- L~ c:::: lr c: In , I Wastewater Principles Res. 9-21.05 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Office of the County Administrator The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 205 Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292-4441 - Phone (305) 292-4544 - Fax r.~----- BOARD OF COUNTY CQI.-~ONERS Ma)'Of OlaI1es "SoMy'" Mct:oy I Disb1d: 3 Mayor Pre T@m Murray E, N@!son, Dstnct 5 [)OO@ M, Spehar, Dstrict 1 George ~ District 2 David P. RJ C@, DIstrict 4 O.~~~2~~E 1305) 294--4Ml January 10,2006 fun Reynolds, Executive Director Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority II 00 Kennedy Drive Key West, FI 33040 Dear TIm., Thank you for your response to my November 7 correspondence requesting that the Aqueduct Authority appoint members to the Wastewater Evaluation Committee. I agree that the language in the ILA, (Section 2(d)), requires the fonnatian of the committee to review Requests for Proposals, [n reviewing the !LA, it is clear that the committee could be utilized to perform other functions to support the joint participation orhoth the Aqueduct as well as the County during the process. Section 2 states that [staff] conduct negotiations, provide coordination and develop RFP's as well as a financial plan for the implementation afwastewater systems within the county. Since the proposed members of the County's evaluation committee consist mainly of staff directly involved in wastewater, I was optimistic that you would reconsider your decision not to name the committee members at this time. I believe that the committee brings added value to the project and would greatly assist with the planning o( and communication between both respective boards. During my review of the ILA, I noticed that Section 6 requires the joint approval of both boards for the procurement of any new wastewater system in unincorporated Monroe County. We may need to add an item to an upcoming BOCC agenda for the Board to ratify the letting by FKAA of the design phase of the Big Coppitt project ta Boyle Engineering to meet the requirements of the ILA. At the December meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, Mayor Charles McCoy was appointed to serve in the capacity of wastewater liaison. Being an architect for many years. Mayor McCoy has extensive experience in wastewater systems and the intricacies in providing this service within Monroe County and has worked throughout the United States and the Carribbean. It is imperative that Mayor McCoy be a pan of the team that plans and executes this program for the County, I am in receipt of the FKAA proposed capital program for wastewater projects and will be meeting 'With County staff to promulgate a coordinated financial plan anticipating a year 2010 completion date, At our meeting next week, I would like to discuss the importance of the concurrent planning offuture projects to ensure we meet the projected completion of2010, Thanking you for consideration of these issues. I look forward to our meeting next week. Sincerely, ________I =---/" / /l / I (r~ 1-. " Thomas 1. Willi County Administrator The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-205 Key West., Florida 33040 Office 305~292-4441 Fax 305-292-4544 \.', iIli-=-I()E1:a.rpOnroe~ount) -tl gO\' O~~~~~E (:J05) 294--<164 1 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Office of the County Administrator The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 205 Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292-4441 - Phone (305) 292-4544 ~ Fax November 2,2005 Mr, James Reynolds, Executive Director Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority 11 00 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Jim: r~.~ ------ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOftERS Mayor [)j xi eM. Spehar, Distri ct 1 Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District 3 George Neuge11t. District 2 David P. Rice, Disb1ct 4 M\m-ay E, Nel$Ol1, District 5 As stated in the Local Agreement between the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority and Monroe County, the County Administrator and the Executive Director of the FKAA shall each appoint two members to a Wastewater Evaluation Committee. Attached for your review is information on Monroe County's Wastewater Evaluation Committee members, The three Monroe County members are Conunissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy, Thomas Willi, County Administrator and Elizabeth Wood, Sr Administrator, Sewer Projects, Please for.vard your Wastewater Evaluation Committee members infonnation to me at your earliest possible convenience. Art. Very truly yours, ---:'~/ - --~(./ Thomas 1. .U. County Administrator Charles "Sonny" McCoy \1ayor Pro-tern BOec, District 3 Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy was born and raised in the Florida Keys, A third generation conch, he has an Architectural Degree from the lTniversity of Florida and a \1.asters in Business, He is a registered architect in Florida. North Carolina, Arizona and National Registry and has won both national and international awards for architecture, including work in the Caribbean In the Florida Keys, he designed the B'Nai Zion Synagogue, the Ocean Key Hotel, the Galleon Resort and Marina. the Key West Post Office, the Stanley Switlik Elementary School, The Park and Ride, the Flagler Historium, and the 950 unit housing complex on the eastern end of Key West. These and many others required wastewater systems and some required treatment plants, Commissioner McCoy previously served as Mayor of Key West for five consecutive terms During his tenure he brought Key West out of near bankruptcy and won a national award for the transformation of his community He also began rebuilding the sewer system of Key \\l est, He was adept at finding grant money for the island and the list of projects he accomplished is long and visible Commissioner McCoy is also the first to have served as the Mayor of both Key West and Monroe County .-\dd iti anal Licenses and (' ertificat ions held Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, State of Florida Special Inspector of Threshold Buildings Structural Masonry Inspector Thomas J Willi County Administrator Certified General Contractor - licensed 1987 Certified BL.:lding Official C ert ifie d Bu lid in gin spector Constructed, permitted and inspected various utility systems, as we!1 as municipal projects, Deveioped residential, commercial and industrial projects Negotiated and constructed service area expansion of public water/wastewater utility :nitiated special assessments for waler/wastewater projects Negotiated the purchase of a privately held water/wastewater utility Negotiated the purchase of a municipal water/wastewater utility Initiated the governmental taking of a portion of a municipal utility Routine!y accepted subdivision water/wastewater systems upon completion by developer Elizabeth Wood 40 Seville Circle Davie, FL 33324 305.710.4675 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE EE&G Environmental Services. MIami, FL Staff Engineer, 11/03. Present Coordinated construction and environmental services including: . Custom design of waler treatment systems. · Design. permitting, and installation oversight of stormwater systems. · Subsurface/hydrogeologic investigations for foundation design, . Foundation earthwork and concrete testing. . Emergency response clean-up and reporting. . Phase I/Phase II Environmenta! Site Assessments. . Air permitting and chemical use regulatory reporting. RGF EnvIronmental Systems a RIviera Beach, FL Lab Manager, 03/03 - 07/03 . Bench lop treatment testing for industrial wastewater applications. . Maintenance/calibration of laboratory equipment and supplies. Integreyted Consultants - Melbourne. FL Network Pariner, 10/01 - 12/02 . Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plen preparation. . Collection of air samples for worker exposure at manufacturing facilities. Eastern Research Group - Chantilly, Va Chemical Engineer, 7/99 - 10/01 . Premanufacturing Notice Initial Review Engineering Reports. . Pulp and paper mill wastewater sample collection. . Query development for RCRA risk ranking database. EDUCATION B.S. in Chemical Engineering with honors from Florida Tech University Senior Project: Design of 3 MGD Sequencing Batch Reactor for Domestic VVVV'Treatment Harris Corporation: Melbourne, FL Co-operative Education Student · Preparation of environmental metrics for publication in the annual report. . Calculation of hazardous air pollutant emissions for permit renewal. Washington InternshIps for Students of EngIneering 1997 I ntern for the America n I nstitute of Che mical Engineers . Presentation of public policy paper titled, "Project XL: Balancing Regulatory Flexibility with Environmental Performance" at the AIChE annual conference. ;=-;:: . ~ =- ;~> ~ 11-...1. . .':-,:::-.-.": -\ ~ .~.~ ~ -. c'=" ="~_;lV:. ~ -,. ~ . i......., : F..- --.............-.........-.....-- F' .., l?-iJ 02 06 ll,04a Thcm.s:;; J Willi en A d!ln f1 305-28;:>-4514 p. 1 ......-i /.", l.L L?O (,(.~ ( -- / i~Xl-'J f J:, j) V' ;j ~ tf M:V-J L R;~6 Ch~i'l'nan Malal1'J(l r. Florida K~s Aqueduct Authority F' 0IIt Off>oeo l) 0", 1239 11 ()Q J(~~ brr..... Key Wl!Ilt. flol'idll 3.>>; 1.12:>9 T'ilt~n.. (::\05) ;:98--':;4~ ~ .. .J Rct-srt o.,g" .....ictt-CI'leL~Jlap t(d, Ih"eo:! ~"~\)\1~~." .c:::r-ty~ - ,~ e . R.ECEivED--~'~~~ ,~hl: ,~j , - tlt.J 2 t'J 'y.':' ~ ~ ~' ~.I ~ F","cr.. L HSfl'Sofa SGCnIta !'yfTrfl;l<; '-i":\1 Rxkland Ke, RO$e r.il_ D/JI! Bji] PinI.< K~~ A n.v.-j r; Rt<., " Kev I~r(;<) ,;,~ 1,,1r_ Tom Willi \1onrOi;' County :'\(!mi r:htrali7 i 1 (tf'i Sjlll:m~an Street Key West, FI. JJiJ40 Jilr.'iB$ C. ReY'i-f.lds COL'l\TY ~I'_\~~~~~, (nee"Jlc' -"), ?!t. ~;fi'Y~Si---1-.1',~,.;;~,:_ J.-mtmI) ". l, ~<)_ , \ I ft~. . ,:q, n;;c&: , ":. ,_ ! -....,. \..... 1-~--4 I , f,'~" W;lST~Wa!ef F-,alUP.tinn ('ommittne ~~~~ l [PMrt:lr51Ch: ,{ ',-'\ -:,:~?',e\i'[ N[L'.,: <:'>f; r : ~~< . rh~3t ~ 0U~' iii,', il1l't.\.:cipt ofYOUf letter da(ed January 10, 2006 c\mc~mjq~ th~ formal establishment of a ',I/".:''..'.:'.'.''i!er EvaIuation Committee. Tll" FKAA BlIW:d ofDircctors (k,~g not h:eJ it is prudent at trcis till:': 10 formulate such u committ~'e. The Cl)rnnll~:1.<; described In the ItA would have a specific fUilCtiO!l tv review aLl rank desii:-'Thbuild RFI"s Elfld make n-cmmnendations to the BCXX and FKAA. This ~eV't'W \\'o~dd OCCur ~IS part oftbe procurement precess and would be surje...'t to the rcquirement~ of t.:S, 236.01 ;, Sint.'~ procurement of the Big Coppin project "ill be desigw'bid/build to the lowt'si biddn, and not a design/build RF'P, the-n- is no cffkial purpuse fo~ an RFP R<:view committee. [hdit've nUT reguli.ii ihWLi,g'l \\Tth stall as de~criwj in Section 4.01 of the ILl\, have bet)n a ,!:l1'od\lctive and effedive WC!y to mCve Wi.Hlo;;Wllk, pn~jects forward. ApP<trenUy tlwre i.~ s{\mE' c-onth.!.;lon ~gardir:g which lrd:cr.l(1c.:ll Agreement is in effect ill tbiQ timt' Reference is made in y.:)ill" lett:::r t<) Section 2 regarding an RFP Committee and SL'Cti{)P. ti J(;gardicg tlOCC uppruva, of awarding contract.s Bnth of these. Sections are cOfllaint~d in fll1 Inter..Loc.a] Ag--tff'rncn1 dute-d. &-'17/05 by the CUUi1ty CIerk. The Tmer-klCll1 Agreement rhat is in etlCct and sl1pt:fseJes pr''o':iOll-'' z.greeme-r.~s hil.5 an cffcl.:tivc ddte of9/~:05 and j~, thi;~ ILA thnt k:J 10 tha Leu~\' !\gf~t'menL I. 'd" d ,,' _ j '. :lr-f'recl:,1 ~ )' OUt CD!l;;l CratJ.OH 01 C(ir (:(In>:erns an iU-'l IOOn.W,g !i>rv..-;tr-; t.;: ~_.;r COllU ,'111Cu ccnrdin,rlrlCJ1 in the d~\eloptl1.;;nt ut' Sll{"C~i$fuj '''-'ask-ware!' projtX:ts. ~:i,lCt';d, "" /;~,;.,/ ;;:TORTiz..(JQ..: yS'.~EDtJCT ACTH OR] TY .,/..-' /,.' ,'1/' ~~~/' f_f '.:.' :~. .. , J.::~'/~ [~ R~"" v'((,i~: p,' ._.t't.......,)....., .....~(.t~,.. .._. /'::::-;;-,'>;LIi':"l" Dl', c",:tr, I' ,.- (\_': ~ 1~'L-~~~ t3'tJa_~\~ elf Di~.~\:-'!\.Yrs FAXEn INTERLOCAL AGREEME~T :\10:"iROE COI;NTY A~D FLORIDA KEYS AQL'EDUCT AUTHORITY \\' ASTEW A TER SYSTE:\tS THIS INTERLOCAL AGREE:\IENT is entered into pursuant to Sec. ]63,0], F,S" by and between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (County). and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, Inc., an independent special district, (FKAA.). 'WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has identified the Florida Keys as an area of critical state concern, and has authorized actions by the County and FKAA to provide adequate wastewater treatment to protect the environment and the health, safety and welfare oflandov..-ners and persons inhabiting the Florida Keys; and \VHEREAS, the County is authorized by Sec. ] 25.01 (1), FS, to provide, assist in providing and fund centralized wastewater treatment systems; \VHEREAS, Chap, 99-395, Sec. 6, Laws of Florida, and the County's Comprehensive Plan require that certain wastewater treatment levels be achieved by 20] 0, le'.-els which can best be achieved by centra] wastewater treatment systems; \VHEREAS, the FKAA. is authorized by Chap, 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended, to design, construct, and operate, wastewater treatment systems; \VHEREAS, the FKAA and the County have entered into previous interlocal agreements establishing and confirming their ongoing relationship in providing wastewater facilities in the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the County, by adopted resolutions, has provided funding to the FK.A.A for wastewater projects and shall provide additional funds to the FKAA for the administration. planning and construction of future waste\vater projects in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the County has deeded to the FKAA parcels of land on Conch Key, the Saddle bunch Keys and Grassy Key; and \\-'HEREAS, the County has demonstrated its commitment to sewering the Keys by transferring, at no cost, to FKAA the Grassy Key parcel, for which ad valorem taxes were expended at fair market value and the parcel is to be used by FKAA. to serve the City of \1arathon, and has committed a maximum of $20.000,000 to the Key Largo \Vastewater Treatment District; and \\-'HEREAS. the Baypoint (Sadd]ebunch Keys) and Conch Key projects, constructed by FKM. are soon to be operational; and \\-'lIEREAS, the County and the FKAA intend to continue their cooperation with Governor Bush, the State Cabinet. the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Community Affairs to implement wastewater s:ystems in unincorporated Monroe County by 2010; and Monroe County.'FKAA Draft !LA Sep. 6. 2005 WHEREAS, the parties desire to further define their commitment to work together and to answer concerns raised by the State Cabinet, at a meeting of August 23. 2005, concerning an agreement dated August 17,2005, ben\-"een the parties; and \\-l-IEREAS. the parties have been in reliance upon expressions of commitment by the Florida Depanment of Community Affairs of $10,000,000 for wastewater projects for fiscal year 2005, and $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, as identified in the Growth Management Plan attached to County Resolution No,039-2004, and the ability to obtain additional critical financial assistance from the State of Florida, the federal government and their agencies to achieve the purpose of this agreement; now therefore, I~T CO,,"SIDERA.TION of the mutual consideration and premises set forth belo\v, the panies agree as follows: 1. STATEI\fENT OF INTENT: This agreement shall set forth commitments of the parties to work together to achieve the 2010 mandate to sev.er the Florida Keys. The parties shall work together to obtain funding for wastev.'ater treatment facilities from state and federal sources. The parties shall cooperate with each other and act in a timely manner to acquire, design, construct, and operate wastewater treatment systems throughout the unincorporated areas of Monroe County, except for the area covered by the Key Largo Wastewater District, which has its separate authority and responsibility for sewering that area. The parties further intend that the sewering of the Florida Keys shall be done at a reasonable cost to users. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNTY: 201 The Coun!',; shall own the land and infrastructure of the wastewater treatment systems , . . acquired or constructed under this agreement..and any amendments hereto, and shall lease said assets to the FKAA. as described in Section 3,08 below, 2.02 The County, in addition to funds obtained from state and federal sources, shall provide up to the limits of its bonding capacity of the infrastructure sales surtax and County's ability to levy special assessments, the funds necessary to complete all wastewater projects so that citizens do not have to pay in excess of $4,500 per EDD in non.ad valorem special assessments, The County shall provide $20,000,000 for the costs of acquisition, procurement, design, and construction of wastewater projects in the_Lower Keys. County commits to full faith and diligence in working with the FKAA to provide funding to make costs of system development and connections for the Big Coppitt and all future projects reasonable to users. County shall have the responsibility of levying the special assessments for wastewater projects. Lower Keys projects included under this Agreement are Big Coppitt area, Cudjoe-Sugarloaf area, and Big Pine area. Other unincorporated County projects are Duck Key and Long Key. 2,03 The County Administrator shall review all procurement documents drafted by, or on behalf of, FKAA. for wastewater treatment systems in the unincorporated county. The County Administrator shall make suggestions for changes as he deems in the best interest of the general public. Monroe County....FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 2 2.04 The Cmmty Administrator shall appoint t\-"o members of the e\-'aluation committee should any committee be established. 2.05 The County shall convey to FKA.A such easements as are necessary for the installation of sewer lines. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF FKAA: 3.01 The FKA..A. shall administer the procurement processes for the design and construction of wastewater systems in unincorporated \1onroe County. 3,02 The FKAA. shall develop requests for proposals (RFP) and requests for qualifications (RFQ) for the procurement of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County, consistent with the procurement policies of the FKAA and applicable State statute(s), FKAA shall submit the drafts of RFP/RFQ to the County Administrator for review and input, give due consideration to any suggestions for changes, and shall advertise RFP/RFQs. 3,03 The FKAA shall accept the RFP/RFQ submissions. It is intended that contracts be awarded to the most responsive subminer, which shall not be required to be the lowest responsive bid, the most qualified responder, or other. The parties recognize that the lowest bid may not be the most effective bid, Accordingly, an evaluation committee which will comply with Sec. 286.011, F,S" may be established on an ad hoc basis for each procurement process, Should an evaluation comminee be established, the Executive Director of the FKAA and the County Administrator shall each appoint two members, 3.04 The FKAA. shall give due consideration to recommendations of the committee, if any, and the County Administrator. The FKAA. shall award the contract. 3.05 The FKAA shall provide construction management of each project to insure its expeditious and economic completion. The FKAA authorizes the County Engineer and/or his designee to make site visits to any project under construction, and shall give due consideration to any suggestions of the County Engineer regarding an ongoing project. 3.06 The FKAA shall retain the financing authority provided in its enabling legislation. 3.07 The FKAA shall aid the County in its efforts to obtain funding by' providing copies of such documents as the County needs to support its issuance of bonds or to seek Federal and State grants to assist in the funding of all saidYiastewater projects, 3.08 The FKAA shall lease from the County' the land and infrastructure of the wastewater treatment systems acquired or constructed under this agreement and any amendments hereto, The Lease shall be irrevocable and provide absolute and unconditional authority to the FK.i\A to establish system development fees, rates, budgets, and rules governing operations in such manner as to be consistent with Section 4.06 of this agreement. The lease term shall be ninety- nine (99) years, tlfld-Iellcwablc ,for an- additional ninet-y-niRII (99) Y~:M:SL The FKAA. shall be responsible for the maintenance and operations of the systems leased from the County. The Monroe Counry.'FKAA Draft IlA Sep. 6, 2005 3 parties understand and agree that the lease to be entered by the parties shall contain covenants, '\varranties, auditing and monitoring provisions consistent with the provisions found in the Interlocal Agreement between the County and the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District. 3.09 The FKAA, pursuant to requirements of their enabling act, shall ensure that at least two public hearings be held in the area affected before any system development fee, rate or any other user fee is established or increased. All revenues derived from the v.'astewater systems by the FKAA over and above maintenance, operations, customer service, billing, and any direct costs specifically incurred to provide these services shall be used solely for the purposes of the wastewater systems, such as the payment of debt sen--'ice and retirement of bonds. 3,10 This Agreement shall not apply to wastewater assets currently o'\\TIed by FKAA or hereafter acquired from any other utility, 4. COOPER.\ TIO~ IN CARRYING OUT AGREE~ENT: 4.01 The County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director shall meet as necessary to complete the tasks set forth in this agre~menL The County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director and their staffs shall only serve in their customary capacity of fact-finding, professional advice to, and other efforts to carry out the policies of, their respective boards. 4.02 All communications and dissemination of information regarding wastewater projects shall be through the Offices of the County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director. 4.03 The parties recognize an obligation of 580,000,000 of bond-financing to be secured by special assessmentsjn the unincorporated county, 4.04 The parties agree to enter into a lease consistent \.\-lth this agreement in the most expeditious manner as possible. .... 4.05 The parties shall work together to secure sites for wastewater treatment plants in remaining lower keys no later than July 12, 2007. Attached hereto is Exhibit A setting forth a preliminary timetable for the projects. 4.06 Neither party shall take any action or omit to take necessary action, including action pertaining to rate setting, that will adversely affect the taxwexempt status of County and FK.AA bonds, or the respective party's ability to issue bonds under this agreement. Each party \\'111 take such action as is reasonably requested by the other party in connection with the issuance of bonds so as to allow the other party to issue such bonds on a tax-exempt basis, including, but not limited to, executing tax certificates. 5. ESTABLISHME~T OF CERT AlN PREREQCISITES FOR EACH PROJECT 5.01 The County and the FK.A,j,\ shall work together to achieve the [0110\.\-1ng goaL to establish fair and equitable connection fees and user fees to fund the operation and maintenance of wastewater systems, Monroe County,'FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6. 2005 4 5.02 Projects constructed under this agreement shall conform to the \t1onroe County Sanitary \Vastewater Master Plan, 5.03 It is recognized that some outlying areas of the Keys \\-hich are not heavily populated may not be feasibly served by a centralized wastewater and sewage system, and that Alternative \Vastewater Facilities may be required to be installed to meet the mandate for adequate wastc'-\'ater treatment in the Florida Keys. All Alternative Wastevv'ater Facilities that may hereafter be constructed and operated within the Service Area of the FKAA shall conform to good utility practices, adequate service to the public, ensure adequate Wastewater Sef\-'ice for the Florida Keys and its citizens, FKAA shall comply with all applicable laws and rules in issuing prior approval for the use, construction, installation, or operation of new or expanded Alternative Wastev,'ater Facilities, The FKAA shall require and enforce the use of its OV,11 Wastewater Facilities and facilities leased from County whenever and wherever they are accessible, Any Alternative Wastewater Facility must provide adequate and sufficient service to the projected territory or development. 6. Ii'iSL'RA:'\TCE AND HOLD HAR'\:1LESS: 6.01 The panies to this agreement stipulate that each is a state governmental agency as defined by Florida Statutes and represents to the other that it has purchased suitable Public Liability, Vehicle Liability, and Workers' Compensation insurance, or is self-insured, in amounts adequate to respond to any and all claims under federal or state actions for civil rights violations, which are not limited by Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, as well as any and all claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, arising out of the activities governed by this agreement. 6.02 To the extent allowed by law, each party shall be responsible for any acts, or omissions, of negligence on the part of its employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors and shall defend, indemnify and hold the other party, its officers and employees, agents and contractors, harmless from all claims demands, causes of action, losses, costs and expenses of whatever type _ including investigation and witness costs and expenses and attorneys' fees and costs _ that arise out of or are attributable to arising out of such actions or omissions. The purchase of the insurance does not release or vitiate either party's obligations under this paragraph, 6.03 ~otwithstanding the provisions of Sec, 768.28, Florida Statutes, the participation of the County and the FKAA in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance coverage, self-insurance coverage, or local government liability insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any contract entered into by the County be required to contain any provision for waiver, 7, GOVE&"'I~G LAW, VENt'E, I~TERPRETA TION, COSTS, A~TD FEES: 7,01 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable ro contracts made and to be performed entirely in the State, 7.02 In the event that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the County and FKAA agree that venue will lie .\-1onroe County'FKAA Draft ILA Sep, 6. 2005 5 in the appropriate court or before the appropriate administrative body In ~onroe County, Florida. 7.03 The County and FKA..A. agree that, in the event of conflicting interpretations of the terms or a term of this Agreement by or bem-'een any of them the issue shall be submitted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal proceeding, 7.04 The County and FK.M abTfee that in the event any cause of action or administrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses, as an award against the non-prevailing party, and shall include attorney's fees. courts costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses in appellate proceedings. \1ediation proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall be in accordance v-.ith the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary procedures required by the circuit court of :\1onroe County. 8. SEVERABILITY: If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement (or the application thereof to any circumstance or person) shall be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement, shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining tenn, covenant, condition and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforcement of the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original intent of this Agreement. The County and FKAA agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. 9. BINDING EFFECT: '....' The terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the County and FKAA and their respective legal representatives, successors, and aSSigns, 10. ATTHORITY: Each party represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery and perfonnance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary County and Authority action, as required by law. 11. CLAI~tS FOR FEDERAL OR ST A TE AID: FKAA and County agree that each shall be, and is, empow'ered to apply for, seek, and obtain federal and state funds to further the purpose of this Agreement. \1onroe County FKAA Draft lLA Sep. 6, 2005 6 12. ~O~-DISCRJMINATION: FKAA and COlJNTY agree that there will be no discrimination against any person, and it is expressly understood that upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates without any further action on the part of any party, effective the date of the court order. FKA,A. and County agree to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes, and a1l10cal ordinances, as applicable, relating to nondiscrimination, These include but are not limited to: 1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended (20 U SC ss, 1681 w 1683, and 1685. 1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (20 use s, 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; 4) lbe Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 L'Se ss. 6101- 6107) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; 5) The Drug Abuse Office and Treaunent Act of 1972 (PL 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, ss, 523 and 527 (42 USC ss. 690dd-3 and 290ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patent records; 8) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 use s. et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; 9) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC s. 1201 Note), as maybe amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability; 10) Monroe County Code eh. 13, Art. VI. prohibiting discrimination on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status or age; and 11) any other nondiscrimination provisions in any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Agreement. 13. ADJCDICA TION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS: 13,01 County and FKAA agree that all disputes and disagreements shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of each of the parties. If the issue or issues are still not resolved to the satisfaction of the parties, then any party shall have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law, 13.02 In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the formation, execution, performance, or breach of this Agreement, County and FKAA. agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in all proceedings, hearings, processes, meetings, and other activities related to the substance of this Agreement or provision of the services under this Agreement. County' and FUA specifically agree that no party to this Agreement shall be required to enter into any arbitration proceedings related to this Agreement. 14. COVENA~T OF NO INTEREST: County and FKAA covenant that neither presently has any interest, and shall not acquire any interest, which would conflict in any manner or degree \vith its performance under this \1onroe CounryFKAA Draft lLA Sep, 6,2005 7 Agreement, and that only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited in this Agreement. 15. CODE OF ETHICS: 15.01 County and the FKAA agree that officers and employees of the County recognize and will be required to comply with the standards of conduct for public officers and employees as delineated in Section 112.313, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts; doing business \vith one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public position, conflicting employment or contractual relationship; and disclosure or use of certain information, 15.02 FK.AA warrants that it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of ordinance ~o, 010- 1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance -:s.Io. 0 1 o~ 1990. 16. NO SOLICITATIO~IPAY~ENT: The County and FKAA each warrant that, in respect to itself, it has neither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. 17. PLBLIC ACCESS: The County and FKAA shall each allow and permit reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents, papers, letters or other materials in its possession or under its control subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the County and FKAA in conjunction \\-l.th this Agreement ... 18. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES: All of the privileges and immWlities from liability, exemptions from laws, ordinances, and rules and pensions and relief. disability, workers' compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the County and the FKAh.., when performing their respective functions under this Agreement within the territorial limits of the COWlt)' and the FKAA, respectively, shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers. agents, volunteers, or employees outside the territorial limits of the parties. 1\1onroc CountyTKA.A Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 8 19. LEGAL OBLIGATIO:"S AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Non-Delegation of Constitutional or Statutory Duties. This Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any participating entity from any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by any participating entity, in which case the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility, Further, this Agreement is not intended to. nor shall it be construed as, authorizing the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the County or the FKA__A., except to the extent permitted by the Florida constitution, state statute, and case law, 20. ~O~-RELIANCE BY NON-PARTIES: No person or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the terms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third-party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any service or program contemplated hereunder, and the County and the FKAA agree that neither the County nor the FKAA or any agent, officer, or employee of either shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherv.:ise indicate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or entities, have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to, or superior to the community in general. Notwithstanding the preceding language, the parties hereby designate the State of Florida as a third party ""ith the ability to enforce against the m'o parties the provisions hereof, based upon the State Auditor conducting management and financial audits of all sewer programs, past. present, and future, in the Florida Keys. 21. ATTESTATIO~S: FKAA and County agrees to execute such documents as the County or the FKAA may reasonably require, to include a Public Entity Crime Statement, an Ethics Statement, and a Drug- Free Workplace Statement. 22. ~O PERSONAL LIABILITY: No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of either part)' in his or her individual capacity, and no member, officer, agent or employee of either party shall be liable personally on this Agreement or be subiect to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement, 23. EXECUTIOI' IN COU1\TERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. Monroe Count} FKAA Draft lLA Sep, 6,2005 9 24. SECTIO~ HEADINGS: Section headings have been inserted in this Agreement as a maner of convenience of reference only, and it is agreed that such section headings are not a part of this Agreement and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. 25. TERM OF AGREE:\-lEI'iT A1'JD TERt\1INATION: This Agreement shall commence on September 6, 2005, and continue for ninety-nine (99) years, or until such time as all leases entered pursuant hereto are terminated, whichever shall first occur. The parties may eject to renew this agreement at the end of its term, as set forth in the preceding sentence, for a period of ninety.nine (99) years. 26. ASSIGNME~T: Neither party may assign this Agreement or assign any of its obligations under this Agreement without the approval of the other party, which approval shall be in \\,Titing and fully executed by both parties. All the obligations of this Agreement will extend to and bind the legal representatives, successors and assigns ofFK.AA. and the County, 27. COMPLIANCE WITH LA\\'S: This Agreement shall comply with the laws and regulations of the United States and the State of Florida, whether in effect on commencement of this Agreement or adopted after that date. 28. CONSTRL:CTION: ...' This Agreement has been carefully reviewed by FK;\A and the COL :sJTY. Therefore. this Agreement is not to be construed against any party on the basis of authorship. 29. :\'OTICES. Notices in this Agreement, unless otherv.-ise specified, must be sent by certified mail to the [allowing: County: County Administrator ] 100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 FKAA: Executive Director 1] 00 Kennedy Driye Key West, FL 33040 30. FULL VNDERSTANDING: \-1onroe CountyFKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6,2005 10 --~~.-_...~-- -- -- - - --~ -~~~ This Agreement is the parties' final mutual understanding with respect to any projects constructed in the future. It replaces any earlier agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, with respect to any projects constructed in the future. This Agreement cannot be modified or replaced except in a \\-Titten amendment duly executed by both parties. 31. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Agreement will take effect on the b12... day of.5;,,/ ,2005. , IN WITNESS \\'HEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written, (SEAL)AITEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE By~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERSOF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~li;, 77~ ~r/5Ll"_/ Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: By:ep~,~~~ L I, .-l~,jA Clerk THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORlTY . By: '~ 'r/(~ ChairmanO Monroe County/FK..o\A Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 11