Item R5
1< PIJBLlC HEARING 3:00 P.M. 1<
\leeting Date: J!Jly 19, 2Q06. ::-J<,W_
Division: (pj.mty Attorney
Bulk Item: Yes ---.X._
Department: County Attorney
Staff Contact: Suzanne A Hutton
A public hearing to consider an ordinance revising Chapter 12.1, Occupational License Tax to replace
that terminology with the Terminology Business Tax.
On or about June 9, 2006, the Governor of the State of florid a signed Session Law 2006-152 re-
naming the local occupational license tax as the local business tax Session La\',[ 2006-1 -"2 states
therein that its purpose is to deflect potential abuses by unscrupulous persons presenting local
occupational licenses as proof of competency to perform repairs and services The Monroe County
Tax Collector has requested revision to the County Code as quickly as possible to correspond to the
State mandate that the nomenclature be changed since they send out their tax bills on August I, 2006
On ()j2112006 BOCe approval to advertise
TOTAL COST: ~/^_ _
APPROVED BY: County Atty /" Ol'vtB/Purchasing _ Risk Management
To Follow__
Not Required
RCY1Sc::d 2/27/01
3:00 P.M.. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, at the Harvey Governmenlt Center, 1200
Truman Avenue, Key "iest. Monroe County, florida, the Hoard of County Commissioners of
.\.lonroe County, Florida, intends to consider the adopti.on of the following County ordinance:
Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard on this matter.
Pursuant to Section 2R6_0 [05, Florida Statutes, notice is given that if a perSOll decided to appeal any
decision made by' the Board with respect to any matti~r considered at such hearings or meetings, he will
need a record of the proceedings, and that Cor such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim
record of the proceedings is made, \",hich record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the
appeal i~ to be based,
Copies of the above-referenced ordinance are available for review at the various public libraries in
Monroe County, Florida,
Dated at Key WesL Florida, this 21 ,I day ofJune, 2006.
.' .
DAl'\l'\Y L KOLHAGE, Clerk oflhe Circuit Court
and ex officio Clerk of t he Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida
plJblication Oates:
Rcp0l1cr 6/30/06 --
Keynoter 7/ l/06 -
KW Citizen 7/2/06 -
T3\; Col1cclor
WHEREAS, \1onroe County Code Chapter 3 sets forth provISions regarding the
requirements for and issuance oflocal occupational tax licenses; and
WHEREAS. on or about June 9, 2006, the Governor of the State of Florida sIgned
Session Law 2006-152 renaming the loca] occupational license tax as the local business tax: and
WHEREAS, Session Law 2006-152 states therein that its purpose is to deflect potentia]
abuses by unscrupulous persons presenting local occupational licenses as proof of competency to
perform repairs and services: and
WHEREAS. the Monroe County Tax Collector has requested revision to the County
Code to correspond to the state mandate that the "licenses" be issued in the form of a receipt for
a local business tax: now there1'ore,
Section t. The title to Chapter 12.1, Monroe County Code, shall be revised to read as
Section 2. Sec, 12 1-1, l'v10nroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follmvs
This chapter establishes an occupational business tax for the privilege of engaging in or
managing any business, profession or occupation within the county No persall may
engage in or manage any business, profession, or occupation within the county subject to
an oCCl1pational business tax under this chapter \\'ithout first paying that tax to the county
tax collector
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
Section 3. Sec. 12.1-2. \lonroe County Codc, shall be amended by adding the detinition of
receipt as follows:
'~Receipt" means the document that is issued by the \1onroe County Tax Collector
\vhich bears the words "Local Business 'fax Receipt" and evidences that the person in
\\'hose name the document is issued has complied with the provisions of this chapter
relating to the business tax.
Section 4. Sec. 121-3 '\lonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-3. Distribution of revenues.
The county retains all O€cuputional business tax revenues collected from businesses,
professions, or occupations, whose places of business are located In the unincorporated
portions of the county. Those occupat-iefla-l- business tax revenues collected tram
businesses, professions, or occupations, \."hose places of business are located within a
municipality, exclusive of the costs of collection, must be apportioncd between the
unincorporated area of the county and the incorporated municipalities located therein by a
ratio derived by dividing their respective populations by the population of thc county.
The revenues sO apportioned shall be sent to the government authority of each
municipality, according to its ratio, and to the county commission, according to the ratio
of the unincorporated area, within tifteen (15) days after the month ofreceipL
Section 5. Sec 12 1-4 Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-4. Term of privile~e granted by the tax, transfer.
(a) The ~ business tax provided for in this chapter allows for the
privilege of engaging in or managing the business, professions, or occupation, so taxed
for a period of one (l) year beginning on October I and expiring on September 30, unless
another term is provided by law.
(b) The occupatioHal business tax paid by the original owner of a business may be
transfened to the benetit of a new owner, when there is a bona fide sale of the
businesses, upon the payment of a ten dollar ($10.00) transfer fee.
(c) The tax paid for the privilege of engaging in or managing a business, profession, or
occupation, at one location may be transferred to the benefit of another location upon the
payment of a ten dollar ($10.00) transter fee.
Section 6. See 12.] -5 ;\-10nroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows
Sec. 12.1-5. Fmctional tax payments.
Any person who was not liable Cor the ~ business tax during the first half of
the tax year, but becomes liable during the second half must pay an occupational
vusiness tax equal to one-half the amount owed for the full tax year
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
Section 7. Sec, 12,1-6, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follov,'s,
Sec. 12.1-6. Procedure for the payment of the occupational business tax.
(a) All persons for the occupational bJ!~in.~"s.~ tax must complete th,~ tax form
prepared by the county tax collector. The occupational business tax provided f()f in this
chapter is for the purpose of raising revenue only It is not a county permit to undertake
any business, profession or occupation at a particular site, The tax collector shall, on a
monthly basis, provide the county planning department with a list of the taxpayers who
have paid and the addresses of their respective businesses, protessions, or occupations If
the tax is paid for a business, profession or occupation at an address that the planning
department concludes violates the county's land development regulations or
comprehensive plan, then the county's code enforcement department may undertake
whatever action it deems proper to force a correction of that violation. A statement
similar to this subsection must appear on alt occupational business tax forms
(b) Any person liable for an occupational business tax based wholly or ;n part upon
capacity. the number of employees, or olher contingency, must file a statement with the
tax collector giving full and complete information to the capacity. employees or other
contingency as the case may be The statements required by this subsection must be
retained as part of the tax collector's records and a copy provided to the county property
Section 8. Sec 12. 1-8. Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows
Sec. 12.1-8. Forms, etc.
The county must furnish the necessary forms to the tax collector, The tax collector
must till out and validate a receipt and issue to the taxpayer for each occupational
pJJ.5iness tax paid, The tax collector must also make a duplicate of each receipt. The
taxpayer must have the receipt conspicuously displayed at his place of business so as to
be open to the view of the public and all of the duly authorized officers oftht county.
Section 9. Sec, 12,1-9, \10nme County Code, shall be amended to read as follows
Sec. 12.1-9. Deli nq uent licen se tax, penal1)'.
(a) Whenever any tax provided by this chapter is not paid by the due date of
October L the tax is delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty often (10) per cent
for the month of October, plus an additional five (5) per cent penalty for each subsequent
lllonth of delinquency until paid. However, the total delinquency penalty lllay not
exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the oc-t;.ttpatiBfl busines~ tax originall)' due in
addition to the penalty, the tax collector is entitled to a five dollar ($5.00) cost tee that
must be collected From delinquent taxpayers at the same time the tax and penalty are
(b) Any person engaging in or managing any business, occupation or profession
without tInt paying the occupation bu~iI)e~s tax, if required under this chapier, is subject
to twenty-tive (25) percent of the tax determined to be due, in addition to any other
penalty provided by law or ordinance,
Business Ta.x Ordinance 2006
(c) Any person who engages in any business, occupation, or protession covered by thi s
chapter. who does not pay the required occupational 12usi!!~!';s tax "vithin one hundred
fiftv (150) davs after the initial notice of tax due and who does not obtain the required
" .
6€cupational business tax receipt, is subject to civil actions and penalties, including court
costs. reasonable attorney's fees, additional administrative costs incurred a~, a result of
collection effoI1s, and a penalty of up to two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
Section 10,
See ] 2.1-10. Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-10. Tax not in lieu ofregulato'1" fees or licenses.
Fees or licenses paid to any municipality, board, commission or oflicer for
permits, registrations, examinations or inspections that are regulatory in nature are
in addition to, and not in lieu of. the ~atffiflal. business tax imposed under this chapter
unless otherwise provided by general law
Section 11.
See 12! -11, Monroe County Code, shaH be amended to read as follov,'s:
Sec. 12.1-11. Disabled persons, widows, etc.
(a) All disabled persons physically incapable of manual labor, widows with minor
dependents. or persons sixty-five (65) years of age or older, with not more than one (])
employee or helper. and who use their own capital only, not in exce~s of one
thousand dollars ($ 1,000.00) are allowed to engage in any business or occupation in the
county without being required to pay aH occupational busi!les~ tax Th~ exemption
provided by this section with respect to the disability is allowed only upon the certificate
of a licensed physician stating that the applicant claiming the exemption is disabled and
the nature and extent of the disability. In case the exemption is claimed by a widow with
minor dependents, or a person over sixty- five (65) years of age, proof of the right to the
exemption must be made. Any person entitled to the exemption provided by this section
must. upon application and furnishing of rhe necessary proof be issued a tax \'oai vel' that
must plainly state across its Cace that the waiver is issued under this section along with
the rcason t()r the exemption.
(b) ln no event under this or any other section may any person, veteran or
olherwise, be allowed any exemption from the payment of any amount required by law
for the issuance of a license to sell intoxicating liquors or malt and vinous bt::verages.
Section 12.
Sec 12.1-12, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-12. Disabled veterans, etc.
(a) Any resident who served as an oHicer or enlisted person during any of the periods
specified in 17.s. ~ I .Ol( 14), in the Armed Forces of the United States, National Guard; or
United States Coast Guard or Coast Guard Reserve, or any temporary member thereat:
who has actually been, or may hereafter be, reassigned by the air force, army, navy, coast
guard, or marines to active duty during any war, declared or undeclared. armed conflicts,
crises, etc., who was honorably discharged from the service of the United States, and
"V II 0 at the time of his or her becoming liable for the tax provided in tl1is chapter is
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
disabled from performing manual labor, musL upon sufficient proof of being a resident
and upon production of an honorable discharge from the service ufthc L'nited States,
(]) Be granted a waiver for the payment of any occupational blli1j!)~~~ tax
required by this chapter that does not excet:~d fifty dollars ($5000); or
(2) Be granted a waiver for the payment of occupational business tax to the extem of
fifty dollars ($50 00) \vhen the occupational bur;iness tax required by the chapter is more
than fifty dollars ($50.00), The waiver described in this subsection extends to and
includes the right of the disabled veteran to operate an automobile-for-hire not exceeding
five-passenger capacity, including the driver, when it appears that the automobile is bona
fide o\.vned or contracted to be purchased by the disabled veteran and is being operated
by him or her as a means oflivelihood ancl that the proper license tax for the operation of
the motor vehicle for private use has been applied for and attached to the motor vehicle
and the proper fees paid by the veteran.
(b) When the disabled veteran applies for an occupational business tax 'Naiver for a
business, profession, or occupation that has a tax in excel'S of fifty dollars ($5000), the
remainder of the tax in excess aftiny dollars ($50.00) must be paid in cash,
(c) The tax collector must issue a tax waiver to disabled \ietcrans \vho are entitled to a
\.vaiver of any ~-€upational business tax other\vise required under this chaptl~r, subject to
the conditions of this section. The tax waiver when issued must be marked across its face:
"Veteran's Waiver/Exemption From Occupational business Tax - Not Transferable."
Before issuing the waiver, proof must be presented in each case that the appl icant is
entitled to the waiver under the terms of this section. The proof may be made by
establishing, to the satisfaction of the tax wllector, by means of a certificate of honorable
discharge, or a certified copy of that discharge, that the applicant is a veteran covered by
this section and by exhibiting:
(J) A certificate ofgovemment-rated disability to an extent often (10) per cent or
(2) The at1idavit or testimony of a reputable physician who personall~1 knows the
applicant and who makes oath that the applicant is disabled from performing manual
labor as a means of Ii vel ihood;
(3) The cenific.ate of the veteran's ser\'ice officer of the county in which applicant li\'es.
duly executed under the hand and seal of the chief oflicer and secretary thereof, attesting
the fact that the applicant is disabled and entitled to receive a license within the meaning
and intent of this section
(4) A pension certificate issued to him or her by the United States by reason of such
disability: or
(5) Such other reasonable proof as may be required by the tax collector to
establish the fact that such applicant is so disabled
Section 13.
See ]2,1-13, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows'
Sec. 12.1-13. Farm. agricultural, grove, etc., exemption from tax.
(a) 1\'0 local oc-€upational business tax is required of any natural person for the
privilege uf engaging in the selling of farm, aqua cultural, grm"c, horticultural,
t1oricultural, tropical piscicultural, or tropical fish farm products, or products
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
manufactured therefi'om except intoxicating liquors_ wine, or beer. when such
products were grown or produced by such natural person in this state.
(b) A wholesome farmers' produce market has the right to pay a tax of two
hundred dollars ($200 00). That payment entitles the market's stall tenants to engage
in the selling of agricultural and horticultural products in the market without the tenants
having to pay individual f.}Ccupational husi]1ess taxes
Section 14.
Sec 12.1-14, Monroe Couoty Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
See. 12.1-14. Religious tenants; exem pHon.
'\Jothing in this chapter may be constmed to require an occupational j)usine~.", tax
payment for praciicing the religious tenants of any church.
See tio II 15.
Sec. 121-15, \10nroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follmvs:
Sec. 12.1-15. Charitable, etc., organizations, occasional sales, fUlIld raising;
(a) 1\0 oeeupational business tax is required of any charitable, religious, fraternal, youth,
civic, service or similar organization when the organization makes occasional sales or
engages in fund-raising projects when the projects are performed exclusively by its
members and when the proceeds derived from the activities are used exclusively in the
charitable, religious, fraternal, youth, civic and service activities of the organization
(b) Upon application by any charitable, religious, fraternal, educational or
nonprofit organizations to the board of county commissioners, ee-cuparional
business tax requirements may be waived
Section 16.
Sec 12.] -16, \10nroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-16. School activities, certain exemption.
College and high school students may, with the approval of the athletic aSSOciatIOn or
authority of their school, sell the pennants, badges" insignia and novelties of their school
without being required to pay aft occupatiofta-l business tax
Section 17.
Sec. 12.1-]7, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-17. Advertising space renters.
Every person renting for profit advc11ising space in or on any boat car, bus, truck or
other vehicle must may' aft occupational busi!J~~s_ tax of three dollars ($3.00) for each
boat, car, bus, truck or other vehicle operated by him.
Section 18.
Sec. ] 21-18. Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as fa 1l00vs:
Sec. 12.1-18. Am usemen t devices.
Every person who operates tor a profit any game, amusement ride or recreational device
contrivance or facility not otherwise taxed by another ordinance of this county, must pay
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
aft i:Jt.'BUpational busine~s tax of ti fteen doll ars (S 15 00) for each game, amusement or
recreational device, contrivance or tacility. Once a tax is paid for a device described in
this section, the taxpayer has the privilege: of operating the device at any location in the
county v..'ithout incurring any additional occupational tax liability.
Section 19. Sec. 12. 1-19, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as fol1o\vs:
Sec. 12.1-19. Hotels, apartment hotels, motels, etc.
(a) Every person engaged in the business of renting public lodgings, as ddined in F. S.
ch. 509, except apartment houses, must pay, for each place of business, an amount of onc
dollar fifty cents ($1.50) per room. The room count does not include rooms occupied by
the owner
(b) The tax collector may neither accept a tax payment nor issue aR-----<cx;-€lIpational
Qusinc$.S tax receipt to any business that is required to be licensed under F.S ch. 509
unless the taxpayer produces evidence that he has such a license.
(c) Every owner, manager, rental agent or association engaged in the business of renting
accommodations on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, in condominiums as defined in F S.
ch. 718, in cooperatives as defined in PS ch. 719, in time-share units as defined in F S
ch n L and in apartment houses defined as a multiple dwelling divided so as to make
independent suits for occupancy, must pay for each rental unit an amount of twenty
dollars ($20.00) per unit. The unit count does not include units occupied by the owner.
Advertising that the owner, manager, rental agent or association has units available for
rental on a daily, weekly or monthly basis is prima facie evidence that renting is
Possessing the occupational tax receipt required by this chapter does not relieve the
owner, manager, rental agent or association from the obligation of collecting and
transmitting to the proper authorities any and all appropriate taxes that are levied on
rental transactions.
Where rentals are made on an individual owner's behalf, or an association's behalf, the
average number of units under rent is the number of units counted for the payment of the
per unit occupational business tax.
Section 20. Sec. 12.1-20, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to rcad as follows:
Sec. 12.1-20. Cemeteries, mausoleums, de.
Every person engaged in the business of operating a tor~profit cemetery, mausoleum or
similar place or institution must pay afl occupational business tax of one hundred tifty
dollars ($ 150.00) for each place of business
Section 2 t. Sec. 12. 1-2 L Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follo\\l5'
Sec. 12.1-21. Circuses, traveling shows, tent shows, etc..~ sideshows.
(a) Shows of all kinds, including: circuses, theatricaL traveling sho\-';s, ancl exhibitions,
or amusement enterprises, carnivals, rodeos, theatrical games or tests of skill, riding
devices, dramatic repertoire and all other shows or amusements or any exhibition giving
performance(s) under tents or temporary structures of any kind (whether the tents or
Bu:'.iness Tax Ordinance 2006
temporary StlUcturCS are covered or uncovered), must pay an ()€cupatioflat business tax of
two hundred twenty-five dollars (5225 00) per day for each day of operation.
If the person operating a main show or exhibition also operates a side show or side shows
in conjunction \\'ith the main show or exhibition, then he must pay an additional
ea"uflationul business tax of thiny dollars ($30.00) per side show t()r each day of
operation. No tax receipt may be issued for a side show unless tax has been paid for a
main show. The main and side show tax receipts must be issued to the same person and
for the same day or days of operation.
for the purposes of this section, the show, riding device, concession or exhibition
cbarging the highest admission fee is the main show and the others are side shows. When
there is morc than onc show. riding device, concession or exhibition in the same
admission fee group, anyone of them may be considered the main show and the others
classitied as side shmvs. The following are considered side shows:
(I) All riding devices, including merry-go-rounds, ferris w'heels, or any other rides or
automatic riding devices:
(2) All concessions, including revolving wheels, coin games, throwing balls, rolling
balls, cane racks, knife racks" weighing machines, games or tests of skill or strength,
candy machines, sandw'ich, confectionery or similar stands or any other booth, unit, tent
or stand commonly known as a concession; and
(3) Every side show, exhibition, display, concert, athletic comest. lecture, performance
to which admission is charged, a tee collected or a charge is made for anything of value.
(b) An annual tax may be paid for any of the shows or exhibitions mentioned in this
section v,hen the show or exhibition is permanently located in one place, upon the
payment of six (6) times the full amount of the daily tax due according to subsection (a).
A tax receipt issued under this subsection is good only for the place for which it was
originally taken out, and the tax collector must state that in writing on the face of each
(c) No fractional tax payments or receipts are available under this section,
(d) Public tairs and expositions, as defined in F.S ch, 615, and exhibits held by bona
fide nonprofit organizations on the premises of a licensed public lodging establishment in
connection with a convention are exempt trom the provisions of this section,
Section 22. See 12.1-22, l\-fonroe County Code" shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-22. Traveling entertainment and sales presentations.
(a) In addition to any other taxes or licenses required, shows or exhibitions that provide
entertainment incidental to an cffort to sell a product or products by any person in the
county must pay afl occupational business tax of seventy-five dollars ($75 00) for each
day of operation.
(b) The tax imposed in this section must be collected and the tax receipt issued in the
same manner as the taxes provided for in section 12.1-21.
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
Section 23. See. 121-23, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-23. Cafes, restaurants, mobile food vendors and other eating
(a) Every person engaged in the business of operating a restaurant, cafe, snack bar. take-
out service, dining room, drive-in eating establishment, or other public tating place,
\..hether or not operated in conjunction with some other line of business. must pay aA
occupational business tax based on the number of people for whom he has seats or
accommodations for the service or consumption of food at anyone time, in accordance
with the following schedlde:
Seats Tax
0--30__ $ 3000
--"., i
31-74 ,. ..... (~
75--149, '~
150 or more__ 120,00
Drive-in restaurants where customers are served while seated In their motor 1:)0.00 i
vehicle. I
The license required by subsection (c) is in addition to the tax required by this subsection
(b) Every person engaged in the business of operating a mobile food vending operation,
no matter \','hat type of vehicle IS utilized for such purpose. \-vhether or not operated in
conjunction with some other line of business. except delivery service from licensed cafes.
restaurants or other eating establishments, must pay af! eecupational bvsinc.:,? tax of two
hundred finy dollars ($250.00). The license required by subsection (c) ofthi~, section is in
addition to the tax required by this subsection
(c) The tax collector may not accept a tax payment and issue a tax receipt to any
business under the provisions of F,S. ch. 509, until a license has been procured for that
business from the state
Section 24. See, 12 1-24, ;\lonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follmvs,
See. 12.1-24. Contracting.
Each person who contracts or subcontracts LO construd, alter, repair, dismantle or
demolish buildings, roads, bridges, viaducts, sewer, water and gas mains or engages in
the business of construction, alteration, repairing, dismantling or demolition of buildings,
roads, bridges, viaducts. sev.ers. water and gas mains must pay aft occupational busiIl~SS
Business Ta.x Ordinance 2006
tax. The tax is determined by the average number of employees during the tax year, and
is at the follO\\iing rates
1--5 employees . $ 20 00
6--10 employees, . . 25.00
1 1--15 employees ,,35 00
] (J--20 employees. _ . 50,00
21--25 employees. 65.00
26--50 employees, , . 125,00
51-- I 00 employees. 250 00
10] or more employees ., 500,00
All principals are considered employees lor the purposes of this section.
Section 25. Sec, 12. ]-25, .\lonroc County Code, shaH be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-25. Dance halls, variety exhibitions, etc.
(a) Every person who operates any place for profit where dancing is permitted, or where
entcrtainrnent is provided for a charge such as variety programs or exhibitions, must pay
an occupational business tax of two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225 00), The tax
required by this section is in addition to any other license or tax required by law The
operation of such a place is not to be construed as incidental to some other business,
However. a one hundred fifty' ($150.00) dollar tax may be paid for one night only, but
in that case, the tax collector must write across the tax receipt the words, "good for one
night only" Thi:; :;ection does not apply to hotels or motels of fifty (50) Jicensed units or
more paying aft occupatiooa-l bu:;in~s~ Iic-ease tax as provided for in section 12, 1-19.
(b) Exempted from the provisions of this section are:
(1) Variety exhibitions conducted or exhibited in a motion picture theater that pays the
occupational business tax as provided elsewhere in this chapter,
(2) Any traveling variety show or band which performs under the control of a charitable
or fraternal organization with the organization putting on the show on its own account
(3) Local cultural or concert music organizations or protes:;iona] s' or artists'
organizations that appear under the am,pices of the local cultural or concert music
(4) Educationa] institutions and off-campus protessional talent, when em p loyed by the
institutions for student entertainment, such as sports events, musical concerts, dance
bands and dramatic productions, \vhen such activities arc produced or conducted under
the auspices of the educational institutions
(5) Traveling shows put on by local merchants, where no admission is charged, either
directly or by increasing the price of items. sold.
(6) Dances or variety entertainment given by local performers, the proce,~ds of which
arc given to local charities.
(7) Any dance held by any group of private individuals who hold dances and dance
competitions tor recreation rather than profit, and where the only charge made is to cover
actual expenses incurred by the individuals in sponsoring the dances or dance
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
Section 26. See. 12,1-26, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as tollows:
Sec. 12.1-26. Electric power plants, gas plants and communit)" television antenna
(a) b'er)' person engaged in the business of furnishing electric power, gas or community
television antenna service ror a profit must pay afl occuputionill business tax of five
hundred sixty-tvm dollars and fifty cents (S562.50) However, persons engaged in electric
power, gas or community television antenna service franchised by the county and who
pay' a franchise fee must pay a license tax of four hundred dollars ($450,00)
(b) Any person serving less than twenty-five customers is exempt from paying this tax.
(c) Municipal corporations that own and operate their own electric power plant or gas
plant arc not subject to the tax described in this section
Section 27. Sec 121-27, 1\-10nroc County Code. shall be amended to read as tollows:
Sec. 12.1-27. Emigrant agents.
The occupational business tax for the privilege of engaging in the business of emigrant
agent is one thousand eight hundred seventy-five dollars ($[,875.00), This section does
not apply to any state or federal agency acting as an emigrant agent.
Section 28. Sec] 2 ] -28, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to rcad as follo\vs:
Sec. 12.1-28. Fortune-tellers, c1ai rvoyants, etc.
Every fortune-teller, clairvoyant, palmist, astrologer, phrenologist, character reader, spirit
medium, absent treatment healer, or mental healer and every person engaged in any
occupation of a similar nature must pay 3A occupational bu?incs"~ tax of two hundred
lv.enty-tivc dollars ($225.00), Nothing in this section may be construed to require the
payment of a tax for practicing the religious tenants of any church
Section 29. Sec, 12.1-29, t\lonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as fo[IO\...s:
Sec. 12.1-29. lnsurance adj usters.
All persons acting as insurance adjmters must pay a-ft occuputil.Jftal business tax of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00). This section does not apply to insurance agents
Section 30. See 12 1-30_ l\1onroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-30. Scrap metal processors; junk dealers.
(a) Every person in business as a scrap metal processor must pay afl oc'€upational
business tax of one hundred fifty' dollars ($15000)
(b) E'iicry person in business as a junk dealer must pay aft tlt,~tieH-a-J- business tax of
onc hundred dollars ($] 00 00),
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
Section 31. Sec.] 2, 1-31" Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as fa ]Jmvs,
Sec. 12.1-31. Traveling junk dealers.
.Each person who travels from place to place purchasing junk must pay aft occ-upational
business tax of thirty dollars ($30,00).
Section 32. Sec, 12.1-32, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-32. Liquified petroleum gas distributors, installers, and manufRctures.
All persons \\ho deal in liquefied petroleum gas, either as distributors, installers or
manufacturers, must pay the following B€€u-pat-iooa-l- bus1ne.~ taxes. However, those
persons are exempt from the provisions of sections 12. 1-24 and 12.1-26.
(]) Manufacture of appliances and equipment for use of liquefied petroleum gas
S 12500
(2) Installation of equipment to be used v'lith liquefied petroleum gas . 5000
(3) Dealer in liquefied petroleum gas, in appliances and equipment for use of such gas
and in the installation of appliances and equipment. . 125,00
Section 33. Sec, 12.1-33, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-33. Manufacturing, processing, quarrying and mining.
(a) Every person engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing, quarrying or
mining must pay the occupational business tax provided in this section. The amount of
the tax is detennined by the average number of employees during the tax year and is at
the following rates:
1-- 10 employees. ,$ 30,00
11--20 employees. ,60.00
21-~30 employees. . . 90.00
31--40 employees 120 00
41--50 employees. ,180,00
51 or more employees, , ,225,00
In determining the number of persons employed, all principals are considere,d employees
and must be included in the calculation.
(b) No tax is required under this section where the manufacturing, processing, quarrying
or mining is incidental to and a part of another business classification that pays a tax
under this chapter and is carried on at the place of business taxed under the olher
Section 34. Sec. 12.1-34, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to rcad as follo\\/s:
Sec. 12.1-34. !\lIscellaneous businesses not olhernise provided.
(a) Any not-for-profit organization qualified under the Internal Revenue Service laws as
a SOI(c)(3) organization which has previously obtained from Monroe County a local
government fee waiver of the building permit fees and impact fees exacted by Monroe
County Code for affordable rental housing development shall not be required to pay aft
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
occupational business tax for the rental of the housing lor which such building permit fee
and impact fcc \vaiv'crs have been approved
(blEvery person engaged in the operation of any business of such a nature that no tax can
be properly required for it under any provision of this chapter, but the bu:;iness is not
specifically exempt under this chapter or as a matter or law. must pay at! occupational
p!Js1ness tax oft\\'o hundred twentv-five dollars ($225.00)
Section 35. Sec. 12. 1-35, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-35. Theaters that are permanent in nature.
Movie theaters owners, drive~in theater owners, managers or lessors of theaters or halls
employing traveling troupes--theatrical or musical--giving performances in buildings
fitted for such purposes, or film exhibitions in buildings permanently used for such
purposes, or drive-in theaters, may give as many performances or exhibItions in such
buildings or theaters as they wish on payment of a>> occupational busines~l tax of faur
hundred fifty dollars ($450.00).
Section 36. See 12 1-36, \1onroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follohs
Sec. 12.1-36. Pawnbrokers.
Every person engaged in the business of pawnbroker must pay aH oceupa:tioeal- business
tax of three hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($337 SO) for each place of
Section 37. See. 12.] -37, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-37. Permanl"ut l"xhibits.
Anyone who operates for profit a permanent exhibit must pay at1: oecupaticmal husiness
tax of two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225.00) for each exhibit.
Section 38. Sec. 12.1-38. :\tonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follo\...5:
Sec. 12.1-38. Professions, businesses. occupations.
(a) Every person engaged in the practice of any profession, who otfers his service either
directly or indirectly to the public for consideration, whether or not the profession is
regulated by law, must pay aft tlWUputional business tax of thirty dollars ($;;,000) tor the
privilege of practicing The tax does not relieve the taxpayer ti'om the payment of any
eeeup~ business tax imposed on any other business operated by him However,
private detectives and operators of deception detector devices must only pay afl
occupatiOftallLl!siI)~~s tax of ten dollars ($10 00)
(b) Every person engaged in a profession, business or occupation regu:'ated by law
where licensing and qualification standards are required must display and exhibit to the
Business Ta.x Ordinance 2006
1 ~l
tax collector the license for the current year prior to the tax collector a:xepting the
occupational busing.~~ tax payment and issuing a tax receipt.
(c) AfI occupational bl,lsiness tax is not required where a person, although licensed by
law under a regulatory statute, is prohibited from engaging in a profession, business or
occupation unless under the direct supervision of another person. individual or
(d) Every individual or group of individuals operating as a branch onice of any
professional corporation, who also operate as an office where a profession is practiced,
must pay an oc-€~ business tax for each office where the profession is practiced.
(c) As an alternate procedure, if a group of professional persons are operating as a
professional association. corporation, partnership. other group enterprise or clinic
(hereinafter "firm" or "clinic") the firm or clinic may pay one (I) single tal( rather than
separate taxes tor each professional member of the firm The total an O€t'upation~1
business tax due under this subsection is thirty dollars ($30.00) for each person in the
firm or clinic practicing the profession.
(Ord. No 22-1995. ~ 2, 7-18-95)
Section 39. See) 2 1-39. l\.lonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follo\'is:
SfC. 12.1-39. Public servicf.
(a) Every person engaged in any busint:ss as owner, agent or otherwise that pertorms
some service for the public in return tor consideration must pay ail eeeu-p-at~m-al bJJs,'
tax based on the average number oCemployees during the tax year ror each location in the
following amounts:
1--5 employees. $ 2200
6--10 employees.. 54.00
II n I 5 employees. 8 (U)O
16--20 employees. 112.00
21 or more employees. 150 00
(b) 1\0 tax is required under this section for any business whose principal function is the
performance of a service for the public in retum for consideration when the nature of the
service is such that aft occupational businJ~~1i is required of the business elsewhere in this
chapter. This subsection does not exempt service departments and other
lines of business from the tax required by this section but does exempt ga';oline service
stations \vith not more than three (3) persons engaged in the performance of a service for
(c) In determining the number of persons employed, all principals are deemed
employees and tIlLlsl be included in the calculation.
Business Ta.x Ordinance 2006
Section 40. Sec. 12.1-40, \ilonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follo'v\is:
Sec. 12.1-40. Retailing.
(a) Each person engaged in the business of retailing must pay an occupatiott-a! bu~irress
tax for each :o.torc based on the average number of employees working at each store
during the tax year The tax is in the following amounts
- " ....-
1--5 employees .. $3000
6--] () employees, . . 60 00
11--15 employees, .90,00
16--20 employees. . . 120.00
2] --25 employees. 150 00
26--50 employees, . . 250,00
~] --l 00 employees. . . 350,00
101 or more employees. ,500,00
(b) In determining the number of employees all principals are deemed employees and
must be included in the calculation.
Section 41. Sec,] 2.] -41, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as tallows
See. 12.1-41. Schools. colleges. ete.
Evef)' person engaged in the business of operating a school, college Of other educational
or training institution for profit must pay an oc-€upational business tax of thirty dollars
($30.00) tor each place of business, except that persons giving lessons or instructions in
their homes without assistants or a staff arc not required to pay the tax.
Section 42. Sec. 12,1-42, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as to!lO\>.,.s:
Sec. 12.1-42. Telephone systems.
(a) every person engaged in the business of owning or operating telephone systems in
this county for profit must pay a->> B€-€upatiettaf bUSjT1J~~ tax according to the follmving
(I) On the first one thousand (] ,000) phone or instruments, or fraction hereof thirty
cents ($0.30) for each phone or instrument operated or installed
(2) On the second one thousand (LOOO) phones or instruments, or fraction over one
thousand (l, (00) but not exceeding two thousand (2,000), twenty-four cents ($0,24) for
each phone or instrument operated or installed
(3) On all phones or instruments numbering over two thousand (2,000), eighteen cents
for each phone or instrument operated or installed
(b) O\vners or managers of telephone sy:jtems operated or having installed less than one
thousand (1,000) phones or instruments are not required to pay a tax.
Business Ta;<.; Ordinance 2006
Section 43. Sec. 121-41, T\lonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows
Sec. 12.1-43. Trading, etc., in intangible personal property.
(a) Every person engaged in the business of trading, bartering, buying, lending or selling
intangible personal property whether as owner, agent or broker, including banks and
insurance companies, must pay a>> occupational business tax of seventy-five dollars
($75.00) for each place of business
(b) No tax is required under this section \\i'here the trading, bartering, buying, lending or
selling is incidental to and a part of some other business classification where an
tlccupational bUs!!1ess tax is imposed by tbis chapter or by law,
Section 44. Sec. J 2,1-44, !\lomoe County Code, shall be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 12.1-44. Trading, etc., in tangible personal property.
(a) Every person engaged in the business of trading, bartering, serving or selling
tangible personal property, as owner, agent, broker or otherwise, must pay atl-
occupational Qusincss tax of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each place of business The tax for
each bulk plant or depot of wholesale dealers in petroleum products is sev'emy-fivc
dollars ($7500),
(b) No ta.x is required under this section where the trading, buying, bartering, serving or
selling of tangible personal property is a necessary incident of some other business
classification where an occupational tax is required by this chapter or another ordinance
and it is carried on at the place of business taxed under the other classification, This
section also docs not apply to any person engaged in either the sale of motor vehicles or
principally engaged in the retail sale of gasoline and other petroleum products.
St'ction 45. Sec. 12,1-45, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follo\\-'s:
Sec. 12.1-45. Vending machines.
(a) Any person who operates for a profit, or allows to be operated for a profit in his
place of business or on his property, any of the following vending machines must pa\' afl
occupational business tax according to thi:,; schedule, unless exempted by subsection (b).
( I) Alerchandising vending machines. Fifteen dollars for each machine, J lowever, when
any merchandise vending machine is located in and operated only in a plaoe of business
for which tax has been paid for trading, buying, bartering, serving or seUing tangible
personal property under this chapter or other ordinance of this County. the tax is six
dollars ($6.00) for each machine.
(2) A-ferchandis;'lg vending machine operators. One hundred fifty dollars
(5150.00) for the privilege of engaging in slich business, and must further pay an annual
tax of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each machine.
(3) Se'Tiee vendillK machines. Fi Heen dollars ($15 00) for each machine,
(4) Service ,,"ending machine operators. Two hundred eighty-one dollars and twenly-
Ii ve cents ($281.25) fl.)r the privi lege of engagi ng in such business, and must further pay
an annual tax of three dollars and sixty cents ($3.60) for each machine.
(5) Laundryeq1Jipmcm. One dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each piece of equipment.
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
(6) (~()ill operated radio, television and similar dt'vices installed ill businesses providi ng
housing accommodations for the traveling public, twenty-one dollars ($21,00) and must
further pay an annual tax of sixty cents ($0,60) for each coin-operated radio, television
set, vibrating mattress or similar device installed in guest rooms in hotels, tourist homes
tourist courts, rooming houses and other businesses providing housing accommodations
tor the traveling public,
(7) All ()ther types (!f GUlli vemj;ng machines. One dollar and fjfty cents ($1.50) for each
(b) The follO\ving vending machines and lockers are exempt from the tax provided by
this section:
(1) All vending machines which dispense only United States postage stamps,
unadulterated Florida-produced citrus juices or newspapers.
(2) Coin-operated vending machines located in licensed places of business and
dispensing only nuts, citrus juices and other food products.
(3) Coin-operated parcel-checking lockers and toilet locks used in bus stations, airports,
or depots and in hotels, boarding houses, restaurants and restrooms for the convenience
of the publ ie,
(4) All win-operated telephones whi ch are othervvise subject to the tax under section
12 1-42.
(c) All machines taxed under paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of subsection (a) must
display in a prominent place on each machine a proper sticker or decal sho'Ning that the
tax has been paid,
(d) Whenever the tax collector finds any vending machine required to be taxed under
this section operating without the current tax paid. he must attach a notice of delinquent
taxes to Lhe machine. Any persall v,.'ho removes a notice of delinquent taxes, or who
removes any money trom the machine before the taxes arc paid, is subject to prosecution
and puni shment as described in section 12.1-7 of this chapter.
St"ction 46. See, 12,] -46, Monroe County Code, shall be amended to read as fo11o\vs
St"c. 12.1-46. \\iater companies and sew~lge disposal companies.
(a) Evel)' person engaged in the business of operating water companies or sewage
disposal companies must pay the follO\ving occupational business Laxes The tax is
determined by the population of the company's service area as calculated by the latest
oftlcia! decennial census, The tax rate is a:~ follows:
Persons Tax
40,000 or more. $562.50
30,000--39,000 . --" - 450,00
20,000--29,000 . ,...... 225 00
10,000--19,999__ , ]68,00
Business Tax Ordinance 2006
5,000--9,999 ,....--.- 150,00
3,000--4,999 75.00
1,000--2,999, 45.00
999 or less.,. ,-.,,- 30,00
Section 47. Sec, 12.1-4 7, ~'lonroe County Code, shall be amended to read as follmvs
Sec. 12. 1-47. Flea ma rkets.
(a) Any person engaged in operating a flea market or temporary exhibition where
tangible personal property is sold, and ,,'hich is not otherwi~e considered a permanent
exhibit under this chapter, must pay an occupational tax of two hundred t\venty-five
dollars ($225.00)
(b) Each individual lessee or stall occupant of the flea market or exhibition engaged in
the selling of tangible personal property lllust also pay a tax of thirty dollars ($30.00).
(c) In lieu of subsection (b), any flea market operator or exhibitor that paid the tax of
subsection (a) lllay pay an annual class tax rate on behalf of the individuals otherwise
taxed under subsection (b). The class rate tax is based on the averag{~ number of
anticipated lessees or occupants of the tlea market or exhibition during the tax year
according to the following schedule:
Anticipated I,essee/Exhibitions Tax
Class A 1-- 25__ $100 00
Class B 26-- 50__ 225.00
Class C 51-- 75.. 375.00
-- --
Class D 76--100.. 437.50
ClassF 101--250__ 562, so
Class F 251--500.. "" ., 687 :'i0
Class G 501 and above. 81250
IndiViduals leasing or occuPYing premises, stalls, tables or any other areas from
the exhibition or flea market operator who paid the applicable class rate tax are
not required to pay an individual tax for the sale of tangible personal property.
Business Ta.x Ordinance 2006
Section 48.
Sec. 12! -48, Monroe Countv Code. shall be amended to read as follO\l/s:
- '
Sec. 12.1-48. Mob ile repai r 0 r se rv ice.
Every person engaged in the operation of a mobile repair or mobile service business, no
matter what type of conveyance is utilized for that purpose, w-hether or not operated in
conjunction with some other line of business, must pay aH eeeupationuJ business tax of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
Section 49. SEVE RAB III TY. If any portion of this ordi nance is for any reason held invalid or
declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not atTect the remaining
portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be
inapplicable to any person, property or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its
applicability to any' other person, property or circumstances,
Section 50. CONFLICT \VITI-I OTHER ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict.
Section 51. INCLUSTOK IN CODE Of ORDINANCES. The provisions of this ordinance shall
be included and incorporated in the Code ofOrdinanees of the County of I'vlonroe, Florida, as an
addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform
numbering system of the Code,
Section 52. EFfL:CTI\'E DATE, lhis ordinance shall take effect when a copy has been accepted
by the postal authorities of the Government of the United States for special delivery by certiticd
mail to the Department of State.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, r:lorida,
at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2] H day of June, 2006.
Mayor Charles '"Sonny" McCoy
Mayor Pro Tem Dixie Spehar
Commissioner George Neugent
Commissioner Glenn Patton
Commissioner David P. Rice
Attest: DA0lNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk
J\!lavor Charles "Sonnv" Meeov
- --
Deputy Clerk
Business Tax Ordinance 2006