Item Q12BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: July l% 2.006. - KW Bulk Item. Yes X No Division: _County Attorney Department Cunty Attorney Staff Contact Person: Suzanne A. I Iutton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of-,-Wonro Comm- Publk Records I'ohcle,ss and 1'rocethires to establish accountability and detailed operational procedures to ensure compliance with )Florida Statutes. ITEM BACKGROUND: Florida Statutes set forth specific guidelines for maintenance, accessibility, retention and disposition of public records. Administrative polices and procedures are critical to ensure the Courty's compliance with applicable statutory requirements. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: NIA CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: NIA STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval, TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: NIA SOURCE OF Ft'N[]S: RVVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOt.NT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty h OMB/Purchasing, Risk Management DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Q NN -A. Ht, ON. CO�ORNEY DOCUMENTATION: Included X_-_ Not Required DISPOSITION: Etch i sed 2,10 AGENDA ITEM # NIONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Pli I3i,lC: REMRDS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Basic Prernise Unless specifically exempted by law, all records or documents in the custody of a local 0overnmcrit of the State of Florida is deemed a public record. Basic Fxemptions Kecords exempt from disclosure include • Social Security numbers • Lists ofretirees' names with their addresses (DROP participants are retirees). • All personal identifying information regarding a participant in the Public Employee Optional Retirement Program (also known as the I KS Investment Plan)- • All personal identifying information (home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers and photographs, and school or day care information regardinz� their children) regarding active: or former law enforcement officers, former or current state and 'assistant state: attorneys, former or current code enforcement officers, former or current US and Assistant [- S Attorneys, forrrrer or current judges, former or current guardians ad ]item, and their spouses or children. ■ All personal identil'ving information regarding former or, current p,:rsonrrel 01' local governments whose responsibilities Include revenue collection and enforcement or child support enforcement, and their spouses or children. • All personal identifying information regarding f'01111er or current firefighters and their spouses or children . • All personal identifying, information regarding former or current personnel of local governments whose responsibilities include human resources, labor relations, or employee relations, and their spouses or, children. ■ All personal identifying information regarding, and their spouses or children. • health information. • Certain exarn results. • Other exemptions exist. It' the recipient of a request is unsure as to the permissibility of prodding the requestor with a view or copy of the requested record, contact the County Attorney's Office and ask. The following policies and procedures apply to the County of Monroe, Florida POLICY t. All public records should be kept in the buildings in which they are ordinarily used - At such time as records are no ionoer needed for operation of County g.ovcrnment, the records may be stored off -site or dispersed pursuant to the records retention policies and procedures. 2. When complying with a request, the coLinty will not. create a document or generate information that does not already exist in the county's records. consequently, the county would riot provide a list of current contracts unless a list has alreadv been compiled and exists - Each Division ,hall have a records custodian designated to respond to public records requests for that DP%,-1s10n. 4. All requests for view or copies of public records shall he treated in a uniform and timely manner. DEFINITIONS Active Records tiles and records that have not been stored or archived. Actual Cost of Duplication the cost of the material and supplies used to duplicate the record. It dues not include the labor- cost or overhead cost associated with such duplication. Division Record — records in the Division's or its contract provider's custody. Duplication Fee - the fee which may be charged for the duplication of the records- The fee shall be 15 cents per copy for duplicated copies no lamer than 14 inches by 8 ',, inches. For copies lamer than 14 inches by K '. inches, the fee shall be the actual cost of duplicating the requested material. If applicable, this fee shall also include the cost of mailing or stripping the requested material. Exempt Record — a record in the custody of an a-ency or its contract provider which is exempt from public inspection and examination pursuant to Florida Statutes. Exemption the statutory basis by which the agency or its designees claims that a record or information contained in that record is exempt from public inspection and examination - Fee Guidelines - the guidelines that apply to fees charged for records other than the 150 per copy of one-sided copies up to 8'I" x 14" and the additional 5¢ per double -sided copy for duplicates up to H'/ " x 14". These guidelines include the following- a. The hourly salary rate of the employees who copy and review information pursrant to requests for records shall be determined, and the cost cliarged to the r'equester- b. ?Mailing costs, if the documents are mailed to the respective party, will be assessed, and this cost will be charged to the requester. c F:niployees requesting copies for personal use -Will be charged Cor all copy service rendered. L d. Entities currently under contract to BOCC to provide services will be provided, free of charge, one complete copy of any administrative publication(s) addressing those services or addressing the provider's contractual obligations. 2 c. City. count,, state or federal government agencies and elected or appointed government officials will be provided, free of charge, one complete copy of any Division record. Copies of confidential records will be provided only to those individuals or agencies as specified by law. f Anv employee, attorney or representative of an eniploGce who requests copies of public records that are needed in order to prepaz-e a case O-e. Career Service Grievance, Collective Bargaining Grievance, Career Service Appeal, etc-) will be charged #or all copying and redaction services rendered. Inactive Records files and records that have been stored or archi-ved- Information Technology Resources -- data processing hardware, software and services_ communications, supplies, personnel, facility resources, maintenance, and training. Payment of Fees monies that must be collected prior to the delivery of the requested material. Fees must be paid by cashier's check, money order, or personal check and made payable to Monroe County. Public Record - all dOCUMCWS, papers, letters, maps, hooks, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, data processing software, or other material, regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or rneans of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency - Record Custodian - the Divisional employee who has supervision and control over a document or record or has legal responsibility for its care, keeping or guardianship. Records Custodian Liaison the Division stall' ass' l-greed by each office to coordinate the processing of records requests. Records 'Management Administrator — County Administrator, who shall approve all disposal requests prior to destruction of public records in compliance with the State Iaws governing disposal of public records. Records Management Liaison Officer - the County Administrator's designee who serves as the point of contact between the divisions and Administrator's office, and is restionsible fi_rr developing and revising; Division retention schedules and for conducting records management training - Redaction the process by which information that is confidential and exempt #i oin public disclosure is edited Irony Division records. Requestor any person making a request to view or to obtain copies of public records. Social Security Number (SSN) - the identification number assigned to an individual by the United States Government. 3 Subpoena duce tecum a court process, initiated by a party in litigation, compellithy production ofcertain specific docunlcrlts and other items in a person Is possession. Special service charge — a charge that may be added to the fee for duplicating the requested material A special service charge for "extensive assistance by BOCC staff" tray not be assessed unless BOCC stall' spent at least 15 minutes in retrieving, copying and re -filing the requested material The office assessing the special service charge will provide the BOCC invoice (attachment I ) which provides documentation supporting the assessment. The fee tar providing information which is already contained in a computer -generated report will be based upon the actual cost to BOCC for providing the record. The fee for providin- existing records which requires the use of the computer to generate the requested information will he based on the hourly salary rate of the technical services employees to generate the requested i nformati on. View — to view, or the viewing of, the documents for which a public records request is made. RESPONSIBILITiES: A. Original recipient of request 1. Logs in or records receipt requests for division records, maintains records of how the request was processed, including date and to whom the request was directed for response. If' necessary. #«rwards requests to the Records Mana-ement Liaison Officer for processino. B Human Resources 1 . Processes requests for employment Information. 2 Reviews all requests of County divisions for disposal prior to destruction- C. All Divisions: I . Division director appoints a member of staITto be the divisional Records Custodian. 2. Any recipient of a public records request shall notify the divisional Records Custodian Of the request, and, if that recipient knows, shall 1ril'orrn the Requestor of ail estii7lated time for fulfillment of' the request. The recipient shall inform the Records Custodian as to information provided to the requester regarding fulfillment of the request- 4 3. -the Records Custodian shall notifv the reque.stor of any additional information necessary to fulfill the request, includin- times and location available for vicA, estimated cast of copies and that the estimated cost must be paid prior to copies hein8 made. D. Office of the County Attorney 1. Reviews and processes all public records requests that involve current litigation matters - Reviews and assists [)]'vision employees in answering subpoenas duce tecum. Advises, upon request, Division offices oil legal issues presented in a public records request. . STANDARDSTROCEDURES A. Request to view Division Records : Any person may request to view public records of the Division - Upon receipt ol'a public records vie�a request, the Records Custodian: l . Must make the records available for viewing at a reasonable time and place under his/her supervision 3. Shall, prior to allowing the Public to view the Division records. review the records to determine that the record to be viewed does not contain any confidential information. It' confidential information such as social security numbers are contained in the record, copies of the pages containin0 information excepted from the public r'ecor'ds law shall be made, the excepted information redacted and the redacted pages with a notation as to the t}ape of redacted info (SS#, address, etc) shall be substituted in the record to be viewed. The view shall be made in a manner that allows Countv personnel to keep the viewing :-equestor under surveillance to assure the integrity of the files. 5 B. Request for copies of'Di.ision Records other than Employee Records: Requests for copying of any records open to the public shall be directed to any office of the Division where such records are kept for processing unless it involves current litigation. 1. The Records Custodian shall forward to the Records Management Liaison Officer fOF processing any request for records not in the custody ol' that division. L. If the request is known to involve records related to litigation, the Records Custodian Shall forward the request to the County Attorney's Office. 3. It' the rcqucst is for records of the division receiving the reLluest, the Records Custodian shall notify the reuestor of the estimated cost of duplication and estimated service charges pursuant to fee guidelines. 4_ The Records Custodian shall a. Collects and processes all fees associated with duplication prior - to documents being provided. A money order or check is preferred, but a receipt for any monies received shall be issued to the Requestor. b. >'pon receipt ol' pa_yment tier estimated cost of duplication and seniice charges, reviews records and redacts information exempt from public inspection and examination pursuant to ss. 1 19.07 and 985.04, Florida Statutes, or requests assistance with same from the Office of the County Attornev- c. forwards payments for duplication of records and service charges to Finance. d. notify rquestor of any difference in estimated and actual cost and make arrangements with Requestor for pick-up or delivery bv prepaid ]mail within 5 10 days of receipt of payment. e. Upon request, provides, in writing, a statement of the statutory basis for redacting or not providing requested information. f. Maintains files on all Division records requests submitted and processed- 6 5. The County Attorney or designee shall: a. Upon receipt of records request that involves current litigation matters, notifies the Records Custodian or Records Management Liaison Officer of the estimated cost of duplication and estimated service charges- b. Upon receipt of paymcnt for estimated cost of duplication and service charges, reviews records and redacts information exempt from public inspection and examinalion pursuant to ss. .11907 and 985.04_ Florida Statutes- C . Reviews subpoenas duces tecum and advises appropriate division staff regardi ng respon se. d. Advises, upon request, Division offices or officials on legal issues presented in a public records request. e. Maintains files on all public records requests suhmitted and processed. 6. A County Contract Provider, upon receipt of' a request for public records, shall comply therewith or forwards the request to the Records Management Liaison Officer for response for records not in the custody of the contractor . C. Request for Copies of Employee Records: Human Resources 1. Upon receipt of a request for a copy of an employee's personnel tile, the Ifuman Resources 0f1ice will process the s-e(lucst or, if appropriate, forward to the Contract Provider for processing. Redacts the social security number of the employee prior to the release of the file. if a home address, telephone number, social security number, or photograph is exempt pursuant to s. 119_071, Florida Statutes, Human Resources redacts the confidential information. 7 Contract Provider 4. Upon receipt of a request, reviews the employee's file and determines if the employee has tiled a. written request for confidentiality under s. 119.07(4)(a)2, F.S. If there is a written request in the personnel file, provides in writing an explanation as to statutory basis fir the exemption claimed and denies the request. 2. I a request complies with the requirements of s 1 19.071. F.S., the designated staff in the County Attorney's Office shall inform the Records Custodian that the otherwise exempt information may be released 3. If the written request does not comply with the requirements of s. 1 ]9.071(4), F.S,., the designated staff in the Office of County Attorney informs HR or Records Custodian that the records may not he released. 1. Upon receipt of a request for employee records or social security numbers, coordinates with the Records Custodian Liaison in processing the request.. Methods and Procedures Table: Step . Owner Action I Employee Receives request for public records information and notifies his /her supervisor of [tie reclucst_ The Employee provides all details of the public records request. NOTE: This must be completed within one business day from the receipt of the request 2 SuperV]sor Provides his or her Division Director with the details of the request NOTF. this must be completed Within one business day_ from the receipt. of the request 3 Division Provides the County Attorney's Office with the details of the public Director records request 4 ('ounty Acts upon the public records request it) accordance with the provisions of Attorney Chapter 1 19, Florida Statutes and this policy. 8 KEY FLORIDA STATUTES: 119021 Custodial rcquirerrtents; maintenance, preservation, and retention of public records -- (1) Public records shall be maintained and preserved as follows: (a) All public records should be kept in the buildings in which they are ordinarily used. (b) Insofar as practicable, a custodian of public records of vital, permanent, or archival records shall keep them in fireproof and waterproof safes, vaults, OF rc}oms fitted v, ith noncombustible materials and in such arrangement as to be easily accessible for convenient use. (c) 1. Record books should be copied or repaired, renovated, or rebound if' worn, mutilated, damaged, or difficult to read. 2. Whenever any state, county, or municipal records are in need of repair, restoration, or rebinding, the head of the concerned state agency, Division, board, Or commission, the beard Of County Corrrrnissioners of such countV, or the governing body of such municipality may authorize that such records be removed from the building or office in which such records are ordinarily kept for the length of time required to repair, restore, or rebind them. Any public official who causes a record book to he copied shall attest and certify under oath that the copy is an accurate copy of the original book. The copy shall then have the force and effect of the original. (2) (a) The Division of Library and Information Services of the Division of State shall adopt rules to establish retention schedules and a disposal process for public records. (b) Each agency shall comply �Nith the rules establishing retention schedules and disposal processes for public records which are adopted by the records and information management program of the division- (c) Each publicofficial shall systematically dispose: of records no longer needed, subject to the consent of the records and information management program of the division in accordance with s. 257.36. (d) The division may ascertain the condition of public records and shall give advice and assistance to public officials to solve problems related to the preservation, creation, filing, and public accessibility of public records in their custody. Public officials shall assist the division by preparing an inclusive inventory of categories of public records in their custody. The division shall establish a time period f'or the retention or disposal of each series of records. Upon the completion of the inventory and schedule, the division shall, subject to the availability of necessary space, staff, and other facilities for such purposes, r•nake space available in its records center for the filing of semi -current records so scheduled and in its archives for non -current records of'permanent value, and shall render such other assistance as needed, including the rnicrofilrning of'records so scheduled. (3) Agency orders that comprise final agency action and that must be indexed or listed pursuant to s. 120.53 have continuing legal significance; therefore, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or any provision of chapter 257, each agency shall permanently maintain records of such orders pursuant to the applicable rules of the Division of State. (4) (a) Whoever has custody of any public records shall deliver, at the expiration of his or her term of office, to his or her successor or, if there be none, to the records and information management program of the Division of Library and Information Services of the Division of State, all public records kept or received by him or her in the transaction ol'official business. 9 (b) Whoever is entitled to custody of public records shall demand them from any person havin ,, illegal possession of then, who must forthwith deliver the same to hire or her Any person unlawfully possessing public records must within 10 days deliver such records to the lawful custodian of publi€c records unless just cause exists for failing to deliver such records. 1 19.07 Inspection and copying of records; photographing public records; fees, exemptions.-- (1) (a) Every person who has custody of a public record shall permit the record to be inspected and copied by any person desiring to do so, at any reasonable time, under reasonable conditions, and under supervision by the custodian of the public records (b} A person who has custody of a public record who asserts that an exemption applies to a part of such record shall redact that portion of the record to which an exemption has been asserted and validly applies, and such person shall produce the remainder 01' such record for inspection arid copying, (c) If the person who has custody of a public record contends that all or part of' the record is exempt from inspection and copying, he or she shall state the basis of the exemption that he err she contends is applicable to the record, including the statutory Citation to an exemption created or afforded by statute. (d) 11'requested by the person seeking to inspect or copy the record, the custodian of public records shall state in writing and with particularity the reasons For the conclusion that the record is exempt or confidential. (e) in any civil action in which an exemption to this section is asserted, if the exemption is alleged to exist under or by virtue of s..1_ 1.9.071.(1)(d) or (f), (2)(d),(e), or (f), or (4)(c), the public record or part thereof' in question shall be submitted to the court for an inspection In camera. Ifall exemption IS alleged to exist under or by Virtue of S. 1 19:07 1 an inspection in camera is discretionary with the court If the court finds that the asserted exemption is not applicable, it shall order the public record or part thereof in question to be immediately produced for inspection or copying as requested by the person seeking such access. (f) Even it' an assertion is made by the custodian of public records that ,3 requested record is not a public record subject to public inspection or copying under this subsection, the requested record shall, nevertheless, not be disposed of for a period of 30 days after the date: on which a written request to inspect or copy the record was served on or otherwise made to the custodian of public records by the person seekiri,,) access to) the record. ItIa civil action is instituted within the 30-day period to enforce the provisions ol' this section with respect to the requested record, the custodian of public records may not dispose of the record except by order of a court of'cornpetent.jurisdie Lion alter notice to all affected parties_ The absence of a civil action instituted for the purpose stated in paragraph (e) does not relieve the custodian of public records of the duty to maintain the record as a public record if the record is in fact a public record subject to public inspection and copying, under this subsection and does not otherwise excuse or exonerate the custodian of public records from any unauthorized or unlawful disposition of -such record. (2) (a) As an additional means of inspecting or copying public records, a Custodian of public records may provide access to public records by remote electronic means, provided exempt or confidential information is not disclosed. 10 (b) The custodian af'public records shall provide Safi guards to protest the contents of public records from unauthorized remote electronic access or alteration and to prevent the disclosure or modification of those portions of public records which are exempt or confidential from subsection ( l) or s. 24, Art. I ofthe State Constitution. (c) Unless otherwise required by law. the custodian of public records may charge a fee for remote electronic access, granted under a contractual arrangement with a user, which fee may include the direct and indirect costs of providing such access. Fees For remote electronic access provided to the general public shall be in accordance with the provisions of this section. (3 ) (a) Any person shall have the right of access to public records for the purpose of' making photographs of the record while such record is in the possession, custody, and control of the custodian of public records. (b) This subsection applies to the making ofphotograplis in the conventional sense by use of a camera device to capture images of- public records but excludes (lie duplication of microfilm in the possession of the clerk of the circuit court where a copy of the microfilm may be made available by the clerk. (c) Photographing, public records shall be done under the supervision of the custodian of public records, who may adapt and enforce reasonable bales governing the photographing Of such records. (d) Photographing of public records shall be done in the roam where the public records are kept. If, in the Judgment of the custodian of public records, this is impossible or impracticable, photographing shall be done in another roam or place, as nearly adjacent as passible to the room where the public records are kept, to be determined by the custodian of public records. Where prcayision of another room or place for photographing is required, the expense of prow iding the same shall be paid by the person desiring to photograph the public record pursuant to paragraph (4)(c). (4) The custodian of public records shall furnish a copy or a certified copy of the record upolr payment of the fee prescribed by law. II' a fee is not prescribed by law, the following fees are authorized: (a) I kip to 15 cents per one-sided copy for duplicated copies of riot more than 14 inches by 81/2 inches, 2. No more than an additional 5 cents for each two --sided copy, and 3, Foi all other copies, the actual cost of'duplication ofthe public i-ecord. (b) The charge for copies of county maps or aerial photographs supplied. by County constitutional officers may also include a reasonable charge for the labor and overhead associated with their duplication. (c) An agency may charge up to $1 per copy For a certified copy of a public record. (d) If' the nature or volume of public records requested to be inspected or copied pursuant to this subsection is such as to require extensive use of- information technology resources or extensive clerical or supervisory assistance by personnel of the agency involved, or both, the agency may charge, in addition to the actual cost of duplication, a special service charge, which shall be reasonable and shall be based can the cost incurred for such extensive rlsc of inlormation technology resources or the labor cost ❑f the personnel providing the service that is actually incurred by the agency or attribrltab€e to the agency for the c€erical and supervisory assistance required, or both. (e) I. "here proViSion of another roam or place is necessary to photograph public records, the cxpense. of providing the same shall be paid by the person desiring to photograph the public rccordS. 2. The custodian of public records may charge the person making the photopaphs for supervision services at a rate of compensation to be a.,recd upon by the person desiring to make the photographs and the custodian of public records. If' they fail to agree as to the appropriate charge, the charge shall be determined by the custodian of public records- (5) When ballots are produced under this section for inspection or examination, ro persons other than the supervisor of elections or the supervisor's employees shall touch the ballots. If the ballots are being examined before the end of the contest period in s. ; the supervisor of elections shall make a reasonable effort to notify all candidates by telephone or otherAise of the time and place of the inspection or examination. All such candidates, or their representatives, shall be allowed to be present during the inspection or examination. (b) Nothing in this chapter shalt be construed to exempt from subsection (1) a public record that was made a part of a court file and that is not specifically closed by order of court, except as provided in s. 11" J I (1)(d) and (t), (2)(d),(e), and (f), and (4)(c) and except information or records that may reveal the identity of a person who is a victim of a sexual offense as provided in s. 1(2)(h). (7) 1n exemption contained in this chapter or in any other general or special law shall not limit the access of the Auditor General, the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, or any state, county, municipal, university, board of community college, school district, or special district internal auditor to public records when such person states in writing that such records are needed for a properly authorized audit, examination, or investigation. .Such person shall maintain the exempt or confidential status of that public record and shall be subject to the same penalties as the custodian of that record for public disclosure of such record. (8) An exemption from this section does not imply an exemption from s. .'_ti:, t I The exemption from s. _N­..1 ! must be expressly provided. (9) The provisions of this Section are not intended to expand or limit the provisions of Rule 3.220, Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure, regarding the right and extent of discovery by the state or by a defendant in a criminal prosecution or in collateral post -conviction proceedings. This section may not be used by any inmate as the basis for failing to timely litigate any post - conviction action. 11 c) 071 General exemptions from inspection or copying of public records.-- (1) AGENCY ADMINISTRATION. -- (a) Examination gUeSUMS and answer sheets of examinations administered by a governmental agency for the pllrpetSC of llcensure, certification, or employment are exempt front s. 1 19,07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. A person who has taken such an examination has the right to review his or her own completed examination, 12 (b) Sealed bids or proposals received by an agency pursuant to invitations to hid or requests for proposals are exempt tram s, 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Al. I of the State Constitution until such time as the agency provides notice of a decision or intended decision pursuant to s. 120.57(3)(a) or within 10 days after bid or proposal opening, whichever is earl i e r. (c) .Ar1V financial statenient that an agency requires a prospective bidder to submit in order to pre -qualify for bidding or for responding to a proposal for a road or any other public works project is exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution (d) i _ A public record that was prepared by all agency attorney (including an attorney employed or retained by the agency or employed or retained by another public officer or agency to protect or represent the interests of the agency having custody of' the record) or prepared at the attorney's express direction, that reflects a mental impression, conclusion, litigation strategy. or legal theory of the attorney or the agency, and that was prepared exclusively for civil or criminal litigation or for adversarial administrative proceedings, or that was prepared in anticipation of imminent civil or criminal litigation or imminent adversarial administrative proceedings, is exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until the conclusion of the litigation or adversarial administrative proccedlllgs. For purposes of capital collateral litigation as set forth in s. 27.7001, the Attorney General's office is entitled to claim this exemption for those public records prepared 1'or direct appeal as well as for all capital collateral litigation after direct appeal until execution of Sentence or imposition of a life sentence 2. This exemption is not waived by the release of such public record to another public employee or officer of the same agency or any person consulted by the agency attorney. When asserting the right to withhold a public record pursuant to this paragraph, the agency shall identify the potential parties to any such criminal or civil litigation or adversarial administrative proceedings. if a court finds that the document or- other record has been improperly withheld under this paragraph, the party seeking; access to such document or record shall be awarded reasonable attorneys fees and costs in addition to any other remedy ordered by the court. (e) Any videotape or video signal that, under an agreement with an agency, is produced, made, or received by, or is in the custody of, a federally licensed radio or television station or its agent is exempt from s. l 19.07( 1 }. (f) Data processing softwarc obtained by an agency under a licensing agreement that prohibits its disclosure and which software is a trade secret., as defined in s. 8 ;. 2.081, and af!ency--produced data processing software that is sensitive are exempt from s. 1 19.07(l) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. The designation of agency -produced software as serimo e shall not prohibit an agency head from sharing or exchanging such software with another public agency. (2) AGENCY INV1 S,TIG.ATIONS.-- (a) All criminal intelligence and criminal investigative information received by a criill inal 1ustice agency prior to January 25, 1971), is exempt from s. l 19.07(1 ) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. l� (b) Whenever criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information held by a non -Florida criminal justice agency is available to a Florida criminal Justice aLCllcv only on a confidential or similarly restricted basis. the Florida criminal justice agency may obtain and use such information in accordance with the conditions imposed by the providing apencv (c) 1. Active criminal intelligence information and active criminal investigative information are exempt from s. l 19.07(l ) and s. 24(a), Art. i of the State Constitution. 2. A request of a law enforcement agency to inspect or copy a public record that is in the custody of another agency, the custodian's response to the request, and any information that ,vould identity the public record that was requested by the law eriforce[lie fit agency or provided by the custodian are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, during the period in which the information constitutes criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information that is active This exemption is .-emedial in nature, and it is the intent of the Legislature that the exemption be applied to requests for information received before, on, or after the effective date of this subparagraph. The law enforcement agency shall give notice to the custodial agency when the criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information is no longer active, so that the custodian's response to the request and information that would identity- the public record requested are available to the public. This subparagraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed October 2, 2007, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. (d) Any information revealing surveillance techniques or procedures or personnel is exempt from s. 119.070) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Any comprehensive inventory of state and local law enforcement resources compiled pursuant to part 1, chapter 23, and any comprehensive policies or plans compiled by a criminal justice agency pertaining to the mobilization, deployment, or tactical operations involved in responding to emergencies, as defined in s 2`234(7), are exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and unavailable for inspection, except by personnel authorised by a state or local law enforcement agency, the office of the Governor, the Division of Legal Affairs, the Division of La�v Enforcement, or the Division of Commumty Affairs as having an official need for access to the inventory or comprehensive policies or plans- (e) Any information revealing the substance of a confession of a person arrested is exempt from s. 1 19.07( 1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constltutloil, until such time as the criminal case is finally determined by adjudication, dismissal, or other final disposition. (f) Any information revealing the identity of a confidential informant or a confidential source is exempt from s 1 19 07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. (g) When the alleged victim chooses not to file a complaint and requests that records of the complaint remain confidential, all records relating to an allegation of employment discrimination are confidential and exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. 14 (h) 1. Any criminal intelligcnce information or criminal investigative information including the photograph- name, address, or other fact or information which reveals the Identity of the victim of the crime of sexual battery as defined in chapter 794; the identity of the victim of a lewd or lascivious offense committed upon or in the presence ot'a person less than 16 years of aec. as defined in chapter 800', or- the identity of the victim of the crime of child abuse as defined by chapter 827 and any criminal intelligence information or, criminal investigative information or other criminal record. including those portions of court records and court proceedings, which may reveal the identity of a person who is a victim of any sexual offense, including a sexual offense proscribed in chapter 794, chapter 800, or chapter 827, is exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), .Art. 1 of the State Constitution. 2. In addition to subparagraph I., any criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information that is a photograph, videotape, or image of any part of the body of the victim of a sexual offense prohibited udder chapter 794, chapter 900, or chapter 827 regardless of whether the photograph, videotape, or image identifies the victim, is confidential and exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. This exemption applies to photographs, videotapes, or images held as criminal intelligence information or criminal investigative information before, on, or after the effective date of the exemption. (1) Any criminal intelligence information or ciiminal irrvestigative information that reveals the personal assets of the victim of a crime, other than property stolen or destroyed during the conirnission of the crime, is exempt from s. 1 19.07(I ) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. 0) 1. Any document that reveals the identity, home or employment telephone number, home or employment address, or personal assets of` the victim of a crime and identifies that person as the victim of a crime, which document is received by any agency that regularly receives information from or concerning the victims of crime, is exempt fioin s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), .Art. I of the State Constitution. Any information not otherwise held confidential or exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) which reveals the home or employment telephone number, home or employment address, or personal assets of a person who has been the victim of sexual battery, aggravated child abuse, aggravated stalking, harassment., aggravated battery, or domestic violence is exempt firom s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, upon written request by the victim, which must include official verification that an applicable crime has occurred. Stich information shall cease to be exempt 5 years after the receipt ofthc written regnest. Any state or tederal agency that is authorized to have access to such do: uments b_v any provision of law shall be granted such access in the furtherance of such agency's statutory duties, notwithstanding this section. 2, a. Any information in a videotaped statement of a minor who is alleged to be or who is a victim of sexual battery. lewd acts, or other sexual misconduct proscribed in chapter 800 Orin s. 794.011, s. 827.071, s. 947.012, s. 847.0125, s. 847.013, s. 847,013.3, or s. 847.0145, which reveals that minor's identity, including,, but not limited to, the minor's face, the minor's home, school, church, or employment telephone number, the minor's home, school, church, or employment address, the name of the minor's school, church, OF place of employment; or the personal assets of the minor; and which identifies that minor as the victim of a crime described in this subparagraph, field by a law- enforcement agency, is confidential and exempt from s. l 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Any governinental 15 agency that is authorized to have access to such statements by any provision of la,�v shall be granted such access in the iirrtherance of the as statutory duties_ notwithstanding the provisions of this section. b. A public employee or officer who has access to a videotaped statement of a minor who is alleged to be or who is a victim of sexual battery, lewd acts, or ether sexual misconduct proscribed in chapter 800 or in s. 794.011, s. 827.071. s. 847 012, s. 847.0125, s. 847.013, s. 847.0133, or s. 847.0145 may not willfully and knowingly disclose videotaped information that reveals the minor's identity to a person who is not assisting in the investigation or prosecution of the alleged offense or to any person other than the defendant, the defendant's attorney, or a person specified in an order entered by the court haying jurisdiction of' the alleged offense- A person who violates this provision commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775,082 or S. 775.083. (3) 5EC`i;R1TY--- (a) A security system plan or portion thereof for. l Any property owned by or leased to the state or any of its political subdivisions, or 2 Any privately owned or leased property which plan or portion thereat is held by any agency is confidential and exempt From s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. l of the State Constitution. As used in this paragraph, the term a "security system plan" includes all records, information, photographs, audio and visual presentations, schematic diagrams, surreys, recommendations, or consultations or portions thereof relating directly to the physical security of the facility or revealing security systems, threat assessments conducted by any agency or any private entity, threat response plans, emergency evacuation plans, sheltering arrangements, or manuals for security personnel, emergency equipment, or security training. This exemption is remedial irr nature and it is the intent of the legislature that this exen3p€ion be applied to security system plans held by an agency before, on, or after the effective date of this paragraph. Information made confidential and exempt by this paragraph may be disclosed by the custodial agency to the property owner or leaseholder, or such information may be disclosed by file custodial agency- to another state or federal agency to prevent, detect, gruard against, respond to, investigate, or manage the consequences of any attempted or actual act of terrorism, or to prosecute those persons who are responsible for such attempts or acts, and the confidential and exempt status of such information shall be retained while in the possession of the receiving agency. This paragraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2006, unless reviewed and saved From repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. (b) Building plans, blueprints, schematic drawings, and diagrams, including; draft, preliminary, and final formats, which depict the internal layout and structural elements of a building, arena, stadium, water treatment facility, or other structure owned or operated by an agency are exempt from s. 119.07(l) and s. 24(a), Art. l of the State Constitution. This exemption applies to building plans, blueprints, schematic drawings, and diagram: _ including draft, preliminary, and final formats, which depict the internal layout and structural elements of a building, arena, stadium, water treatment facility, or other structure owned or operated by an agency before, on, or after the effective date of this act. Information made exempt by this paragraph may be disclosed to another governmental entity if disclosure is necessary for the receiving- entity to perform its duties and responsibilities, to a licensed architect, engineer, or contractor who is performing work on or related to the building_ arena, stadium, water 16 treatment lacility, or ether structure owned or operated by an agency: or upon a shop%ing of good cause before a court of competent jurisdiction. The entities or persons receiving such information shall maintain the exempt status of the information_ This paragraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed on ❑ctober 2, 2007, unless reviewed and reenacted by the Legislature. (c) Building plans. blueprints, schematic drawings, and diagrams, including draft, preliminary, and final formats, which depict the internal layout or structural elements of' an attractions and recreation facility, entertainment or resort complex, industrial complex, retail and service development, office development, or hotel or motel development_ whiclt documents are held by an agency are exempt from s. 1 19.07(l ) and s. 24(a), Art. 1 of the State Constitution. This exemption applies to any such documents held by an agency before, on, or aver the effective date of this act Information made exempt by this paragraph may be disclosed to another governmental entity if disclosure is necessary for the receiving entity to perform its duties and responsibilities, to the owner or owners of the structure in question or the owner's legal representative; or upon a showing of good cause before a court of competent jurisdiction. As used in this paragraph, the term: t . "Attractions and recreation facility" means any sports, entertainment, amusement, or recreation facility, including, but not limited to, a sports arena, stadium, racetrack, tourist attraction, amusement park, or pari-mutuel lacility that: a. For single -performance facilities. (1) Provicics single -performance facilities-, or (1I) Provides more than 10,000 permanent seats for spectators. b. For serial -performance facilities: (l} Provides parking spaces for more than 1,000 motor vehicles, or (1I) Provides more than 4,000 permanent seats for spectators. 2. "Entertainment or resort complex" means a theme park comprised of at least 25 acres of land with permanent exhibitions and a variety of recreational activities, which has at feast 1 million visitors annually who pay admission fees thereto, together with any lodging, dining, and recreational facilities located adjacent to, contiguous to, or in close proximity to the theme part;, as long as the owners or operators of the theme park, or a parent or related company or subsidiary thereof, has an equity interest in the lodging, dining, or recreational facilities or is in privity therewith. Close proximity includes an area within a 5-mile radius of the theme part: complex 3. "Industrial complex" means any industrial, manufacturing_ processing_ distribution, warehousing, or wholesale facility or plant, as well as accessory uses and structures, under common ownership which: a. Provides onsite parking for more than 250 ]rotor vehicles, b. Encompasses 500,000 square feet or more of' gross floor area, or c. Occupies a site of 100 acres or more, but excluding wholesale facilities or plants that primarily serve or deal onsite with the general public. 4. "Retail and service development" means any retail, service, or wholesale business establishment or group of establishments which deals primarily with the general public onsite and is operated under one common property ownership, development plan, or management that: a. U.-ncompasses more than 400,000 square feet of gross floor area: or b Provides parking spaces for more than 2,500 motor vehicles. 17 S "Office development" means any office building or park operated under common ownership, development plan, or management that encompasses 300,000 or more square feet of gross floor area. 6. "Hotel or motel development" means any hotel or motel development that accommodates 350 or more units. This exemption does not apply to comprehensive plans or site plans, or amendments thereto, which arc submitted for approval or which have been approved under local land development regulations, local zoning regulatioils, or development-of=regional-impact review. (4) .AGENCY PERSONNEL INFORMATION.-- (a)1 . The social security numbers of all current and former agency employees which numbers are contained in agency employment records are exempt from s. 1 19.07(l) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. I An agency that is the custodian of a social security number specified in subparagraph I . and that is not the employing agency shall maintain the exempt status of the social security number only if the employee or the employing agency of the employee submits a written request for confideritiality to the custodial agency. However, upon a request by a commercial entity as provided in subparagraph (5)(a)5., the custodial agency shall release the last four digits of the exempt social security number, except that a social security number provided in a lien filed with the Division of State shall be released in its emirety. This subparagraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 1 19.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2009, unless reviewed and saved frorn repeal through reenactment by the Legislature- (b) Medical information pertaining to a prospective, current, or former officer or employee of an agency which, if'disclosed, would identity that officer or employee is exempt from s. l 19.07( I) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, However, such information may be disclosed if the person to whom the information pertains or the persons legal representative provides written permission or pursuant to court order. (c) Any information revealing undercover personnel of a.ny criminal justice agency is exempt from s. 1 19.07(l ) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. (d) l . The home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and photographs of active or former law enforcement personnel, including correctional and correctional probation officers, personnel of the Division of Children and Family Services whose duties include the investigation of abuse, neglect, exploitation; fraud, theft, or other criminal activities, personnel of the Division of Ifealth whose duties are to support the investigation of child abuse or neglect, and personnel of the Division of Revenue or local governments whose responsibilities include revenue collection and enforcement or child support enforcement, the home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers. photographs, and places of employment of the spouses and children of such personnel, and the names and locations of schools and day care facilities attended by the children of such personnel are exempt from s. 1 19.07(1). The home addresses, telephone numbers, and photographs of firefighters certified in compliance with s. 633.35; the home addresses, telephone numbers, photographs, and places of employment of the spouses and children of such firefighters; and the names and locations of schools and day care facilities ;attended by the children of such firefighters are exempt from s. 1 19.07(1), The home addresses and telephone numbers of justices of the Supreme Court, district court of appeal judges, circuit 19 court judges, and county court judges, the home addresses, telephone numbers, and places of employment of the spouses and children of justices and judges; and the names and locations of schools and day care facilities attended by the children ❑f'.justices and judges .are exempt from s. 1 19.07(i ). The home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and photographs of current or former state attorneys, assistant state attorneys, statewide prosecutors, or assistant statewide prosecutors, the home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, photographs, and places of employment of the spouses and children of current or former state attorneys, assistant state attorneys, statewide prosecutors, or assistant statewide prosecutors, and the names and locations of schools and day care facilities attended by the children of current or former state attorneys, assistant state attorneys., statewide prosecutors, or assistant statewide prosecutors are exempt from s. 1 19.C17(1) and s. 24(a), Art. i of the State Constitution. 2. The home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and photographs of current or former human resource, labor relations, or employee relations directors, assistant directors, managers, or assistant managers of any local government agency or water management district whose duties include hiring and firing employees, labor contract negotiation, administration, or other personnel -related duties; the names, home addresses, telephone numbers, Social security numbers, photographs, and places of employment of the spouses and children of such personnel, and the names and locations of schools and day care facilities attended by the children of such personnel are exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), .Art. I of the State Constitution. This subparagraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s 119.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2006, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. 3. The home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and photographs of current or former United States attorneys and assistant t inited States attorneys: the home addresses, telephone numbers. social security numbers, photo'graphs, and places of employment of the spouses and children of current or former united States attorneys and assistant United States attorneys, and the names and locations of schools and day care facilities attended by the children of current or former United States attorneys and assistant Linited States attorneys are exempt from S. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. This subparagraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 1 1915.and shall stand repealed can October 2, 2009, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the I.egislaturc.. 4. The home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and photographs of current or former judges of United States Courts of Appeal, United States district judges, and united States magistrate judges, the home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, photographs, and places of employment of the Spouses and children of current or former judges of United States Courts of Appeal, United States district judges, and United States magistrate: judges, and the names and locations of schools and day care facilities attended by the children of current or former judges of L'nited States Courts of Appeal, United States district judges_. and Ignited States magistrate judges are exempt fi om s. 1 19.07(1) and s 24(a), Art_ I of [tie State Constitution. This subparagraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 1 1.9.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2009, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. 19 S. 'The home addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, and photographs of current or former code enforcement officers. the names, home addresses, telephone numbers. social security numbers, photographs, and places of employment of the spouses and children of such persons. and the names and locations al' schools and day care facilities attended by the children of such persons are exempt from s. 119.07( l) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. This subparagraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 119.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2006, unless reviewed and saved front repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. 6. The home addresses, telephone numbers, places of employment, and photographs of current or Cornier guardians ad Iitem, as defined in s. 39.820, and the names, home addresses, telephone numbers, and places of employment of the spouses and children of such persons, are exempt from 3 s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. 1 of the State Constitution. if the guardian ad litem provides a written staternerit that the guardian ad ]item has made reasonable etTorts to protect such information from being accessible through other means available to the public. This subparagraph is subject to the 40pen Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 1 19.15 and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2010, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. 7. An agency that is the custodian of the personal information specified in subparagraph I , Subparagi-aph 2., subparagraph 3., subparagraph 4.. subparagraph 5., or subparagraph 6. and that is not the employer of the officer, employee, justice, judge, or other person specified iIl subparagraph I_ subparagraph 2., subparagraph 3., subparagraph 4., subparagraph 5., or subparagraph 6. shall maintain the exempt status of the personal information only if the officer, employee, justice, judge, other person, OF employing agency of the designated employee submits a written request for maintenance of the exemption to the custodial aoencv- (5) 0-1-HER PERSONAL INFORMATION._ W l . The Legislature acknowledges that the social security' number ryas never intended to be used for business purposes but was intended to be used solely for the administration of the federal Social Security System, The LegiSlature is further aware that over time this unique numeric identifier has been used extensively for identity verification purposes and other legitimate consensual purposes. The Legislature is also cognizant of the fact that the social security number can be used as a tool to perpetuate fraud against a person and to acquire sensitive personal. financial_ medical, and familial irrformatiorl, the release of which could caLise great financial or personal harm to an individual. The Legislature intends to monitor the commercial use of Social security numbers held by state agencies in order to maintain a balanced public policy. 2_ An agency shall not collect an indiyidual's social security nurrbe.r unless authorized by law- to do so or unless the collection of the social security number is otherwise imperative for the performance of that agency's duties and responsibilities as prescribed by law. Social security numbers collected by an agency must be relevant to the purpose for which collected and shall not be collected until and unless the need for social security numbers has been clearly documented. An agency that collects social security nurrrbers shall also segregate that number on a separate page Crom the rest of the record, or a otherwise appropriate, in order that the social security number be more easily redacted, if required, pursuant to a public records request. An agency collecting a person's social security number shall, upon that person's request, at the time of or prior to the actual collection of the social 20 security number by that agency, provide that person with a statement of the purpose or purposes for which the social security number is being collected and used. Social security numbers collected by an agency shall not be used by that agency for any purpose other than the purpose stated- Social security numbers collected by all agency prior to May 13, 2002, shall be reviewed for compliance with this subparagraph- If the collection of a social security number prior to May 13, 2002, is found to be unwarranted, the agcncy shall immediately discontinue the collection of social security numbers for that purpose. 3. Effective October 1, 2002, all social security numbers held by an agency are con fidentia] and exempt from s- 119-[)7(l ) and s. 24(a), Art- I of the State Constitution, This exemption applies to all social security numbers held by an agency before, on, or after the effective date of this exemption. 4- Social security numbers may be disclosed to another governmental entity or its agents, employees, or contractors if disclosure is necessary for the receiving entity to perform its duties and responsibilities. The receiving governmental entity and its agents, employees, and contractors shall maintain the confidential and exempt status of such numbers. 5- An agency shall not deny a commercial entity engaged in the performance of a commercial activity as defined in s- 14.203 or its agents, employees, or- contractors access to social security numbers, provided the social security numbers will be used only in the normal course of business for legitimate business purposes, and provided the commercial entity makes a written request for social security numbers, verified as provided in s. 92.525, legibly signed by an authorized officer, employee, or agent of the commercial entity- The verified written request must contain the commercial entity`s name, business mailing and location addresses, business telephone number, and a statement of the specific purposes far which it needs the social security numbers and how the social security numbers will be used in the normal course of business for legitimate bUsiriess purposes. 'I he ag�re ;ate of these requests shall serve as the basis for the agency report required in subparagraph 8. An agency may request any other information reasonably necessary to verily the identity of' the entity requesting the social security numbers and the specific purposes for which such numbers will be used, however, an agency has no duty to inquire beyond the information contained in the verified wi itten request -Alegi tirnaie business purpose includes verification of the accuracy of personal information received by a commercial entity in the normal course of its business; use in a civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding, use for insurance purposes, use in lave enforcement and investigation of crimes, use in identifying and preventing fraud, use ill matching, verifying, or retrieving information; and use in research activities- A legitimate business purpose does not include the display or bulk sale of social security nun-ibers to the general public or the distribution of such numbers to any customer that is not identifiable by the distributor- 6. Anv person who makes a false representation in order to obtain a social security number pursuant to this paragraph, or any person who willfully and knowingly violates this paragraph, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s- 775.082 or s- 775,08 3, .Any public officer who violates this paragraph is guilty of non -criminal infraction, punishable by a fine not exceeding $500. A commercial entity that provides access to public records containing social security numbers in accordance with this paragraph is not subject to the penalty provisions of this subparagraph- 21 — a. On or after October 1, 2002, a person preparing or filing a document to be recorded in the official records by the county recorder as provided for in chapter 28 may not include any person's social security number in that document, unless otherwise expressly required by law. If a social security number is or has been included in a document presented to the county recorder [or recording in the official records of' the county beforc, on, or after October- 1, i002, it may be made available as part of the official record available for public inspection and copying. b. Any person, or his or her attorney or legal guardian, has the right to request that a county recorder remove, from an image or copy of an official record placed on a county recorder's publicly available Internet website or a publicly available Internet website used by a county recorder to display public records or otherwise made electronically available to the general public by such recorder, his or her social security number contained in that official record. Such request must be made in writing, iegihly signed by the requester an,J delivered by mail, facsimile. or electronic transmission, or delivered in person, to the county recorder. The request must specify the identification page number that contains the social security number to be redacted. The county recorder has no duty to inquire beyond the wrmen request to verify the identity of a person requesting redaction. A fee shall not be Charged for the redaction of a social security number pursuant to such request. c. A county recorder shall immediately and conspicuously post signs throughout his or her offices for public viewing and shall immediately and conspicuously 5post, on any Internet "ebsite or remote electronic site made available by the county recorder and used Cor the ordering or display of official records or images or copies of official records, a notice stating_ in substantially similar form, the following.- (1) On or after October 1, 2002, any person preparing or filing a document for recordation in the official records may not include a social security number in such document, unless required by law. (11) Any person has a. right to request a county recorder to remove, from an image or copy of an official record placed on a county recorder's publicly available tnterriet website or on a publicly available [nternet website used by a county recorder to display public records or otherwise made electronically available to the general public, any social security number contained in an official record. Such request must be made in writing and delivered by mail, facsimile, or electronic transmission, or delivered 'In person, to the county recorder. The request must specify the identification page number that contains the social security number to be redacted. No fee will be charged for the redaction of a social security number pursuant to such a request. d. Until January 1, 2007, if a social security number, made confidential and exempt pursuant to this paragraph, or a complete bank account, debit, charge, or credit card number made exempt pursuant to paragraph (b) is or has been included in a court file, such number may be included as part of the court record available for public inspection and copying unless redaction is requested by the holder of such number, or by the holder's attorney or legal guardian, ira a signed, legibly written request specifying the case name, case number, document heading, and page number. The request must be delivered by mail, facsimile, electronic transmission_ or in person to the clerk of the circuit court. The clerk of the circuit court does not have a duty to inquire beyond the written request to verify the identity of a person requesting redaction. A fee may not be charged for the redaction of a 22 social security nLimher or a bank account, debit, charge, or credit card number pursuant to such request. e. Any person who prepares or files a document to be recorded in the official records by the county recorder as provided in chapter 28 may not include a person's social secur-ity number or complete bank account; debit, charge, or credit card number in that document unless otherwise expressly required by law. Lentil January 1, 2007, if a social security number or a complete bank account, debit, charge, Or credit card number is or has been included in a document presented to the county recorder for recording in the official records of the county, such number may be made available as part of the official record available for public inspection and copying. Any person, or his or her attorney or legal guardian, may request that a county recorder remove from an image or copy of an official record placed on a county recorder's publicly available Internet website, or a publicly available Internet website used by a county recorder to display public records outside the ottice or other -wise made electronically available outside the county recorder's ofltice to the general public, his or her social security number or complete account, debit, charge, or credit card number contained in that official record. Such request must be legibly 1ATitten. signed by the reClUester, and delivered by mail, facsimile, electronic transmission, or ire person to the county recorder. The request must specify the identification page number of the document that contains the number to be redacted. The county recorder does not have a duty to inquire beyond the written request to verify the identity of a person requesting redaction. A fee may not be charged for redacting such numbers. f. Subparagraphs 2. and 3. do not. apply to the clerks of the court or the county recorder with respect to circuit court records and official records. g. On January 1, 2007, and thereafter, the clerk of the circuit court and the county recorder must keep complete bank account, debit, charge, and credit card numbers exempt as provided for in paragraph (b), and must keep social security numbers confidential and exempt as provided for in subparagraph 3., without any person having to request redacti ran. 8. Beginning January 3 1, 2004, and each January 31 thereafter, every a; erlcy must file a report with the Secretary of State, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of' Representatives listing the identity of all commercial entities that have requested social security numbers during the preceding calendar year and the specific purpose or purposes stated by each commercial entity regarding its need for social security numbers. lf' no disclosure requests were made, the agency shall so indicate. 9. Any affected person may petition the circuit court for an order directing compliance with this paragraph. 10. This paragraph does not supersede any other applicable public records exemptions existing prior to May 13, 2002, or created thereafter. I1. This paragraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 11915 and shall stand repealed October 2, 2007, unless reviewed and saved from repeal througlr reenactment by the Legislature- (b) Bank account numbers and debit, charge, and credit card numbers held by an agency are exempt from s. l 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. l of the State Constitution. This exemption applies to bank account numbers and debit, charge, and credit card numbers held by an agency- before. on, or after the effective date of this exemption. This paragraph is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act in accordance with s. 11915 and shall 23 stand repealed on October 2, 2007, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature. (c) Any information that would identify or help to locate a child who participates in government -sponsored recreation programs or camps or the parents or guardians of such child, including, but not limited to, the name, home address, telephone number, social security number, or photograph of the child, the names and locations of schools attended by such child, and the names, home addresses, and social security numbers of parents or guardians of such child is exempt from s. 1 19.07(l) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Information made exempt pursuant to this paragraph may be disclosed by court order upon a showing of ,,00d cause. This exemption applies to records held before, on, or after the effective date of this exemption. (d) All records supplied by a telecommunications company. as defined by s. 364.02, to an agency v hich contain the name. address, and telephone number of subscribers are confidential and exempt from s. 1 19.07(1 ) and s 24(a), .Art. 1 of the State Constitution- (e) Any information provided to an agency for the purpose of forming ridesharing arrangements, which information reveals the identity of an individual who has provided his or her name for ridesharing, as defined in s. 341.031, is exempt froth s. 1 19.07(1) and s. ?4(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. (f) Medical history records and information related to health or property insurance provided to the Division of Community Affairs, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, a county, a mu1icipalIty, or a local housing finance agency by an applicant for or a participant in a federal, state, or local housing assistance program are confidential and exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Governmental entities or their agents shall have access to such confidential and exempt records and information for the purpose of auditing federal, state, or local housing programs or housing assistance programs. Such confidential and exempt records and information may be used in any administrative or judicial proceeding, provided such records are kept confidential and exempt unless otherwise ordered by a court. 1 19.0713 Lcrcal {7overnment agency exemptions from inspection or copying of public records.-- (1) All complaints and other records in the custody of any unit of local government which relate to a complaint of discrimination relating to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, marital status, sale or rental of housing, the provision of brokerage services, or the financing of housing are exempt from s. 1 19.07(l) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until a finding is made relating to probable cause, the investigation of the complaint becomes inactive, or the complaint or other record is made part of the official record of any hearing or court proceeding, This provision shall not affect any function or activity of the Florida Commission on Human Relations. Any state or federal agency that is authorized to have access to such complaints or records by any provision of law shall be granted such access in the furtherance of such agency's statutory duties. This subsection shall not be construed to modify or repeal any special or local act. (2) All personal identifying information contained in records relating to a person's health held by local governmental entities for the purpose of determining eligibility for para-transit services under Title I1 of the Americans with Disabilities Act or eligibility for the transportation disadvantaged program as provided in part I of chapter 427 is confidential and 24 exempt from s. 1 19.07(1) and s. 24(a). Art. 1 of the State Constitution, except as otherwise provided in this subsection. This exemption applies to personal identifying information contained in such records held by local governmental entities before, on, or after tine effective date of this exemption. Information made confidential and exempt by this subsection shall be disclosed: (a) With the express written consent of the individual or the individual's legally authorized representative; (b) In a medical emergency, but only to the extent necessary to protect the health or life of the individual: (c) By courrt order upon a showing of good cause, or (d) For the purpose of determining eligibility for para-transit. services if the individual or the individual's legally authorized representative has filed an appeal or petition before an administrative body of local government or a court (3) The audit report of an internal auditor prepared for or on behalf of a unit of local government becomes a public record when the audit becomes final. As used in this subsection, the term "unit of local government" means a county, municipality, special district, local agency, authority, consolidated city -county- government, or any other local governmental body or public body corporate or politic authorized or created by general or special law. An audit becomes final when the audit report is presented to the unit of local government. Audit workpapers and notes related to such audit report are confidential and exempt from s. 1 19.07(l ) and s. 24(a), Art. 1 of the State Constitution until. the audit is completed and the audit report b ecornes final. (4) Any data, record, or document used directly or solely by a municipally owned utility to prepare and submit a bid relative to the sale, distribution, or use of any service, commodity, or tangible personal property to any customer or prospective customer is exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution. This exemption commences wlien a municipal utility identifies in writing a specific bid to which it intends to respond. This exemption no longer applies when the contract for sale, distribution, or use of the service, commodity, or tangible personal property is executed, a decision is made not to execute such contract, or the project is no longer under active: consideration. The exemption in this subsection includes the bid documents actually furnished in response to the request for bids. However, the exemption for the bid documents submitted no longer applies after the bids are opened by the customer or prospective customer. 25