Item C1 BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY fvlEETING DATE; l124/O1'3, Special Mootin9 DIVISION: COUNTY Al)MINISTR,,;rOR 8ULK iTSM; YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS STAFF CONTACT PEF{SON: PO!fJ!' Horton AGENO}i,'ITcii,;r\,'ilQRDiiic'Ai;ilr;;valof and iilLltl:;a;;iZatioiif;;;:iheMeyo';';;;";;;(,Jcuto iil f":ed0!'iill AvTiitjoii'j\drr,in;$ir;;iil.;i; Grant. tor the Key VVt:~.st~ntO(natkH")at l\!:portto fundTArrnim.iH 6uildin~1 (Pi: 2 Bond Hepayrnent), repia(x-: Beacon S; Tower. acqu~n:~ ARFFVehide. Ernergency Gent=.!rat(){ (ARFF) and Pavement Sweepers. _.."...................................wun ITEM 8ACKGROUNi): Projec't'~vili~he.fL;r;2e~:t'.~;v:.th.f; F;/J,~A,tlnd. pre (everH.1e~."w...".......... PREViOGs'ii"f.:i:E,J ANT BOCC ACTi'oi~:...i\rprov;;i.i;;;;;j;[;m!1 PFC Applic~rtT;:;n-;rf.#8:.#9;#jo.ilii:&.ffi2:t;;..it.ie....- FAA Awni.JSt 18, 20<)4 ..mum..........",. _._....__....................... ................... CONTF>:.ACT/AGREEMENT CHANGE.S' New Or-ant ST }\FFRF(:6~iii\1f:I~OArIOI\l: Apptovlij'""....... TOT,"',!.. COST: Grant Amount $3,666,2HH)() BUDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC;W:~~~ of BHgibleproJect. GOSt8 COST T() COUNTY' None SOURCE OF FUNDS: FN>. 9fanl, PFC RevHnue REVENUE F'RODUCING: ni<1 AMOUNT PER MONTH NEAR ,APPROVED BY"; County Attorney .x OMS/Purchasing .x Risk Managert1ent X AIRPORT DIRECTOR ,4PPROW\L /^....w_..) 1 ..--...-----.',..,... t~;f.=.~{"( ~:.... ....--- Pete, ,j. Horton DOCIJMENTATiOI'i included )( Ntll Required AGENDA ITEM # C. , O!SP08~TlON: /bev AO MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COI',jTRACT SUMMARY COfltr,,1Gt# ContE~d '/.lith: Pe'.10r;~1 ,A'jlatfon Administration fiffectlv(') Date: Execulk:.r, Expiration Dale: Open C:ontr~~Dt Purpo$B/D;::;sctiptlon". FAA Grant for tl<H:.? Key V'V\h1t internatkmalAirport: t.o fund T€rrnin~.:l BuHding Constructk>n, replace Bet,l(xm & Ttwmr, acquin".ARFF Vehicle, Emer(Jl!rK:Y Genemtor (ARFF) and Pavement SW0~~par$ Contn..1ctMan.ag:8r: 8evette Mz)o($ {ncHne) #.S"1H5 (Ext} Airports. Stop # 6 (OepartmeilU Stop) 02~f.l.9g.9..rrle,"!'r'~.(',,:..~2~Si~l.yl<,}€1tIC:5L.::.!t~~~~)...'.u.n... .......0.B91~9il..q~3.il~llr€1:u,__.__ CONTRACT COSTS ~ 'fotal f,)o!lar v~~u~~ l...jf Contn3ct: $:j,GGG,219,OG Budgt1ted'? Yes Grant "'les". FAl~ GOllnty t\i'k3tCh; PFG ReVi)(lue Current Year Portion: "$8('i,OOO.OO ACCOUfit GQdes: Pending gratlf iJpPf()val Estirnateej ()ngoI09 COS1S: n/a .. .t:~~~~~.~:::::~~!::~!~S! .!.~: .~:~~~!:!!~~~~i~!._;~!29,~,?L... ADDUK>NAL COSTS For: . (H~~. m::;jntr~;1l:i{l{:$, ~~~~~~J~0.,~~~~!2i, ~~!zJia~!.~~9..J.............. ~_~~.w,'.~"~~______m........... .......................... ....h........................,~~_ CONTRACT REVIEW ~___~,~_,_.........."."".""......... ....................... ....m ....., Da1B in Changes Nf)f)dec: \"\-:s No Reviewer D8te Out Risk f,,1aJ:a{~erw,%~t q . ~J,,/!::t.3Q{r:; '#1 '), '-, l r.? t...~t j-k . ""_~_ /.<>".~~""*"^'.i' I 1 ,'1 ,,"Y" ....__..."..""":::x5A::.,, ""\..,,..... . """N,""!.~4JmalD.~::). . ...." , !'p' R~ Maniagell1e!~V f.~,,","",./>{{C'J(/J$-:"'/, ~ m"'"7''''''f(;;:'(ji~{''~P7Z''''''' . ".... t"Y """~>;~':i.i""?J.~~~......,, /-""'''' -::.......,,<"J County Attornev I ../" . ~ ",,,,." {~~ PI .''j.''''dH < j 4-~M};'.~i'~ ....J::.... .................... Airports Director "'} ,', "'(''! . ......;..j t;~!::3 ,"','*-.C' O.M.SJPurchasing i) .' ;.:l~.' //(\ ~".{.....'l;'{ ~.-.'~f.. .~:.:'.~.- (.:-,..-Y" -' ...~)...l~~2/u ...(!4: f.~ounty AUDfnHY "'----- . /. --r.;'?J} /O~:;. ....r:.h...s-i:..~_._ , <7, ~ i; /', /. " ! ...I};'.{'f t....f{.1 m-/.... .,."..".. .,."".,, Comrnents: -----,---...;,-~..,.;..._-- ............................. __....-...-..................."w..v..... ..............................................~.~._._. ....-...-_-----~-~,---..............~....,...,......'"......................,........................... .. ...... ..__..__....--...~--.-.-._..._,-.. ..-.-.-,.______._."'""'... ~__N..N___"<'" o GRANT AGREEMENT IJ.S,i)"pli11mMI at TnmqJ{J/Miir.m fMB,.! IhA.tion Admini$(Mti(m \late MOlin,: July 1 E, lGllll Project \\lumber: lleci~ift~t: j\ir~~rt ~,14.\11m ,Ozn.;lOOl, M(lUnW County ilMro 01 C~unti Commls$iull~'$ (ik'@1 ,,,ilml Si",,,smi KilY Wf!.?llntematilmai Akpun OffER TilE fElllZlli\t AV1AlIUl\l i\!lMINiSTlll\tlOl'4, fOil AND ON llEllAlf Of fIl~ UNiTEll STATES, IlUIEilV OHEIlS ANI) AGREES ,I) PY. as the lJn'l~d St.W' ,hlW, 111l1~HyfjW p"w},.,i i95#.! of the allowable casts inc~;r~d ill accumplishw'g tM pr(ljCCt *Cl1siS!intIO! the jOllow,ng: "Canslmcl 1 emimillllolldilly(PH2 8M(i HOjlaYi'l1!lot); Rf$laCIi B~.can aM Rehabilitate lleacufl Tower; Acquim: A,,~n:ll Hoscu<! Fin! ~-jl~htjllQ Vghid~ nson nail, F.n:m.~am::v GelltUe:lnr {fur AHH Building} am.! ;~al!~n~;l ( S\lV*i$!t(!r$ f2r as fm.lf~.p(lrth;ulatlv d~~$tfih~d i!~ th~.Pfl;j$ct Al1p!icatjl1:tnM~ti ;li.ma2120UtL Tht m;j~;i;l:W)1 QbliOsntol1 af g~e Uf!!{'ed Statf;:!.\ ~av(d,;;t1 und~f thb Ofl13r ?,1~~!! tte t3,S6B.?19 f(j( airport. del,,<elnpment. for piannin9_ Thif. njj~, '" made '0 actfj,d~"ca w(t~ and ill! lhllll~'llaiW af r..aH'll!1g n;lt 1M ~tf;.I~IMt uJ litla 4,8, Uni\ad Stlltet CUtill, h~!ai\\ tllllad n\\t 49 US,I> fllCCtlptUlltii3 tlmJ ~.M!t1Jti{ifl lit t!!~s df~t :>hall t;Olflprbm :;l: 811lr~{' Agreement-at: pn:\11dtt~j'bV TWu 49 u.s. G., c;:)fIMi1mifi\11hB~Muac1Hal :)b1i{j~tiOl1;s :~nn tighb oj Hm tlnit~:(l St;~tEs ::mf: thtSpmisor, UNlTfD SIA Wi i)f ilMtRlCA FtoEP.!U AVIATIllN tWMlllilSJriil nO~j ----'Mt~u-M;;a!..' , !\ir~~rlll oi~;:;i~;:'nfii~;;'"'''''' ~CCtI'T MJC~ The Spf;;:l$Or. ayrm!:::. W (SJ;l;oratlltsh. t'M pr:)l~~! If! f,oll'lpl1ance with the ~ernl$ and t~!lditjo:ts cumuintd her~ln(iBd in tlm I}OWmeflt "leons MO C,,(.diti<)(l~, nf j\"r.entiq Airport lmpmVemil"' Pr~gram Glnnt,,"' d~wdMllrch 29,2005 Ewc~t(,(l1hi" ......,. olav d .........___,20 ~Seaj) r~aml} M Spm1$(if CERTIfiCATE Of llPOl1illtlll'S ATHllll\lFI' Si{~natui"~ oi"Sj;';n~;~t;~< n*~~gh~t~d riffitiaj"R?.pre;~nt~tl\l$ ................. MONROE COUN'Y t<.TIOl'\NE'J ~~~~~;~ ~ --""^"", ~p~, /..:'-:,.><;<:;uZANNf:' A UT~ON'^ ^ '",/^ -CCUNTt ~T"llf\!-if'f. 00' .., 1'., .'V/,,g, .....,$ .....,.,."."...........- "":f o1<;t:.~ .~'!\ ............ *cliofl as Artom~Y t~,. the i)~imsnr dnhe,eny r.artif\" ....................<-..._.w._.,_~v~~~.___...,....,.....'~."""......"."."............ Attest __.._~__.........~~.~___________"__",_""._____.,,....u........ Hli. Title 1,.... Hwl in my (ipil:llOff th~ SpnI1S(~( is f:fJijww~I'M tn nnt?f into tht} forancirl~l Gram Agn~~ft'lSm >.lm;h~r 1hij laws. o!Stai'e~rFltlricla. fHf1h~l'. I ~mll'tif t~ijH~m~ th!3 fu~<<"Jt\nu.U!'~nt. AllnlOO)~nt &no too attlnl)~ taken t)y said Sponsor relatiwJ lhefato~ .und.lind thut the' ac.ceptance {'hereOf ~V saij Spm'lSN ~flti. $pol1snr's a1licisl rspra~~nt~liltt:l Jws E3tnm d~jy uuthonlad and til<li the e:mcutlon .thJl"*o1 is ill. ail. n:!SPOl;t~. duu and J):i)~(;r ~Ild in acconMl1ce WjthJhaluw~ ut H!.O S'}!;:! Stale Md Tide 49 D.S;C. ;;1 ~(irtjtkUl. ti1l'gfaM.$in~nlving ~fajstt$ to: ha canlr,d (jut 0(; pmp~rty fi(jt aWfl$dby t1l6 Sponsur.. HlenJ<lfl~ ft(: h31~~1 impBdkaents thatwm.r,r~<Jf!nt. fuilpadormaoteby the Sponsor: Funner. it is nw nc~niao thaf the. said Hnmt A~r~msr:t C:(l!tHitutes a legal rmd hindinE. ub:liga:t!Qn 01 the $~)cl1$or iri tlCCUrUilnG::: with the terms th~rnaf. ... Slgrmt~i~..~fSi;~;'So;'~ Ai10;;;~Y .-Dai~_.m....__-__..._- o U~$. .:");:;pn~~nW)[~j. ot -:"~<ll':$por1'::J~k")n Or!am~Q .J\jmof~~.D~$tf;;.;;t: Off:~€! 5950~'i<l;:itlthe Natk:n:.ll 0:1;" SuitB 400 Orl~~H.:1o, f.'L 32822;5024 Phcme< 4G'l.fU:~.H~J 1 Federal Aviotion Admil1lstrclion \July "18l 20013 !\Ar. Peter Horton Director. of Airports 3491 S, Roo~:BveH BivD. Key\tVesl PL 33040 Df..'klJ fv1r. j-.'kwton: RE: Kev West internationai Airport AlP Number 3-12-00:F.028.2006 PFLs 2388, 0221: 4941l 4H49 1~ 4942 Gr<,mt Offer VVe are enclosing the original and two copies of a Grant Offer for AlP Project No. a"12-00~17" 02n-:WOl'; for Key \N$$t IntematioMJ! Airport, in response to your Application for Federai AssistancE' dated ..klne 23. ~woe. Your (lcCept.,ml.~e of this Offer' will Gonstitute a Grl~nt A9reernent by which i~le government will participate in the allowi.lbie costs of the project ."rnount.ng to $3,666,219 (Federal share). Once the aLliIhorlzed official has exeCuted the Agreelm:mt and the official's signature h"s been notariZed ai',d sealed/slamped, the attorney lor tlw Monroe Courlty Board of County Commissiomlrsmusl certify that the SpClnsor's $cceptance complies with local and stBte law and constitutes a legal and [Jinding obllgaiJon en the part of the Sponsor. Please noteihat the Agreement i~, nor legal unless the attorney signs it AFTER the Sponsor. if t~le terms cl this Offer are satisfactory, please !!xeGUte tile documl~nt as soon as possible, but not iater i1\ah August 1$, 2006. To assist us in <,Jdrninistrative reporting requirements you are request.ed to notify this offk;e by faxing the "ignature page of the grant or by telephonillg us immediateiy upon executing the grant. The original and one copy of the grant Ileed to be returned to this office. The remaining copy is for your file. Et~?:t~~...@HQ!!{..~~)pro>::irnatelv ~G~_\Ut{~~...gfter returnino final execut~J.JJ.[?n.LJ9.J.t!,~;?..9.ffice before i!.tlernptinCl anv drawdowf12J.l\?XX!..!.!'.I<3 1,~tter.'Clf-(;redit.ES;S;Q.\!.0.L .m Sinc$r(~IY, f'v1atthew J. Thys Acting Manager 3 Enclosures cc: AndrF,a Chao.. FDOT!6 Mil Rejst~rt; URS~r\4iam[