Item C3 BOARD OF COllNTY COMMISSiONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 7124/06 " Spooia! Meeting DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRI.\TOR BULK iTEM, '(ES OEPARTMENT: AiRPORTS STAFf CONTACT PERSON Peter Horton :A:~';iENoAi'fEi\,lnjJ6Rt;iNG:n' Approval of and aLlthorizatk:i;:;-f;;;:"ii1;;;"May;:;rl;:;';;;xe~;ui;;;aF;;;d;;;r;;;i:A:;i~ii;:;ri:A:Jiri;ii;iiiraii;;iii Grant for the Key West intemational Airport (au.) to humcane damage) to fund Perimeter Fene;lng, rehabilitate RVV 9/2; Lighting, and Terminai BUilding. 'i'TE:ii-TsACKGROUND: Proje;cts':j;';iiTbe fWld';iij):ji-ieFAAaii;TlnsUf<lflCe, PREViOUS RELEVANT 80CC)ZCTi6fJ."Nor,e'<.iii"iiiisnitenl- CONTRACT fAGREF..ME?~1"cFil~NGES""'i~;;;v;';T3r&r;t""-'''' STAFF RECOMi\IENDA.Ti6~jmliPprovai"'n"'m""" TOTAL COST; Gti)ntAmouflt S684.207,OO BUDGE::TED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC; None COST TO COUNTY: Nom) SOURCE OF FUNDS: FA". grant & Insltl't'!"ce REVENUE PRODUCING nit'! AMOUNT' PER MONTH !YEAR: APPROVED BY: Coun~{ Attorney X OMB1Pwch(lsing X RI$k Managl;lmenl X AIRPORT DiRECTOR APPROVAL /^""--"'-~""\ f (.~t:~;::JJ===--~~__",""""". Peter-!, Hortor; DOCUMENTATION: included X NolF-leq"lired AGENDA iTEM it c.s DISPOSITION: lbev AO MONROE COUNTY SOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSS10NERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # , Contra,) with: Feder...1 Aviation Administration EJf~N.:;:f.iv:e Date:: EXtr:cuHon Expiration Dale: Open i Contract F'urposeiDf,\l\:fiption: FAA Grant for ttle Key West Inlemationai Airport, to fund perimeter knclng, rehabilitate RW 9/27 Lighting, and T,;wnin8l Buiidlng Cont.racJ h;,1anager: Bevette Mooro (narne) #5195 ( Ext) Airports - Stop # 5 (Department! Stop) ~~!~~!:__~~_9~~:q..l.'~~.~~~(!Q.. on: Sp'~'~i91 Meelin2.::.:.!B~i.?6. .m...........i22~iKja C'~~'!l.irl~~"m"m.mm...m"..".".."n CONTHACT COSTS TrA.a! Dol:8r Vfliue of Contract $6?4,20I.GO Butjgete!J? Yes Gr8ntVes.. FfJ\ Count)' Mmch: Insurance Curmnt Yilar Portion: -, $45,00000 AC,XlW'l! Cedes: Pending grant approval Eshrnated l)ngOlntJ Costs:nh..1 .J:::~~::.~~~!::~~:?~!.::E2!~f:~..~:~!~~~.;~.~~?~{'; } ADDITIONAL COSTS For: . ,..................... .J~JLE~~intftD~nc$) ~1t!m~~~j~D!::2E~~~, $~.~?.~f~~~:. ~.~~~J...........h..h...... CONTRACT REVIEW Date In Changes Ne~~d~~rJ Yes No RevieWer Date Oul Risk t>A$n~1g$rnenL :1);~P/QiA , \ /......,.-.-........."....... . II , \ ')<'t~+:r" n"m........::::r:...'L....,i........._____ A <f~lr HOI1PU., '-I(j ~lI:ljl(lt, " ~"^'. .,... ..~\a~.~~.,1"~._....""......".. ( lor J$fsk.MJrK~Q~tl~n(/ ./ .,....,.....,~:./;?'..:~~i't~..',4c:':/.!C/(," -4k) !?;t:E:~ _m ~ty AtlQHl€:;y--,m_m,- l! tJ)j t:lb ~:JJ2<!(;\Q ^' ,.., D' w ;o''\Jrp(}j lS ,mnc{or ..~t/:br0 D iO ( Tr:! C') ',' " iP, 'r~""'~'I'n" .IV~.. r.::... ,.( "'"j ::o~'} .~ f) i"~/1 "."..~::/ ...f..J:~;t:..:J (_A(<; ...~2../:~'2~~j.fLtf, County Attorney '!"I,'2 'lI t'lb '! ~t.., '._/.'/ <., . , 'A . .."...w........... h......... l ,/'/,. \/...4 >f). "~,:<, ,('l[ ..-;f.jJ....~....:..~~....2 CGrntnents~ _..,_______""...,,,.~,..,,..__...,<..<v.......,,,...................................................................................v....""......v..<.........".......<.......<<.."','" ----'-.,.,....-..---.......,.--........"."'...,""....."............"..".".,,.,''''..-.,,-....-.."....,....,........-....--- .................."...,.....",...,___""_______,,"""".................h..............h......................._.__..._._ ...........................................~.._..._._~----....,.---.-....,.....,....."'....................... o GRANT AGREEMENT ii S lJlJjJfJ;UJlf}fJt ,d rri~'jSp{jlttmJ)U h>4UM; A.iNtiQ{J Mmi"istratio!l IM~ or OYtur: JUlV 21l, lll06 I'roi2~t tIlumbM: llaeljlient: Alrjlo,t; j.) HIO$ 1.(}jlJ.Z(l(ll) Munroe County lluardM County CU!flmi~siufiar~ !Herem ,ailed SpU11$Url K~y West Ir<tern? tioMI i\Irport UfffR Hit l:umlAt iWIA Hlltlll\ilMlllllSlllATlOlIJ, Hill Mill Illll llEtIAlf Uf T!l~ unmu STATES, lIfREgy IIfffRllANO AGREES t~ pay, as tile llMed SIMes' share. ninet(.live p.rt.nt ISMU ~i tilt! !llluw~blacu~l~ inC"fr~d in u.cM'Illishiflll1lm pmjat! tonsistinQ 01 Ih~ iOlluwinQ; "In$taii Parinlllt,r rantifig; lMlilbililol~' RWY9i27 U~htifill 'Ml hrmlnal S".ldinQ :)J) mor~j~mH~t.HI;J:'iV ctf:$t~'iherl;nthn F'Hlj~c.tApplftatinll dated June ~,t20Uu. lha mnxifl1\l1n o~lllIalion 01 ,he tlnild SWIgs 90vshlo uoder 1his OH~r shall h" %1184,201 lOr airpoil dov&l(JjJlllam lOr plsnnii'lI, This afte!' is made In ,.ccnr,j?tlce with ~tld lar th. purpils~ o! tlqing aut tha pru'iisiOn-$ of !ilia 49, UniteuStutes CuUa, herein r,ijiied Title 49 U,S,C, Accept~tlt€ and ..,eclition althis niler ,h$l! Ctll1'lllr;Sl\" Gra'lt Agreemant, a, pruvidadbditle 49 U's,C" wnSliMing tha cuntractua! o~lifialintl~ and rights (d the U:'litea.State:sanrl the SponsaL t1NITW STAnS Of AMERICA fWU1i\L AViAnrm ADMl1jrsTilATWN ..mm.................................. ..mm.....................m............................. AClifiG Mafiag~1 , Aiip~rt$ [liStrICI Office ACCEPTANCE Thn Sll~ll$nf ilnmas In accnmlllish the pmjlltt iN ~OOlllliancp, wilh th~ tafrrn> oM r,nMilluM r,olllalOOd hemin Md in the rlocu01@l 'T mms Md CondiliOlls dAccoplil19 AIrp(.r{ 11tlllJ"(lVem,;M Program Granls" daip.d Mafch 29, 2006. hecllted this ......... day 'll fS~ali .; 20 Nafn~ af SPO!1SQ( AUi1$! ~~~~........,...,,_____.~n__.n....""...._"""-'~~""_____..._....... Si!lnaJurt ot Spunsnr's ns~igna1ed nmdal flellfasenla1i.e nt1f~ Till~ >, That itt my i>~iohm th~ SI~(:lf1Sl)ris OOlj)(lwe:matG ontarlnt() th~: forenflii1{i Gn~Jit AUl"OOO11$11t unoor the I~wtof Stilte of riot;':ja~ Furthar, lh~l\:'~ a~amk,~d Ihe bragoins Gr,ml AW~Mllll1l.~~d lhe ar,tians ,ake~ bY' said Sll~~s~r relating th"reto, and liM that til,) attijptont~ theta~1 bV said SpOll.s(l( md SpDnsor's alti'.ial Iepr%Mtaijv~ hasha~~ rlviv amMri1~d and jh~j 1M e~~c~tion *eroaf,sin 011 r~~pud$ d~~ ijnd prop~r and 10 acconiol1ce wiW tlllllaws Of tne said Stltl~ aM Tlll~.48 U.S.C, In adrlitiolt 1'0' li'"~tltslnvol.,,,y prui~.I~ w b~ .arfi~ri oul on prDperly nol eWfllld hV the Spunsor.ll'era ore no lailal impadiHlllms tilat wiil pw~om lull pH1omw,w bV Hoe Spons~r. fonh~r, Ii ismy ijpinfon that 1hesaid Grant Agr.emanl c~"~tltlJ(~s <J I~gsl aod hrntik,y ilWigali~fi of lll~ Spoll.or in actOr@ntl' with ,ha lants tl1erllol. m.....................mm......................m............... m.........................................m.......... ............................ SigMlUra ~t Spoosor's IItWl1$Y' ......m........................................ Oale o U.S :).::~pod!"1'tent D[ 'f"cn$pmh..'::-lon Or!,ando A;:':PO:i5 ~")i$trjcf. Offi<C0: L:.s5f)H~:zeltl:,a i'J2\tiOr.:'::11 Dr:, SU!iH 400 Qi!~ndo, F~. ~;2~~2:2.fj~):~4 fadara! AvliQtlQ1l Ad'Yniflistr<rti:a~ PhJ.)!'ll',: 40i'.,.812.;..i3331 July.20:: 2006 Mr. Peter Horton Dire~o' of Airports 3491 S. Roosevelt Blvd. KeyV.Jest Ft 33040 Dear Mr. HmtmL RE: Kl:lY WeSt International Airport AlP Nwnt>er 3-'12-0037..030.2001:, PFLs 4f)52, 4B53 and.4954 Grant Offer jiVe 3re enclosing the orlf,}lnal and two copies of a Gremt Offt~r fOIAIP Project No. 3-12-0037- 02l:1-2006 fe>r Key West international Airport in response to YOljr Application lor PedEm;! ASSistance dated ,June '14, 200g '{our acceptance of this Offer will constitute a Grant Agreement by which tb<3 government wiil partidp..te in the allowable GOsts of the projt%;t amountino to $684,207 (Federal sh~)(f)). OnCe Rle authorized Midal has €)xecuted ttle A9reement and tile official's signatme bas been notari;wc and seatedlstamped, the attorney i'Of the; Monroe County Board of County Commissioners must cerMy that tbe Sponsor's acceptanoecompiie5 with local and st3te lt4W and constitutes a lega! and binding obiigatlon on the; part of tbe Sponsor Please note that the Agreement is not leg<1l unless the attorney signs it AFTER the Sponsor. ii the tern,s 01' thisOfit';r are satisiactory, pleiilse execute the dowment as soon iilS possible, but not later than August 20,200f:1. To assist us in administrative reporting requirements YOll iilre requested to notify this office iJY faxing the silinature page of the grant or by telephoning us in1'11e(Jiately upon executing thfi grant. The original and one copy of tho grant need to be returned to this offioe. The remaining copy is fm YOljr f!le. Please aiiQvi....i!J!.p.f.9;K!Xnatelv 30 r.taV~._fAn~r...r.f!.t\JJf1inq final execute(tgf.!;j!Jt...!!.?..lh!~...Qf1Ir&..1!f!.f9.rg attempl1nUEE1Y..JJ.[!il!tfQ.owns from thfl)?.t.\gf.:QI..credit account. Sincerely, A1atthe''.lo!....i. Thys Actfnq /vta,i"iager 3 Enclosures CG: Andrea Chao, FDOT/6 Mii Reisel':, URS..Miard