Item C4 BOARD OF COUNTY GOMMiSSIONERS AGENDA iTEM SUMMARY MEETlNG Dl~TEc 7i?AiCi8 - Spec!?1 Meetln[i DIViSION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 8ULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT AIRPORTS STA,FF CONTACT PERSON: Pet<.'lr Horton AGENOj,;"i'YEM W'O(:;:DiNG"~'Ap;;;QvaF;:;(and awth()rizatibii"K.itiii~"M<JyOr to-;;ecote'aFaderiii'Avia'iion' Adm',nistflltiQi;;""'u Or"nt for the Marathon Airport to fwnd C0i'1Sln-lctk111 of Ea;;;t GA Apron, fehabili1">illa West GA Apron, replace Emergan<;y Generator, Gonstrwct new EleGlriC<1i Vauit, and replCtce Perimeter Fence, ITEM"'Bj~CKGROUND, Projects'\~rii'b;';"t;;i;;jad hI' the F;;\';"P'F6'Revf.lnue, and OW116,:matcF;:'" "",""" """,",,"" PREVIOU~'--RELEVAi~':(BOCC- ACTIi5f,:E"Appro;;~: to submit PFc"A;;pii;:;iiibi'i"# 12 to the FAA;"Aprii1S;Z<io6':' (:'bNTRACTiKGRE~j.ii'Ef~rCH;l,NGES-:-""NawG"i;;;;'i ST,4.FF RECOMiV1E~JbATi6~E";;:r)prov.'i Ton'l COST: Grant Amount $'l,397J99,()() BUDGETED: Yes COST TO ,AlRPORT: NOlle SOURCE OF FUNDS; FAA grant, PFe Revenll<:;, <;no Owner malel COST-TO PfC: 5%, (:>fGflrmaJtor; E~ectricHi Vault and FliJnCe COST TO COUNTY: None REVENUE PRODUCING: nie AMOUNT PER MONTH /YEAR: OM8iPI.'fCt!<JSillg X Risk Mana~wment X APPROVED BY: Cr,lI,lnty Atbmey X AIRPORT DiRECTOR ~~PPROVAL "'MW~') " ..;... . //" i' , i /" T^'~ 1 /'1'<" "","'^+ , '''<11 '~'~'-"'"'\'''P8t'~';:-:J-~-''' (,jt{)ll . .' .".,<';"(.<._ .,,1,-,.. DOCUMENTATlON. InCluded X Not Rflquirod AGENDA ITEM #,~~.."u.."C:::::.', Lj- DiSPOSiTiON: (be-v AO MONROE COUNTY BOARD Of COUNTY COMMiSSiONERS CONTRJ.\CT SUMMARY Con tri:ic! #; Contract V;tjH1: rt~der~~! Aviation Ac:irn~nj$ltatlo:l E'1'I't'.lGtive Oa10: Exocutiofl Expiration Date' Open Contrad PlIrpose!DesGrlption; F,AA Granl for ti'!", Marathon If\irpOlt to fund co(\"trudionof East GA Apron, rer.abilit:tle VV"sl GA Apron, 1'epla,:;.:) Emergency Generato[, conslwct new Electrical Va,llt and replace Perimeter Fence, Contract f\llana~J"W: 8evet~e ft-lOQre {ncl~YR~) #5105 (ExL) Airports .. Stop#;;;; tDeparlmen1/ SlOp) 1~(?"'.qyy~1")"'.tj~Q.1;)rl; ...~0.'~,i<;1LI:!~~~i ng -_,~If.~tfQf!_",,,,,,,,,,,,.,.... Agend~ Deadline: I I' Total D,)itar VdeK of Corm<lct: $1,397,799,(}(} Bi,lcgeted? Yes i Grant Yes" FAA ,. (;owHy Match: PFC ((wen""" 8< owner match . . . ADDiTiONAl.. COSTS I Estrnated Ongoing Costs; nia For; , U~~~~,_~0.~~~~~~~t.:~~.~~}~~~.!~:~~.~.~:~~~~~::!, ............@..n \ $g~,~~:!,~S~~2!"'3~~~i~~~d~:~~?-.~~}Lff:~~~!~,~:..~~~~).. CONTRACT COSTS Current ~lear Portion: .... $'l5,QOO.OO Account Codes: Pending gr,mt approvai ......................................................... CONTRACT REViEW Date In Chanwa~, Needed Yes No Revk,wer D<'Jte Out Coumy Attorney '-7 .! J",i;.v':( --I--' ~ ~ , / "~""",'''N--''''",,,, / I { . A---! t . i~<J l. 1 'c}l-Wr HortOtl "'..."C~};.!d...~)rL~~tu....m" ( fdrJ:!isii"'!l;n<%I. e..,m9N ....'.. '" ../~^..F . "S>5<.l.Ck.7'/'t C /</ . ^".., for c;. M' /~- .' I -(. . ':. .. ......... ;/?>J~~ -..~fomey~'"'''''''''''' <<:y<~";.;...,.,.^"^/ . f1 ."" A, .K\~ ~!~.J;.dLJ .Alrports Dimdor '11'4f:t,IAz- .....J:L..,....,.,..~ ,]".1 2DI()-!J ) -C~.+ Risk tv1anagernent , ! ..~]/?,Q(].p O.~y'~. ft/Purcfl;:.:ssing r, ; .....l...J i) f >'i/~ (1/; ~,d:.'.j..,...:.:.:.:;:.!-' ( ) C..~/( ~''1, -1 //. /i ".- . ~,~~. i ~/ t.> ."",L,,! .m""! "''''m Camments~ ~-----_.__.."....."................................................................................... ........................mm........mm.........m..m........................... -------.-.-----.-.-.............--.-............---...........---.-...................--......-------------......._-~ o GRANT AGREEMENT u. /)' Df1:.fU}{(mMt af tm~~~'PmtiJ'iM FetfarallMl#mn 11dminittflltJIJ.11 llatt ~f Offer: July la, :won l'l'njer,t Number: Recipient Airport 3,12.n044,02HOllli MnarneC~uatv aoerd nf Cnwrty Can1mi~aitmars (Hemin 'ailedSpnr.~~r! Tha Flarida K,ys Mara1han OHElI THE HIlHli\!, AVIATION AIlMU'iU$TMTlOIli, fOil MIOOIi a~HA(f Of mE !Jtjmo IHAf~$, HEREBY OFfERS AlilJ AGREES 1,) pay as tM I.lnit$d Sta,es' ~lmr$, m~erdiw percent \95%;4 It!~ alillWo~l~ eM,s .Mu'red ill <iccmnpti~hing ,he P'~l$t, C~ll~j~tit<g of the lall~wi"g: "Cill1W~tr [as!! (11\ Apron, UehfluiliMe W~~t GAAp'nn, Rapl~ca Emargency Ganfl'ajQf, C~a~trunr Naw fiact(ir.al \fault and Repl.,a l'ij"merer renc~" as mOle patlkulariy dasul,jed in the PmjnctApplkMinn dAt$d ,itm~ 23, 2CGS, fhe m,,~imljm abliyutHi1l 01 th. IJn!t.a States p.yabi. uod.r rhis (Wer .hail be$ IJ!l7, 79!llar altpo,j dA~.lopmBnt This (IH", i~ lMI!I! in ,,,~",d"o*(' Mlh aRdlo, Ihl' llmil~S* 01 cwvinp out tl!. voviciGn~ oj Tille 49, Unil~d St,l.. Code, hercil\ ~ailed Titll' 49lLS.C. Actp.lltAn,:e a~ri ~~wJt,nl1 of lh'~ olfm' toMI! t.n.mll'!W J G'mit Agrl,(,mnlll, a. p"wi(i$u b~ T<tIB49 O.S.C., t~fl~titUlillg (!letolllraetual llbiigatlon. and right; nt !J'ia UnWd Stales anti tMSp::H1sm:. UNITED STs\ TIS Of AMEF:ICA rfIJEMl. MIIH!lJri ADMI!~ISTRi\'n()N Manage" AirllOllS Districl Office .hmmm................. mm................ ...m.....~~__~ .l\CCfl'filNCl Th~ Spnnso( agfae:s: ta aC~f:f)1pii$h th~~(I}i~~t h1 j~o:'f:{'lHan:~~wjttl ih~ t13rms and t'vflditjou~ COfHail1etl herein a.ndjn the dUf.mnanl "r arms and Conditi@~ of !ler.epting AirpoH Impm,eme.or Program GraOf~n dawd March 28, 2005, hetlll~d this iSM!) Gay ~l ,20 Naf'M i;f Spnns:)( ~.tle.t SiQr;;;i:;;;j(;i's~~~;;;,~;~'o;;;;;g~;Ul;'J'Olficia! .Hapras;~ta!i;i"'" Titl. .----.........."...__._..._.__._~~~~~~A~'~____..___.. Title I. TirUI in my npm'"" 1l1ij Sp'lllS"' is "",vuwe,ad (oamil> in(o In. Inrf.g~ing Grant IIgmmUM! lmoo' 1M la\\'$ 01 Stat" 01 HQrlda. furth~r. 1 "Me e~am;r,(~! lM lOI1'!I"ifl~ Giani !\p~~mellt, ~lld tlm ",tiell$ !ijku" hy $aid Sponso' relalin~ th~'~!a, and find that th~ ~Ctwtml'~ lileruof by said SPOf';Stll ;){~d Spcns!}(s ~)ffldai n~pruslltltati~'B has bsen tiulyauttH.lr1~ij(land tha.t thij e:X8t':utiao t.namaf i~ if) ail J't!$pacts tlua and j.lruPUf f.m4 in eG(,("daHC~ witlllim laws of ,ill, soid St"t~ and TitlB 49 V,S.C. In .uaiIIO'l, i~t graots !ovOlving proj~ets to be car(i~d out nr, ilWilllftPIQ( ~wn~d by th. Spoosr." tilm'e are n.) tegal 11Wdirwn(,$lhallllliliplaVCIl! Illllpll,fn'''lunC$ by III.SpeoW, Further, il!~ myopi~iol"ithat lhesald Gra"l ,~g'$am9M c{Hlsd1Ht.(t.$lJ i~~ai;)rldhil~dl11UQbH~[ation.of1hB S[Jl.ws:{U .il1 aHa;~tdum.:t!w!thlim.t~misti'Jereoj, Si;Jr;:a lure af. S~or?$Ut':s A ttl;:mey ............._._.__.._.._-~~~~~ Dale o Federal Aviotkm Adminislration O,la'10P Airports Qistrict Office 5950 Hazeltine National D".. Suite <lO! O,ia11oc, "1.321522.50;24 Phone: 4((l'8'12..63;l1 L1,8, De~)(Jr1:n~nt of T fCln:;porfotlon July 18, .2006 Mr. Peter Horton Director of AirpOlis 349'1 S. ROOSEM,!t Blvd, Key West FL 33040 Dear Mr. Horton: REi: The Florida Keys Marathon Airport Marathon, Florida AlP 3-12-0044-022-2006 FOOT PFLs 4596, 4923, 4935 and 4926 Grant Offer We are f.~nclo$in9 the original ;,'lnd two (',(mies of a Grant Offer for AlP Project No. 3-12-0044 022.2006 for The Florida Keys MaraUlon Airport, in response to your Appl.ication for Federa ASSistance dated June 23, .2006. Your acceptance of this Offer will constitute a Gran Agreement by which thegovernltil:mt will participate in the allowable costs of the projec amounting to $1,397,799 (Federal sh<.ve). Once the auUlOrized official has executed thE) AgreeflW.H1t and tile official's signature has beer noti:,rized and sealed/stamped, the attorney for the Monroe County Board of Count\ Commissioners must certify that the Sponsor's acceptance complies with local and state lav and constiMes a legal and binding obligation on the part of the Sponsor. Please note that th~ 1\9reement Is nollegal unless the attorney signs It AFTER lhe Sponsor. If lhe terms of this Offer are satisfactory, please execl1te the document as soon as possible, bu not later than August 18, 2006. To assist us in adrninistrative reporting requirements you an requested to notify this office by faxing the signature page of the grant or by telephoning u: immediately upon oxecuting the grant The original and (.lI1ecopy of the grant need to b~ returned to this office. The r~~rnalninq copy Is for YOl1rfile. Please aliow 9J?PE9.?5.~!J1atf!JIY 30 days after returnlnq final exec,uted grant to this office befon atten1PliOf!...9..QY,9g;Jwdowns from the let!!i!L9.f.:9.I@Q!1..@f.fOunt Sincerelv.