Item N14 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/15109 Division: County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes...1L- No Staff Contact PersonlPhone #: Bob Shillinger x3470 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification and approval of contract between West Publishing and the County Attorney's Office. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County Attorney's office has provisionally renewed its contract with West Publishing for Westlaw services. Westlaw enables County legal staff to conduct legal research electronically, which is more time efficient and environmentally conscious as well as less costly than the traditional method of purchasing books for that purpose. The County Attorney's office provisionally renewed the agreement, which is scheduled to expire because West offered a 51% discount if the renewal agreement was signed prior to March 31, 2009. Though the subscription is paid in montWy installments, the annual contract amount is $29,717.52. Because the new contract price exceeds $25,000.00, the renewal agreement was signed subject to ratification of the BOCC. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: nfa CONTRACVAGREEMENTCHANGES: n~ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $29.717.52 INDIRECT COST: nfa BUDGETED: Yes xx No COST TO COUNTY: $29.717.52 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Ad valorem REVENUEPRODUCJNG: Yes No xx AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty xx OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DOCUMENTATION: Included xx Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 1/09 .VEST ORDER FORM FOH WESmK'K !'ROI)tl("TS G lD Orf1CnlHm Drive SL. Paul. MN 5516,1.1803 Tel: f,5116S7./l00[J THCJiMSOIN * \NEST - ('hed, Wes/ ac<"oliur slums belol>' (IS !!po/kaMe: RCjJ Name & Number DEVAN SPINELLI 0079520 ~ Existinf!, wilh Increase Credit L..imit_ (NACI Form nUaehedf , r-iC\\ (N/\CI Fonll ;machellJ , - :::: Existing wllh 110 Ch'IIIf!,CS X I~xistinl\ with c1mnAcs - (I'ermnll<1\l llllme cllllllgC rum! ntmch II Customer Nam~ Change Fonn) r-: n..~ ..u....-.-ft,___~_.____~~_~"__..._........._...~."...~........_.'.u.........~...................n..H~....H..........................,..._._L. ",.. ..........._.u_._......_.......~........+..+.~ ,.....u.. ...~..Hn' ... 10001305~2 1'011 Dale 3/25109 I;) Acel!! - -:: Nam~S\lbserit>cr MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEy Bill To Acel Ii SAME - - OrucrConfirnlUlioll Conlnet Nam~ BOB SHILUNGER :;:: :r. E-Moil Shllllnger-Bob@MollroaCounly-F~.Gov -- c . W~\ln\\' Password COluocl Ntnllc (for pllSsword uelivcl)') DEVAN SPINELLI . . E-I\'lnil DEVAN.SPINELLI@THOMSONREUTERS.COM . - P~rmllnelltAddres.~ ('!lunge Onl.'-Timc Ship To Additilmal Ship To _ AddiLirmnlllill TI~ - -, - - Nmnt:: Ann: z I": Addrcss Suitcfrlllllr l'1 COUlllY c Ci,y Stille - - Zip _......_~~~-~_.~- t" 0::: - I Wcstl'uclL WCJl!l1l1l'PRO Pr{lduel~ I I WcslPnck I'rolllolion Code: WPK3 Full Svc Jf Wcsltawl'RO I'Tl1l1uC1S 40584052 GOVERNMENT SELECT I ~u!.::;: 51% DISCOUNT AND 5% OUTYEARS APPROVED BY GOV EXCEPTIONS EAST II or I'llsswordsl vmslSlu\lcnlS 10-20 Monthly U~lllkdl Base RUle Per l'scl' Hale Other ~"51% Tlltul i\Ialllhl~' WcsllawPRO elm es S2476.<l6 I $5054 Totol i\lontr1y Charges S 2476.<16 Westracl, prlnl und CO.ROM Prlltb.lcts -QUl1l1lily nfWe<>tPnck Tillcs- Us!lCD-lm.'l Talul List/CD. Full SVc II WcslPack I'rlllllllld C()-RO~l PrOllllcl~ New ~ Existinl! H ChtlT::lcs Other nOM Ch~,."cs 1 7519321 FL COURT RULES STATE AND FEDERAL PAM SUB I 2 210~1195 FLSTAT ANNO SUB 1 15343622 FL COURT RULES STATE PAM SUB 2 I t TOIDI Chllrgcs Total Ch~~cs Incllldl$ elm T)!.cs from HlIll(lIcd IWgc Z. If Jlpl'linlblc. Th i. l< ~ lIC\\' lille lor Suuscnuer Or SubK'ril><;r m:llnta;ns an oxi.l;ng ~ub5criplion to this We;;t1'ack lille Dud dcslr.:s addiliol1'~1 001'.\'(1<'51- sllil> and cmer SUbSCrl(1l101lIs) for the (\.'IllleSIIXl H1lc Subscriber mnllll111lli CX151lnjl suhscnption(;) m IhlS WCMl'a~l;.litlc - do no, ship MOlllflly W<:sllll><I'RO Charg,;,; ~nrJ CD-ROM Chllrgcs llrc blUed on lIP! dale We..t pmccS-'.:s Suhs<:nbcr'; order and cQllllllu. for th~ mmimum tem1 elected b)' SlIbscnl",.,. WIll, hisll1er initials l'Clu\\' ("Mlllimum Tcmn. If Sub$crih.lr a~rees 10 commitlO a longer Minimum lenn of 24 momhs nr .36 months. any 1IIL7C,,..e'I 111 Sub$cribcr's Moml1l} r-. '.) 1011/07 s,\ M lnel -I90.dnr \V..:~th~,\Pr~O Chan..C5 \\[11 be bilko.d ~lS ::ICi: forth hcr~iIl Suhst:ribcr i1~So- a~c-..!~ [0 nl..1i1\(Um nH suh.~crip~lons" to th( \~:C:~lPll{k r}flm pr(1,1nC1S (n~\\' ~lOd/or C';-.i:s.tl1lg HS st:.l forlh "\It",) durmg the ~llOimurn Term and the chJrgc~ for S\lbscrioo's WCSLI'~ck prmt prnducl$ (l'>(llb Imllal ptlllL tl\;lr~'~s r'lnlti~1 WClll'ack Chnrges") rdld prim nnd CD-ROM SU\>>Cfljllm" se[l-kcs dWllCS inclulltnl) (D-ROM Churnes ("WesIJlack SllbscriPtioll Churges"ll sll~1I be hllkd as set forll1 hel"t:m Upon elincluSIOIl nr Ihe Minimum Tcmt MOlllhiy WcsuawPRO Char~c" CD-ROM ChHrgcs uod WeslPaek Sub:ieripliun Clmrgcs Dre billed Ihemlner n1 \IP to \hCII-<:UIT'~nl rates. Excluded Ci,,'rgcs alld Monthl} WC$ll.^"PRO Chargcs (ufter the Mil1lmllm Tonn) m~} be IMdrfied as set fOrtJl in Ihe S"bsmlxr ""reo'nenl (a$ defined hereml. Subseri\"r is 'c>Jl<HlSlbtc lor ullt,xcluded Clll1rg<'s ns incurred. Snh.<crihrr'. Inilinl~ for 12, 2-l or 36 Montll MillimunI Ttrl1\ 12 Munth ,\linirtIUflI "form fur W~slluwl'RO. \'h.tl'uek l'rlm ami CD-ROM l'r{ldU~I~ -2()% W~';\tl'{lck Print nnd CO-ROM Product disCOUIl\ (!I~W olldexisringj _ 24 MOllth ;lUnJmurll Term Ii,}r We,tlawPRO. Wesll'uek Prlnl :U1d CD-ROM I'rnducl$ - 10% W.;,~II'<lcl; I'Tllll nnd CD-ROM l'ruuuel dl~-.;o"nt [nelV ""d c.><tlll!'.1 - ~;t'l>, Wcstl,,\\,I'RO Charges fors.:eonu J 2 month, nutlu .lIIoeo,., b)' ITlDI~ Ulan_%. m'Cf Munlhly Wesll,!\"rRO Clmr~es fm I"ill,,1 12 mumh,. -t(. ~ 3(l Momh .:'.linlmum Ta:nn rtlr \Vc..lj'IL1\\~I'RO~ '~fcs~Pnck Prmt and CD.ROM PmdUL:E~ - 50~'~ \Vc.'iWock Pnnl nnd CD~L{OM l~rodu,t dlS-COunl (nc.w ilnd C'Xl$LlDg~ P- Monthl)' Wc~\ln\\'l'110 Ch"rg~ for sC(:ond 12 mornhs m't 10 iucr<-'<lsC hy Illurc \hau ~% over Moalhl} W""tln\\PRQ CIL1re'" for inlll<,1 11 monl!,,; um! Month]y We5t1awf'R Churges fur third \2 mou\hs nul to illerctlSt! by n1<\rc thull ~% owr Monthly WQstluwl'RO Chnrges for s,:colld 12 ""lIllhs 1~ SlI Snbs(.;bcr's IniU"ls 10 ,,\to!rlc."~ ~r ~"<Jrlxmll~ uscr~ ~re ~mpl"ycLl by Subscrihor "llhe Ineminn idoOlilicd DOO\'c, IrWcs\ looms Ihal Lllc munbor of 'doer's aniliMoo ntlornC)'s exceeds ulis number, W\'S1 rcs~r\'Cs 111e n~hllu increase Sullscrtocr"s Monthly Westl~wl.rtO Charges lIS Dppltcnble [;~nal C~lor!lt~ t's~ 911II~~ Technicl,l Conlner for \Vestt'll\' Patron Access and CumpllS RC5~arch N""le \1'1"'''" prim) ClIrrenL "eel ;: Telephone. Sub5cribcr's I nilm]s E-Mall AudrcliS lemnnals will be llsed (j,r ('ulrun Access [nut l'I.'()ulrcd for Compll' Re;<edfeh) I=~ _~ ---- W""t]nwPRO Products - WestlllWPRO~~~wnls ~ ~--:-I 1 \ Currenl :-'lontlll~' WcsllnwJlnO Clllln\"-" Nuh':>; _ SlIbscribcr's InHlnls for 12 MOJJ[h Ren~'w"1 Term * Sllbl;crib<r ogre,," Ifl cnmmilto an mldilillllo1 J2 momhs and Ihe Monthly IVc.\Il""pno Chlll~L:S l'or IIIc such addll;orml 12 llWlIlhs shall be % more 1!r.1I Ihe eurrelll Momhl~' Wcsr]QwPRO Charges _ SUbscriber', Iniliaf.o< rOT 20l Month Renewal Tern\ · Subscrib1:r agrees 10 comlll;tto '1II "Lldillt\n.~1 2~ momhs. The Monlhly Wcs1l3\\'I'HO Charges fur lhc lifSI :IDdiliollnl 12 rnonLlls 511all ~ _% more .1~~lIlhc cum.:nl Monthly WcstlnwPRO Charg.!s and th~ Momhh' Wcsllawl'RO Charges for tile second addiHon.l 12 months ~hull Ill: _% IImr~ Ihalllhc Monlhly WosllnwPRO Chulges f{lf Ille fillilodditiollll] 1.2 mOlllhs _ Subs(rlh.r's Illltlnls for 36 MOlllh Reo",..nl Tcnn · Subs~ri~r ugrl'\.'S 10 eomm\llo on audit;ollal 36 lll{)mlls. The Monlhly We:.1In\\'l'RO Charges for Ihe firs\ :lIldlllorral12 monlhs shun bc_% more than the Cllrrent M(\lllhly WcstlawPRO Charges and the Monthly WcsllawPRQ Charge:; for the scc{ll1d additional 12 months shall be _% Ill"'" than ale M<llllhl~' W""I]aIl'PRO Clmrge. tin Ih. lirsl additimml 12 montl~ The Momhly WeSUawPRO'Chnrgcs forthe third lIddi\Inllul 12 mllnths shall he _% more than IIle Moulhly W~slla\\'PRO Chal~es fur the sce'l/ld :u!diliona] 12 months Lll ule l.~'ent a prumollon III the undcrlYlllg Order ronn required Subscriber to maimnin It subscription Iv U:r1lIin Wcst produets ill order ro be cli~il.>le for "lch pl't\I110llon (UDcpcndcney Subscripllun[s)"l, SubSl:nbcr must a]so mailllain ~uch Peper-den\,. SullScriplionM durin!: the RCfl~'\\'"l Tc-rm so Ulat511b:><.'1il>Clmuy be eligible Ibr the prking set Ibnh heroiu. In the CV~l1t Subscriber (o"'ninales any or illC Dependency SlIbscriplion(sl during Iii.. RCl1c\\al Term. UII}' promolions and related dlscounls for lhe L>cpcndelley Subsctiptionlsl shnl11mmcdinlQly wrmlllnlC · Effcctive atllle end or IIle currel\l Mmilllum Term C'.RellCwal Term"). Upon condllsinn or Ihe II.cnewnl Tenn, MllIldlly Wcslh<wPRO ('harges arc billcrllhcrc'Jlier m dlel\. currenl rnlcS ,,"xcludod Chnrg~ and Mnmhly WI!.~tla\\'I'RO Charge.< (aller the Renewal T"rmllllay ll<:' modified a. sel fimh in the Subscriber J\g~rr1em. Subscriber b f"Sponsible ror all Rwlllded Char~es a,; incurrcr!. J - I l..n'l Nnmc W~slla\>' Passwords nnd QuickVicw+ Hr.;! Nnmc M I '" tlv Lib I'nnl Other l'rotluc((s) .. SAME ALL SubscnlX:r shllllllulhonzc whiCh Wcsllaw pUii:;\\'ord(s) slmll havc a~ccss [\1 QUl~kVICI\"t. I\Clun! c]larges bIlled by W~l lIlay val)' from ch:lrgcs rcpuncd \Ill QUI;;~VIC\\~ Suh~criNr shaH pa~' ch,rges :l.< billed. West does not mllmnt nnd has no liabillly with res peer 10 tile ac~umey of charges or allier i "fOrmal ion 011 QII1CkVICW+ Aulhoril.ctl QuiGkVi<lIl"~ Password Holder Pn.~~word AUlhorilc-d ACCL II ]0/1107 SAMln~1 -I9(J.doc ~=- -<"~ i 1 _J fullS\"c Ii [\'un-W""IPnd, \\'~lInwrR()/ Cl}.. RO)1iWLECyrJducts '\ddiliOI1~"OTl~\Y::trOcl( \;';;stl:lwPHO, (;;~n'.S!! '~e~)Ed;;:;;~r;;~~l~ l\'r t"orICone. e.cr !{'llC l-----1 #- orr'1nIs Cone. CI) USN'S 1_ J Mo. n"odcdf B'lsr RIlle Other TII[nl Monthl, We< t1owPHO/CDI WLEe Chm'ge5 1_.. I r\oles~ J~~ j Tollll Chnrgcs S Mn01hly We,1Ia"PRO Ch~'Bes. C{J-lto1>.'l Chars"" ond Wo:$t Leglll!;dccntcT Ch~rgcs. nre billed on tile dnte West proco~s~ Suhscr,\)I:r's <>rder Md conlin,," 1'01''' 12 nl"lllh Minimum Tem!. Upon eonclusmn or the Minlll1llltl 'fenn, CD.ROM Cllnrges "ro billed IhcrcaJleT 111 then-curren 1 mles, If SlI\mribcr elcel~ n lon~er Minilllum Tcnn tlle Monthly WestlnwPRO Cllt\1]C3 nndlor West L~nlEdeenlcr Chnrg..' Ilill ~ billed liS sel 1'01111 heroin Uran COI1Chl<1on of lhe WC$llowPRO "ndlor West LcgnlEdceuter M,l1Imum fenn. Mlunllly W(>~lIl1\\'PRO Churg.c"S llJltllor West Leg~IE~ccnter C:1"lrg~s ~r~ billed Ih~relln~r 111 up 10 111m-current rnl~ Excludctl Chllrge5 Ull~ Monlhly WCSllawPRO Charges (~Ikr Ihe Mil1Llllum Telm) may be olll<lilicd as SCllbnh III Ihe Subscriber AWC"""'I1t (...< dcl1uc-u herem) Subs~"Ti\)l:r is rc;;flOll.~ih1c lor nn Excluded Charge'll5 illcurrcd. _ Snbserib~f's lnitiuls filr 24 ~lorllh Wc.lI11wI'HO IIIIMof West J.egl1lJ::deenlcr MlnllUum Term Suhscrll>:;r agre.:.< m commit 10 11 MinimulTl Term ,,1'24 nlllmhs ~ml Ihe Moutllly WcslluwPRO Churgcs nlllUor West Le~alEdlXotcr Charses j(lr tho secood 12 momll. nO! lu incr=~ hy 111010 thnn _% owr the Momhl)' WesllawPRO Charg{)S and/ot Wesl LegalElkenler Chargc.s Ibr Ih\! IUiliol12 nlonlhs _ Subscrlbcr's Inili~ls r"r 36 Month We;o.1tl1wl'RO !lnd/or Wcsll"<1;nTEdeentc,' Minimnm TCfltl S"lrn"nl..'T ngrc~ to OOUlIllllto n MllltlTlml1 Tenn "no mUll1hs alld lhe MOll1hl,' Westlnwl'RO Charges and/or We,ll LegalEdcemer Ch~rscs lbr the second 12 montllS ootlO merL~ h) lnllrl: 1Ir.1Il_% over the Monthly Westlawl'lW Churges and/or WeS! u:gulEclecmcr Charges rer the [lllllal 12 mOl1lh~ und UlC '\/onlhly WestlaWPIW CharSes and/or West LegnlEdccnlcr Charges lor Ihe [hird 12 'nonths Mt tu incr~~c by more Ihon _% o\'er \he Momhly WesUnw]'IW CllOrg.;S andlo. W~l LcgolFAcclller Cl1mgl!S for lhe "'.....nd 12 llIonths _ Suh,~riher's InUinls ~,l(>m~ys or eorp<JTnte user. nre employed by SubSt,~r allho It>e1lI;On idemilieu 11b,wc (ror Wes1lawl'RO. CD-ROM =e lnw ord~r5 andlor West LcgalEdcel1lN Chnrges). If West IcWM Ihill Ibe lIumber of Suhscribers "nilinlcd nllome}'s "~cecd< this Tlumber. West "",e,,'es lh~ right to illcr~se ~uh'iCr[l;cr's Mont1ll}' Wesllnwl'RO Chilmes liS upplieuble _ CO-ROM llnd/or W~st LegnlEtlcchlcr IlDuuul billing (plCJlSe clL~ek if ",q"~~lcd) West l~ltlEdccOlerOnllne Fealures I1n11Sct"l'lces: ~~"bscriher's Illrllnl~ - Sllbscrlrn:r "cknowledges thaI each uocr will ro:dl'e nn initi,,] e-mail eommunknlino from Wesl LegalEdeemer wllieh includes ,- ~ ~JlOrt3nC iorom",liQI1 about USm!; th~ service (including llscmnolle ;lod PJ1SSI\'Ord). as w~1I as ongoing commllnlc.ltion regilroinil new "nlin\! progrnms ~I'~ilahle in lh~lr pmctiee ~1O({(S) ;111<1 sr~lal nnnollnccmcn15 Sul>scriber's u;;eo; may opl "nl nllerthe in;1 iill L'-muil commulllemion. progmms excluded from tll\! Onhne eLl; Pnss sholl be billed at th~n-ctItrenl rut~s vi;! cred]1 cord billing, Additional Nou-WcstPnclt Print Products Full S,'d~ Nnn- WcslPack rrinll'roduc~ OU1II1III\' l.isl Chum"" Olhe,. Churj1,cS I I I I I I I I I I Notes: Tllt..1 Ch:trll:cs S Tel11t~ or PU)'nWD[ fur T'rint Products, Wesl's standard Icrms or pnymCT1llbl pr;nt products pnrellll.S.:d arc nCl30 dll)'" West msy dCCllO accept insmll menl paymenls un tho purchase price, 11lSl:tUOIcnt IX'YOICnt l~mlS nre S pcr monlh plus I'LX rllr nl'pro"imntcly months until the "utcl~$<! pticc. plus allY ndd;,ianol umOul1l.> ullderthis Order fllnTl, ;~ jTdid in rulL Snhscrlpllon Service mId )'nsswords. Sulisenplion service mDY consist of npdl!tc., IInd/nr supplements u; il,e service, includiug hUI nol limited 10: (a) CD-ROM Libraries updntcd, replaccmenl or supplemenlal CD. ROMs tlnd online updales, and other rdatcd $uppltmcntal mDlerial: <bl T'rill1 I'roouel' pockel parts, p.lmphlcts. replnccmclll Dr aneillul)' volumes: luoro-loaf !MIlCS tllld ulhcr rcJat~-u supplemental malerials: all of >INch nmy be billed sepml1clr at thcn-currclll r.tICS. $uliserihcr hcrcbJ: requests thai W.:s1 pro"ide suh~criptinn .m';= for the herein-descrilied products at then-eurrent ",Ees unlil such s~l:o:cri(llloll "",."jC<:l' ~rc caneelloo by West {lr cnnc.:lled upon wrillen rcq~<;! by Subscriber uller lhe Mimmull1 Term Inr WcsIP"ck pnnl or CD-ItOM produ~1.~ Any passwords lssucd hen:m may IIIlly bt: used hy Ihe [X'rl'<>1l I,) whom tile ra<.;woro is i~sued alll:! 511>1rill],; Qr passwords IS $'fRlCTL.Y I'ROHIBIlBtJ Gelleml I'ro,'ll;OllJl, 'nllS Order fonll IS subJcct 10 approval hy WCSl m St. I'aul. Minn~OIn and is gm'cmed by M mnrroln law, The SI3tC ;lnd rcdernl courts siumg ill Mlnne"'la willlul\'C c'Xc1u,;jve jurisdictloll over;my el31m arisinll frum or r>:Jal.-<l 10 thIS agr~~IllCIlI. Applicabh:: sales, use, personw prnperl)'. ""Iue utld~d lax (VAT) Dr cquil'nlcm.. nd "nlurem and nlh<::r In.~cs arc payable by Subscriber. Subscriber mOl)' be chiUlled imerest for o\'t:rdne inslallmL~11$ alld subscriptions and Cor other Upcll i1CCOlmt chargel, If any inslallmen15, suhl;criplions. su~eriplion sef\'iees. WC':ltluw Churse. ur '[PC'll occnUn\ elmrgcs r~muhl unpaid 30 dD)'S uOer lJ.::coming dne, nil UllIlTJtUI'\.'ll insl3llmell1s. induding nil omounl. Ihat arc or would become du<: and pa)'ilble ror the r.:tnoil1lll~ I\!rm or Subscribe"!', S~bscriher Agrccmenl. shaH heeom.: Imm~intely due ~Ild payable al \h~ ~olc OphM "I' WO:;L I nWre5t ehatges m3!' be ndju;tcd 10 tIh! Ihell-highcsI currentlUl~ 3l!owl1blc on MilU1::5oln CQUlrJCLS, This OHler FornI 15 non-\mnsl<:mblc. All collection fees. including but not Hllll\cd lQ nllornc}'s fe>:s.l1l'C pnyab1c by Subscriber Tr.msponatioo llntl huntllinl) WOB origin) chnrscs will be added for prim produC\5 West mnl r<;qllCSt . eurrenl Ii.ancinl ,1:11emenl1llldlor obtnin consumer credit !l::pul1 on tile ullder;signcd mdh'idlllllto dClcnmne creditwonhiness, W~'5t will onl)' rcqn~t consumer Clcuil illlbmlaliun ulIll,e wldcrsigncd if the underSigned is opplymg for cn:dlt os an mdividll~1 or Irlhe untlet5,gncd's consumer credil infononl1on lS neccss~1)' for WesllO Cllllsldcr gmnting cred,l 10 Ihe llrurem~lltim",d eu,"pun,' 1 I' SubscrIber iml"IR."S whether II cl<."tlil r"port "'" roquL'>lcd. W""1 will pmvide in(;'r'Ill31i~n of <ueh. if a .epon ",as reech'cd nnd Ihe nnm~. ndiJrcss nnt! lelcphunc number oflhe ngo::ncy dUll SUPJllied Ihe ,e[XIrL Returns. If Suhscribor 15 nol complelely !<!Itislicd \I;th any nan-WestPae. pnut or non-Wl!SIl'nck Cll-ROM prOdUCl received from West. \h~ product mllY 00 rclumcd 1\1111111 .IS tlnys of tllc Invoice dale fot l1 fulll'efund or eredll, in aCCllrd~nee Wilh West"s thefloclIrrem relums polielCS \\'OSth1\\' Charge. lllltl WCSI LegnlEtlcerncr Charges arc onl refuudobk IOflf()7 SAMlnCl 490.d(Jr ~.~=~ ",J= ~~ ~ = OIl!in;;;:~~IC~~;l.lIrSCd Online !'rudue" ~- "=.J ' ~,..---""" -- -I .....J..,.c"..WT~ ['nllS,el! fI (}f 1'1L~5l1'OI.t1~ SEE AlTACHEO LIST FOR ONLINE PRODUCTS TO BE LAPSED y Tht Subscriber '\~"ee"'cnl for \Yr"rllm Iml! C[)-RO~I Uhrllri~. (lie lIPfllicuhlc Sclledule " IJrice IJI"n, (for Wl'sclnwPRO products :wdfor CD-RO)I Lilmlries prolluels) mullor Ille WeSI LCg.'IIEdcemer Snbseriber A!!;recmrnt (fur West L~"IEelccnter products) illdil'idulIlly or jl1illU~', ..., ll)lplicuble. (-Subscriber Agl'crrne nlWj is/arc herehy LlICOqlOl'utcd by reference ~mJ m IIdr Jl'l rl nf Ihis Orde r Form. In the e\'Cnl t hcre is u conflict hetwecn Ihe terms HUel cunditions of rlit, Suhscriber Ag.rcement and the terms n nd cOlldilions oftlds Order Fnrlll, the le.ms lInd condilions of thls Order Furm shllll control. Subscriber by 1I1s/hcr~re below, "el[flI~~Odinp.ullll uC~.JlrltnCe ufllie trrms :md conditiolls of he Suliscrihcr Agreemellt. Sigouture X Dull' -;:? ~" 1 AUTHORIZED ;j'SU:S ';,\TATIVE FOn ORI.l~:n F< R1'>#o1 _L -R I, '" 'A-f ,.-- f' .1- I B TI' . :r1 0 f vtI"'S....."".. Ci o.nne 11 -:/(,(tJJ&(;.'( -r(J C;GC r(.l.. Ce'o- n ;J-c> MeC .;:l-SS, Signntu re MMler C"rd Explr. J)at~ A lit Ex Tnl;ll }\mt. to Chal"l:c Title ~* '" Dale ForCrcdit Cilrd# 10/1101 SAMtncl .J90.dar West law Government Select Modules Addendum PROGRAM LD : CPRO Dale 03/25/09 Account Name MONROE COUNTY ATIORNEY Account Number 1000730542 ~:~" Subscdber's Initials for Modl;l~s elected by Subscriber ~<'. ~ Pil:ose (Inter tile slate dl?sigllafioll fo/' (tad! applicablct Core aml,S'tale-Specific module: .~ped(ied Natiollal and Tnlli~"l Mouules (Continued) o All St<llC Primmy Lu\\" o Americlln Jurisprudcnce (t\MJUR) o AillcriCM Jurisprudencc LeIJal Poons o AmericlUl La\\' Rcporls(AUq I1Sl Bill & RC~\llu[or)' Tmcking o (',1St: Evaluator o ('orpOr.l[C Fomls 1m Corpus Juris Secundum (CiS), o Criminal Liligmioll Specialist o CrillliMt Records o I.:mplo)'menl Coordilmtor o E:'\pCl1 Tcstimun)" o Fcdcmll'ri'llmy Lllw o Foml:; Librnl) (rOnllcrl)' All Fomls) o Gnlpllic:!1 Statules o Luw Revicws and Journals [gJ Legisl alive History-Federal & All Slate o Nmionul Criminll! An,llytical 129 National Public RCC(lrd~ o Norton Bankruptcy La\\' o I'l\SlSlnt locator o People Map Comprehensive o Rea! Property o RClJ! Property C'onslruclillll o Rcgu!atiOl1sl'llls o Resultsl'ltt" ~ ResuhsPlus Premium o US News I8l WEST LEGAL ED CENTER ~ BRIE-FTOOLS {gJ EMPLOYMENT I\. HR 129 ENVlRONMNENfAllAW ANYl ~ REAL PROPERTY l&l REAL PROPERTY CONST I1Sl 1.1'-'. 'I1.Jl1~$ UJ.SCAG!W>1i eUMllE [8] FORM FINDSR ADVANTAGE o o o o CIII'cls1 ill) WeSt law SelccL St~tc Con:: ~~ o Regulatory Core o Fedcro] Primary Core SI'lle S[1cdlk "'-Tlulule.< o _Adminislnltivc [g] FL AllalvLic.,1 - " 0_ Appelllltc Court Briels 0_ IJw;incss l.uw 0_ Ch'ill'!cudings. Motions & Memoranda 0_ Construction I,a'" 0_ Criminal o _ cFonns; Courls und Ag.cncics 0_ Employment Luw IRI FL En\'imnmcntlll Luw o _ E~llltc Planning o _ Falllil~' Law o _F..:dewl M;IIC~lIls 0_ F"onllFinder o _ Gr~phicallJundl" o _Jurisprudence o _Jut')' Instructions 0_ Lcp,islntiw HiSlol')' o _ Litigation Ba<ics 0_ MUllicipnl UtI\' lID ~ Munidpul Law Counselor o Pmeliee S~rics 0_ Rcai Prop~I1Y lEl Fl. SUllC COUlt Doc~cts 0_ !;j1nte Court Docunl~'I1L~ NutiolllllllUd T~llllC1l1 :\IotlJjI~~ o 50 SEale Statutes S ur\'e) D Advanced Employment I'l"Jcli~ o Advanccd Managing OUlsidc Counscl l8l All AnalyHcul l8l All Briers o All Fcdcml CU5CS lEI All News lEI A IIl'rirn<lt')' La\\' o All Slnte Cuses 4/1109 SAMlncl 562.doE ONLINE PRODUCTS TO HE LAPSED FULL SERV # # OF PASSWORDS 40436075 WL CUSTOM PRO LVL 1 GOV GC 21-30 BANDED 5 30304883 WL PRO ALL FORMS LIBRARY BANDED 5 WL PRO ALL STATE & FEDERAL BRIEFS 40440365 BANDED 5 30302112 WL PRO AMJUR BANDED 5 30302365 WL PRO ANALYTiCAL LIB - FL BANDED 5, 30302336 WL PRO FED BILL&REG TRACKING BANDED 5 30302369 WL PRO FL JURISPRUDENCE BANDED . 5 40421864 WL PRO GENL CNSL ALL NEWS PLUS BANDED 5 WL PRO GENL CNSL EMPLOYMENT & HR 40422151 BANDED 5 40422221 WL PRO GENL CNSl LEGIS HiSTORY BANDED 5 40421788 WL PRO GENL CNSl NATL PUB REC BANDED 5 WL PRO GENL CNSL REAL PROP CONST 40422261 BANDED 5 40422229 WL PRO GENL CNSL REAL PROPERl'( BANDED 5 WL PRO GOV GC ENVIRONMENTAL ANL Y 40438650 BANDED 5 WL PRO GOVT GENL CNSL ALLPRIM LAW 40443517 BANDED ,5 40435481 WL PRO GOVT GENL CNSL FL BANDED 5 40281942 WL PRO HARRISON ANL Y - FL BANDED 5 30302837 WL PRO LAW REVIEWS & JOURNALS BANDED 5 WL PRO MULTIJURIS GRAPH STAT D1SP 40503062 BANDED 5 40456903 WL PRO MUNIOPL PRACT CORE FL BANDED 5 40470694 WL PRO RESUL TSPLUS PREMIUM BANDED 5 40369027 WL PRO STATE DOCKETS FL BANDED 5 Non~Availabilitv of Funds Clause for Use with WestlawPRO Government o .ders If the Subscriber fails to receive sufficient appropnauon of funds or authorization for the expenditure of sufficient funds to provide for the continuation of this Agreement and the Order Form, or if a lawful order issued in or for any fiscal year during the Term of this Agreement and the Order form reduces the funds appropriated or authorized in such amounts as to preclude ma.k.ing the payments set out herein, this Agreement and the Order Form shaH terminate on the date said funds are no longer available without any termination charges or other liabiHty incurdng to the Subscriber. The Subscriber shall certify and warrant in writing that suffici~t funds have not been appropriated or authorized to continue this Amendment, and provide West notice not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of cancellation. Non-Availability of Funds or failure to receive authorization for the expenditure of sufficient flUlds as used herein means a level of funding that results in less funding than that which was allocated to Subscriber in the immediately preceding fiscal year. ~ Ratification of Agreement Addendum The signature of this agreement by the County Attorney represents conditional approval of the contract. which must be ratified by the Monroe County CommissIon at a duly noticed public meeting in order to comply with Section 2-58(b)(1) of the Monroe County Code. 7fIf West LegalEdcenter@ Subscriber Agreement legalEd ,\GREEMENT enler<rJ inlo b;!~'Ie.en ('Suhscriber). as defined en the We~l LCilslEdCenler Order Form ['Or~er Fomrj ann WOSI, a Thomson business ('West") re::Jard~lg Wesl L~aiEdcnnler, ils onnne OOl\tinuipg legal ciucation SCl\IiCe, as follows: 1. Uoonso. a. Grllnl. S\lbscnber is grnnled a non~~c1uslve, non.lramfer.lble. limited license \0 e= and usa Wes! LegolEocenlBr. West LegalEacioner conslsls of Vi1linus West. O\'me<I and ll1ird party databases, services, funclkJns and 'ConL~nl', as defined herein {ClJ!I!X:~vely 'Fooluresl whicl1 may c~onge from time to bme. Access 10 certain FealUrus may be restricted. Subscriber is also licensed 10 ~cress and use 'Conlent" (ilS define\! h~reln) made nvaaoble on West Legn!E:dcenler for etluWJonal purposes aM in 1M rogulm course of fegal and oLher research and reloted wOIk. 'Conlenf jntl~des bolh lexL.based and multi-rn!:di~ (s!r~aITJfl\l aud,o Mdlor video) content Subscribar is ffcetlselJ 10 dOVl1110ad one Cllpy of Ic,t.bilSed Coolenl on any smgle oompuler for Subscriber's personal, noncommercial use. as long as all copyright and oUler proprielaty notices rcmiJin Inlacl and are promlna01Jy lIisplayeo. aoo, Subscnber lI1<I)' dov,'J1loCl(! and Slore me tcxt.baS!!1J COOlent ('DO'.'In!oaaea GOO1Mt') 10 a slOfilga de'llta under Subscribers exdusive control Slllely ~) to display inlemaUy such DtrMllOooed Conlenl (iI) 10 pnnt OUI S1Jr:h OoI'tntoaded Conlenl only for internal use and (iiI) 10 Quote and exceljJt from such Downloaded Gonlont (approprialely ciled and Cled~ed) by c1m:lronli: culling and pasUng or OUler mcilllS in II1e1llOf1lnda, b1icis aM slmilat \1101\0;. WiUt respect !o mulli-moolil Contenl, SubSO"bar [s Ii~nsed 10 present audiQly amlIor of.s1bly the alldio OMlor vldC() signal on any single computer conlempOf1lneoos \'lith lhe l1ilnsmlssion of Ule muIU.rrn:dia Comelll from West LegalEdcenter and only for oactllndl'llilual West LegalEdCMler uSllr who is registered 10 access and use Conlen~ and, Subscribl!r may not dIW1I11ond 01 StOIC the mul\i.madi. ConlenL b. LlmllaUon~, Subscriber ffiir( JlOtsub~~ense. Vansler or o!l1t!lWise make aVilifable any Co~leol fll any ll1inJ party for commercial purposes or f;Oilllcial gain or ure Conlent in any olher media or in any cUler location. Subwiber m.y not atter or modify Content in any way. Subscriber may nO! copy. download, scrape, slore, pubish. transmil. rotlOnsmiL disllibuta. broadcasl. drculale. Ironsler. sell. resell repub~sh. upload. dislribule or olhllJWlse use Conlet1t Gr any pornon of Contero, in ""y fo,m or by any means, e~cepl (i) as expressly permitted by this Agreeman~ (D} wlll1 WesFs ptiIX mlttElll penrissloo. or (iiij if not expressly prohlblled by lI1is Agreeman~ as allowed und€( lIle ta~ use proisiQn of ilia Copyright Acl [17 U,$,C.A.!i 107). &Jbscriber shaD not sell, license er disVillOle Conlenl (i~uding printouts and DOl'mloaded COnleOlt 10 Ulirli parlle3 or u:;e Conlent as a COOlpanent of IX ilS e basis far any material alfered for ~e, license or dlslrlbugon. o. Rrgll~ In Canlent. Except for l1Ie license grall1ail in iliis Agreement, al! Jfghts, tiUe and interest in G<lnlenl. in all lang\lilgos, fwnats and media lllroughout llle wodd. including all copyngnls arn:llrndemarlts, are and will contmue 10 beWe exclusive property of WMt and other conbibulolS ("COnlntJulars'), Un~ olhen'lisc noted. allrmtIJrials. including images. muSlra[ons, designs, lDOIlS, photographs, audiolvidea cflps, and vm~en and other maleri.ls Ulal are part of West LDIlalEdcenl$r. <ua copyi1ghls, lrildemai1<s, trade drcssandloroll1erinleUeclusl properties owned. cun1ro11ed or Ilcl!ll~ by W~L Z. Use ofWesl L~~lEdcenterConlenl Under no CUGumslancos is Wesl providillll legal advice '>'10 West LegalEllcenler. Wesl legalEdcenler provides inform~Uon of a legal nature and is designed fer educatian;li and I1lsearch purposes only. West does not endorse any ot !he vlewpoinls cOl1\;lined in any semlnar, case or m.terial expresselJ in or accomp;lOying a seminar, Such viewpoinls are solely lllose of the releviII1l CDntJibulcc;; andl(;<'lhe fiICUfty. Wesllillles no responsibility for lI1e Umeliness of the information presenled in ll1e semlllars OJl WesllegalEdtenler. The primary source malerlals indudOl:l on WesllegolEdcenter are iIIclud1ld only lor !lul reference of the West LegalEdcenler user. Wes1lakllS IlQ responsilli1ily for We $laJracy at 1m! inlOlTllalion relale!! to cooUnuing legal ooucaUoo rCLEI requIrements In any jurisdiction. Such information is provided only (or the convenience 01 l/le WC5l LegalEdCEfl!!!r user. Su<:h CLE requiremen!$ lnformawn is subject 10 change withoot no~ce, and \lllch user shoold consull his 01 her local bar aSSOCIatiOn or rontinulng legal educ.ation bOilrd for up-1o-date in!arnliltion. 3. Wost1aw PJl usage of WesUow as a result af linkage [rem We;llegalEdcenler is goyomed by l/le lerms and ronditions of the WesUaw Sub5~ber Agreemenlin efiecl belWeen Subscriber and West Subscrilroris responsiblefa' all Wes~y dJarges genel1lted wlllll1linlMg from Wcsl LcgoiEdcentar. 4. Sub;crlbnr Pdvo~y and InfDrmallon a. P~SSWDrd. Subscribers lK:COunl vAlli West LegolEdcenler is passwortl.prolecllld so Uta! only SubsCll'b\!f~n ac= il. b. SubEcrlbnr Inronnotlon. Subscr1ber proVides persllllallntOlllloHOIl coUecledl!lrough WO!;t ltgalEdcenler on a voluntary b;r>il; through a visible m!!<ltlS of data entry or by collecting Infarmation using aWes! legalEdclinter Registration Foml. Wesl LegalEdcenler employs set:ure socke!:; layer (SSL) SOlVllI sollwarn to preven\ unauUtorized accoss to tila informalion Su\lscriber SUbmits when purcllil5lng Conlenl and when accossing certa'.n accoonl inf=ticn of $utr..criber. Upon request. Wesl LegalEdcenlerwlll (a] remove Subscnol!finrorma!ion from West's Internal systems {wilh the e;(~ljon of sales and usage infolJ11aHOll for business record keepiO'iJl: {Ill correot personal WOI1ll<lwn lhat SIIbscfiber staleS Is errDl1eous; or (0) Jlem:it SIIbscriber to 'OPI our of further e-mall rontact (excepl notficaliO!1 of rmJjcr chongos kllhe service) while still all~li.ng SubSl;!iller to acress. West LegalEdceoter, Wesl is obligated 10 pmlide lhe nomes and auomey klen~flCaUon numbers a,1d eantY.:\ inlorroa1lon of indc,iduill Wesl l.ega!Edcenter users woo _iew CtE programming to Lie Conlribulors and to some stai~ ar;.;redilaban agendes for their use. WllSl mw ose anI! di>lnbute statistics LIlal do nol b:!ude PelsooaJly identifiable inlormal>:'n lIla\ show USIllO' interests and prelerenC6, flloduClS so!<i. traffic pa\lmls and related Wesll.egalEdrenler info:maUon 10 a reputable third party. Pel'5onal dala pro\'lded by SubS".1iber is deftvered eleclroniwly 10 !Nesl smerslOC1lled in lhe 1Jn~oo Slates, c. I? lousing. Wesl LegalEdcenw legs IP addresses lor systems admlnislraUan an~ lmubleshootirg purposes SUbscriber's lP adorcss ln~ie<lles Ute lOCation of Suuscribl!r's computer On the Internet Wes! LegalEdcenler may also galh~r anonymous infolfOaUon Ih~l mil)' be used by WesL lll' slmred IWth Ihird parties. This infoll11llUon does not personally i;lenmy Subscriber, but may be ~clpful in improving the SOl'lice::; ollere~. Generally Ulis infonneljon is co~ecled through traffic data ;md may entail 1110 use of cookies. IP addresses. or oil1er numo~~ codes used \0 identify a GDmpuler. Gc<Jkies ~lYe Wesl LegalEdcenler u.ersspedal. rendom toe lI1al are small text fII~, VAliCll ore slOl'~d on LIle hard drrle of a use(s computor. West t!.'9olEtIDenler employs cookies lo recognize Sub~ber and Subsoober's = privileges for cer1ain kH:2Uons on lbe WflSt LegalEdcenter sites as well as 10 trad; site usage. Subscribtlr can set Subscribers bro\'lser (0 refuso al cooki(lS or to indica Ie when a cookie Is belng soot SUbscribers who do nal accept coo/des frem Wesl LBflai~dcenter cannol access some areas of Wesl l~aIEdCEnter, Wes: may, in ils sela discretion. pe.1orm slatiStical o'l3lysls of 1110 collective cheraclerislics and behavior 01 West LegalEdcenler users 10 measure inleresls In 1!1e vanws <ueilS of West Legal Ed cent or (for product deve!opmt'll and other business d!ll'oloprrn:nl pUrposes). d. Third.P_rly Wob S1l1ls. Subsaiber should be aware lhill wilen Sobsmber Is uccessing WCSllegaiEdcenler, Subscriber could be directed, by seieGtinglinks, lo otlto: Web sites l.hl!l ere beyond the control of WesllegalEdcenttr. TIlerc. ffiil'1 be finks 10 ali'.!!r Witt! $ites from WezllegafEdccnler pages Uml take Submiber culside of Wesl servires. These oUtet Web siles may send Iheir own ron~ies to Wesl Legal Ed center users. collect and trnck data, or solidi personal inlormalion, West Ltg~IEdwnter does not endOlSe the comenl faund on such lhlrlf.paJli' Web Sites. SUbscriber assumes soie re.sponsibi~ty far Substnbe(s~se ofll1kd.party links and pointers, o. Di~~unlon Forums end Menage!:. If Subscti'Jer p3rticip~los in any discussions on West Lag;dEdcentlll', SubscrilN:r ~lees not 10 use my language lhat is threatening, abusile. vu\.lor, diswu~ or criminal. Substriber also egrees not fll post or lr.lllsmil infoll11llliorJ or milloo1lls that would Yiolale the ~ghls of a thinl par1y. including but not fiOl!led 10 tllpylighls, or wI1Icl1 wou!d .comam a \ifIUS or other harmful componcnl V;1lcnlNer $ubsaibergives oulinformaliGn OnfiOO InCludIng. lhe postlog Df B message 10 a diswssion glOup. such Information c.an be collecled and uS1ld lly poople Stlbscn'ber dOllS not know. West LegalEdcenter cannot conlrolllle ae(!; Df users who ure tile Inleractlve FoalUres of WesltegalEdccfllar. Sub:;criber praY!des pcI'SOnallnfonml\loo, suth ;r> name. e-maIl addl1!S:!;, l'TIIliing address. and p.~onc number during 5u&h use ~I Substriber's own r\$~, as !hey may be used by other parties outside of West LegelEdcenler lor unwiicited e-mait or other ronlacL By pub6slrlng. uploaUcnu or submitting any materials 10 Wes\ LegalEdconlor. including messages postC!d in West lEg~!EdGEllller discussiOn glOups or chalrOOffiS. Subscriber aulomalk;aily grBllts (or wammls ll1al the O\'il1ar uf such rights has CXjliessly gl1lllledl West a perpetual. royall)'. [ree, io'e-iOCPble. nonexclusive righl and tjt;ll{lse (with tho righ\ 10 gl1ll1l sublioenses)10 use. reprod~. modi\)'. adap~ jlubli;h. banslale. J;(eale darivawll \I'OI1Is from, disb1bule such materials. lncorpornle liUCh malerial and olhert.ise explO!l all data or Informalim Subscriber pubishos 01\ West LegalEdoonter into any ronn. medium or (echnology. nol'l known or laler developed. SObscribe!' funher egrells thai all SlJdJ oommunicallons Subscriber mal:es 10 West bgalEdcenler shall nol be deemed confideaUal. SubscIiber s!1a~ remain solely responsibl~ fur lIle oonlenl 01 Subscriber's mOSSll!los, rogardless of lIle conlent ol such rn~. By SubSC!1bar's aCCilplance of these terms and contfllioos Sub~criber agrees to waive all recourse agail'lSl West for allY aHegell 01' actuel infringcmcnl or misappropriation of any propllelllly or canlIdenUat publlcatlol'lS or rommunicclions 10 WO!;I LogalEdrenter f. U$C of SubiCnlJerO~!a. by West West does not monitor. edlt or oisdoSo 11m conlants of eny e.mail 00 alOO' <<lI1lmunicatioo wilh West legalEdcenteJ' unless requhetl in ilie coulSe of nOlll1al malntenance Dr oporaUon of West legalEtk:enler and its S)'SIClllS or unless rOQLlired to do so by raw or In !he good 'faith belielthat such adioo is ne<:essary to (a) COOlply with l/le 100 or comply v.ilh legtll process selVed on Wesl; or (b) pral!lCl or defend lha nghts or properly "fWesl West cannot guaranleillho security of any infOllllation Subscriber dIscloses ooine. and Subscrlbllrdoesso at Subscribel'smVl1 rial;. 5. Charges. Charges payable by $ubsmlJer for access to West LegalEdcenter ('Viest LCl/alEdcenler Chargesl will be as slated in Ule West le(lillEdcenler Order Form. an l'IOSllegaledcenter.com or as lllheIV~$!!' agreed upon in wrilin!l by the pallies. West legalEdcenler ClliIlllOS may be modilied upon alleast 30 days prior noUce 10 Subscriber in wnling or on~ne. Ch3f\)es are e~dusile 01 sales, USl!, vaiue aOde<lla:.: (VAT) 01 equi>ta!enl, ad valorem. personal properly aM oUier ta>:es, which 1I!1llhe responsibility of Subscriber, Subscnben'lill pay all invllIces in lull wit/lin 3D days afreceipllf full paymant is ncl rmde, Subscriber may be chsfl/ed up 10 LIle rn&iJmm legal [lleresl 00 Gny unpaid billallCll. 6. wesUcga!lldcenler.com. Vlcsllcg:l!edcenler.oom is an Inlemel.bas!<:I Ser.tY.:1l lI,a\ prO)'idcs CCl:CSS t~ West legalEd~ntor West gmnts Substriber a non.exClusive, oon.lr.nslerable, lirtiled license 10 use Yie.s~egaledcen(er,com (includl1lg <III versions and upda\l'li). Subscriber mort r.ul reverse engineer, ae<:ompile, disassemble or othe.....ise allelllpt to discem the sourre code of 11m COIl1ponants of \'~uegaledcenler.com nor may Subscriber reproduce aU or any parllon olllre romponenls 01 wesUegaiedcenlcu;tmt SubsCli~er mS'1 tJ~ Coment cached in Subscribers focal dIsk drive selay in sUflllort of ils use of IYastlegaiedC".Aler.oolll. Certain software used by SubscrtOOr may not be capable 01 suppor1ing I','esllegaledcen\er.oom The performance of wes\!t'golodCi}nter.com valios wiTh the manufacturers' equipmenl and networking (ilH;lud;ng l'Ii:hout limilal1an Ihe Inlcm21 and lh'.l WOlld \''Jde Web}witl1 wllich It is used" 7. Disclaimer of WammUes and Llmlwtlon or Li~bllify. West aM its COntri~ulolS do not \'IillTant thai aCC(!S$ 10 West LegalEdtlll1lei'vrilt be unlnterrupled or error flW. Th~ aWlllablffty o! COnl~nl Gtpends on rna.~y fnclo~. indudi'l!! Wes1"s connecti..o 10 the Intemet SubsCllbe(s conlleClian 10 the Internel the availooflJl)' or VIe lownet aM the lnl~mel baCkbOne, Md equipment SubscriOer es~umes Ihe enlire risk il5 to 1110 qualily and peilOlmance of WeS! LegaJEdcenler and !he accmacy or compleleness 01 any infofll1oaon abOUl sla~e ClE requiremenls" West makes no represenlalion thai Conlenl on West legalEdcenter Is appropriale or aulI10rized lor use in 011 wunlries. stalos. pro\>inces, cDunlies. or any other jurisditlkln. WEST tEGALEDCENTER DOES NOT IN ANY WAY OPERATE, CONTROL OR ENDORSE ANY PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR CONTENI APPEARING ON WEST lEGALEDCENTER FROM WESrS CONTRI8UTORS. SUBSCRIBER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT WEST DOES Iwr WARRANT OR GUARANTEE THAT CONTENT OF ANY I(IND OR fROMANY SOURCE AVAIlABLE FOR DOWNlOAD1NG 1HROUGH 'MOST LEGAIEDCENTeR Will BE FReE OF INFECTION. VIRUSES, WORMS, TROJAN HORSES OR OTHER CODE OR DEFECTS TIiAT MAY MANIFEST HilRMAJl AND DESTRUCWJE PROPERTlES, FURTHERMORE, WEST ODES NOT WARRANr 1WIT THE FEATURES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED. OR THAT WESTLEGALEDCENTERCOM OR THI;, SERVER[S} THAT MAKES WeSTlEGIlLEDCEHTER AVA1LABlE ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. weST lEGAtEDCENTER AND CONTENT ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRAtHlES OF At({ KIND Em-fER eXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING, BUT NOT llMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTAslUlY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ACCURACY. OMISSIONK COMPLETENESS, CURRENTNESS. CORRECTNESS, RELIABIUTY AND DELAYS, suaSCRIBER SHALL BEAR WE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. THE CLE CREDIT TRACKING SECTION OF WEST lEGAlEDCENTER MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION SUBSCRIBER HAS PROVIDED TO WEST lEGAlEDCENTER REGAROING ClE COURSES THAT ME EXTERNAL TO WEST lEGALEOCENTER. AlTHOUGH WEST LEGAlEDCENTER WILL MIo,INTAJN A RECORD OF THIS INFORMATION, 'M$f tEGALEDCEI>ITER rs NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFIRMING WHETHER AN ElGERNAl COURSE ATTENDED BY my \\'Esr LEGAlEDCENTER USER WM; ACruAll Y ACCREDITED FOR CONTINUING lEGAL EDUCATION IN AtN JURISDiCTION OR WHETHER THAT USER IN FACT EARNED THOSE CREDITS. WEST IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY MISINFORlMTION. OMISSION OR MISSTATEMEtrr ARISING FROM THE CREDITS RECORDED AND IWIlliTAINED IN WE CREDIT TRACKING SEC1JON. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL WEsr BE LIABLE TO SUBSCRIBER AND/OR ANY THIRD PARTY. REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, ARISING FROM THE USE OF WEST IEGP,lEOCEN1ER FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAl.. CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DMVlGES THAT RESULT FROM 1HE USE OF, OR WE INABIliTY TO USE, CONTENT ON WEST IEGAlEDCENTER, EVEN fF WEST HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBilITY OF SUCK OA~v.GES. tN NO EVENT SHALL WESTS TOTAL LIABILITY 10 SUBSl:RlBER FOR All DAMAGES. LOSSES. AND CAUSES OF ACTION (WHEIHER IN CONTRACT, TORT. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO NEGliGENCE, OR OTrlERWISEI EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY SUBSCRlBER, IF ANY, FOR ACCESSING THE WEST lEGALEOCENTER. B" RllSpIlll!llblllty far Certain Mol1c~ Subscllbet mar IlCCCSS W~l l~alEdce01er from additional SUb!;criber locatioos upon pliCX' o06ce of sud1 lOO!Ition. Subsoi!Jer is responsible for no~fyiOll Wesl In writing or persons to whom We~ LegalEdCllfller passl'tor~s are to be Issued or from \'.110m passworus ere 10 be revol\ed. Subscriber is solely responsible fO!' maintaining security of West LegalEdcenter passwords. Subscriber Is alro responsible flJ!" all access to aM use ol WesllegalEilcenter, inGluding Fealores. Content and wesUegaledcenle:r.com by Svbstlibe(s pelSOI1nel or westlcgalEdcenter p<.tSSWllrds. whelhe:r nr nol Sub$crib~ has km1llfedge III lJ!" aull1o~tes such access and usa 9" LImitation of Claims. Except for claims rel<lL'llU 10 Wesl LegalEdcefJler Charges or imjlroper u:.'C of Wesllega!Edccntef. Fe:ltures, Content or VlasUegaledcenter.ccm. no claim. regardless of ronn, Y,l1ich ic1 ally way arises out of ll1\s Agrnemenl, may 00 made. suell daim b!ought ullOer tlJis I\greem~nt morc tI1ll11 one year aQer tho D!lSIs for the claim becorres krlWoTI to Ule party desillng to =rt it 10. Torm and Tel111lnaUon. This A9reernent win OOCOITlll efrective upon apprwal i!!1d acceplan;;e by Weslln St Paul. Minnesota, amI will continue In force unm terminated by 8/1105 SAMlnel Eimer pM)' upon allea~t 30 days pnor wntt<m nob!;e of tmminabon 10 the olhH parly. Wesl m3Y lcmbnale Ihis i\groeml!<11 immcdlaW~1 upon gMng vlii1ten nolito of temMatiGll 10 S:AJscriber II S~bstlib~( Cummils n Jlk!lmiol tweetl of any obljga~on to West under any oUIPr agreement bct.'iPJln Ihe parties. Subscriber may lerminale this Agreemenl immediately upon givill!J Vfritle~ n~lice of lerminaaun t~ Wesl afler recci-ling DDffee uf an amendment (as perm~lea under par.lgl<'ph t 1; whlch oonl<lins new lerms that maleriaiiy "11~r 1M terms of Il,;;; Agreement and are un;k,epiable 10 Sllbs~ber or o~her porIY Illoy term;nlllo this Agreement immedialely upon gMng \'I1illen notice of lerminatioo \0 \he olher party if the other part)' commits a moterial bre;lch of this AgreemClll 11. EIloet of r~l)reemenl nlis Agreemenl {Vihldt indHd(!S nll (l.Hronl and Mure Orol'f FOmls ami ~'1e likel embollles the entire unders!allding between IIle paJlJe;j v~lh respect to the subject matter crll1ls Agreement and supersElll!S any and aU prior urnlmst<l11dings end agreomenls, oral or I\nllen, relalina to the subjtd mailer. Except as othawise prOl-ided in Ihis Agreement. WeS1 m~y a~nd the feffilS and conditions 01 III IS Ag1ccment hy grling Subscriber at ieesl 30 dll)'s priOrwritlen or online notice. Any aUlOI amendment musl be in I'lIiling and s.~ned by both pollies. 12. Foreo Majeure. Wests perfllfTll3nce under !his Agreement is subject [0 inlerrup~cl1 ami delay due lP cal~es beYOl1d its ro=noble control, such as acts of Goo, eels of any gll'iemment war or olller hosti'ily, eMl rjh:oroor. Ihe aemenls. fire, explosion, power fanure, equ!pmeollallure, inductrial or labor dispule. inabilily to ob!iJin n~ary suppliD5 and Ule Iil;s. 13. NoUc~$. B-:ccpl as oll1~.l'Mse pr(1llided hereLo, atl ~oti= must be in writing (0 Wesl 01610 Oppe;man Oliva. p.O, BilK 64833, SL Paul, Minoesolo 551611-1803. Atlenlion: Customer Semte, and to SUbwtJe! alllle address set fDlth 011 file Order Form. 14. GcnCr.lt Provi$lons. This Aareemeni v~n be governed by 1If1d COIlStrued under 11m luw of the slate of Minnesota, U.SA wi\houl regard In conl1icls of law provisions.. The parties ogree thel ~Je sta1e and f~er;ll courts sit6t.g in MiI1nesolll \ril hi!rJO exduswe jurlsdlclloo over any claim ari~ ou1 oj this Agreemenlllnd cad1 party cons[lllls 10 1/10 c~clusiVe jurisdic~oo of Sum courts. Neilher tlJis Agreement nor any part or portioo may be assigned. subliceos~ or otherwise lransfffied by Subscriber wilhoul Wesfs prioc W1iUen consenL Should any prwision of !lis Agreemenl be held to be voId. nvoITd, uMnrOlteable or ileg:.! by a coo;!. 1I1e validity and enforceability of the oll1er provlslons wiD nol. be affcded ll1ereby, Faiure of any party to enforce any prll'iisJon of ll1is Agreement \'/ill not cons6tule or be construed as a wai>.'eI' of such provlslan or ef file tighl to enforce such provisiOl1. The headings and capUOl1S iXlfiiained in this Aareemenl ale lnsertCl! rorconvenlenceolliy and do not tOostiMe a part 01 lhisAgrel!menl. SubScriber f:- pllnl :5" ~ z.a.ime A . 4/1lJYf ::: Co~z. 114rl1ey M~n t'pe Cf7t.1~1-y AlI-orney'.rCl+6c.f' Address 1111 /.1. d-- s: f, ;=::> f e #0 l' K' ~ tJe,j f- ~ I. -S '3 (J '/0 R.obt'rl- Sh:fl.'1-/p,- Telephone ~O 5 ~ ;;L 9? ' sf{ 7() tlame Armtlame Cnnlact Sales Representatril! f; .J,,}, i" I; 't I,~ J ' "-:' 5' r... f:U tC+ .(-(7 r'~-h'.f";wh'''n '-t (jpc..C frAr""M~r +-0 f1 C C ~<"'$P. 300.Qot