Resolution 064-1996 OMBI Schedule Item 10 Resolution No.O~-1996 A RESOLUTION FOR THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary to increase items under the Fleet Management Fund #504 of Monroe County Budget of Fiscal Year 1996 to account for unanticipated funds received. now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA. as follows: The Fleet Management Fund #504 of Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year 1996, be and the same is hereby increase by the sum of $286, 156.00 as follows: Revenues: 504-000000-345-001 General Revenue Fund $42,610.00 504-000000-345-002 Supplement to General Revenue $ 804.00 504-000000-345-101 Fine & Foretiture Fund $11.500.00 504-000000-345-102 Road & Bridge Fund $79,640.00 504-000000-345-141 Fire & Amb. Dist I Lower & Mid $31,150.00 Keys 504-000000-345-144 Upper Keys Health Care Special $ 1,200.00 Taxing District 504-000000-345-145 Fire & Amb. Dist 5 Tavernier $ 4,600.0~ 504-000000-345-146 Fire & Amb. Dist 6 Key Largo $13,800.<* ;" ::R -rj 504-000000-345-147 Unincorp. Area Svc Dist Parks & $ 5.000.01 ('_ ~ rr, Recreation O.-!-:r ~ r:::' -')::x. . 504-000000-345-148 Unincorp. Area Svc Dist PIng. Bid & $22,362.00 - --(. ,-,_ I C~,j Zng c:::.;.'{ ~ ... 504-000000-345-304 One Cent Infrastructure Surtax $ 3,500.ao:~" -~ 504-000000-345-401 Card Sound Bridge Fund $ 5,490.Utr. ::co ;Ii \0 c:' 504-000000-345-403 Marathon Airport $ 1,700.:00 (.j c 504-000000-345-404 Key West Airport $ 1,800;00 N --r:J 504-000000-345-414 Municipal Service Dist - Waste $57,100.00 504-000000-345-501 Worker's Compensation $ 200.00 504-000000-345-503 Risk Manangement Fund $ 200.00 504-000000-345-504 Fleet Management $ 3.500.00 Total Revenues $286,156.00 Appropriations: 504-090 I 02-519-521 Fuel $286.156.00 Total Appropriations $286,156.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board. upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, is hereby authorized and directed to place funds in said items, as set forth above. fleet managmcnt fucI21l/9610:45 AM PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21 st day of February A.D. 1996. Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes yes yes -yes - yes Mayor Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk .&a4)IJ~~ lleet milnil!!l1lent fllCI2/1j()610:4S AM