1st Change Order 11/03/2003 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners From: James L. Roberts County Administrator Date: October 29, 2003 RE: Change Orders Attached is a proposed change order for Cornerstone Construction of the Keys. Inc. for Harry Harris Park Tot Lot for approval. According to the ordinance adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, proposed change orders are to be presented to members of the Board of County Commissioners prior to approval, assuming they are within the Administrator's prescribed limits. Change orders not within the Administrator's authority are placed on the BOCC agenda. /?7"e/~-:tY,; do d<.3 The Administrator intends to approve this change order on.~EciGay, Octgeer 31, 2003. ~ James L. Roberts County Administrator MONROE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Harry Harris Park - Tot-Lot CHANGE ORDER NO: Total Previous Change Orders Current Change Order Original Contract Amount Revised Contract Amount Change in Contract time $0.00 $0.00 $44,135,00 $44,135,00 45 Detailed description of change order and justification: Due to extensive order time of the playqround equipment, an additional 45 days is required to complete work. No chanqe is cost is incurred, CONTRACTOR: Cor r COUNTY ENGINEER: David S. Koppel, P.E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: ;/A/t// t/!l--~~ Dent Pierce COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR: ~.~-< James L. Roberts CMD007-1/3/97 .......~# ,~ to Q4 o"? Date '() " z 7-() Date lu/~k Date II-lf-;a:s Date HP Fax Series 900 Plain Paper Fax/Copier Fax History Report for James L Roberts Co Admin 305-292-4544 Oct 31 2003 9: 13am Last Fax Date Time ~ Identification Duration ~ Result Oct 31 9:06am Sent SPEHAR 0:40 2 OK Oct 31 9:07am Sent NEUGENT 1:03 2 OK Oct 31 9:09am Sent McCOY 1:15 2 OK Oct 31 9: l1am Sent NELSON 0:57 2 OK Oct 3 I 9: 12am Sent RICE 0:40 2 OK Resul t: OK - black and white fax 10/22/2003 12:07 FAX [41001 ~ omerstone ~ onstru~!i~~ 88701 Overseas Hwy. Tavernier, Fla. 33070 (305) 852-4185 (305) 853-0980 Fax !}!J: ~r~r{ f~ih)'Jr~GEMEN1 / ;TIfMh :r{,;~C.t~I?:. . To: I Don Miner From: IJohn M. Gilbert Jr. Company: I Monroe County Florida Fax: 1295-4321 Date: 110/2212003 P.N. Pages: 11 12251 Memo: Dear Don, We would like to request an extension of time in the amount of 45 days for the Harry Harris Park Tot Lot Project due to the manufacturers difficulty in supplying the playground equipment in a timely fashion. We ordered the equipment before our letter to proceed date to make sure we had ample time. -----. DISTRIBUTION 88701 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier, Florida 33070 (305) 852-4185 Phone (305) 853-0980 Fax ~ ornerstone ~ onstru~!!K~~ 88701 Overseas Hwy. Tavernier, Fla. 33070 (305) 852-4185 (305) 853-0980 Fax @001 , CJG~ 10/21/2003 10:49 FAX OCtQV1 To: lOon Miner Company: IMonroe County Florida I From: I Krissy Bohnstedt I I I Pages: 11 /2251 Fax: Date: 1295-4321 110/21/2003 P.N. Memo: Dear Don, We signed the purchase agreement and ordered the playground equipment from Contract Connection on September II, 2003. Our Letter to Proceed was dated September 17, 2003. J7Err Lv, + 14- c. C/C/i 14-. -r 4l? 0 ~ ~oJ. n They called me today and said the equipment left on a truck today coming from Wisconsin, and it would take 4-5 days to reach Miami, where they would put it on a different truck to deliver to the Keys. H you need any additional information, please feel free to call the office. Thank You, Krissy Bohnstedt DISTRIBUTION 88701 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier, Florida 33070 (305) 852-4185 Phone (305) 853-0980 Fax 10/22/2003 12:07 FAX 141001 ~ omerstone ~ onstru~!~.2~ 88701 Overseas Hwy. Tavernier, Fla. 33070 (305) 852-4185 (305) 853-0980 Fax ~~-?.. _1:';Y ,~i/~iijflGEMENT :Jitl,Et ,f~EC_trr:- To: I Don Miner From: IJohn M. Gilbert Jr. Company: IMonroe County Florida Fax: 1295-4321 Date: \10/2212003 P.N. Pages: 11 12251 Memo: Dear Don, We would like to request an extension of time in the amount of 45 days for the Harry Harris Park Tot Lot Project due to the manufacturers difficulty in supplying the playground equipment in a timely fashion. We ordered the equipment before our letter to proceed date to make sure we had ample time. .-----_. DISTRIBUTION 88701 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier, Florida 33070 (305) 852-4185 Phone (305) 853-0980 Fax 10/21/2003 10:49 FAX ~ ornerstone ~ onstrU~!!K?~ 88701 Overseas Hwy. Tavernier, Fla. 33070 (305) 852-4185 (305) 853-0980 Fax !4J001 G~,' ---.J :./ Pi ;, -,.'i;:'f.{1{';-.F;';;,,;" ,'," J~,' ~.,,' "-,',1 t ". '._ C i" ~ i" .,- l ~'_'C., _. - '. O("l"~,., '.1." '.<J V " 0dJ' To: lOon Miner Company: IMonroe County Florida / From: /Krissy Bohnstedt I I I Pages: 11 12251 Fax: Date: 1295-4321 110/2112003 P.N. Memo: Dear Don, We signed the purchase agreement and ordered the playground equipment from Contract Connection on September 11, 2003. Our Letter to Proceed was dated September 17, 2003. They called me today and said the equipment left on a truck today coming from Wisconsin, and it would take 4-5 days to reach Miami, where they would put it on a different truck to deliver to the Keys. If you need any additional information, please feel free to call the office. Thank You, Krissy Bohnstedt DISTRIBUTION 88701 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier, Florida 33070 (305) 852-4185 Phone (305) 853-0980 Fax