Item Q6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 20. 2009 - KL Department: _County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Staff Contact Person! Phone #:Christine Limbert-Barrows AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise and hold a public hearing to consider adoption of a County Ordinance regarding preference to local businesses in bidding procedures. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners supports establislring an Ordinance that provides local businesses a preference in the procurement of goods and services. By giving local businesses a preference it encourages local industry and provides employment opportunities witlrin Monroe County, which benefits the residents and taxpayers of the County. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Discussion regarding establislring local contractor preference policy for sub-contractor, and instruction to staff to draft ordinance for public hearing at BOCC meeting on March 18, 2009. 4/15/09 Item deleted from agenda day of meeting - staff to bring back to BOCC on 5/20/09 CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. BUDGETED: Yes _No TOTAL COST: Unknown INDIRECT COST: Unknown COST TO COUNTY: Unknown SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty -L OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management_ DOCUMENI:~TION: DISPOSITION: Included X Not Required_ AGENDA ITEM # 0-6 * REVISED BACK-UP * Revised 1/09 ORDINANCE NO. - 2009 AN ORDINANCE CREATING MONROE COUNTY CODE SECTION 2-349, CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI; PROVIDING FOR BIDDING PREFERENCE FOR LOCAL BUSINESSES; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Cormnissioners for Monroe County fmds that it is in the best interest of the residents and taxpayers of Monroe County to support local businesses in that allowing a local preterence in the procurement of goods and services encourages local industry, expands employment opportunities and increase the County's overall tax base; and WHEREAS, local businesses contribute to the economic development and well-being of Monroe County; ~'~'~'.~~:~~.~;..\;---~~_ .~..~I. :,I.!d '~I'~...:..~:.:':. II. II..~:...I' _.I' ._'.'. i':o. I..;....~~:I.._:~~:...:...:I. 1.1 1..'.'."L,~:.il-i;' ',' .1:. ,,:i..... .I.I~I-:.Ii.. I I'I'.-;:::'::':,~~:", II' I::,! .il,' I"I~I "..; ,,~""II:I i,i....::II..:~.~.1 .~. 11:_:..~:1~': ~!. .~":":'. :~..'~_ I.. I :!!I.I~._lj' :..! .)I-'_.'..I~ .1.. .. ~. :'~ ~ .~._:.;:~. _~~~~.~~~ ..::: I'~. \\" ~ ~F i} ='~'~I ~;. ". I'.' ! ~"" ~ I , I ~. ~ III 'III..:~I~.:' :~f:-': ,'.'1 ~ ~ I I . .1 ,I.... < . "."1:11"1'. ... I : ~ . . ~ I I i I' " ~ I I ~ . I '. I I::?~.:I_~': ..~.I i.:....:..:._.-:i': I"'~"~! :.:. i.,......1 _.:'~>::I~:'~~':; 1,..:::......:1:. .1..1' II !'. ~'.Ii j".!..:ii.: ':II"_i.: 11!'''li, d'_~..:. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. LOCAL PREFERENCE IN BIDDING ORDINANCE. Section 2-349, Chapter 2, Article VI. Monroe County Code. is hereby created to read: Sec. 1. Le1!islative Intent. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners finds that. . _,.,..,:_:_:.I.~.',; ;':..::2::.:~ .'. ,~:._,:i :.., '...:.' _.' :1..:.:.: ::,.:~II":.il":.:-_~', ::.'.:il.-,...'.:I:~~::_~I'I~.._~I~I Lo',..':.,.!:,."i.. I..'I:.-.I.i~... ..I..I.I_i~.-..I.:I.~:~.v:-. i.1 ~il ~I :~:' ''''i~.i ..; IL, !.~ .I'.'S:...:....... .. \.!, '1.1' p' . '. ". ". ! ,. '.' I" I" '., ., ::,.. .'. :'::'. ,,' : i ,. .,1.':' I;" giving local businesses a preference in the procurement of goods and services serves a '." " . : 1 ":." public purpose for the benefit of the taxpayer and residents of Monroe Cotmty as such preference encourages local industry, employment opportunities, and increases the County's overall tax base. See. 2. Definitions. . ~ .~ .... {J W~ ff1..-- n.O-l~ S , Formatted: Font: Bold Deleted: r Deleted: l.;:itim.te - - As used in this section, unless otherwise specified, the following words or terms shall have the meanings indicated: (a) General services means support services performed by an independent contractor requiring specialized knowledge, experience, or expertise that includes, but is not limited to, pest control, janitorial, laundry, catering, security, law maintenance, and maintenance of equipment. (b)Goods includes, but is not limited to, supplies, equipment, materials and printed matter (c) Local business means the vendor has a valid,.-. .:,!'" . '.:.' .I.: _'. ",' ;,".::" _,.,:'._~ ':I_::_._',.~.)ssued by Momoe ~~ olmty 1:1>... ..: :..'::1 I .11. ~.. .j".' ": I"..'. "-.I: .!.'.: ;'.:"_ i. ':.! ". .II".I.! ::.~. .'; :.: .I.~':. '~.' J~:I ~ I: ~. .. ~ .I:"!. I ~.I: )-." the business to provide the goods, services or construction to be purchased, and a physical business address located within Momoe County from which the vendor operates or performs business on a day-to-day basis that is a substantial component of the goods or services being offered to Momoe County. Post Office Boxes are not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishing a physical address. Vendors shall submit a copy of their ,< '. '. ': :.' ,i ::;c' : ,,':.;.Ic'..;,; :,' ". I'::"., and also affirm in writing their compliance with the foregoing at the time of submitting their bid or proposal to be eligible for consideration as a --local business" under this section. T (d) .;-.,,:::;:":... \_~(."",:f.:.:'.:.:.~)...1 i. ..~-:-~:).~:. :':::1.::... .::"2:.i.-3').1 :.~~\.~.:I: .ii.?~"?J\ ~-:.:i"":-:-;-~~I,;~ ','...: i"j ~:-_~ ~>::.:.;i.i~."'. .,., i:-j 1-."'1 I.:::? ~~.~:.::.~~ i;i.:: I ~~~.: ~ ::.,;;.1 i ~. i: ~::: .i . }.~: :.~I: ::~:'~ f _ ~:::: ::: .~..:. ..::~,.:: ~.\.~J ;:\:) _ .i iJ{(== ':I.~~ L~:~.. ~""::~ '.'.1: -. -=-:.."":.i:'"' :.I_~I '::1; i vi, ~~:"J::. ~ ~)_~-,c ~ ..-~~ ,......... r :~ ~ ~Ij i;~. "I)~!)' _ ,. ..Professional services includes any services where the County is obtaining advice, instruction. or specialized work from an individual, firm. or corporation specifically qualitied in a particular area. Professional services does not include those services procured pursuant to Section 287.055. F.S. 'I.' .~:~~'~:.I.:..':s.~~..:.:.:..~,')..:.'._~'.r~_~::.L~?:..=:. .:~~_~ ::.":~i~~~_:~ ~ ::_~~.{:.:.~!j!..:-: :.:::.:: ~~~~::-:. .':i.i_:~I;~' ...i ~~(.~.~: '.:._..:-':' .;-'.:. :1 :, ,i.I:"-- :~..::! It '~.r';~:':'i '.'-;.1. ;:::~,:.... :. .:- :~'. ,j I ~~~,~~:.:s ;.,.,: i.""":1" .):~'\'i~.~s. ,~..~. ! :.1 (:.~:'.:II;~.: ~?....!.~?.~~.:.':~ " .::.:~~ I!::~~...: ~!'. ~..:l..;:~~'.~ .~~'~~~ ~~'..:~::s il: r.,,:.c~I":I.~. I~:':'~:~~.:-~. ~:: ~~~~ ':.:~:.lli-:~ ':.: 'J:. :..:; '::~:)! !~(:~G~ 'r~. ,~i-, .~ !~~ c,:.:.:::,:'" :;r.<-~~p.~ :.:.~.~~~S-~>.:-,_!~1)\IX.:.,_:~0~.:.~:.'-:"".r~:':". ......~-'_~-I. ;.., ~,~~.:- ~~_:>_::'....: :::~. ~~.)'_ ....,.j),-.;...:. ~""":.:,;)tr;.~.':.:.. --.1.:. t.:-:.. _~ .:.:: ~i~,.'.Y ;~:.' .-'~ -;.,~.- .~:..! ~-"..T~Y. '~ ~ ~:.. .,I;';:~."':::...k~~~:: ..=:::. ~:.:.;~.'.'.I'..;.:Y:_'''':: ...: :. ~; i. : ~ ; ':" .:-. Sec. 3. Local Preference: Procedure. Except where otherwise provided by tederal or state law or other fimding source restrictions, purchases of goods, general services, or professional services under the:" : :.: _ '.'.: ..::....::....:. ;':.: '.; '_' " ":' ." ".:. .~. ',' /,h!lH. give preference to local businesses in the tollowing manner: (I) Preterences in Bidding. In purchasing of, or letting of contract for procurement of, personal property. materials, contractual services. and construction of improvements to real property or existing structures in which pricing is the major consideration, the authorized purchasing authority of Momoe County 2 . , .~ ... Deleted~ occup.tionallicense Deleted: 0 Deleted~ oll...t on. y.or plior to bid or : proposal opening thal,"tl.olizes Deleted: occupational license Deleted: A v.ndor who misrepr...nt. the Lo-cal Preference status of its mOl in a bid or propo.3IllUbmitted to the County will 10.. the pllnlege to claillllooal preference otat". for a penod of up to one y.'" The County Ad.mtniotrator. inllis discretion, may also recolDIuend that the fum be rerened for suspension or eligrbility to cl.uDl tl.e plivilege of 10031 , prefe.rence. . Formatted: Font: Italic . Formatted: Highlight Deleted~ Procmement code may give a preference to local business':.: in making such purchase or awarding such contract, as follows: (a) Individuals or firms which meet all of the criteria for a local business as set forth in this article, shall be given a preference in the amount of _ percent L%)-:'. '_ .,~,' , . ,.: I,'; . I"~'i I '. ~:I I. 1:"."-: '1" : ,.:": "," :.~ i:~ I,~. ~I...:..:", I~ ~ I::. ". .1, -'. :1:.....1. :. :;. '::: ofilie bid pnce. _Total bid price shall include the base bid and all alternatives or options to the base bids which are part of the bid and being recommended for a\'iard by the appropriate authority. (2) Preterences in request for proposals. In purchasing of, or letting of contracts for procurement of, personal property, materials, contractual services, and construction of improvements to real property or existing structures tor which a request for proposals is developed with evaluation criteria, a local preference of the total score may be assigned for a local preference, as follows: I) Individuals or flfms which meet all of the criteria for a local business as set forth in this article, shall be given a preference in the amount of _ percent L%).I", '.' . ,', i ,': .~. :.1 . .".::~ '.::I~ I..' ': ,:.; I II'. I:.:. :::::1.:1. :I,.:~~~..: 1...'.~I~i.'~;:':1 ;,\ I.:. ". ~..I:I;:'. ,"I :~ .:" :;~":~:I' I.~: : Based upon analysis of the marketplace for each project, staff shall make a recommendation for or against inclusion of a local preference in the criteria tor consideration by the Board as a part of the pre-approval agenda item for each request for proposal. ; II ! "':.'.-:;'l""il'l~ .": ".11; ,= !'"II jl": -..;:': "'1',,1 :II.!,".::"..' ~~t '~ 'I" !~; ::':1"\ '":.::-; ';" ~'I j::~ :.i"I.:'1 =111: . .... ... - - .. .-.. . ... . .. . -.. - -.. -.. - .. . .. -. . .. -- ... . . - . -.... ... -.... . - ... . I:' "j .1,,: j':"ii' ~'..~.I.:!. .:::.:~~~I ..II~I...'...i ~:..~.~.~. ":'1.:.":>,. ~...;.~!:~.:. ....~.:.i 1.1. ~.',-:.:"1:.. :.:~.. \ i. ::..":-::.:'1 '.'.~:::--:~~Ii .II:!:!~:.~.. '."~.I::Y ~..'i..:~;~ :.~i~~.I).:.~.:..:.:. ...... .i:..!!:.::.:~~ .i..I:....' II.:. :.: '.1,,-" .:I~I::i;:,.I.'I....'I;~~! j..: !..:i..~"I:i L".~:::.: :'i.I../. !, .1~.:...I.'I~'.i.i' ..~!.I...' .i.'...: :I..!' :.. i..':::.::~ .......'.: .'...~.I ': .. _._i::.i:..:.....l..i~ 1:1 ::..'~..:::,.:.i,'2'...:.:~I........~~:.:-.,:,._~:.:~:~~:.I:: '.::...\ .:1: ~... I . ~.~;.;:.'.:.. i~ .::'.;.:. ~:.:.:_;'.::.'~I:.~..:.~..:_t.i..II.I..i,.I.;.:.' '..1....:: I::... '.~.'.I .'.: ,.. !.I"':..' ~ :1.. I'.:.:i: .: ,. ~'. ~ ..11..: ~~! .'.1-' . II! :'1 ,...~. .... ~ ,..., ,I. I:..,! , .. .. '::. ..' ~ .i..~.~_ ..,.. . ..~.:..__. ..1: .:.':1 ~ . . !' i .~ . ; : ~. ~:. '. I::.... . '. ' .... .... ...... ................ : .. ... I,~. ' . .'.. . _I. .:.. ":.. '.:. .. ,. , ,. .,. . ,. . .. .. . -.- ... ... . . ' .,.1... . .,~. .. I . :..: ..... . ;. .! " ~ ~ : . .. I I ,. . " .... .. '~ ., , .:'. ~ . I,.' ~, . I . . : :' I . ; ~ I .: I I '. , :. I, i. . I ~ I ,.. . '. .' ~ . ., II : I' I :.. ~..... I .. ,I. ~ .'.... , ,.: ~ . ..1 '. I.~. .: : .:.. ,:.!.~~ .. ~-'.~~~~.I~_ '.~.I.' ~ I..I..I!. . ~:.:.:.. ::~!~ ~ Sec. 4. Waiver Provision. The application of local preference to a particular purchase, contract or category of contracts for which the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners is the awarding authority may be waived upon wTitten recommendation of the county administrator and approval of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. The application of local preterence to a particular purchase, contract, or category of contracts below the award authority of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners may be waived upon written recommendation of the. director of purchasing,." d:', ::;:' .',; ."';',': ,lI and approval of the county administrator. \\ ,;:....: 'I ,".; ... .I'~ i.'''.;i:,.;. :~~_:~.i. .1...:.....:,:: .:.i. .~'.I_':.~.,~, ."1 1:::"I...~"..;i~~,.-.I.1 ~~:~ ).I....! II:. :.' ~ ,d ~ ~ :::. . .1.11 !..~..i. .~,:: .:. ..I ,!. I II: : 'I.~:I: !.'._ .!.~..I: ~'I .,: i':. ~,.:... ! ,I! i. 1..:1.. 'LII.!!!'.:.. I' ... II:~~ .. :'-' .:. .:~ ~.I.'.~:~~.~:.::..'.!I:I! .:'.-'....i.'.'.:i ~.:~.~.~ !,:.!,.. ~_i,l:-...:...~...I , . ~ I. I, . .: II I. 3 . " .~ .... Deleted: 'Fhe lllfIJ""'-'_ e..t Silf....ft!iol oItall...t .,.....a t~Q,Q99.QG Formatted: Strikethrough ;. Fonnatted: Bullets and Numbering . Fonnatted: Indent: Left: 0" : FOl'mlltted: Highlight Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt, Highlight Formatted: Highlight Fonnatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt :' De "ted: Sec. 5. Notice. Both bid documents and request for proposal documents shall include notice to vendors of the local preference policy. :-~.. I .. : I I ',: ~ i"1 . i". : I . : I:."; ~ . _ . .: ~:-.". I : . i I . I I I I. I i I .. ,: ~ .): I. ::... . ... I .. .~ I I: I ". . .... ". ..:~.:..~ .,~ :i.~ 'I ;.::'. ;,.,I~; .,~:.: I j. l"...:" I.I~.;..!'_ .~I.:,: :,.:illl" I~.I ;.~ '~ ~~ ~ :i .j.! .'i II!.. .....:'~ .~..I.I. I':~_.~ ., ii~. I. :,1 i . ..... . ':~i. I... "." \ il,.~.:.. .:.: I jl I..~.;; I .~:. "1.1"'.'." ..',.111'. ;:~I .: ..: 1.".1,. '"!I~. .~:I" . -. . -- ... - - - -. - . -.. - ..... .. -- - - - - . - . -.. - ..--. . - . - - . - ... -.. .. - . -. - - .. - ..- - - - .. - -. -. . ". .", :-:1:1 i::" I. :";. ,. : ;," .'",.,.1..: .." 1.1" .~ ~I ,".: ,: 'I:'.. I I ':II:I! !i, ~I:" . :!~:I '..'. II,I~ ~\~~., :" ., .:' j- ... - - . - - - . .. . -. .... ...... -. - - . .... - .. - -... . --.. -.. - - . . ".".:. I,.. I ::,: I. ' :"1;: : ~ I' I :;-.~ 1'1"'1 '1' i 'I'; '!i ~.:: ...i I:" I :.1' .. :'~'., I'.~. : :~: ::':..il i ~;'I.:1 : i'."': . II:.: :... '. :.' I ,~','I ~I~~.. I'~I' ".11'< '!!' ::'~;~. ~ '. ~.I..:.:1 'i,. :. '~ik;..:.:, : !"~" 1.,:.i.':~.:... .. I. '. I ~ ..._ . . I . , , , SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. Should any provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as whole, or any part thereot: other than the part declared to be invalid. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property or circumstances. SECTION 3. CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said contlict. SECTION 4. INCLUSION IN mE CODE OF ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform numbering ~ystem of the code. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on provided that this Ordinance shall be filed with the Department of State as provided in section 125.66(2), Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the _ day of , 2009. MayorGeorge Neugent Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario DiGennaro Commissioner Kim Wigington 4 . \ .~ .... Fol'IIIiItte4: Highlight (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk By Deputy Clerk ., '. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor/Chairperson 5 -* e,,( ea i't CAJ p,-{ . ORDINANCE NO. - 2009 AN ORDINANCE CREATING MONROE COUNTY CODE SECTION 2-349, CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI; PROVIDING FOR BIDDING PREFERENCE FOR LOCAL BUSINESSES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County finds that it is in the best interest of the residents and taxpayers of Monroe County to support local businesses in that allowing a local preference in the procurement of goods and services encourages local industry, expands employment opportunities and increase the County's overall tax base; and WHEREAS, local businesses contribute to the economic development and well-being of Monroe County; WHEREAS, local businesses are often at a disadvantage when competing with other non- local businesses in that the cost of doing business is higher in Monroe Gounty than in other areas of the State; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners can offset the disadvantage suffered by local businesses by enacting a local preference ordinance; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. LOCAL PREFERENCE IN BIDDING ORDINANCE. Section 2-349, Chapter 2, Article VI, Monroe County Code, is hereby created to read: Sec. 1. Le1.!islative Intent. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners finds that local businesses are often at a disadvantage when competing with other non-local businesses in that the cost of doing business in Monroe County is higher than other areas of the state and giving local businesses a preference in the procurement of goods and services serves a compelling public purpose for the benefit of the taxpayer and residents of Monroe County as such preference encourages local industry, employment opportunities, and increases the County's overall tax base. Local Preference Draft Ord Option 2 5/13/09 CLimberllKMP Clean copy Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this section, unless otherwise specified, the following words or terms shall have the meanings indicated: (a) General services means support services performed by an independent contractor requiring specialized knowledge, experience, or expertise that includes, but is not limited to, pest control, janitorial, laundry, catering, security, law maintenance, and maintenance of equipment. (b) Goods includes, but is not limited to, supplies, equipment, materials and printed matter (c) Local business means the vendor has a valid receipt of the business tax paid as issued by Monroe County tax collector at least one year prior to the notice of request for bids or proposals for the business to provide the goods, services or construction to be purchased, and a physical business address located within Monroe County from which the vendor operates or performs business on a day-to-day basis that is a substantial component of the goods or services being offered to Monroe County. Post Office Boxes are not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishing a physical address. Vendors shall submit a copy of their receipt of the business tax paid and also affirm in writing their compliance with the foregoing at the time of submitting their bid or proposal to be eligible for consideration as a "local business" under this section. (d) Prime contractor means any person who has a contract with the county to provide specific construction services, sales, supplies, materials, professional services, labor and/or equipment. (e) Professional services includes any services where the County is obtaining advice, instruction, or specialized work from an individual, firm, or corporation specifically qualified in a particular area. Professional services does not include those services procured pursuant to Section 287.055, F.S. (/) Subcontractor means any person providing goods and/or services to a prime contractor for profit, if such goods and/or services are procured or used in fulfIllment ofthe prime contractor's obligations arising from a contract with the county, except persons providing goods to a prime contractor whose contract with the county is for the provision of materials, equipment or supplies. Sec. 3. Local Preference; Procedure. Except where otherwise provided by federal or state law or other funding source restrictions, purchases of goods, general services, or professional services under the competitive bidding procedures as set forth in Sec. 2-347 shall give preference to local businesses in the following manner: (1) Preferences in Bidding. In purchasing of, or letting of contract for procurement of, personal property, materials, contractual services, ancLconstruction of improvements to real property or existing structures in which pricing is the major consideration, the authorized purchasing authority of Monroe County may give a preference to local businesses in making such purchase or awarding such contract, as follows: Local Preference Draft Ord Option 2 5/13/09 CLimbertlKMP Clean copy 2 (a) Individuals or firms which meet all of the criteria for a local business as set forth in this article, shall be given a preference in the amount of two and one half percent (21'2 %). Total bid price shall include the base bid and all alternatives or options to the base bids which are part of the bid and being recommended for award by the appropriate authority. (2) Preferences in request for proposals. In purchasing of, or letting of contracts for procurement of, personal property, materials, contractual services, and construction of improvements to real property or existing structures for which a request for proposals is developed with evaluation criteria, a local preference of the total score may be assigned for a local preference, as follows: (a) Individuals or firms which meet all of the criteria for a local business as set forth in this article, shall be given a preference in the amount of two and one half percent (2 Y2 %). Based upon analysis of the marketplace for each project, staff shall make a recommendation for or against inclusion ofa local preference in the criteria for consideration by the Board as a part of the pre-approval agenda item for each request for proposal. (3) Preference as applied in subcontracting of goods. services or construction. (a) If the prime contractor subcontracts 50% or more of the goods, services or construction to other "local businesses" as defmed above. The prime contractor. shall be given a preference in the amount of two and a half percent (2 1'2 %). (b) Ifthe prime contractor does not abide by this provision it will be subject to termination of the contract or loss ofthe local preference status on the contract awarded. Vendors that meet the criteria for a "local business" as set forth in this section shall be entitled to a two and one half percent (2 1'2 %) preference. If the "local business" complies with section (3) regarding subcontracting of goods, services or construction to other "local businesses" it will be entitled to an additional 2 1'2 % preference. Any preference under this section shall not exceed five percent (5%) if all conditions are met. Sec. 4. Waiver Provision, The application of local preference to a particular purchase, contract or category of contracts for which the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners is the awarding authority may be waived upon written recommendation of the county administrator and approval of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. The application of local preference to a particular purchase, contract, or category of contracts below the award authority of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners may be waived upon written recommendation of the director of purchasing or division director and approval ofthe county administrator. Waiver of the application of the local'preference is based upon analysis of the marketplace and in consideration of the special or unique quality of goods, services or professional services sought to be purchased by the County. Local Preference Draft Ord Option 2 5/13/09 CLirnbertlKMP Clean copy 3 Sec. 5. Notice. Both bid documents and request for proposal documents shall include notice to vendors of the local preference policy. Sec. 6. Penalty for misrepresentation of local preference status A vendor who misrepresents the local preference status of its firm in a bid or proposal submitted to the County will lose the privilege to claim local preference status for a period of up to one year from the date of the award of the contract or upon completion ofthe contract whichever is greater. The County Administrator, in his discretion, may also recommend that the firm be referred for suspension of eligibility to claim the privilege of local preference. Any vendor that does not abide by the provisions of this section will be subject to termination of the contract or loss of the local preference status on the contract awarded. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY. Should any provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as whole, or any part thereof, other than the part declared to be invalid. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property or circumstances. SECTION 3. CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. SECTION 4. INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform numbering system of the code. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on , provided that this Ordinance shall be filed with the Department of State as provided in section 125.66(2), Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the _ day of , 2009. MayorGeorge Neugent Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner Kim Wigington (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairperson Local Preference Draft Ord Option 2 5/13/09 CLimbertlKMP Clean copy 4