Item C13 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: May 20, 2009 DIVISION: Public Works BULK ITEM: Yes x No DEPARTMENT: Public Works STAFF CONTACT PERSONJPHONE NO.: Beth Leto/292-4560 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of renewal agreement with Stand Up for Animals, Inc. for operation of the Big Pine Key and Marathon Animal Shelters, ITEM BACKGROUND: The contractor wishes to renew the agreement, and there is one final renewal option available under the contract. The contract amount remains at $263,476,56 per year; no funds were budgeted in the current fiseal year for a CPI adjustment. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On May 18, 2005, the Board approved the original contract; on June 15, 2005, the Board approved an amendment changing the contract term to three years with two (2) one-year renewal options; and on June 18, 2008, the Board approved the first of two one-year renewal terms, CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Renew contract for one additional year; new term is from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. STAFF RECOMM:ENDATION: Approval. TOTAL COST: $263,476.56 BUDGETED: Yes: x No: COST TO COUNTY: Same SOURCE OF FUNDS: ad valorem REVENUE GENERATED: Yes No x APPROVED BY' Co. Atty.' ~ ~U~ha""'" Hi,k Management' t1Iy DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED: 2.... NOT REQUIRED: _ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: STAND UP FOR ANIMALS. INC. Contract # Effective Date: Expiration Date: 07/0112009 06/30120 JO Contract PurposelDescription: and Marathon Animal Shelters Contract Manager: Beth Leto (Name) 4560 (Ext.) Public Works - #1 (Department/Stop #) A enda Deadline: Ma 5,2009 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $263,476.56 Budgeted? Yes 1ZI No 0 Grant: $ County Match: $ Current Year Portion: $65,869.14 Account Codes: 001-21000-530340 Estimated Ongoing Costs: $~/yr. (Not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: (e,g" maintenance, utilities,janitorial salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW YesD NoOC] i~r~'- -=-~ CJ,i6f7; (tYa;J",A::t-~.. 1\ Date Out lJ/v~ Iv '1 't-J7dt Division Director :I ?~le 1?_. ~ Lf- n.vr J.-j -J.V ~cfl !f)/107 . Changes Needed YesO No@ YesO No(d" Y esD Nod' Risk Man~ement PJt.... e. >w'Vt. O.M,B.lPurch~ng County Attorney tt{1 fi! lIJ Comments: r RENEWAL AGREEMENT (Operation of the Big Pine Key and Marathon Animal Shelters) THIS RENEWAL AGREEMENT is entered into this ~ day of May 2009, between Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (COUNTY) and Stand Up for Animals, Inc. (SUFA), (Contractor) in order to renew the agreement entered into on May 18,2005, WHEREAS, on June 15, 2005, the Contractor requested, and the BOCC approved, a change to a three-year contract, with two (2) one-year renewal terms, to provide greater long- range planning since the County is the Contractor's only client; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Renewal Agreement to allow the County to exercise its final option to renew the Agreement for an additional one-year period; now, therefore, IN CONSlDERA TION of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. In accordance with Section IV-REVEWAL of the agreement entered into on May 18, 2005, the agreement is hereby renewed for an additional one-year period. 2. The term of this Renewal Agreement shall be for a twelve (12) month period beginning July 1,2009 and ending at ]2:00 midnight on June 30, 2010. 3. In all other respects, the remaining tenns of the Agreement entered into on May 18,2005, not inconsistent herewith, shall remain if full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed in the respecti ve names. Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chainnan Secretary STAND UP FOR ANIMALS, INC. By: ~ ~aLc.-( Llllda Gottwald, Director/President Attest: By: WITNESSES: f ~A 4t::L MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: a~*.t.~.O.,~t-A-tWIfA. ~ CHRISTIN M. LIMBERT-BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date Jflts:; Ibtj I I RENEWAL AGREEMENT (Opef1ltion of the Rig Pine Key and MaJ"8thon Animal Shelters) TIDS RENEWAL AGREEMENT i~ entered illlo this 18TH day of June. 2008. between Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (COUNTY) and Stond Up fur AnilTUlls. Inc. (SUFA). (CONTRActOR) in order to renew tire agreement entered inUl on May 18,2005. WHEREAS. on May I S, 200~, the parties entered into a one-year agreement fur animal coRbOl and shellel' services; and WHEREAS. on June IS, 2005. the Contractor requested, and the BOCC approved. a change to a three-year rontractlo provide greater long-range planning sin<:e the County is the Conlractor's only client: and WHEREAS, it is the intent (If !his Renewal Agreemelll 10 alklw the County to e:u:n:ise illi option (If renewing the Agreemelll for an additiol1lll one-year period; and WHEREAS. the Contractor has requested 10 change the hOlUS of operation of the Big Pine Key Shelter; now therefore TN CONSIDERA nON of lhe mulUal promises contained herein, the panies hereby agree as follows: J. In acronlance with Section IV- RENEWAL of the agreement entered into on May 18,2005. the agreement is herdly renewed for an additional o..:.year period. 2. The term of this Renewa' Agreemenl shall be for a lwelw (12l month period beginning July I, 2008 and ending at 12:00 midnight on June 30, 2009. 3. Section m -SCOPE OF SERVICES subsection (8) HOURS OF OPERATION of the Agreement dated May \8.2005 shall be amended by changil1ll the following selllence to read: At a minimum: the Big Pine Key Slleller shall be open to the public from 8 a,m. to \2:<10 p.m.. Eastern Time, Tuesday through Saturday. 4. In all other res~rs, the remainiag rerms of the AgreemcnI eIIfm'ed into on May 18. 2005, not inconsistent herewith. shall remain in full fun:<: and effect. .~~.,. ~. </_ p.vrrNESS WHEREOF, !he parties have cawed tbe5e presents to be e~ in d@ ;'O~ . CJ '=' = ..>' =- l?' c..- ;(ff:~;;' ~:, ~~?l ~ ;~.~ f(( BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSE~S ~ \<110 i. OFMONROECOUNTY,FLORID~~.: ~ By: ~~~! ~~\: ~ o .." .." ~ --;'j '-~') C} t:':) ::',;) -;..1 Secretary STAND UP FOR ANIMALS. INC. By: .~- ~dA/~ jf-€> . Gottwald, DircctorlPrcsideDt Attest: By: <m1F~ ? MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY PPRO D AS TO FORM: LOBBYING AND CONFLlCl' OF INTEREST CLAUSE SWORN Sl'ATf.MENT UNDER ORDINANCE NO. '1"1990 MONROI: COUNTY, FLORIDA Enncs CLAUSE uX//.JA ~7lvA.<.l) /st-lFL! wammts that helit has not employed, retained , or otherwise had act on his/its bebalf lIII)' furmer County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any County officer or employec in violation of Semon 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County may, in its disQrction, terminate this contract without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the cont:I'IIl;t or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the fulllllDOUllt of any fee, commission., percentage. gift, or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. (sigJmture ) Date: STATE OF ~\of"ch COUNTY OF mor'\ fo e.... PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, h'\rdo (Q, ~ who, after first being sworn by me, affixed hi&iher signature (name of individual signing) in the space provided above OD this day of \, . '" ^ rc M,DA....... .JlA.6 __ . 20~ '^' ~~::=:- IS ..,-....>>114,- OMB - MCP FORM #4 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT "A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." ADDENDUM TInS ADDENDUM is entered into this 15th day of June, 2005, between the Monroe County Board of County ~mmissioners (COUNTY) and Stand Up For Animals. Ine. (SUP A). WHEREAS, on May 18, 2005, the parties entered into a one--year agreement for animal control and sheher services; and WHEREAS, Contractor baa requested a change to a thre&-year contract to provide greater long- range planning since the County is the ~ntractor's only client; now therefore IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1, Section 1 of tile agreement dated May 18, 200S,sball be amended to read: I, TERM OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement sha1J be for a period of three (3) years beginning July 1,2005, and terminating at midnight. June 30, 2008, The County shall have the option of renewing this agreement for two additional one (1) year periods, which shall be exercised by giving written notice of said renewal to SUF A at least thirty (30) days prior to the termination date, 2. Section U of the Agreement dated May 18, 2005, shall be amended by adding the following sentence: The contract amount agreed to herein may be adjusted annually in accordance with the pen:.mtage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all urban consumers (CPI-U) for the most recent 12 months available, 3. The remaining terms ortOO Agreement entered May 15, 2005, not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed in their ~~~ ~Qi . x > . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~ . OF MONROE COUNTY, FLO~r- ~ ~L. ~;;:'L GE, CLERK LA" >n ~~ ~ C?...L _ ~ By. ~ ~~?; ":i ~lerk '"' . Mayor Dixie M. SpeJw ~ ~ CD ..., ? ,." c ...., o ";;0 :;0 ,." ("1 o EJ Aacsr; By: SecreIaly OR WlTNBSSES; STAND UP FOR ANIMALS, INC. By: ~~~~.f' ~~~ ~~~o___ m__:' ~ SU .H N , 0.. ADDENDUM TIllS ADDENDUM is entered iIdo this 16'" day of May, 2001, between !he Mooroe Caunty Board of Cauaty CommioMnr.rs (COUNTY) and SIlInd. Up for Animals, IIlc. (SUF A). (CONTRACTOR). WHEREAS, on May II. 2005, the pu1ie& ~ into a 0I1C-yea1 agreement for aniroal CODtroI and sheilell' serviCCl; and WHEREAS, 011 June 15, 2005, !be Conttactor I'llqUCSIed. and tbe BOCC balIlIppIMld, a cbaoge to a three- yem cootJact to provide grealer long-l'llDF pWming since !be County is the Coatraaor's only cIiem WHEREAS, Contractor bas re:qllelled a CPI inc;r;asc of 2.5% efkt.ive July I. 2007 tbmugb June 30, 2008; now therefore IN CONSIDERA nON oftbe mutual prolllises conWned heIcin, the parties Iwreby agRe lIIi follows: I, Seaion II oflbc Agreemeat dal.od May 18, 2005, IIIIa1l be: lII1ICOlkd by adcIinA tbe following scnroooe: The COIItract aIJJOIB'll agrem In hcrcia may be adjuIted IDIUlllIly in acwrdancc with the pen:en1age change in the Consumec Priecdnlkx (CPI) for all mban COl\IUDIlll5 (CPI-U) for \be mod rea:ot 12 lJ10Iltbs available. 2. The remaining 1I:mu; of the Agn:ement CDtcred May 18, 2005, lIOt inconsisteot bcmvitb, sball n:main in full force and dfca. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parti<:a have caused these pTCSCIIlS tn be executed in thelr respective names, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNIY. FLORIDA AtIal: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK B~tJJ(I.~ Deputy am. (rZO-U7 MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY A~AS7f~ ~ DI!8 COO1fT'( 1J?tfi'1 ~l}~ By: Mayor. Mario Di Gcanaro STAND UP FOR ANIMALS, me, AitcsI: By: BY:~~. ~.Ju1 ?J,<:), President ,.,. Secretary OR WITNESSES: ,::t ~ Q :tI .)>; Qf"'>~ ""tC..... f"'>:""" . ~~:. ~~..,. ~;;~~~ :-<:,...,-.. ;!J.~ ~ ff? ~ :"'l '- ;:::: 1== .~ I .r;: ~ ':::i ;too =ti ~ /~ :;- ~ I\J ~ Q c:;, CONTltAcr {()penDrm ofBI& Piue IIId MInIIaI AaimIII .1lIn) nus CONTRACT, is entered this 1Jdl day of MIL 2005, by aDd between the 808rd of County CommissioDers of Monroe County, Florida (COUNTY). and STAND UP FOR ANIMALS. INC., (CONTRACTOR). WHEREAS. Couoty.. certain n::spoosibiliIi under &Me md Coumy Iawa. to provide animal control services and cnfun:ement of laws related to animals; and WHEItEAS. it has been detamioed that it is in the best inknst oldie n:sidents of IDII visiton to 1be Comuy dJBt a C'.ODImCt with a private povidc:r of lAICh Ien'ica, NOW llIBREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual pI'OIDies COdI8ined herein, die ,.mes agree as follows: L TERM OF AGREEMENT: This apeemaJt sbaIl he for a twdvc (12) moath period ~~ Julv 1. 2005 ad eadU:la at 12:00 midnight on J... 30. 2006. The tenD of 1hia agRemeDt sbalI be renewable in lIIllCOl'dInce with Section IV. n. PAYMENT: 'The twl CDmpb_ioo to be paid to the CoatrIdot in ~mon of its sc:rvic:es under this Agreement shall be S248,S98.00 per lImlUID. The County sbtll Jl8Y the Cont:r-.::tor on a per momh in..an basis in ImIlDOUllt equal to tl12 of the totIII COlt oftbo contr8ct, or S 20.116.50 pel' month. Tbc Comtactol sh8U provide . moatbIy invoice on the 1- day of -=h JDODlh to the DMIioD of Community SeMca, and payment shall be IDIIlIe 011. or about the I at day of the following mcoth. In the event tbat ftmds lie p8ItialJy reduced or CIDDOt be nhI.i-' or ~ lit a Ievd sufficieat to allow for die purcbaIe of the JerVices ~ then the CODtnICt may be Iet~ iJmnodi_1y at the option of tho County upon written DOtice of tnmiftlltinn beiDa deliveml in penon or by mail 10 the CoIIImdor. 1"be eo.ty will not be C'l1'~ to ..,. fur 8DY ICIYicm puWIIld by tbe Coatractor afW 1be CO!drIdot bas received written notice of inmwodildP. terminI1ion. m. SCOPE OF SERVICES: A. The ew....... tbalI povide aU st8fIia& eIp~ ..... supplies ~i to openII:e the Big PiDe Key _ MBndboD ADimaI Shehen JocataJ lit Jndustri81 Drive. Big Pine Key, Florida, ad 10550 AWdion Boulevard. Mantboo. FloridM. mi provide COIIlpIek: animal control and ent"oroemeot services from Mile Malt.- 16.7('" HanU CJ&mcl Bridp) dJrou&b Milo Malter 69 (up to MM 70). iocIudiDg 1bo Cities ofMlndban, Key Coloay Beach lOCI Layton. 1. STAFF: Tbe eo........- will fuUy stalt opcnIIc aod pafonn all cmrmt t\mcdoos of the SIdta1. . fiutbcr JdcmifIcxl in the trIioiog manual to be prepnd by Conn:tor. lIIIid tnIiub:w IDIIm81 will be MYiclwed iDl aw-owal by the Director of Community Serviees or his desisoee prior to implementation. 2. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: The ~ IIhall coopente with tbe Mmlroe Olunty HeaItb Dcp8l1ment aDd follow all local and Sl8Ie laws. po,pJatjODB 8Dd pocedures. iocIudiDg but DOt limiIccl to F.A.C. 1OD-3.091, Procedures for Control of Specific Commuoicable Dise:ase$ and Chapter 64816- 29. Animal Control Sbeher Permits. 3. CARE OF ANIMALS: (s) The Contractor will receive and properly confiDe all animals that are brought to the Shelters or wbich become the respoDsibility of die SbeMrn. AIl.um.ls ill die c:uItod:y of die CoaID&:tor 8h8D have a constn supply of ftesh 'W8hr and be fed a diet appl'OJIriIIe for their species, IRed, .. and physical condition. (b) The Coon:tor IhI1l provide ~ ~ for sa &ad iliured animab in its c:ulltody IIICl shaD obtain the services of a vaeriDllrian who is liceosed by and in good stmdins with the Boerd ofVcW:riuary Medical E~ 1M die State ofFIorida for CODlIUIbdioDs 1OdI0I' pro&ssiomll aervices. (c) 'l'be ComnIctor sbaIl provide the pullObue1l1Dd mataiaIs oecesI8Iy to bn...-ty eudJanjze all aniDIIIls designated for CntluuuMilJ by the supenilcn ar -".cw of the SbeItets. The primary dru& 10 be utiIbJcd for e-"*'--'- shill be sodium peotobMbitaI. and the ~ sb8ll Admim_.. emt--ia to thole animaII de:sipated fur destruction in s humaDe mIl!lIel' and consistent with state aod COUDly laws ... J'P!IP~. The Coatmctot'. penIOIlQCll who perform emM~' will have lIppl'Opriate certificates attcstins to the employee's authority to perform ...mt--iA. aod copies of 1be certificates will be forwarded to the Dimrtor of Commuuity Services 01' his desipee. (d) 1"be Contractor sb8II provide hcartwona testiDg to all IdoptabIe dogs. provide deworming to all adotDbIc animals. and shall have a pmgna in plIce for fica md tick CODbol. Contractor au seek ft.mc:tiJIg soun:ea to enable provision of feline let*c:mia virus testing BDd, upon nhtAini.. such NndiD& lIb&ll provide feline leukemia virus iestirt& tOr III) 8dopC8bIe Iduals and Clda. 4_ MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES: 'I1Ie CmdJactor sbaU 1nIli~ the Sbdten. iocludiD8 kameI --. C8FI aDd ~'Il room. mt all equipment in a c1c:an. !life, snd II8DiIaIy manner. S. ADOPTIONS: (a) The ~ sImU ~ tb8t IIIhia ~....... will be pw:n to all adopIed and redeemed animals as requiRd by law. (b) The Con1ractm will provide an adoption lICrJice tbrouab the ShcIters for the purpose: of SClL':lDing suitable homes for adopIable .... 1'hc Coabwl<<af ... tiIow 1IIIIl0jlfWc. critaia to __ tbd each compenion animal is giWlll .lIUitahIe home 1Iuough besk: screening JlI'l)CCdures that evaluate both the animal to be rele8scd aDd 1hc potentjal adopter in an effort to IIlIIUIe that the 8Dimala adoi*d .e being pIa&:ed in Iong-ac:rm homes. The ICftlCIIipg procedures sbaU be reviewed periodictdly by the Diredor of CommmJity Services or his dcsigDcc as to form and ~. All adoptable 8Dimals win be available for inspection by the public dJaing normal woddng boura. 'Ihc CoaIrKIor sbaU utilize 1hc Adoption ~ IIU8cbed bercto . EXHIBIT MA.. unIcss modified by written and Iigned directive from the Direct<< of Community Services.. (e) The COIl1nIctor sbaJ] adOIce the provisioas of thc COIIb'lICt, iDcIuding, but DOt Iimital to, tU:ing IID)I M:tico ~1 to eb!JUIe that an adopIed animal is lIpIIYed or neutemI prior to reJ~_..ItlI the animal or tnmsferrina owncnbip to its adopter. 6. ISSUANCE OF COUNTY UCHNSES: The CCIIIIraCtor will iauc Iic:aJsc CllItificales for clop IS required by 1bc Moaroe Couuty Code and coUect the fees estBblisbcd by County Resolution therefor. The Coutractor will be respoosible for "-nnini"C that all n:quirements have belen IIUI6cd by an W--- prior to ismiDc aliceDse c:ertifiaItc 8Dd sbaIl remit all fees therefor to 1be County. 7. POUCIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL: The Coatmctor tbaU nuIIi~ a Policies and ProccdumI Manual fur guidance of all 8Iaft'. At a minimum. it shBII set fin1h 1be foIlowiDs: 1. Goels aDd Objectives of the OlpDization. 2. Protocols for intake, care. adoption, tcturIl to owners, aDd ocber ~ of8Dito8Js. 3_ Protocols for ftlIIlOD"i"8 to caUs for IDimal control services, whether in the nature oflaw enfommllllt, pick-up of dcIId animals, or other. 4. Protocols tor daily ma;.......-(Il:Ifl of premises aod equipment. im;1udiJta: vc:bicles. s. TrainiDa Staff a. pn::n:quisites fur certain positions b. bcpiDg staff cum:at 6. TI'lIiDiDg pmvided- sbBII iDclude: a. Sbelb:r Policies a: Procedures (required of aU staff: iocludiDg volunteers) b. Basic Pet Care c. VetcriDary Heahb Care d. AnimlIJ Behavior e. Animal Handling f. Breed Identification &. characterisDcs g. Obcdieoce Training h. Bdaavior Problem SolviDg i. CouaseliDg Methods j. CoDflict ).f~ (required of all law emOJemllCDt penoDDCl) It. GriefColIIIIdiDg l. Telephone Mannen and Customer Service Skills -Items a&: j must be lit least in put provided in a c1aslIroom or semiD8r type tICttin&. with live or video ~ AU oIbcr 1nIiDiDg may be seJf..stu6y, aItbou&h some in-person or video training is bigbIy recommeoded. TI8iDing sball be provided appropriate to the position fined by the worlrer, wbetber that worker is 8Il employee 01' a voluaterz. 7. Adoption 0uide1iDes. which sholl absolrbh regtdn Slmllzation t!/ an tI1timtrJI DriM 10 reI<<ue to adopter. Other guidelines shall address, at 8 minimmn: .. CclasuII8tioD with the proepecti~ adopa'. b.. Prospective adopter's commitment to be responsible for providing C8R, safe environmeat. veterinary bills for life oftbe 1IBimal. c. AIJimaI's di~ MId tbat ofmcmllas (Imro&m'" aimBl) ofdle hougeboId to enhance as well. p08lliblc the probability of successful placement. B. HOUltS OF OPERATIONS: Al. miniapQPII' tbr; Big fiDe AnimII Shelter sball be 0JIClIl to the public: from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. Eastern Time, Tuesday tbrouab Saturday. 8Dd the Msratbon Animal Sbe1b sbaII be open to public from 9:00 IUD. to 5:00 p..m.. Eastern rune,. Tuesday through Friday. and fiom 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 pm.. E8ldem time. OD Saturdays ad Sundays. Hours of operstiora may be 1Mljus&ed only upon mutual written CODSeII1 of the Cowrty and the Contractor. B. ENFORCEMENT SERVICES: The Cootr8ctor will provide 000"'lpIete animal control and cnforcemcot services within the Service Area described ~ iDcIudin& but not limited 10: 1. Training of Animal Control O:fticers: The Coatractor sball provide that aU 8DimaI control officers complete the maodarory certification prognun outlined by F.s. 821.27 (40 boura of1miuiua ewricuIum ~ by the Florida Animal Comrol AssociBtion); said training sball be omnpl~ on a timely basis after a 9O-day probBIionary period. The CoatnM:tor is to provide the I>ircctor of Community Services, or his desigoce, with copies of the Animal Control Officer Training Program. Certificates. 2. Emergaq servic:es (24-bours per dayn-daya a week) tor Priority One caDs which are: a. lDjURld EimaI; b. Bite C8f1CS; penon bit by any wanJ1-.bIoodcd creature; c. Animal bites 10 other aoimals; d. Wild animal in home; e. IMDpnJus dog invabpIions; f. Animal audty imrestigalions; g. Law enfcm:emcat requests. 3. P8Irollins service area OIl a regular ad conci~ b8sis; 4. Piddng up clop that are ruoning at-large; S. Picking up eelS or I1ICCOOmJ captured in cat or ruc:coon traps; 6. Non-emagcDCy aoima1 pic:k up from. resideutial homes during DOI'ID8I operating hours; 1. Picking up dad. auimaIa", Counly 01' City riaIU-of-way ad 8IIMF for proper disposal in ~ wi1h all applicable laws. regulaIions aud ordiftlrftr.P.lil; a. Disposiag of my aoim:IIs tbaa In ~1Ih-.i,""" or 1b&t expire while in the care. custody, or CODIroI of the Contractor, in ICCOIdance with aU applieable laws,. regulations and orrli~ 9. ~ aU IqIOfts of vioIatioIl of Ioc:.I and state ordi_...... BUd repl8tioDs rdaIiDa to aim8I COIltroI 8IXi, when ""..mttIed by the fiIcts, issue citatioDs aod/OI prosecute all penobS cbarpd with violation of said ontimmces aDd r\lBJlIIIfi~ which iDclucks represeating Monroe County in court pnx:ee"i'lp wilen required. Further, upon. -hHotioo of this agramcat. 1he CoDtnctor shaU complete aU ClI8e$ origiaated by ContrIctor including nlpmIeIlting the Colmty in court if neccs88ly. 10. CompIyioa with Ill) "I'I"~ CounIy ordt.__~ IDl ~ as wdJ 8S the laws oftbe StIIte of Florida. C. FEES. The Contractor shall coJIa:t and remit to the County aU foods that are collected foe fees, Jicedlle certificates,. ci1ations. pma1ties. adoptions,. etc. In this tepid. die ('~..... u.e ftlCeipCs ID1 keep appopriIIc records of aU fuDds rcceiwd IlDCl sbDJI pnwidc the Dircc:tor of(Mwmmjty Scrvicc:s or his desiance with copies of daily alSb m:oucililltion forms. daily b8Dk deposit information and originalliceD8e certific::IIb!: that arc issue on a bi.weeldy buis. All fimds mUllt be ~ info specific Mc8uc CounIy ... ~ ....u ftlqUClltS iOr WIiWlI' of any fines 01' fees owed to the County must be submitted in writiDg on the County. appoved affidavit form to the Dbector of Community Services or his designee, said affidavit fom1 is atIBcbed hereto and marked ExlfbIt "B." The ContrIletor sbaU oaIy charge fees as oadiaed in Moamc Coooty Rfo-h-- No. 496-2000. .. .-c may be ~ &om time to time; aid Resolution is Ilt8cbed hereto and JMrked EsWIIit "Co" The CooIrBdor sbaU not c:harp allY oda fees fur aervK:es at the Shelten unless IIUIhorized by the County to do 110. D. REPORTS. 1be Coanctor lIhaIJ provide the Dinlctor of Community Services or his cbipee with eopics of.n bite Iq:lOrtS and c:itatiaIs tb8l1tC issued on a bi- weekly basis. Contrlldor shall submit on a mon1hIy buia to Director of Community Services the foUowiDg reports: (1) AdopIka RqIorta. by specia A .. (1DIIIuI'IlIimml). with sepMIIIte ea:ouDtin& !bowing Pure brcal; retumI and JalIODS; adoption deoials. (2) Complaint Reports. showing numbenI for bites. ftllitaJV'"'!!l, cruelty. o1ber. also IbowiD& ...... recc:iwd (teIcpboqe can.1eIter. visit 10 oflice. fIIOOIo-"M in coune of duIic:a); aDd the Ildion 1Bbn for eech. (3) El~" by species & age (1D8tureIimnudur). and showing number which wae faaI. diIeued or iDjun:d. (4) N1IIIIher of...... tIkm ID. by species &: .. (DUIluIeIimm8Iur) at 9bowiug nmnbers brought in. picked up &. redeemed (5) County Fees coUected. ~gpMi.1be fees collected for each of the foUowiog: 1ice:nses. pic:k-up,. iomkc. ~ IIdopioa. diap8I & 8~ (6) Avemp number of days ofboardiDg by IIJICIcies a: 9 (matuI'eIimmlIb:). (7) Total number of aDimaJs (by species) lit the Dltera lit hqrjnni", of month and the toCld number of 8DimaIs (by species) at the sbeltas lit the cud of the month. E. HUlUUCANE OR OlHER NAruRAL DISASTER.: In the event of a. hurricale or odlet natural disutr.r. 1he Contraca sb8lIl11:11ke im beat efforts to JII'OPIlIly house ad ~ for all.um.ls.. In this reprd. the Coab8cIar m.n ~ lit le8st tine (3) employees wbo will be abJc to laD8in in the County to care duriDg die diluter fOr the anim8Is wbic:h have not beal tMICIMtcd _ IIftar die cIiIaI&a' tOr aniDlIIIs DOt eva:u&Itcd and any animals which are at 1aqr:. The Contractor wiD supply thoBe employees' names. addn:aes _ tdephoDe numbers to the Couaty j\dmUr.~... who may, at his diIcmioa, RqUR the Cwbadul to haw the IDled employees remUn ia 1bc Couoty cIuriog and after a C8tegory I, 2 or 3 Hunic:ene 01' natural di!l8lltllr. F. PETS IN SHELTERS: Coobactot sbaIl provide die aavicr:s dmi~ fur the Animal CoatrolIShdtI:r Contractor in the Pet FriaIdIy Special Needs Clients Shdtr:rius PIm to fMOvidc CYaI:08Iioo of pd8 of Special Needs CliaIts _ ----. with c::8le of said pets. No penoD or entity sbaIl be eDIitIaI to rely upon the temIs" 01' all)' of than. of this Agreement to c:nforee or Idtcmpt to CDfon::e or attempt to cnfun:e any tbird-puty claim or catidement to or baaefit of ., ICIVicc or pIOII8ID ~ baeuoder, ad the County lIDd the Coatractor aaree that DCitbcr the County IIOl' the Contrector or Illy aaem. officer, or employee of eidIer IbaJl ha\lIe the 8Ulhority to iDfiJrm. COUDlICl. or otbawiIe indicaIe thn 11II)' psrtiwlIr mdividu8l or JlOUP of iudMduaIs" entity or entities. have ......;II~ftad8 or beoefi1I UDder dID ~ ...... and IpM1. inferior to, or ~ to the community in general 01' for the purposes CODtmlpIatal in the Aareement. IV. RENEWAL: The County shall have the .. to ftlDflW this agreanmt after the first )'ClIf, for two (2) additioDal aoe-,.. periods. The: contnI;;t lIIJlOUIlt .- to herein may be -tiUltcd IIIDUIUy in axudamce with the ~ c:llao&e in the C'.ftnlJI..".,r Price Index (CPI) tor all urbIn CllBIIIIDCft (CPl-U) fOr the ID08t m:art 12 DlOIdbs avaiIIbIc. V. CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE: Tbe Caotmctor sb8llllfal'C, mairdain IDll pay all appIic:BbIc fmI fur any permits and Iicemes oocasay to opcI'lIte the Shcltas. By aipBture bcRoo. the COGInK:tor W8II'IIdB tbIt it is autbori2:ecl by Jaw to eapae in the pcrfomumcc of die actiYit:ies baein delcribed, subject to the tams and CODditioDs set forth in theae coatrw;:t ~ Proof of sucb lic:eu8claod ipIlIOU tbIJl be mbmiaal to the County upon request. The Cootrector bas, 80d sbaIl ftUlintJoin throuihout the term of 1his oootn&:t. IlIIJIIIOIlri* IiceaIes and appovals required to conduct its busiDesI. and dud: it will.. aJl1imes oonduct its busiaca lICtivitics in arepua.ble 1DlIIUlet. VI. INDEPENDENT CONTRACIOa: At all times aDd tor all puqlOIClI, 1he ConIrac:lor. ita .... IIIld cmpIoyeea lie srric:dy COIlSidered to be ~Idmf contradors in their peaformaDce of tbe worlr. ..........pI8Icd bemJadcr. As 8tlCh, the ~, its...... aod empIoyec:s sbaIl DOt be entitled 10 lilY of the benefits. rights or privilcaa of County employ=s. The provider sbaIl at all times exercise iDIJep-.-.... professiaDal judfp-t and ..... __ pofasiouaIl'clpOlllibilily for the iIen'ices to be provided. vn. STAFFING: Sioce 1biI CODIIw::t is a ICn'ice ~ ...... is of JIIIBDIOUId impodaace. CoamK:tor sbIII provide aervic::es using the followiDg sIIIndards, as a minimum rcquitemca1: A. The ~ sWI JIIDYidc lit its own expclIIIIC all 4CCCliII8[Y perJODDel to provide the services under this CODtrllct. Tbc JICI'IODIIIl'I sball not be employees of or have any COIItIw:tual rel8timsbip with the County. B. All pcIIOIIDd t:D8IJIIlIl in paiOnDina avices UDder dIia COIIIIr8Ilt sb8Jl be fully qU8Iified. 8Dd. if JeqUiftld. 10 be adhoI~ or permiUIld undr:r Stale 8Dd local law to perform such 1ICrViccs. vm. UJ1UI1E8: The c.r-ct<< ... be rapobIiblc fDr paymcm of all uIiUty cbarps for the Sbdtcrs. All utility accounts wiD be held in tho CoIItractl:rs name. IX. VEmCLES: The Couaty bcrcby a- to the ~ t\\'o (2) Coaaty vcbicIes c:urrad:ly BIlIiped 10 the Sbeltas idemified as follows: I. 1995 Ford PI SO Pidt Up Truck (Unit 091(11)61); 2. 2004 Ford FlSO Herita&e TnICk (Unit 091010(2); The CaaInetor ab811 be n:8pa8SI"bIe for JIIIYIDCDl of III fue1. oil, aDd oCher lIUpplics oecesIIIIIy to operate the vehicles. In lIddition, the Comr.:tor sball be responsible for rep&irs 10 said vebicles aDd sbII1 Inti... them in a'lCOldaIlce with the -~ lICbcdu1e attIlCbed hmto RS E:dIIIJit *D." The eoom.:tor sbaIl povide 1ft average of four (4) oil cbqa ......uy for' .. vcbide. and sbaIl ~t., wbicic inspections with Monroe County Fleet ManIgemeut no less tbm tine times lIDIlU8Ily for each vehicle. The Cootractor IDlY cbooec the option of paying Fleet M~ for oil cban&es and pre;...Ol4Ilative mai......~... It Fleet.s c:unad .ullI8l J'lItt:8. or 1DIime priVIde pagel and provide na:ipts to the DirectGr of Commuoity ServK:a or his _pee to .......--- and verify that 1he required INIiIl1ltftlnCe bas been perfonned. NotbiDg herein shalJ prevent tbe CouJIty fiom iDIpc:ctina the vchic1a at my IaIClIIlIbk time. X. HOLD HARMLESSllNSURANCE REQU1REMENTS: The CoIatnIdor COWIIlIIda aud I8R* to im.,....,;ry aod hold ~ Mauroc: Comlty Bo8nI of CDUDty ()wruniHinnP-ra 8Dd the County Court of Monroe Couaty fi:om 8IlY and aU dmms for' bodily iqjury fDX"~ deIlh). peI'IIllIIIII iojw:y. and property damqe (mcl.udiDg property owned by Moaroe CoUDt)') lIDll 8111 oIhcr losses. ~-y<t. and expeases fmcluding aaomey'. -) wbicb ari8e out of. in CODDeCIioo with, or by reaon of services provided. by the Cootractor or any of its Subcontmctu.:(l) in any tier. ~ by 1bc ~ aron. m' otba' WIOJIgfiII act of omission oftbe ~ or its Subc:ontraGtots in my tier, their employees. or aptB. The extem of liability is in DO way limited co. n:duced. or ~ by die iDIu1mce requiranents contained within 'Ibis awecmenl Prior 10 ~~.. savicea UDder this ~ the UlUbacb: sbIlJ fUmiIh die Owner Certific:atcl of Insunmce 88 indicated OIl funDI eotitled Oeoeml Inaunmce R6quh....... for Aaimal CoIIIrol CoIJIna. ADimaI EaO. FD2. 0LAnimals, VLl. wel, AD Risk: Property IDsunmce and TCS. as aUacbcd hereto and ineolpora1ied as in EXHIBIT "E. .. XI. OONATIONS: The Coull.... sbBll iMoe rec:eipI:s and blip tppropa. recorda of all ~ received lit the Shelters by Coatractor. Slid donations shaD be used by Contractor only for the bcmefit of IbcItez aoiJ:Mb or .mm.I& fm' which Contractor provides spaylDader m' otbc:r services, _ shall not be UIt.d to deftay or reduce County fiIodiaa in the ~ In the C88e of donldioos ID1icitcd by 1bird: p8Itica OIl bebIJf oftbc n.ut..dOr, the ~ adity must make its fiDanciaI MOOI'ds pertaining to the donIted funds availah1e to l.~~ of the Coatr8ctor and the County dmiDg reaular business boun (Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. excludiItt boIidays) in order to iDsufe 1b.t all IIIOIries c:oUectcd on bcba1f of the CoobKtor. mUms an IIDOUIIt DOt to exceed S% of the total. coUected for administrative expenses. are in fact doOlltcd to the ContrllCtol' for the bea:fit of IIbI:1ter 8DimBIL If a p:'OlIpCldive cIoaItiaI adty is UIIWiIIiDa or unahIe to comply with the fore&oioa ~ then the Commcto. may DOt accept any dou8tions ftom that entity. XII. FACILrrIES AND EQUIPMENT: The Contra:ta.r ben:by -=cqU 1be SbeIter fBcllities aod ~~ in "11II is" coodition, aDd the Contractor shill allow the County to iDspec:t Mid fiJeilities and equipment at lIlY ~ time. In additiort. .u opnaina supplieII and any ~ equipment such.. CIItdHU IIicb. cap aDd the lib sb8ll be 1bc rapoam1lllity of the ~. xm. INVENTORY: Prior to CfWn~ ofdle.mce CODteIDphded baeia, the CoUDty ahalI perform In iuventory of aU supplies, materials. mcdK:incs and cqWJIIDClIllIIt cs:h SheIa IIIId 1bc iIm:ntory lists ~ therefrom sball be signed by both parties hereto. XIV. CONTRACIOR'S ASSUMP110N OF PREMISES AND CONDmONS: The Cootnaoi' hereby agrees ... be .. cmdblIy cYJIft.ilWl1bc praniscs provided by the County and the district for wbicb be a:baIJ provide IeI'Yices BOd bas made inw:stip:ticms to fully SItiIfy himadf that u:h 1ifc(1) is (are) corm:t and suitable for tbi8 work and be 8IIIUIDCI t\tll mrpoosibiIity tblnfor. The provisions of the ContnIct shall coottoJ any inconsistent pnwiIiouB cootaincd in the specifications. All spccificatioDs have bcea lad 8Dd C8I'efully considcml by the CoDtnIcIor. who undenIaKIs die same Idd agrees to their sufficiency fur the work to be doDc. Under no circumst8Dces. ~ OF ~ an this Caatract be mare IUOIIgly COOIIl'UcIl..,.m.t the Ownct than against the CootnIctor. XV. MAINTENANCE: The Coabw:tor sbJiI ~,. lBId be ~'bIe for thc COlIta of ftPIIirs to tbe SbeIter buildinp. grounds. llIld equiJlment in order to keep lIIIDIe in proper workina CODdition. .Prior to com~ of Jt:pIIi:rs, 1bc County must be DOtified. in wri1in& of repIin estimated to cost over $1,000.00. If such Jepairs are IJIlPIOYCd by 1he County, tbe CcmDactor sbaJl pay the tint $1.000.00 of colt RlpldJeas oftbe toC8l COlt of IIIid Rlp8in. XVI. IMPROVEMENTS OR MODIFICATIONS TO FACILI11ES: No improvemems or modific:aaions may be IDllde to the Sbelters. appurteoBDCeS. or SlIIIUUlICIios PfOPCIboa without the prior written approval ofthc County. xvn. FUNDRAlSJNO: The Contractor may '* the Shelters tOr fimdnUsina OF for 8llIliDg lJleft".....ise afia' its items have been reviewed and llpIIrOved by the DirecIor of Community Services or his ~ R.c:quesas for Cl\IeDlS tbtU be mpated by the Conba=u>r in writiDa lIPd approved by 1hc County AdminilIIrator in writing. F1.mds raised by the Contractor from fimdraisiDg or eveuts at the Shelters sbaIl oaIy be UIeli to bcol:fit thc llbehe:r 8DimaIs or animals for whieb Contnlctor PIOVides lI'8ylneuter or othea' services. and sbaU not be used to defray or reduce Courdy funding in 1bc future. xvm. NON.DISCRIMINATION: County lmd ComnIcfor agree 1Mt there will be DO discrimioation epinst any pcrsoo. lIPd it Is expressly UDderstood Ih8t upon 8 determination by 8 court of campetent jurisdiction that di8criminIdion bas 0CCUIRld. this Aw~ ",,~Qy tclImiDa1ies without any fUrther action 011 the I*t of any perty. ~ the dale of the court Older. County or CoaInIdor agree to comply with lID FedemllDd Florida lItIdU&ea.lDJ aIl10cal ord~ as applicable, relating to DOIldiscrimiDat These include but are not limited to: 1) Title VI of the Civil Rigbts Act of 1964 (pL 88-352) wbicb poiu"bits di8criJDiD8tion on the -. of nEe. color or DIItioDaI origin; 2) Title IX of1be E~ ~ of 1912. IS AIft!IIdP.d (20 use sa. 1611-1683. aod 1615-1686). which prohibits di9Cr'imiMtion on the besis of sex; 3) Section S04 of 1he R.ebabilit8tion Act of 1973. as .......ded (20 use .. 794). wbich pIOIu"bits discrimin8Iioa OIl the "-is of ~; 4} The Age Diacrimin8tIon Act of 1975. 118 ameuoiod (42 use IS. 6101- 6107) which prohibits diBcriminatioD 00 the belIis of age; S) The Drug Ahu8e 0fIicc aod TRl8bDeDt Act of 1m (PL 92-2SS). IS ~ rdatiDg to 00Ddiscrimi0ati oo1he basis of drug abu&c; 6) The Compn:hrmive Alcobol AbuIc BOd Alcoholism Prcw:ntion,. TJaDnad IIDd ~ Ad of 1970 (PL 91-616), as nmded. rdatine to DOJJdiscrimiDat on the "-is of akoboI.. or ~i_: 7) 11Ic Public HaIJth Service Act of 1912, ss. 523 ..a 527 (42 use 58. 690cJd..3 aDd 29()ee.3), as ameDded, relating to confidentiality of aJcoboIMd dNg" P*Dt mconIs; 8) 1rt1e vm oftbe Civil Riabfs Ad. of 1961 (42 use s. et aeq.), as ~. reladns to ~ in the sale, I'CDI8I or tinlmciDg of housint; 9) 11Ic AmericeDs with Disabi.litieI Act of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Nolo). IS maybe fUJIC!IId,!d from time to lime. relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of diIability; 10) Monroe Couuly Code Ch. l~ Art. VI. pnD"birifta diIcrimiDatioD 011 the baaes of I'lICe. color, lJelt, religioo. disability, national ori&in. ancestty, Ie'XUII orientation, ..... identity or ~~ I'amiliaI 8lIlut lit I/@Ie; Md II) 8IIy otber DOIIilIWii./Il~ provisiolJ8 in any Federal or lUte statutes which may llpply to 1bc parties to, or the subject matter of: this Agn:aneDt. XIX. INSPECl'ION OF BOOKS AND FACR.I11ESIAUOIT/ACCOUNTING: The Cmma:::tor sbIII trWnmm the financial ta:O!ds in accordance with pmerally eccepUd accountina principles. aDd allow the CouDly to inspm its boob aad nx:orda: aDd the IbeIter facilities ... any tealJClDIhIe time. In addition. the Cootrackw !Iball, at its expease. provide the County with BD IIDDUIIl audit P"~ by lID iDdependcnt Certified Public Accountsnt. CooIr8dor shall maio all records pettainina to this agreement for a period oftbrcc years aftertam expin:s. xx. . PUBLIC RECORDS: Tbc CoubactoI" sbIll oomply with 1he Public RCl:OIds laWB ofabe State ofFlorida.IUliect to any provisions providing exempIion from disclOSUl'l!:. XXL MEDICAL RESEARCH: In DO event lIhaIl any animals uadcI' the care. ClIItody, or COIdmI of the CooIractor be giveD, bartered or sold to any medical research compeoy. XXII_ CATIRACCOON TRAPS: The County hereby leases its cathaccoon tnIps to 1he ~ for the ConInIctor to rent to 1he public upon payment of a deposit fee. All deposit fees coUec&ed by Contractor sbaU be tdumed to abe redet upon return of the tnp or. if the trap is oot JCtumed to Contrllctor, the deposit file will be maincd by the Cootr8ctor in order to purchase ~ taps. At the aIll of tbia apcmcot. the Cootra1Ior wiD nm:n 1hc IIIIDC IlUIDber of ~ tnps to the County as the County bad pnMded at thc ~"" of this ~ NodUDa __ aheIl pm:1udc Comn::a m.n pun:baing and lading i1s own CIIt BOd ra:cooa tAps. xxm. BREACH OF TERMS BY CONTRACfOR; The pess.iD& approval. "'01' lICCefl4adCe by 1be Owner of 8DY defect in the senic:es furnished by the CoDtractor, shaU oot openlte as a waiver by the CoUllty of strict compIiBnce with the terms of this Conuact. aDd Jpeei~ coveriDg the taViea. County may m.n-ti1Jtely tantidde the Agreement due to lbly violations by Comrector of aimiblI st;atUtes scmmin& humane aDd c:zuel tn:lIIJDeQt of aaimaIs. Any otbc:r CooI:tactus bre8cb of this &greement BbaU be governed by the IItide above On termiDation for cause. 1bc COIl1nIdOr agrees tb8t the CouoIy AdmiDiIInf<< may dMi.,- rep~ to visit the faci1ityfa) periocIicaIIy to inspect COIdr8ctor'lI ~ of the prmUfICS, and care provided to animals. The Contractor agrees tb8t tile County Adminiatndor may designue Itpo........J~ves to visit the faclIity(ics) periodically to c:cmduct random open file evaIuItions during the Co.nIractor's IIOIID81 business hours. XXIV. lERMINATION WI1HOlIT CAUSE: Tbe County may terminIIIe Ibis qreemeat widIout C8U8e by providing 1be CoaIul:tor with written notice ofleJ'miNltion at least sixty (60) days prior to 1hc date oftcrminetion. XXV. TERMINATION wrrn CAUSE; The County may tamiDIIIe this ~ for cause iftbe Cuubidcr lIbIll default in 1be perfotmmc:e of any of its obligations undcl' this agreement. Defap)t shall iDclude the 0CClJna1CC of aDY ODiC of the foIIowina events _ lI8IDe is not corrected to the I8IiIfactioll ortbe CouDty within fifteeD (15) days afta' the County provides the CoIdr8etor witb writteD DOticc of_default: L Failure to provide food or watIlr fur IIDimals in the custody ofComractor. b. F8ilure to procure ~ wterin&ly cae for my sick or iDjUftld 80imrIl in 1be custody of tbe Contractor. &. Failure to ~w-f!l~. iD a bumaDe mrmaer. d. Failure to maintain the Sbeltcn in a clean, safe rmd saoitluy JDIIDJlCr. e. Breach of lID)' other term. condition or requiremeDt of this agm:meDt. XXVI. ASSIGNMENT: The Conn::wr shalJ not assip or subco.dl...;t i1s obIiptions uodIr this ....... except in writiDa aDd with the prior writtm app:oval of the Borud of County Commissioners of Moaroc County aDd ec:.m.:tor. which lIppIOY8l sb8II be sut;ect 10 such CODdi1ious rmd provisions IS 1be Board may deem DCCell8lIrY. This JI8I8ItIIIlh IIbaU be ~ by jeL....... do Ill)' ...,.....,. 01' ~ IDd allY BIIipf:e or subc:oatmaor !ball comply with all oCdIe provisioas oftbis ltgIeeIDllIlt. Unless expessly p:ovided for tbanlia. such approVlIIlIball in DO ID8IUIeI' or evaJt be deemed to impoIe Ill)' additioa8l obJiptioD 1IpOD the bomd. xxvn. COMPLIANCE wrm LAW: 10 providiDa aU IlCl'Vicellgooda puIlIUEt to 1bis ~ the CoatIactor llbaU abide by aU statutes, ordinInces, rules and reauJ8lioDs pertaining to, or repIating the provisions of;. JUCh .w:e.. iocIudin& 1hoee DOW ill effect mil hc:moIfIer Idopted. Any \IioIaticla of said IIatUtes, ormftllllllClJ. rules and reguJaIioos sbalJ constiMe a maIerial breach of this ....... IDd shall CDtitIe the BoInI to tetmiaate this CCIIto1raCl ;......Mi~y upon delivery of w:riUcn DOCice of tenniDation to 1hc contractor. The ~ sb8lI poIIClI8 JIIOIICI' liccmea to perform ww:n in acconIIlDce with dac ~~ tbroosboul tbe term of this contract. xxvm. DISCLOSURE AND CONFUCT OF INTEREST: A 1"he CGIdractor MpJeacnts that it. its cIirecton. principles and employees. ~ IIwe DO i:nten=st and sbaIl acquire no iIdaat. citbc:t direct or indim::t, which \\1UUJd conflict in.,. ....... with tbe perfonDaDce of services ftlC(UiIcd by this contract,. . provided in Sect. 112311, ct. seq.. Florida 81atu11cs. B. Upon exec:uboo of this COIIII8ct. and tbemIfter lIIl cbaaga may require. the Coatractor sb81l notify the County of dy fiDImcial iIItaaIt it may have in lIIly .. aU conttocts wilh Monroe County. XXIX. FINANCIAL RESPONSmILITY: The ('.onInIdor sbIU DOl JMd8e the ComIty'. credit (It mike it.~ of payIIlIIlIIt or surety for any contract. dcht, obIiptioD, .P~ lieD, or my furm of iDdebtedness. The CouInIctor further WIII'I'IIIIIS and ~ that it bas DO obIipIion or i~ that would impair its ability to fulfiU the terms of this CODtnCt. xxx. NOTICE REQUIREMENT: Any DOtic:e Kquired or pennitted llIIIIa' this agreemeat sbaU be in wriling IIIId hand delivered or mailed, postBge prepaid. to the other party by eertified mail, returned receipt requested, to the foHowiog: FOR COUNTY: Momoe Couaty AdminisIndoI' 1100 Simonton Street Key West. FL 33040 llDd County AttorDcy PO Box 1026 Key WClIt, FL 33041-1026 and '- B. M8JIoc:b. Din:ctor Momoe Couaty Community Services Division 1100 Simomaa Street. 1m. 2-256 Key West. FL 33040 FOR CONTRACTOR: Linda 00uwaId. Director Stand Up for Animals. Inc. 10550 Avildioo Boulevard Mmdbon. FL 33050 XXXI. TAXES: The County is exempt. fiooJ paymeut of Florida Slate SaIea and Use tBXeL The CODtnlctor lIballllOt be exempted by virtue of the County's exemption from paying Illes 1IIX to ita suppliers for IDIIlicrWs .... 10 fU1fiIl ita 011I"-- UDder this eDIlb:ac&. DOl' is tile CoDtracIor autborized to UIe the County's Tu. ExemptioD Number in securin& such ma&eria1s. The CoDbactor sb8U be respoDIible for my and all taxes. or paymeDtS of withholding, related to services rendend Uftder 1bis agreement. XXXII. GOVERNING LAWS: This Ap:emeDt is sov.-ned by the laws oftbe State of Florida.. Venue for any litiptioa arising under this Agn:cmeut must be in Monroe County, Florida. In 1he event of any litiptiao. dlf: pwaillng party is eatitled to lIltomey's fees and costs. XXXID. PUBUC ENTITY CRJME STATEMENT: A paIOD Ol" 8f'IlliIIte who .. beea pI8CrId 011 the COI&Vided WDIor list foDowina . CODVi.ction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a COlltl'aI;t to provide goods or services to a public emity, may DOt submit a bid OIl a COIltr8ct with a public: entity for CODItl'UCtion or repair of a public buildiDa Of pubtic work. may DOt submit bids on leases of .. IlftlIICIlY to pubtie eaDay. ...,. bOt be awarded 01' pafonD lIlI'I8. _ . c:oabw:U'. SlIIIPfier, ~, or couaul1ant under. CODInMtt wi1h any public entity, and may DOt transact busiDeIs with any public entity in ClXCeI8 of tbe tbreIboId lDDOIDlt provided in Section 287.017, F.S. for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 3611lO11ths from the dIIte of bein& pJ-=cd on the convicted. WlDdor lilIl (CA TEOORY TWO: $25,000.00). XXXIV. AUDIORIZED SIGNATORY: The sipstory for the Comractor, below, certifies 8Dd warrants that: (a) The CooDxIor's DIme in this ..eemeot is its full .... 81 ~ in its COfJJOI* cbuter. (b) He Of' &be is tmpOwered to 8I:t and ooaI:ra&:t for Cootrector. (c) This asn:anem has been llJIIIrOWd by the Connctor's Boen:I ofDiJectms. Purtha-. Comndor sMU, 1IpOD exOCUIioD of 1bia ......... IJIOVicIe proof of incorpond:ion aod a JUt of its a.d ofllirclc:ton. XXXV. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This aarcancnt COIlIIIituta the entire ,.~ bctwea1 the Couaty and the Cuub..aor for the services CODtemplated hcn:in. Any amendmcn1s or nwWoos to this agreement must be in writing and be mtecuted in the same JDaDDet 18 this agreement. WHEREOF tile p8Ities hereto have eucuted Ibis Apemcol OIIlbc day written ~ in four (4) ~ ea:b ofwbicb sb8Jl. without proof or tile 0Iber ClOUIdelpeIts. be deaned an original CObIract. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MOI?-~ fiOUiJ]'. FI.A}ID~ .. ij~/U- //7. ~ By: Ma)wICbairman (SEAL) AUiest: STAND UP FOR ANJMALS. INC. WITNESS WITNESS By: ,~~#d T1tIc:. s-: c/ . ;:: A . By: By: :l. <:.: OJ 0 ., z ;... ,- ~;; ; ,.., ~ D c.,. .... N "TI on. ~ 0 C::;;w; ;;0 Z.o ~ ~.... ::0 . ,..,~ '9 ,." ...,' J> C",l r- ~ r 0 > r., ::0 ~ 0