Resolution 214-2023 OMB Schedule to Number,21 Resolution No....................... 214—-2023 A RESOLU'nON CONCERNINC,THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS I WHEREAS,it is necessary for the Board of C.ounly Commissioners of Monroe Cbunty,Florida,to increase items to I account for unanticipated funds in the Monroe(Munty Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023,now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COI.JN,ry COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CO!,.�NTY, FLORIDA,that the fol lowing accounts of the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2023, be and the same is hereby increased by the amount hereinafter set forth: Fund: #405 General Airport Revenue Bond Cost Center: #630905-EYW Concourse A-Const. FAA BIL ATP#3-12-0037-076-2023 Function: #S400-Transportation Expand Terminal Bldg-Const.Phase 2(Approx.10,000 SF) Activity: #5420-Airports $13,,300,000.00 Offcl/Division: #1018-Airports Revenue: 405 - 630905 - 331400- RC00038 Federal Grants Transp.-FAA BIL ATP#37-76(95%) $13,300,000.00 Total Revenue: $13,300,DOO.00 Appropriations: 405 - 630905 - 530310 - SC 00036 Other Contractual Services $13,300,DOO.00 ITotal Appropriations: $13,300,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items,as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Comnusmorters of Monroe County, Flori(hi� at a regullar ineeting of said Board held on the 2 1"day of June,AD 2023. Mayor Craig Cates Absent M[ayor Pro Tem Irfolly Merrill Raschein Yes M Commissioner Michelle Lincoln Yes Conirnissioner James Scholl Yes c:) Corni,nissioner David Rice Absent iC M R S BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE -1,0111 DA OF MONIROE COU N]"Y,F CD By: Mayor Pro Tern S EVIN MA,DOK,Clerk MONNOECOMY ATIORNEY dr ........... ................................ CHROSITHE I WREPT-HARROWS au u As Deputy Clerk COLM11YI A77 NL DATF Item 21 Unant Fund 405 630905 EYW Concourse A-Const(FAA B11.ATP#37 76)