Item O2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 18, 2009 Division: Countv Administrator Bulk Item: Yes No~ Department: Countv Administrator Staff Contact PersonlPhone #: Connie Cvr 292-4441 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Request to speak to the Board of County Commissioners in regards to - Impact Fee Uses - Gary Bauman ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes _No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year No APPROVED BY: County Arty _ OMBIPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DOCUMENTA TION: Included Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 7/09 October 20, 2009 Roman Gastesi Administrator, Monroe County, Florida 1100 Simonton Road Key West, FL 33040 Subject: Impact Fee Uses Dear Mr. Gastesi: The Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District understands that there is $1.8 million available in Impact Fees from New Development for a project(s) in Key Largo. It is also our understanding that no project has yet been identified, but a new bike path on the Bayside is a likely candidate. This is to request that this money be used for full overlays rather then patching of roads in Key Largo, when required, during sewer construction. We understand that there might be some restrictions in County Code that do not permit the use of Impact Fees to repave roads after laying sewer pipe. We would like to work with you to find a way to allow the use of Impact Fees on "new" Sewer Construction throughout the County. The purpose of sewering the Keys is the protection of our near shore waters that are being threatened (impacted) by the past 20 years of "new" development. Some of the roads we have dug and patched need full overlays, not from sewer construction but from poor design, inadequate construction, and years of traffic and erosion. These roads would have been repaved had the county had sufficient gas tax money on hand. It is now our understanding that there are no plans to repave any roads in the county until sufficient funds are available and until bridge work is complete. Releasing the funds to the sewer construction and letting our contractors perform the repaving, based on the Monroe County 7-year Road Repair Plan, seems a perfect win-win situation. If we can find a way to move some of these Impact Fees to sewer construction costs, the County will have secured another source of funds to complete our sewer mandate without asking the homeowners for a larger assessment to perform road work. We would like the opportunity of meeting with you and your staff to discuss and resolve where the Impact Fee money gets spent. Sincerely, Susan Hammaker Chairman, KL WTD CC: The Honorable Sylvia Murphy, The Honorable Mario Di Gennero, The Honorable George Neugent, The Honorable Kim Wigington, The Honorable Heather Carruthers