Clerk's Memo 1!lannp lL. kolbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARAlHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 23,2001 TO: Louis Latorre, Director Social Services Division Pamela G. Hancoh Deputy Clerk U FROM: At the February 21, 2001, Board of County Commissioners meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Grant Application for a Community Foundation of the Florida Keys Grant. Grant proposal is for an Emergency (Hurricane) and Information Program for Senior Clients of the Monroe County Nutrition Program. Enclosed are four duplicate originals, executed on behalf of Monroe County, for your handling. Please be sure that the fully executed "Clerk's Original" is returned to our office as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact our office. Cc: County Administrator w/o document County Attorney Finance File ./ , Feb' 19 70 07: 26p Nutrition 305292......83 p. 1 O,~~,;,Y ~a?~,~~E {;laSI2'}.l,~S~ I r'~'''''''-- SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR Shirley Freeman, Distnct 3------- Mayor pro tem George Neugent, District 2 Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Nora Willi8ms, District 4 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 Social Services Nutrition Program 5100 COllege Hoad, Wing III Key West, FL 33040 (305) 292-4522 , ';\ ,:~;~~~;J~~~~~ (l':"w~llir~ ~~:' :<'1..'fif' J {", f. ..' ~ti~ ,,\'-k;"~ <, "/", ':'q:(~-,r;\/~,':;' FAX COVER LETTER ~" --'- 'I' I .:-::-- ~,' ~. ~.";~ Q '~'" '~,:.: '. "'" ,'r,. ,,-,1 . ., rn ' -,-, - . ~~ ~~ ~ /LL; ~ ,+vl~ '~. a 1~/7 ~ ~..J.;t;t, . 1r~. ~ 3/trL ~ DATE: (,',.I!, Q TO: \1( U v NAME :)'1 r~ C J t ~ I;- ORGANIZA TION ~3 (;& '~ FAX NUMBER FROM: -J,~'\ V\\ C G P v C{); 11~ TELEPHONE: (305) 292-4522 FAX: (305) 292-4483 MESSAGE: TOTAL NUMBFR OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: :J_ CONFI!:'{M RECEIPT BY CALLING SENDER, IF CHECKED: . Feb 19 70 07: 2610 Nutrition 3052924483 10.2 .. .. :,,' :-::"F'F7/_. · I ... . ',' (._.;.. .... ^-.~ , .. II . _ -= n"IQVOHTflul. INV2;::snNQ IN OUR COMMUNIty A . GR~vr APPLICATION: GENERAL J?1FORM.A..TION MONROE COUNTY NUTRITION PROGRAM I SOCIAL SERVICES N:1me of Oro-aniz:ation: . 0____ ~ 5aeet address: 5100 COLLEGE ROAD - WING ITI Cirv: KEY WEST S Cl.Ce: FL Zip: 33040 County: MONROE ComJct person: .JANICE DREWING Tide: NUTRITION PROGRAM DIRECTOR Te!cp:.c;-.t: <:.u;";"";e,er: D~y; {305) 292-4523. [-.-enms. (30")) 2~1-0(-;Cll1 Oth~,; (30:.) lOd_h1h') (CELLULAR) IRS exempr stan.:s (under which seccion): GOVERNMENT AGENCY Federal LD, number: 596000740 Dare Org~niztd; lR2:=l Rr.:quested grane :\moum: $ 5,000.00 .'\reJ: Soci~l Services: x Environment: Educacion: Ans and Cultur<l.!: Brief descriptlon of hiscory and mission of applying organization: THE NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY W~S ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED IN 1973 UNDER TITLE VII OF THE OLDER AMERICAN I S {.CT. THE PURPOSE OP THE PROGRA.M IS 'n) PRnVTnp 1\JTTTBTTIorrs MEilLS WITHIN THE (~DNTY TO PEOPLE OVER 60 YEARS OF AGE. CURRENT FUNDING IS ADMIN! STEREEI 2'HROUGH THE ALL! ANCE FOR AGING OF DADE & MONROE CilllN'T'Y WITH LOCAL MATrH BY THE DOARD OF CQUNTY COMMISSIONERS. THE NUTRITION PROGRAM SERVES MEALS !HROUGH CONGREGATE SITES AND HOME DELIVERY THROUGHOUT THE KBY~. ALTHOU ~DrNG rs SPECIFICALLY EARMARKED [<'OR FOOD SERVICE AND NUTRiTION El)U' .?-~.rtE NUTRITION PROGRA.M IS ALSO ADViSED 1'0 PBOVTnF. n']'HRR A ,,6~ ~'~~~SERVICES THAT BENEFIT OUR OLDER POPULATION. Lt, '}l ("Ii......,... 0 ., \ .",. , ~k..~: i<:\ '" "- I Ci " J' .;^"c~. . 'I . II'" 1.,- '--' ~'.;1.'"',1'~' "" foP. ~wl:., 1\; . "'."~ 'i\. .,. ,- 0 rt;: ~...:. .'. '''1('01-'' Jo /. .,~ . ;,4; '* /:r^'..>~'" ,.:~ _ '7 l\ ~-'7':L.....: ~,,\. , . ~. ">.; '~.:.: .:';;0 801'Y i; /:J , '-. j/L I C- (5. <lte: F01\. UFFICE USE Oi'\"LY: Dare Recelved: Reviev..-ed By: _ 1. 7 3. _ TL. Notes: Jan 17 70 08:53~ Nutrition 3052924483 ~.2 CFFK I MUNITY FOUNDATION HE flORIDA KEYS ~ May 14, 2001 Ms. lmice Drewing Monroe County Nutrition Pl-ogramfSpecial 5ervicc:s 5100 Co\k:gc Rd. Wing HI Key West 1,'1. 3.)040 De3t Janice, On behalf of the 130a1'd of Directors of the C:->mmunity Foundation of the Florida Keys} I want tn thank yOLl for submitting a gram application for 20t)1. Unfortunately, after thurough review by the (itjUlts AdvisUl)' Committee, the l','oundatiol1 is unable to fund your proposal. We received a ':otal of 76 applications, requesting more than $4SIl,OOO. We were able to award only 7 grants with our 2001 ~Hocation of $25,000. \\1<: want you to "no"v, however, that we do support the J\fonroe County Nnrrihon Program/Special Services and encourage you to respond to our requests for proposals in the future. Please find enclosed a copy of our press rele:lSe anoow1cing our grants awards- SD/gr Gonion Ro>s-IIOI. d~ren, EXt'('uliv<' DJI7'rtor 614 Wtlll~ 5[.-Suile 200, Key We$!. 1:1. 33040; P.O. Box 162, Key West, FI 33041.162 Phone 305-292-1502 Fax 305-292-1598 [mall cffk@bclISOll(lI,I1Ct I.lt'.1J'c' r ('If r:l1vrf'nt)(Y Robert Higlumltll. (h,llr Thomas Clements, Ron HCr'I'Oll, Mannie Kln~, Vice Clulrs Je~n Carper, Secretary Bill A,'<.lersen Ray Il~ker Ed Block StePhen Dunn f .oscnlary Enright Sarah Fowler Shirley FrcclIlJIl Mal"Va Grccn Robcr" P.1dron Gilbe.t (Gill) Pe\el'~ Bruce Plowman Jan 17 70 08:53p Nutrition 3052924483 p.3 Contact: Gordon Bondesen (305) 392-1502 or Bl'tlce Plowman (305) 295.6565 For Immediate Release COMMUNrry FOTJNDA1'TON GIVES $26,000 TO 7 COUNTY NONPROFITS The Community Foundation of the Florida Keys has awarded a total of $26,000 to seven nonprofit organizations in Monroe County, it was annoul)ced by Steve Dunn, chair of the foundation's Grant~ Advi~ory Committee. "Our request for proposal from interested nonprotits, which we issued in Februm'y, drew 76 responses," said Dunn "We focused on those proposals whel.'e a grant of $5,000 or less would be able to initiate a new program, purchase much-needed equipment or e)t:palld all. existing program. "Arriving at the final seven was quite difficult, and we should all he proud of the many dedicated organizations providing crucial services to our community." The seven recipients are: The Big Pine Athletic Association, Big Pine, $3,533 fo:r computer and educational software for their after-s~hool summer and science club programs at the Blue Heron Park and Youth C Boter; The Cancer Foundation of the Florida Keys, Key West, $2,500 for n~arketil1g their free services, includi ug screenings for various types of CanCel"; (more) Jan 17 70 08:5310 Nutrition 3052924483 10.4 Page ~ 2 The Key West Council on the Arts Bahama Village Music Program, Key West, $5,000 to purchase a computer dI'iven teaching system that controls up to 1.6 student keyboards, headsets, microphones and call boxes; The Literacy Volunteers of America, Key West, $3,000 to provide tutor training workshops, instructional m~terials and part-timp. int;lkfl counselors and testers in the Lower, Middle and Upper Keys. The Marathon Wjld Bird Centl~r, Marathon, a $5,000 matching grant to build a flight training aviary; The Steel Your Heart Band, now in its sixth year in Key West, $5,000 to form a new band for middle school childl."en in the commlmity; and WomanKind, Key West, which provides affordable healthcare to women in the community, $2,000 for computer equipment. T'he Community Foulldation o:f the Florida Keys, established in 1996, aligns the interests of charitable organizations and financial donors by managing permanent endowments o:~ other types of gifts and administering grants to charities as specified by th(~ donors. The foundation also makes grants from its own unrestricted funds, which was the source of the $26,000 being given to the seven nonprofit organizations. It currently has more than $3 million in assets under malla;elllent. F01' further inf'onnatiun call 305-292-1502. 051101