02/21/2001 . ~ ) ,". : '; .," \ ~ . ~. \'. . , . ,. CbMMUNm foUNDATION of dze FLORIDA KEYs " - .-'~ F.F1/ . t. . ... !'....~ ~. '. THOUOHTFUL. INVeSTINO IN OUR COMMUNITY A. GRA.J."VT APPLICATION: GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Organization: MONROE COUNTY NUTRITION PROGRAM / SOCIAL SERVICES ~ Street address: 5100 COLLEGE ROAD - WING III City: KEY WEST State: FL Zip: 33040 County: MONROE Contact person: JANICE DREWING Tide: NUTRITION PROGRAM DIRECTOR Telcp:'vue uUI7:.ber: D;:.y: (305) 292-4523 E',ening; (305) 292-0R~O Othei-: (~O!')) ~04-R~R? (CELLULAR) IRS exempt starus (under which section): GOVERNMENT AGENCY Federal LD. number: 596000749 Date Organized: 1823 Requested grant amount: $ 5,000.00 Area: Social Services: x Environment: Education: Arts and CuI rural: Brief description of history and mission of applying organization: THE NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY WAS ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED IN 1973 UNDER TITLE VII OF THE OLDER AMERICAN'S ACT. THE PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM IS TO PROVrDR NTTTRTT~OUS MEAL~ WITHIN THE COUNTY TO PEOPLE OVER 60 YEARS OF AGE. CURRENT FUNDING IS ADMINISTERED THROUGH THE ALLIANCE FOR AGING OF DADE & MONROE COUNTY WITH LOCAL MATCH BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. THE NUTRITION PROGRAM SERVES MEALS THROUGH CONGREGATE SITES AND HOME DELIVERY THROUGHOUT THE KEYS. ALTHOUGH FUNDING 1"S SPECIFICALLY EARMARKED FOR FOOD SERVICE AND NUTRITION EDUCAT HE NUTRITION PROGRAM IS ALSO AD ACT SERVICES THAT BENEFIT OUR OLDER POPULATION. Date: ~- S ANN) A. JiTT?N , '''iF.. 7"'1 l'~ 0 - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received: Reviewed By: 1. 2. 3. TL. Notes: Community Foundation of the Florida Keys Grant Application: Emergency (Hurricane) Preparedness and Information Program for Senior Clients of the Monroe County Nutrition Program, February 28, 2001 B. GRANT PROPOSAL FOR COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS Project Title: Emergency (Hurricane) Preparedness and Information Program for Senior Clients of the Monroe County Nutrition Program 1. Project Description and Need: Description: The project will provide essential emergency supplies, including portable radios, flashlights, and batteries, to 210 senior clients participating in the Monroe County Nutrition Program. Items will be distributed with Nutrition Program meals as part of emergency preparedness (hurricane) training conducted by Nutrition Program Director, Janice Drewing, who has 13 years of emergency management experience. The proposal requests funding for a one-time purchase of supplies to be used in conjunction with annual emergency training for senior citizens (over the age of 60). Need: The Monroe County Local Mitigation Strategy identifies Severe Weather (including Hurricanes, Tropical Storms, Floods, Tornadoes/Waterspouts/ and High Winds) as the number-one hazar,d and significant public safety issue in the Florida Keys. An important aspect of this, as referenced in the Monroe County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and the Emergency Preparedness Plan, Monroe County Social Services, is providing information and services, including evacuation assistance, to the elderly during urgent situations. The Monroe County Nutrition Program is responsible for informing program applicants of the County's hurricane evacuation programs and requirements, providing them with forms for the Monroe County Special Needs Evacuation Registry for elderly and medically needy residents, and maintaining client records. Nutrition also assists with the actual notification, staging, evacuation, and sheltering process. This includes calling clients about an impending emergency and advising them of actions that will be taken for their protection. Unfortunately, in many cases, when clients are notified, they have no knowledge of the situation and are confused and frightened. This is why it is so important that elderly residents be educated to know how to respond and prepare for emergencies such as hurricanes and that they have basic vital emergency equipment such as portable (battery-operated) radios for a reliable source of information. The special requirements of older people are recognized by many response organizations such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Red Cross, and the Florida Division of Emergency Management. Literature directed at seniors stresses the importance of having certain supplies. For example, the first items listed on the "General Emergency Supplies List" included in the American Red Cross publication "Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by Seniors" are "battery powered radio and flashlight with extra batteries". COIllmunity Foundation of the Florida Keys Grant Application: Emergency (Hurricane) Preparedness and Information Program for Senior Clients of the Monroe County Nutrition Program, February 28, 2001 2. Project Impact: The proposed Emergency (Hurricane) Preparedness and Information Program for Senior Clients of the Monroe County Nutrition Program would make significant inroads into informing and preparing senior residents of the Florida Keys to cope with emergencies, especially hurricanes. The Monroe County Nutrition Program was specifically established to assist people over 60 and works with seniors throughout the county, on a regular basis. The Nutrition Program serves hot lunches at Monroe County Nutrition Sites (Title III C-l) throughout the Keys and provides home-delivered meals (Title III C-2) to seniors with serious medical problems. All program clients would benefit from the Senior Emergency Preparedness Program. Many program participants are disadvantaged and/or on fixed-incomes and have difficulty paying for basic needs such as food and housing. Approximately 20% live in subsidized housing. Emergency supplies are a luxury they cannot afford. Also, heightening awareness of emergencies by providing portable radios, a ready source of information, would be of particular benefit to homebound and medically needy seniors, many of who have little contact with the outside world. The major impact of the proposed project would be assisting elder residents in need, throughout the Florida Keys, to be well informed about and equipped for dealing with emergencies. Education about hazards and programs for dealing with them, and the availability of basic supplies such as radios, flashlights, and batteries will better prepare seniors and ease fears and concerns about being able to cope with emergencies. Dealing with informed and secure elders will expedite the emergency management process of notifying, transporting, and sheltering elders. An effort of this kind started through the Nutrition Program could serve as an example for other agencies that deal with older Keys residents. 3. Organizational Capacity: The Monroe County Nutrition Program is requesting funds to purchase emergency supplies, portable radios and batteries and flashlights, to be used as part of the Emergency (Hurricane) Preparedness and Information Program. Emergency preparedness education will be provided through training programs conducted by the Nutrition Program Director and/or written materials, including emergency checklists and instructions, given to the clients. These will be funded through the current Nutrition Program budget. Items will be distributed with the Nutrition Program meals. Special activities such as training are already incorporated into the operations of the program. The Nutrition Director has many years of emergency management experience with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Monroe County Emergency Management and is well qualified to provide public information and instruction in this field. 4. Optional, Other Important Aspects: In addition to addressing emergency preparedness needs of our seniors, the radios purchased under the grant would also provide opportunities in the areas of education and arts and culture. Donating portable radios to senior citizens, many of who are low-income, alone and isolated, will help stimulate and cheer them, increase community awareness, and provide a source of companionship. Even seniors who have access to the media are likely to get their programming and information from Miami. During emergencies it is extremely important to listen to information about the Keys. Radios will provide local programming for each area and city of Monroe County, access to emergency instructions and protective action recommendations geared to specific locations, and availability of the Emergency Alert System. Programming on local radios, such as Local Public Radio, may also expose seniors to educational, arts, and cultural programs not otherwise offered to them. 2 C. Proposed Project Budget The proposed budget is based on a Sales Quote provided by Radio Shack for portable radios and batteries. It includes AM/FM radios, which may be plugged into ordinary AC outlets or used with batteries and sufficient back-up battery supplies that meet the specifications of the Emergency (Hurricane) and Emergency Preparedness Program for Senior Clients of the Monroe County Nutrition Program. The current price proposal would also provide for the purchase of 42 flashlights with batteries based on a price quote from K-Mart. Efforts will be made to find other ways to provide the remaining 168 flashlights with batteries needed for the Nutrition Emergency Preparedness Program for seniors. The Monroe County Purchasing Department and Nutrition Program are researching other possible vendors. If better pricing were found, the number of items would be increased. would be adjusted accordingly. C. Proposed Project Budget Requested Grant Funds: $5,000.00 Expenditures Equipment Item AM/FM Portable Radios WI Built-In Power Cord And Battery Back-Up Quantity 210 Amount $19.99 Total $4,197.90 8-Pack Alkaline C Batteries 105 $ 6.99 $ 733.95 2-Pack Eveready Flashlights with Batteries 21 $ 3.23 $ 67.83 Grand Total $4,998.68 Training and Materials $0.00 expenditures from Grant amount requested. " D. CURRENT YEAR'S OPERATING BUDGET " PROVIDER NAME, ADDRESS, PHdNE#, FEID# MONROE CTY BOARD OF CTY COMMISSIONERS WING III - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 5100 COLLEGE ROAD KEY WEST FL 33040 PHONE# 305 292-4522 FEID# 59-6000749 Report for information only--fixed-price contract. Part A: BUDGETED INCOME/RECEIPTS 1. Federal Funds 2. USDA Funds 3. Program Income 4. Local Cash Match 5. Subtotal: Cash Receipts 6. Local In-Kind Match U.S.D.A. 7. TOTAL RECEIPTS PART B: EXPENDITURES 1. Personnel 2. Travel 3. Building Space 4. Communication/Utilities 5. Printing/Supplies 6. Equipment 7. Meals/Meals Contract(s) 8. Service Subcontractor(s) 9. Other 10. Indirect Cost Unallocated 11. TOTAL TITLE IIIC1 - MEALSITE MEALS FUNDING SOURCE: IIIB ADM_IIIB_IIIC1_X_ IIC2_"ID _IIIG_ Training_ CCE Adm CCE Svcs ADHC - -- SR Comp GR_Sr Comp Fed_ NH Diversion_ALZ Respite_ ALZ Mod Day Care LSP - - 1. Approved Budget 132,000.00 11,136.02 13,500.00 44,800.00 201,436.02 0.00 o 201,436.02 1. Approved Budget 135,908.75 3,212.46 0.00 2,364.04 1,700.00 0.00 53,784.27 4,466.50 201,436.02 D. CURRENT YEAR'S OPERATING BUDGET TITLE IIIC2 - HOME DELIVERED MEALS PROVIDER NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE#, FEID# FUNDING SOURCE: IIIB ADM_IIB_"IC1_X_ MONROE CTY BOARD OF CTY COMMISSIONERS IIIC2_IIID _IIIG_Training_ WING III - PUBLIC SERVLCE BUILDING CCE Adm_CCE Svcs_ADHC_ 5100 COLLEGE ROAD SR Comp GR_Sr Comp Fed_ KEY WEST FL 33040 NH Diversion_ALZ Respite_ PHONE# 305 292-4522 ALZ Mod Day Care_LSP _ FEID# 59-6000749 Report for information only-fixed-price contract. Part A: BUDGETED INCOME/RECEIPTS 1 . Approved Budget 12,108.00 168,000.00 14,525.41 14,000.00 22,264.00 230,897.41 0:00 1. HCBS Medicaid Waiver 2. Federal Funds 3. USDA Funds 4. Program Income 5. Local Cash Match 6. Subtotal: Cash Receipts 7. Local In-Kind Match U.S.D.A. 8. TOTAL RECEIPTS 230,897.41 PART B: EXPENDITURES 1. Approved Budget 147,063.06 2,909.00 0.00 940.55 970.00 0.00 69,992.92 0.00 9,021.89 1. Personnel 2. Travel 3. Building Space 4. Communication/Utilities 5. Printing/Supplies 6. Equipment 7. Meals/Meals Contract(s) 8. Service Subcontractor(s) 9. Other 10. Indirect Cost Unallocated 11. TOTAL 230,897.41 '. E. Proof of G~vemment and Tax Exempt Status: Florida Department of Revenue Consumer's Certificate of Exemption .,:6 . . . Florida Department of Revenue I Consumer's Certificate of Exemption I Issued Pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes This Certificate is. DR-14 Non-transferable. R. 03/97 Issue Date 06/29/97 Expiration Date 06/29/2002 Certificate Number 54-03-022505-53C Type of Organization COUNTY ~~;. i~~' :(. '~. ~ . ....:::.: r4 * \ ~_w ........ _~... ~ .. .'-_..~ . TIlliS Certifies That MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 500 WHITEHEAD ST KEY WEST FL 3;3040-6581 jUN 2 8 1~sr ':$ Exempt From the Payment of Sales and Use Tax on the Purchase or Lease of Tangible Personal Property, the Lease of Transient Rental Accommodations or Real Property. . . 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