Item Q5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: December 16, 2009 Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Division: County Administrator Staff Contact Person: Natileene Cassel Telephone# 292-3470 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution combining the substantive provisions of four (4) previous resolutions concerning the Green Initiative Task Force into one (1) resolution, adding climate change recommendations to the duties of the Green Initiative Task Force, allowing each Commissioner to nominate one (1) member at large; and repealing Resolutions No. 177-2008, No. 345-2008, No. 121-2009 and No. 466- 2009. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Green Initiative Task Force is currently operating under four separate resolutions; for the sake of efficiency and clarity the task force has recommended that the acting provisions of these resolutions be combined into one resolution. In addition, the task force requests that the duty of making climate change recommendations be formally added to the resolution. The BOCC has verbally asked the task force to take on this duty. The task force also recommends that each commissioner have the discretion to appoint a member at large as well as a member from his or her district. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On June 18, 2008, Resolution No. 177-2008 established the creation of an advisory board to recommend green standards to be adopted as local teclmical amendments into the Florida Building Code. On October 15, 2008, Resolution 345-2008 changed the terms of members and sunset date of the task force. On April 15, 2009, Resolution 121-2009 changed the focus of the task force from amending the Florida Building Code to providing recommendations to the BOCC of environmentally sound practices and techniques to protect the environment. On November 18,2009, Resolution 466-2009 reallocated staff assignments from Growth Management to the Director of Extension Services under the County Administrator. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: See Attached STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: -0- BUDGETED: Yes No--.X COST TO COUNTY: -0- SOURCE OF FUNDS: DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Arty 7\f' OMB/Purchasing _Risk Management _ DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # RESOLUTION NO. - 2009 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMBINING THE SUBSTANTIVE PROVISIONS OF THE FOUR (4) PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING THE GREEN INITIATIVE TASK FORCE INTO ONE (1) RESOLUTION, ADDING CLIMATE CHANGE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE DUTIES OF THE GREEN INITIATIVE TASK FORCE, ALLOWING EACH COUNTY COMMISSIONER TO NOMINATE ONE (1) MEMBER AT LARGE; AND REPEALING RESOLUTIONS NUMBER 177-2008, NO. 345-2008, NO. 121-2009 AND NO. 466- 2009. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved an advisory board called the Green Building Code Task Force at its April 16, 2008 meeting; and WHEREAS, On June 18, 2008, Resolution No. 177-2008 directed the task force to recommend local technical amendments to the Florida Building Code, established the membership, terms of office, and staffing for the task Force; and WHEREAS, On October 15, 2008, Resolution No.345-2008 amended Resolution No. 177-2008 to set the date of commencement for terms of office for members and changed the sunset date for the task force to October 1, 2010; and WHEREAS, On April 15, 2009, Resolution No. 121-2009 further amended Resolution No. 177-2008 to change the name of the Task Force to "Green Initiative Task Force", and to change the scope of the task force to provide "recommendations of environmentally sound practices and techniques to protect the environment"; and WHEREAS, On November 18, 2009, Resolution No. 466-2009 amended the prior resolutions to reallocate staff by placing the Task Force under the Extension Services in the office of the County Administrator; and WHEREAS, the number of resolutions applicable to the Task Force have become unwieldy and to improve the efficiency of the Task Force, the acting provisions of the various resolutions need to be combined into a single resolution; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners should have the discretion to nominate one member from their own district and one member from the County at large; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have requested the Task Force to look at and make recommendations to the board regarding climate change; now, therefore 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORDA: Section 1. Name of Task Force. There shall be a task force known as the "Green Initiative Task Force". Section 2. Purpose. The purpose of the Green Initiative Task Force shall be to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on environmentally sound practices and techniques to protect the environment and on climate change. Section 3. Membership. The task force shall be composed as follows: a. Two members shall be appointed by each commissioner; one shall be from his or her own district and one may be from the county at large. Appointments by the Commissioners shall be ratified by the Board of County Commissioners, and shall be voting members. b. Municipalities throughout the keys shall appoint a representative interested in green initiatives or climate change; the municipalities shall includeVillage ofIslamorada, City of Layton, City of Key Colony Beac~ City of Marathon, and City of Key West. Municipal representatives shall be voting members. c. The fo Howing utilities throughout the keys shall appoint a representative involved in green initiatives or climate change: Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, Florida Keys Electric Cooperative, and Keys Energy. Members from the utilities shall sit with the task force and provide input and comments, but shall not vote. d. All members currently appointed and approved by the board shall remain members and shall serve their current terms of office through September 29, 2010. Section 4. Terms of Office. Each voting member shall serve a term of one year which term may be renewed for one additional year. Any vacancies shall be filled for the duration of the term. The terms of office for advisory board members currently appointed by the Board of County Commissioners shall be deemed to have commenced on September 29,2008, or on September 29,2009 as is applicable to the individual member. Terms of office may be renewed based on the term(s) already served by the individual member. Each non-voting member shall serve at the discretion of the appointing entity. Section 5. Stamm! Assistance. The Director of Extension Services shall attend the task force meetings report to the County Administrator, and place task force items on the BOCC Agenda. The County Administrator shall appoint staff to take minutes and provide coordination. 2 Section 6. Meetin2s. The task force shall meet at least quarterly during business hours. A quorum shall not be necessary to hold a meeting; however, no action may be taken except by a majority of a quorum at any meeting. Section 7. Recommendations. The recommendations oftbis task force shall be made to the Board of County Commissioners. Section 8. Sunset for Task Force. The Green Initiative Task Force shall sunset on October 1, 2010, unless it has accomplished its purpose earlier, in which case it shall be terminated. Section 9. ReDeal of Previous Resolutions. This resolution shall become the binding resolution for the task force and all previous resolutions are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day 2009. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairperson jJ:U;,l[::GE COUNTY lffTOCi;.;;::V ~"p ~OVEDASyJt~~ , ~. I ..1_.'-'''' ~_ _ ~ W,',::;f-\,SSEL ASSIS~T;J~NTY ATTORNEY Dat0----'_ ~~_,_- 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMl\1ISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 18. 2009 Division: County Administrator Bulk. Item: Yes -X-- No Staff Contact Person: N atileene Cassel Telephone# 292-3470 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of resolution amending Resolution No. 177~2008 to reallocate staff assignments to assist the Green Initiative Task Force (GITF); at the October 21,2009 meeting of the GITF the reassignment was approved by vote of the membership. ITEM BACKGROUND: Resolution No. 177-2008 established the GITF and required three staff members from Growth Management to be present at the meetings, including the Building Official, another member of growth management and a secretary. The assignment was made because at that time the purpose of the task force was to recommend local amendments to the Florida Building Code. On Apri115, 2009 the focus of the task force was changed and it is no longer necessafy to have three staff members from Growth Management attending the task force meetings. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On June 18,2008, the BOCC passed Resolution No. 177-2008 establishing the creation of an advisory board to recommend green standards exclusively to be adopted as local technical amendments into the Florida Building Code. On October 15, 2008 Resolution 345-2008 changed the tenns and sunset date of the task force. On April 15, 2009 Resolution 121-2009 changed the focus of the task force from amending the Florida Building code to providing recommendations to the BaeC of environmentally sound practices and techniques to protect the environment. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: See Attached STAFF RECOMMENDA nONS: Approval TOTAL COST: ~o- BUDGETED: Yes_ No---X COST TO COUNTY: -0. SOURCE OF FUNDS: DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~lPurchasing _Risk Management_ DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # T-[c; e u- \ lL Itr~ <JfJVUiJ ~e 50 ~~"- it o-S<;''! S JJJJI tf&b' atJ(} 5 t O-SSI \1'-J-rj?, ((@ #- 1&6' 2>()(}7 Bca-. 1/ J / 't /0/ - RESOLUTION NO. _-2009 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 177-2008 TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATED STAFF MEMBERS WHO Wll..L ATTEND THE GREEN INITIATIVE TASK FORCE MEETINGS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved in concept an advisory board called the Green Building Code Task Force at its April 16, 2008 meeting; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 177-2008 dated June 18, 2008, directed the task force to recommend local technical amendments to the Florida Building Code, established the membership, terms of office, and staffing for the task Force; and WHERAS, Resolution No. 177-2008 was subsequently amended by Resolution NO.345- 2008, dated October 15, 2008, which determined the terms of office for the Task Force Members, and the sunset date for the task force; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 121-2009 dated April 15, 2009, further amended Resolution No. 177-2008 to change the name of the Task Force to "Green Initiative Task Force", and changed the scope of the task force to provide" recommendations of environmentally sound .practices and techniques to protect the environment"; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have expressed the need for the task force to be under a County Department; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have expressed a view that the staffing should be changed from the Building Official and staff member since the focus of the Task Force has changed; and WHEREAS, the recommendations from the Task Force are not confined to the assignment of a particular department, but cut across several departments; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORDA, THAT; 1. The Director of Extension Services shall attend the Task Force meetings, report to the County Administrator, and place task force items on the BOCC Agenda. 2. The County Administrator shall provide staff to take minutes and provide coordination. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioner of Monroe County Florida~ at the regular meeting of said Board held on the ~day , 2009. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner Kim Wigington (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COM.MISSIONERS Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairperson MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~. , PR.OVED AS TO FOl).M? ~~ vc-~ hJATILEEI\!E W. CASSEL ASSISTAf~~O}lNTY ATTORNEY D'"te-----"/~O 1- RESOLUTION NO. 171-2008 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ESTABLISHING A GREEN BUILDING CODE TASK FORCE TO RECOMMEND GREEN STANDARDS FOR NEW BUILDING CODes WHEREASt at Its meeting of April 16, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) approved the creation of an advlsOIY board to recommend green standards for building to be adopted as local technical amendments into the Florida Building Code; and WHEREAS, thIs approval included tenns of office and determination of the appointment process: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County CommIssIoners for Monroe County, Florida: Section 1. There shall be a Green Building Code Task Force composed as follows: a. Two members shall be appointed by each commissioner from his or her district, shaU be ratified by the Board, and shall be voting members. b. The following utilities and municipalities throughout the keys shall appoint a representative dl113ctly Involved and familiar wIth the operation of the utility, the municIpality, or the buildIng code to serve on the Green Building Code iask Force as follows: Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Keys; Energy Village of tslamorada City of Layton City of Key COlony Beach City of Marathon City of Key West c. Representatives from the municipalities shall be voting members of the task force. Other utUity representatives shall sit with the task force and provide Input and comments, but shall not vote, Section 2. Each member shall serve a term of one year which term may be renewed for one additional year. Any vacancies shall be filled for the duration of the term. Sectton 3. The purpose of the Green Building Code Task Force shall be to make recommendations to the BuUdlng Department to pursue a local amendment to the Flolida Building Code to Include environmentally sound "green" building practices. When ,-' such recommendations are finalized and made to the Buifding Official, he shall present them to the Board to determine whether a cost/benefit analysis should be done in order to mandate local Technical Amendments to the Florida BuildIng Code. Section 4. The task force shaH meet at least quarterly during business hours. A quorum shall not be necessary to hold a meeting; however, no action may be taken except by a majority of a quorum at any meeting. Growth Management shall provide staff to take minutes and coordinatlon. Sectlon 5. The Building OfficIal and another member of the Growth Management Division designated by the Division Director shaH attend each meeting. Section 6. The Green BuIlding Code Task Force shall sunset August 11 2010. un~ess It has accomplished its purpose earlier, in which case it shall be terminated. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. FloJlda at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of June . 2008_ Mayor Mario DiGennaro Mayor Pro Tem Charles "Sonny" McCay Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner pixie Spehar Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~~ ayor Marto iGennaro ES 0 z > ;:Cnz Ak:::Z .... -;-:.. ,... ;;} gi ~ '~_"""'.:'i. -=i~~ . ::{~, ;:~ ;:!! ~ ::;... I'. ~ ~ c... ? I W ~ f:'" o CN ,- , r: 8 (SEAL) ATTES~ DANNYL.KOLHAGE,CLERK ~~~. ~~~ Deputy ~rk,. ;' :-~ :;; ... :::::l ;~l ,~ o ;-;J RESOLUTION NO. 345 -200..!.. A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM1\1ISSIONERS AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 117-2008 TO CHANGE THE TERMS AND SUNSET DATE OF THE GREEN BUlLDlNG CODE TASK FORCE WHEREAS, the Green Building Code Task Force was approved in concept at the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on April 16, 2008; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 177-2008 dated June 18, 2008, e8tablished the membership and terms of office for 'the Task Force; and WHEREAS, the Task Force is not meeting until September 29, 2008; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boaril of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida: Section 1. The terms of office afl:he advisory board members appointed by the members ofthe Board of County Comroissionel'S shall commence September 29.2008. Section 2. The sunset date of the Task Force in Resolution No. 177.2008 shall be changed from August t. 2010 until October t, 2010. Section 3. In aU other rospects Resolution No. 177w2008 shall remain unchanged. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, FlQrida at a regular meeting held on the 15111 day of October, 2008. Mayor Mario DiGennaro Mayor Pro Tern Ch8l'les "'Sonny" McCoy Commissioner Sylvia Murphy CommissiCller George Neugent Commissioner Dilde Spehar ies Yes Yes Yes Yes 3: .-. o 'P % -, ~n-*- rr.!;::: ("">. t' O(""J" ~.:;;; ~:.. --; ~-:. =.:;:....;: . r '" )> (" ...:0 <=> <=:> d:> c:::) l;'"") ~ N o '"Q :;; BOARD OF COUNTY COMMrsSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA BY: ~/()~ Mayor Mario D~naro r:-? 0, C) '"I .:1 ~ RESOLUTION NQ.-y!"- -2009 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY RENAMING THE GREEN BUILDING CODE TASK FORCE TO THE GREEN INITIATIVE TASK FORCE; CHANGING THAT THE RECOMMENDATIONS BE MADE TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. RATHER THAN THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, AND 11IAT THE TASK FORCE PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS NOT ON LOCAL TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS BUT ON GREEN STANDARDS FOR IMPLEMNTAnON IN MONROE COUNTY TO IMPROVE LOCAL QUALITY OF UF'E AND CREATE A MORE EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, on April 16, 2008 the Boatd of Cmmty Colll.t1li.ssioners (Boce) approved the creation of an advisory board by means of ,Resolutioll No. 177-2008 to recommend green standards for building to be adopted as local. technical amendments into the Florida Building Code; and WHEREAS, the Green Building Task Force has bad tb,eit fiM four (4) meetings to meet and discusg the goals and objectives as outlined by Resolution No. 177-2008; and WHEREAS. Resolution 177-2008 dircct6 the Task Force to recommend local technical anumdmenbl10 the Florida Building Ccd~ iu oRier to enact (environmentally sound) building techniques and practices to protect the enviromnent; and WHEREAS, after fuUf (4) meetings. 'the Task Force bas discovered that there have never b<<m any local tecbni~ amendments evcr adopted as "green building regulations". and WHEREAS, It is not feasible to make local technical. amendments to the Florida Building Code to ptomote environmentally sound building techniques aIld practices; and WHEREAS, green building programs are incentive: based r.dhcr than regulatory b~ and WHEREAS. govcmmcnt should and needs to lead by ClWDplcj and WHEREAS. there am many organizations such as the ICe, USGBC and others that are working to have the Florida Building Code updated to adopt environmentally sound building teclmiquos and pmctices; and WHEREAS,. implemenmtion should bo a final step in adopting green building practi~ and 1herefote the task force must fim: collect and analyze data prior to making recommendations on implementation; and WHEREAS. 83% of Florida's cat:bon footprint is created by building; and WHEREAS.. the American Recovery and .Reinvestment Act (ARRA) mcludl;S $3.1 billion for ellergy assistaru:e grants fllr states rhat adopt and administer the national model building energy codes. and WHEREAS, after further research and discussion it was concluded that there are other methods to meeting the goal of green building rother than through local technical amendments; NOW TffEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1. The name of the ''Green Building Task Forcer shall be changed to the "Green Initiative Task Force" 2. The scope of authority shan be changed from "recommendations of changes to local technical amendments to the Florida BuildWg Code" to <'nmommcndations of environmentally sound practices and techniques to proteCt the environment" 3. The recommendations oftbis 1ask force shall be made to the Board of County Commissionern mther than to the Building Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissionm of Monroe County, Florida. ataregularmeetiDgofsaidBoardhe1donthe 15thdayof April .2009. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia Murphy Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro '. ' Commislrioner Kim Wigington :' ~~"'.?'~-;:_"> ,,' .'0' ~~"'::t'.: ~-. . ':~ ~:~. ~. \ \4-> ~~ ~~. . . . ~ J .' .. ~ .". 'ro(o ...~;':-~t....... ... .\ '~.::~'::-h-J'.' . __" ";'.." ~y L. KOLHAGE, Clerk '\;.: ,.,,,. /...,.1' .::~~~ Deputy aerk c II") 0:: N B e W :IE: 0:: c:r; a:::: o tI I.J.... o g: bJ oq; -i ~ G:: ~ W -l <.:J t.t.. <( r-.:)': :z::ul- -=!t::i z ~-.=J ~<.)o _I ;,ca >-tY.!.,t.,J z~~ Z.(.) -..- <l: - c ~ Yes. Yes ..hJL Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~L<A lJ~,~ Mlyor/ChairpeNlOn MONROE COUNTY An'ORNEY APPRWD AS TO FORM: ~1i.u 'OJJH~hH~.trtl CHRISTINE M. LlMBERT.BARROWS Da:S1STtlfiIC~NTY ATIORNEY