Item C37 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/18/08 Division: TECHNICAL SERVICES Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: TECHNICAL SERVICES Staff Contact PersonlPhone #: Lisa Druckemiller , 295-5100 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of quote #BBS080318085500 for an Addendum to Bellsouth Business Services Master Agreement #DS0025 from AT&T for a NetVPN circuit to replace a current MCSO frame circuit. Furthermore, by approval of Addendum #BBS080318085500, the board also ratifies the Bellsouth Business Master Services Agreement # DS0025 dated September 20, 2002. ITEM BACKGROUND: Momoe County BOCC has entered into an Agreement with AT&T for the provision of Metro Ethernet WAN services. This contract enabled the BOCC to share networking resources with MCSO, the Property Appraiser's Office and the 16th Judicial Circuit Court resulting in significant cost savings for each constitutional office. This item is to approve .aJ:l.additiQnaLN~tYEN~cjrcllit~which...~ill.PQjnLtQ..the.BDCCfQx.inclusion..jnto.the..ne.w...Metm. ... Ethernet Network and facilitate adding the Video "First Appearance" System onto this combined network. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of Contract #BLS MSA CPG-21553 for Metro Ethernet Services on June 20, 2007 CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: 36 month term STAFF RECOMl\1ENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: $21,240.00 BUDGETED: Yes ~ No COST TO COUNTY: $21,240.00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Primarily Ad Valorem REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes Noll AMOUNT PER MONTH_Year APPROVED BY: County Att~'1- OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 11106 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: AT&T Contract # BLS DS0025 Effective Date: 06/18/08 Expiration Date: 06/18/11 Contract Purpose/Description: Amendment #BBS080328085500 for NetVPN services changes to Bellsouth Business Master Services Agreement DS0025. Contract Manager: Lisa Druckemiller 5100 Technical Services/5B (Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on 06/18/08 Agenda Deadline: 06/04/08 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 21,240.00 Budgeted? YeslZl No 0 Account Codes: - It County Match: $ Current Year Portion: $ 1,770.00 001-89000-530-410-_ - . - - ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ 7,080.00/yr For: AT&T #DS0025 NetVPN Services (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Division Director Changes WOa I Neededrl~ VYesD NoL'::f \ ~~<f.()~ YesD Nor;? - Date Out Risk Management fJ L<. o .M.B ./Purchasing ~~ -~tf) County Attorney 5'. YesDNoD ~/~ YesD Nortr~ru~ ~bf-:-t1-JO~ 63/08 Comments: ~~.1ltu(-c... ,,~.,. t;hID.A(.l rr-f(.pc+ !ArAya., M.M-ID ""D', f1.tnMri). OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 Addendum to Master Contract for Monroe County a political subdivision of the State of Florida by and through its Board of County Commissioners BellSouth Business Services Master Agreement # 050025 Quote # BBS080318085500 Term The undersigned Customer hereby orders from BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc., doing business as AT&T Southeast ("AT&T") the Business Services of the type, at the location and for the prices and term specified in this Addendum and its related documents ) (collectively, this "Addendum"). BellSouth Business Services is provided, and this Addendum is submitted, subject to and in accordance with the BellSouth Business Services Master Agreement ("Master Agreement"), and all applicable acceptable use policies. This Addendum is valid only when executed by an authorized representative of AT&T. The term of the Service begins upon activation as defined in the attached Service Description and shall continue in effect for 36 Months from ("Initial Term"), unless terminated earlier as set forth herein or in accordance with the provisions set forth below. This Addendum shall be extended for additional one year terms under the same terms and conditions herein unless either party provides written notice of its intent not to renew the Addendum at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the initial term or each additional one-year term. Additional Terms and Conditions 1. Pre-qualification does not guarantee service availability at the installation location. Although Customer's line pre-qualified for Service there are circumstances beyond AT&T's control that may result cin.g!Jc!?tQm~r~!?Jl"t~t)JH!~JQ"L~~~iY~"c!!li!?.1?o~IYic;:g~......"~QIIt~..Qf!.b"~.~J;l....Ji.m.i.t.~!iQn.!L1'iJ.sLDQ!..(:t~!~.~tc!QJ!'tYnm.cc~I~I'~...... . installers are at Customer's location and attempt installation of the Service. If it is determined that AT&T is unable to install this Service, Customer will not incur any charges associated with the attempted provisioning of Service for the affected location(s). 2. If Customer cancels its Services or any portion thereof, or has its Services or any portion thereof terminated pursuant to Sections 12(a) or 12(b) of the Master Agreement, prior to the expiration of the minimum term selected herein, Customer shall be obligated to pay AT&T a termination charge equal to 50% of the total monthly charges (other than variable usage charges) that would have become due for the remainder of the scheduled minimum term if such termination had not occurred. Such termination charge shall be paid to AT&T within thirty (30) days after such cancellation. 3. If Customer cancels installation of the Services, or part of a service order, before the installation due date, Customer shall be obligated to pay AT&T cancellation charges equal to 50% of all the standard nonrecurring charges associated with the order, or that part of the order being cancelled. 4. Customer may incur additional charges in the event AT&T has to build out additional facilities in addition to provision Customer's Services. Customer will be notified of such additional charges and may terminate the Services without incurring cancellation charges. 5. This Addendum may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall be taken together and deemed to be one instrument. The Parties agree that a facsimile or electronic transmission of each Party's signature to this Addendum and Orders hereunder will be deemed an original and the best evidence thereof for all purposes, including, without limitation, all evidentiary purposes before any arbitrator, court or other adjudicatory authority. 6. The term of each subsequent Order for the same type Service shall be co-terminous with the initial Order for the same type Service, unless otherwise provided for in such subsequent Order. 7. CUSTOMER HAS READ AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY THIS ADDENDUM, INCLUDING THE APPLICABLE ADDENDUM DETAIL FORM (S) AND THE BELLSOUTH BUSINESS SERVICES MASTER AGREEMENT AND RATE SCHEDULES, AND ALL APPLICABLE ACCEPTABLE USE POLICIES, ALL OF WHICH REPLACE AND SUPERSEDE ANY OTHER NEGOTIATIONS, Version: 02/2006 Created On: March 26, 2008 Page 1 of 4 CCP-33812 Customer Initials: Date: AGREEMENTS, PROPOSALS AND COMMUNICATIONS (ORAL OR WRITTEN) RELATING TO THE SERVICES LISTED OR DESCRIBED ON THIS ADDENDUM AND SHALL PREVAIL OVER ANY ADDITIONAL OR CONFLICTING TERMS IN ANY PURCHASE ADDENDUM, INVOICE, ACKNOWLEDGMENT OR OTHER SIMILAR DOCUMENT ISSUED BY CUSTOMER. ACCEPTANCE OF ANY ADDENDUM BY AT&T IS SUBJECT TO AT&T CREDIT AND OTHER APPROVALS. FOLLOWING ADDENDUM ACCEPTANCE, IF IT IS DETERMINED THAT THE INITIAL CREDIT APPROVAL WAS BASED ON INACCURATE OR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION,AT&T IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THE ADDENDUM WITHOUT LIABILITY OR SUSPEND THE ADDENDUM UNTIL ACCURATE AND APPROPRIATE CREDIT APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS ARE ESTABLISHED AND ACCEPTED BY CUSTOMER. Version: 02/2006 Created On: March 26, 2008 Page 2 of 4 CCP-33812 Customer Initials: Date: Summary Charges Managed Network VPN Components purchased: Site-to-Site locations: 1 Customer will pay to AT&T all charges billed pursuant to the Contract. Charges are as set forth below. Incorporation The Terms and Conditions of this addendum are added to, and become, integral parts of Master with Master Agreement DS0025 and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Contract I acknowledge that I have received and read the BellSouth Managed Network VPN Service Description Customer Initials and Date IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and Customer have caused this Addendum to be executed and delivered by their duly authorized representatives, effective upon execution by Customer and acceptance by the Company. Acknowledgement Customer: Monroe County a political subdivision of the State of Florida by and BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Southeast (by its authorized representative): Commissioners By: By: Name: Charles, McCoy Title: Mayor Date: (Authorized Signature) Name: Title: Date: MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY /l APp'R~D AS TO FORM: l~~ ~ thiA J-/i;J1T/tnnA c. CHRIS-HNE M. LIMBERT-BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date C#~ l7'lfj I Version: 02/2006 Created On: March 26. 2008 Page 3 of 4 CCP-33812 Customer Initials: Date: Solution Details Managed Network VPN Install Charge Monthly Charge Charges for Site-to-Site Location # 1 Site Name: Monroe County Jail Marathon Site Address: 3981 Ocean ter Marathon FL 33050- Service Package: S2S "On-Net" Frame Relay Port + Access + CPE $0.00 $590.00 Port Speed: 1536 Kbps Subtotal: $0.00 $590.00 Version: 02/2006 Created On: March 26. 2008 Page 4 of 4 CCP.33812 Customer Initials: Dale: 05110/07 15:36 FAX 770 803 2731 ~001 ,> BELLSOUTH '1 .lUN-l-t~nnH1ED) H:Ol BEl1S0UTR BELLSOUiR I {U!HO, 1b~ 131~ , . ,___" '-,! . /\As A # @SEUSOUTH ' 1)~~~2S . . . BellSouth'(8 Business sejvlees Master Agreement . thIs BeIlSDUth" BUllnose SOrvlCBS Muter Agntemanl (this .CC1n lCr) 18 made and ontored ~to as aC . ~OD-, bi and bet\wGo the undersigned BollSouth Company ("BeIlSoulh').locatcd ,t 2180 lake BoulDwrd. 7 Floor, AUanta. GeollJlO 30319. AUontlotl: John Sluhrenberg (tho "eousouth Ccntacr)j oneS Iho l,Indetl,lgned company Monrua County BOeC (horolnoftor. .Cuslomer") Iocatod ot 120D Truman AY8nuo. Kay West. FL 13D4O, AllenUon~ Igdd erickson (Ihe -custom or Cgntaer).. i P.~Ol TERMS AND CONDITIONS . 1l1e terms and conditions applicable to this Contract shall be lhase slated wllhln thiS; Contracl Dr its Allachment(9). ". ' I ! . SERVICES AND PRICE. .Sorvlcc.- Ba used herein shall bo Ihoso Intamet or m8rlaged busirloss 8orvlcos oRleree! by CUalomer from BollSoulh under se",lce ,ordOrs rOrders, submItted bY Customor and accepted by BeIlSoulh pursuant to thIS Conncl If Ihls ODn~ct provides for speclli~ pricing, Includng any appliCDblo discount schedule$, for any such $urvices, S\.Ich prfclng or discounti aho" be set fa11l'I In Ihe Allachmenl(e) lD this Contract. In j,'Iny event, the spectRe pr~ing E1Ppllcoblo La any l'Brtll:ular ServiCBB shall bo os 88t forth In lhe IJpplleable O~er(B) tor uuch Services, which are Intended to bo o;1nslstent wllh any pricing or discount schodules 1!I11ached herelo unlessagreod bolWoon Ihu parties wllh respeGl to a plllllCular Order. ' TERMS':OF PAYMENT . . Theterm& of paymOAt for lhe SeJ"oIlces ere 88 set forth In tho Tenna. ond CcndlUons or In the applicobh~ Order(s). NOTICES . All noLiccs under thIs Contract wltl be In Writing 'ond will be deemed tliJ have *n Quly sivan if delivered personally or by coUTfor .orvloo, faxod Of maUed by registered or certirlod mail, return receipt raqtJl8BlGd. posWgo 'proplJid, itI the parties allhe addrussDB eet fot1h herein. All noUces under thi8 Contnll:~t that are addressed as provldod heroin (a) if delivered personaDy or by courior servlc8. will be ..dee.'iiGd.glvsrBIPsrH:!e!i'4e!Y,.(b)Jtt;lo!i~llr:edJ~~J~~!!!l@,.~~1:)e ~omod glvon when ccnnnned and (c) If dollvored by curtllied maR In the manner describod obovo, w.1II be deemed given on the fiftn(5"r6Uilnos=n:iaY~3_ii1'HliiY.U.IS.dapoa1tsd~tncro::,..!!~~rl!!"O'llonu~t . the Unitod SlDtes maiL Bther party may chango lis addron or rullpectlve ccntactJor noUl1callon purposos by giving nollce to U18 other . of the ",ow. address or designee and Ihe date upon which luch chanl~e Will become errBCUV6. . ' I"'CORPORATlON BY REFERENCE , The Terms and CondlUone and nil AltIchmoobl hereto and therelo. iiir8 Inlogral par1s gf thIs Comroct and are rully InCDrporaled herein . . . by this f8fonlnco. . .E.NTIRE AGREEMeNT. . . This ConlraCl, and any Ordel'8 placed hereunder. shall consllluto lho onllm agreement between BeUSoulh snd the. Ouetomor rototing to . .lhis Contract 8nd the Services performed horeundor and may not tIC modUfed << amended other than by a writton instnJmont exuculDd by beth parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. BellSouth end custOmer havo causod l!hls Conlnlet to be e.ealled and delivered by U181r dUly authorized reprcSl!lnIaU~B, effecUlI'e upon execulJon by CuskHnGr and pc;copta,ncD by BollSoulh. " Customer: Monroe County BOCC Accopled by BellSDuth Busmesa syStems an bllhall of . . ~.~'~.. .. a.I~SglllhTe"Ca~mUnk:adO""In1:. ~DII9G"th..:;j" MN#S Inc- By. ~ __~ By. c~e ~lJlr~:d>. L Name. t;:. ~ Name= 2:1'f..Ak ~q.~/ . nrIflrype J cor =~~g;~~:!. ~13/!1l~ Rev. 412002 Cuslome,lnItlBls:_ D8lll~ 1 of 10 05110/07 15:36 FAX 770 803 2731 BELL SOUTH 1- BELLSOU1H BELLSOU1H I ~002 ".'JUN- ~2Un~ (lED) @BE11S0UTH H:lll (F~XHO) )O~ BU p, ~~~ v 'J BenSouth 4D BUSh1ess Serv'COI Terms, and Conditions 'llId6ullmont mUle gOtlS or llchctlulo for cfoIIVaIY of U1e SeNlCllS or altlerterm S or Iho aRter. Chnos lD IIlD scope of Iho seMc8s will be IncOrPorated Inre an Order Imcugh \'MIten 8metldmonl. (el' BoUsoulh will, If SII\ fDr1h .. u1e IlppllCllblO Onler. lfiSlsl. cuslrlm~r In me caordlnallon vf DIG Impl~entatlon Gild IMLallallon 01 equip;tlOftI << IllIVlces for use wi'" Cuslamrif. Network. BellSaUlh w"1 moke leD50nabIB OlroM to ensure 1m1 all relevtnl vendors or service pravldolS meel Ole schedulod daloo for Inst8llallan. but BeIISoulh ahZlU not be liable for ony dulayi,. " 1d) If C4JSlomcr requata aIld BoDSau\h agroos 10 perform equlpmon1 malntBllDnce.seMcOs In an oppllcaDle Drder (for equipment POL pl1lvided b~ raollSoulh as part of lhea SOMeea), BolI$aulh sholl have U,o noht'lD InspeCland mDkosudl nIP- to such equipment.s may be, ncCllBlllfY to pIaCO II in good .wor1clna order and IIccoplable ccmdlUon for inclusiOn In RellSoulh's equipment maintenance 1GIV1cD. and II1IIY c:ftIfgO .CUSlDn:ler for 8I1Y such work required at BoISoolh'. standald rataa Ihen In ..noel. CUlllDmer agrees ID pmvide a sullJblo InslDnaUan enYlrDnmonL accea and pcawor and leIKO\Tlmunlc:aUans. ca~llonD far Ihe.equipmenl. If pl'OblerM wi!h anv ~ulpmenl. COII.red by malnlllfl8noa S4lMcoa hereunder OCQM' ~umg o,a tcIm of the applloablo Ordor and Q1alDmef' reports lhom 10 BeIISoulh In accardance wilh BellSoulh'u alantlanl pracodUI'll~, ,BallSoulti will pl'OIIIde CIlftlmerdally roosonable malnlenBnCO and repalr SGMc:8 10 r'I!lSlOre !ha !)quipment la, good WOl1dng order (or, ilt ~1I(8 opllOn, repIacO tho oquipment) wiU~ln a roasonable lime. ~plDcamenl parts or oqulpmunt ma, be new Dr usedlnllultllsnOG bul rC8liOfl'abl~ tlDI'II181DJ1l. with the age end ' Goncllllon of Ih8 equipment belnEl serviced. Any oquIpment at parts IharlJof repleoed by 8llIISoulh In lhe pOffonnance of lis malr\tenDnca service hereunder shall bocDme lhe prapO"1 of BoIlSaulh. BellSaulh may alia perform llum pnM!dUvG rnalnlDnance 8'1 BeI!SaUlh deems I1lBsonallly nQCmlsary. If Ihe repair or malntel1llnC8 was tllo mault of normal woar and lear or a del'oGlIn materials or WGftcmanshlp anI,~ Ihere VIlli be no addillanal d1argo to Customer for this malnLonllnce and r~a1' BONica (over and abl:~o' Iho ch::Irgn for malnlcnonce 8eNlc8 81M fartllln Ihe applicable Ordar). C::UltoIMt _Ii bo ctuJrglld, ot UellSoulh's than prevailing ralllS. far IhB 'UI_ Dr raplocoment of any equipment. IncludinG 'pans ancllablll' and 8ny lnaoaSo In DIlNlce lime rGqu!rod, ,eoulUno ffOI'I'IlJII'i alher a1USO. IncWdIn9 but nolllmlled 'D m1SU38 or ne9l6gent opamuon of Ih8 equlprnenI. DCc:iden~ unauthorized ropolrs or maCllRcallons. 1Dllure to ",.lnUlln a pmper operaUPEl anvllOnment, r.IocaUon or ultenIUcm of tho. aqutpmenl by anyone alhif than BelSouliI or BeIlSau!h's designaIBcI agJnl8. ole. unIes5 &eIISoUlb Is pnwldinlJ spaco for Cuslomet'6 oqulpmonl 811 part or U10 $aMCGIJ, CUstomer must provldo a sulloble operaUng envlmnrnent far me equlpmcnl and prOYlde BllIISaulh or SellSouth'tl ClInlractars wllh ""mprlllle aac:ess 10 parfarm GUm meinlel'lance DONlces. All repOrtS nf problema and reqtlOllS for equipmentmlllnlonllnc& mUlll be reported to BeRSauU\ at lI\lCh ta1ephone number or 0- moll mldress llS eellSoolh may nallfy cu.lomor In wJlling. Cuslamor agraelS nallD mOllo IIny equipment CO\IOI'CId by maintenance 18N1cIIS horouncfer from III plm:e of Installa6on, wlthalJt BellSaulh'S prior wrIllOn ~. , . ' .' . ,:. .' . (0) DellScuUt shill pnMde 111I SlNVlcos In accordance IMlh IIlD D.ame first class DlDnllordB Bppkd by BallSaulh.1o III similar pniJocfa fur Its ~ID!!;!l~.~",p~n18& I~ oU,arcllan18,ln 8 good faith olTort ID support Custamor In developi.., llnplGltlonUnv and/or m.....g1na CusIornBl's Network or lIB olher 1"lnOd ijSfem(ii);1'iirWOfkliliSigi1li"Ufllll~Riif pwJlldl; ~"::~ic~~l!"d!!!!'I!b!ldJQJ~PJII1!!1lJl!t~Q!:!!f!CCUstomer'5f'lOlocr). Howewer. 811 II'Ie succeasfullmplamentallan or apernllan of Cuslomm'a Netwalk or PraJOI:l u1limalel~ deponds uponnulrtY liaMi'biiyiincnh8~'c:onNuiC"i5i1IS..;.ii.t."" OnclUdlng lho ann and performanco of Cuslamer and Olnor vondlllS .seIEll:ted by Cuslomer), BellSoclIh daos nat warranl U'Ie CQlIlpladan or succesa of ~UGn PraJect nor, DIlcept 8i provldod In 1he pRlCCldlng sentonCO, make tIny oLher warranlY as 10 Ihe $eMCOS. BetlScNIh &heR hive no lIabllI.Y or obllgaUon ID Cu;Iomar for any defBd or lallul'O of Ilucl\ NetwClrk or pmJod. boyond !he ServIeas dD\'\'t1llmtl cmIilS (If 4U'IY) sollarth In lhae Tenns or In 11m aJll)Dcuble IIflfViCII dosCllplfonll Dr Ord8nlo . '. . . . e. Software and OIlteWIIJ Services. (a). the Services may lncludo dedicated or cbIo\1P Intamot praiacal conneellvllY in SelSoulh's loc:;llnlomot ne\WIlriI.s end llh~gh applicable , GSP servlCeal/o doSalbed flIsewhlll't!l herein) 10 the globallnlemel. at woI as aa:all or connoctllllly to DIIY.o' !hB inIorrnaalal'l sourcea onerviee5 which may be pnlvidecl by 8e1lSaulh or bo avullablll fro", alher sONtce provider!. parllclpallng In. ClInnealed to or oCCDIISI!lI8 Ihraugh BeJISOUIh~a SorvlCtlll or lhD glollollnlemeL some or Ihoao addlUonaIlIerviceS may bo prD\lkled wilhuut Charga Ia USet'lI 01 sellSoullt$ Servlcas, but'illfllllrw... charg.. mllY bo applicable 10 IlOlI!a of !heae olher sarvlCOG. ThoSe dmrgllS me, i1PPoar an your bill from BonSaulh. Dr they may be billed ID you sepamle!y by Ule providers or suc:tl &Of\IICtl$. Somo other praviClII'5 may Illso have oddllloo8l regtstroa,Uan ar erllllbiHly ~u1romants In order lo U58\heir IOrvleo$. ' . . (bl Usa by Customllf and any IndIVIdual DuthoriZed use,. of Cl.ID1Dmer of BelISouU,'. Inlllmat SoMces and anv aGSoelalacUHOlMlDr Dr olher Sartwanl prolllded by liellSculh In CDnnecUOn marewllh shall bD subjed ID BellSculh's sland:Jrd terma and condlUons for 8UCh In\emBt servk:o as wall lIS tho appRcoble solIWlII'e liGen" Iflrmll wllld1are provided .,.;u~ such SaflWD reo . ' . ' . . 7. Thlnga Not Im::luded In \hD Sorvlcos. The services may h'\Clude 1Ia,nsport oumponants whlc::h are inc:orpora~d by S'.iISaulh and sold to , CuslDmer B8 pan of lho Sorvk:Os, :IS wiD be reneetod on CuelDmer'a 0RIer(&) 'or tho SorvlCllll. Hawevet. Customer may lnatllad or In acklIlIan purchaSe IImbr CDmpanlJll" III tarilfed tnM\Ipan &enlICBS flllm 1elIS0UIh'G (Dr 11m "'Mallis') r.1l10d lolaphane Dp8rnIlonS. ,In whfM want .anv regLli8ted IrInspon l1O\WDrk Illrvlces pl6ChaSed by Customer 10 connllCt \D lho SeNIc;a$ stuJll be provided pursuant lD opplcabllt tarills end aro not pan of lie services nor subject to lt1oso Terms. In addlbOn. bocauso Df currenl legal rellrl"'lonll. BclISoulh's Servlcoa InclUc:lus dii1lct camecUvily tdi to addr8G8olJ. Information lCIurces or SGI'Y1co prowldors >Mahin spednect caUlng arooo knoWn 88 lATAS. In emor to connect lD Inlemet-ballCld Darvlcaa Dr oIMr pal'll... ne\WOflcG or sllDlllocaled Dutside of lhe local LATA (indudlr1g !he world-wide fnlomol) IhI'OUlJh BellSOum', SarvJcea. CUsIamer will nelKllD oblaln IntDrlATA BlIrvlce (inCllICllnEl g/oballnLemlll aeMCB where deslmc:l) from a Global SelYlce Provldor rGSP") or other pelt; 01 CWllamofa choice who 16 GOnrloclGd 10 BollSOUlh.s SeMces. mfoimoUan aboul whim GSPl; are cannadmllo Ulo Servim f/Ol'll lima 14 "me may be obtained on-\Il'I8 on Ute Services or by con~ BellSaulb. CUslomer IS roapo""blo for aelec:Ung.aulltll!l p1'Ol4dOr Dnd forpaytno aU appllcablO chatIIasfor sUch InlaMTA 5Clrvlce, as wo" ~ all charges rot any pul'chaSOIS mad.: IhRJUgh Iho $.!ll'VlCaB and My, c:hmges ~rrod v.t1IIa usInSJ any supplemenlal f\8tWOdls or aenrices oIher than Ut, Sarvlcas. Bell5auUl will fadUIa10 Iho prac::eGs elf relJiSlering CuotomDl's acmunl will'l the G$P or: alhcr QVPIIDIlle pnwIdcr of CUllllIfIOr'G choice" and BelSoulh may Include Ihat pravtdet's GhJf8GS on Custorner'S bII hm BolISoulh. ,Any eompu18r lys\Ql'I. daIobDI8 aCCllR, Inlame' connection or othOl' IlOrv1c:e5 'WhIch mtl}' be plDllldod or mocle available to Customar by Its GSP IIr IIny Olhor pany ant Ihe ~ale I'88ponslbllil, of and at Ihe 8010 d1scrollan Df sueh petty, and ora nol Included In or a l)OIrt of BallSoulh's Services. BoIlSaulh mDkes no selection, GfldDmam""l Gf' mcommcnd~liDn w11h respeCllo 00'f GSP or olher In\8rlATA long disLImlZ service pl'Ovldor, global Inlemet 8GC8SS provider er oIher .spect of any, service prllYldecl by tho GSP or alber perty. and BolISouth llhaIl havo 110 msponBlbI1lly, Dbligallon .or liability of any nature Wlm rQlpoc:t lherelD. The lollablhy. DVDllability and performanco Df reaourc:ss accessed lhrDugh the Internet or OIhar aorvices connected to BallSouItia Sec'fic8S are b~ond BellSoulh's I;OnllOl lInd 11m nol In any way wnrranled or supported by BoIISoUlll. CUaloiner adcnowlD11ges lI1at 5llfegUardl rall1~VB lD capyrlghl. ~wnolShlp. decency, reliability and IntDgrlty of conltllll may bo OOlll'Oly IlK:klng with respod ID !ho Interne' or oU1er'servlcaa or conlent'accesslble ltwDugh BenSculh's ServIces. Customer may also elecl 10 oblain nelWOrlC desl!;lD. web sile development or promoUon. or gU,er seNlCO:S ham panidpenlS In ~ . ' CUllClmGl'lnldals___ . DaIP~ 30f11 051.10/07 15:38 FAX 770 803 2731 .:)Ul~ If-=-~nO 3 lIED ) .... .@ S_l.l.SoutH . . '", 4'2002 l~:~l BELLS9UTH . BlilL~OUTR BELL~OUTR V tHX)301 )b~ Bl~ V ~003 Pi OM . BeUSouth BusJnea..SaNICOS Tel'fl1S and Condilians C\IItomer lnIlkIIa_ On'e: 5 of 11 , .' , . , . 05110/07 15:39 FAX 770 803 2731 BELLSOUTH 16:U2 . BELLSOU1H BELLSOITH I ~004 ':I --. .....--- ~~ JUN~1~ 2003 {UD) .' . {FAX) jO, %~,:Ha .... ;':; ,. l nn,. . .,,' " '. .', ......... o \.........-< . . Ill).. ::. .' , BellSaut)1 B~ln.ss SBr.lll;lIS . 'TermS and Condlt'ons. @ BSUSOUTH . - . .... ~. "; ,,':~'.: ... 4. Inatilllallon ClUB. la) "lnSlallaUo" pato~ 18 lt1e actwl dale that thO serviceS In mado ovalabl8'la lhe .CUllillftbr;':The Insla1lailOn Data shall not be deomDd misSed due to II\DlDIInUon d!'l!&y$. ~t!f1~la,~ (ll,,~.l1!Io~s af ~o.~. Ma~ O!'.oUtet causO!l bByand ~ ~.ol'ablo control of aollSllIJlh or the GSP: or (11}.CUStomer'S. appllc:DtIons, B9..~nl or tiCIIIIIDB. ;Q expeifKeifIMI8l10Uon reqll8S1s dono~~ ~r~.I~~an Sl.A. _ _. _~_ .-.___, J..._ ....__ __.............. ....__,......_~__.._.._,_.,____-1._..__,-'-.___..." ...-" ,- . lb) Tho abJocllVe for Ihe Ins&;allotlan DIlle iala '~e on or bokmJ Lhe largel dale ~Uod Ia by 8e1lScuU;, :ai.rollGCted 1Il1BeUSoulh's GaMes managen1er1l rocordll. For ony lnstallaUo~ for which !he ubjecUII8 k1 nlllt mol (alt1er lhIIn lor tho 'o~omI Hllorth above) Cll$lamll' will receive a , _'~II. which ~ be applied toWDrds CUstomer's 5ubsequonl manlllty Inwice(s). ..,allO 100"" atlhe ins lallation char;o~ (If ~ll;llbel\Wll!l pay~bl~ by . ,lie CuslDmerwr lhe'SGNIcDs. .. ... . . -..' - .---- ... n,. ---' ..". -- _..' . . . ...... . '. i :.;:"" ..,. . .. 5. . 1II1Bnev. (II) -Avemge Latency" Is ll'lo monlhli ayBl1lge n)Undolrip lalency of doBtgnulod partlDllS of 'd,iGSP":~D~ cDnn~Gng · mo primary BeJlSauIh MltMgod FndllUea (T1er-1 BMF!S) 10 each altler ar 10 ltIe GSP', IP nutwork. dlllmmlned bV ",nswlng ~~ 11Ill\Wlrk' .'. respOl'lS6S OIlUl' such pu11lons or "'8 po\wDTk ~ dellmllned by BeIl$Dlllh ancIlhe GSP. . . . ',:.; ..,/'. '.., .." ." '. . the abJec:t1~8 tor Average talen(l1ls lo not bo greater lhan ISIS mlllllOOconds. I~r any monll\ In whldllho oblBCllve Is na[.lno~ CualDmei' wlh.~Ye 8 crd. Which may bo applied tDwdrds CualOmer'c manlhly inwllle. equal I" 11:1% of thll monlhly nswning margas fur1h~, ~~:: ....: ':'.: ::. '.' NeIwDrk delay will nol be I:Dns/ltered rot purpoSIlG of Avemge Latency. and Siarv!co credits will not be available to Customer. .In ellioas!Nh8rD the . .' . SaMCIla Dre del&yed al II result of (l) !he ntlgligenc., p.cIS or omluians 0' CIIstcmer.lIs ompIayecs, Q3nbactof$ 1M' agOfllS grim inld ~sera; (Ill"'. faII~o or raalfunclIun or Iestlno eql.Iipment, :JppucallORa or lIysle1ftG: (Ill) clrcumGlanC- or GilU$4l$ boyond tho conltlll oflhlt GSP, Inc:lulalg 1F.lStanCa or FIRe Majeure (as denned 8& Im~uding war, riG,., arnbargDOlI. slrikes; Df' C1hef conl:Ortod acts of YfQIkllr.t (whGlhar GSP or alherl), ellsualll!J8 ",. aa:id~, mllRclaus or aiminal aeI.S of INrd porUllS, or any olnel' cauBtIS or clrcumlitanca w!\athllr of a similar elf d~seImIIDr noltLrBto 1he.1ORlgoIl)g. v,hlch fIl'lWOIlt or hlndor tho dollvelY of !he SetVlcos); or (Iv) scheduled so""IGO m8lntormncll. allel'llUCln. or ImplamanlaUan. sucn ctGCIllS vAil bit gnIi11ed only It C\I&lOmG' offunls .bellSOUlh full and tree 0Cll8S5 Lo CLlGtamar's equlpmenl to perronn nl:lCOSSDFY lelIUng, lnNbleshDGl!ng or related alltMl1es....: :.,' . ..' '.' . '_'~ .._~._" . 'I .'. O. Packot Lass. (al oA\lemgo Pf)Ckot Loss" is the monlllly avorogll rtlUnll.b1p packetlQAOI dmlgrialed jitlltiOns-orihii (,;SP'S~~ c:anm.cUng Iho primaI)' E1I1USOlltn Managed Facililell (1'Ie1'-1 8MPs) 10 each othlll' or lo LnG GSP's IP network. detBnnlned by moasurtng lOun~ netwarIC.: . rospOlUl4lS over BUdl pottIonS Df tho nDlIMHk DS dtltelftllnod bY BoIISoult1 an IIlle GSP. . . . : ~:. ..:,'" ~". . I ~c:rt:="O*"..J.!Y~fOfjl'~!'A!:!~f!ockQtlJlJIJAJ~Jl~U!J.~.l!IIt!!r lhanD.5,.. Far 811)' mendlln which the objllcUve is not mcn,CllBlamer.wiIl,.ve il crecIt.: v.tlIch mllV be applied IOWllrdG Cuslomur's monthlY InvOlGO;ifqiiana li5iiilmiihe"M~';:;:t"i'G~~dl:::;~"fQ!'o!he~-:i.":-~""C~;~;:~""~';."""C""'"" ' Packet Ion wlII not bo conuldored fot pUlpal" of AVer.JlQO'Packet Loss, an'~ SOMCG credl&G will 001 be Bvallable 10 Cu8IDmDi;'1n - whiR .i!ic:kets. . . are IDllt as a resuII of (I) UlO rICIglIgal1C8, acts or omissions of Customar, lis tmploveea, conll'RlOnl or agents or lis end uilra; (U) Iha Muro at" C,. . ItIalhlnCIIDII or lostlng equipment, appllcaUons or syaIem!I: (Ill) cinlUfll&lanCel or caUl108 beyond lt1e conlrOl of Iho GSP,lnc:k.dng InslinCiS'ol Force Maje~re (a5 dermod as Incfudlng war, rlols. embergoGs, IIld1cos, or aIher caru:erted aelS or WOIkor.; (whelhBr GSP uf OlnllS). casllalllCS or lIcc:idcnlll.' .. malicious or c:rlmlnal'~11 Df Ihlnt parlles. or any oUter C8U1GS cr circumstances wheU.ter of a similar or dllslmllar nalure tD the forogalng..~ prqvenl at hlndur lhodclvllry or the ServICeS); or (Iv) scheduled aervlce malnlOnanco. allorlldon. or IlIlplemenlaUon. Such cradlts wit be granbed only If CU~ alford. BellSouLh full and flee access 10 Cu&lamllfa DQulpment to perfotm rlllCGSISIY tesUng, boubtuhcHlllng GI' relllled acUlIHIos. . .'. :. , .' OlhGrTBmlI1 and Condillona Customer should anllcipllte reoeillll'9 ""V applli:Dble credifwilhin 2 bllng C:,cfDS aftar lhc month In which U\e SLA ablOCIlva~ rni~ed:"lfC:llltorMr." bellol/e& a crodll DtIl;Iuld "avo bll8l'l applied but wal not, CUstomer must retpaesl credits wUhln 12D days ofter the dlIle al tne f'Gpclft fram BellSouIh giving naliwl1alan SLA ablClCUvO WllB mIssed and IhIIt a credit Is bolng Issuod.1 r CUstDmet'8 request lor. a dlspulod crodll WD"8 in erJa(. ClIIto",er mpY be dlalgedrorlhecastsGSIOCIIledwhhmsoan:hlngthBdlsputedcredllrlqUG,It. '. .,~,:, ',.:.. .' . The lolal credits payQbla fur SLA obledlves (oUter Inan tho InslDUaUon Dail! SU\) missed during any ono month porlod shall nul B1llx:eci.1he total manthIV rewrrlng c1l1lf9as for lt10 Servlcelln that mOI'lUI. . ..' .'. . . 19. T8In1S.net Condlllons for GaP Service. . <a) UUNET Technologies. Inc. rUUNET") ClXM:l&OS n~ l:onlml.ow.er, and a~' ."0 J~.po~~ !~r,.~.~nttint of' the lnfo"'allon pa1llllng It1rouoh UUNET. hoGl mmputCls, nelwDrk hubs and polnlS or pmaanco (tho .UUNET NelWorkO). UUNET (8) MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANt KIND. WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPUED. FOR THE sERVICES AND EQUIPMENT IT IS PROVIDING. (b) DISCL.AIMS ANY WARRANTY QF MERCHANTABILITY. NON-INFRINGEMENT C Fl fITNESS FOR A pARilCULAR PURPOSE, und (e) WILl.' NeT ~ RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CUSTOMER SUFFERS. INCL'lJD1NG ~ DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF DATA RESULTING FROM DELAYS, NON~EUVERIES, MISDELIVERIES. OR SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS. Usa or any InfonnaUon obtlllned "Ia Iho WNET !411lWDrk Is Bl CUlmer's own nsk. UUNET specifically donloa any R!S1)onslbility lor the BtlI:Ul1lC)' or quallly Dr InrllnDlIUon oblalned IMXIgh Its S4lfVICQ8. UUNET llhDU nut bo liable for any dofay or IDilure In perfonn8l1Ge dl.l6 to FalCO Ma)aUm,. whim shall mean GelS of God. oanhquake, labClnlllJJUleS. d&l91S In laWII. rogulDlIon ar govemmenl poliCY. rials. WlJI'. lire. epidemIcs, acIS 01' otttlsolanll of vendors or euppllllll. tranlpmlalllln dII.ftc\llUOD, or oller occ:urroncos which ora beyDnd UUNET's I8t16OnablB 1:OI11rD1. . . (b) All Ulle elf Ute UUNl!T NolWolk and the semce mll!1t =mpl~ wlln tho IhBn'CUlJenl version of tho UUNeT Aa:epIaIiie Uee Policy ("POliCY.) Itlllablo 4llltla folloWing URL; w.w..oUu;noIlI.lBOpoIlCV- UUNETrcs8fVe& \he rlghllo "mond lhiI Policy fram UmlllO lime. eflOC1hto upon flD81\ng of tho revised PDllcy allhe URt.. UUNET reseMIS the riglU to suspend Iho Ben/Ice or telmlmlle U\16 AgJOOmorU declive upon noUce II UUNET delennlne$ UtIt thoro hOB boon a violaUon of lno Policy. CusIDmcr DgrBllS ICIlndemnlfy and hald tmrmlau UUN!;T rrom sny 10"". damages. COlIIrI or oxponBOll msultll'lg rrom any Ihlfd party claim or :1..110" ('ClallII"') atlGlng out of Dr relating to USD or lho sorvlc:e. Includlra any Claim ~. \lIR.le, would mnsdtulo a "loIaUun of lhe Policy. .' 4/2ooa CUllOmcr InlUals':'-- . D1ItQ: 70111 05/10/07 15:39 FAX 770 803 2731 BELL SOUTH tELL!DUIR BELLS~~ ~005 (~AI)~n~ ~~, 1~1~ p,oo~ :~:JUN:dt200HWED) 16:0l .:. !.~~~I.SOUTH. )......;I \ . '-J BoUSauth8 Business Sorvlces Terms and CDnditlons . " '.. .' . ;:/::~r::i~:~::t::~)J~~.. ~~na~'. '. , .:. . ~.:",.'. .. . ~:(gt CaAa1Dmel' may P~nn1t 118 customllrs 01' olhQr lIulhortzech.lSBIS let UlJllzo tho SorvIceus pan of buslnoS!l operations or S81'111ceB prDlIIdOd by ': : . . '. CUslamer.liubjoct 10 !hose TermS. Howovor. Customer'. ~~ may tlOt be a5lrgned 01' lrallllfunod bV Customer1MlhoUl1ho prtorwriltlln ;. COI'oSDnt of BaIlSDulh. An., altampl by CUstomer 10 _Ign or Irnnsler uny oJ Ihll rights. dulles, or oblloaUOM of CulIklmer with l'e5PeGt to \IlG ; .' .' Selval w1lhoul BeIlSouIh'a wrlLlen conoont Shall be void. and no l1satlJl:lI1l1ml or lral1lfGl' shaU roloBSII CUlItomer from any of Its obIIga~cnll wIIh raapec:l II) Ihe sel'lllcos. BGU50ulh mllY asttgn. dllhtgDlo 01' olhmwise tnlllllfclr lis rights or DblIgallans l\ereundor ,In whole or In pert al any Ume. . . ':." . bUlno~Uc;h_p1entJhBlt-relBaSa'BeHSoulhframUlllmalOfOSPonslbiIiLy.farU1eSClfVlCO$.hOr.eunder. . . -- '. I . ". '" '~', . . . . - .', ::~ ::;:~::;",' c; :.. "',' Cb). ~o adan. ~arll"" of rORn, udslog ou~ 0' lhO Sorvt~ or thee Terms '"~ bo broughl tJ1l1llher 1l8f1Y more Ulan two ye8rs\after .. :.:: : ':'" ',. ., caUs8..of ac:I.1anhlllnJrisen. . . . .:'::..i. <;\~ ........_...:(~) ~. Torma. ind~1ng any OfdGm for Iha Services from CuIlu:morWl1Id1 haue been accaptod by aBllSaUlh, 6eUanh IhO onUro . ... ; ,:.:'. agI'DBlllent blllW8ln Customer and IIIIIISoulh rll$pacIlng the SeMcet. and suporsado any priDr wriuen.or vartlal pmposala,lIIIreements, , '.. .' undcmltandings or othGt dlsaJsslDfls rellp8CUng Ole lemo. BBllSllulh will, not be bound by any provkilon coflll*Mld In ony pun:hBR unSer. . : . .,.0': :~':__ : .ccmDrmallon, corraaponclence or OIh~r r.DINIlunimUan from CuslDmDl' 'II'hlch is at varl.nco wllh, In addition to or =n"'C18 wIIh any pnwIsIon of lice ::";'0' :. ':..: ;':Tenns. unllS& such variance, addlUon Of conlUctl$llPoclncal1y Identified In a wrlllon agreement signed by eusmmor and an lIu1ho~ . . '.:., ...:: ': : ., ropraenlalille 0' DeJlSouth which expAlUlY reIetcll'lcet 1110 appropriate pRNislon of lhOllO Torms. No agent, emplayOD. aT representallvtr 0' .. ".; ,::: .' .,'.. .BeJlSoulh huB any ~rlLy lO bind BollSaultllD any atnnnlllon. repl'O$1~taUon. or war1eni)' unlD1J8 \tie some Is speclblly&at forth In Ibeae Terms :.:: . .\." on' ..or In II wrtlten agroGmont as provided above. .' '-'-'.~, . ..... . ':'. .":..... . . .:. .:..?:;."'. . '.." . ' . . ._' ~ ~ ,:;:., . ..' . . (d): TM80 Tonns and the Servioes thall bo govemed bl' Ihe l"'tlf tho Stale 1Ir GecMgla. wlthDUl rogarc:l1D itS canmGlS of IaWl proIIIsI.ms.lf :. :;::.." . ;.;:: :,'. . any pmvlslon or pItlVIsloM haraof shall bll hllld \0 be Invalid. Dlogol. Dr unenforceable. IhD valldlly,legalilV. and onforcoablllly DlIhe nm\81nlng . :,' '.:\: :':: . . ~vl&lor,a shllll not be In a~ w.'~ aRQClod or Impalred lharebt. . '1-:- ~'. ';. (0). ThD iemedlea of the pDl'11aG sol forth hllRlin are not GllcluBlvD lilnleSS expressly 10 staId hamln. I . ..:":';.'0:,:'.:":'/:':': .;' " _.,' :> .~};~,~~::"::::;~.\:: . " : '.. .".. . . p ~ . ~.~;:ft.{:t~~;::P,.:.::: .: ';'..: .-...- . '..'.,: .:;i~ ',/ '," - '/:;:'};'J:(.:.:.: .;... '. '",' . . "':" ,'. . . . .... :>.:".;.:"Y~.:-.< ...... .... .' ". -' ..:.>, . ". .,. 1 '.._ ' - -. -. . . --'-- .- _.:... .-- _. -", 412002,' . CUslDmer lnitials_ Dalo: 90111