Item H2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 18, 2008 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department: Staff Contact: Andrew o. Trivette AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Second Amendment to contract with Greenberg Traurig P .A. for the consulting services of Kenneth Metcalf, extending the contract expiration date for one year, changing the funding source and amending the scope of work. ITEM BACKGROUND: Mr. Metcalf has been advising the Affordable Housing Task Force on the Hurricane Evacuation Model in order to identify and implement potential ways to increase the current and future permitting capacity for affordable housing and to assist in negotiations with the Department of Community Affairs on this issue. Growth Management staff now recognizes the need for additional services from Mr. Metcalf, assisting in the collection of data and the preparation of analysis to facilitate future planning initiatives. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: July 16, 2006 - BOCC approved agreement with Greenberg Traurig. July 19, 2007 - BOCC approved First Amendment to agreement. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Extend the term ofthe First Amendment for one year to July 19, 2008. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $36,000.00 BUDGETED: Yes ~ No COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS:148-5000l-5303l8 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No -X... AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty l OMB/Purchasing-LRiskManagement_X_ DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 11/06 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Greenberg Traurig, P .A. Contract #_ Effective Date: Expiration Date: July 19, 2009 Contract Purpose/Description: Extension of Agreement and change in scope of work. Contract Manager: Andrew O. Trivette 2519 Growth Management/II (Name) (Ext. ) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on June 18, 2008 Agenda Deadline: June 3, 2008 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 36,000 Current Year Portion: $ Approx. $16,000 Budgeted? Yes~ No D Grant: $ County Match: $ Account Codes: 148-50001-530-318-_ - ----- - - ----- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $_/yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes ~a~>>= Needed ~eViewer Division Director ~J' YesD No[3 - ~ YL Risk Management ~ Y esO No~ Y4l, . . .BJP~(aW/o8"YesoNoci-:...L~~ County Attorney ~f' YesO NoEr.~ Comments: Date Out ~ftft~ to- ~ c;, OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES for GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. This Second Amendment (Amendment) is made and entered into this day of , 2008 to the Agreement dated July 19, 2006 (Agreement), between Greenberg Traurig, P.A.(Firm) , 101 East College Avenue, Tallahassee, Florida 32302 and Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (County), 1100Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, County and Firm desire a more expanded scope of services to be allowed under the terms of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the First Amendment to the Agreement dated July 18, 2007, the Agreement will expire on July 19th, 2008; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to extend the Agreement for an additional year which may necessitate additional payment; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 2. Scope of the Work shall read as follows: 2. SCOPE OF THE WORK The Firm shall assist County by providing professional services to review the Hurricane Evacuation Model in order to identify data, demographic, and other potential refinements that would increase the current and future permitting capacity for affordable and other housing, to support the planning efforts for transient and market rate housing and the resulting need for employee and affordable housing, to negotiate with the Department of Community Affairs on these issues, and to assist County with its presentations concerning these issues. This Agreement is limited to planning services, except for the limited legal services described herein. The scope of services is retroactive to May 1 , 2008. 2. Paragraph 4. Payments to Firm shall read as follows: 4. PAYMENTS TO FIRM * * * * * D. The pricing for the different types of work shall be as follows: Fees and expenses are limited to Thirty-six Thousand Dollars ($36,000.00) from May 1, 2008 to July 19, 2009. Both parties agree that this contract amount may not be sufficient to complete the scope of work, depending on the number of requested meetings, extent of negotiations required and other activities deemed necessary by the parties. In that event, such services may be provided by amending the contract. It is anticipated that the parties will further define the specific activities listed in the scope of work by task order in letter or e-mail format. Services provided by Mr. Bouthillier shall be limited to general supervision of contract implementation pursuant to Paragraph 14 and shall not exceed $500.00 per task order. 3. Paragraph 5. Term of Agreement shall read as follows: 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement commences on the date of the execution by all parties, and ends on the 19th of July 2009, unless terminated earlier under paragraph 18 of this Agreement or upon payment of the total compensation whichever comes first. 4. The remaining terms of the Agreement entered into on July 18, 2006, not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Second Amendment. ATTEST: DANNYL.KOLHAGE,CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk Mayor Mario DiGennaro GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. Reginald L. Bouthillier, Jr. Date: .---- ~TAMENDMENTTOAGREEMENT FOR SERVICES GREENBERG TRAURlG P.A. Dated July 18, 2006 THIS l'JRS~~MENT.(herein alba- "Amendment") iun.de and _ into this 19,1i day of 2007, to the Agreement ("Agreement") dated July 18, 2006 between Greenberg. ra g P.A. whose address is 101 East College Avenue, Tallahassee, Florida 32302, and Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("COUNTYj, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street. Key West, Florida 33040. WHEREAS, the Agreement dated July 18, 2006 is set to expire on July 19,2007; and WHEREAS, County and Greenberg Traurig desires. to continue the Agreement for another one year term. NOW THEREFORE the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 5 of the Agreement shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: "5. TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement commences on the date of execution by all the parties, and ends on the 1911I day of July 2008, unless terminated earlier under paragraph 18 of this Agreement or upon payment of the total compensation whichever comes first." .~-::~ ,~-.,~: _ . . roaining terms of the Agreement entered into on July 18, 2006, not /' ~~ shall remain in full force and effect. '\: . I S WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be executed in their respective ~s. Att~~, t;' LHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF, COUNTY (' ...1" h d COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE 8y:--1 . I L --' COUNTY, FLORIDA :l: ~ Deputy Clerk /1/>A . FJ. ClE 0 s JUL 1 8 ZOO, B .' //~~~n~ .1 ~ Date: y<\t hl,o t' I ~ -< ~ atdUL ("'). r :- r'~ , Witnesses: Signature Per on egally a to SIgn ~Q. behalf of Greenberg Traurig, P.A: ( ~ ,. (. /.VIJr-lJ L... Ii 0 v r It-. " "'I F- e. Print Name rI Date: 7 . I . 0 -r J/I . Print Name DATE: TAL 45141798Ov1 71212007 MONROE COUNTY AHORNEY ~ROVEOASTO~ ~",_0 ATILEENE W. CASSEL ~ ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTOR",EV Date :J- $-t!)7 -7\ ]:Bo ::J: 'fJ o N . ~ , :-., ;':1 " ". :::l :'J ':.") , -I ~-, r'j ~ ":.:l 3C?:i;o9n~'e MONROE COUNTY ATT .. 03:373'Plll 07-17-20otI 2/13 AOPIl;fF' ..., lOR 88RVICU I'or GItIZIOIJIR8 TRAUIIIG. P.A. THIS AGREEMENT awle and entered into this II"" day of July. 2006, by and ~Mn MONROE CO'UN'lY, a poHtical subdivision oftbe State of Florida rCOUN'lY'), whOlle addre.. is 1100 Simonton Street, ~ West, Florida 33040 and Greenberg Traurig, PA., whose addresa is 101 East College Avenue, Ttt'1,.ka88ee, Florida 32302, ita llUC(;C8aora and assipa, hereinafter referred to as "FIRM-. The contract aenicea aball be performed by Kenneth Metmlf, A1CP, Dindor of Planni"'l ServJces for FIRM. except for legal aervicea deIIcn'bed herein. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to employ the profesainnA1 eervic.es of FIRM to asaiat COUN'IY; and WHEREAS, FIRM bas agreed to provide professional eerrices as defined in the Scope of Work below. NOW, 'I'HBREPORE, in consideration of the mutual promisea, covenants and agreements statm. heMin, and for other good and valuable consideration, the BUfIlciency of which is hereby ac1mowledgccI, COUNTY and FIRM asree as follows: 1. THE AGREEMENT The Agreement consists of this document only. Any other ~ts between the ps:rties separate are independent qreemente and shall be read, interpreted and enforced as separated independent agreementll. 2. SCQPE OF '11m WORK The FIRM 8haJl assist COUNTY by providing profes8iona1 services. to review the Hurricane EYacuation Model in order to identify and implement potl=ntial refinements that would increue thc current and futwe permitting capacity for affordable houaiDg; to negotiate with the Department of Communit;y Affairs on this isme; and support the planning efforts or the Affordable Housing Task Force to encoUJ'8lc development of affordable bouains In the P'Iorida Keya This Agreement Is limited to plAnning services, ~ for the limited legal services de8cribcd herein. 1 3QS2tl2:s5tc; MONROE COUNTY ^ TT 03 37511 pm 07-17-2006 3113 3. RJr.Pmr.RlI'..N'TATlONS AND WARRAN'nq FIRM warrants that he is authori2led by law to eng&&e in the performance of the activit:iea herein deacribed, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in thia Agreement. A. FIRM shall at an time. excrciee independent, profeasioDal judgment and shall assume profeuional reapo.naibiJity for the aervicee to be provided. B. FIRM sbaU maintain an DeCe8881Y licensca, permits or other authoriationa ~888IY to act as FIRM for the Project until the FIRM'S duties hereunder have been fu)Iy eath6:d; C. FIRM assumes full ~ to the extent allowed by law with regard. to'his performance and thoae directly under his employ. D. no 8bal1 provide services using the following sta"dards, as a min~mum requirement, FIRM 8bal1 maintain adequate atamng 1ew:.1a to provide the aervicea required under the Agreement, FIRM personnel aball not be employees of or have any contraCt:U8l relationship with the COUNTY, and all personnel enpgecl in performing senicca under thie Agreement shall be fulJ;y ql1AHAtod.t and, ifrequirecl, to be authorized or permitted under State and local Jaw to perform such senices. E. FIRM'S aemcea ahall be performed as expeditiously as is consistent with profesaionalllk:iJ1 and care and the orderly prog:reaa of the work. F. FIRM is an independent contractor under this Agreement. In providing the services. FIRM and ita agents shall not be acting and shall not be deemed as actiD8 u ofticera, employees. or aaenta of the COUN"lY, nor shall they accrue any or the rights or benefits of a COUNTY employee. 4. PAYMENTS TO FIRM A. COUNTY'S performanoc ancl obligation to pay under this agreemen~ is contingent upon annual appropriation by the Board of COUNTY Commiasioners. . B.COUNTY shall pay in accordance with the Florida Prompt Payment Act; paJme11t will be made periocUcaDy. but DO more frequently than monthly, in arrears as hereinafter 8et forth. C. FIRM shaD tNbmit detailed, ~I-d invoices to the COUNTY with supporting documentation acceptable to the Clerk baaed on generally accepted acoountina principles and such lawe, rules and regulations as may govern the Clerkta diaburaal of funda. D. The pricing for the different ~ ofwork shall be as !oUawa: 1) the total contract amount of this Agreement including all fees and expenaee is TWEN'IY 11I0USAND DOLLARS AND NO/cents {$20,OOO.OO); however, both partiee agn:e that this oontnwt amount may not be eufticient to complete the scope of work, depcm.ding on the number of requested meetinga. extent of negotiations required and other activities 2 3~52Q23b1S MONROE COUNTY ATT 0.'1'38 35 p m 07 -17 -:lllO8 '" 113 , d~rned by the parties sa Dece8eaty or approp~te to support the eff'ort:s of the task force to promote affordable hoWling. It ia anticipated that the partie. will further deftne the specific activities listed in the scope of work in order to furtbcr re5De future contract amounts if'the contact amount allocated in thiaagreement 18 teached. Senice8 provided by Mr. Bouthillier sbaJl be limited to general supervision of contnwt implementation pursuant to Parqraph 14 and. shall not ~ $500.00 2) FIRM will be paid for hie or her senice8 bued on the number ofhOU1'8 ~riP.tI on behalf of COUNlY (louDdcd to the nearest tenth hour for each time ently), not to include time ~h1e to or COD1pe11118.ted by other c1ie.nbl, mul1ipHed by the FIRM.'S hourly ~ as set forth below: KennethB. Metcalf $220.00 per ~~ ~ Reginald 1., BoutbiDier. Jr., EIKJ.. ~ per hour 3) The fo11owiD8 fl'liin;Tn..~m billing docwnenta1icm and time- keeper requirementa are a cxmltition plecedmt to 9&iment by the COUNTY. At a mittimum the invoJcee ahall state the name oftbe tfl'Nll~, a detlCription oftbe 1aak peri'onDed, the amount of time ~ by eech time-keeper daD;y (and, wltbJn each d8;y, broken down by task where more than one project or task wall wOi~ upon within the eaxoe d&3). In a snmmAry at the Wnnw,g or end ofb ~ provide the boudy ~ for each time-beper, the 1Dtal thne billed by each tiJne.bep:a' in that biD, the product of the total time and hourbr l1lte for each t:ime-keeper, the total fees charged, and a ~'u.tlO"'P ~ the amount charged .tld any applir-e~ ~AtM or budgeted amount, by tuk. In additica, each mon~ 8181t1ment abouJd show the 8@8I'e8Ilte bD1Ing for that m.ttP-r fnxn the comTnl'!r'lcement of the nvt~ througb. the currently-billed month. FIRM shall deecribc witbiD ead1 itP.m~ ~ task entIy, in 8lJfiicient detail to readily a11.ow the COUN'lY to determine the neceaaity for and reuonab1eneea of the time ezpended, the services ~hmed. the project or task each IIeI'Vice relates 1:0, the subject am purpoee of each scrri.ce, and the names ot others who were present or communicated with in the c:ourae of pe1bu4ng the eervicc. FIRM will bill COUNTY only for time reaacmably and nccessariJy iDcurred to render prof'eslional eenicea on COUN'lY'S behalf'in accordance with thie ~t. nme attn1JUtab1e to biDing questiona is not billable. TUnc czpended by time-keepers who have not been approved by COUNTY 88 i~ a.bove is al80 not biDab1e. PIRM will charae no more than the hourly rate quoted above throughout the dUIation of the Agreement, \~ otbcrwf8e agn!led upon and app&oved by the Bo8rd of COUNTY' Col'nmi..1onen. The rates FIRM will charae COUN'IY re~t the lowest rates charced ~ the same ~ keepcn 1D other ctients. In the event that lower ratea or diBc:auntB are 3 30629235tO MONROE COUNTY A TT 033g 13p m 01.17-2008 5/13 , p-ovided to other' clienta, FJRM and approved time-b:epers will el80 provide them on the same buill to COUNtY. To the extent tho FIR),{ mJI~ UIIe of existing work proctuct, e.g., in the fonn of~ prev1ous1y performed for another client, then FIRM ms;y biD on1y that time ~ in UIiDg that work product for COUNTY'. In other worda, no premium, markup, or other fK\fustment may be made to bill COUNTY tor time spent on work already performed. 4) FIRM will chaIp QpeD1e8 such as travel, per cfieD4 meala, -nj1f1!8ge, hotel. or airfare shaD. be paid aceording to :Fl. Statute 112.321 and according to Chapter 2 Adminietration, Article XXVI ofthc Monroe COUN1Y Ordinances. however, time spe:o.tin tr8n&it, Joc8Dy or ~ m8IY be billed only if FIRM or time-1meper is unable to awid traveJiDg by using other forma of nmnm1I"~tioD. Travel by mare than one time-kcepc:- at the aame time to the same dcatiDatioD is DOt allowed without prior ~ova1 from COUN"IY. Approved travel time will be bi1lcd at the bourl;y rate Hated fOr the time-bleper. Actual coat for necea8AIY long distance telephone calls, telecopying at $.25 per oaUgl:Dng ptp, ovemight orcxred~ delivery, couriers, ~J'hlg at$.1S per pap, postage, court f'eee, and other expellees approved in advance by COUJnY or 8.8 1iamd below: PmM la expected to avoid uaing expedited Ol" eme:r&enC.f services, such as expre88 dc1M':ry aenic:ea. courima, te1ecopying, ~ tiwc, and so em, 1,",,1-. necel!8IY beeanlle ofunexpcctld dtReIopmentBor ....~emc1y abort ~f'UI4. COUN'lY may refuae to psy for any sUch expenses when irt.curftd routinely or ~1Jse ofF'lRM'S t8ilure 'In I'NlIftAfr the mat.tm' efticie:ntly. ' FIRM is eXpected. to use mmputeri2B1 research ~ ,~ cost- cf!'ecti"fe\y to reduc:o time spent on research, for ~1e, wbile cloeely- monitoring computerized reeearch to inaUre that the chargee are reasonable and neceeaary. PJRM is expected to pus through m COUN'lY any di8cau.nts or other ~tB that rafuce the coat of computerized services. 5. TERM 011' AG~1tM1tNT Th.ia AgJeement commences on the date of the ~tion by all parties, and ends on the 19t!a day of July. 2007, llnl-.. terrrd"ated ear1icrunder pfIr88I'8.ph 18 of this Agreement or upon payment of the total compensation whichever comes firat. 6. FIRM'S ACCEPI'AN~ OF COt;DmONS FIRM baaJ and aball maintain throughout the term. of this A&reement, appropriate lJcensea; proof or such Jkeneea aud approvals eh8ll be submitted to the COUNlY upon request. 7. PUBUC ACCESS COUN"lY and FIRM &ball aDow and permit ~ ecceea to, and inspection of, all doc:umenta, papers, letters or other materia1e in its 4 :J05~516' MONROE COUHTV A TT 03'3D""pm 07-17-2008 6/1~ . poaseui.on 01" under itS control8Ubject to the proviaiona of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, 8nd made or received. by COUNTY and FIRM in conjunction with this Agreement; and COUNTY shall have the right to UDiJatcnU1y cancel this Agreement upon violation of this provision by ~. ' 8. LlMlTED ~EMNI1Y P'lRM agrees to indemnitY and hold her.mle88 Monroe County Board of County Com~;Nionens from any claims. loues, damages, and expeDeee that County baa that are caU8ed by PmM7fJ ncg1ipnce. 9. {NSURAN~ . Prior to execution of this agreement, FIRM shaD fumish the COUNlY Certificates of Insurance indicating the minimum coverage Hmitationa in the following amounts: . WORKERS COMPENSA'nON AND EMPLOYER'S UABIUTY INSURANCE: Where appDcable. coveraae to app1;y for all employees at a minimum statutory Umita as required by Florida Law. COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE VEHICLE LIA8IU'IY INSURANCE: HIred 8ftd non-owned 8ul1o bbIIty iDaunmce, including applicable no-fault ooverage. with Jimita ofJiability of not Icsa than. $300,000.00 per OCCUITerlce. combined. single limit for BodIly hVurY LiabiU1;y and Property Damage UabiJit;y. Coverage sba1I include; an owned vehicles. all non- owned vehicles, and all b!red. whicle8. COMMERCIAL GENERAL UABIU"lY: Commercial generalliabilit;y coverage with limits of liability of not Ie.. than $300,000.00 per occurrence oombined ~ Hmit for Bodily lnjwy Liability and l'rope1V ~Age Liability. PROFESSIONAL UABJL11Y: Ptoteasf0DAll1;AN!fty insurance for negligence in an amount not less that $500,000.00. CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE: Original Certificates of Insurance shall be provided to the COUNTY' at the time or execution of this Agreement and certified copies provided if n:queated.. Each policy certificate shall be endoreed with a provision that not leas than tb.irW (30) calendar clays' written notice shall be provided. to the COUN'lY befiR any policy or coverage is canceled or restrictrJd. The underwriter of such insurance ahal1 be qualified to do buainess in the State or Florida. If requested by the COUNTY Adn1iniatrator, the insurance coverqe shaJl be primary insurance with reapect to the COUNIY, ita oflicia1a, employees, agents end volunteere. 5 3Q5~3lile MONROE COUNTY ATT 03 40 :10 J) In 07 17 - 2006 7/13 , 10. NON-WAIVER OFlMMUNl1Y Nothing in thi8 Agreement is intended to act sa a waiver of,the provisions of Sec. 286.28, Flbrida Statutes, and COUNTY apecifical1;y does not agree to a wam:r in any form. including but not J.imited to the participation of COUNTY and P'lRM in this Ap'eement and the aoquiaitIon of any commercial UabiUty inaurance ctml1'1IF, ee1f-inaurance coverage, or local government Habiliq, inaurance pool coverage which aball not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent ofHablli.t;y coverage, nor sbaJl any Agreement entered into by COUNTY be req,uirecl to contain any provision for waiver. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR At all times and for all purpoeee under thia agreement FIRM is an independent contractm" and Dot an em.ployee of the Board of COUNlY Commieaionera of Monroe COUN'lY. No 8tatement contained in this agreement aha11 be conatrued 80 as to find FIlU4 or any of his emp1oyeea, subcontractors, servants, or aaents to be employees of the Board of COUNTY Conw~;seionera of Monroe COUN'lY. 12. NONDjSCRIMlNAnON COUNTY and FIRM agree that there will be no discrimination &pinst any person, and it ia ~reeaJ;y understood that upon a detcrmiDation by a court of competent jurisdiction that diacrimiDation baa occurred, this ~ent autlDm-";cally terminates without any further action on the part of any part;y, eft'ective the date of the court order. COUNtY and FIRM agree to comply with all Pederal and Florida lltatutes, and all local ord.inancea, as applicable, rcIating to nondiscrimination. These include but arc not Hmited to: 1) Title VI of the Civil RiPtB Act of 1964 (PL 88- 352) wbich prohibita discrimination on the buis of race, color or national originj 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended (20 use 88. 1681- 1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the buill of as; 3) Section 504 of the Reha.bilita.tion Act of 1913, as amend.ecl (20 use 8. 794). wblch prohibits dlscrimfna.tion on the basis of }t.'l!'I'Idicap8; 4) 'lbe A8e Diacrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 use 88. 6101- 6107) which prohibita discrimination on the buill of age; 5) 11le Drug Abuee Oflice and ne&tment Act of 1972 (PI.. 92- 255), as amended, re1atiTlg to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and AlcohoUsm ~tion, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91.0616), as amended. relating to nondiscrimination on the buis of alcohol abuse or alcohoUsm; 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, ea. 523 and 527 (42 use 88. 69Odd-3 and 290ee.3), as amended, relating to con5dentiality of alcohol and drug abuee patent recorda; 8) Title vm of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 use s. et seq.). as amended, relating to nondiecrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing;. 9) The Americana with 6 3052l12351II MONRoe COUNTY A TT 03 40 5& p m 07 17-20011 8"3 DieabiIitiea ACt of 1990 (42 use II. 1201 Note), sa msybe Clm~(fed from time to time, relatlDg to nondtacrim1natlon on the buill of dieability; 10) Any other nondiecriminatioD provisions In any}l"ederal or .tate atatutea which may apply to COutnY and FIRM to, or the au1:Uect matter 01. this Agreement 13. A3SIGNME~/SUBCONTRACT FIRM sbaJ1 not ....11' or subcontract ita ohJlrti(ma under this agreement. earcept in writing and with the prior written approval of the Board of County Conunl..toner8 of Monroe County, which approval ahall be subject to auch conditions and proviaion8 as the Board J:Dfq' cleem neceB88IY. 'l'hB pa1'88t'aph abaJ1 be incorporated by reference into any assignment or subcontract end any 8Mignee or subcont:ractor shall comply with aD of the provi8ion8 of tbia agreement. lJn1ese expreaaly provided for then:in, such approval shall in no 11UlImer or event be deemed to impoee any additioDaI obligation upon the Board. 14. ~MPLJAlfCJ!: WITH lAW AND U~8E REOtnREMMENTS In providing all eerrit:ca/ goods pursuant to this agreement, FIRM ahal1 abide by aD. statutee, ordinances, roles and regu1ati0D8 pcrtAfning to, or regulating the provisions of, such 8enicea, including those now in etl'cct and hereinafter adopted. Any violation of eaid statutoll, ordinanc::ea, rules and ~tion8 shall CODStitute a material breach of this agreement and sb.a11 entitle the Board to terminate this Asrecment immediately upon delivery of written notice or termination to FIRM. II'IRM shall posse_ proper 1iceneee to perform work in accordance with theee specifications throughout the term of thl. Agreement. 15. DISCLOSURE AND CONFUCT OP INTEREST GREENBERG TRAURlG, P.A. is large, natioD8llaw fin:n with clients throughout Florida involYing B. wide vari~ of mAtters. M such. we may repl"C8Cl1t existing or future c1iente with matter8 adverse to the County. Therefore, we have inc1udccl the roUcnrinc conflict waiver to a.ddreae any conflicts that arise out of existing or future reprcacn.tations. It is underatood that GREENBERG 1RAURIG, P.A. may I.cpreecot other preea1t or future cUentB in me~ adverse to Monroe Count;y in legal or other procec".Hnget other than the matter that is the subject of tbi. letter or a matter substantift:1y related thereto. Except as dc8cribed above, we will at aU times adhere to aD applicable guidelinee and provisions of the Code of Profeasional Reaponaibi1i~. The FIRM aha1l ;m~iaho11y notify the County in writing if it di8c:o'genI any potentlaletbical impt'lrliment in executing the eervi.ces described herein. 1be lI'lRM ft~tV" the right to terminate this contract in that event to reeolve the impediment and shall not be precluded from repreaenting current or future clients that may be related to the identified impediment. 7 3Q6:Hl73l>~ I) MONROE COUNTY A TT 0341 40 p.nl. 07 17.20041 9/13 Upon eXecution ofthi. Agreement, and thereafter .. cbangee may require, FIRM 8ba1l notify the COUNTY of &l?-Y finanMal interest it may have in any programs in Monroe COUN'lY which may be substantively related to the Scope of Work. COUNT'l and FIRM warrant that, in i-eapect to itself. it baa neither employed nor ~tained any company or~, other than a bona tide employee working 1I01ely for it, to IIIOHcit or eecure thia Agreement and that it baa not paid or agreed. to pe.y any person, compe.ny, corporation, individual, or firm. other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, any fee, commission, percentage, gift. or other conaide:ration contingent upon or reeu1ting from the award or Ynu;'ftg of this Agreement. lI'or the breach or violation of the provision, FIRM agreea that the COUNTY ahall have the right to terminate this Agreement without Uabtli~ and, at ita discretion, to offset from. monica owed, or otbenriae recover, the full amount of such fee, ooYnft'\i-nn, perc::entaae, gift, or consideration. 16. NO PLEDGE OF' CREDIT FIRM ah.a1t not p1edsr: the COUNTY'S credit or make it a guarantor of payment or auret;y for any ocmtract, debt, ob1i.tiOD, judgment, lien, or any form of ind.ebU:doeu. PIRM f\u1:her W8JT8ftta and .iopreeents that it haa no obligation or indebtedness that 90Uld impair ita abili~ to fulfDl the tenDs of this Agreement. 17. NOTICE REOUlREMENT Any notice required or permitted under thia agreement shall be in writing and hand delivered or YnAiled, postage pt'epBid, to the other P'iIV by certified man, returned receipt requested, to the foUowing: FOR COUNTY: Ty Symroalri Marathon Oovemmcnt Center Monroe County Growth Management Department 2798 Overeeaa Highway Marathon, FL 33050 COUN1Y ATTORNEY PO Box 1026 Key West, FL 33040 FOR FIRM: Reginald L. Bouthillier, Jr., Eeq. Kenneth B. Metclllf, AICP Greenberg Trauri& P.A. 101 East eon. Avenue Tallahaasee, Florida 32302 8 3~2Q235-18 MONROECOUNl'Y ATT 03 <42'12p m 07-17-2008 18. TAXES ~- . The COUN1Y is exempt from payincni ofFJorida State SaJea and. Use taxes. Jl1RM shan not be amnpted by virtue of the COUNTY'S exemption from peying 88lce tax to its mppJiers for materia1e ueed to fulfill ita oh1'rtinna under thi. Agreement, nor is ll'lRM authorized to use the COUN'IY'S Tu Eumption Number in lIeCWing IIUCb material.. PmM 8hall be reeponBib1e for ur.y and an taxes, or paymente ofwithholding, related to servioea rendered under tbia agreement. 19. TERUlNATION . The COUNTY may tcrmh"lf'e this Agreement with or without cause. The COUNTY may teJ'n'!;ntlte this Asreement for cause with eeven (1) days notice to JI'IRM. Cause 8bs11 conatitute a breach of the obligations of FIRM to perform the obligationll enumerated under this Agreea1ent. Either of COUN"J'Y and FIRM hereto may terrn;'I'IAte thlrs Agreea1ent without cause by giving the other party mw (60) days written notice of ita intention to do 80. P'IRM aareea. if at any time in the future Mr. Metcalf i. no longer with the FIRM tbia Agreement is ift'lwnMiatdy tcrmina.ted and the FIRM ahall jmm..ntateJ;y notify the COUNTY. 20. GOVERNING LAW. VENUE. INT&RPRETA1'ION. COSTS. AND FEE This Agreement ahall be govW'nccJ by and. conatnled in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to .Agreements made and to be performed. entirely in the State. In the event that 8IJY cause of action or administrative prooeol'nftg is instituted for the enforcement or in~tation ofthia Agreement, the COUN'lY and FIRM agree that venue willlie in the apploprlate court or before the app.opriate al'i1";nietrat:ive body in Monroe County, Florida. 21. ~nlATION The COUNTY and FIRM agree that, in the event of conf1ieting interpretations of the t.erma or a term of thia Agreement by or bet'W~ any of them the iaue shall be submitted to m,."i-1:imt prior to the institution of any other administrative or lepl pr00eedin8. Mediation proceedings initiated. and conducted pursuant to thia Agreement sbaD be in accordance with the P'lorlda Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and CU8tom&Iy P!ocWUJ'C8 required by the circuit court of Monroe County. 22. SEVERABIU'lY If any term, cowmant, condition or provision of thia Agreement (or the application thereof to any circum.tance or penon) aball be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent juriadiction, the remaining tmma, covm:ianta, conclitfona and proviaions of this Agreement, aha11 Dot be affected thereby; and aach remaining term, covenant, condition and proviaion of t:hW Agreement I!Iball be valid 9 10/1;\ 3~29nG.18 ~ MONROE COUNTY A TT 03.4247 p.rn 07.17.2006 11 /13 . '. and ehall be enr~Je to the fullest extent permitted by Jaw tmJeee the enfon:ement of the remaining term., covenants, conditions amd . provieions of tbia Agreement would prevent die accomp1iehment of the original intent of this Agreement. Tbe COUNTY and FIRM agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as c10ee 8!1 poeaib1e to the inumt or the stricken provision. ' 23. f'IRM~ FEJS ANQ COSTS COUN'lY and FIRM agree that in the event any ca.uu of action or 8(hniniotrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement. the prevailing perW shall be entitled to reasonable FIRM'S fees and FIRM~ fees, in appellate ~in88. Each parI;y agrees to pay itl own court costa, inveatisative, and out-of-pQCket: expenses whether it is the pre"f8i1ina PflIV or n~ through allleve1a orthc court system. ' 24. ADJUDICATION OP DISPUTES OR DISAGRlr.RUJr.NTS COUN'IY and FIRM: agree that all disputes aDd. disagreements s1Wl be attempted. to be resolved. by meet and confer eeeaiona betYl'Il;...,u reprcaentativee of each of COUN"lY and FIRM. If no resolution can be agreed upon within THIRTY (30) ~ after the first meet and confer seamon, the issue or iuuea aha11 be c:li~eeed at a public meeting of the Board of COUNlY Cot'm'niaionera. If the isaue or iaauea are still not resolved to the sati8faction of COUNTY' md FIRM, then any psrty aha11 have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be proviOed by this Agreement or by Florida law. 25. COOPERA'nON In the event auy administrative or legaJ. ~ing is instituted a.inIJt COUN'IY or FIRM relating to the formation, execution, performance, or breach of this Alreemcnt, COtnnY and FIRM qrec to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in an pl'OCetlIil~g., hearings, processes, meetin.p, and other activities re1ated to the substance of this Agreement or provision of the eemcea under this Agreement. COUNTY' and FIRM apeci1ically agree that Arbitration aball not be entered into under this Agr=meqt. 26. BINDING EI".l'"o..-r '111e tame. covenants, conditions, and proriaiona of this Agreement ahaU. bind and inure to the benefit ot COUNTY end FIRM and their respective legal rep1'eBeDtatives, suoceStlO1'II, and aaeigne. 27. AUTHORl'lY 10 . . 30521t2is1.' MONROECOUNTY.tITT 0343'20p.m. 07-17-2001J 12113 COUN'lY and FmM repretIe%1t and warrant to the other that the c:KeC\:ltion, de1iveJy and perfotmance ofthia ~t have been duly authorized by all DeQeU8J'Y Count;J and corporate adion, sa required by law. ~8. C~S FOR P'EDJSRAL OR STATE AID COUN'1Y and FIRM qree that each aha1l be. and ia, empowered to apply for, seek, and obtain federal and state funda tD ftCrther the purpotIe of tbla Agreement; provided that all application., requeata, grant propoea18~ and functiDg aolidtationa ahall be approved by each. ~ prior to submisaion. 29. PRMLEGES ~ IMMUNITIES All of the prMlegea and immunities from Uability, exempdona from lawa. ol'djrUlftee8,and rules and penaiona and relief, di8abiJity, WOIkm'a' compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of ofticera, agents, or employees of any public apntB or employees of the COUNTY, when perfo1'D:Lin8 their reapecUye functions under tbia Agreement within the terrltoriallimita of the COUNTY aball apply to the same degree and extent to the perfonnaDce of such function8 and duties of such ofticens, agents, volunteera, or employeea outside the te:rritorial limits of the COUNTY. 30. LEGAL OBUGATfONS AND R2RPONSIBILmES This Agreement is not intended to, nor aba11 it be construed sa, reli.evi.Qg any participating entit;y from any obliption or reapon8ibility imposed upon the entity by Jaw except to the ezt.en.t of actual and timely performance thereof by any participating enti~, in which case the performance ~ be offered in aatiaraet:ion of the obIfgation or reaponsibility . Further. this Agreement is not intended to, nor' sba1l it be <Xm8trUed as, authorizing the delegation 01 the constitutional or statutory duties of the County, except to the extent permitted by the P"lorid8. constitution, state statute, and case Jaw. 31. riON-RE~CE BY NON-PARTIES. No penson or entity ahall be entitled to ~ly upon the terms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third-party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any aeni.ce or program contemplamcl hereunder, and COUNTY aDd JIIRM agn:e that neither COUN1Y nor FIRM or any agent, officer, or employee of either ehaJl bave the autbori~ to inform, counae1, or otherwise indicate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or entitiea, have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to. or superior to the communi1;y in general or for the purposes contemplated in this Agreement. 11 . . , - . I .. 3852112aaia MONROE COUNTY ATT O:t:43 54 p.m 07-17-2008 . I . . 33. NO PERSONAL UABnnY No CO\"enant or agreement contained herein eha1l be deemed to be a covenant 01' agreement of any member, afftcer, Bp1t or employee of Monroe COUNTY in his or her individual capaei~, and no member. officer, agent or employee of Monroe COUN'lY shall be liable penona11y on this Agreement or be subject to any penonal liability or accountability by reuon of the execution of this Agreement. 34. EXECU'l'ION IN COUNTERPARTS Tqis Agreement may be eBlCUtIMi in any number ofcouoterpartB, each of which shall be regarded as an Qrlgfnal, all ofwhicb taken together ahaJ1 constitute one and the same inst:rumeDt and any of COUNTY' and FIRM hereto may execute tbie Agreement by aigning a:n:y 8UCh counterpart. 35. SECTIpN HEADINGS Section head.ings have been inaerted in this Agreement as a matter of convenience o!referenoe only. and it is agreed. that auch section headings are not a part of this Agreement and wil1 not be ueed in the interpretation of any provision or this Agreem.cnt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COUNTY and FIRM hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first written above in four (4) counterparts. each of which aha1l, without proof or accounting for ~ other counterparts, be deemed. an original ~ent. BOARD OP COlJNIY COMMISSlO OF MONROE . P'LOIDA Witnesaea: ~.}'jp;'v W~ltv ~:;~kR/t;, . As 1~ autborid to sign Agreements an beht ~ of Oreen.berg~ P.A. op:c DATE: ~ ~~~ 0(")' C::-:;l': z?Vc: _ -4nl""" :z :<:-I~ =- 11 C) Yfl' r- f'l1 Q ~ .. ~ DATE: 1/t~~ 12 13/13 ..., ? rtt o "7) .":) :,v :a ;T'l n Q :v <::I