Resolution 089-1996 ~ c~ N f'Y I/) 0 ~) C""'l u..J 0... ""Y~ ::.r~ " - ---. ,,- .' - ,-"..", ,~ u., ~ V' >.. ~...... 0 ~ ,< ~_. -- UJ ~ .~ -l ~ ..... u.. -- RESOLUTION NO. 089 -1996 A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, FL denying a requested amendment to the land use district map for a rezoning from "Improved Subdivision" to "Suburban Commercial" for property known as Key Largo Holiday Harbor, Lot 535 and part Lot 536, Port Largo 5th Addition, Section 33, Township 61 South, Range 39 East. Key Largo, FL WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, after considering the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the evidence presented by the applicant, planning staff, factual witnesses and experts at the public hearing on November 21,1995, makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. There was no marina, or other commercial use, on the subject parcel on the effective date of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations, (i.e., September 15, 1986): that there had been sporadic storage of seized vessels by the United States Government. but as of September 15, 1986 the property was fenced and vacant. 2. The community character of the planning area in the immediate vicinity is predominantly residential, as evidenced by a) the adjacent. residential subdivisions which dominate the area, and b) the deed restrictions common to the Port Largo Subdivision which prohibit commercial use. 3. Commercial use of the subject lots is incompatible and inconsistent with the community character of the immediate vicinity including the surrounding, residential area located adjacent to and directly across the canal from the subject property. 4. Based on the expert opinion of biologist Kurtis Kruer, the Commission FINDS THAT nearshore water quality has degraded in the immediate area and increased development intensity associated with commercial use will result in additional nutrient and stormwater pollution loading of nearshore waters, including John Pennekamp State Park. Cumulative impacts of commercial marinas and other uses within the Florida Keys result in "death by a thousand cuts" as the impacts of individual projects increasingly add to the total adverse impact of development on nearshore water quality. The parcel in question is bordered by a canal leading to the nearshore waters of John Pennekamp State Park and the Atlantic Ocean. Tidal pumping of groundwater and movement of groundwater from land away from shore is documented in the studies of Drs. Gene Chin, Brian LaPointe and John Paul. Elevated levels of nutrients. fecal coliform and streptococci bacteria are present in monitoring well data obtained from KLI-2B located directly at the mouth of the canal in question. Restricted tidal flushing exists inside the canal because of the configuration of the canal basin in which flow from deep depths of 19 - 26 feet existing inside the canal at low tide is restricted by relatively shallow depths of 7 feet existing at the entrance to the canal at low tide. This difference in depth impairs and impedes adequate tidal flushing of water trapped in lower depths within the canal. Oily sheens are frequently found on the surface of the canal. water clarity is degraded much of the year. and the biological communities which exist on the canal walls indicate that the canal is suffering from chronic. degraded water quality. These problems will be increased and aggravated by additional commercial uses in the canal. 5. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-109. Community Character. Objective A. 1, of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: liTo protect. preserve and. where appropriate, improve the community character of the Florida Keys." 6. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-109. Community Character. Objective A.2. of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: liTo limit the development of new land uses to intensities and characters that are consistent with existing community character where a community character change would have undesirable social. cultural. economic or environmental impacts." 7. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-109. Community Character. Objective B.1. of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: liTo prohibit development which would result in an undesirable change in the community character of a planning area." 8. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-109. Community Character. Objective B.2. of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: liTo encourage development that will improve the community character of a planning area." 9. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-104. Nearshore Waters. Objective A.1. of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: liTo protect. maintain and, where appropriate. improve the quality of nearshore waters in Monroe County." 10. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-104. Nearshore Waters. Policy B.1. of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: "To prohibit land uses that directly or indirectly degrade nearshore water quality." 11. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-104. Nearshore Waters. Policy B.S. of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: "To limit the location of water-dependent facilities at locations that will not have a significant adverse impact on off-shore resources of particular importance. For the purposes of this policy. off-shore resources of particular importance shall mean hard coral bottoms and habitat of state or federal threatened and endangered species. shallow water areas with natural marine communities with depths at mean low tide of less than four (4) feet. and all designated Aquatic Preserves under Ch. 258.39, et seq., Florida Statutes." 12. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-104. Nearshore Waters, Policy B.6, of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: "To limit the location of docking facilities to areas which have adequate circulation and tidal flushing." 13. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-104. Nearshore Waters, Policy B.10, of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: "To encourage the rehabilitation of canals and other water bodies where water quality has deteriorated." 14. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-104. Nearshore Waters, Policy B.12, of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: "To require that all discretionary development review procedures include consideration of cumulative impacts of development upon nearshore water quality and implement adequate measures to prevent any nearshore water quality degradation." 15. The proposed amendment is inconsistent with Section 2-112. Growth Management. Objective A.2, of the 1986 Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan: "To ensure that future development is consistent with the long term functional integrity of the natural resources of the Florida Keys." 16. IN ADDITION, the Board FURTHER FINDS that the proposed land use map amendment would be contrary to the public health, safety and welfare for the following reasons: Safety. Commercial use will have undesirable adverse, secondary impacts on the surrounding residential uses, including traffic congestion near the entrance of the property and endangerment of the safety of vessels while moored and traveling in the canal. Environmental: Commercial uses, including marinas. will result in additional, adverse environmental effects and are not conducive to the water quality of nearby Pennekamp Park. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA that 1. The requested amendment to the Land Use District Map is hereby DENIED. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 21 s t day of Fe b rua ry 1996. Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro T em London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Reich ~ ~ yes yes yes BY~~ Depu Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA By cS~f~ (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK ""-"~