07/19/2023 Agreement Doc#2428951 Bk#3238 Pg#2388 Electronically Recorded 8/17/2023 at 2:35 PM Pages 15
Filed and Recorded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY KEVIN MADOK
ElectronicallyREC: 5129.00
Prepared by/Return to:
Gregory S.Oropeza,Esq.
Oropeza Stones Cardenas
221 Simonton Street
Key West,FL 33040
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H - ' ,(,
Will AS,th U is nity ofTitle is granted this day of A'L-
2023,by Marjo E.
Jakob and Shelly A.Jakob,Individually and as`Trustees of'The Mari E.Jakob and Shelly A,Jakob Joint Revocable
Living Trust Agreement dated March 22,2022(hercinafter"Grantor(s)"),to Monroe County,a political subdivision
of the State of Florida(hereinafter"Grantee-), whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040;
WHEREAS,the undersigned Grantor(s),is/are the sole fee simple title owner(s)of the certain below-described real
property(hereinafter,"Primary Parcel")that is currently developed with one residential dwelling unit and is located
in Monroe County,Florida,having a legal description as follows and which is shown on attached Exhibit"A,"which
is hereby incorporated as if fully stated hereirr
Parcel Address: 29357 Indeaendence Avp I'Lntl< F,L,�04:j Approximate Mile Marker:30
Parcel(s)/Lot(s): 29-_Block: 6
Subdivision:- Pine Channel Estates Section Two
Key: 1319198 _111at Book: 6 Page: 2
Real Estate Number(s): 00249580-000000
WHEREAS,the undersigned Grantor(s),is/are the sole fee simple title owner(s)of the certain below described real
property(hereinafter"Secondary Parcel")that is not currently developed with a residential dwelling unit or any other
habitable space and is located in Monroe County,Florida,having a legal description as fi.)l lows and which is shown
on attached Exhibit"13,"which is hereby ineorl)orated as if fully stated herein:
Parcel Address:1292357 Inde aendence Ave Ii Pine Ke F L33043 Approximate Mile Marker,30
Parcel(s)/I,ot(s): 30 -Block: 6
Subdivision: -P'ine'Channel Estates Section Two
K 1 Ivey: 3i9198-_Plat BooK--6 Page:
R 2
eal Estate Number(s): 024�)5800- 00000
WHEREAS,("Frantee is as general purpose political SUbdivision of the State of Florida and is authorized to regulate
and control the use of'real property through ffie Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and the Monroe County Code(s)
to protect the public health,safety,and welfare;and
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WHEREAS,the Pfirnar�y Parcel and Secondary parcel are subject to thCjUriSdidion and requirements of the Monroe
County(.7omprehensive Plan and the Monroe County Clode(s);and
WHEREAS, this Unity of Title encumbers the Prirriary Parcel and Secondary Parcel (hereinafter collectively
"Unified Parcel");and
WHEREAS,(1frantor(s)hereby attest(s)his/her/its/theirrecognition ttkatthis LJnjty ofTifle does not allow the 1.4hried
Parc0 to be divided into separate parcels;and
WHEREAS, (3rantor(s) hereby attest(s) his/her/fts/their recognition that the Unified Pat-eel shall herearter
exclusively be considered as one(1)parcel of land,and that no portion of said parcel of land may hereafter be sold,
transferred, devised,or assigned separately,except in its entirety as one(1)parcel ofland; and
WHEREAS, (irantor(s) hereby attest(s) his/her/its/their recognition that in granting this Unity of Title, Grantor
acknowledges and accepts the condition hereafter limiting development to one principal use(residential)structure on
the Unified Parcel;and
WHEREAS,the consent of all mortgagee(s)and holder(s)ofany all other encurnbrance(s)of or otherwise upon the
Unified Parcel is attached as Exhibit(s)"A"and"B." If 110 such consent is attached hereto,the undersigned Grantor
(s),hereby attest(s)to Grantee that no such tnortgage(s)and that no such other encurnbrance(s)exist(s),- arld
WHEREAS,this Unity ofTitle is granted in consideration of payment in the arnount of'Ninety-Nine Throusarld,Nine
Hundred Ninety-Nine and 00/100 dollar's($99,999,00)by Grantee to Graritor,'and
WHEREAS, the undersigned Grantor(s) and Grantee hereby attest that such County payment in consideration
was/were given pursuant to this Unity of Title,and that this Unity of Title, together with its restrictions,conditions,
and hinitations on future residential structure development are supported by good arid valuable eonsideratjon,arid
WHEREAS,this Unity of"Title does not discharge,exempt,waive,or otherwise release the undersigned Grantor(s),
tenant(s) thereto, the personal representative(s), heir(s), assign(s), and successor(s) in title of the undersigned
Grantor(s),or tenant(s)thereto,ftorn,their duty to obtain required federal,state,County,and local appl-OV,a
future construction ofaccessoly structures or establishinent of uses upon the Unified Pareel; and l(s)for ally
NOW, THEREFORE, as art inducement to Grantee for and in consideration of'Grantee's payment of good arid
adequate consideration, the adequacy, sufficiency, and receipt oaf`which are, hereby expressly acknowledged and
attested to,the undersigned(Jrantor(s)hereby grants,creates,and establishes a Covenant of Unity of Title for and in
favor of'Grantee upon the above legally described Unified Pareel which shall rUll with the land and be binding upon
the undersigned Grantor(s), and tenant(s) thereto, an(.] shall remain in ftill force and cft ct forever, and Grantor(s)
declare(s)and grant(s)as foflows�
I) Recitals.The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated as if fully stated herein,
2) Restriction on. Notwithstanding the general perrnitted density,this Unity oaf"litle,
A, limits the total density of the,Unified Parcel to one residential dwelling unit;and
.13. retires all other density arid prohibits the transforol'density; and
C, prohibits new accessory stmetures providing habitable space on.the Unified Parcel;and
Doc.4 2428951 Page Number:3 of 15
1). does not prohibit accessory uses and non-habitable accessory structures on.the Unified Parcel; and
E. does riot prohibit additions to the one lawfully establi stied existing residential unit,
Habitable space means any structure equipped for hurnan habitation such as, but not lirn.ited to, office, workshop,
kitchen, dining, living, laundry, bathroom, bedroom, den, furnily or recreational, room; Professional studio or
cornniercial occupancy including all intetior hallways, corridors, stairways and foyers connecting these areas.
Garages,exterior stairs arid open(leeks and patios are not considered habitable structures,
3) Prohibition of Parcel Division,This Unity ol"Fide prohibits the Unif red Parcel li-orn,being divided into separate
parcels, subdivided, re-subdivided, platted,re-platted,or conveyed as separate parcels or transferred as separate
parcek regardless of whether owned by single or multiple owners.
4) Restriction on Conveyance, The Unified Parcel as set forth more l-mrticularly in Exhibit "C" shall he�reafter
exclusively be considered as one(1) pareel of land, and that no portion of said parcel of land may hereafter be
sold,transferred,devised,pledged,encumbered or assigned separately, except in its entirety as one(1)parcel of
5) Monroe County Pro wEtj, L A gaiser Records. Simultaneously with execution of this covenantf'U of of
j_ _
Title,Grantor shall niake application with the Monroe County Property Appraiser to combine the Primary Parcel
and Secondary Parcel under this Unity of-Title as a single real estate parcel for tax roll purposes,
6) No Conflicts.The undersigned Grantor(s)hereby covenant(s)with Grantee that Grantor(s)is/arf,°law['jrjl[y seized
(,Ttie Unified Parcel in.Ise simple free and clear of all encumbrances that are inconsistent with the terms of and
exhibits attached to this Unity of Title,and fully attest(s),wairant(s),arid def6id(s)the title to and interest if)the
Unity of Title hereby conveyed against the lawful c1airns of all persons whornsoever.
7) 1!trplual Duration 2_'—
, This Unity of Title is intended to benefit, o
run with the land in favor f,arid shall inure to
Grantee,Monroe,County, Florida,
8) Binding Effect. The undersigned Grantor(s), and the personal represeritative(s), heir(s), assign(s), and
successor(s)in title of the undersigned Grantor(s),shall pay all taxes,assessments, fees,and charges of whatever
description levied upon or assessed by competent authority on the Unified Parcel therein before delinquency,
shall keep such levies and assessments cun,ent,and shall not allow any lien(s)on the Unified Parcel superior to
this Unity of'"Fitle, In the event of failure to so disallow such lien(s),to extinguish such hen(s),and/or to obtain
subordination of such lien(s)to this l..Jnity of Title,in addition to any other remedy,the darnage(s)and/or debt(s)
owed to Grantee shall constitute a lien.agairist the Unified Parcel which shall automatically relate back to the
recording date of this Unity of"fifle.
9) Construction an later wetatiog. The construction and interpretation of such,and all other,Monroe County
Cornprehensive Plan provision(s)slid Monroe County Code(s)provision(s)shall be construed in favor of Grantee
and such construction and interpretation shall be entitled to great weight on trial arid on appeal.
10)L4eeordatiqn AnaeLi(—JM—e—ntModificafion or ReLease.
,A. The undersigned Grantor(s)hereby agree to the recording of Unity of Title together with all appropriate
and required Joinder(s)with the Clerk of the Circuit.Court of.Monroe County and agree,to the re-recording
of said docunients at any finie Grantee may require to preserve,its(Grantee's)rights,
B. No amendment or modification,to this Unity of Title is effective unless agreed to in writing by both Grantee
and the undersigned Gyrantor(s)and filed,together with all appropriate and requiredJoinder(s),with the Clerk
of Circuit COUrt of Monroe County 1'(.)r recording in the Official Records of Monroe County,Florida.
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C',. This Unity of"T'itle rnay not be rescinded, voided, or released unless and until the Monroe County Board of
County C'orriniissioners (hereinafter "BOC'C") approves such rescission, voidance, or release by BOCC
I I) �ubsc(i�ient Re�ference�Re(,!Lirement,
A. '[he undersigned Grantor(s), tenant(s) thereto, the personal representative(s), licir(s), assign(s), and
successor(s)in title of the undersigned Grantor(s),an(,]tenant(s)thereto,hereby agree(s)to and.shall submit
a copy of this filed and recorded Unity of Title together with(sirnultaneously in date an(]tune with)all future
development applications relating to the Unified Parcel, Such submission by the undersigned Grantor(s),
tenant(s)thereto,the personal representative(s),heir(s),assign(s),and successor(s)in title of the undersigned
Grantor(s), and tenant(s) thereto, shall be to the agency(ies), departinent(s), and office(s) in receipt, of or
otherwise receiving such development application(s). ']'his requirement is non-exclusive to Monroe County
agencies,departments,and offices,and is to be construed as inclusive of reviewing 1'ederal,state,Monroe
County, w')d local agencies,departments,and offices in receipt of or othenvise receiving such devOopment
application(s),such thatn the undersigned Grantor(s),tenaat(s)thereto,the personal representative(s),heir(s),
assign(s), and successor(s) in title of the undersigned Grantor(s), and tenant(s) thereto, must so
simultaneously farnish as copy of this filed and recorded Unity of Title to any and call federal and state,Monroe
County,and local agencies,departments, and offices in receipt of or otherwise receiving such development
B, The undersigned Girantor(s), tenant(s), thereto, the personal representative(s), heir(s), assign(s), and
successor(s)in title of the undersigned Grantor(s),and tenant(s)hereto,shall reference this Unity of Title and
all previously executed and recorded restrictions in any future instrument conveying title to or an interest iii
the Unified Parcel,including the recording book and page number(s)and document number(s)of this Unity
of Title and all previously executed and recorded restrictions,
12)Joint-and-Several I If the undersigned Grantor(s), tenant(s) thereto, the personal represenlative(s),
heir(s), assign(s), and successors) in title of the undersigned Grantor(s), tenant(s), thereto, or any other non
County natural person(s)or legal person(s)are party(ies)to any suit,action, or proceeding, in law or it) equity,
initiated, cross-initiated, counter-initiated, or filed by the County to enforce any provision(s), restriction(s), of,
terns(s)contained herein,and consist(s)of niore than one person(s)or entity(ies), such person(s)and erltity(ics)
sliall. be jointly and severally liable.
13)a .This Unity of Title shall not be assignable by the undersigned Grantor(s),tenant(s),thereto,
the personal representative(s),heir(s),assign(s),or successor(s) in title of the undersigi)ed Grantor(s), tenant(s),
thereto,or any other non-County party with title to or an interest in the Uni fled Parcel,unless such assignment is
first approved by Monroe County 1300.7 Resolution.
14) Notice and Service of Process,
A, Notice—'ro Grantee. All notices,consents,approvals,or other communications to Grantee hereunder shall
be in writing and shall be deemed properly served if sent by U.S, Postal Service Certified Mail,return receipt
requested, in the following for,and address:
Monroe County Planning& Environmental Resources Department
Attn: Senior Director
Subject- Unity of Title
2798 Overseas Highway
Marathon, Fl,33050
Doc.4 2428951 Page Number:5 of 15
.Arid with as copy to:
Monroe County Attorney's Office
Subject. Unity,ot"fifle
1111 12"' Street, Suite 408
Key West,.Ff,33040
15)Qis:rote Resolution Meet-and-Confer rere uisite. "the undersigned Grantor(s), tenant(s) thereto, the
personal representative(r), heir(s), assign(s), or successor(s) in the title of the undersigned (3rantor(s), and
teriant(s)thereto, hereby agree(s)that as a first condition precedent to his/her/its/their initiation oflifigation or
adversarial administrative proceedings against the(.-.ounty in the form ol'a suit or action arising out of,related to,
or in connection with this Linity of Title,shall first,prior to I'lie initiation ol'such son or action,atternl')t to resolve
their dispute(s) and disag�reernent(s) by a rneet-and-confer session between and
Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department staff and counsel of the Monroe County
planning& Fluvironmental Resources Department. If no resolution can be agreed upon within thirty (30) days
after occurrence of the aforesaid ineet-and-confea,session,such issue(s)sball next as a second condition precedent
to the initiation of'such suit or action, be discussed at a public meeting of the Monroe County BOC C occurring
in the same geographic sub-area as the geographic local ion of such Unity of"I'ifle Upper Keys-- Key Largo,
Middle Keys--Maratbon, Lower Keys- Key West), The undersigned Grantor(s),tenant(s)thereto,the personal
representative(s), beir(s), assign(s), or sauccessor(s) in title of the undersigned Grantor(s), and teriant(s)thereto,
hereby agree(s) that in the event he/she/it/they so initiate such still or action without satisfying both of these
conditions precedent to their initiation or litigation or adversarial adirdnistrative proceedings against the County,
that the (.2,ourtty shall, autoniatically be entitled to an Order granting Grantee's Motion to Dismiss and Florida
Statute See, 5T 105 (2015) Motion for Sanctions and Attorney's Fee (or, at Grantee's election (if applicable),
their Florida statutory eqUivalent(s),Federal equivalent(s),or non-Florida legal equivalent(s)).
16) Limitation of i—Liabi i—hbifi—tY
A. In The event of any litigation concerning the conditions,provisions,revisions,or terms of the Unity orritle,
Grantee, the undersigned Grantor(s),tenant(s)thereto,the personal representative(s),heir(s), assign(s),and
successor(s)in the title of the undersigned Graritor(s),and tenant(s)thereto,hereby agree to expressly waive
and shall.be treated as having expressly waived their light to ajury trial.
B 'flee undersigned Gnintor(s), te.nant(s) thereto, the personal representative(s), heir(s), assign(s), or
successor(s)in title of the undersigned Grantor(s),and tenarit(s)thereto,bereby agree(s)that no charge(s)or
ch,iirn(s)shall be niade by it for any delay(s)or the effective(late of this L)nity of,r ritie.
C, No Waiver. Grantee shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this Unity of Title unless such
waiver has been given,within this instrument,bode expressly and specifically.
D. No Personal Liability. The County expressly reserves and in no way shall be deerned to have waived for
or for its officer(s), employee(s), or agent(s), any sovereign, governmental, and any other sirnilar
defense,immunity,exerription,or protection against any Alit,cause-ofaction,dernand,or liability. Further,
no covenant,provision, or teen of this Unity of Title shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any
officer,employee,or agent ofthe County in]its or her individual capacity,and no officer,employee,or agent
of the County shall be liable personally in this LJnity of"('idea or be subject to any personal liability or
accountabifity by reason of the execution of this Lhrity offitle,
Doc.4 2428951 Page Number:6 of 15
E. Non-Reliance b Parties. No person(s)or entity(jes)shall be entitled to rely upon the terras,or any
LR -rhir(l-___
of thorn,of this Unity of Title to enlbrce or attempt to enforce any third-party clairra(s)or entitlen-wnt(s)to or
benefit(s)of any services), tenn(s),sir program(s)contemplated hereunder,
17) Enforcement.
A. Default Notice. In the event of'breach or violation ofthe restrictions or ternis hereof by Grantor(s),tenant(s)
thereto,the personal representative(s),heir(s),assign(s),or successor(s)in title of the undersigned Grantor(s),
or tenant(s) thereto, Grantee shall provide written. "Notice of"f)efault" or "Notice of Violation" to such
breach(es)or violation(s)within thirty(30)days of receiving notice of such breach(es)or violation(s).
K L'�antorLsjhLeach or Violation
L Uncured breach(es) or violation(s), by the undersigned Grantor(s), teriant(s) thereto, the personal
representative(s), heir(s), assign(s), or successor(s) in title of the undersigned Grantor(s), or tenant(s)
thereto,ofthe terms of and restrictions imposed by this Unity of Title shall,without any additional notice
beyond this Unity of Title's recordation,entitle Grantee to immediately suspend and/or rescind,without
liability to Grantee, development applications,pending permits, approvals, and inspections, and issued
development order(s)contingent upon the effectiveness of this Unity of'Title and Grantor(s)compliance
thereto, tire compliance of tenant.(s) thereto, the compliance of the personal representative(s), heir(s),
assign(s), or successor(s) in title ofthe an Grantor(s)thereto, and the compliance oftenant(s)
thereto,with the tennis of this Unity of'Fitle,applied I'c)r or those perrnits,approvals,and/or inspections
necessary to cure such breach(es) or violation(s), Such uncured breach(es) or violation(s) shall be
presumed to constitute breach(es)or violation(s)that is/are irreparable or irreversible in nature,
1 In the event ofany suik,action,or proceeding,in law or in equity,by the County to enk)rce the restrictions
or terms contained herein,if the County prevails in any such suit,action,or proceeding,on trial or appeal,
the County shall be entitled to reasonable attomey's fees,including trial,appellate,bankruptcy,and post-
judgernent costs and collection proceedings for the maintenance or de.flense of any such suit, action, or
proceeding,to be paid by the losirig party(i es)as fixed by the court. Any judgement so rendered in favor
of the County in connec.tion with any suit,action,or proceeding arising out of,related to,or in connection
with this Unity if Title, stiall bear interest at the highest rate allowed by law. The(ouray r12ay recover
reasonable legal and professional fees,attributable to the preparation,administration,and enforcement of
such suit., action, or proceeding, ftoin any person(s) and/or entity(ies) from or whom a demand or
enforcement request is rnade, regardless of actual initiation of'a suit, action, or proceeding, These
remedies are in.addition to any other remedy,fine,or penalty which rnay be applicable under,including,
but not limited to,Chapters 162.373,and 403, Florida Statirtes,and any other action it law or in equity,
Grantee hereby agrees and the and Grantor(s), tenant(s)thereto,the personal representative(s),
heir(s), assign(s), and successor(s) in title ofthe undersigned Grantor(s), and tenant(s) thereto, hereby
agree that suits, actions, and proceedings arising out of', related to, or-in connection with this Unity of
'Fitle shall be in accordance with the.Florida Rules of"Civil Procedure,
1 Cumulative Remedies, In the event of any breach or violation of the restrictions or terms contained
herein,Grantee shall,without liability to Grantee,have the right to proceed at law or in equity as may tw
necessary to enforce cornpliance with the restrictions or teens hereof, to enjoin activities, construction,
rn,aintenance, practices, repairs, and LISCS inconsistent with the restrictions or ternis hereof, and to
otherwise prevent the breach or violation of any of them, to collect darnages, and both authorized and
entitled to enfcnce this Unity of Title by emergency, prchininary, and permanent injunction, including
by ex parte motion and action for such in.junctiori(s), it being hereby expressly and specifically agreed
that Grantee has no adcquate remedy at law,or such other,-legal method as Grantee deems appropriate.
All rights and remedies accruing to the County shall be assignable in whole or in part.and be cumulative;
that is, the County may pursue such rights and rernedies as the law and this Unity of Title afford it in
Doc.4 2428951 Page Number: 7 of 15
whatever order the County desires and the law permits. The County's resort to any one law(s) and/or
reniedy(ies)in advance of any other shall not result in waiver or compromise ol'any other law(s)and/or
rernedy(ies). The undersigned Grantor(s), tornant(s) thereto, the personal representative(s), heir(s),
assign(s),or successor(s)in title of dre undersigned Grantor(s),arid tenant(s)thereto, hereby agree(s)to
and she],]pay fi or ffl costs associated with Grantee's enforcement action(s).
4. Failure ofthe undersigned Granlor(s),tenants)thereto,the personal representative(s),hots),assign(s),
or,successor(s) in title of the undersigned Grantor(s),or tenartt(s)thereto,to corril,.4y with or perform any
act required by or under this LJnity of Tifle shall not impair the validity of this Unity of Title or the
conditions, provisions, reservations, restrictions, rights, or ternis hereof or limit then-enforceability in
any way.
5. Enforcement ofthe conditions, provisions, restrictions, and terms of this Unity of Title shall be at the
discretion of the Grantee, Cirantee's delay or failure to enforce or ornission in the exercise of'any
condition, provision, reservation, restriction, right, or terror contained herein, however long continued,
shall not be deemed a waiver or estoppel of the;right to do so thereafter as to any violation or,breach, No
(.3rantee waiver,of a breach of any of thew condition('s),provision(s),reservation(s),restriction(s),right(s),
Corr term(s) hereof, shall be constmed to be a waiver of any succeeding breach of the sanie condition(s),
provision(s),reservation(s),restrict ion(s),right(s),or-ten-n(s)hereof.
,A. Where required under this Unity ol'Tifle or related agreement(s), the undersigned
Grantor(s),tenant(s)thereto,the"personal representative(s),heir(s),assign(s),and successor(s)in title of the
undersigned Grantor(s),and tenant(s)thereto,shall,to ensure the implementation ofthe government purpose
furthered by this Unity of Title, cooperate with Grantee's reasonable reqUCStS submitted to Grantor(s),
tenant(s) G thereto, rantor's personal representative(s), heir(s), assign(s), and sticcessor(s) in title, and
tenant(s)thereto,regarding the terms arid conditions contained herein,
19) al of Provisions. If any condition, provision,
reservation,restriction,right,or terin of this Unity of Title,or any portion(s)thereof', is/are held to be invalid or
unenforceable in or by any adyniniStrafive hearing officer or court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity or
unenforceability of such condition,provision,reservation,restriction,right,term,or any portion(s)thereof,shall
neither limit nor impair the operation, enforceability, or validity of any other condition,provision, reservation,
restriction, right, tenn, or any remaining portion(s)thereof. All such other conditions,provisions, reservation,
restrictions,rights,terms,and remaining portiont's)thereof shall continue unimpaired in full ffirce and effect,
20) Cap ton, and F!gr
Captions and paragraph headings, where used herein, are inserted for
convenience only and are not intended to descriptively I in i it 1.lie scope arid intent of the paragraph or text to which
they refer,
21) No Encumbrap-g-, The undersigned grantor(s), tenant(s) thereto, the personal representative(s), heir(s),
assign(s),and successor(s)in title ofthe undersigned Grantor(s),and tenant(s)thereto,represent(s)and warrant(s)
that, to bis/her/ino/their knowledge, there are no superior encumbrances or rnaterial claims, cause-of-action, or
other proceedings pending or threatened in respect to the ownership,operation,or environmental conditimi(s)of
the above legally described property that may, shall, or will diminish, extinguish, interrupt, or subordinate, the
eff.'ectiveness or operation of this Unity of Title's provision(s), restriction(s), right(s), and terni(s) running in
perpetuity in favor of'Grarnee,Monroe C.ounty,Florida.
22)j',overninjLaws/Vcnue. This Unity of Title is and the constniclion and enforcement oftherestrictions,terms,
and obligations established therefrom are governed by the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and the Monroe
County Code(s),and shall be liberally construed and enforced in favor of the grant to eff'ectuate the PUN is purpose
Doc.4 2428951 Page Number:8 of 15
of this Unity of Title and the policy(ies) and purpose(s) of the Monroe County (,omprehensive Plan and the
Monroe County Code(s), I.LXCIUsive venue for any dispute arising from or under, relating to, or in connection
with this Unity of Title,shall be in the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Monroe(..ouray, Florida,
23)Lkuthority t.2.Attgst. Each,party to this Unity of`Title represents and warrants to the other,that the execution,
delivery, and perf.orniance of this Unity of Title has been,dully authorized by all necessary corporate and other
organizational action,as required,
24) InteLxration/NfeLjtz°. This Covenant of Unity of Title constitutes the entire Covenant ofl.hdty of Title and any
representation or understanding of any kind preceding the date of this Unity of Title's executiola or recordation
is not binding on the Grantee or the undersigned irantor(s)except to the extent it has been hicoq)orated into this
(Jnity of-l'itle.
25)Effective Date, This Lhiity of Title will beeorae effective upon recordation in the Official Records of Monroe
County, Florida,
First Witness aria E.Jakob,Individually and as Trustee
Print Name,; h;urn Is
�'edond Witness' Sheity"A')Jakob,I (iividually'a d as Trustee
Print Name: ti
The foregoing instrument, Monroe County Covenant of Unity of Title,was acknowledged before me this
i _ day of
2023, by Mario E.Jakob and Shelly A. Jakob, Individually and
rustees rustees of Tire Mario E. Jakob and Shelly .A. Jakob Joint Revocable Living Trust Agreement dated
March 22,2022,who are 'v"""personally known to me or producedl-LL ,'Au _as
proof of identification and did take an oath.
.......... ---------------
MATTIE H WILLIAMS Notary Public(Print Nam
e and Notary No.)
Notary Public-Step of Florida
�H 178608
My Comm,Expires Oct 10,2025
Notary Public(Signature)
Doc.4 2428951 Page Number:9 of 15
In Witness Whereof,Grantee accepts the Covenant of Unity of Title granted above and executes this instillment
the date set forth below,
Monroe County,I'lorida:
Senior Director,Monroe County Planning and
Environmental Resources Department(Print Name)
First Witness(PrInName)
. .........
First Witness(Signaft re) Senior Director,Monroe County Planning and
Environmental Resources Department(Signature)
R 1Z 3
E 6 4 A
Second Witness(Print Name) Date(Print)
`second itnes Lire)
s'rATE OF Ratm
Before rare the undersigned authority,-lrcrsonail6yrv� ared
on this UL a1e, who is Gill to i2:e or produced
Jay of pees s prool'of ide .1 i 'ation,
---------------------- �
Sworn rand subscribed to before me this. 2'8+�'day of A&Y 2Q2,3_
Notary P00C•state
Of HOdde
Co m 500n#HH0307nt Notary Public(Print Name arid Notary No.)
My 11 �E ores Oct 31,2024 INOTARY SEAL, ed t ro Sh a 4
National NOtary Ass,,,,
NotaAyl ublic 4i'g,-niatme)
Doc.#2428951 Page Number: 10 of 15
Exhibit A to Unity of Title
Lot 29,Block 6,Pine Channel Estates,Section Two,according to the Plat thereof,as recorded
in Plat Book 6,Page 2,of the Public Records of Monroe County,Florida.
Doc.#2428951 Page Number: 11 of 15
Exhibit B to Unity of Title
Lot 30,Block 6,Pine Channel nel Estates,Section`I"ago,according to the Plat thereof,as recorded
in:Plat hook.6,gage 2,of the Public Records of Monroe County,Florida.
Doc.#2428951 Page Number: 12 of 15
Exhibit C To Unity of Title
Unified Parcel
Lots 29 and 30,Block 6,Pine Channel Estates,Section Two,according to the Plat thereof,as
recorded in Plat Book 6,Page 2,of the Public Records of Monroe County,Florida.
Doc.4 2428951 Page Number: 13 of 15
I. WHEREAS,_Nlario E.Jakob and Shelly A.Jakob,Individually and as Trustees of The Mario
E.Jakob and Shelly A.Jakob Joint Revocable Living 1'rust Agreement dated March 22,2022,
the undersigned,is/are the sole fee simple title owners)of the certain below-described i-eal property
located in Monroe County, Florida, having a legal description as follows and which is shown on
attached Exhibit"A,"which is hereby incorporated as if fully stated herein.-
Parcel Address: 29357 Ind 3endence Ave B 111iqe IK-e FL 33043 Approximate Mile
Pareel(s)/Lot(s): 29 &30 Block: —7 W—6
Subdivision- Pine Channel Estates Seit—jou f 0
Key: 1319198 —Plat Book: 6 Page: 2
Real Estate Number(s). 00249580-000000
2. WHEREAS,it is true and correct that as of this date no liens, loans,nrortgage eneurnbrances,or non-
mortgage encumbrances, other than those in which Joinder(s)have been executed and submitted for
this Corrective/Superseding Aggregation Restrictive Covenant corresponding to this Affidavit of No
Encumbrances,CLIFTently encumber the above legally described real property,- and
3, NOW,THEREFORE,the undersigned hereby states that the above legally described property is free
of all liens, loans,mortgage encurribrances,and non-mortgage encumbrances at this time,other than
those in which Joinder(s)have been executed and submitted as part of the Monroe County Covenant
of Unity of Title application ColTesponding to this Affidavit of No Encumbrances.
Doc.#2428951 Page Number: 14 of 15
EXECUTED ON' l-ft4 ?"=� .._..clay of_�``:;_ 12023
' 11 rl" 1+a 1{ L. GR ,,TO ( ?,,,
First Witness Mario E.JaW6,Individually and as Trustee
Print Natlnm Nla t 1, f t d
First witness r` � kscll y,ls ,I&akC#1 lrsdtr zd�a�l sari.d �s 1 ista�,
The foregoing instrument, C:trantor(s") Affidavit of No t;ncumbr aces, was acknowledged before me this
1 µf;
-clay o C't, __...__. 2023, by Mario f^ Jakob and Shelly A. Jakob, [ndividually and as
Trustees of'flee Marian E.Jakob aaxa!Shelly A.Jakob Joint Revocable ale Living'Frust Agreement dated March 22,2022
who are personally known to nee or have produced as proof" of
identification and did take an oath,
Notary Public-Skate ofFlorida
r� Commission#HH 178608 Notary Public(1'rint Name and Notary No)
My Comm.Expires Oct 10,2025
[NOTARY Notary Public(Signature)
Doc.#2428951 Page Number: 15 of 15
Exhibit A to Affidavit of No Encumbrances
I,ots 29 and:ill,Block 6,Pine Channel nel Estates,Section Two,according to the Plat thereof,as
recorded in Plat (look 6,Page 2,of the Public,records of Monroe County,Florida.