Item B3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Wed. October 15,2008 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No XX Department: Mayor Di Gennaro, District 4 Staff Contact Person: Tamat"a Lundstrom (305 289-6000) AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Proclamation declaring the month of November 2008 as Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness Month. ITEM BACKGROUND: November is National Runaway Prevention Month. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOT AL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DOCUMENT A TION: Included XX Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 I..' ''''{.l;. ,~' _' , ' ,', '. ' , ,.~.} '. :~nawaJ anlfJ{omtfess'%utn)l'w.~~~~tli <'~,~ ,~ ,", - '~;:'-" ~~': 'WJPE~, tfie st~ of tIiU COUnty iIspIntJ$ 011 tfie ~tn of =famUies. ~6iii4:~ (:punty, ptJrmfi!D Meir utmost to prcrviIfe tflnrcWrm wrm (wine....~~trutt1lrine.",$, inwfiicli Wy c4Ilmattlttittto rr.sponNfi;t1Jliifts. po.ssessinn tfie skj/Ts to reafiz, tkir full potentUli. rt=wnin ts,most formra offwmu. tfif,ugli, pro6fems dO arise. Sad[y, iuOtM cases, difd'ren nm away from Iiome, feavinn worrie4 pamtts 6~inI! . 'WJlIE~, QCCorams to tlii!J(d_/~WtI)~oanfi1l200za~o,YCrisQe4W1tW~jftlm tfie 305 area code, '11iese a~ our youtfi f1ltmina 1JW4}.f'rrt* IimnI qr~iia4. .4D~. . .." (. '...:; .fi1!!rl' ,~, tIp4it1j. '. '.,t~1v.s to wide ' . ftJ r....:~' ".".,. .tr'~~'" . -rall(Jlnn ns . . . . ~3'~";:.,',:~:~;",:",;~;t''i:::'';I'' .c..t)',.. ,.,' WJI1E~ prevention is tfie ~ fWJto04tfresstliis serious issue, ~. as.JHl~ ~~~ffsdla~rtng society, we sfwu/j{ ail-wor(to stretrdtMn~ tntoU(J1iout. our county. Wfien cW,.", aD nm~, Mwevtr, it iI.critic4f tli4t we liave a strncturnf.rystern in prmto 'lllmcfi diuaren tan turn for /ietp. 'To t~ end; die 'FfDridi1. '/(Iys C~ 'oS Sfiefter serves as a fin{6etween youtMaM t:Iieir famfli8s. 'fotfay, programs ~ fPrrJftct I:.;git6ousf ani Cur4munity aJasetf Counsefmg prcrviIfe crisis jnt81Wntiorl.tefeplioM~nse{jnn, aruf iriformation aruf ~ftrraIs for calJers seeijnojooff, sn.fter /till( P'ansportation home, aruf ccnfitlentia( amferena calls 6etwelJn yout/is aruf jamiftes. 'lM pCoritfa '1(fysCfiiUfTltl 's $fte(ter is u.vr-W ban( to protect nmaway ana Iiomefess youth from liarm. . 'WJiIE~, tfurinn tfie month ojWovem6n; 2008, an a1VaW1U!SS campaitJn wif[ 6e corufm:ted'to pu6&ize tfiis 'Vitar servia. )It tliis time, tfiereJore, [urge aII 9tlonme County ~si4ents to consitfer ways to support u;, iFforUIa '/(1ys Cfiifd'ren 's Sfiefter e.ffurts ana to ream more a60ut Iiow we can lietp in com6atino t~ serious pro6fem. <By supporting ifforts tliat reunite families, we ail piay ~ a rore in 6uilitl1ltJ astro.t:o~-c '.' " j' . . '''y;.,.;r~;-t.lt:..,. , .. _~, rr1ierefo~, I, 9tlario I])j qennaro, 9ft~~"C9u.~ty, .fa 1im6:i~f#;!e.~!.~~~ ~',~,J ..' ':-", '.. ." -<~t~ '~_~,"" _, ", ", ':". "..c_.:.<.'~,~'~.: -~; I:'\:.. - ..'.,',;:,,'~;'J?!1:f ~nawltJ, arul~~lr:J~;q.~~~ntri., .,t:;:'~~' in 9tlonroe County, 'FtiJritfa. Signea tliis .15t1i <Day oj Octo6er, 2008 . ~~~ . .?!1:ayor..!AtarliJiDi qen1lllro .. ..;.',~ ..1 Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness Month WHEREAS, the strength of this county depends on the strength of its families. Throughout Monroe County, parents do their utmost to provide their children with loving, caring, nurturing homes, in which they can mature into responsible adults, possessing the skills to realize their full potential. Even in the most loving of homes, though, problems do arise. Sadly, in some cases, children run away trom home, leaving worried parents behind. WHEREAS, according to the National Runaway Switchboard in 2007, an estimated 1,041 Crisis Calls, were received from the 305 area code, These are our youth running away from home or thinking about running away from home, opening themselves to wide-ranging risks. WHEREAS, prevention is the best way to address this serious issue, and, as parents, government officials, and members of a caring society, we should all work to strengthen families throughout our county, When children do run away, however, it is critical that we have a structured system in place to which children can turn for help. To that end, the Florida Keys Children's Shelter serves as a link between youths and their families. Today, programs like Project Lighthouse and Community Based Counseling provide crisis intervention, telephone counseling, and information and referrals for callers seeking food, shelter and transportation home, and confidential conference calls between youths and families. The Florida Keys Children's Shelter is working hard to protect runaway and homeless youth from harm. WHEREAS, during the month of November, 2008, an awareness campaign will be conducted to publicize this vital service. At this time, therefore, I urge all Monroe County Residents to consider ways to support the Florida Keys Children's Shelter efIorts and to learn more about how we can help in combating this serious problem. By supporting efforts that reunite families, we all playa role in building a stronger community. Therefore, I, Mario Di Gennaro, Mayor of Monroe County, do hereby proclaim November, 2008 as Runaway and Homeless Youth Awareness Month in Monroe County, Florida, Signed the 15th day of October, 2008 Mayor Mario Di Gennaro Page I of 1 Lundstrom- Tamara From: Sent: To: Kelli Brower [fkcsdream@yahoo.com] Monday, October 06, 2008 11 :03 AM BOCCDIS4 Subject: County Wide Proclamation for FKCS Attachments: Runaway Prevention Proclamation 2008,doc Hi Mayor Di Gennaro, I have not run into you since the Mayor's Ba1l1ast year but 1 hope you are doing well. Attached is a proclamation that we would love for Monroe County to accept and endorse about National Runaway Prevention month which is November. I have never asked for a county wide proclamation so I am looking forward to speaking with you about the process, etc.... Thank you and I hope to see you soon!! Kelli Brower Director of Community Relations Florida Keys Children's Shelter fkcsdream@yahoo,com 305.731.3943 10/8/2008