Item S5
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~to be IMlIIn ...,1IehaIf ,-;;. B.. 0<7. d
11/1&12008 3:37:44 P.M. Enlem SlIIndIld TlIIII
Monroe County 80erd of Commitlio..... Monroe Countr. 1'loridII. For the 8aerd MoIeting on NovMIber 19.
2008 . Re: AppMII8qUeSt on DownIlCII.. enclDaure far s.ncn carter. P"lI*tY 28114 ceral Ave. . 8Ig PIne
~.FIorida33043. o.rSIrw. !!;:=~'!i: r.'qRlln~~~Ulr.-"''''''''''i-'''---".-'''r~\ .T~!;;:lbe
'''1'. --~ gr' ';11... RlInI. -.. . .:.. - -ur 1'1t.rm _11I1*',,. 'hlriLtiR -'11 ~~~
~r~'---. I would love 10 be "- Md ~ lIIla II1peIf but ClIIIIllll-... tJI '-llh _ ancIllme
c:onaInIInts. IIII'Il UlIIIbIe III IItIInd.. IImplaN yCI\lllClt 10 IIllow the countya ClIdI ~Illo eppaeIthe
decllloon of Judge Audlln which '- tlIIrlIn two yaara anct ~ of daIarw III N8CIl. 118lld the art/c:le In
TIlelCllly'I ~ VMt CIlIzan anct -lncIntecIlhat It Il8lad lhat my dlMllltIkt enctoaln II "Illegal". It
lIIao It8ted lhatlllla dIcIIion WOIIId "hobble" the ClOdeenb_,.nI'Ublllty 10 enl'oIw ALL ClIdI vIolalb1..
~,gNw me 1 blak. VIIl8IIt meene it thlltthecocl. ...".,011....,1,........... rnlgllt_teIly haw 10 do ...
home work anct '-R:h befoN ,.ndomlllgly intoming ~ '.....,.. tJI en 8IIIged "WlIallo.1" A IdIr
from the CcxIe En1on::amanI Dapertrnent II co~ . nalmare InlInIidllCltlg thin a..... from the IRS. ,
IMIcI anct wortc.d In the F10ricII Keya for 30 yaara, peyi1g my...... which by the way pay their ....... and
~ - the urollllnmary havoc they "-1mpoIecI on IIWIy pIqlIe and th_ P"lI*tY. In geQIng I8IIdy 10
WIlIIlIIl.lIllM I was etruck by the million IlIilIment of Mar-_ County. The million 1110 provide
outII8ndIng public IIIYkle I'lIIPOIIIIve III the nIIdI of our cllIZanIlIlI Mavbe WI Ihould Change lhal??I beliaYe
moat of you know the fIIcIII ~ my _ IIICII Will not go _ ~ IIlJIin elapllo laY IhaII hIIppllIllD
know lI1lS JlIII1lcuIar property peqonally alt _ build by my Uncle, ArlI1vf MerraI, wlIh hili own two hencII.I
moved 10 the Keya in 1078 ancI lie eaId me lie IIC8Ived hili C.O. in the mall In 1975. My Unole _ olcIlCIIooI
8IlCI1Ionest III . faull. He 8IlCI my Aunt__ 10 put a hlIer on 111. JIIOptIty 10 1rv.1n WhIle building 10 _
IIlOney .. they UIId only the money from 111.... PNVlouI home. They IIIbd their c:Ioeeet neighbo. lithe lime.
Howanl8l1d Malllyn Fogelllllcll, wno flIOII1PIIV eaId lIlem no . 80 they r.nIIcI 1 down.... ejlIo..,,,,nl nearby. AI
I have menllonaclllt other IImaI . It was an antlrely difflnnt WOI1d then. I pet'IOI~ Ihw 88Vel1Il of the
/nItlIclorI and elCpICIalty tile heacl Building IIlIpICIo, Mr. Honrd JoIIneon. I know IhIIt IhInga _ aIawed or
olwd thai n_lNIcIany lICCClIIlpInylng pIlpllIWalt(. But my uncle woukI _ have il...,1o.d a downaIII'"
IplIrtrnent without ICIIMOIIeI ole .p...1et lhiIlIChlevemanl oralll1llllllllSOdt IUCOeIIIICand .. it h.. been
aclJudged. SIncarety Sandra MenelI CIIter
?S, "I)V /H1.5 t!iJW..vTIfY'PctJPJ-€' _'l-JI{t:" tJ.t9;V$t/.H:~f,;-D I tUII16l!.:...A.J1
UAJnLi-"'Pteoll,,-:), (l.uu_ry taUt /LIf1/I: t!tJ"PF l:!';1Irt!ieC~Mo-A.lI 1/
l,s 7?i;;U"'':''~S. 6'tl - Z ~ ~!~__&I/l.s ,-, ra,7jt!JA/i4/'" r
~~.MQl!l.etlne TooIbar. ~ "'...... movie newe.. menl
Tuesday, November 18,2008 AOL: Sancbuterrellc
IV4 8~:TT 800~/8T/rT