Item D4
Meeting Date: Wed. Nov. 19.2008 Division: BOCC
Bulk Item: Yes - No XX Department: Mayor Charles McCoy. Dist. 3
Staff Contact Person: Tammy Sweeting
(305 292-3430)
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Mayor's Proclamation declaring the month of November 2008 as
Keys R4 Month in recognition of the November '''Reduce and Recycle ChalJenge" and R4 Fairs
coordinated by GLEE, and National Recycling Month.
ITEM BACKGROUND: The "four R's" of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot (compost), are part
of an effective waste reduction system. The Green Living and Energy Education Group (GLEE)
is coordinating during the month of November, recycling ""R4" fairs, the "Reduce and Recycle
Challenge" with local waste haulers, to document and compare recycling rates for the month.
The President of the United States has declared the month of November as "National
Recycling Month", and November 15th each year as "America Recycles Day".
APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _
DOCUMENTATION: Included XX Not Required_
Revised 2/05
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naturae resources, energy, our environment antf tUftfS'P4fUl to W foc4(ecorwtny; antf'
'WJPE~: Waste fWu{(ingfee~ft!r,f'!!jwf,.~ procesaina.f~s an4"nulfig~pai!l6yQUftrsUUnts,,~
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'WJPE~: ~wareness and" partU;ipatitmare critfaifto SU4.~tf'MISt!,~~CitIg i/ftctMnus;"an4
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'WJPE~: tfie 15th of!Nwem6tr ofttdjl'a,r /iiU'6,m t/lsignd,utf6ytU.lDrIsi!ntt tJj tlit 'Vnitell $taw as ~merica ~cycfes (])ay.
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waste 1iau1ers to dOcument and" compare waste ana recycfino raw for tfie 11Umt& ofWtMm6er; ant! (iLtEfE. is cooramatine 1Jt4 Pairs
for the pu6fu: tFi.rounliout tlie pforitla 1(Jys in !N'ovem6er, ana9donroe County is a participant in (iDEfE.'s 7(pyswilfe Sustaina6ili.ty
(]lroject; ana
1(IIJ{fE1?!J?JlS: !Monroe County is stri1line to tak.r, aaitm in our own operations ana communities; ana the County Commission 6etiews
tliat recyctine wifC liave a aU'14 tM ~ weil..oeine, pu6& MaM sqftty an4 enteral welfare of tlie citizens of
9t1onroe County ana tneenritmmmt. ".:,~,',[~;" ..,/' . '," .... " , .
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cl)}l~l1) tliis 19t1i aayofNwem6er, 2008. .
7dayorCha1fu:,It$ti~ny" !McCoy
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Keys R4 Month
WHEREAS: The four R' s of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot (compost) are all part of an
effective, waste reduction system; and
WHEREAS: Recycling and reducing waste are ways that an individual can save energy and
resources to make a difference; and recycling saves natural resources, energy, our environment
and adds value to the local economy; and
WHEREAS: Waste handling fees for all fuel, equipment, processing, facilities and landfill costs
paid by our residents, businesses and institutions will be mitigated by overall waste reduction; and
WHEREAS: Awareness and participation are critical to successful and sustained waste
reduction and recycling effectiveness; and
WHEREAS: Coordinated recycling efforts were initiated by Florida Keys citizens in 1989 and
reached proportions of over 30% of the total waste stream leaving the Keys; and
WHEREAS: Recycling rates in the Florida Keys have now fallen to levels below 10% of our
total waste stream; and
WHEREAS: the 15th of November of each year has been designated by the President of the
United States as "America Recycles Day"; and
WHEREAS: the Green Living and Energy Education Group (GLEE) has coordinated a "Reduce
and Recycle Challenge" with local waste haulers to document and compare waste and recycling
rates for the month of November; and
WHEREAS: GLEE is coordinating R4 Fairs for the public throughout the Florida Keys in
November; and Monroe County is a participant in GLEE's Keyswide Sustainability Project; and
WHEREAS: Monroe County is striving to take action in our own operations and communities; and
the County Commission believes that recycling wlll have a direct relationship to the economic
well-being, public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Monroe County and the
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy, by virtue of authority vested in me as
Mayor of Monroe County, hereby proclaim November 2008 as:
Keys R4 Month
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of Monroe County,
DATED this 19th day of November, 2008.
lJtlayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy
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Lundstrom- Tamara /1 :.. ~-:;y~
a "J c; tv",
From: Christi Allen [] Q (J"<l/ ~t "feYl"<.' J rcL
( (1'. .(1 l.r. L )
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 12:32 PM y
To: Lundstrom-Tamara
Subject: a request...
Attachments: Proclamation-recycling month.doc
Hi Tamara,
My name is Christi Allen and I am the Chair for the Upper Keys Green Team. November is National Recycling
Month and GLEE is preparing four R4 Fairs during November up and down the Keys.
Last year our Upper Keys R4 Fair (Reduce, Reuse, Rot (composting) and Recycling) was hosted by Montessori
Treasure Village. Mayor Boerner read a proclamation announcing November as Keys Recycling Month for the
Since our fair this year is in Key Largo, we would love to have Commissioner Murphy read a similar proclamation.
In my grand idea, I would love to see a Commissioner from each district be at each of the four fairs reading the
Donna Hanson informed me that the Commission would need to have this on the agenda and agree upon it for
this to work. I have attached the proclamation that Mayor Boerner read last year with minor revisions for Mayor Di
Please read over it and let me know if there is anything that you see I need to change.
Thank you so much for your help and attention to this.
-Christi Allen
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Lu ndstrom~ Tamara
From: Alison Higgins [ahiggins@TNCDRG]
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 11 :58 PM
Subject: Save the Date: Recycling Summit, November 6th
Save The Date!
Thursday~ November 6th, 9am-4pm
BOCC Room, Marathon Govt Center
S~ne the Date!
Florida Keys
Keyswicle SustC1in-Ability PrOfect
Recycling Summit
This inFormqtion-p'Icked session will include:
. Waste Diversion 101 (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rot)
. Recycling Across the Nation (who's doing it and how)
. Raising Recycling Rates at Home (Exploring new possibilities for waste hauling contracts)
And 'Is qlW4YS: Quarterly reports from other Keyswide Sustain-Ability Project members:
Monroe County, City of Key West, City of Marathon, City of Key Colony Beach,
City of Layton, Village ofIslamorada, South Florida Water Management District,
Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, Florida Keys Electric Coop, Keys Energy
Services, Monroe County School District, and many more....!
who is inviteq?
Anyone interested in increasing what we can recycle Keyswide, standardizing what we
can recycle Keyswide, reducing the barriers to business recycling, making waste
reduction equitable, compo sting organic waste, meeting Florida's current 20% recycling
mandate, meeting Florida's future 75% recycling mandate, and more....
Where? Monroe County BOCC Conference Room, Marathon Government Center
RSVP: As soon as you wish! Send a quick email to GLEE President: