Additional Terms & Conditions 06/21/2023 AddiflonW Terms and Conditions for Rural and State Grant
This Grant Aorr.,ernent ds entered into by and between the Oorida Depw-tment of' Managernent Services (the
"Department" or "DMS")and Monroe County BOCC J"Grantee"),coHectiveIV referred to as the "Parties."The
to rrns of thrs docurnern supplernent,the ters'ns and conditions contairwd in dn W Form IA,Apphcabon for the
E911 Riurat County Gran't Prograyn or W Forrn 3A, Apphcation for the 911 Grant Progran-ts (hereJnafter the
"Application"'), and the Grantee"s award Jetter.
By executing this agreement, Ow Grantee agrees to ter foHaMng:
LL The, Appkcadon, the Grantee's awarcl Vetter, and ths document, including dts altachments and ext9bits
(hereinafter coflecfively refefrred to as tt-te"Agreernent"),contaln all of the tervyis and condiflons agreed
upon by the parties, df there are any conffictung prove sions L etween the documenis that rnake up the
AgrPrement,thie, Wfowing order of precedence apphev
1.1.1 'fts docurnent;
I,I I Attachrrient 1,Audit ReqWrernents for Awards of,ekss5tarlce (with iiirc ExhlWt 1);
1.13, the Grantee's awarel letter,and
1.1A. tlueGrantee'!.isubmiti,edApplicaticiri,
1,2, tn accordance w4h sw.Jons 365,172 and 365,173, the Gramtee small perform the tasks specified
herein in accardance Mth the terr'ns,and conditicjrm of fts Agreement.
1,3� The term of Oils agreement, tw&s on January 19, 2023.and enids on March 214,202&
1.4, The panties shall' be governed by ah appficable state and federal Kvws, rules,, executive OrLders, and
regu4t:ions, 4-idu6i&, but not hiniteid to, Otose Wentified in the "Appficablo Statutes and Regifladons"
taWe below,Any express refer1rmce iri this Agreement to astatute, rWe,or regtAaton in no way dmWues
the"t no, other statue r0e, f)r regulation app kd . Fa�kjre to comply rnay affect Um current grant award
and fi,,aurvi grants awards.
1.4-1, The Grantee agrees to cornjotly withthp Stale of Florida Aeference,GuWe for State Expenditures,,,
which can be obtained at:
A (T'U I
1,5, lhi5 i's a cost reirri,biin,,setyienl-agreL-r'ni,erit, Th�sAgu-eerwientsl)O 110t CXCeed the aPIOUnt spe,,cified on the
Grantee's award letter, and playment shalt only be issued by Oe Department after accleptance of the
Grantee's performance as set forth by thie ternrs a'nd condftOns(:rf this Agreernei!A, No renewa�s of tNs
Agir(-"u Me�lt are avaHat4c.
1,6 The, Grantee ag races to use the funds awarded kinder this,Agreement aMV'for costs dnrecdy incurred for
the grant proileirl mctrvjtie,a spedfled Nn the AppWcatk)n,Costs rnust be reasonaWe,rwcessarwy, a locahfe,,
and ahowable"sewer the approvpd project and only 4icurred duri"g Lhe terrn of this AgreerTlerVt
1,6,L, The Grantee sItO refund to the Departrnent any balance of unob6gvateci funds timt was wtvanced
or paW to the Grantee,
.eta 6.2, flea Graraee shall refund, any rnorOes used for dneHgible piurposes under the taws, rutes, and
regtA@Cons governing the use of these funds,
1.7 The G antee agrees that. the final mr,-Iuest for rc,?imbursernent and sl,jppcn,tirtg documentabon fo�
wn currant on bliga tions shaP be s4 o brn d tted to trine Deparunient no later than the terrn of this Apre ern ent.
The Department has been appropriated funds from the Ernerger y Carnmunicabons Number E911 System Trust
to pnwrde grants to counfies for, the purpose c)fupgradlng E91 I systerns, 'The Department has the authurfty,
pursuant to sedJon 282,702, F.S., to enter ru uto this Agmervient and 'to dishurse the ippmpdated fUnds to the
G'afWfee Undei the terms arid con&Uons set forfli hemn-
f'he state's obhgatOn to pay under this Agreeiment is confingent Upon an annual apprupriaflon by the
legWature and was subject to any rnodification in accardance with either Chapter 216, F,5, or the Morida
4.1, The Scope,of Work in the Applickon ns hereby rnodOied to spebfy the folloMng deliv aim able(s):
t)ehverable No. t- Tasks to Region 0 05 Reta skory
Performance Standard Docurnentabon Financial Consequences
r� , rr the 1) Rvirnbursernent datm 01 ef GrarOee fails to cw-np9y
Region 6 61S Repository acc:,ordaime Mth Secticm MOt stray to of the award,
prcyect 07 i,.wcordunce 15, b e�Ow, MAS shO take cne or more,
with t1re Gruntee's 2) 1 he Gir,'m tee shali Nuhvnit of thp. fc.Mow ng atfior)s-1
ContracT with O's verldor, Opies of:
Grantee shall attuch this a Any contracts or I, FernporaOy ofithhotry Lash
cantroct, which shull :urcha:bo ders 1Wi paym� ,,.,nu;f.Mending corre4:6on
include redoctions WRb vetldofs; of the deN'Jem-y by Grainteel,
opplirz;bh., exemptkmsfibi t�, Vendor 2, OisaHow aP or part of the
public teima)s withai Proof of payment'ro cot r:J the acbvrtv or artk)n
vendf,"jr,;; and not 4"s cmrij�)Ilance
(1, Pr(!-,wo ofrer:6pt of I WhMy ,,�r par dy suspend
dr4ivr,,�raOes, or teruOnate rhe current
award for the Grawee;
4, Susf��end or denyfum,we
rant awards; or
5, rake other reme6e that.
may bp legaHy uvadaWe,
CA'As MH provide no
i,eri,rrut')�.jus(,rrrer)I,, for any
irn pro vernew, that does
rnect the standards
estaEfl�shpd 4) th�s wward,
5,1, The Department"s Grant Manager �s responsible foftr rq- rcing perforrimnce of this Ag eernent's terms
and coodifloris and wdl serve as the Department's llaison Mth the Grantee, As pwt crf his u-her dutfies,
the Deparunent's Grant Maniger MR:
3,,1 L Monitor and docurnent,the Grantee's perfi,,)rmiance of the tern'us of this Agreemerit,Mdch ROV
inckide but shafl not be firnited to, onsite vlsiks by DMS staff, hirnited m,,)pe audits, or de5ktorr
5 t 2 Review 0 cfocurnentatiuu for,which the (31'antee reqUests payment; and
5,13 F?,econuile and verdy ald fund.4 received against all funds expended during the 1'.'mHod off thds
Agreement and pvoduce an final recoricikation report that iden'bhes any ft.mds paid 4"1 excess of
theexpc"'Witures lmmed by the(Stantii,�e,
The Department's Gran't Manap gors responsiWe for thie
administradon of tN5 Agreement are:
Sar;ah 6.Mashburn
ee FL 32399 Talla
F911boardelectroMmaillr 'P
5,2, The Grantele's Agreement Manager is responfAle for rno"IIito6ng performance of this Agreemient's
terms and comArtions and Mh serve as the Grantee's Oaisonl with the Department, As part of t0s or her
dufies, the Gfantve's Agreement Maniat,,,er shaH provide, afl reports, as weP as any other required
do(,rUfjl6f",9"ntS ef,',,nie n t,to the E9' I Boar i d n accorda nc math ctin e Sen 9�O of the App hratJo n,under Oils ft-The Grantee's Agreernerri, Manager responsiWe for thF1
advn nustrafion of this Agreement os�
Marath fl, j 3
--m _f ,,, ' 050
!,!E�jt L-eLg�jj�'
5,'t IIn trine event that Mferent rnanager s or,a ddressps are d n� gnato:d by efther party after execuUon,of thus
Agmement, no�.Jce of d name, dde, and address of die new drnanager wHI be provi�ded to the o'V'�ef
p,',)rty in wdt@ net, Such changes do not require aforma� wrlften ameadIment to the Agreement,
6,1, The Grantee shaM retain aN its records,financial recof ds, suppm-Ung documents, statistica records, and
any offier documents, electronic senrage media, pierdnemt to thk Agreement in acrordance
Mth the record reterhon requirements of "art V of AttachffMlt 1,, Audit Requirernents for Awarris of
State Financial` Assustance, Vne 1-3rantee shah cooperale wrth the Departnient tjU fjACjjt,tratr? the
dupkaflon and transfer rA su(Jin reLords or documents upon nJie Depwtrnent's request,
61. The Grantee shaN mainta0i bonkt, records, and docurnents�n accordance Mth the generafly accepted
accourffing prinbples to sufficie(WV and propedy reflect aH expenditures of funds provided by 0"m
Depmri.,ment under this Agreement,
53. The 1(3rantee 001 comp y with afl app icaWe requirpamnts of sectiun 215.97, FIISr, and Artachment 1,
Audft Requirermnits for Awairds of State FinanrW Assistan(,°,e, ff the Grantee is required to underga an
au&t, the Gmtev shaO d'pscfose afl r0ated party transacboris to the asiditor,
7.1 As requireid by section 215,97, F.S ,and Rule 69u-5.006 Fbr da Admirdstra0ve Code(F.A.C),the Department,
the Department of, HnancW SerVces, and the Moda Audftor General, or any of th6r authori?ed
representatives, shafl enjoy fl,qe rig�"rt of access to any docurnents, finanrW st,,,:ntements, papers, or other,
records of the Grantee which are pertment to this Agreement, ¢n order to make audits, exarninations,,
excia,rpts, and transcdpts, The rnght of access also nndUdCs fin'Teiy and reasonable access to the (3rantee's
persorwnO for the purpose ut interview and dkxussion r0ated to such docurnents. I h s provision does not
if it the Depaf trrwnt's authority to conduct w arrmige for the conduct of aiddidonal atidits or evaluations
of 5tate financial as-Mstance of,4mitthe authorky of any state awar&ng agency minspector genera ,thle Au&tor
General,or any other State officiaL
7,2 'riir Grantee sharl maijnta9in afl records, prWuding those penaining to any and ape contractors, subcontractors,
and consuKams to be paid from fumis provided unr.ier thus Agreement and further including documentation
of aN program costs in,an forrn sufficient tc,n detenjrjqne compharsce with the requirements and objectives of
the Apupa kcatuon, and 0 other app4,,We laws and regulaflons, for the dongier of five (�) years after the end
c;;0 the perfi,nrrr�anice pedod specified in the tabie above and all pen6ng rnatter's or the period vequired by
the GeneW Records Schedules maintahiwad by the Florida Departn'sent of State (avaikable at;
7,3 ff the Grantee's record retenti&l reqUirernents tiefminate prior to ter requirements stated herein, the
G aritee may rneet the Department's record retention reqWrernents Bonn' 0,0s Agreernent by transferring its
records to the Deparlment at that time, and by destroypng, dupd cate records, ln accordance with section
501,171, F,S.,and, if apphcak)le,section, 1.1.9,07m,F.s. The Grantee shaH adhiere to estabOsheci unfarmaflon
dest,uction standards such as lbose estabhshed by the NaflorW pnsbtute of Standards and fechnOogy
Speda�Publication 800-88, "Guidefines f,or Medw@ Sanaization' (2006), 15ee
7.4 en accordance with section 2161366, F,5,, the Deparvnent is nuthorized to ins,p,)ect thee,(a)financiat records,
papers, and documents of the Recipent that are 6drecUy rrflateci to the performance of the Agreern.ent of
the expenxfiture oaf state fum.Is;and(b)pr,ogrwTMWtiC records, papem, and doctiments of the Reca pient which
the Departryient determines are necessary to monitor the,performance of Ote Agreernent or to ern ours that
t ee terms of Ithe Agreeinwnt are being mret.The Rec�pient shaH provide such records,papers, and&acumerAs
requested by the Department wNfln 10 business days after the requeM K rrrade.
The Grantee, an agency as defined in sec-flon IIMII(2), F-Sr, rVUS't corr#y wtth the requirements of Chapter
119, F,S,, nrw the per-forrrvance of its obhgatOns under tffls Agreement. The Graraee must a0so ensure thal any
cantraclors and subcontractors that perform work pursuarst to tNs Agreement comply Mfl-i the requirements
of Chapter 3.19, F,&, as appficabk,�,,,
94. The Grantee is scA61y responsi�ble to paFtier, it deal s wlth in clarrying as the terrns of this Agmernent
and, subject to the firrkatbn of section 768,28, F.S., the Grantee,shafl hoid the Department harrylless
ainst all clairns of Whatever nature by Oflrd parfles axis from performance under this Agreement,
9,2. l'he Grantee, a subdivision as defired ir� section 7168,28, F,S,, agrecs tu be fully irn sponsiWe for its
negPgent or torlJotis acts or omissions which result In ciainis or sWts agairist the Department and agrees
to be liable for any darriagies, proxirnaleiy canjsed by the acts or, orf)lssoris to the extent set foirtt in
sPcfirfin 768,28, FS. Nothung in,fts Agreement is intended h)serve as a waivc-.wr of sovereign hmrnunity
by the Grarftee, Nothing nn tNr, Agreeirnent may be construecl as cnnsent by a State agenicy or
sub&vision of the State to he suied by third parties In any nwwter ariOig out of any coriVact.
ff anV of the fcAlowing events occur("Events of Diefaull"),alf obNgatk2n-s ot7 the part of the E911. Board to makic,
any Further payment of funds shall, If the Department e�ects, terrnunate and the Departrnent has the opdon to
IeKerclse any of its rernedies set,forth her inn, However,the Departn"wn't may rnake paymeiras orpartW paVnients
afterany Events,of Defauk without waNing the dght W MrCfSe SLIch remedies and Mthout becornhig., hable to
make any fijrther pay rnent, the Events of Default are;
H)J If any warrant or represerrtation rnade ply the Grantee irt this Agreement or any prievIIous agreenlent
Mth the Oepa!rtment k or becomes false or rnislea&ng in any respect;
10,2� if rhe Grantee faOs to, keef) or tOwly perforrP any Of thO o0gations, terms, ow covenants In this
Agreement or any previous agreernent Mth the Drapartrnent and has riot cured thern in firn0y
103. If 0,oe Grantee or k unable or unwOlkng tc'� rneet its obUgations under 0,05,Agreeffwnt�
M4, If rnaterW adverse changes acclur an the firrancW, conrfitlon of the Grantee at any One dUring ffie
term of this Agreement; or
11M>� If any reports requh-ed by this Agreement have not bepn submitted to the Department or have been
submitted with uncorreict, incornplete,near insufficient information,
ff an Event Of Detauft OCTUrs, then'the Departrnent shall provide a written notIce to tine Gritntee, and,upon fi,w
Grantee's failure to CLAre,the cJefak,At w0in the thirty(30) r-,MNid@r days, the tDepartment rnay emeIII:ise any one
(1)or Inore of the foHoWng rerneches, e tKer concurrently or consecuflve V�
11.1. terrninate fl,Os Agrecqrrent Gn accordance with Sectiori 12, rerrriit'saflon, b0ow;
11.1 withhoki of,suspend payrnent of all or any part of request for payment;
113. exercise arty corrective or riernediai acbons, k,ick.,6,ing bUt not hmited toe�
11,11, requestaddifionaI inforrnation from the Grantee to determine the reasons for nr the extent
Of I'MI-CWTIPh8FICe or Iack,of performance;
1,'L 3.2 issue a wirliten warning to acJvisp that morrs sef ious rneasures rnay be taken if the situafion ks
not corrected;c;
3,133.advise the Grarave to suspend, dIlscwainue, or refra4i frDnl incurting costs for any acbvifies
in't questjost,
KffsWng any of the above remedies wadi not pre(.Jude the Departmerl Nrom pursuing any am her rprned�es
avadable unde,r this Agreement OT at law or o't equity, If die bepartrneift wMves any rig ht or remedy 41 thls
I Sl�f,iCt PIC
Ag,rreernent or fads to insist or on-nance by the Grantee, it does not affect,extiend,oir waivc-m any other.
right or rernedy of the Depaitrnent,or affect the later exercis(,-s of the safne 6gfit or rerrwdy by rhe Department
for arry rather defauk by the Grantee,
zftion DUe to the Lack of FLindL, Rf fi.,mds become unavaRable for the Agreernent's purpose,
such event MH not consUtute a defauft by the Depailir&nl or ti,,e status. the Department agrees to
noflfy the Grantee in wrftiing at the earliest posslWe time if funds are,no longer avaitabilp, bi the event
that ariy funding identifiled by 1he Grantee as funds tic be provided for cornpi1etion of the project as
descrllaed herein becornes w.,mavaflable, incluchng J any Slate fill-I&S UPOJI wWch tMs, Agreement
depends arle wfth dirawin air redirected, t lie Departmeilit i ternflinate, fl,�iis Agree inN ent 1,?V piN oviding
wriften notice to the Grantee. "rhe, Department wM be the final authority as to thie avadabiljtV of
f Unds,
112. "1 e ral i rrdt:e cq-n r LC tars k,, I he Department may terrn nate this Agreement for cause after,ten(10)day s
of a wraten notice, of MH be rssued after the 3()-day curt,pedoid ends. Cause incifudes,but is Nast
limited to, m1suse of furwds, fraud, Backe of curnplrance Mth iaf.-)phcaNe rules, laws, aind reepflitions,
faNure tri perlorr-n on tiirne,or rsfu4 to perri,irt pubkr.arse sitea any doirunwnt,paper, kAterl,or other
fnaterW 5Ubjc,,,ct to id&fosure unde Chapter 119, FaS,,, Miless exempt from Section 24(a) of Arhcke 't
of the State Constiftniion and section IM07(l), F5,, or appilk:able state' or federa& 4w, which the
Grantee created or receNed under this Agreement.
123, Termination for,Convenuence. The Department ;Tu,'q teufninate dniJs Agreement for convenience or,
when 6t determines, in its !soke dnscr"edon, that confinluing the Agreerrient woWid rir,rwt produce
beneficW resuhs in Hne Mth, the furll-ear expendM re offunds by provOling the Grantee wRh thirty
(30)calendar daVs prior wHtten notice,.
12A. MuUjal Tierniiinatk)n. The pardes rnay agree to tierminate this Agreement 'fray thek rrILRUW
cn.nvenUence throulgh a wdHen amendiment of thi)s Agreement. "me amendinent wifl!l strate, the,
effeOve date ofthe ternflnaflon and the procedures for proper closemi the Agreernent,
5 e o sLj Jg u jn.'Fc�rrninafiorr�.12re R �
3.2.5,1, mat incur now obhgations for the terminated porhan of the Agreement; and
12.5.2,cancel: as many outstairwdrng as possiible, COSI'S ij1CL1(trf.-d after receipt of the
terr"Onation notice arie disallowed, The Grantipre shafl not be reilieved of hability to the
Delpartmcnt because of any breach of flrrs Agreement bv the Grantee, The Department MaY,
to the extera autf-toirized by Raw, withhoki,payrnents to tfw Gran'tee for the purpose of set-off
unt:U the exact aniount of damages due to the Department from the Gra�'jtee is d ererrnined,
131. The Graintiee 1-flay contract with Nrid parties to perform wreak(,. Tlm,we(.3rantee remains f0y rpspon!;rhle for
satisfactory cornpletion of arry and aN wark peli'f0firned by any contractorsand subcoraractOFS,
13,1A if the Grantee contracts aH nr part of the work contem plate id under th its ,Agreemient, inckliding
entering griito rantracts wiffi vendors for services, it is understood by the Grantee that all such
contract arrangerinents shaH be evidenced by as wrktem (IOCUrnenr, contaWng rah proOsicins
necessary to ensiure the contra(lor".s ClompHarlice With applicable state and federai Nws, The
Grwiitec further agrees thaWw Departrrrent shaH not be Hable to the cr,,)raractar for,any expenses
or liiabdi3Oes fncuried under the contrart and that the Grantee shaP be soliefy fiabW tea the
contractor for 0 expenses and habWOes incurred under ff'te contract. rhe Grantee, at its
expense, MV diefend the Departrnent agaiirtst such 6aurrs,
13.2, 'With the (3rantee's approlval, the (3rari cantractor may subcontvw.t woO,, performed, anti the
Grar"itee's rxniltraf:tw,M111 be fuHV responsible fror sat!Oactory cornpletion of 3H subcontracted work,
1,13, Tlie Grantee agrees A Grantee coritracts :)r suticontracts entered into pursuant to this Agieernent shafl
contain language tequOng or su birx:)n tractor(s) who are paid frorrr funds pn'.Mded under,
this Agreement(i) twe bound bV the terrns of this Agreement, as apf)Hcable; and (0) be bound by, and
conta4t 0 pirmAsions necessaty to ensurie the r:ontractor's cornp�iiance with, A appficaWe state and
federall laws and reguladons,,
14A. This Agreement 5,hak be construed under the laws of the State of Horida,and venue forany action-s adsing
out of thrs Agreerrient Oiaill be in the Ciic�uft Court of Leon CountV,
14,2. If any prrwiMon of this Agreernent is rn ci�,)nffict with any appiii(,abie Stat.Ute Or r0e 01 jS Uneriforce@Wa,
than the provWon shafl be Irnrrif and void to the extent of the confli nct ano sh,0 be spverabfe but shall not
tnvakdate any otheir provisiinn of th'rs Agreement,
14 3, The Recipient and its contractors and subcori tractors have an obfiga'ban to u0ize the US, Departnient ol
FiorneWA SecuNty's (silty) E,verffV systerrit f(,)F atd neMy Nred emplolyiefas, In w,-.cordance with section
44&095, FS,, The fink to EA?erKy is h w,u f,��
ygfffy, By exectiting thiis Agreernent, the,
Recipient ceirdfies that it is with, and uses, the E-Verify sy,steryi for afl neMV hired employees
n accordance with section 4481.095, F .The Recjpdent rnust obtain an affidaviit frorn its corRractors and
subcon'tract,cirs m accordance with paragraph(2)(b)of 5ecfian 44,8.09S, F.&, and rnaintain as copy of such
affidavit for thie dUraitiion of the Agreement. The Rjecipiienf shaN fnoviide a copy of its DHS Memorandum
of Undeirstainding (MOU) to the Departryient's Agreement Managei� withiri tense (5) days of Agreemertt
fl"Os section serves as notice to 0,�e Re6pient reg arcfing fl* requHrerne'nts of section 448.095, F.S,,,
specificaHy sub-paragraph arid the Departmieni"s obfigation tc) terminate the AgreeMent ff il. has
a good faith behef that the Recipient has knowingly vio ated seclkm 448.09(l), VS, The Departmenl wfli
promptly nntrfVthie, Recipient w'W order the in'-ime(hate termination rnfthie rontract between thw Redp erir.
and A cantractorand/or any subcontractor's performing work on its behalf for this Ap greewieIr'It shotild tiara
Department have a gooid faith behef that the cantractor or subcontractior,has knowingiy viiMated secfloni
448,09(l), F,S
14A H'i accordance Mtf-u sectilon 1.1,062 anti 216,34,5, F,S., funds re,^ceived under this Agreernent are, nor to be
used For the purpose of lobbVnrwg o,r used to directly or irdirecfly in'M ience k-j,,Wabon or any other offlicial
a on by the HorWa I egiOature,the ju&cW brand, air any State apency,
15.1 Eameaiit Elrzeu, subject to tho terms and con&twris established in this Agreement and the b0hng
procedwes estaWshed t)y Ow Department, the Departrnent agrees to p aV the Grantee in accordance
wrth section 215.422, F,S, The apphcaWe interest rate can be obtained at:
C�"�i C, rN P
IL 5 2, �ny2tLi�Lmy ftw Grantee shah submilt aH daiims for reiniburselMent arid Ful progress payments, as
describer! in the Application, using Appendix IV, FinarwcW Reirnbur5ernent of Expendittires Reparting
Forrvi,to the Apphcationi, The Grartee,may submit ciairns to the Board as ni�,-�eded,howerver,t[we Giantee
shaU riot submit rnore than one cWm per r-rionth. After receapt of the reirnbursernent da'sm, and in
accordance with the payment provisions, estabkshed m this Agreement,the Department shaij disburse
the ap'wunt of ftmds approved by the Board,
15,1 LEY2i —F!221011 . 4M*eSSUEm-rittetl bythe Grantee niust fiflfifi all requiren-wilts splecified in Uie scope of
work and inciude ail stippording docu rnen tat iors, wtiii applicaWe, The Grantee shAl also subrrOt
invoiices in sufficiert detaH to WMH A apphicable,requireirrients of data Strata of Floilda ReferenLe Guide
for State kxperufitures.
-154:"intellectual Prof erty-;W:here activities suppertod 6ytfii�Agr�ementresult lnthe creation ofiineehectual'
properly rights,the Grantee shall notify the Department,ana:rthe Department win determine whether
"the Grantee will -be required; to grant the Department 'a perpetual, 4ietiocable rpyalty flee,
nonezclusrve license to.Use, suthor(ze�use f6r5t4te goventntept.purposes,any resulting•
patented;: copyrighted; or trademarked work products,developed under this -Agreement: 'The
Department will'also t eierrrff a whet her,the.:Grantee will,lie,required to•payah,or a portion,of'any
royalties resulting,frbm:such'.patents;copyr-ights,'or,.traderrla[hs;
'i 5 Conflict oflnterest This Agrokme-0,19_subject to Chapter 112'J,4'The Grahiee shzill-disclose-tho name
of any offlcer diw ector,,employee, or.other agent who is also`ari employer✓of the state The Gra.,ntee
Aall�also';diaclose the_name of any state.employee}N1io owns, dleectly or indirectly,.more than a.flve
percent(5%)interest'in the Grantee or`its affillates.
IS . NdnwDiscrimination:-,The Grantee`shall not unlawfulfydcn' ate:againsar .nivduployed;n' m
the performance of this:AgreePnent.due to race,religion,color;,sex physical tiandtrap<unrelat'ed ta.such-
persoWt.ability to work,.na#ion,al origin, ancestry, or age The Grantee shall;0rovide'a
Harassment free workplace,;arid arty allegation of I%ara smel t shall;'be gr4eh ,priority attention and-
actlon. -
15.7• Eleeffonie Fun&.Transfer En?oil""ment:'7he Grantee agrees toVenro11 ih Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT);
offered I y the 5{ante' Chle.Tr inanclal Offlcer,;vvithmthirty(30),days of the date.the iast'Partr< ighed;this,
Agreement Copies of fhe.;authorriation ferrn:and a:sample.blank,err%llnient letter'can biojoun:d:of.."
;fit ta Ilwwr:m}�florii3aefo.corn%Divfslon/AA/Vendorl:QuestjRns should kie direi ted,to the EFT Section
-at'(850)413 5517; Once enrolled,.lnvoice payMe.64 will be made by EFf.,
35;13; SurvibaL..Ariy>right+,r.obligation''of,the:partres: n this Agreerne►lt which+by its express terins,or nature
:and,,ccntext,:is intended to survive teriminatlob:0. r eispiratidn of this Agreement;will surVlve any such
terininatlon or-ekpiNf iah.
..15.9..116fices..All notices ftonii bath parties,outside of the notice of award and notices related t&the busirie>
nfi the-E911,Boartf,shall,be effective when placed rn the-United States;"first class mail;postage,prepaid,
6y fegl5tered or.certrfieil.rrtaii-return:recerpi fie9uested to=the address:in secflor 5.herein.,
1`;hereby.affirm my authorrty,and.responsrbi.lityfor the;use vffunds re aNROE�;,,,,,„no„NE,g OFFICE
... - _ •(� � - -A!-PRO VEo AS TO FORM .
dsr... ee 23 69,0«, �6RNty
- _ al _June 21.2923
Mayor Pro Tern, Monroe County Board of County Commissio
vin Mad k, Clerk
Holly.Merrill Raschein
Printed.Name. '"via,�eUN,. N` s Deputy Clerk
bepa ent of 1Vla1nagement-5.6vic6: <Date: 9/18/23
Pedro Allende, Secretary of Mana ement Services
Painted Marne
The Ga a ntt',e anci tIlve a govemed by a H a pphcaLOe State and federa4 Iarvs,, rules,anr
rvpdWktnq dray Kiding thosu iderrflfirLAd irr th),,,,tailake,
Hurida Sdatutes VA)
IIX62, VS, - use of mte VWs fm labhong praWbReM Imnaky
P3 Agency enerd I
ChOpUvIlz Kv , Public Officets und Ernplenyi!?es: General Provisions
Chapter 119,F,5, - Fluiifiec,Recvals
§21534,FS� Mate fuinds, now,,Oectible�teirrrs;pn,,�,ce(Jkjpe
214422, Fit Payrnmv smumq and kwaim"xamuNig Ame Kos; dmpm msoluNnn; agency or
15,97, F,S Nork1a Act
22137L US - Ago rth,!n),Rnl�s funded with federal or state aysNtance
21L30L F,S. ,-AppropAatrurcs; balances
§ D6,347, F,S,-011cumenwnt of Wants and aids appropriatwons for �obhying prioh6ited
21S.341S, FT - Maximurn rate of pnoverA for semAs tunded under Geneml App"*Athns lwt or
avvirdr,,�d orr a norvcorrrper,'�tkn,,�bas�s
21alSla6h F,S Approved budgets for operations and fixed caprtai a,�,olav
I 273MR&-darter sand hventory of certairr proF,,)erI,,
2ST131 K. - AM entity c6me; denWI or revocadan of IN Aght to transact biislness vvlth pkkr,
2ST141 FA - DbabrMabon;den1l or revocatkw of the dght to transact Mims
20TI35,41 -ProhIlUm �1�7
Chriptpi, 143, F,S, din empioyrnent Azsistancv
5 501171,R& -Secuilty of coirrfldenlial p rsona� iriforrnation
FfurkJa Adrininistrafive Code(l,,.A,C.)
Rule Chcyprei 69t-5 - State,Financial A;si,,,tance
-01� 1711 .,,w,,; an ayv rlr P ;a,ing
�;,i;� ---, -- - . ..........
ICTO NAernw (ii:TITTiiiF, ts
State E911, Plan and E911 Board SNtubn and RuIes
Chapner 361 S� Use, Telephones rare)Focshnik,�Avrachines,
Noyrda Adrivinistmirve earls,
Rule Clmipter OfF-6 -Swtip E911 PlIan
e Ctfapter 60FF7 15' ['911 Board
nber;S22-21-0141 ant Avvard llare (A/19/21023
CeaWg 0 RaW HnmNal I F,FITrr t,
,a ii,,i Wame MN; Pro pakf0hreiiass r,�G�Dll S�,atl",, G)wo�flri�k
As5�. ncenurnbr,,,,P� 12,003 g',r
Attachment ,$
The adminuslralbm of resources awarded by the Department of Managenient Services (0epqN11'wnt) to the
Grantee may be subiedto audits andlor monitorin the D epar-Iment, as de�sc(ubed In ttds secfiorl.
Inaddifion to,reviews of audits c*nducted 0 accordance with secfion 215,97, F�orida Statutft)s(F S,), as reMsed
(seee.AuMTS h00W), MONOFNig procedures rnay WICILJ,dra!, but not be firnited to, on site visits by Deparbnent staff,
flaifted scope audfts, or Wher prmedures By entering into Uirs agreerrent, the Grantee, agrees to onmp y and
cirropefatevoth ariy rnorutorrng procedures or prcwcesses dpreined appropriate by the Department, In the event
the Departrnrwmt detearflnes that a Wrifted,scape audt of tfie Grantee is appropriate,the Grantee agreps to comply
vvith any addificinM instructions pri.wided by Department staff to the Grantee regarding such auldil, The Grantee
tuf1her agrees to co pty and uxx)perate with any 4ispecfians, rpvfews, tnvesfigafions, or audits deemed
nece sea y by the Ct4p;t Finandal Officer(CFO)or Auditor General,
Part to State Funded
In the event that the Gnmtee experids a total amount of state financ!W assrstance eQG91 to or un excess,of
$750,000 in any fisc;af year of such Qantee (for fiscal years ending June 30, 2017, or thereafter), 1he
Grantee must tmvea state siri& or pipied-spedfic audd tor such fiscAM yeas-to are ordanw. sAIM sectbri
215,97, F,S,; apipficable rules of the Departnrmnt of MnancWl Se,vvices; and Chapters 10.5150 (toual
governmenU enfifies) and 10.650 (nonprofit and tor-j.,)rofft org"niz.Wons), Rule,,; of the Auditor GenarM
ExI-mff 1 to Ns form Nsts the state financial assrstance awarded ffirourh the Departrnent by this
agreernent, 41 dewimintng the stato finandat assistance expi,,�mded In fts fiscW year, the Grantee shaH
mnsider all sources of state Financial assistance, indudang state finandal assistanf,,e received froirn Me
De-padment, other slate agerv,:,jes, and other nonstate entities, Stale finand,W assists i.ce dms not lndude
federM dired or pass-through awarris and MSOUrMS received by a nionstMe cmtity foi federal prograrn
fnatchng requirernerRs,
L For Ifie au& r*^,,qtkememts addressed k) Part H, pmagiraph 1, thiz Gfar�tee shall ensure, that the audit
mff rplies with the requirernards of section 215,W(8), F,S, 71,iis inoWdes subftssuon of a financial f eploo lim.4
pair;ksge as, defined by section 215.97(2), RS , and Chapters 101,550 (forWgovernmental enfifies) and
10,0350(nonprofit am:l fcT-profit oirganizations), Ruies afthe Auditor.General,
2� V the Grantee expends less Otan $750,000 in stale ftnandW assaslance m ats fkscW year (for, fiscal years
ending June 30, 2017, og, therERaftel), 811 ear,dit C01141UGted M accordance wi0i the provisions of ser;Non
215,97,F,S., Ns not reqkhred, tf the Giantee expends less than$750,000 in state financial assrstance in tt-s
fiscaly, ecu and efetts,to have an audit c,,)nducted in accordance with the provisions of section 215,97,F,&,
the cost cyf ffieaudt must be paid ifrorn IN nonstate erffity',s,resources the cost of such an am,*must
be paid from the Grantee0sresources obtainod from other thmi state entities),
Part II: Ottier Audit ReqUirements
Part W., Report Submission
1, Cop�es rat frn,anc aVreportia"sgpackagesreqLia(,,,dbyPar,tt@offtiustor,rrrsh alb beaaub,nfttNit).y(�)�'rumor bea,ui iot
tte Grantee[jimC mfoHowing.t�tLV to each of ft
The Department at each of the foHowing addresses�
Electronic copues(;xafierred)"E-91 lBo� irc�lElertroriWcGi,anl p(,af"C, (&.drris.,
Wow per(hard cigw ):
The Deparbitent of Managernent Services
E91 I Board
4030 Esplanade Way
TaHahassee FI, 3239q
The Audgior General's Office at the Mowing address:
Audiitor Genmal
LmW Govermnent Audfts,1342
CWtide Pepper N i6ding, Roorn 401
111 West MaOson Sbex-,t
-TWIahassee, Norfida 32399-1450
Ttic',,AuMor eneraft website Qjg 1/0 IL(jLt,2�r&1,2,yj)"I pmvide$instructions for ffling an efectroniiia copy
ol:a fivia,r)Gial reporting package,
2„ Any raw potis,Frianagement lett(,m-s,or offief k,&,urmafion reqtfired to be subrnittled to the Dep,m'trnerd purstmi
t(f this agree,,irrmnt shall be subrnitted fimely section 21 5W, F &,and Chapters 10,5501(iocA governinoental
en'tMess)and 10,650(nonprofft and for-profit oirganizaUons), Rules af the Auditor GeneraW, as applicable,
3, Giantees, when submMing finaniciai reporting packages to the DePEWMent t(.,x-audfts done uin ac=darlce
Min ChApters 10.550 (Pooca� governmental entifies) and 10,650 (nonprofit and for-pircylit orgarlizatkins),
Rules of the Auditor General, sticm., in6catia the date tint the reporWg package was d0vered tic) the
Grantee in correspondenice airxx,)mpanyVig the reporting pac4mge-
Part'V: Record Retention
'11"te Gra-flee sha0 retain sufficiiant records demormtrahngas cornpfiance w0h lerms of ttie award(s)and this
agreement for a period of five(5) years frorn the date the audd repoil is issued, arrid shall Wow the Departm#''qlt,
iorr fts des�gnee, the CFO,, or Auditor General ac!ress to such records upon ret.juest The Grantee shWI enscffe
that auf'Jit workkig papers are nrade avaRahie to the Departrvient. of, iLs designee, [lie GF10, or AuMoo' General
upon request for as period of five (5)years from Ote dale the autfit report is lissued, uMess extended in Wrifir4g by
thin Department,
Extial rl
Sall ct to Section V6,97, F'.&�
1. State Prqjw &
,Statc Projecr E 91 W SuucGrani errs p-ank
rnamc Amuding J�q.'�,,cny 'tate ofHorida, Dcparuricm of Mmagniew Services
CaLalog oi'Siatc jiul'NhmA"')c-v- 72,O(A Prepi-id Witcless NCO I �I;twc Grara F"n)grwil
L IS(a te Project B
Compliance Reqwrements Applicable to State Resourices Awarded
Piurguanito tbis Agreement Are as Folloves':
The complOnce req.6remcmts are as Misted 41 Grant Agra:ernenl S22-2.1-01-41 between the Grardf',* and the
Depadmerit, entered inSlatp. Firot;M Yew 2022-20PI
Docu&qrr S,nudoptr Ifni 7 73A797 Lt 'D t7 -' -2EO,s 1 7' ,B
r Tuaf l ah a see,FL 323919-0960
T t. 50-9214204
t Fax:8A -9837
Monroe County Finance Department
91111 Remittance Fees
500 Whitehead Street
Key West Fig 33040
it i _600074
Subject: rail 2022 State-Reimbursement Grant Program
Dear,Monroe CountyFinance nt4
The tat of Florida E91 J Board would like to congratulate t you on your grant award for E91 t revenue funds to
'improve the E91 i system serving your county.According to the Fall tt21 Cycle State-Reimbursement Grard
Program terms d conditions,grant funds shall be provided on a cost reinibursement basis.Please mate,,receipt of this
batter initiates the sW of the term.
Within the next two weeks,you should,receive s grant a.ward agrecment for eachi grant awarded to your c t .'Re
grant agmement has the details regarding funding 1 for the,stag grant program that apply to your grant award.You
must return a signed cola"ofthe grant agreementprior to the authorization to transfer funds from the Florida
Department ofManagement Services to your county,Please try to have the agreement meat signed and returned within 45
days of mccipt,,
The filtituutr ne rrrovides details concerning the Fall 20,22 ear ;tt D IoMoriroe Count ,
�rtt�.t7�t �aaa�araa��uaaaawa�^��, �tt��r�rr- aw�r�at
144 7 001 o.®, 7 6493AO S7,361,393.00
Total It Grant Awards: S7,98,69160
Sioard Members; DeMse Adkins a Lauren t,Anderson a Daniel Carroll *Christine Cooper d Karen D arden
h stey Dillon&Keith Godwin a Jason Shimko*Brad Swanson